Newspaper Page Text
THE CLIFTON CLARION, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 24, 1886. f fi Candidates. Gaily the candidate Who hu got tbore Bmilee as he nlke iboat. Head np in the am Sall the other rhap (foe to the hole. Polls it in after him. Mournful his soul. E. The first snow of the season oc carred Sunday night Messrs. Cutter and Patterson re turned from Solomonville Thurs tlay evening. Mr. J. R. Haigler, manager of the C A. Bar ranch, has returned from a nsit to Colorado. Misa Frankie Burdick, who has been visiting friends in the Gila valley, returned home Friday. Ladies' and Misses Fall and Winter Style of Hats at the Ari zona Copper Co's Brick Store. The Clifton Bottling Works, owned by W S. Smith, have been attached for debt Mr. Smith is At present a resident of Globe. P. IL Neuffer, practical jewel er, Lordsburg, N. M. Watches re paired. Clifton orders should be left with W. S. Barnum. Mr. J. A. Clark was in town last week from the Coronado ranch. Jim says the work on the ditch is progressing satisfactorily. The Arizona Copper Co., at the Brick Store, have just received a large assortment of Gent's furnish ing goods and ready made cloth ing: they altio have a full line of California shirts and drawers. A special on the A. & N. M. rail road left Tborsday morning carry ing Superintendent Russell and P. L. McLaren. Mr. Russell re turned Sunday; Mr. McLaren will take a few weeks vacation. Mr. J. B. Besner, of Solomon ville, ia visiting Clifton with a view of remaining if he can succeed in procuring a suitable position. He is an A-l blacksmith snd bears a good reputation for industry and sobriety. There is no doubt but he he will secure a situation. Holamoavllle Shortstops). Bolomonrille, Aril., Not. 21, 1836. The full Board of Supervisors assembled on Monday last to can vass the returns. As was expected a protest was entered agai nst count ing the returns from the Solomon ville precinct on the most flimsy grounds imaginable. This pre cinct was selected, I suppose, be cause it was the oiily one which, if thrown out, would effect the re sult, asd that only so far as the office of Probate Judge was con cerned. Judge Hyatt tiled the pro test, and in the argument wbich followed was ably represented by A. M. Patterson. District Attor ney Bolan advised the Board as to their duties which he said were ministerial and not judicial and the Board after twenty-four hours consideration by a vote of two to one concluded to follow the Dis trict Attorney's advice. So Solo inonville precinct was counted and the whole of the democratic ticket declared elected. Thui end the first chapter. It is possible, but sot probable from all I can learn at this writing, that the courts may have to decide as to whether the irregularities, which Mr. Hyatt in his protest alleges to have been committed, even if true, would jus tify the rejection of the whole pre cinct as was claimed in his artru ment before the Board. Mr. E. D. Tuttle was awarded the contract to convey the lunatic Porras to the Stockton insane asy lum at a cost to the county of $198, a very reasonable sum con sidering the amount of trouble and expense involved. He took his de parture with his charge yesterday. Mr. Tuttle will take advantage of this trip to visit his family who now reside near Sacramento. Mr. J. E. Garrett, our worthy school teacher, was compelled to visit Tucson Monday to secure the service of a dentist having been so severely afflicted with neuralgia of the jaw for some days as to inca pacitate him from work. Dame Rumor has it that a mar riage will take place here about the first proximo, a well-known Cliftonite, at present residing here, and a young lady of the valley be ing the contracting parties. It is expected to he a grand affair and I trust we will will not be disap pointed. Full particulars will be eent you. Mr. M. 'E. Cunningham is in town from his ranch on the Bom ta. We are under the impression here that M. K is becoming tired of bachelor life and is on the look out for an eligible partner. I may be prejudiced in his favor, as he is a friend of mine, but I would con sider the lady extremely fornnate would secure him for a husband and trust the day is not far distant when some one will catch on. On Thursday night a dance was given at the Gila hotel by the friends of Miss Frankie Burdick in honor of her departure. It was well attended and proved a very enjoyable affair. Miss Burdick left for Clifton Friday morning. Treenrer elect Pomnroy and Sheriff Crawford contemplate vis iting Clifton at Thanksgiving. They understand that turkey "ga lore" will be dished up there on that day and they both like turkey whether given to them at the polls or at the table. Tatixec. FSOOE"rfTnTTTGrS OF TIIU BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. SPECIAL SEMSIOJh OFFICMI OFFICE OF THE BOARD OFHUPElt-1 VISOIW COUNTY OF QRAHAM. TiUiHlTOHY OF ARIZONA, ) Boloxositillb, NoTember 15, 1380. The Board of Supervisors con vened as a Board of Canvassers: Present, E. A. Cutter, chairman, Burt Dunlap, member, Hyrum Weech, member, and E. D. Tuttle, Clerk. The Hon. Geo. H. Hyatt, Pro bate Judge, being present, the Board proceeded to canvass and ascertain the number of votes poll ed at the general election held on the 2d day of November, 1886, pur suant to law as shown by the offi cial returns of the several election precincts of Graham county, and from said canvass it appears that: TABULATED STATEMENT County, Territory of Arizona, cast Tuesday, November Second 1886, as canvassed by the Board of Super visors of said County and Territory. Of pics a.nd Names or Candidates. For Delegate Mark A. Smith C. C. IWi For Sup't Fob. Inst. C. M. 8tranit Thomae Cordis For Councilman S. Din. V. C. Watkins J. R. t'offman For ConnriU Geo. H. HtPTens For A wmblj D. H. Mine J. H. Martinrati For District Attorney P. J. Bolan A. M. Fntteraon For Sheriff. Ben M. Crawford Horace B. Stevens For Probate Jndco, J. T. Fitzerald Geo. H. Hyatt For Recorder, Pedro Michelena. liambert Frye For Assessor. W. D. Johnson J.E. Ohl For Treasurer, B. W. Pomerof Bart Dunlap For Pub. Administrator, W. J. Parks For Coroner, Dr. J. H. Lacy For Surveyor, J. H. Martineaa 1. D. Uolliday For Supervisors H. C. Boon Win. Whelan E. A. Cutter S.V ii! 59 ij sii is; m lie "i wi 17 1 81 1 13, iu; 841 43 102i 152! W: 149: 1-i ?i S3, U 21' 142' 11. 34 21 82' 43 151 ill; 57; 23 ij 23 151' 4' 87' 48, 106 IK 72 22 7l! 34 133 20' 14o A l.v)! 20; 5; I i 77! 42' 70 33! 11 Total vote each Precinct' to! 48 llpl w' For the office of Delegate to Congress, M. A. Smith received five hundred and seventy-eight 578) votes. C. C. Bean, received two hun dred and sixty-six (266) votes. For the office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, C. M. Strauss, received 6ix hundred and eighteen (618) votes. Thomas Cordis, received two hundred aud ten (210) votes. For the office of Joint Momber of the Council, Second District, W. C. Watkins received five hundred and eighty-six (586) votes. B. S. Coffman received two hun dred and fifty-four (254) votes. It is ordered that the Clerk of this Board certify the foregoing canvass and facts to the Secretary of the Territory of Arizona. From 6aid canvass it also ap pears that the following named persons having received the high est number of votes for the office preceeding their respective names, It is ordered that each of them are hereby declared duly elected to said offices, and it is further ordered that the Clerk of this Board issue to each of said persons declared elected, a certificate of their election, to-wit; For Member of the 14th Legis lative Council, George H. Stevens. For Member of tho House of Representatives, D. H. Ming. For District Attorney, P. J. Bolan. For Sheriff, Ben M. Crawford. For Probate Judge, J. T. Fitz gerald. For County Recorder, Pedro Michelena. For County Treasurer, S. W. Pomeroy. For County Assessor, V. D. Johnson. For Public Administrator, AY. J. Parks. For Coroner, J. H. Lacy. j For County Surveyor, J. H. Martineaa. For Supervisors, Howard C. Boon. AVm. Whelan. For Justices of the Peace, pre cinct No. 1, Safford, Wm. Moody. J. B. Groesbeck. For Justices of the Peace, pre cinct No. 2, Dumcan, John Brewer, J. C. Murphy. For Justices of the Peace, pre cinct No. 3, Clifton, W, C. Blank, F. J. Laage. For Justices of the Peace, pre cinct No. 5, Solomonville, Jose Gonzales, J. . Garrett For Justices of the Peace, pre cinct No. 6, Pima, Joseph Foster, Joseph CIuflL For Justices of the Peace, pre cinct No. 7, Fort Thomas, Wm. Hibbard, Fred Meers. For Justices of the Peace, pre cinct No. 8, Fort Grant, M. L. Wood, G. IL Eldridge. For Justices of the Peace, pre cinct No. ! Arivaipa, W, C. Brid- well) Horace E, Dunlap. For Justices of the Peace, pre cinct No. 11, Morenci, B.L. Smith J. H. Vaughn. For Constable,, precinct No. 1. Saffbrd, O- M. Allen, Thomas Kim ball. For Constables, precinct No. 2. Duncan, J. C. Epley, M, Brooker son. For Constables, precinct No. 3, Clifton, H. C. Simpson, Chas. H. Davis. For Constables, precinct No. 5, Solomonville, L. Sanchez, W. C. W. Smith. For Constables, precinct No. G, Pima, L. J. Colli ngs, H. Clemens For Constables, precinct Nd 7, Fort Thomas, William Stnffr, Charles Kemp. For Constables, precinct No. 8, Ft Grant, O. L. Durkee, J. G. Hunt. For Constable, precinct No. 9, Arivaipa, E. A. Jones. OF THE TOTE OF GRAHAM at the General Election held on I SS 07 20 jn 28; 578. 3W! 312 21. 52 4t ! 5r- 52: lOi 28, 5: 5.... SH' ltl 281 ,9 Sj....j 57 15 26. 57; in! 21; I SO) 8.1i 19 SI 13 28 ' 39 81S. 210, 4-e 332 643 206 540 37 S22 894 301 560 51 i 89 4,' 4'J 59fli 25t; 40 I 52 12a ftOI 13 84 4; 114 6; 21 14 88 74 91, 519' 313j 895l 155; 432' S95i 578! 258 7fi0! W 570! 29j S29 842 605 45 554 372 ii.... 34 82 20; 12 29 4 38 55; wi II 411 13 37 3; 29, 51' 12! 28, 8; Mi 27 82 24 2a, 50 8l 25 23! 7- 30 Sli 19 S9 43 10 32! 53 10 67 43' 89 8! 45 38- 82 48: "i 24! I 3 20 8: i7j 5; 55: 135 63 58; 5 137: 57 51 ir.i in 7r 3 li 19. 4o! 5o' 89 58 54 124; 29 111 28! 1 15 5 35! 5, 83! 58 Ml S! 50; 111! H', 139; 11 Wl 57 15 28. 848! For Constables, precinct No. 11, Morenci, Arthur Wight, A. Man riques. Before the canvass of the vote cast in precinct No. 5, Solomon ville, G. H. Hyatt, Probate Judge, presented a written protest against counting the vote of &aid precinct for the reason of irregularities in the conduct of the polling and counting of the votes and the ille gality of the Board and thesr con duct while the polls were open, and requested to be allowed to present proof as to the matters al leged in hi3 protest. Lpon motion of Supervisor Werch the Board decided that they did not have the right to go into the taking of proof and decided to count the vote of said precinct as certified by the Board of Election by the following vote: Voting in the affirmative, Super visors Weech and Dunlap. Voting in the negative, Super visor Cutter. There being no further business the Board adjourned as a Board of Canvassers. E. A. Cutter, Attest: Chairman. E. D. Tcttle, Clerk. Solomonville, Ariz., Nov. 15, 1886. The Board of Supervisors met in special session at 3 o'clock p. m., pursuant to the following call : Solomoviixe, Graham Coustv, ( Aeizosa, November 15, 1886. ) We, the undersigned Supervis ors of Graham county, hereby call a special meeting of the Board to convene at 3 o'clock p. m., Novem ber 15th, 18S6, for the consider ation of the proposals received for transporting Ireneo Porras, an in sane person now confined in the county jail, to the insane asylum at Stockton, California, and to pro vide the necessary means for the said purpose; all the Board join ing in this call E. A. Cotter, Chairman. Hybum Weech, Member. Burt Dunlap, Member. Present, K A. Cutter, chairman, Burt Dunlap, member Hyrum Weech, member and E. D. Tuttle, clerk. The Board proceeded to open the proposals received, as per pub lished notice ordered at the ses sion of the Board held October 6th, 1886, as follows: John M. Moore, bid $445.00 in warrants. E. D. Ttlttle, bid 1198.00 in warrants. II. B. Porter, bid 1400.00 in warrants; The bid of K D. Tuttle being the lowest and the amount being reasonable, it is on motion accept ed, and it is ordered that a con tract be made with him to convey Ireno Porras, an insane person, now confined in the county jail at Solomonville, from the said jail to Stockton, California, to be there delivered at the insane asylum of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, EL PASO, TEXAS. JEFFERSON RAYNOLDS, J. W. President; A GENERAL BA11XIN& Depository of the Atchison racific, and Mexican Central Railruads. Messrs. Langdon and Clark to the proper officers or custodians of said asylum, who are directed to safely keep said Ireneo Porras as provided by law and the contract between the Territory of Arizona and tho authorities of said insane asylum, Messrs. Langdon and Clark. And it is further ordered that the Probate Judge of the county make out the necessary pa pers and commitment in the case of said Ireneo Porras to enable the said contractor, E. D. Tuttle, to carry out the foregoing order and his contract, and it is further or dered that the Sheriff of the county of Graham is directed to see that the said Ireneo Porras is provided with the necessary clothing and other necessary articles for his decency and comfort while being conveyed to the asylum, and that the contractor has the necessary irons or other appliances for the safe keeping and conveyance of said Porros to Stockton at the cost of this county. It is resolved that a warrant in favor of E. D. Tuttle be drawn on the county general fund for $193 in accordance with contract The business for which the special meeting was called having been enacted the Board adjourned. E. A. Cutter, Attest, Chairman. E. D. Tcttlk. Clerk. Solomonville, Nov. 16th, 1886. The Board of Supervisors met at 8:30 o'clock a. m. Present, E. A. Cutter, chairman, Burt Dunlap, member, Hyrum Weech, member, and E. D. Tuttle, clerk. The Board fixed the bonds of the following county officers who take office January 1st, 1887, as follows: Bond of County Treasurer, $25, 000. Bond of Probate Judge, 53, 000. Bond of County Recorder, 55,000. . C. P. Leitch, one of the sureties on the bond of Thomas J. Neese, County Treasurer, presented a written request to be discharged from said bond which was received and ordered placed on file) and the clerk was directed to furnish the Treasurer with a copy thereof and to notify him to file a new bond. There being no further business before the Board it adjourned. E. A. Cuf TEE, Attest: Chairman E. D. Tuttle, Clerk. Major C. B. McClellan, 10th Cavalry, formerly captain of "L" troop, 6th Cavalry, and for some time stationed at Fort Thomas, is now in command of Fort Verde. Mr. Mart Maloney represent' ing that sterling democratic sheet the Tucson Star is visiting Clifton in the interest of that paper. Mart is an old timer and a good talker and will no doubt benefit the subscription list of the Star by his abilities. Messrs. Casey and Snyder, two of the largest stockholders in the C. A. Bar Cattle Company, are ex pected at the company's ranch on the Gila about the la6t of this month. They are now visiting other ranches the company own in New Mexico. The well-known mercantile firm of D. H. Smith & Co., of Wilcox, has dissolved, Mr. Smith retiring. The business will hereafter be con ducted under the name of J. C. Fall & Co. Occidental Hotel The only first class hotel in Tombstone. Situated on the cor ner of Fourth and Allen streets Handsomely furnished throughout and has all modern improvements. Travelers are recommended to stop at this house. Private rooms for commercial travelers; rates reasonable. The bar of this house i3 furninhed with improved billiard tables aud card rooms, and is stocked with the finest brands of wines, liquors and cigar?. Joseph Pascholy, Proprietor W. DUNCAN, SILVER CITY, N. 51. 34 YE AKS A CUXMAKER for western men, is therefore relia ble in his line in repairs on fire arms. Also all light mechanical repairs on sewing machines; cut lery, keys and locks. Challenges the world on a varnish for violins and repairs the same. Orders by express attended to promptly. Shop one dodr' west of Broadway Hotel, Silver City. ZOLLARS, tt. S. KAUFMAN, Vice President! Cauhior BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Topeka & Santa Fe, Texas & Application for Patent. So. 4S7. U. S.Lasd Offics, Tucsos, A bizoka, October 21, A. D. 1886. Notice i.s hereby given that the Glorietta Mining Company, a corpo ration duly organized under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Tex as, by lien M. Crawford, its agent and attorney iti fact, whoso post office ad dress Is Solomonville, Graham county Arizona, has this day filed its appli cation for a patent for fifteen hundred linear feet of the Micawber TBltt lodb. or deposit bearing gold and silvei with surface ground 600 feet in width situated in the Copper Mountain Min ing District in the county of Gra ham and Territory of Arizona, add is designated by the held notes and offl cial plat on file in this office as survey number 760, and lot No. 75, said lot ro. 7o b;ing as follows, to-wit: Be ginning at the easterly location mono ment of this claim where is seta lime. stone rock 25x10x6 one foot in the ground, surrounded by a mound of stones ana marked M. M, No. 1. U. S, Min Mon No. 4, bears N 25 r east 4385-3 other bearings available, thence S 45 50" W va 12 35" E. 87 feet to gulch bears N. W. and S. E. 300 feet to initial monument mention ed in location notice and marking the soutn-easteriy ena center of the claim, where is set a auartzite rock 24xl2rR one foot in the ground surrounded by mounds of stones and marked M. M. I. M. 480 feet to creSt of hill bears N. w. and S. K. 600 feet td location mon umcut boing the stump of a cedar tree 15 inches in diameter and 4 feet high surrouuded by mound of stones and marked M. M. No. 2. larce rock in place marketf B. R. M. M. No. 2, bears due east 26-4 feet, no other bear ings available, thence N. 44 14' Wi va 12 30" E. 934 feet to crest of hill bears N. E aud S. W. 1220 feet to gulch bears E and W 1286 feet to trail bears E and W 1,500 feet to location monument, where is set a quartzite rock 26x1 1x6 one root in the ground surrounded by a mound of stones and marked M. M. No. 3, stump of cedar tree 14 inches in diameter marked B. T. M. M. No. 3, bears N 17 W 18-5 feet, Steeple Rock bears S 53 38' E about 20 miles, Oos Cabesas bears S 13 25' W, no other bearings available, thence N 45 50' E, va 12 40' E 284 feet to head of small gulch bears east 300 leet to location monument mark ing the north-westerly end center of the claim, where is set a trachite rock 20x12x4 one foot in the ground, sur rounded by mound of stones and marked M. M. E. C, stump of cedar tree 20 inches in diameter, bears 8 30 E 4 feet, 489 feet to gulch bears N. W and S. E. 595-65 feet to location mon ument, where is set a sandstone rock 26x16x4 one foot in the ground sur rounded by mound ot stones and markod M. M. No. 4, Steeple Rock bears S 53 26v E, McMullen's Peak S 53 5' E both about 20 miles away, no other bearings available, thence S 44 25' E va 12 30 E 254 feet td small gulch bears N arid S, 200 feet to small gulch bears N 15 E and S 15 W, 576 feet to small gulch bears N, 46 E and S 46 W, 700 feet to trail bears east and west, 1,104 feet to small gulch bears N 10 W, and S 10 E, 1,135 feet to trail bears north and south 1,146 feet to small gulch bears north and south, 1,500 feet to monument and rock marked M. M. No. 1, place of beginning, containing 20-59 acres of land, magnetic va 12 3a' east. The location of this mine is record ed in the Recorder's office of Graham county, Arizona in Rook No. 1, pages 93 and 97, of Mining Records. The adjoining mining claims are, West Virginia No. 3, on the ndftheant, the La flatta on the southwest, Magenta and Van Rosenberg No. 2. on the southeast, no others known. Any and all persons claiming adversely any portion of said Micawber mine or surface ground are required to file their adverse claims with the Regis terofthe United States Land Office at Tucson In the Territory of Arizona during the sixty days period of pub lication hereof, or they will be barred by virtue of the provisions of the statute. B. M. Thomas. Resistor. It is hereby ordered that the fore going tlotice of application for patent be published for ten consecutive weeks ia The Cupion Clarion, a weekly nowspaper, published at Clif ton, Graham County, Arizona. B. M. Thomas, Register. First Publication October 27, 1886. LAY & BOON, Duncan, Arizona, Dealers in General Merchandise MIXERS SUPPLIES, Ranchmen's Supplies, Wines, Liqnors and Cigars 3Dry Goods, ClotHingr, BOOTS AND SHOES Etc.; Etc., Etc. t iligheet price paid for Farm ProHnw B Dry Goods, Ladies' & Gent's Groceries, CALIFORNIA CLOTHIW anB BOOTS AND SHOE& In this Establishment tin be found most everything Ifl the above line of goods.- Anything called for not in stock will be sent for especially, and delivered on short notice. Orders from Neijriorinii tons Goods of the Pricesto Suit NORTH ST Postoffice Address, CLIFTOIf, GRAHA CAMP THOMAS, ARIZOFJA. Having recently been enlarged and guests in a more sumptuous manner than formerly. BOARD BY THE DAY, WEEK RATES. Neat and attractive in all its appointments. Table supplied with thrf fresh products of HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL LOUISA C. RTJPKEY, Proprietress. H &RAND ENTRAL HOTEL EL PASO, TEXAS. The only First-Class, cated Hotel SAMPLE ROOMS Bath Rooms and Barber Shop Attached, Street Cars Pass the Door. Livery Adjacent, CORONADO RESTAURANT. HARRY SIMPSON, Prop. Main Street, CLIFTON, A&IZONA. Meals at all Hours. Board per Week 7 Sin?le Meals 50 Cents. Fancy Goods, Furnishing Gcadgp Etc., Etc. Solicited, & First Quality ! my Customers refitted is ifepiifed to accommodate' OR MONTH AT REASONABLE the Gila Valley. DIVERGING STAGE LINESi FRA!S81NETmis!L M HOUSE, Well-Constructed and Pleasantly Ld in the city. FOB SALESMEN, THE CLIFTON DRUG STORE. Under the Kew iianament c&rrieg a Pull Lice of PATENT MEDICINE, PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLE ETC. ET(j.i fi(Ji MAI' STREET: A. C. REARDON, Prop