Newspaper Page Text
THE . CLifTO'I : CLARION. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 24, 18SG. J ly O n'.d is a ise 1 for 10!), 03, nnd no more, in New York. . A biiud citizta of bttuibenvillp, ()., claim to he able to tell the color of n' Lorso by the sense of tonch. -, The re.ittjst mental effort that a masher makes, is when bo has to detcrtuino whether to tako out his cane or his nnihrella. A new English dictionary is coining ont with 240,000 words. People who are ever bent on hav ing the last word should subscribe nt once. Airs. SLtliiilii Bu'Ht Lawrence of Warsaw, N. Y., celebrated hor 90th birthday recently, and five of the guests wore ladies aged 90, 89, 87, 83, and 80. A new gem has been manufac tured in Paris. It is called the violane dii cap, and is of clear lust rous purple color that in gaslight assumes a dt'ep, vivid red hue. The very newest of all the agonies is for a young lady to have her hand photographed and send it to her best yonng man. This signifies '"Twas mine; 'tis yours," etc. Mark Twain is getting old very fast, but he does not like to be told of it. His hair is nearly white, bat Mark persists that this was caused by sitting iu damp churches out in California. The Fish Commission at Wash ington ha a giant octopus which in isurs live foot across its body. It was captured in tho Atlantic 100 miles northeast of Cape Henry by the Fish Conimissioaoro' steamer Albatross. The Canadian Indians at White fish Lake and Lis la Diche aro dying iu largo d timbers from nn epidemic of measles. So virulent is the disease that the agents have not dared to pay tho annual treaty money. An enormous Mexican lion was killed mir Mridiaa. Miss., tin ether day by an old Choctaw Iu diao. The cro itnre measured nine feet and two and a half inches from tip to tip, and nin-a inches botwsea the eyes. Doriiig a severe thunder-storm at Wellsville, Mo., last August, a vivid flash of lightning photo graphed on the smooth white ceil ing of the Methodist church the face of an old man with long flow ing hair and beard. It is describ ed as a weird and shadowy por trait, and the superstitions say that it is the photograph of the Storm King. Among tho enemies asraints whom organized Jaboi must be on its gnard not the least formidable are the shortsighted men who pre cipitate strikes without adouato ciusp, witl-ont consultation, and without any intelligent calculation of the consequences. No poik packer in Chicago is half so much to bo dreaded as one. thorough going fool arrayed in authority as a Knight of Labor. Brooklyn Citizen. In a new dictionary of biography containing 40,000 namesj all tho ltothschilds and Astors put tp gether receive only as many lines as are accorded to Harriet Buecher Stowe. Cornelius Yandorbilt re ceives loss attention than Pngan i iii, and A. T. Stewart no 'more than Daniel Lambert, the fat man. Even the three rich benefactors Oirard. George Peabody, and Sir Moses Moutetiore united tako less room than John Wesley or-Nathaniel Hawthorne. Whenever a man who has Io.-t ropnto with tlio members of his own party; 'whenever a sorehead whose insane drivelings fall flat in the party of which be is a member; whenever a man who has failed in bis legitimate calling and attempts to replenish his empty pockets with a public office; whenever a man whosf capacity will not bear the strain of a canvass on strict party lines whenever a man of one or all of these classes wants an office he makes a dead-set at "the workingman." Richmond State. Sunset Cox is now generally re gnrdt'd as the coming man on tho Democratic sid of the House. There is no doubt that he intends to play aa important pi.rt. There w no question that ho hold him self ready to be either Speaker or the le:idr of the party on the floor of tho Ifonso. In a conversation a few nights ago he indicated in much, and did not forget to re call the fact that he organized tho Appropriations Committee, tho C-.'inMiittee on Ways and Means, an 1 other l.-ading committees of j the Hunse on their present basis, j mid that hi bd tho way of tho tar- . iT reform before tho other tarifl vT-ir ,i r-. of ft pi-'ent (' ingress 1 v.e,v hem-1 ..f U i.f :i I f r:!.l. it m:nur.r fli ck. UiwKd Nrhlrrrlin li.eovered the TombMonp Mlnex. Mr. Ed. Scbiefelin, of Los An geles, Cal., passed through Denver recently on his way to tho East. Mr. Scliiefelin is a barnacle of tho most orthodox type. Ho is an old llocky Mountain prospector, and was the discoverer of tho fa mous Tombstone Mines of Arizo na in 1877. He has a marked per sonality, aud would bo noticed anywhere. Ho is tall and well pro portioned. He wears his dark brown hair long, and tho bushy waves hang well on to his shoul ders.. .He sports the regulation broad-brimmed hat of tho miner and cowboy. In other respects he dresses neatly and in the most ap proved style. Mr. Schiofolio, luxuriously en seouscod in the padded softness of a Pullman coach on tho Kansas Pacific train, was very willing to relate some of the rough and com fortless experiences of his wild life as a prospector before ho "struck it rich." "I followed the life for a great many years," he said, drawing a stylish glove from one of his horny hands, "and didn't strike anything. The trouble was I always followed tho crowd, and by tho timo I got there the good places would be all taken up. Finally I struck out for myself down into Arizona. I spent .all tho summer of '70 in the Tomb stone district. There were no white men within many uiiles, the nearest railroad point being ono hundred aud thirty miles away. "There worj plenty of Indians though. Old Cochiso and his baud were right around me. Tho place which used to bo tho tho old Chief's stronghold is in plain view of tho presout town of Tombstone. It was dangerous, of course, but not so much so as if I had not btei alone. All arouud ia that vicinity parties of white men were "killed that summer, but, being alone, I somehow escaped. I never built a lire all that summer, but traveled around from place to place, mak ing a dry camp each night. "I went out that autumn, and daring the winter old Cochiso diod and his band broke np. In the spring my brother and myself with a partner went back to tho placo and each struck a good mino. We workod them for awhile at a good profit and then sold them out. Af ter that 1 retired from tho busi ness, and have settled down to en joy the rest of my life. "It's a hard rough life and it took me a long timo to get there, but, I tiki finally. Per.scvorauco will generally win," said tho old fellow dreamily. Tho bell rang, tlio "all aboard" was, and as the train rollod off tho old front iersman settled down into tho soft velvet cushions, pulled his long locks nd his sombrero over his face, spread ont the tails of his handsome frock coat, and foil into a dreamy reverie of remembrance of the old days of hardship on the plains of Arizona. Danver Trib une. The Ilurruvar i'opppr .Iliac. D. C. Khng and tho St. Louis capitalists, Alfred Burkey and II. C. Gerke, their expert Mr. Nichol son, with It. K. McGrath aud Geo. Hamlin, returned from Kling aud Bnllard's Harcuvar mines yester day. A Gazette reporter saw them in tho evening and had a pleasant interview. Mr. Nicholson took the 4 o'clock coach for Maricopa od his return to St Louis, where he will write out and submit his report There was nono of the us ual mystery surrounding such transactions manifest on tho part of either expert or capitalists. In answer to tho question "if they found the mines as good as repre sented," they answered, "yes bet ter." To tho people of this city who know so much about tho im mensity of these copper lodes or doposite, this will be good news, for it means active work on a large scalo at an early day. J ndgo Gerke was prjfus3 in his expressi r s of admiration of the extent nud richness of tho mines. He said that "it appeared to him they .were the onferoppings of nn im niense copper basin that would be come richer as they went down I upon it" This is almost exactly the language used by O. F. Thorn ton in his .report of tho mines, made and published two years ago: Mr. Nicholson an experienced mi ner and an expert, who at ono timo was ia chargo of the Globe copper mines in Gila county, did not scruple in paying these aro the greatest mines ho has ever exam ined, and such will be his report. Judge Gerke and Mr. Kling ex pect to leave for Maricopa this evening on their way home where they will proceed to get every thing in shapo as soon as possible. Fhojnix Gazette. A Now Yorker say tho B.irthol di's Liberty reminds him of noth itisr so in mill as CapL Ans.n of the Chirac ,r d!i.i:i.l;g judiiivnt rn a play. Current fan. A New Orleans gambler calls his assets "E Pluribus Uuuiu" won from many. Tho poets nro apostrophizing Bartlioldi's Statuo. O Liberty, what rhymes are committed in thy name! Life. A ''turued u" iu the word beau never worries a Boston girl. Sho is equally at home with a beau or a bean. Spring.ield Union. "Look here, Joseph, I have been ringing an hour, and you have on ly just come." "Well, if I hadn't boen hore now you might have rung a good while longer."-Judge. In tho country. "'And is the air healthy in this village ?-' "Excel lent, monsieur, excellent One can become a centenarian here in a little while." From the French. "Whom shall our daughters mar ry?"' asks tho Woman's Journal. Well, dear, they might begin with a man, and if he don't answer they might try a cigar sign. Jersey City Argus. Trousers are to be worn larger nt tho knees, for which chan?e we are thankful, as tho old style al ways bags there, uuless the wearer does his prayiug standing up. To ronto Globe. "Now, Johnny, you remember that Lot's wifo was changed to a pillar of salt because she turned and looked back Why did she t u.-n and look back ?" "O, I s'pose some other woman passed with her new dress on." Rambler. "Hole on dar," said a colored man, hailing his acquaintance. "Does yer cross dor street 'ebery time yer sees mo to keep from pay in' dat bill?"' "No I doesn't." "What den?"' "To keep from be in' axed fur it" Texas Siftiugs. Mrs. Jones "I am told that your husband is worth a great deal of money in tho old country, Mrs. Macuamara." Mrs. Macua mara "Troth an' ho is ma'm. The government over there will pay j'3,000 fur Mac any day they can lay their ban's on him." Lowell Citizen. A small boy on Lis first appear ance in a parish school at Roches ter, N. Y., was asked if he knew tho Lord's Prayer. lie replied that ho had never heard of it, whereupon nu urchin at his f-ido, with a friendly desiro to excuse his ignorance, said to tho teacher, "Please ma'am, he's a stranger from PennsylvaLia." Board $7 per Week SIXULE MEALS, 50 CENTS ....AT THE.... OCCIDENTAL RESTAURANT, 3IA1.V ST : : CLIfr'TO.V Ciia-rle3r Lea ITcUr, Proprietor. Open Day and Night. THE CHOICEST STEAKS And all Kinds of Wild Game Sorved in any stylo desired. JAMES SIAS, Genera! Blacks ...AM).... HORSE SHOER. K!i02, 3IalH Mtrrrt, - t'LIFTOX First - Class Blacksmithins; In all its I irn riches dona with prompt up-!, and at reasonable prices. A. &pk' Iay of Js-tao- SHOE SHOP, MAIS STKKET CLIFTON. 2vf en's IBcots ....AND... Women's Fins Shoes Mull) in the latest Eastern styles. Hewed Work a (SxeoIalty. UejtairiDg neatly and promptly done. W. C I'.LAXK. Proprietor. LOUIS VOELCKEL. I TIIOS. J. NEESE. SolomonvilJle, - j l'"ort Thomas. Naese & Voelckel, Fort Thomas, Ariz., -AND- Soloinonville, Ariz. -DEALERS IN- Gener'l Merchandise Groceries, Teas Coffees, Sugar, Rice, Pastes, Sauces, Pickles, Provisions, Bacon, Lard, Flour, Bran, Wheat Corn, Barley, Baled I lay, Liquors, Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, Beers, Gin, Rum, Ale, Porter. Our Prices Are Low ! Our Stock is ew! Call and be convinced of this fact Solomon, Yickersham & Company TEVISTON Cochise Co. A. T. FORWARDERS. floods marked to our care promptly for warded to Fort Howie. Soiomonvilie. ftaf ford. Bmithville, Fort Thomas, Ban Carlos and Globe. We carry at all times a fnll stock of General Merchandise Consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing:, Notions, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Gro cries, Crockery, Hardware, Liquors, Tobacco & Cigars. Onr stock of Lumber, ShingScs, Boors, Etc., is purchased from the manufacturers, and is selected with a knowledge of the wants of purchasers. Agents Anheuser Beer and Fish Bros. Wagons. A. T. & S, F. EL R THE GKEAT HIGHWAY FROM Arizona fo the East: Makes close connection at Albuquerque with the ATLANTIC & PACIFIC B. R. TO KANSAS CITY And all Points in the East. Trains from Don in?, ?. M.t connect at Kansas C ity with trains for CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, PHILADELPHIA nud NEW YORK Anil a!l Eastern Cities. rpiIE UOAD P.VSSKS OVElt A MAG L nificent stretch of mountain ard plain. Is thoroughly ballasted, and equipped with the best rolling stock of modern times. Evory attention is paid io the comfort of pnwr.mis, making it the most djsircible route between tho East and West. Trains run over the Sonora road from BENSON. ARIZONA, Through to HERMOSILLO and GUAYMAS, Furnishing Tucson and othor cities easy access to ths great trado of M;xico, which is now opening up its vast trcasuros to the world. W. F. WHITE, Gen. Pass, and' Tick. ( Agent, Topeka, Kannrts. O.K. CORRAL, S0L0M0X VI LLE, A. T., Has been re-opened by the nn dorsigned, an old and competent hostler. . Animals taken care of ut reason able rates. CIIAS. IITSSELL, Prop. F. E. MoGINNESS, Post Trader, Fort Thomas, Ariz. Keeps constantly on hand a fine assortment of Gents' Furnishing Goods Dry Goods & Groceries i i'iirest brands ol "Wines and Cig-axs Both Domestic and Foreign. liaucli Supplies a Specialty. lVet Cnice ad;oinips the ttoie. POHEROT'S STAGE LINE. Bowie Station VIA Soiomonvilie TO Camp Thomas , A DAILY LINE OF STAGES Will bo ran between the above points, con necting at Soiomonvilie with stage lino for Clifton and tipper Gila, at Bowie Station with the. Southern Pncifie railroad, and at Camp Thomas with stagow line to and from Globe. J. B- Patterson, Aseut at Bowie Station, eese & Voelckel, Agents at Camp Thom as. Main Office at Soiomonvilie. S. W. POjIEEOY, Proprietor. SHELDON AND SOLOMDNVILLE Stage Line; FIHEBUS EltEUDEXTHAL, Proprietor. Tho most direct and comfortable route from Clifton and liOrdsJmra: Solonjonville ond Settle ments on the i!a. Parties from Lordsbarg or Duncan wish ing to take stare can do so by telegraphing station agent at Clifton. Leaves Sheldon, Tuesdays, and Saturdays Fare. - - - - - 85 Morenci and Clifton Stage & Express Line Carrying U. S. Mails Daily, Sundays Excepted. Stages carrying Passengers and Express Leave post office at Morenci 6: SO a. m. Leave Clifton 4 p.m. IIEXRV IIILIj, Proprietor. AltlZOXA COPPER CO S ASSAY OFFIGE! West side of river in Company's building. Assa-ing of Every Kind of Ores and Bullion. Fully Prepared for all kinds of Analytical "Work appurtam ing to Metallurgy. rilAUVES VOll ASSAVIXU. Gold and Silver (Ore) $2.50 Copper Where there are two or more assays to be made for one person the chargo wiU be 2 for each one. ChunfeH for all othor work as low 'as is consistent with care and correctness. J. A. CHUM, Assaver and Metallurgical Chemist. REWARD! CT I de wire to call attention to my marks and brands for cattle, as shown in cut. I sell no stocji cattle, nnd will pay ?VJ rewrrd for the ar rest and conviction of any person or persons unlawfully handling cattle in the following brands and marks. J. H. HA31PSOX. r, O.: El Paso, Texas, llanch V. O.: Clif ton, Arizona. Ua,,, on Earfc creek, Graham county, Arizona. . Ear marks, crop ar.d split left, crop riglit. Hers Hand. l on t!'-left thoulder. I $1,000 m II K.earm'.v Ut-fiin KraiiriNr-o, Cal. Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Ex hausted Vitality, yp'-rniatorrhtra, Lost Manhood. lmu'tency. Paralysis. Proftator rlicea And a) I the terrible effects of fcjelf Abuse, and exress in niatitrer year?, such as Loss of Memory. .Lassitude. Nocturnal Emi si(ns. aversion to si to N't y. Dimness of Vision Noises in tire Headi the vital fluid passing unobserved in the uriiie. and many other dis eases that lead to insanity and death. Buffering from any of the above symptoms should consult us at onee. The dram can be stopped, vitality restored and life be made arain a pleasure instead of a burden. There nrp many who are troubled with too frequent evacua tion of the bladder, often accompanied by a slisht smarting or bnrning sensation, and a weakening of the system, in a manner they cannot account for. Rot.y Sediment in the urine, etc. Jinny die of tlrN difficulty ignor ant of th cins-e. vrhich is the second stage of seminal waknss. Cubes Guaiiantekd ix Aix such cases, 4'onNii. tat i'tn Free. Thorough exam, ihation and advice, including chemical anal ysis and microscopic examination of the nr'ine $5. An honest opinion given in every case. The following Medieinee supplied at the prices name i: Hi I AMTfTV OOPFR VITAIi Ki:NTo;:.vri vf, a bottle, or four times the rmani-ty for 10. ' EKft'i-fTE FREE. Pent to any one applying by letter, stating symptoms, ex and ae. - Strict secresy in regard to all business transactions. The Celebrated Kidney Kemedv. XE FHKF.TKi'Jtl, for all kinds of Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Leucorrhea, etc. For sale by all druggists, 1 a bottle, or 6 bottles 5.00. The Knslish i MKLIO MVKR Al lVSI':ihlA I'ILL is the bent in the market. For sale by all druggists; price rwi cents a bottle. F.riiIi Medical Dispensary, No. 11 Kearney St., San Francisco, Cal. imate res.t over ) years of practical experi ence, and euros with unfailing certainty nervon and physical de bility, Seminal I'''- t-J as c v a Z i ll laKilrHH. Weakness, Sper- i!JjJJ,?,.'!KV matorrhea and to Cf. . P r o s t a t o.r 1 rhoea Emissions Impotency, Kx- haubti a Viiaiiiy, i'rumature Decline and Loss of m; :nhoo, m all its complication and from whatever cause prmluccd. Enrich es and purines the blood, strejrthens the Nerves', Muscles and Digestion, Keproduc ttvo Oralis and Physical aud Mental Facul ties. It sLcps any unnatural debilitating drain upon the1 f ystem, preventing involunta ry losses, debilitating dreams, seminal losses with the urine, etc., so destructive to mind and body. It is a sure eliminator of all Kid ney nnd iiiadder complaints. It contains no injurious ingredients. To those suffering from the evil effects of youthful indiscre tions or excesses, a speedy, thorough and permanent cure is guaranteed. Price. $2..V) per bottle, or tiv bottles in case, with fall directions and advice, $10. Sent secure from observation to any addreps upon receipt of price, or C. O. D. To be had only of fr. c. 1. S alii eld. 210 Kearney street, San Francisco, Califor nia. Consultations strictly eonfinential, by letter, or at officej free. For the convenience of patients, and m order to insure perfect secrecy. I have adopted a private address under which all packages are forwarded. riMttAL fiOTTLE FREE! SUFFICIENT JL to show its merit, will be sent to any one applying by letter, stating his pympton.i and age. Communications strictly confidential. HEALTH. Ricinu's Colden Balsam TVo. 1 . Cures Chancres, first anil ; gtai'cui Seres cn tho Lcb and Bcdj-; Sore La-s, Eyes, Kosc, etc., Coppcr-colorcJ Blotches. : Syphilitic Vat.irrh, diseased Scalp, and all primary forms of the disease known aj Syphilis. Price, SB OO per Bottle. 1.8 Iticliau's Golden Balsam No. a Cures Tertiary, Mercurial Svphilitic Rheti-matif&i,- Tains ia the Bones, Pains in tho Head, back of the Keck, Ulcerated Soro Throat, Syphilitic Hash, Lumps and eon- tractcd Core's, Stiffness of the Limbs, an4 eradicates all disease from the sysrem, whether caused by indiscretion or abuse of Mercury, leaving the blDod pure and healthy. Prico 5 OO per Pottle. L.O HithaG'a Colden Sw.nish A nil. dote lor the cure cf Gonorrheea, Uleet, Irritation Gravel, and alt Urinary or Geni tal disarrangements. Price SO per Bottle. Ie Kichau'j Golden Spanish Injection,- forsovere cases of Gonorrhica, lnrlamiur.tory Gleet. Strictuns,&c. Price 81 SO per Bottle. Ie Rkhan's Golden Ointment for the cS-x-tivc hcalinjref Syphilitic Srei . am! eruptions. Price SI ilO per Box. Le Klclian's Golden Pil's Nervo and Brain treatment; los3 of physical por ' cr, excess or over-work, i'rostration, etc. Price S3 OO per Bex. Tonic flhd Nervine, Sent everywhere, O. O. 1., tecurely packed per express. . C. F. RICHARDS Jfc CO. . Agents, 427 & 49 Sansomc street. Corner clay, 1 , Sin Francisco, Cal. CIRCULAR MAILED FREE. sioo i;ic;wiii. The above reward will be paid for tbe do toction and conviction of any person or per sons canjrht srylirfg or killing any cattieof XvebrSl a. b. iiAKrll, Parties having stock cattle for sale wifi fti.d a ..n.-uhaser bv ai)iljiuc to H. B BABH5.- 2asj.i A- T.. July 20, is? B I 3 m-.j, ri3 r H 500 rr i.. x -:-"- f , .nan,-,-,,., J