Newspaper Page Text
THE CLIFTON CLARION.- Vol. IV. No. 45. CLIFTON, GRAHAM COUNTY, ARIZONA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1886. Official County Paper: THE CLIFTON CLARION. J. H. LACY, M. D., Physician asd Surgeon. Published Eveet Wednesday, at Clttfton. Vraliam Count-, Arlxons Office In the Arirona Copier Comr'tuiy'a CLIFTON, ARBZOPJA. bnilding, east side of the river. J. T. riTZUERALD, PCBIJSHKE. MAIN STREET:: CLIFTON WUOLE.SALE AND RETAIL. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL: WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! m i pp ' t TERHM: One Year (in advance) &:j.on BixMontlia " " ..;:.:.. T British Subscribers. Th wbscription price of the Curios to Great Britain i 1. Ss (postage prepaid.) Subscribers can remit by exchangi on Now York. BAN FRANCISCO K C. Dnko. Room S, Merrlwnta' Exc-hnnue, is solo agent for the Chrion in that city. BOLOMO.NVILLE P. M. Thurmond. ADVERTISING l.VTi:S. COMMERCIAL. Commercial advertising inserted at rates made in accordance with contract. Sheriff Sales, of nsnal length...; $20 00 Summons, of nsnal length 15 00 Notices of Forfeiture, of nsnal length 15 ti) Notioe to Lionholtt-rs IS Eetray Notice. 10 I" Piesolntion Notice 5 O) AU other legal, per s-ioare 5 ft) There will b no deviation from the above prices. Clifton Postofllce. Itemiar hours from 7:30 a. m. to 7:) p. m. lViritrtion from 9:30 a. m. to 7 p. m. Money Order honrs. :5rt a. m. to S p. m. ftnndnya. office open from 11 a. m. to 12 m. Nail depart for Solomonville Tuesdays. Saturdays. Mail closes n:30 a. m. Mail for Morenci closes at 4 p. m. No foreign or matiUted money will be received f dr stampo. box rent or post d orders. Parties calling for mail mntter other than that which is addressed to themselves most present an order for delivery. C. M. Clabk, P. M. Iriaianees from Clifton. Mile. tonlshunr. N. M.. (S. P. R. R.) 7n Vort Thomas Tucson 250 Port Grant San Carlo. 125 ftlob l Port Apaeh (by trail) 90 St. Johns (by traill 1"1 Holbreok (A. 4 P. U. R.) ; . .22 Pima : " fiaftord : 6 Solomonville..:.. CI San Jose S9 ISewie Station :-. ..: W Richmond, N. M 37 Carlisle. N. M Silver City. N. lt (wagon road) 100 Arizona A Xrw Mexico R. K.TInie Tabic. GOING SOCTI. Leave Clifton 7a.m. Arrive at North Siding 7:31a. m. " South Siding 7:.1a.m. " Guthrie 8:04 a. m. " Coronado 8:20 a. m. " " York's S:40a. m. " " Sheldon MTM a. m. Dnnean 9:20 a. m; Ijeare Duncan... 9:31a.m. Arriveat Summit 10::V. m. " " Xxirdsbunt 11:3G a. m. GOING SOETH. Iae Lordabnnc 1:00 p.m. Arrive at Summit 2 p. m. " Dnncan 3:09 p. m. Leave Duncan 3:1 P. m. Arrive at Sheldon 3:19 p. m. " York's 4:02 p. m. ( oronndo 4:22 p. m. " " Gnthrie 4:US pi m. " " South Siding h North Siding 5:0 p. m. " "Clifton :...: S:;-op.m. Trains ran daily', Sundays excepted. W. If. JOS KM. Uen'l. Mnperintrndrnt. Konthern Pacifls Trains Pass I,orrtIare. E1STBOCM). Pasaen trer, Leavi-a 5:45 p. m Emigrant " 4:5 a. m Local Freight ' 5:17 p. m WS8TBOCN5. Passenger, Leaves 8:31 a. m hmigrant 7:'rt p. m Lical Freight " 4:15 a. m V Trains ran on San Francisco time, which is one hour Flower than local time. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Territorial. rtuverodr- C. Meyer Zulirk. Prescott. Secretary Js". A. Bnyiril. Preeontt. Treasurer Tliomas J. Butler. Presratt. Superintendent of Public Instruction J. L. Long. Globe. Auditor E. P. Clark. Prescott. Commissioner of Immigration Patrick Hamilton. Phoenix. . rlnpreme Court John C. Shields, Chief justice. PrescotU W. W. Porter Asso ciaie Jnstice. Phnix; Wm. H. Barnes. A4iciate Just ice. Tucson. U. S. District Attorney Owen T. Rouse. Tucson. r-. 8. Marshal V. K. Meade. Tucson. Hnrveyor General Royal A. Joiinson, Tncsn. V. 9. Internal Revenue Collector Y. II. Bristei. Tucson. Delicate to t 'onirress C. C. Bean. Preecott. of First Judicial District Win. H. Bams. Ju.lge of Second Judicial District W. W. Ptrtor. Phrnix. Judve of Third Judicial District John C. Bhiel.w, rrDsrott. firaham County. rBOEATC JCOGE. Q Hi Hyatt BolomonviHe CLERK PROBATE COURT. G. H. Hyatt (x-officio Solomonvil'e sirsRirr. B. M. CRtwYORP...; Sdomonville Deputies James Kraidall.Clifton. KSCORUER. O. H. Stevens. Solomonville TKK.VSCBB3. TnoxAS J. Nekse. . : . Fort Thomas Depntr Louis Yueldkel. SolornonviUe. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. P. . Bolan Solomonville fCBUC ADMINISTRATOR. C. A. Fair Solomonville CORONER. E. J. Frikg Clifton SURVEYOR. J. D. H0LLADAT Pima BOARD Or SUPERVISORS. E. A. Cutter-.... Clifton Bert Dcnlap..::. .;. Dunlnp Wyritm Weech. Pima E. D. Tcttle. Clerk Solomon villo GEORGE FRISK, Cattle Inspector FOR THE Sonfheastern District or Arizona. PARTIES WISHING TO CROSS THE Ka..t-rn line of Anions with cattle at any point hetwiwn the mountains north of the San Francisco River ami the southeast ern corner of the Territory should notify me of the point whtreand whn such cattle will be roaIy for iurtio-. hveflnys lieforeliand t t b driven in and threw ln if to he broucht ia by rail. Cattle must he held w.ttiout the Territory nnttl insMMtsl. f. it. audiikss- v M. i 'us. ai:!..x:a. A. N. SIMPSON, Physician and Scroeon. LORDSBURG N.M. M. J. EGAN iti OBNB Y AT LA-W Office in the Arizona Clipper CiVs Buildins. west side of the river. Clifton Arizona A. II. PATTERSON, ATTORNEY AT L A Y, Cliftox, Arizona. ay. r. Mccormick, JuSflCE OF THE PEACE, Clifton, : ... Arizona; Collections promptly Attended to. P. J. BOLAN, Attorney at Law. IT" Sneeial attention eiven to obtaining patents for land and mining cluims. Solomonville. Gbahas County A. T District Attorney of Grahax County, P. M. THURMOND, Attorney and Counsellor at Law Solomonville,. . .:...;. . . . ; Arizona. R. A. ALLRED, Notary Pcblic and Justice of the Peace. S afford, Graham County, Arizona Collections promptly attended to. JAMES A. ZABRISKIE, Attorney and Counselor at Law. Will practice in nil the courts in tH Ter ritory Mining and land lnw a seciulty. Tucson A. T WM.1L LOVKLL, H. B. BEREFORD. HEREFORD & LOVELL, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, No. 8 Camp Street Tucson, A.T. Seum M. Franklin. Harry R. Jeffokds. JEFFORDS & FRANKLIN, Attorneys at Law, 212 and 214 Peunington Stroet. Tucson Arizona D. HENDEBSOH BANKER, TI'CKOX, - AISIZOXA. Will buy Graham County Warrants. Cor respond with him before selling. Exchange on London. England; Frankfort on the Main; Berlin, Germany, anil Paris, Franco, The only genuine foreign bill drawer in Arizona. P. E. KERN, FILIGREE PALACE. Manufaoturet of MEXICAN FILIGREE IN GOLD A SILVER And jobber of Diamonds, American Quick Train Watches and Jewelry. EL PASO. --- . TEXAS. Cdas. R. Works, E. r. Whitney, W0RES & WHITNEY assai: -kJJS. Gold and Silver Assay.. $1 no 1 ill 1 CM t opner Assay ijeau Assay. Prompt Attention to Maniples by Mall. 108 CAMP ST. - TUCSON. A.T. J. H. MARTINEAU, Deputy County Surveyor, Civil and Hydraulic Engineer xoT.tnv rntLK. Formerly TJ. S. Land and Mineral Surveyor. Land, mining claiois and caials surveyed, and woik guaranteed. Thirty rears experi ence. Residence : I'imi. Gi mivm Co A. T THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE WHOLESALE AND RE tail Establishments in Southeastern Arizona. MMH STEEET STORE. A. Large Stock of Newly Selected Goods for The Summer Trade. Purchasers enn save money by tho above stores; our object is to goods at the lowest margin. We Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods. All of the Laces of every description, Blankets, Bed Boys, Youths' and Gents' Ready Made Suits ill kinds and all sizes. A perfect fit Our Immense Are of the latest Just to hand A moII assorted From tho best manufacturers, A full stock Of Liquors, Tobaccos and Cigars Of the finest brands, always kept on haud. Sold at Wholesale and Retail rates. Our Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions Are unsurpassed iu Sewing Machines, Trunks, W illow, Queens Wo invite all to make a trial e are always willing Every Article Marked AT MORENCI, Detroit Cntr Cipfs M Carries a Complete JStoek ot eoera AXII- mime: THE PIONEER saocie Is the "Host "KxteiiMive Manufactory in tltfi Kouilnvcst. Our Warranted Absolutely nnexcelled. We make, also, a line of cheap Saddles retail ing at fl.00 and upwards. All grades of Harness at bottom prices. Our foreman was foreman of a large St. Louis shop sixteen years. We are Agents for Studebakar Brothers sad carry in Stock a large line of Biggies, CARRIAGES BUCK BOARDS Special Ore Wagons Delivered on Short Notice. Y8 Carry a Very ExtensivB Una of Fire Arms and Animuni- tion and can make very Low Prices to Consumers or Dealers. We make a specialty of Winchester, Martin and Colt Arms. Ketail prices: V inchester Carbines, 514.00; Winchester Singlo Shot Itilles, $13.50; 40 and 45 calibro Repeating llifles, S1G.00 to ?17.Ct)f Colt 45 six shoot ers, H ubbcr Handle, $12.75; 44 calibre, $13.75. PJEWTOK & ANDREWS, EL T'-H'S.' buying their necessaries of life at satisfy our customers and sell our carry a complete stock of Silks, Satins, CaShmeros and Plaids, latest styles; Quilts and Sheeting, In till widths and qualities. guaranteed. Sold at Eastern prices. Stock of Hats and best styles. stock of Itoots and Slice, to bo sold at the lowest figures. cheapness and quality. Valises, duns, Ammunition, a:iJ GlassivavB. purchase. Conie and see us; to show our Goods. at the Lowest Prices. e ARIZONA, SUPPLIES. tut harness : KflilSF Stock Saddles are fountain Hacks, Delivery Wagons, FarmWagons merchandise SIW,( STOCK. $83,0X1 STOCK. Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Sliirte, Underwear, Blankets and Comforts, MERCHANT TAILORING a spocialt?. Celebrated BURT SHOP. Samples of cloth and blanks for seif mcaenrement sent. Orders promptly filled; EL PASO. LIST OF PROPERTY Sold to the Territory of Ari zona for Delinquent Taxes of 1 88 5, of Graham County. MortRape assessed to John Anderson as mortffaKi!0. Description of prop erty mor'ffaKcd S. E. i of Sec, 35 and N. E. Sec. 34. Township 4. 3. RanKe 2S, E. and H interest in the Clanton Ditch and H interest in tho McJIurren Ditch. Tax, costs and penalties S Afldit ional costs . .- ; Percentage : Total $ Mortgaga assessed to Betterton, Son 4 Co. as mortfiaKoes. Description of property mortirajjed The Hill & Rush Saloon on Main street Clifton with the nino rooms attached. Tax, costs and penalties $ Additional costs Percentage Total $ Mortgaje assessed to W. H. Bentz as mortgagee. Description of proper ty mortgaged Honse and lot in N. Clifton owned by Geo. Mnsrovo and honse and lot in N. Clifton own ed by M. V. Stevens Tax. costs and penalties $ Additional costs Percentage Total S is r, 8 30 14 47 71 02 31 77 8 30 10 43 53 50 3S 80 8 3.1 11 61 58 74 Alex. Derrick Homestead and im provements 'dn Pec. 10 and 15, Twp. 8. S. of Range 2l E. Tax, costs and penalties $ C7 21 Additional cost 8 30 Percentage 29 15 Total $ 95 OS E. L. Gray Preemption entry No. 1159 on N. W- ' of Sec. 22, Twp. 10, S. Rantye 23, E. Improvements bo ins in Sulplinr Spring Valley. Tax, costs and penalties... $ 4 AS Additional costs 8 30 Percentage 1 40 Total $ 14 3S Benj. Gardner Possessary right and . improvements at Hot Springs near Tliomas. Tax, cost and penalties $ 18 22 Additional costs 8 SO Percentage 54ft Total S Mortgage assessed to Gilmari, Walk er Jc Co. as mortgagees. Descrip tion of property mortgaged Houso and lot in North Clifton owned by Smith & Barnnm known as the Tip Top Saloon. Tax, costs and penalties Additional costs Percentage...; fotai..;...:; $ 81 9S 79 75 8 SO 23 92 111 67 Mortgage assessed to L. Mayor & Co. as mortgagees. Description of property mortgaged The N. W. ?4 of Sec. 34. ne.-ir Duncan. Tax and penalties Additional costs Percentage Total S 43 25 8 SO 14 47 71 02 10 63 8 30 4 99 W. R. McCormick Honse in Clifton Tax, costs and penalties...; ..::..;. Additional costs ; ; Percentage ; Total ; $ 29 91 Mortgage assessed to McMnrrin & Collins as mortgagees. Description of property mortgaged S. E. 4 of Sec. 35, Twp. 5, S. R. 23, East and Interest in Clanton Ditch and N. E. , of Sec. 3d, Twp. 4. S ot Range 23 East and one-half interest in the1 McMurrin Ditch. Tax, costs and penalties S Additional costs Percentage Total $ 70 80 8 33 21 09 99 C9 A. McKinney Ranch and improve ments near. Duncan. Tax, costs and penalties $ Additional cosU .' Percentage ; 15 55 8 30 4 6d Total S 28 51 W. J. Parks--Houso and lot at Dnn- ciin. Tax, cost and penalties $ 63 90 Additional costs 8 SO Ferccntage 19 17 Total $ 91 37 Geo. W. Parks 2 buildings, black smith shop and dwelling at Duncan Tax, costs and penalties $ 92 09 Additional costa 8 30 Percentage XI 82 Total $128 01 C, R. Plnmb Land, improvements and water right near Curtis. Tax, costs and penalties $ 9 72 Additional costs ; 8 SO Percentage) 2 91 Total S 20 93 Veatch &. Roworth PossosBary right and inprovements on Sec. 6, Twp, 9. 8. of R 2tS. E. Tax, costs and peralt ies $ 223 18 Additional costs..; 8 30 Percentage... 63 45 Total.. t 304 93 Ransoino Ditch Co., and Unknown Owners Canal running from Pima to Cottonwood Va:h. Tax, costs and penalties ' $ .32 50 Additional costs 8 SO Percentage. 9 60 Total 50 40 Thomas Smith Rvieh lo?ted at I!ie Springs Clifton. Tux. costs and p"n;i!',.i',:s 8 80 75 Total S 11 63 I. N. Stevens 2I'.4 lots in Clifton Tent houso in Morenci. Tax, cost and penalties S 27 20 Additional costs 8 30 Percentage 8 16 Total $ I. J. Stevens 5 lots in CliftonIm provements on Ranch above Clit ton Tax, costs and penalties S Additional costs . . . ; Percentage .1...; 43 60 32 50 8 30 9 60 Total 50 10 Jameg Sias House and shop at Clif ton, tools and furniture Tax, cost and penalties $ 27 20 Additional costs 8 30 Percentage 8 16 Tolal $ 43 86 T. Tryon Land and improvements and water rights at Curtis Tax, cost and penalties $ 17 41 Additional costs 8 SO Percoatage'. :: 5 23 Total $ 81 97 Ornci of the Board op 8upEit-) visors of Graham Codntt. Notice is hereby giyen that the property in the foregoing list is offered for sale Tby the Board of Supervisors for any sum offered not less than the costs, penalties and per centage as provided by law. Deed will be at cost of purchasor and will be signed by the Chairman and Clerk of the Board4 By order of the Board of Supervisors. E. A. Cctteb, Chairman. Edw D. Tuttle, Clerk. First publication October 20, One Way of Getting an Appetite. This morning a dyspeptic look ing man entered a blacksmith-shop in Rondont. Ho waited until the blacksmith pat a hot shoe to the foot of a hoi se that was being shod, when he bent down and drew in with his nostrils several draughts of smoke that at'osd from the burn ing hoof. After tho man left the shop a reporter of the Freeman asked the blacksmith if the man who had just taken his departure was crazy. "O, no," responded the black smith, "he is only working np an appetite. Strango as it may ap pear (o you, yet the fact is true, that the inhalation into the lungs of smoke from a horse's hoof, when it is being she'd, is the best appe tizer in the world. That man you 6aw here will tioiV go ,home and eat a good square meal. He came into the shop without an appetite "and went away hungry. I have on an average five patients a day who visit my shop for an appetizer. One day not long ago they all gathered about at ono time. It was a funny sight to see them all bending over to pot their nostrils near the burning hoof and draw in good hearty 'snifters.' If I could bottle tho appetizer and get a patent right on it I could make a mint of money in a short time. How does it affect my appe tite? Go ask my wife, and she will tell you that I eat more than any man she ever saw. On extra busy days, when I cannot go to dinner, she sends it to me by two children. Each one brings a well filled pail. It is a rare occurrence when a blacksmith who shoes horses gets rich from the revenue he derives from his trade. It is almost impossible for him to do it. Tho appetizer that is constantly arising to his nostrils makes him ravenously hungry, end the bulk of his earnings goes to satisfy a craving appetite." Kingston N. Y.) Freeman. Indian Sloucy. . Not very long ago, writes Mrs. F. A. Warner of Saginaw, Mich., I received from Washington Ter ritory a box of real Indian money. The lady who sent it to me says that years ago her husband was an Indian trader, and while among the Alaska Indiana ha collected this queer 'currency. The Indian money, or "wampum," as the In dians call it, is a rare seashell, an iach or more in length, twice the size around of a large knitting needle, tapering, slightly bent, and hollow. The value of each piece to them was four cents I have quite a bit more of this Indi an money than I need1 for my one collection, atld any one who would like a pocket-piece of this kind of money may have it and welcome by sending a btauip for postage, j Additional costs.. Percentage TEXAS, Things Soldiers Carried. "There were lots of funny things' about the War," said Col. Freder ick Martin of the Brooklyn Elevat ed the other day, "now that you think of them when the tears are1 dried away, and about the funniest things I recall were the queer ar ticles the boys ubod to pick up on ihe march and the eccentric way in which they'd tote 'em along to finally adorn some ditch by the wayside. Stragglers were the worst at this, but all .the fallows' were bad enough. Whenever the army went through a first-family residence the boys would capture what struck eacll as most attract ive, and some of their tastes were peculiar. They had a great weak ness for cradles. You may ask me; what a D?an treading his way to the front wan tod tIHl a mahoga ny cradle, and I'm blest if I know,' but they took 'em. First one mail would back a cradle and cart it & dozen miles; then he'd begin td cuss and finally drop it "Now, you'd suppose that an or dinary idiot would just look at a cradle as it lay id the road and pass on, but they wouldn't Some' one would be certain to pick it tip and lug it a few mile? farther intd the Confederacy. "I recall one cradle that travel ed 100 miles on blue backs before it went to increase the blaze of a mess fire. Somehow they seemed to think vaguely that there was ,tf chance of getting the infant sooth er home, but they never succeeded. "The funniest thing I ever Baw carried -was a looking-glass higll as jfoiir head and two feet wido I saw it first in the parlor of a Virginian mansion, and next on rf soldier's back, headed for Peters burg. Then I lost sight of it for two days, and found it again prop ped np against a tree forty miles further along. The next day I saw it on a straggler's back. He had his gun in one hand, and had some how strapped the glass so he could get along without holding fast to' it. "Well this fellow must have got tired, for the next day a third man had it, and the next a fourth. Tikis' chap toted it into the lines at Pe tersburg. He set it up agains? a tree, took a long, regretful look at full length of his shabby self, and turned away with a sigh. "It was just as well that he did.' The next minute alom? came a minnie bullet, buzzing like a hor net, and hit the glass square in the centre, and smashed it into a frame"' full cf cracks radiating front around the hole. "Tho heavier and tho more use-' less thing3 were the more they clung to them, even combining to escort pianos into untiml graves in mud -holes; but tho man who' could steal a rocking-chair wds a white-robed angel in his own mind and the object of universal envy. "Another funny thing was to have the siittler strike camp load ed with condensed milk I've seen a whole regiment sitting oa a' fence, each man with a milk-can in one hand, dipping oufcythe sweet thick stiff with hid forefinger and licking it off with an expression of beatitude that would make a Eaphaelite saint look sick in com parison." New York Sun. Sensations of the Drowned. A curious and instructive piece of evidence was given at the Cen tral Criminal Court not long since on trial of Emily Redstone for at tempting to murder two little children Arry siud Maude Weir by throwing them into the" river Thames, near Eew. Amy, the elder, a bright, intelligent child; aged 7 years, gave her evidence irf a remarkably clear and artiest manner. She stated that slie sunk till she felt her feet touch the bot tom, and that she then fell asleep' till she found herself wrapped up" in the boat house. There was no pain beyond the first shock of t?f water.' 1