Newspaper Page Text
m CLIFTON CLAKION co?.::.:. l.u: ""J AT Til ' ? A. T., s Sf-- ho follow::!.; rl ( " fup- -T ; a t tAi-.Viivl h :a.:en :iv:u t:..- t. .m Curro:. K:iiiu-i-;i'.ir aiol I.J.d: .r Jama.X i f i :.. ' ...vM.r-..T. mar- "!.vrrpn. i o: I, to AnyKtnsi-:i!--;w -f ..:.i 1 ,.u.,.,, jj, ilt r p.. ror j,;,:.;,, Pm--eoif. HKl. -u :u.' u ,.1.1-u ............. . . .. .. , . ,, , . . f - nKM. A.t.-.-rti -vi. '-i ui.i t. i il ' i-.rur:-j:d and h i:im T1'"1'? x?:1"-"; 'i' f.r:i'.'l:''' V: ' --i important s d-s h,.-a 1 tr..t;'f .X-..a -X- - X-.;e- ; by ;L- Lake (o:eranh-s. ami , -Xh iust i.L.x;ii" iti .1. nt .1.-. ..i j t . . fii V i)".v ; - ".v ii.i! in '. mo Pjtil&C:.; yJ: ! derate this voek. J', is p;:Xh - ' r.r at work en the JIaneopa end, .... a i-ii'-i.l-- .t.m;.i.. I' . . , . , !!.. v i 'v 1" S nf t'l.'ir !. ,t a.:--;-. , 1.1..;. ..iio .- ny ....i.;e . J - t.':::::t;j'.;:a;, :.ot. .h. Mi-J--r Novas of tho i'ourth Cav alry, i-f n.'".y !:::.: at Fort I ,;..-!!. J A v a. . i 'a el xii.uO le o..ti. riuvLW. tbe D.vver ranch rvnr S0L03Z0aTILLE, AltlZOXA Tia-relr. papers report snow Xhi to ten biaha'; de- on tho A s::s;;!i force of ram and teams rit only on ..a M.i " i yi.t.r I- '-r, Ijt- j , . tr:.-I. ;:: !-v-i: i i ; i raa;: a a;:-":n-vr. r.s Tbi? i-Icciioa for ietv cfacers of i v.-::! U l:.i-.t k:: : i v.i..s ?:a;::t rrc-P..U laR'-s i-iaeo on U:0 WEDNESDAY, DEC. 1. 1SS. lots at t-roi':t!iy Vic. v.i.tii fi.-e ; Tu.-day in January. ' : uf nav'ar.t:-;;-.. : Vi'. J. U.-lrii lr-s l.-on a;viir,c- T:,, .;-'-1v,-n-,n-,r-! T1;'1V 5 :'J !ii-:s "r A:!:i'M',::a V-'y tJrar.a.Woithy Chief voaos oa tin' 1 . . -- ! "''Wl"--'-' 1:1 !':--'v- " :'!- : y. Vih--ii has hcon nrrx-i ill , ia ;aa-y i.-r I:a-a::.- ur:- r; .. '. y .. (;r t.i;.;..K:ls ;;t Xal e j. . a li,.-n-:;;;.-.--. .-.,t !!. . ;ij.,lo,v n,.a Kili-iJr ;,:.::.!:;::,.' -fho C. O. i. ii,:a in r-l.a'ivr for do'.-.:Ht- to Cor.-res". ia the j TerritcTV ia 215 ). Tas t-VOghl-. lh- d.v.ioh-- ! ..IV ,,.nT ,;.0 .r.;, r. , j lens of t:-y L:t-k tel.' -c );-. nisi j J;..,;." u:." -1 :aa;-'.. ti; v ; : .yV. la-.-'H-'y i-a-S : ih ' ! r.-.;:-: : . M iss., to Saa Jo--. .!.;;!;.; ruu;i!y i.'-r -.-,-M . to M.-.-M-.iJ )-.!!.-. V: IL.nvi-!!. 'ih j'a --on (ina Ci'.d. held a y !. ci ua t-i-ii-riili.' rang.? at ;.!-.! L.iV.o oa Tha:;h-dvi::,r day. H. M. Jlo:rK.Ooi-r.i! :.:ar.-.-;vr : " T!a- Utdvorsily r.:--nU d-.-i-U of tbo OoiiIJ fail'vnrsjSvi.) rf j j;';' 'f'1 .VJ !-V:-l'--V. i L'r- ,L C- 5i l:.-:!;r-!!ur, soithw.'-t ui;l i-i Xo-.v Vo.-I; Chy t'"'"" ' v : 0 ;.; , t.i-tr-i.Ij::t of tao on the 221 ;n-L. : " 1 ' 1 ' ' . - , , "-a ' : i ' Ox D.wiabvi- ar.;t th. a aEar'.i j ''hi!: ' -a ;a-.-Tr:Iua;i will b-.i!-.?svacd in s;.:- ! ; t o ;y .t:-i lo;. an oi;iht pa.-o '- oir.aia pa:. r. Wi- j vant 1 d- aw clad ta nt, thi; rvid.-a..'o of . :'. : ;. ' .- ' ' i i-,. .... jiro-pon1",-ol -.!- lfi. iu.. .- f- i . -tt-t-z Ir-vt nr. .I-;- dr.: .-v. The lViide: ha- ma.. v. .1 S. i... f, V. Fu-b..r, rolh-i.a- ..f iat-a-a .i j "' . J 'j. ' ;!',..,.,., ,n revonno f..rN"r ?.!".!(: nr. 1 .'.n-! ,i.,.(. ;;;. .. ,. zina, aad aaooi':' o ! i M :-:., -. ,. v, ty, of Di-aiia-. X. M. a- h; . -j', ... :.. ;;, ClS'-rO. i r... . , .... . .a ;a'a:a io !. -v 1 : . A f:aat ti- v a::.':,t from a I!ii a ,i-- 1. : . ha- hi aad (h-av.-r.-d in Jr,--.:v. I.'' ' M-ait (ra.-a ra-1 ,- i A :" I ai: 'a :a aa s a ia J.h d 3). X. alvDaaahi. of :ij- i:h C, vah-y. v.!:.r v.-a-. tri-1 by co::vt laavih.rat IV-r! trnv,-!! ro- i.'dy, viy acijtiittod Iy ihe court. a... t : Sa'a-h-d ra: - nr n w oa tho .v;r, '... tin- A. C!. P. ai.r:- i r.--r. ..t!!i.K Solomon jlaix street, S L ! Q ill 0 H VI s ! 3. Ari7nn3. ... , DEALER IN Havin.'r boon tlioronglily refitted is a;iin I'lra fir the reception if giiests. I!vl ry elTt.rt will !e made to make this House in every particular. IKV.KD r.Y TilE PAY, WEEK 01! MONTH. TillOIS liKAbOXAriLK. J. M. MOOES. ProD. "a5!i tnr "sTs r y ii f'h r-c v, . - ZDLQT.I01l'ILLI7,J ART. J.i t e-T-'pI M"I. ilv a;ap!e a.-i for FIFTY HKAO OF STOo'JC. HAY AX!) (.Ka: unlimited (jana'.ilie.s. A coinpoton; ion! trustworthv host- i:o-:ih:::'!li V- '-ai:!:' iaa ll-i!njx!i!r.. has L ' " ' 1 ; : : f . 1 ox ; ' ' -v ' (f-jvornur Clir.n-y. of ?T .neia' :. j ;;' ' Unite 1 .Stat'.- S.-aa'.ar. i I'll th.- j 1 :'" : occa-iane.; hy tho d-:.ih "" o" Au.i'iii F. L'ilo. ' " ' '"' I V:' It wrahl seai from r.-'prtj oTv-.-a ." the I laoai-c Fai.- ihat thai' va-a r?i'V? 1 --;? .-. i a aa 'wcr a lai'k of di-a!ay of f'r ;v j i a.- ia .!: - t :a! and liir'cliaaieal rrala?!- of t!i ! Id -a; -y -a 'v; (':',.! t'5 ' Territory. Tian- was r.n ;;!'aa-; - ! ;:::d.t'. aa 1 a a 1 d.iaee of -h --ra -iag." b.r-v..-v.--r. j :.- h. ' f. r!::: ra 1 it It is ah:'-.! :h: ' . '. h-;.V . ; jj. i .!,?::!;:' hav this war used a-"e tlia.n , IflMtasof ca,; ,rintha a:H.a ' .Z V'V factnreof t-h'ida.aoaad ta! .ara. h ; -u,., Cir nr.. I tliar eaa-n ;s 1 em:; ; v pnbst itat.vl for iran very a :-. r:d:y j ' , forthoso inr;wiS(V. j , ; i.avj i..:- baeu .lacoa on tiie r -ad. The d .i..ha, Ih-rald -ay- ihat ;! a '.,-: : i Ai acho Oi'muty are ihat mav I'. A :kuv I. . cm- j lr always in ai ,'- a . i a cj!. 1: 1. ; r:. ; ;. . i soxa B r 7 : Special rates fur i; rmritipnt Livery. aay, ;ate (-. 1 ue?on, a a -a v ua.'.as tiaaa in a- -a t a a eaava"' of a r : . 1 ' . h r of that j i . : y ; . u -.i: . ja. a -ha ; , d n ai 1; , , . . i , a v.'ool aae caa .1 to r astern X ;ah v.aa- are uanv. Ai IIAKIH" SDIPHCS, Pre?. -TAJ aa .a; val: a: ..Kaha.n ...a ha.L : are Ne'-V Yor.-. X.v,..a'a r dirrrtars d the .M:. .-;:i! i Laa ia.e j rti'rr-i.l ha'.a? r; ;a -a:-."! P. II. !'. . f -larfc, farra.-r!;- in aaac r of the. Union Pneifi; r:r"!r-a T. a- iWci t lent of the Mis.-oari Puaiu? ! v;-e it aa: laoa aa iae lor.a- j ,7 . r. v.l.ich I 1 of t ha I -of a" 1 Horn, ea'vjht to iho laa-' ;'! Jiidj..-;hi; of Y iva.a 1; e-c.a'y.aa I Fitter dd of th-i C;::. ai Ca.vaiaa 9 n siaidar o:!ie The Taad -'aao is'i.Iaasel i0 ku.vv ha! thetvah.; did not ai! s-t left. Shake.- -Teruh stooe. We have r--dovad Ih.o annua! re I , Tort of Cc-v. Zulick to tbo Seare ! tury of the Interior far the y:.air ( otidinff .fuae .'VI. l.".;h It :'s chv.: I . brief st.afeta.ont of the rosonr.?.-s i and 1; e ls of tha Territory, aad ! nnlcis an vahia.'.do iaa a: r.aa a ai 1 ; d Kjnrneah I I;- , a,, '- Tfau. Ca A. TE Cam:;;, ha; :-.irc! oa a l.-c'arinir tenr throaa-'.i the cast. 0: f . . Liii Cbirl:. r.n E; I'a-o lavry aa : :; " - ' 0 t ... t Xe-.v Epuhiie."' Tht p-:aa!a ( I j ; '' '" V , " the oat do r.ot tal;- r.nv ?toc!r in j '" ' . 1 ', ' '" , t 11 -a 1 iur ie.- iaa -a. .a't C'lffin or his seli.-uno a:; .! l;e va.I , .. . . , , , ... ,, , . . .,. I N-'.i ta.- : .. a t i- .. p -o!) ih.y '.vah: 1) :r:c t f exa.s. j - ... o , , '.! ... a.- : 1 I aay v.:!i iaa.o :a 1 aaa: t ; hh r th Hi!' .ino 1 ( a'a at the 1 d aa .", '. aaaaaa .br:r;:.a-- ." e..a aa.aee ; II...U J. ha J: a.vad. fotaa.a'y of : rot.:: ':1 Ca t. ' Lha-e. : f. is;vj iharoaU rc ..1 tba! '.!: rrj-faia ru: 1 d t- :i -rs v.-ri:s a: Eeao. Xevada, aae i ho : iaa---; a ' r for a wea'thy ca:aa:.ay, (ir.d he a.t v.aa a eaf i .h i.i- hi :aaaaa;e thc:a aiter their eo:a oar aad e ailha-a hiai ; : h tiara .... waiiai at F- it ; Ti:! Eoiias.Li ?ays taut the cor.' !:. V.eJ- vr! ii-s -.. t U :.:i-'.;.t-alrai!r.T.d from FatrbanlvS ,.;iter tda.-.-.' ' ! 1 a ' 1 . o: i.hdioo v. il! v.vl he br.ill but 'oil'vaajw-h-;! or '. t teasu v;ii;,'oi:s will be ued y -.1 t 1 his j.-a'dan 1) a i i.a l that a trial of ihe. wayons . Aayhow. ir is but will be iaa h- ia a few days, ,m i a- hi'av-. .aad j lr. J. tb-egg, iviur rear i-.- li-r ;! : ti:eve is in : Te'.aiaa has ti uiaal or of peach If v,-ts Overt "a vvbo I tnt.3 tuat arc now bonriiv,' the v, !. .1 :h ! ;a o aeraiad ta a; . thin year. The Erst. 1 v a- c to ea. a Vi a-lai;o ;aai luscious, but j a -Silver Ci'v Enb-r- : ia - e a.l or p is small, but tiae- I ! ly d iv-vo.l ,w at aal jauey. j : j The f:.n.: r.5 ia the Cruz ::fs !'-:;-; a; A'oa-. ' v alay are j-lai..:rj crops of ' exlhaddaa John b-v! -y aad' via at aad the pros-! d-ola' o; n t he ; r-,as far ;: araod croa are said to I r-: j.hvie oa .-Mii;t;bs v: r; a id. 'J'hey rlantin.',-1 .-i E-t -a. V . v.-ra- r.ow Ian 1 i:ud y-r.r by ye..r ; a '-a A- 'a-I'". IS 17. 1 th -y iaar.r. 0 tie' araouat r.ra-1 3I;ii5t atrvi-t. CLIFTON, ARIZONA. Dry Goods! Eoots and Shoes, Canned Goods, Clothing, GrrCGGJ. ics, Srn-UES T-ni Mixers, Eakchers a::d Fr.EiGiiTEiis. WIXE3, LIv'JUOES & CIGARS. A 3J?aekr;n2 5iIi aad Wagon Ht;;r kei! '.vitt: ro:ii:l.'fe tools r.". l with com pet. iit workman o;i t!. j premises. .X. 35. Dei.lers :.i f!f:'ifn.Tiia P-T.ft;:y n Rpi?sJ?w Ifnfpl llUtul T' : C0 11 cf" oil : I """"! Hoard por .Vocli ST. Si:!irh Icals 50 Outs. C:i.I'ir t!;o Nt-.v rI:,.:;r'S',moiit camP3 a Full Tnr. ".! 1'asi San lav Trihur e : ? - M : a la' 1 with the 1 two t aa -ia theX wook I-.ter-Repr.! lies, and the jlal'-d Ere-i.'ea! Jr. flatly "r-dit ion wiii a!-! l:aowa!" I !d-i la! a ' r to r.ud-r the lato v V;':v Il 1- a hv 1 ia' va la-h-v -1 in This. 1 1 w -1 ' j:i;-,-r aad traai atevarara-.-s 1 :l " :- tb ' tl-ard of Aib! doir,;T .-.'rnro.a-.sfid bn-iaeas. Th.-1 '.X - '' Al.'aa:' elaima. next tia.e C.a. L-Ea- chaa-as th-e ! aad ia 17; t'ao E aoai tX eaa-j:amr- f bis pa;:cr we would -a; - i b !".t lor ova'aer of'-t iiiat hn call li tlu 'El J'.e.o 1 :!i:iseit-s. Dooiuer.' . I ; ! Xava Mah'aary oaih-iltias. Ws !:-,:: u this weak a sVl.; of C'barle. Sf -ae. r :: 1 h.arho '.. a. ha--:-1 ia Mholaua. a -aaaaa h-.te i A Aved.liujr which was to have .,, , ' fahai r lace last v.vik in J'ho nis is .'vi. ; :ai 1 to t ave boon a .. E. ::. !.i!v -' - "'" ---I--M.1. . - i ..; to too la-o-pe-'" ' :'; ,:! ; 1 : 1-ri '.a lfiYt:v.- be"oi;i so iu.-b-X-'-.i :ae ;aai ,. .;. d owr :1a- tatur-.-utleok tliat 1 h a : hap .-i! h- to!:e Ler E.r ! ... ' the ev; - .... 1 j On Y.Td; .-"!:.- of hist wed: a - 1 1 i . ... .... - . , , . r a 1 a 1 .-a- San Siia.-i) '. f.iat!" a. T'.i ' la-id i r-h.-iaan was ! ' s.aaoia'v -e aaa. A l-aeau-ive j j and s 'V; a c .ra 70 re ..a-ek.-d. The ! 'r-'i'- a.he.a ia f th; r ais was tae j t - ( f. i!'.-' v.'reek. j I A tr'.i:: of eo.Ta-''" :s. e T' -'-tinar i Xf six w oooi. and eon ;i h-rahla i-f.-ek. !..-; 1 thr -i'ah IT rer'-o ' ".-eoiitlv. 't! "v raa-e irotii ihe I n the subject is entide.l ; to town ia a vayai. L01 tin .1 ".tosorvo:s" an! will ha. read ! : nfe o-.a-r r. .-vl::.-:.e. at of ;;r w:;b int -rost by those who bavo : aa.1 :v-a;f t v ho-. h pi von the s'thjoet any nttrntiea? :r i 1 'are v a v.h!-l: -v 1. .:;! at i-rp c-r.?e!;va,h:tin;c tiie storira; f stEaia : hi a ia the f a--Xca a ! . n i i . -re ai. u are l aaina ! f--r the Sad rvi-r "U'try. wl-.. ro i ' ih v oa; at tos -tt!e oa laud un-! PATENT :dEiICIXES, TOILET AIITICLES, ETC., ETC., ETC. MA!S KTREKT. Prop. Lordsburg, IT. I.-L C-.eef the J;aaaKo:ne:,t (1r Only First-class Hotel In Town. n - 3 TT? H i17 I fill n f5 1 UHiiUi mmm L01E0SEUEG, X. 11. J. P. GWHEY, Prop. Iljadrjunrters for KAIL HOAI), TfllNISU it Commercial Travelers. Firsl-C'sss in Every Partlsular. Tables Supplied wi;h tho Best the Market Affords. The rooms aro airy anil the beds clean and comfortable. Polite attention assured guests, and reliable information given when desired. Cha, T. o Ker.fro. E.vo v ah, a-o. died C V, Q ? W T5 P ckufat i-isiaaa.-iioarhoi-ino-rvilieiast - " ) ' ' ; 1 -r tae caaal. a--, 1 ; T ..... r. v:iO was .-aa' bv writer bv this moth-.d. The artielas ; lam caaa:; .. v.-' E faoh-.s h dt theean-.lry ! 0-1 j a-'a la wi.i j-ot r-'caa tr.r.ii. j ;t f . ..1 !il-i-.'.ri!:f-; r. "t I ' -TO o;.-p ) a' !.- lae-wn to ; tie nutiie-riiios oc " X'-ro'- ua-. li'-it- ?.:o.ieo. raai hexa.; ia ihe ! aa a v; v; i 'haoerv charaeler. 1 Ei c .1 1 XyXd iys:; of l OiX tLUU'ON. iai ;o ti o ( are fr.:u tho pen of a iiraeEeal Tito ia:i -r. j're!..:i-d at th and pxpr-rienee-d civil enXneer. ' rr.sliiv! ai an tals par'..;. 1 aal ccsiuii'o; from such a ponrce I r. ; a: X 'X.a'X s'.X. .. I: tba statements made are to be re- . b aly i-; ? ral ; ! :,-! lied upon. ! s-v-rel the j::'a' y v. oal j;onr:l t.t ta i:.;;ro A-y'ai n ( iiurarior,"!-?. r-- reF'-n- . ; tei by l).a (). Eh:--a rad M. Y". j T:a: Tu - ; h; v. Stownrl have ? -raoo'v f ara'al o . r , a 'a iai.v s.a. aha a the Abiat, b.iak-, aala'i r -pars ' vl;a y J :i:i:o, of the P. ;..r 1. to lha Commission Xvaaiea, . ilv.) 11a. o.-s r.t.p -.iav-"l -a-vor:.! r.n-n!l.5 itro : Ami-rier.".:!. T.X by li :'. Zaa- 'a The la-ana As; -' t-h , !-oat 1 tai is rop r! a: as a:-a:,' r eely lor the :,; are, aae far h r-e -r :u- I ,.,, (hr.ak bat-f stnk for tboir i hicwed AVorlE 11 Wpeelalts". ( ; p !,. .... sbatfh" p;.;, oao i.wai-.:;:;; the action of ihe : Thai.ksj.'ivinrr dinru r ypetordiy, XXhVs wi'i !-.- - a t". ir ip-.arr- I : .-r'.:.l mr-vmo f : tf.iti.l 1-uvat.y. : '.vbilo a hir-.; numhor of delin- li-i-' and m-vm ;h ha !aa! : a- th , ,nv1...r .. i ! oaeat suteriDers to tms paper . ? tih. ; ,0 this T " X " ' ' " X "... X ." r . o " i;-s aat w. .1 t-iav s ta--. t i e - a. r. -r' i n i e 1 ' ' ,v,.,t . ..a , An- (....-, 1. f; - ns pos ' . al 'a th-aa-h. manv more bands are ':r': rs- ! a 1 id 1 a ' Willi this throat 1 ' - .. . ' " a," a" v e-o: hai ! 1 v in si areii of j : a,aj 1 a, ..." . ... r,X, 1 t'.o or. .-1-oa: r-;a the j ri-.0 of uat haia able to ohiain a r a, a . : f a:r ' r u k." tao' ThA Eaitar of ihe Tombstone, .. j' ..... , m a !: t!: folloTiij'r i:n-pm n.v ,. , , Christmas lurkr "The r iaa.. ai da till! - . ,, . -,. . , .,, , ' , . . i;t .1 oa n -aa j-ioao, aau 0.-, Citoor, ....AaD... Mails in the latest Eastern ftylos. :jb.a.;r be f aaa -X-at d c-n rea-t (urkoy. Y.'e hope l '' L-l , that E'.oy will rpmcr.iber us in tiiuo j te puvrha- r tu- la-y or Chri -'.itia-.- Kepairing ue-.tly and prca'ptly done. W. C IhLANK, Proprietor. 1 J. IX CAILIJY. Proprietor iiiiily 0 mm The half way Station between Soioisonvilio, AND Ao.a the only plaee on the roa.I at which Water, Hay and Grain V.'ISES, AND CIGARS. ; -t'Aiul Coul Jlrals c:im ' rrocurutl at THE PIGNEEI1 HOUSE AND MOST EXTENSIVE. SI RY Bli.MKK.ii. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL V:i:.l ti HARDWAEE, STOVES, AND TINWAEE GOODS, CUTLERY, GUSS, PISTOLS, MISK1H SUPPLIES AND A3IM3IUXtTION OP ALL UlaV Iss. Sole Aoent Fob Charter Oak Stows, Fairbanks Scalos, djapion Renports and 3gjweE-fi. EL PASO STREET, III. PASO,- TEXAS ll !-i bi 54? i as- -r. ' g rasai grws li r. .1 0 Yi ft ti. F-i l&JS Bsa Importers, Jobbers and EetailkhW 6f PtATEDWAKIl ja, ' '' afe I ;a ; C325XA, 5 T Ktc, Etc., Etc Prices in Competition with Kansas City. Mail orders Promptly Attended to. EL, PASO, TEXAS. Mim & THOMPSON PRODUCE COMPANY. ' WIIOLESALK Produce and Coniisiission, EL PASO, TEXAS. P WEN 1 r Q & The only First-Oiass, WsH-Ocnsmioted and Pleasantly Lo cated ISoisi in the city. SAMPLE BOOMS FOE SALESMEN. Bath Rooms and Barber Shop -MeGhed. Street Cars Pass the Door. Livery Adjacent. o. bbHubltn WHOLESALE DflP eflsa y a EL TASO, TEXAS. LARGEST STOCK Webt of Kansas City. DEFY COMPETITION. Tromptly attended to. All goods free on board of cars at Deming. Welches and Clocks REPAIRED, AND REVOLVERS, :-: SHOT GUNS, SEWiG mimm, ETC. Cli'j-iH'il aiiJ put in ccir-iUiwii. j. mm saltoh, Gamp Thomas, Graham County, Ariz. L. B. FHEUDEHTHAL & CO,, WHOLESALE ROCERSES AXD WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL EL PASO, TEXAS. k CAMP TSiOJIAS Blacksmith and Wagon Shop, Has been Ee opened with a com petent Smitb and Woodwork er in attendance. KEPAIKIXG Neatly and Promptly Done. IIOKSE SHOEING a specialty.- All kinds of Stack both of WOOD AND IRON for sale.' (iEO. F. EILJIEIl, Prop.