Newspaper Page Text
THE CLIFTON CLARION. "WEDNESDAY, DEC. 1, 1SSC. Gao. H. Hyatt, of So'tmionv'lle, spent Friday night in Clifton. The Arizona Cuptwr Co. have in course of erection a ro:i.;;iu fnrn.ic". . Tho wajjou raid lot'.vva Clutcn aud Moronci bus boom put in a passablo condition. Chas. H JoUuou rolurnrd this week from a trip to El i' aii.l other Testis points. A. D. lirowor. Oil:', trapper, brought ia a lot of heaver and other furs last week. Ladies' und Tvlis.-ies Fall and "Winter Styliof Hits at tue Ari zona Copper CVs Brie!: St nv. A few tons of conceal r:.t"S hnv been shipped to tho Ann ua Cop per Company, of Sj.;t'.a;ul, as samples. P. II. XeniV'r, pras'i-v.! jewel er, Iionlsburj?, X. H. Watche.; re paired. Clifton nrderes shouM ha left with V- Burn'ita. Frank J. Stanril, well known in this camp, was m.ii'rieel to .Ii.-s Eureka D. Har.n?!!, Bear Sidney, Ohio, on November 2."'.h. 2Sek. A onniber of r.ii:r.: claims in this vicinity have kvn -j'lpe.V' for tho reason tho proper amount of assojs:ne.;t weeii; hr.l not been done. Head thft SSh.-rlT.- i-::' a Ivcr tis?d in tLis ir-.-eie. Tho property to be pohl is one of tho best tu:-i- ness locations ia tli-to'-, t.i po:- oCico buil.iins;. A Cochiso conr.ty man r.-tV'tHy killed three iin lion ; in one day. We ha 1 hereto; r. suppo-ed that Graham county cotitKtned a'.! the '"llonatain Lion Tlane'-.r." Fresh venison, wild turkeys and tlucks tind a ready sale in this market. Game is ovid uit'y scarce this as not enough has been i :., t . c..i,. a L .. ... . K. L. Smith, of Longfellow i mine, prdd tho C'L.vr.reiX a pevis-'u! call on Saturday o la-!- wee!;. Mr. Smith is th newly ohet-'d Justice of the Foaoe in Moreno: precinct. Tho Arizona Copper Co , at the Crick Store, have just received a large assortment of GentV, furnisV inr troods and read . ma "' e c h-: ing: ihey a!-.o have ii.'ull li.'.'.f California shirts and drawers. S. W. Pomeroy cam? up from SolomonviUe on last Friday even ing and reinainel nn'il Monday norning'. He took occasion wki!e Lere tofihi hts boti 1, as treasurer of Graham conuty, with chairman Cutter. Mr. C. M. "Shannon, edit ir and proprietor of tho Silver City Sen tinel, spent Wednesday in tins place, and made the Cl.vkicx office a pleasant call. .Mr. Shannon U looking after his minicg interests in this vicinitv. ADemuiing j-isticc? holds criet out of doors, because tiie laws of the territory, he says, do not pro vide for a justice ofilce and tho fees will cot permit the justice to pay rent and bavo anything left. Otir justices might take a pointer from this and save rent. Tho attention of our "shaver.-,' is called to the advertisement of the barber shop of Frank Wood- ; ard in this issue. After an absence of several months Frank has re opened at his old staud, ami in vites all his ci 1 friends and cus tomers to give hiin a call. Pomeroy's Concord coaches for his Bowie and Fort Thomas line arrived last wek, and were put on tho lino for tho first time .on Thanksgiving day. They . pro handsome in appearance and are easy to ride in. and will carry livo passengers without crowding. John Farrell.who forsomo time past has been running the loco motive between Longfellow and Morenci, left this morning fer Gnaynias. Mexico, where he goes 1 3 superintend the erection of some machinery. Tho best wishes cf Mr. Farrell's friends go with him. Engineer Arbuckle, of the Cor n.ido railroad, camo very near fur nishing an item for the Clyiuon on last Saturday evening', and. F. L. K Goodwin just missed being the chief attraction at a funm-a!. It isn't safe to walk on the railroad track with ? train thundering down just behind yon. P. M. Tnurmoiid, of Selomou ville, will shortly take his depart nr for Ili'isboro, Xev,' Mexico, where ho intends making his f;t tnro home. Judge Thurmond will engage in the practice of h;s . r -fession in Sierra c mnty, lie i; an able luwy.-r and will, no do-ibt. omman la fair share nf the legnl patronage uf Uiafc ciw.'y. We wi-'i .Mr. Thermo 1 1 abuad mt infcoss in lis j.w ti, !.l. Til? T::a-iksrlvii:;v I5:i".l. Th Kill givou ly tho your.; mtti of C!iil':i. nt Abrahai'a Hall on Thaul'vih I've, was tuo social event of the scv..sO!i. A'.ntit seven ty of the l.ivov.s tf tho tlanca from (.'!iro:i an.l vi.'iui'y were in r.tten .l:tnct .".:il1 a most iiltivcviHo 0!)jtya:. (!:::e v;u hath. Tin1 liall was protU-si'ly der.vr-a'.e-.l with i! evergreens Sii'.-l C;d:i. .-' Ian!. au.l t'.ij !: y;r h-was -.1 an J present -ed ji surface, that was all that could bj il.'.-:r-:-.l by tiie merry danevr.-". The yoam. men waj r.ii:i:v,'e.l the iiii::ir so si!oei--sti;:;y :ii!.l ivn dneied ev. ry;hin:; :- p!eas.:i;t;y il. '.servo great praise. Ab.nit :uid uiijht the ge.y lar.eii t udc their their vvr.y to the .Ti::j ro ;:u of theCiiiion where they par t ok of a pu:u.inon repa-f, after which they returned tj the .:iA to renew the it.sneii:;;, wiiieh v.-.-.s eon tit;;; -.1 until nearly sis o'clock in m-naiii,-. Tlio.-o v. ho were for! k u t'e eno'.l.'h to be there wiil j!:g resaeia'oc-r t'.io o.-ciision. :-jto:aniiTi".?i fho;'t ;;. sj .:.)'. 1'ar'iiers :;vl!:-. Ariz., aro L;:sv ... I.:',. hei i;g t!ie;r C 'rn an. I ti;e crop .s tetl.-r th'ft f ;r s -me ye::l'i p-.iSt. rn h'ld i l'e-.'.d' s;.h: Lei'-. tit '. 1.3J 'el' hundred. Tho social event of tiie season will !v- f': l i e."". -:' f:V ir.eov Fowler. in enr tt.wn. to .Miss L:l!ie A:i-ti:i, witieii takes ;:lac at Si.jT.t I ei We.ises lay evening D.vetnber 1st. A;;.rihe eer.'Ui.'uy a grand dance given by the friends of I' wiil bo c bvido vent. and ev'en: in hon- r th. Kid fee-is. f rm ri y " v );; ! burg, has ag.siu le.;i c e oeitte 1 j to ta. t on. lev car1 Mieriti Cr r.v I ford. Ho is hoi. ! ci charge of ! grand larceny to await the ueti u nt iiie grand jury. Ure'.'r t:'.-- utigie !y:u 1 of our pot u! tr far'. :!', :'. ( I.!. .1 ' 'ar!y. the i'. -1 Ueleo ;el:!.i!'! r.'-vply wa-iicd ih-Tu. ii ti-.'M.:: ..-'.'.:. i::.'7 ii'ihi o snap., an i v.U;t -km oe ; r-'a iy u v oeeupaaey. ' e wi: !; , our w nhy 1U -trici Att. ru.-y b.-t- I t r i;ec 1 hi t i iui . as i! :-!.e.-.. hi-- f'lid: in tie- future i .': e .ut.ty : so:' in o-bui! bn.g s: p o tly. i I. E. .S-lo:i!.:i has got... to i-Yri ! -Th en,s, rau Carl-; and ilioi).- lo ; .'liter h:s g- .vi ru'e e..i:tr:.c!. i ViM d:ic:;s ::ro ve: YViM d:ic:;s are very hufy in ' no va.iey. a !ut of ui" en.: ry. hustcrs are out everyday b:f. i r:i'. re! urn minus ih da k--. ()'i 1 of i:.:r ha lin at: i ie 1 the oxp.-rim nt e. rn- in whi- au.l S' CUU! ;;ere the wiiy du :o:-i'. .u'a' e. ::: ,: u . negi. c. : m .1 !h;t t'e-y get u:. 1 r v.e.-dd 'at and, c o. i;rv.' g ihe i;..;i; of the ar 1 .nr. aau c.v.tld ';' duehs in a'-v v. I'i.'e : ur was .i .hey. - .i in t'nt eo-tdi-.i :. tie : 'e f - i " m '!. r .i i ; i failed to 'be pie;;"'.1, up such c vu.-f "T. 1 1 ni !u:e . c u thr 'Ugh tio f unit of the wi Pr I de Ju 'g - Hyatt ie.' ing trip t Ciif .u !;. : we, ru uoi-'di ih dud : . :e a !.'.--': I: "it i:! . nt r C.pper tie e-iu tae .Vi ae Company on Januarv l.-t. She ritV Crawford left for Ciifev, on Thursday last and ret'Tuod on Sat ::rd.!y. '" (t:..v. A V,z 5 1 i ';.!:;('. 11 mk J-orsey TZ 11. H. C!a ru. who came in the lalter part f last wci-k from Clifton, rep. rt havimr f j-uud. about ten luil-s ab'.ve Cii:' tcn an 1 id out one curl a hrdf in:lo I iv r,.r!5 fie.-i t.., T'.e i, , ,,:v., i V;:"rvi ;.!! win h t'roni i to 1; feet. It is a true lis-nre vein of pouv ild b utnn.g quartz with a coittiict of p -rphyry on the south east ;n. granire on the north.-we.-t. Toe tn-w striko is ius above the oi l i h.eer ;-Tot:):ds whieu were iutrenas' t l;y Jj thou of M 'w York, sow tin. -': :::' but on account of the failure of th - purchaser, they bav not. b en worked. The lead v.hiojt has "ust ; been discovered was known to ex-: ist ye, rs ago and sine the disco,-- j ery of the p'aeer grontids a great j many miners have pro--joet-.l for ' tl;e lead from winch the u came. ! Tl.e rnggevl character of the conn- ! try ane the fear of he.-; He Indians j have hitherto prov ;;te.l any very tiiovongu pro-j'ectieg ot tue region and it was reserved for D. rsev and Chirk to ibid tho lead. A hundr-d pounds cf the rock taken from the lead was brought in anl if the eiiii-jles shown are fair specimens from th- newly disc.-v. red min it. is ore of tho mest, if not the most imp .rtant strike that has ever been made in this seeio"'! of country. The neck has been I shed by .-penning and panning with v-rv ::!'; factory lv-sub-. Tho discover is will soon go out f.n.i put on two shifts i-i men to develop f h i rop er: y. Xo littl' exciienuuit been cau-e.I i?j Silver City among old miners and prospectors over the di-u-ovi-ry an l it i-; m -re than probable, that the country ab-cit Ciif; on wilt !'. tin reu.'h'y re.? oeete 1 Puriug tho coming se:isc:i. --Silver City S-:i!:nl, e hope there is some truth in th' above, report. Put no excite ment has b"on caneed in this vier.i It y from the reported dis"overy. I'.voryi'.;:: - !:rs V, :o:: I:i t'.t' P.-My i,: ;r. ve. :i '..' '.'!: el't i f er t- r. Ci !:-::;.- i.e.. .1, i ; iwt eiiiu-uii-a oft:.- !: ':. ;:- : f ; ii'C ie:i. ;.' e (";rr.. I:i fl'.-i; . : OC i' '..;.;. r .e veji: ; - e -:i ' -e is! r .- e '.r pvi , a v s ef g ' ' e r'- e: i '.' .rs v. ' '. e.,,, j. . , ,, :.':' y re si .si r" it-it-- i' r.-ti..'i. T'.'.iir. -! r. -ee S. a e- e '" :' :s-e.' e e " je e; . " e'. o, . ;.e .. us-1 :' ri':'.:!i r". 1 r ?-Ce! '. : : - os.i.r ,rr 1 Ie. '; :- .; " lei e!:. lei-s Son::. ist o: he.Iv :i:r ...,.,- .1 j". ,... I. w'e -It e-s.::-: : ' : -:er e :: ei ' .:v. ! i'l r.e ! 1 - e- .. !. ie . r r-.-lt-r te :'.. i.i y vii.e'i i- i y f re: l li: iari tl e. -. s' i -e i's ; - r.s I ..'..-r I" :-e ,.".t;.r . s (t a i I., il ei-1 i:;:-i:'itvcii:y. ' re: j. tf. : itinkvit, c. b. : The htoi-;:;;e of witter for irriga ; tion is a .i:bjeot tho importance of ! whieh ail who live in as nihl a . region r.s Arizona :nel Fnrro'.inil , in.: Territories will readily appre ; eiaie. There are many small stream.-' or rivnle!.-. wr.irh a!'i'.;rd too h':t!.' w.-it;-r t irrip-:tt un ncrt of ' of le.i.,1, in their lie.lur.".! sti'.te. bnt . whit'";:, when e 'Heeled in a ri ser . voir would .npt:y enon;;h for one j or in.. to farms or homesteads. 1 li r the benefit of any who may wis!; to r.ti'n.e waters now running ; to v. .! o, by hnihling n reservoir. tho writer, who has l:ad a practical ! experiene: as a hydraulic engineer Tor over thirty years, proposes to . give some practical Mtgg-.-ticns, I with the hope that, they may be of 'lit III to I':'..- ' Tl.ere h.-.s concerned. :t f une prehtdice i against earthen dare ; f. r reservoirs i because of their son:e!hv!"s giving ! w;;y ;;!il the frarfn! deslrtiction , t'.teroby caused !) life aud property ! below, fr uvi t'e.i overwhelming nisi; of the waters so s'uddetily re leased ; but w hen j roperly coa- .eruce.! f: and reh;;' le to show in '. -f these dh;:: y sire perfectly safe The writer pr )ptwos lil'.icle the causes, tor.--, an l kov,- to avoid them. Th a most, common causes for the ; hitr-; irg of reservoirs ar; First, the imperfect connection of the i bo'tot.i att.l ends aT the c.-ihatd;-j niont forming' t'e.e duun v.'iih the ! Contiguous earlh I'.ee-aih it. Soe ! ond. ih - beriug through tho dam ' by moies. iuus!:ru!s "and r.tiisilur animals. Third, the ilev of waicr (ver the fop of the dam in time of : 11 vl. ctused by cleud burst or 's'lldcn melting of s-uo.v. pintail I danger fr uu above causes is very e-'-ily reuerdel against a'el pro : v- r. ?-!, as will b shown in tiiis I ai'iieic. j The thing to eersider is the ; local ie-n of I'm deal an 1 tho ma ' t 'i'i.d for its r n-!ruet! ui. Toe d im le.-.y be .cf e.'u ih, tiad er or m.'iso' ry: but ie ! ey.-tel i!;e so !h rs jo bui in most r:ass it ihty if ordinary u timber o" -Til t",i:;heteh ron r em ih. as b unrr st.U'.e. V. -ider !!, u.ueh eh vi'! in built i el. v. -, u U-eperly ry p'.,,- C !!'! ! r 7r- 1. an ! In cr. :ng a 1 cfiem f.r a el a pbfe r'h of ibmi dam we naiuraily s W'eu-e the dv-li','! b veil! create the l.;r0 .! pond cf!; va'e": but 1. re a.: eher point inu-t cut. -id e-c l. Tiie roil where ! he dam is to be built sliould be of a nature li I:.M water, and f r !!!.-: a clay loam, or clay j'lix-d with grave! is the best. - Avoid san ly or grevi lly for.n:diou';. as in ro'-ie cas vs the wate-r will all leak .v.v.-.y, ;u:d in oilurs the earth will become satnrat- d like p. sy.orge and all rt once slide out in a body. The ra"r diabuihy ap pears inland fill! of alkali or other muvral. whieh ui-:-"dv's by c.n t'U't v.ith the v.'at r au-l makes the whole mn-s !ik? a p;ute and desti tute of stability. T'.o place f.:-r (ho dam having b .:: se'ectek the foundation spot shon'.d be phe.-.-ed and all iue sm faee removed. The object of this is to remove sods, sticks, roots, etc., which, if allowed to remain, will in time decay and leave holes or loose earth through whieh wa ter tiny find its way, and if one drop j ass-;- through another wid fellow and soon the whole pond v.' ill go th rough the thira and wash it all away. Th? dam will settle all it can long before the sods aud sticks decay so that v. lien they do rot the earth does not settle again aud till the vacancies f j caused, an l th? v;::U-r hods its way be ne 'till the de.iu. As the dc.m is raised great c ire mu.-t bo taken at tho two cuds to produce! a perfect bl -n.ling with the soli 1 earth which it joins. This b-en-'ting is best accomnli.-h( d by excavating several feet into tho bank r.n.l ramming solidly tho loose earth f r the dam as it is de p ; i; 1. Toi u.ueh care can hardly be given to this point, and a neglect here will be almost cer tain to cause a seam to form be tween th end of the dam and the j natural batik, caused' by the set i tliug of the, ami through this i tie venter will surely iind its way i and cut ;u'mad tho cud cf the dam . L'y far the best method e." buihb mg up las ohim is i v : -a . : scrap, t; the continu .1 !: -eph a; of the horses me.';. ; '. e;. . t:k ,.: nt nn ro ivmpa: . ;'. 1:1 is :! e soil in its isutura! st . If eir-cum-tances c.en- - 1 ym to" ti e tiii wiih eari.ii r ie'ei'oari.e.vs the car! ;h. .u!d be w il rams iesl as they nro de-.t. .sited, and in ail ceses care must be taken to ex clude turf, -ticks or brush. J'o prevent danger fro. a the sec ond source, yiz., that, arising from boring of me-keals and similar an: a ;.i:l wr.'d should bo hui'.t up with th', ,i .lU from the bi.ttoni to the t o. Htriuiu't'i is not required for (hi-, i; is merely to Keep i.:o iiKsiist UMtii clung throngii the t',a:n: but tho wall , mu-t be solid so that no animal : can get through it, and if this bo 1 done six inch 's is thi.'k enough. ' fCot!Ui:v"l next '.vcck.i THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, 3L ZPCJa, .TIZlS- JEFFEKSOX KAYXOLDS, J. W. 1'rcsidonl. A &SHSRAL BAMIH& I?ositrry of tho Atchison r:urie, "iloxiciin SheritV Crawford spent a couple of days in this place hist week. II was transacting official busi ness. -.'eitlci:Cal :i:U'l The only first class hotel in Tombstone. Sit tinted on the cor ner of Four ill end Allen streets Handsomely furnished throughout and has all modern improvements. Travelers nro recommended to stop at this houso. Private rooms for commercial travelers; rates reasonable. The bur of this house is furnished with improved billiard tables and card room?, and is stocked with the finest brands of wines, liquors and cigars. Josui'it P.v-euoi,T, Proprietor W. DUXCAX, SILVER CITY, X. 31. ;V5 YH.UL'4 A aS'SJIAi'IER for western men, is therefore relia ble in Ins iiuo in repair. on lire arms. Ako all light mechanical repairs on sewing machines, cut lery, keys and locks. Challenges the world on a varnish for violins and repairs the same. Orders hr express attended to promptly. Shop one door west of Uroadway Hotel, Silver Coy. P; ih" P;-u!i't Cmrt in" thv Kir-I Puiriot ir orus.en '."'Hiuiy. T 'i iitery ef Co ir. jiri. t)r.Kr of o.i'o D -:Te of i-ir"el')Uro. tlr.TTiaeroN. b, tx a 'i ve. . . C. It'ie. it '. t,. IU.rrr' ;si Co. v.". YV. V: rr vr.. )' .1 'ire ..f fi F:r-'t Jv.Ii!':.".! UiUrs-t U-:0::iU I O i::ly. 'i'"rri:e-y i.T : .x t.i." S.'n .i ey ef Nev ere "r. l--i. i:l 0:-.' iw ;:. til '. - I isei'i'i. U " Ti.i:i, S .:i .V t'ti.. t!: ainiv.' :t :::: -.i I.'.-nn:!'.!-. '".:: ::' '-i :: jei iu'ri- et :e:.t s i : . .:.,! A. (U Hill et :!.. :i:t SV. W. e e-ii . : :ii.. f. r th-- Mm ..f ltO'::.. i ..:r i'n.;i: led t.i s. ji ti-" f,.!.. ie.' it. .- ; i'..".t ;:...'. t.i-,:.( : AO O.-i; i-..r:-iiii !:.;,-.' t ilii :.-:. ; ;e e , :n : ri"-! ii ess' i'l t !i tr.v:i . f ', ''- i :. tire ..:-! c e re,'. A iie. :i::. 1""!:. i .., l. ei-l;:i--''i" Hill !'i!iait.lf-..-it- ie ; ;i ' ii :-. si.i- uf AI tin Sire.'!, 'e's- 'tti-r :.U :."..t -i'eui.'ar f'le s. t.':ic.'::! r stais :C- 1. ii'is l;iii C'1 el r.i' S ii 1 is:'- k:t'..V!l te'i'.e ' i ' r-' r.s 1 in- U--:' si '; !.:::!::::. tee. :e"rvilh ::'l :eni '.- ii r lixet-'-. e " s -r. i i-ier1-. :::s. ! : ii , r.n 1 all f-.r'.ieire si'.i- 0.- ! :;: :sii-' i' .i! sine: nt tvii it : us -.r hitrl tieul ii it ir. . r l.y ir:-; si t:::tt isi n'e: ; ! :it e'lO.ic1: . -T.'re:V r.,,n; (.r tin' . .i.i-t !!.'.. ill tin- M th i.f S..;,.i::iiivi:!". ! ere . :: y. i v.ii! in !' i i-Mf'S t" s':i-I ir :! ft isli" a:si il.s'ri-.' i.f 1. ire!-.-:: re. si-ii lee a' -v il" - ri 1 -s t j .'.i;i'ry ;; k intit'lt lis r. ..f neiy iv ;.', i iry t s: t ).i..:n li 'l's j'.;iis" S'e.:. v,::!i iel r-si JliT".-:: :::i-i ..-:-. e- tii !i: -ii" e ' i.i.'e r f t is. sit ia l.r.v-f-:l mitii-v "! t!i" lVo...l S::it-. it-x j!. (T.Wi-o?i, ShcriCf. .S it' :'.u.ti'.i!Si Nov. - '.. ls-:. TUE GLIFTOPJ IlFlir :-: 111 Ii AS HUES AT TIIK :.r STAS2) Haxt Door to th3 Fast Gffioo. HAIBOUTTIHG, at Tin: rsrAi ilk5ces. FRANK WOODABD, Proprietor. NOTICE! To tiis Taxpaysrs ci Graham County, Arizona Territory. TIic Tcrriiorril and Coun ty Tuxes for the current year of 1SS6, tfre due and payable at the oiTice of the Treasurer and ex-olTicio Tax '."Vi'tei-i: ir of said County, in i!'e T;v.-.! of SolomonviUe, a.u! m, i t be paid on or be fore the Third Monday in December, 1SS6, and on fail ure to pay the same, as above provided, a penalty of five per cent, will be added thereto. Tiioe-. J. Neksk, Treasurer and ex-otlieio Tax Tux Collector for Graham County. Arizona Territory. ZOLLAK.S, II. S. KAl'FMAX, Vico rrosidont. Cashier WM!M T1AMCT1D. Topfka & Santa Fe, Texas & (.'ontral Eailmatls. Appliration for PtUont.-Xo. -J7. U. 5. bAxn Offich, Tucsox, A HIZ0NA. October til, A. D. 1SS0 Xi!tie3 i.s liereby given that the l.loriettti Mining Company, a corpo ation tl:i!y organized under and by virtue ot Uie laws oi tlic t-tate of Ti US, IIV Jlllll jXL . y ii'.W IU1LI, im tlJUIll una I I-., if t. ... ... ..e: ... 1 illWMiUlV III ItlVll., 1. nijst: pusi OIIJCL' iiu- dross is.Solomonville, Graham comity Arizona, has this day filed its appli cation lor a patent lor nftocn huntlreu linear feet of tho vein lode, or deposit bearing gold and silvei with surface ground COO feet in width situated in tire Copper Mountain Min ing District in the c.umty of Gra ham ;tnd Territory of Arizona, and is dosnrnuted by the held notes and o.Ti cial plat on tile in this office as survey number 7U0. and lot Xo. In, said lot No. 7-i beinir a-i follows, to-wit: ginning at the e;iMfcrly location monu ment of this claim where is set a lime stone rock er,xH)X(; on0 f00t : ground, surrounded by a mound of stones and marked M. M. Xo. 1, U. S Min Mon Xo. 4, bears X 25 V easi 13S5-3 other boarinas available, thence S 50' W va 12D 33' K. S7 feet to gulch bears X. W. and (S. E. oOO feet to initial monument mention ed in location notice and marking the south-easterly end center of tho chum, where is set a quartzilo rock 21xl2xS oni: foot in the ground surrounded by mounds of stones and marked M. M. I. M. ISO feet to crest of hi!l bears X. '.V. and S. E. iiO!) feet to location mon ument being the stump of a cedar trie le inches in diameter and 4 feet hih surrounded by mound of stt and marked M. M. Xp. 2, largo rock in ph'.ce marked 15. It. r.l. M. Xo. 2J hears due east 2U-4 feet, no other bear ings available, thoucc X. 41 14" W. va Its' 80' K. 934 feet to crest of hill b ears X. K and S. W. 1220 feet to nihth liears K and W 12SU feet to trail bears K and XV 1 ,500 foot to location monument, wliere is set a quartzitc rook 2'.1 Ix'i one foot m the ground sit; rounded l.y a mound of stones and nn.rked M. M. Xo. 3, stump of cedar tree I I mehes m dtatnoter marked H T. M. M. Xo. 3, beirs X 17 XV 18-5 feet, Stccpto llock bears S 5 3S' K about 20 miles, Dos Cabesas bears S i thence X i." HO' K, va 1240' K 2S4 fee! !o heail of small gulch bears east i "", 0 feet to location monument mark ing t lie north-westerly end center of I '.lie claim, w lie re is set a trachitc rock ' 20xl2xf ou3 foot in the ground, sur ! rounded by mound of stones and ' marked M. M. E. C, stump of cc , tree 20 inches in diameter, bears S 3'P I il 4 foot, 4-f.i feet to gulch bears X. W. , and S. K. 595-" feet to location mon ument, where is set a sandstone rock I 2:xli' 1 one font in the ground stir- " rounded bv mound ot stones and ; marked M.M. Xo. 4. Steeple Kock j be:ir- S .-.'; 2e E, McMulten's Peak a ; S:s "' K both iibout 20 miles away, no ; other bearings available, thence S 44 i 25' K va 12 :!)' K S,i feet to si ' fie.1..-!', X and is. 2:0 feu! to small i trnlch bears X 15 K and S 15 XV, ;.7(i feet to small gt.leh bears X, 4 a3 E and S W W, 700 "feet to trail bears cast and west, 1,104 feet to small ifuich bears X 10- XV, and S 10 K, 1,135 feet to trail bsars nortii and south 1.14u foct io small gulch bears north and south, 1,."00 feet to monument and rock marked M. M. Xo. 1, place of beginnintr, enntamtnt 20 ,"0 acres of land, magnetio va 12 35' east. The l.'ca'ion of this mine is record ed in the Recorder's office of Graham county. Arizona m oook co. 1, pafrs Oil and 07, of .Mining Kecords. The adjoining mining claims are, West Virginia Xo. 3, on the northeast, the La l'latta on tho southwest, Magenta and Van l'.osenhcrg Xo. 2. on the southeast, no others known. Any and all persons chinning adversely any portion of said Mic-aw'ocr mine or surface ground are required to lile their adverse claims with the Regis ter of tho United States Land Oiliee at Tucson in the Territory of Arizona during the sixty days period of pub lication hereof, "or they will be barred by irtii3 of the provisions of the statute. It. M. Thomas, Register. It is licroby ordered that tho fore going notice of application for patent be published lor ten consecutive weeks in Tun Clifion C'lariox, a weekly newspaper, published at Clif tou, Graham County, Arizona. 15. M. Thomas, Register. First Publication October 27, 1SSS. LAY & B0GPi35 Duncan, Arizona, General ISerclian&isQ Eaiichmen's Supplies, Yiiies, tLIqetors and Cigni JDiry oj-gocLs, ClotlaIrLs,, BOOTS AND SHOES Ktc, t:c., Ktc liij-'h. -I i'iie-r i.iu.l Ft Item iW.u Mil Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Ladies' l Gent's Furnishing -Qoodi Grocsries, Etc, Etc. CALIFORNIA CLOTHINEi -AND ' BOOTS AND SHOES.- In this esitabHshracnt can be foaud most everything ifl the ahote line of goods. Anything called for not in stocky will be sent for especially, and delivered on short notice. Goods of the First Quality 1 Prices io Suit my Customers ! i. fbaissinet riQHTH ST" rosfoiRi'e Address, CiJl'TOX. THE LARGEST FURNITURE HOUSE IN ARIZOSA.- LEO. GOLBSCHMIDT, WHOLESALE ANB FURNITURE, BEDDING CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS.- FALL GOODS ILL STVLFS of BEDROOM, Furniture of H;iuJ.-imo Designs -3TtSeiid for Illustrations before Purchasing Elsewhere."? TUGSQN, TUB GRAHAM Having recently been enlarged and guests in a more sumptuous BOARD KY THE DAY, WEEK RATES. Neat and attractive in all its appointments. Table supplied with tile1 fresh products of HEADQUARTERS FOR ALT LOUISA C. RUPKEY, Proprietress. CLIFTON 3! It. AM) 3I11S. J. T. HEADQUARTERS FOR GGERCiAL TRAVELLERS,' COOL IS005IS AX TABLE SUPPLIED WITH THE VERY BESf THE ONLY FIRST-CLASS 7.0. S50AKIJ $7,00 Store RETAIL DEALER IN NOW READY, PAkLOR, and DINING ROdli and Most 1 AMMQNA, HOUSE,- refitted is prepared to accommodate manner than formerly. OR MONTH AT REASONABLE the Gila Valley. DIVERGING STAGE LINES'; HOTEL, BAKER, Proprietors.' D CLEAN BEDS; HO 2 EL IN CLIFTON: WEEK.