Newspaper Page Text
THE CLIFTON CLARION. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 1, 1886. Charleston hail ivrenf j'-eight tremors in October, tot quite one a dr.y. An ocran steamship is said to bnve nsinl 20,000 worth of coal on a recent voynge. Profi'sinni! hnmorists are en pnged iu New York to arouse after dinner morriment Five cent fures on the New York elevated railroads have increased the number of passengers 20,000 n day. A Hindoo initio a wnger that he would gaze at the snn for ten hours. At the end of the seventh hour he fell down in a fit and died It has been demonstrated that a man can live with a broken neck, but let not the Chicago Anarchists count too much on this fach New Jlaven News. Near llawkinsvllle, Ga., recent ly, a cow with crumpled horns was licking her calf, and by some means the calf got its head in the circle of the horns and could not get away. The cow became excit ed, and, in her efforts to get rid of the calf, strangled it and broke her own neck. The women of Hyde County, Dakota, went to the polls election day and voted. They did not med dle with the law-sanctioned ballot box, but had one of their own at eSch firecincff with an arrange merit for having the votes counted and announced. They "wanted to help express public opinion." The Joliet Rolling-Jlilla have recently adopted a now "soaki rig pit" process to save reheating blooms of ingots in furnaces and to keep a uniform heat distributed throughout tho ingots to make them roll right in making rails. It operates successfully, is a great saving of labor and fuel, and is an Improvement to the rails. There occurred lately the twen tieth anniversary of the opening of tho Atlantic cable of 1833. There are now ten cables spanning the Atlantic that are in working order; while where one message was sent once there are now four, and the tariff, which started twenty years ago at 1 a word, is today 6d. At present there are over 80, 000 miles of cable at work in the world, and over 37,500.000 have been expended on theoi, while twenty ono ships are employed in laying, watching, and repairing. The New York Mail and Express says a well known physician of that city declares that for dipthe ria thoro is nothing better than tbe tar smoke treatment It dis solves the fibrous exudations that choke the patient pnd gives relief al.'&ost instantly. The plan has been tried by mnny doctors in New York and futind most effica cious. It consists in closing up a room so that none of tho smoke can escape, and then burning qnanlity of pitch on. a red hot shovel or stove. Why rot try it? The voters of California proba bly had a greater variety of tickets to choose from at the last election than the voters of any other State. There were: The "Kagtdar Repub lican Ticket," the '"Regular Demo cratic Ticket," f:3 "Regular Inde pendent Republican Ticket," the ' German-American Citizens' Tick et," the "Regular Labor Party Ticket," the "Regular Democratic Anti-Boss Ticket," the "Regular United Labor Ticket," the "Ameri can Ticket," and tno "Anti Mo nopoly and Independent Ticket." A giant is coming to London He is an Austrian. He calls him self Winkelmeier. He is eight feel six inches in bight, and is one of the tullest men who have lived since the days of the Anakin. He hi very much taller than Maid Marian, under whose outstretched arms the billot nsed to dance at the Alhambra. Bat Ehe died be fore she had finished growing, and Wiukelineier will never be any taller. He is said to have nothing to recommend him to notice except Lis fcize, being, like most giants, without any particular intellectual energy. Pall Mall Gazette. Surgeon Major Cotter, in tho columns of the Indian Modical G.'izott, furnishes an interesting account of a patient suffering from enteric fever, and who was awaken ed every ten minutes by the dry ness of his tongne, which was parched and covered with 6ores. Id tne treatment of this case the tongue was painted with glycerine frequently, the result of this appli cation being that at the first trial tho patient slept almost comforta bly, waking cp about every two Lours with the tongne feeling dry, but not really dry to the touch; r.ftur renewed application of the glycerine he at oncj slept again. It also appears that this treatment wm.h ri-sorted to in a number of other tases wilL siiuilar satisfactory e.Milts. C'o'n in the Boxrn. Collection "What we need in our church is less preaching of prohibition and more preaching of honesty," was the exclamation of a busiuess-man to a friend who took the vacont seat beside the speaker on a train from Connecticut into New York. This rather remarkable comment was the answer the friend received when ho asked the business-man what ho Lad that jingled so in tho heavy bag that was taken from the seat to make room. "This bag." continued tho busi ness man, "contains punched, clipped, and abased coius, and 1 am going to New York td sell the lot for what they will fetch. O, no, I didn't take them iu my business, but in another way, in which I couldn't refuse them. You see I am troasurer of our church, and tbeso dimes and nickels, and other coin were put from time to time in the" contribution-box. When clipped and punched coin began to be refused they began to make their appearance in onr boxes when the collections were tken up. I suppose we have taken in a hundred dollars' worth of this coin at its face value. I am going to suggest to our minister that he stop preaching prohibits n for a while audgive us a 6oruion on petty dishonesty. Our church isn't peculiar in this re spect either. The treasurer of one of the other churches in town tells me that ho is bothered in the same way." New York Snn. Xonrinhment lu Chcrer; Tho journal of the Chemical Society states that of some eigh teen varietes of cheese experi. niented with, choddar was digest ed in the shortest time namely: four hours; whilo nnripe skim Swiss cheese required ten hours for solution. There appears to be no difference in the digestibility of all sorts of hard cheeses, or all soft cheese; but all fat cheeses are dissolved the most rapidly, be cause, being open by reason of the fat, they are the more readily attacked by tho solvent There seems to be no connection between the digestibility and tho percent age of water present in the cheese, though there is some connection with the percentage of fat and the degree of ripeness. From numer ous examinations which have been made of tho quantity of nitrogen dissolved, it is concluded that cheese, on account of its great digestibility, is the most nourish ing of all fojds, meat and eggs excepted. Xat a quest ln of Sex. A gentleman was riding in an Adams street car and was telling a friend of a story he had been read ing in a New York paper of a horse that chewed tobacco. Up spoke a woman, dressed in tho extreme of fashion: "I never heard of a horse that chewed tobacco, but I've wit nessed several hogs engaged in the operation." The gentlemen, who had been quietly masticating a quid, went out and took a seat on the back platfcrai tj see what kind of wea ther we were going to have; the car stopped to let a tired looking woman get on, and the female saint who had rebuked the tobacco chewing men spread out her skirts so that the poor woman could find no seat; the car started and rolled on its way. Men and Bisters, come to sift it down, there is more or less hog in all human nature, regardless of sex or tobacco-chewing habits. Peoria Transcript A Hare of lwarf. The inhabitants of the Anda man Islands are the smallest race of people in tbe world. The average bight cf full-grown Anda mans is four feet five inches, and few weigh over seventy-six pounds. They are marveJonsly swift of f jot, and as they smear themselves over with a mixture of oil and red ochre present a very strange ap pearanco. Few travelers core to encounter any of these belhco. little people, for their skill in throwing the spear and in nsinjr the bow is only equaled by their readiness to attack strangers. Exchange. A question that has frequently como np in this district, and hns been a matter of considerable dis pute, has been definitely decided by Judge Turner, in the federal district court of western Texas. It is in relation to the free import ation of animals for breeding pur poses. J ndye Turner says: "The evidence should show that breed ing is tho special and not the in cidental object of the importation, and the collector must be satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt that tbe evidence is true. If the ani mals ore imported for sale or on speculation, or for working pur poses, they can not be admitted nnder such provision either on the presumption that they may after ward be used for breeding or oth erwise.' El Paso Times. Pane tie i Current Pen. Teacher of chemistry to class "Can yod give me an example of the gases in a solid form?'' Class (with vociferous nnanimity)-''Con-gress." Washington Critic. "Can yon nso this?" timidly in quired the poet, as ho laid a bun ble on the desk. "I think I can," said the editor, aiTably. "I am just about to start A fire in tbe of fice stove." Philadelphia Call. "Why, Chawley," drawled Gus de Flipkins to his chum, C. Percy Giddibrain, "where's your watch ?" O, I couldn't stand it" he replied; "the beastly ticking shattered my nerves." Tid Bits. Patti declared to the New York reporters who went down the bay to meet her that this is her "last farewell visit," an all of a sudden tho stenmer bell rang "out clearly and spiritedly. Boston Post. "Did yon carry that prescription to old Mrs. Smith last night?" said a doctor to bis office boy. "Yessir." "Did she take it?" "Yes- sir." "How do you know?" "Crape on the door this morning." Lynn Unii'n. Smithers "What do you do when von go home early in tho morning a trifle overcome and your wife meets you at tho front door?" Jobson "Do! 1 don't do anything. My wife can attend to' all thai I guess yon don't know1 my wife, do yon?"' Pittsburgh Dispatch. Teacher "What is an island?" Smart pupil (whoso father is a club manV'Body o' water s'ronnd ed by land." Teacher "Good. What is a strait?" Smart pupil "I heard pop 6ay it was a hard hand to get, nnd beats three of a kind." New York Sun. Experienced burglar "Ye look down iri the month, Bill bad bad luck?" Green hand "Wuss kind. I worked all night on a big safe an' all there was in it was six post age-stamps." " Well ye'll learn by an' by not to monkey with a safe till ye find out bow tho cashier lives." Omaha World. "No, sir" said the Anarchist, "I will never do anything against the laws of this country." "Then you believe we have good laws?" the" Knight of Labor asked. "No it isn't on that account" "What then?" "Why, I might be arrested and sentenced to hard labor, and that would be horrible. Boston Courier. Restaurant proprietor (to chef) "I am afraid you put too much veal in this chicken 6alad, Napo leon." Chef "It is all veal, sir, Shall I put in a little chicken?" Restaurant proprietor "No cer tainly not. Put in soino feathers, and if any guest says veal to me I'll ask Liiu if be ever saw a caf with wiDgs." Life. Somehow or other it shocks a young man's implicit trusting faith in a girl to have her tell him incidentally that she bad a box at tbe theatre when she went to see Langtry tho night before, and then to learn from the other youug man who took her thore that it was a box of caramels be bought her on the way to tho show. Someryilie Journal. Board $7 par Week SINGLE 2IEALS, 50 CENTS ....AT THE.... OCCIDENTAL RESTAURANT, CHarlS3T TjOO ZE'cllr, Proprietor. Open Day and Mght. THE CHOICEST STEAKS And all Kinds of Wild Game Served in flnj style desired. E. McGINNESS, r. Post Trader, Fcrt Thomas, Ariz. .Keeps constantly on fiand a fino assortment of Gents' Furnishing Goods Dry Goods & Groceries Finest brands of Wine3 and Cig-ax3 Both DoinertJc and Foreign. Ranch Supplies a Specialty. l'ost OIUlc adjoining tuc store. LO CIS VOELCKEL. I TIIOS. J. NEESE, Solomonvillle, I l'ort Thomas. Meose & Voelckel Fort Thomas, Ariz, AND - Solomonville, Ariz. -DJiALEKS IN- Gener'l Merchandise Groceries, Teas Coffees, Sugar Rice, Pastes,- Saucesj Pickles, Provisions, Bacon, Lard, Flour, Bran, Wheat Corn, Barley, Baled IIar, Liquors, Whiskies, Brandies Wines, Beers, Gin, Rum, Ale, Porter; Our Prices Aro Low ! Our Stock is FJew! Call and be convinced of this fact Solomon, Wickersham & Company TEVIST0N, Cochise Co. A. T. FORWARDERS. Ooode marked to onr cure promptly for warded to Fort Howie. Solomonville. Snf ford, Hrnithvilla, Fort Thomas, Han Carlos nnd Globe. We carry at all times a fall stock of General Merchandise Consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Gio cries, Crockery, Hardware, Liquors, Tobacco & Cigars. Our stock of Lnmber, SJiiissics, Doors, Etc., is pnrchiwwd from tho mnnnfacturers, and is selected with a knowledge of tho wants of purchasers. Agents Anheuser Beer and Fisb Bros. W aons. A. T, & S. F, R, R, THE GREAT HIGHWAY FKOH Arizona fo the Eas?. Makos closo connection at Albuquerque, with the ATLANTIC & PACIFIC B. R, TO KANSAS CITY And ail Points in the East. Trains from Demin?, N. M., connect at Kansas City with trains for CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, PHILADELPHIA and NEW YORK Anil all Eastern Cities. rpHE ROAD PASSES A MAG nificent stretch of mountain and plain. Is thoronshly ballasted, and eqnipped with the best rolling stock of modern times. Every attention is paid io the comfort of passengers, makina it the moat desirable route between the East and West Trains ran over the Sonora road from BENSON. AEIZONA, Through to HERMOSILLO and GUAYMAS, Furnishing Tucson and othfr cities easy access to tho groat trade of Mexico, which is now ojH?niug up its vast treasures to tho world. W. P. WHITE, Gen. Pass, and Tick. Agent, Topeka, Kansas. 0. K. CORRAL, SOLOMONVILLE, A. T., Has been re-opened by the un dersigned, an old and competent hostler. Animals taken care of at reason able rates. CIIAS. RUSSELL, Prop. JAMES SIAS, General Oleckesnifn ...AXD... HORSE SHOER. NIiop. Main Street, - t'LIFTOX First - Class Blacksrhithing In all its branches done with promptness, and at reasonable p'rices. V Specialty Made of Shoe ing Horses. POMEROY'S STAGE LINK. Bowie Station VIA Solcrnonville TO Camp Thomas A DAILY LINE OF STAGES Will be run between the above points, con necting at Solomonville with stage line for Clifton and Upper (fila, at Bowie Station with the Bonthern Pacific railroad, and at Camp Thomas with stagel line to and from Globe. J. B- Patterson, ARont at Bowie Station. "eese & Voelckel, Agents at Camp Thom as. 3lain Office at Solomonville. S.-W. P0XER0Y, Proprietor. SHELDON AND SOLOMONVILLE Stage Line, PH(ELIS FREUDENTHAL, Proprietor. The most direct and comfortable route from Clifton and Irtislmrg Solomonville and Settle ments on the ila. Parties from Lordsbnrg or Dnncan wish ing to take stage can do so by telegraphing station agent at Clifton. Leaves Sheldon, Tuesdays end- Saturdays fare. 85 Morenci and Clifton Stage & Express Line Carrying U. S. Mails Daily, Sundays Excepted: Stages carrying raesensors and Express LeaTO post ofHce at Slorenci 6:30 a. m Leave Clifton 4 p. m. IJESKV HIM;, Proprietor. ARIZONA (CPPER C0?S ASSAY OFFICE! West aide of river in Company's building. Assaying of Every Kind of Ores and Bullion. Fully Prepared for all kinds of Analytical "Work appurtaiu iiig to Metallurgy. CHARGES FOll ASSAYI5U. Gold and Silver (Ore) . Copper ..$2.50 Where there are two or more assays to be made for one person the charge will be 2 for each one. Charges for all other work as low as is consistent with care and correctness. J. A. CltUM, Assaver and Metallurgical Chemist. REWARD! H?" I de sire to call attention to my marks and brands for cattle, as ehown in cut. I soli no stock cattle, and will pay ?1,000 reward for the ar rest nnd conviction of any person or persons unlawfully handling cattle in the following-: brands and marks.- J. II. ISAMPSOX. P, O.: El Paso, Texas. Ranch P. O.: Clif ton, Arizona. Rango, on Eagle creek, Graham county, Arizona. Ear marks, crop and split left, crop rihf. Horse brand, Q on the left shoulder. $1,000 ENLGUSML 1 II wfP ffrP 11 Kearney t. Wan FraurirtJ-o, C'al. Nervous Dt-bility, Bominal Weakness, Ex hausted Vitality. Spermatorrhoea, LofiT Manhood, Impotncy. Paralysis, Prostator rhcea and all the terrible effects of Belf AbuBe, andexrePH in matnrer years, such as Lops of.Mrmory.LaFsitudo. Nocturnal Emis sions, aversion to society, Dimnees of Vision Noises in the liead. the vital fluid passing; unobserved in the urine, and ninny other dis eases that lead to inpanity and dL'ath. Snfferinsr f mm any of the above symptoms should consult ns at once. The drain can be stopped, vitality restored and life be made apain a ple:ipure inytoad of a burden. There many MlZel,K-J..;F3 MKX who are troubled with too frequent evacua' tion of the blfcdder. oftf-n accompanied by a elipht smnrtiiiK or burning penwition, and & weakening of the pytem, in a manner they cannot acconnt for. Ropy hVHiment in the urine, etc. Iur;y fiie of (.hip difficulty ignor- ' ant of the cn-.f-p. which is the secoud stage of seminal wr-xkns. Cures ( jc ae a "T?.fd in All such ntvts Consul tatio-n Frre. Thoro'nph exam ination and advice, including chemical anal ysis and microscopic examination of the nrine $5. An lionet opinion given in every cape. The following Medicines supplied at tho prices named: MIK ASTM-:Y CiiOPF.Jt VITAfc Kmo::.-iT! V:. $3 a bottle, or four times th quantity r SA1si2'0&; WOT ri-K FREE. Sent to any one a;p?yi:: Hy fitter, stating symptoms. hx scu cj. (Strict secresy lii regard to all business transitions. The Celebrated Kidney Kerned r. XE PHItKTICVM. for all kinds of Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Leuc-orrhea, etc. For sale by all druggist Si a bottle, or 6 bottlns.Js.Wl. Tho English l)AXUi:iJ05, LIVEli AXI) JYPFittIA PKfclj is the best in the market. For sale by all druggists; price 50 cents a bottle. English .lledical IHNpensary, NO. 11 KEABXKY ST., SAN FHASCISCO, CAL. THIS GREAT Ktreng th en in a Remedy, and Norve tonic is th lepritimat result of over 20 years of practicRl experi enco, and etiretf with unfailing certainty nervou and physical de bility, Seminal Weakness, Sper matorrhea and Emissions Impotency, Ex- haiifctea lt-aiiiv, Premature Decline and Ijrpsfff M:inhfiofL in all a complications. and frm. whatever cause produced. Enrieh es ana p'.irihes tiio oiood, 6tre.iicns tho Norvcp. Muscles and Digestion, Reproduc tive Organs and Physical and Mental Facul ties. It steps any unnatural debilitating drain upon the system, preventing involunta ry losses, debilitating dreams, seminal looses with the nrinr. otc, so destructive to mind and body, li ir h sure eliminator of all Kid ney and madder complaints. It contains no injurious ingredients. To those euffering from tlie evil effects of youthful indiscre tions or excesses, a epcedy. thorough and permanent cure is guaranteed. Price. $2.50 per bottle, or tivu bottles in case, with fall directions and advice. 10. Sent secure from observation to any address upon receipt of prico, or C. O. D. To be had only of Ir. C. 1. Salfleld, 216 Kearney street, San Francisco, Califor nia. Consultations strictly confinential, by letter, or at o!Kce; free. For the convenience of patients, and in order to insure perfect secrecy. I have adopted a private address under which all packages are forwarded. rpniAL BOTTLE FREE! SUFFICIENT JL to show its merit. wTiil be sent to any one applying by letter, stating his sym)tonA and ae. Communications strictly coiindentiaJ; - N. JY a . HEALTH. Im Richan'g CoMtn nalsam X.. l Curus Chincrcs, firs, and second Vwr Seres cn the Less and Bodj-; Sore Ea-s' Eyes, Nose, etc., Copper-colored Blotciiwi' SjThintact'afcirrh, diseased Scalp, and all primary fo-ms ot the disease known a Syphilis Prior, S5 0O per Botdr. J Bichan's Golden B.Usam No. !S Cures Tertian-, Mc-rcurialSyphilitic Rhen rcatism, Tains in tho Bones, Pains in the Head, hack of tho Neck, Ulcerated Sore Throat, Syphilitic Kash, Lumps and con tracted Cords, Stiffness of the Liiulis, and eradicates all discaso from the 6jstcm whether caused by indiscretion or atmse of Mercury, leaving- the blood pure and healthy. Prico S5 CO per Pottle. LcRitliau'i Golden Spanish Ami. rtoto for the cure of Gonorrhoea, Giccr, Irritation Gravel, and all Urinary or Ueni tal disarrangements. Price t'i 50 per Bottlo. 1m Richan's Golden Spnnlsli In.' section, for severe case3 of Gonorrhoea, Inflammatory Gleet, StrictuM,&c Pries $1 SO prr Bottlo. to Kiclireu's Golden Ointment for the eff ective healing ef Syphilitic Sores," and eruptions. PrlreSi 00 pr Box. L Klchan's Golden ril's Nervo and Brain treatment; loss of physical pow er, excers or over-work. Prostration, etc, Prtco S3 OO per Bex. Tanic sad Nervine. Sent everywhere, C. O. r., Eecurely packed per express. C. P. RICHARDS &. CO. , Affenta, 427 & 429 Sansme street. Corner Clay, S?.n Francisco, Cal. CISCULAR MAILED FREE. SlOO ItEWABD, mm. The above reward will be paid for the de-" tection and conviction of any person or per.' sons caught stealing or killing any cattleof the above brand. H. li. BARRY, Parties havinc stock cattle for sale will find a purchaser by applsinj? to H. B BARRY; Uaxey, A. T.. Jnly SO, )W Iff Vm lis j? I Vj;' g a. E " 5 -L S?1 r hi & m gttf n h la? K II H Uh Efts 3 SHI SISH B 1