OCR Interpretation

The Florence tribune. [volume] (Florence, Ariz) 1892-1901, August 25, 1892, Image 3

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94050572/1892-08-25/ed-1/seq-3/

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Entered at find ci& ra: ia ilit; For up P. O
Florence, Arizona.
A. J. Daraii. Fres; E. A. Brown, Secy.
Issued every Thursday. 3.D0 a year.
A Republic primary cWtinn w:tl he
h!d next SaMr.Uv, the 27tii, .it J. M.
K-ae ofiioa, from 3 to 6 p. m., to elect del
.'ei to th count conviM'n.
tL XV. HARTER. Secietiry
Mrs. D. C. Stevent has been quite
ill for the past two weeks.
There is mue . talk ah nt the prob
ability of the early starting up of the
J. Champion, superintendent at the
King, was in town the esrh part of the
week, ou business.
S. Pulitzer, of Tempo. me tlir oeh
Florence yesterdav having c ncluderi
a visit to Silver King.
There will he .1 meeting of the
Chamber of C- mm?rce Monday night
in the Florence Pharmacy.
C. Brunenkant was initiate ! Tueaday
night into the Florence 1 dg of the
Ancient order of Unile.l V.' rkmen.
A team hitchel to Pe er Bnneha's
bnggy, last Thursday tried to kick the
rig to pieces, but made only a partial
The two sister- of
Lonergan arrived last
Louis. They intend
W. H. and T.
Friday fr m St
1 1 reside here
Key. Felix DillVr the catholic priest
, who officiated last week at thst church
iu Florence went toTari ,tb jf tter
pert of that week.
A trio of mieing experts are viewing j
the miaeral propprties in the vicinty
of Eeymert and the King. Their de
sign are unknown.
Hon. Geo. W. Cheyney, of Tomb
stone, accompained Pr .f. Coinstock,
passed through Florence M nday on
their war to Tucson.
Judge W. H. Barnes, G. , l ael,
lle.-iii. Baker & naaiphetu -J! le
turned to their reK(v-clive homes o
the cuticlusiou of the Kibbey hea jog.
Sopphus Dishier, br- thr c f Mrs C .
AV. French, has come to Fl rcnee fr. m
Globe. He has the reputation of be
ing a worthy an l Lu.lustrous young
Fref. Theo B. Comet. cV of the Ari
tuiia Ufcivtrsti-y at Tucson returned
through Florence fi' m (ilobe on the
22d, hmg examined the Globe
XV. L. Pinney measured tlie nrddle j
Casa Grand-3 road to this place fun-J
day, by bis cyclom"'er and found the j
distance exactly 25 a-.d 5 6 miles to j
Florence. j
The little nioce of C. TV: French,
Miss Ethel Hale, arrived in Casa
Grande Saturday a! was aceompan
ed to Florence Sunday morning by
Mr. French.
Bven should silver go down it is re
ported that the lung will run till Oct
ober 1st. It ie heped that silver will
favor us, aid keep this importaat
mine in operation.
The tax levy for the enauing fic!
year for Pinal county has been fixed at
82.96 on each $100.00. For county.
prpo;.ee $2.16, acd t ter itorial .80
has been set a-ido This :, the game
as last year.
The University of Arizona at Tue-on
ha furni hed The Thibusb with a
conci-e 40 page pamphlet, eompri-ing
Hi fir-t annual eatalog for 18'J2. The
announcements appear iu our adver
tising columns.
As the paper goes to press a Mexi
can named Alejandro Arvizu ha corae
from across the liver lepoitirg the
finding of th body thee of a dead
min, probably a Chinamii. It is
suspected that this ie the missing
poirtuer, Lee Jboek.
Leu Look, it seems, has n ct left the
slightest trace behind cf the direction
he to.ik, after poisoning his Mexican
friend. Sheriff Truman has sent ,t le
grams in various directions to etop
him, aud has employed means ux.iu
tercept him if possible.
The examination of Lem You , on
the charge of being fcn acceesory to
the poisoning of I'ab'o Herrerae, on
the 3d of August, was held before
Justice Benson las week and the de
fendant discharged, there not bring
sufficient proof to hold him.
Last Saturday night the Democrats
held x Yally iu front of the Florence
Hotel. The meeting was addressed
by Judge W. R. Barnes, of Tucson,
who opoke for over an hour. The
band was present and occupied the
time previous to the spekitig. The
meeting announced for Monday night
failed to take place.
At the Hoard cession Monday the
District Atterney was allowed $500
for assistant counsel employed in the
criminal proeeediegs against Frank
Kibbey. Jadge W. H. Barnes, of
Tucson, meted in the capacity called
for. The compensation required by
him was in part subscribed by frenJ
of Y. Wool fort-r.
Vork Begun at Last on an Important!
Highway to a Sood Market j
The viewers sent out at u former i
meeting of the Board of Supervisors, j
namely, Lnke Smith and XV. U. Lemon, j
Monday the 22d, brought in map!
with irp i t. giving details of an easily 1
constructed roadway to Mammoth.
Road overseer, Lnke L Smith was in-!
structed to commence work ou the
road at the Ruekelhousen well und re- .
pir from thence the road to Mara- i
moth wash, according to the specitica-j
tions placed a tile, and providing j
that, no greater amount -hou.ld be ex-!
pended then recommended in the
road viewer's report.
The wagon route as planned by the
viewers i an follows Beginning at
the brjdg crossing the canal on upper
bM.dn ireft pr cedi tgin a -ou'hea -
terly direction to Desert June, or Juhn
KuoLeU: hitnseii's, (15 mile ). The c
u wale- at this point i:i .lie shaft of
tlieuiine. Conlinein same direction,
cross low roll 114 hi!is ia a natural
pas ab ut 3 mi s nur.h of L.mou '
tun ii.
Same direction t a past in the
'ltonwood mountains, Jill ,wn i s
Haystack Valley Pa a: ' Water i
foundherein n spring 'and a well.
1 he spring i- public property.
Fr 111 the summit of pass the line
lolioWi the Willow Sp nig read for H
miles, then returns l general line
cros-ing Camp Grant wash,
between the ranch i f Herk Putnam
aud Willow Springs.
then up a ivoo.l r ad t 1 the sum
mit, 3 roiles from M.mini. th Hoisting
Thence, one mile d .wn to the Mam
m th wash, used a Height rod be
tween Mammoth and Tucaoii. Follow
that read on to Mainmo h. I.li:ua,ml
expente of the undertitkir.g iiltK) to
xjtti Wliiie 3coha Draoi to
Deat2& by a Frightened Hone
Lf8t Saturday little Wil ie Boscha.
the son of P. Boscha, met with a moil
revolting death.
He took a horse to Betuoit's corral
to water it. Afterward-, as he started
out of the yard the boy fa-tened the
em! of the halter rone around hie own
ody, so as to lave hii hands free to
lose tho gate.
The horse took fright and dni!ii-il
awjy, dragging the hoy on the ground
and battering hi ltead on a pn!
standiug near the si !evalk. The lit
fie bit of humanity, bruise I and man
gled, wa- dragged on a run dow n Main
street in the sight or many horrific!
anectator, who tried in vaiu te stop
tae maddened animal.
The horse turned at W. 5. Ston.'t
Corner and inVo i! ii ey nr. e., ;ht-in
up to the reeidenre of I'. Boscha.
The boy was jerked from side to fide
as the horse ran, sometimes under its
hoofs und so'.i.etimes clear.
When the horse was tin.illy caught
the body was lifeless und showed a
nuatber of iujuries, the principal one
ef whi h was a broken neck. The
only other hone broken was the left
Death must, have been instantan
eous, when the neck wan broken. It
i thought thi cfurred hen the boy
utruck the po-t at the very cart.
Numerous friends and acquain
tances did all they c uld to help and
prepare the body for burinl.. The par
ents were aim si w Id with grief over
their sad los-.
1 he funerai look place Sunday nf
ternoon at 2 o'clock.
NotTh. Kid
The murde; of Hodgen and the Mex
ivan K cal.m'e in- ;:outhw tern New
Mexi 01s charged to Kid and follower
from he Sao Carlos re ervat ion. It is
a clear guess and bad guess, as there
are ao Indians missing from San Cai
loaand, moreover, Kid herds by him
self. The murderers were in all like
lihood the small band of renegade' who
since the surrender of Geronimo, have
made their rendezvous in the Siena
Mad re mountains, aad from time to
time raided n rthern .Soaora and south
ern Arizona and New Mexico. Globe
Silver. Belt.
Elaotian Precincts
The following precincts were estab
lished at the last iviee ingot the I'oarJ.
Reymert Precinct T. P. Carson,
in'pe.-t r; Judges, Geo. West fall and
S. W Brown.
Sscaton Pri-cinct Inspector, C. W.
Crouse; Judge , C. XV. Perkins, and
Eliha Bircbard.
Ma itopa Pr-cinct Inspector, P.M.
Williams; Judges J. V. Edwards and
XV. F. Holder..
Waaldy W eatiar Report
For ths eva days ending Wedaosday,
Aj. 24. 13?!:
Dat Max. Mix. FaKCir
Tkursday, : 112 ,76 T
Fidiv 107 74 T
s'TvVy .105 81 T
undftv 102 7 T
Mowlw PI 73
THelf 101 71
Wednesday 103 67
Precipitation trace.
A. T. COIrON, Obrvw.
Mr. D. P. Por'er. since leaving heie,
has been confined to hpr bed by se
vere illness, and is now just able to sit
up.. In a priva e letter eb expresses
herself as deeply interested in all who
extended ouriesieR riming tho faUl
illness of her son in Florence. .
Have you registcr.'d yet?
Held for 3Innfi IM Ah
lowed Si 5,00 Hail.
Particulars of the Two Days' Examin
ation That Has Occasioned
so r.'ixii fntcrest
The long looked-for examination of
Frank C. Kibbev for the killing of
William Wood Porter on the 2-Hii of
Jane on the Main street f Florence
came before Justuc F.W. Siillni.u;
Moaday morning and continued until
Tuesday evening
TheJ tenitery wai represented bv
District Attorney H. '. Jackfon, a
sifted by Jadge W. II Barnes, from
Tucsen. The defense had retained
Uakeri Campbell and (I. C. Israel, all
of Fueuix.
The defendant. Frank Kibbey, cane
J r , , r :'T a"VWKl
rooust; his maseer was indiflrfrent
His few weeks in confinement sesiiic
to have euefUtd his health wor
titan otherwise.
The follewi4g witneses were caile
up the first day :
Wm.T. Barry, B. J. Hawley, (dp.
osition . taken at coroner's inquest),
Chas. H. Meimeyer, G. G. (Jonxale,
Maaui-1 S. Ramirez, M: M. Hickey, J.
G. Keating. "
Afternoon: S. A. Bartleson, Geo.
E.Trumaa, (produced revidver), Wm.
E. Guild, Dr. Barry, (rotalled), J. M.
Santa Crut.
The testimony offered by the pros
ecution wa substantially the sr. me
as that which appeared in Ths '1 !tt
Bl'N'E at the time oi tl.o ooeuin in -.
There were a few extra point- intro
duced. - It appeased that I-rank K:v
bey inquired 1 f several per-' ns fur a
pistol p evious to the shooting; name
ly, thus. Neimeytr and Gener.. (i.-n-Z!ilez,and
indirect y i f S. A. 15 ir leton.
The jiistt d used in I ke homicide war
taken lntn a t.ibla drawer in Guild's
otlico, alrea.lv. loaded. Later ..n,
Hauta Cruz took it from Kibbey while
m king the arrest. Ha refused to al
low it to go out of his psess!in, but
was nwuto to change his mind r.t tlie 1
poi t of a pistol i'i the hands of 1
.fames Thomas. He delivers-1 t1, !
weapon into the hands of W. 11.
tiutiil, up n t:ie unoorsiRr.iiing that
the latter was secretary of the conn.
The revolver was produced in court by
Georfte 'I'ntman. Santa ('in.-, wa- ;it
one tmid deputy e..:i-;:;i.le in Flor
ence. Witnesses ale.- tectihetl tl.at i n
nicdiattiy s:, .;,:.' Uia as- -, iVaiW
bev Aid abuut Porter "He seduced i,ly
1 uas.AV. IToLPOtv was next called.
H I ad heard the shots while in tlie
back yard of bi. Sidoon and ran out in
time trj see the last part of the f fl'rav.
He w Kibbey batter Porter on the
he (I with the revolver. He heard
Kibbey say to XV P.Davis; "Come
on, Davis," or words to that efl'ect;
and, "He seduced rcy wife "
Atxis Mills was stmding in front
of Willi saloon at the time f the
shooting and gave a clear account of
the entire affair, out added 110 new
William Osb.irn- was also a witne-s
of the latter part of the strutrzles ef
j Porter to escape aud Kibbey's in tpur
i suit.
Chas. XV. Fkesch, John Dore,
TTaldo Hotje, and A. i. Williams
knew but little conceriug the trouble.
Sidsiy Barti.xsox added something
not heretofore mentioned. He testified
among other things, that fot'u or five
nights heb.re the affray, he and Porter
took Kibbey home intoxicated. That
the latter uttered threats against the
life of Mr. Humphries. The party
stayed at the hou.-e until about 1 a. ni
At this point Mrs. Frank C. Kib
bey was put upou the stand. She
was attired in the must sombre hues
and wore a long black veil. She was
trembling considerably. Her appear
ance was very distressful, her face pale
and emaciated.
The first material question, "How
long havo yen and Frank Kibbey been
married," was objected to by th prs
edition, and the balance of the are
noon occupied in discussing the point.
After the noon recess, the witness
was allowed to testify. f s
Mrs. F. C. Kibbey testified that she
was married to the clefeudaat in De
cember, 1885.
On Monday or Tuesday morning
previous to the shooting, (which took
place on Friday, June 2-lth,) while at
Phenix, she received a telegram from
her hu.-haud calling her baGk to Flor
ence She replied that she coald not
leave until morning. At about 9 in
the morning of Thursday the 23d F.
C. Kibbey arrived iu Phenix. He
wanted to know what happened 011
the dav of the picnie. to which his
i wife replied that nothing had occurred
and crank expressed himself as caus
ed with her statement.
Kibbey asked if she had written to
Farter. She denied having written
Porter a n te. Frank then produced
a note which she had written to Por
ter and anki that he had found it at
home. She had written two notes,
but sent only one. One was then ia
her husband's possession and by his
wish, was destroyed. The note was
one warning Porter that her husband
was trying t.. get to have a talk with
him. She cenlassed to her husband
that Porter "hnd been everything to
her. That he had been criminally in
timsle with her ou several occasions.
Kiubey said to her, "Oh, den't tell
me that. Don't, tell me anvthin
more about it.'
her l3ter. but
He wan:
hi wife i
ed to tell
iked 1 1 i 1 11
it't. to. Thea he f.biained peniiiv-f-ioti
io tell "J e" (Jtidg KibWy),
i'is brother. Kilsbey thea went to
Sown mid tint a telegram to the
J'ldgo at Florence, asking him- to .e
fvi his trip to I'rescott -iiitil ho coul.I
rearh Florence.
About 3 p. id. Kibbey returned to
tiie huiite. Nothing further was fiiid
on the mbjert.
He went down town and returned
Inter, and utiiggered as he stepped lip
on the porch. Che had never seen
hmi druuk before. She bur.-t out cry
ing and said; "Oh Frank! I have
cau-ed all this trouble," or similar
words. He replied; "Lou, I feel so
sorry f .r you. I would !o aaylhiag
for you."
They started for Florence by private
eomeyanceat about 8 in the evea;nf.
On the way she detailed to her hns
ban 1 l!ie particulate of the intimacy.
The detuiij of thalivouverfatinH were
too many llnd too long for her to rec
ellect on the stand. But the reuieaa-
bernl tha times of iqtimacy, tr.d had
repeated them to her husband. The
first time was the 25th (if May, whiie
Kibbey was in Tue-on. Another
the 4tU of June
Twica, al
so, during Kibbey's absence m fata
Grande, on the 9ih or 10th or perhaps
n the 10th and 11th,
She told him that Porter had been
coming t the house for a long time.
That, morning he emie arouud at
about 9 o'clock. She had not yet eat
en breakfast. He conversed in a more
familiar strain than usuaL She
begged him u t to talk so A parley
of words naturally ensued, which need
net be quoted. Porter stayed at (bo
the bouse on this occasion until 1
o'clock in tho afternoon.
The testimony at this point was
given ia an alaso-t inaudible tone by
the witness, twho was overcome with
grief. Her head wss bowd and she
s'epped at the end of each seuteuce as
if choked with emoti n. Fi r obvi ui
reasons the bulk of this part of Mrs.
Kibbey's testimony is he-e omitted.
In conelasi - n she testified that Por
ter made a prombe that he would
not dirclose the fact of her intimacy
and said that he would keep the
promise for ail eternity. That he sl
sv promised that if anytluaj should
happen he would aland by her.
She and her hurband arrived in
Florence at about 8 Fiiday moroiug
and wen' home. H cautiuiied hot
not to ste Porter f r three or f'jur
FrauV: Kibbey had a livery team
and drove baek to town with it.
When he cams heme again the
Judg'j wa with hiiu. Frank Kibbey
was sobbiEg. She said to him : "I
havi caused you so much . rrow."
Alter breakfast Kibbey teemed.' un
and went and t ok a bath and
changed his suit, and later went -fnny. ,
lie ate lunch at his brother s, Judge
Kibbey's and brought In me some eiel
Icacy on a plate. In the course of
conver-ation ha a.-ked. "what shall
we do?" She replied that she was
perfectly willing to die, and he sug
gested that, ti.ai. rrow, if she felt
so, they would both die. Then he
took an -ther bath aud again dressed.
Frank Kibbey went out again and
returned, teeming re-tless. "I can't
slay here 1. ng," was i. remark made te
her Then he went away ajid got a
girl to stay with his wife.
At about 6 in the' evening Kibbey
left the h .use, saying he would be
back in a few minutes.
The Judge called, soon after, and
asked lor Frank. He said, "1 ciime
to say good bye." (It seems he wss
g.ing to Prescott.) fhc replied4
"Geod-bye, Joe, this is the last time
I will see you." He answered, "Oh, I
hope not!"
The Jude left, and about five miti
ute later Mrs. Kibbey heard the fatal
Mrs. F. C. Kibbey was then cross
examined: She was 27 years f age;
married iu 1885. Her first talk on
t.e subject to her husband was at Phe
uix. He arrived at 9 a. m., Thursday,
iu Phenix, and started at 8 p. m, for
Florence. They rode all night. She
told him all. The dates were May
25th, June 4th, also Jane 9th or 10th,
or 10th and 11th. One dale was the
Friday preceding her trip to Phenix.
The second date, Frank Kibbey was
eff to the mountains. Sh had been
Tn Florence ever since.
She corresponded with her husband
since the shooting; s .melinies every
day, some limes 3 er 4 days elapsed.
Visited him on four occasions, ind
sunt him his nienls He had been
kind to her and their relationship was
Etie did not see Porter's funeral pass
but saw the casket. She did not say
to Mi;s Miller, "Poor man be is inno
cent," She had not told eertaiu other
youngladies that Porter was innocent
jorgph h. Ktr.Biey.
Judge Kibbey saw his brother Frank
arrive opposite his house at S in the
aorning-on the 24th of June. He
saw Frank three limes that day anil
talked approximately half an hour
each time with him.
He noticed Frank'sface was flushed,
rueuiery faulty, aud other symptoms
of a troubled mind. Both Mr. and
Mrs. F. C. Ki'ebey were visibly
The lust time the Judge went to his
brother's house was about 2 in the af
ternoon. . The next time they met
Frank was in jail.
Mr. Campbell was with the deceased
all the time since the shooting until
death ensued, except davs. For the
1 first con pie daj s Porter, ha hopes ef
.recovery, that is, after his first rally
, since signing his supposed Hjing de
! deration.. At the 8th or 9th day a
! tehipse t k place, and he told his
j mi). her ' I don't think I'm going to
f t well." Afterwards Porter, whiie
1 ii'g th ie gave one hand to bis mother
and stretched tlie other out to Gt-orgv
CnrupU'll on the opposite aide of the
l ed. sa ing :
Mother, George ir my Iriend. Did
I ev r t 11 von a lie?"
Willie, you have not,"
"Mother I have never wonged
Frank K'be.v's wife. 1 am innocent
of these charge.!."
He had bee previously inf. rased ot
the charge by Jli, (ilnrke. the wit
iiesses, L'r. Karryand Mr. French were
present. Hii (Porter's) denial of this
charge was also made 111 mitinj.
At 3 p. m. the testimony was all iu
and the counsel began their closing
mldi esses.
At the conclusion the comitting
magistrate, F. XV. Stillman, adjudged
that Frank C. KitiLay should be held
to await the action f the grand jury,
lor murder wiibcut bsil. .
Tlie counsel fo-the prosecution and
the bystanders then 'eft the room, hut
llm couii't! fo- the defense remained
and e-urc e.'ed in getting the Justice
tortisctt' .I e extent of edniittiii'
bsil. Dhtrict Attorney Jsckeon was
then sent for fi.rthe purpp ef egrce
ingon tbenmouht. The prosec-altoti le
nioast i ated but was constrained iioa'.iy
to suggest the sum of fi.Ot'O. The
defence suggested $8.1)00. The
amount was fixed bv the Justice at
i 15 .000. . "
Frank Kibbey w .s then remanded
to the eustoday of the sheriff, pending
the obtaining 01 bondtmcu.
The Ioe House---Tho Ne-w Papex
Daatli aud Rece- ory Lifs
A !"nj f ei. wtit i.i the t!i:.pe of a
refie-hing rain storm oc lined iitie
Sunday night.
Col. C. G. Linair.gton, accompanied
' v his wi.'e, arrives! in Tempe yei'er
iiay 1,01.1 a ftw weeks recreatiim cn
the can jt.
Pro: F.. L 5tormeat, the principal I
of t ;a norma! sclioo.. arrived m Tens
.e 1-ist week. He wai iv.-compauied
o- bin briite.
The vem
. h -
one ij-ii'
"! o:
;! -m
i ; on
Antonin Sarielly
h bra;:- fever for
Saturday morn-
ii'te m vr sr old
:n p.
Mexican hoy, ilivd from typhoid fever
hut Saturday.
Irs. Henry Hower en is lying crit
ically ill at her home.
A dance will be given at the Ar
linjtoii House next Friday night, and
a :;::)) l tin:e is expected.
Prof. F. J. Duffy, formerly princi
pal of the 1euin pnblic school, but
lately ot Globe, is in Temp on a vibiI
to his numerous friends.
"Judge W. D. Morton, recently of
Poiaena, Cal , ie in the valley on a
tnurof inspection. Ths j-idge hasex
presse 1 himself as being well pleased
with the valley. He wishes to start
1 newspaper at Mesa City, as he
thinks tiiat is a very goed-fiield for a
Late reports from Mesv state that
John Rhodes is still there with his
armed body guard.
The many friends of Miss Cacsie
Porter will be pleaseJ to learn that
she has entire'y leeovernl the use of
her voic?, which she bad lost last year
during a spell of the measles.
The spirit of progress seems to have
taken firm hold of the Mexicans in
east Temua. A good many ot them
are tearing down the unsightly adobe
and building substantial f:.inae dwel
lings in their place
Fiank Me.idor, II. L Wharton and
Frank Mayor w.uo visitors in Tempe
yesteidiy from Phenix.
Sir. F. L. Hangli went Phen'x
yesterday to negotiate with S. I).
Lount for Cue erection of an ice pla-ii
in this town.
Mrs. J. B. Kell;. and family, Phr
nix, wer viritii g in town ye.-!f-n!s".
SlieriflfTruniuti aud Sidney liartlc
son weie in Tempe S;,i:;i;.y from
of this
I.. ICx-R, ?.. ) of D . K'oss
ce, lii riv' ii in town last Fri-hi-
liotue in K insii'i City.
ITu ws vaster of
a Coiigrpgaiioinil
church iu that city.
The criHit visiuir- who have been
all summer b isking 111 t he waters- of
ti.e Pft.'inc, are beginnini; 'o ret urn,
and with the opening of tlir normal
school the town will ptesent. i's usual
live and busiliug appearance.
Pempe, August. 27! h.
Eass Ball and Race Final Fires
Street Rat!;vay--Distinnuish-fd
V'e veat, wn piayed, and we were
beaten; la other words, the SauCai
los boys outplayed us in the national
game of baseball. Still in the face of
our defeat we beat them at a.qutrter
mile race, and our little horse wtt
too much for their big one. All of
the Globe delegation had a loyal time.
and great credit is duo to nil the offi
cer and soldier! fer their very hs
pitablc treatment. The Globe boys
left here Saturday afternoon, well
supplied with baskets of refieshmentc,
both wet and dry. They reached Pan
Carlos at. midnight, and after a good
rest and hearty breakfast, started la
play at 9 :10 a" m., and after nearly
three houis playing the score vs
18 tu 13 in favor of San Curios. At
liofiii they fuliv demonstrated i'.'.:i
abiiity to do full justice to an elegAi.:.
dinner, and in the f:rnnon starlet
for bonce The news of their ''c'tat
had be?n received by telegraph, mid
it wss not necessary to call out tl:o
hand tOTeceive them.
Kon. Geo. W. Cheyney and Pn f.
Theudere B. Comstock, of the Fni
versity of Arizona, arrived here Satur
day night. The professor is looking,'
into the niining interest of the 'i'er
ritery in behalf of the School of
Mines. This is his first trip here.
They leave for Florence Thursd .y.
Several Florence people who reside.1
here have had the pleasure of shak
ing h .nds with Fen ndo Maldonnda.
He left Tuesday for Polomonville, .
well satisfied with hit trip and in
terviews with our merchants.
Albert Jennings still caret for the'
engine at the smelter.
Hon E. J. Edwards has been dowu--lo
Salt river to secure bail for Blevins.
The Democrats hold an election
AugnsJ- 27th. for delegates to the
comity eenvent an, Sept-3d.
The Republicans will decide ia a
few days upon the time for their
meetings. Politics in this county
arc quiet.
Monday night we had a sprinkle
of a few drops, and then the clouds
paised awav.
Mist Field, sister of Mrs. M. M..
Harris, is expected to be here in a
tew days to teach in tho school. She
graduated in June at the normal
sehool, Lis Angeles.
Frof. F. J. Duffy left Tuesday for
Tempo on a pleasure trip, and will re
turn ia two weeks.
Fresh fruit and vegetables have bo
coe a drug upon the market.
M.. XV. Bremen has had quite a
force of men engaged the last week
fighting fire in the Pintle.
II. C. Hitchcock returned from Los
A iig'les Sunday. He !eft his family
We are waiting the return of E. F.
Ke'lnert learn when he in'ends to
Mart building the street railraad and
waterworks. He has been to San
Frantiisco selecting goods for the fall
Bucklen'c Arnica S.!va.
The best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruise's, Sores Fleers, Salt Rhouin,
Chilblain, Corns, and all skin erup
tions, and positively cures piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction or moi.ey re
funded. Price 25 Gents per box. For
sale bv Florence Pharmacv.
It will tost you nothing and will :
surely do you good, if you have a'
Cough Cold, or any trouble with -Throat.
Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds is guarnnted to '
give relief, or money will be paid back.
SuS'erers from La Grippe found it just
the thing and under its use had a
spedy and perfect recover'.-. Try a
sample bottle at our expanse and
learn for vourself just how good a
thing it is. Trial
bottled tree at
Large sue 50c.
Florence Pharmacy,
and $1.00.
Fresh Fruit,
Fresh Baiter,
Fresh Honey.
Grain of all kinds, New Cheese,
At .f. M. LILE'S. Florence, Ariioaa.
To Secure a Year's Snbcrriptlun to a Potn--lar
Iliinie and Farm Jonrnul Kuid
Our treat Ofier Ulvcn Below.
We are pleased to announce that
we have made arrangements by which
we are prepared to supply J- KttE to
each of our subscribers a year's sub
scription to that well-knowi monthly
home and farm journal, the Ameri
can Farmer, published at Springfield
and Cleveland, Ohio. We make this
of'er to each of our subscribers who
will pay up all arrearages on subscrip
tion and one yuir in advance, and to
all new subscribers paying one year in
advance, The America Farmer ie
itrictly national in its character. It
11 a high class illustrated journal filled
with entertaining and instructive
reading matter, containing every
month much information that it in
valuable to -agriculturalists and of '
special interest to each member of
eve.-y home. It it not a class publi- (
cation and is suited to all lscalities,
buing national in its make-up and
character, thus meeting with faver in
all localities. It ia strictly non-political
and non-sectarian. It has' a
trained corps of contributors and !
carefully edited. The various depart
ment of farm, horticulture, sheep
and swine, the home, the. horse, and
the dairy, are filled with bright and
useful matter. The readers of the
American Farmeh are universal in ii
praise and look for its monthly vui
with keen anticipation. Tim regular
subscription price to the AMEnicix
Farmer is $1.00 per year, but by ips
arrangement it costs vol- 'soTiiiiQ to
receive that great publication far one
year. Do not delay ia taking advan
tage of this offer, but call at onee or
send in your subscription. Sample '
copy of the America Farmer can be
seeu at this office or will be supplied
direct bv t.bp uiiluii!' nr
Globe Stage Line
Carries I.T.' S. mail and Weill, Far(
Leaves Florence daily 1 p. ni.
Leaves Globe daily 1
Win. E Gum.ii, aje.'it Florence.
j E.r. Kellnw Co., .-went Globe.-

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