OCR Interpretation

The Florence tribune. [volume] (Florence, Ariz) 1892-1901, June 02, 1900, Image 1

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94050572/1900-06-02/ed-1/seq-1/

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II ' El HUUM iff;
i9 fl H Ii If ' i f 1 1 p
1 ! 1 1 J i 1 1 ! 1 1 1! ' 1 1 1 H f t I ) 1 1 1 rf r 1 1 1 f i - in 1 1 s i ? it ! f ' t t i i t 1 1 1 ( i 111 j
IhliiiJliiiUiUU 1 UtUi i: i i Hill ! iUdi IU j i iyt:3
Corner Main and Eighth
St recta.
New, Fresh and Clean,
rT I have just returned from i:in Pr:.nfMK?o, vhere 1 bought a larg- and jf
TZ well selected stuck of p
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, , g
pj And NOTIONS for spot cnsli nt very low fipures, unci pronoseto give ?
my customers the ltcncfit of r.iy purchases. n!
Call and be convinced. ,
til n n n ii m n i n i i ii i i in in i i ii nn 1 1 nn : i n i n n i n i n n ! i n mi i n hi: : 1 1 n i n n ni in n i m iia
IvS lgl.lftlC3.-CS fCi fg. fCS rC-, rg. rfV ,N - - A J. A i i . rig
L. W. BLIHIT, General Manager,
Wholesale Dealers and Jobbers in
or Douglas Fir,
drop Pirn
Yards and Wharves at San Pedro, Cal.
City Office. 4-8. 429 nnrl 430 Doudas Block, T, A -,.! f"1i
corner 3rd aud Spring streets, 1-Ub -IlgC ICS, KjHI.
Branch Yards at
Long; Beach, Compton,
and Wbitlier,
We carry the largest and most varied
stock of Mining and Building Lumber on
the Coast, and are prepared at ail times to
execute orders on shortest possible notice.
Our Milling Department is unsur
passed and we guaiantee satisfaction in all
our manufactured work, which includes all
kinds of Redwood or Pine Tanks.
"We invite correspondence and the ob
taining or our prices before you purchase
-'. -S'. Ji'J'?. 'sJf'i$i'iA'iT.. -, r. i, '.: jii. ;jv, -5'V.
B. Heyman Furniture Co.
Phoenix, Arizona.
Furniture, Carpets,
Crockery, Wall Paper,
Send to us for prices, samples and cata
logue. The largest stock in the soutli-
west to select from and our prices are
always as low as the lowest.
B. HEYMAN FURNITURE CO., Wholesale and Retail.
Congress Asked to Give $250,000 for le
gation Surveys Vitally Important ,
. Workof the Geological
The great importance to the west of
the work which the irrigation branch
pf the Geological Survey is doing is
perhaps not as generally understood as
it should be. For some years the sur
vey has been working along on small
appropriations, making" stream meas
urements and reservoir surveys, but if
the west is to attain its full develop
ment through irrigation, this work
should be pushed and reservoir sites
should be determined, surveyed and
set aside, subject to development by
private capital or government enter
prise. Persons familiar with reservoir
engineering know that nature plays
some queer pranks on individuals and
that what appears an ideal place for
water storage may in fact be incap
able of holding water, while a site
which seems to even the careful ob
server to be anything but suitable for
water storage, may in reality afford a
situation for a reservoir of great pro
portions. The general mistake of the average
person, the Geological Surveyors say,
is in thinking that a canyon with steep
sides and a narrow neck, suitable for a
dam site, will make a practicable res
ervoir. There are many such sites
and the dam construction would not
be difocult, but the slopes are too
precipitate and the amount of water
impounded would not be sufficient to
warrant the construction of the dam.
The best sites must include a neck, of
course, which can be readily dammed,
while the slopes should be very gradual
and the fall of the river slight, per
haps imperceptible to naked ye, thus
insuring a very large surface for stor
age. The descent of some rivers is so
rapid, that while to all appearances
they afford good storage facilities, a
dam of practicable height would not
back up sufficient water to warrant
construction. The catchment area of
reservoirs as well as the annual flow
of streams must likewise be considered.
All these points can only be deter
mined definitely by the surveyor's in
struments, and so, if it is desired to
have definite information upon which
to work, either as regards private in
vestment or ultimate government con
struction, it is extremely important
that this preliminary work should pro
gress as rapidly as possible.
Congress is being asked for a good
sized appropriation this session with
which to carry on this work, in amount
250,000, and the whole West, being
vitally interested, will watch for a
favorable action.
Are What Irrigation Appropriations Would
Be Favorable Eastern Sentiment.
A Great Name
is a guarantee of
Superior Worth '
There are many brands of baking powders
but Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is
recognized at once as the brand of great name,
a powder of highest favor and reputation
Everyone has absolute confidence in the food
where Dr. Price's Baking Powder is used.
Pure and healthful food is a matter of vital
importance to every individual.-
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder assures
the finest and most wholesome food.
Note. Avoid the imitation baking powders. They
are mostly made from alum, a cheap, caustic
acid, which enables the baking powder to be
sold at a lower price, but is injurious to health.'
chase those things which the east alone
supplies and 6o through the prosperity
of the irrigated west the manufactur
ing east would indirectly benefit by
the opening of great additional
From the News.l
angry man is an easily
strong natures
It Will
be a Big Thing if its Ever Built.
s'i 4f, 4fc t. vM. ' t!. rV !s.ViJ5fi?jV'4. t. tv. $v gr, ',
Florence Hotel,
L. K. DRAIS, - Proprietor.
Newly Furnished and Eefltted.
Will be run
Table tupplied with the best
the market uflorils.
Elegantly Furnished Rooms
Ear Constantly Supplied With
the Choicest Wines, Liquors
and Cigars.
Patronage of Commercial men and the -en-erul
public respectfulivsohcted.
The Valley Bank,
& 100,000
Wm. Christy, President.
M. H.Shbbsias, Vice-President.
M. W. Mebsisbbb, Cashier.
Receive Deposits,
Make Collections,
Bny and Sell Exchange
Discount Commercial Paper and do a
General Banking Business. Office
Hours, 9 a. m to 3 p. m.
American Exchange National Rank, N. Y.
The Anxlo-CuliforniaBfink, San i'rancisco.
Am. Exchange Nut'I Bank, Chicago,-Hi.
Firwt Njilionitl Bunk, IjOh Anj.;eUs.
Hunk of Arizona, Prcscott, Arioiia,.
Hostility to irrigation legislation has
developed in the east, from time to
time, broad minded expressions among
men liberal enough to see that what
build3 up one part of the country must
reflesibly help all other parts.
It is pleasing to note that such a far
eastern paper as the Boston Transcript
recognizes the fact that irrigation ap'
propriations for the west would be na
tional investments, in the interests of
and for the benefit of all the people of
the United States.
Quite a part of the annual outlay of
the nation, the Transcript says, is an
investment rather than an expend
iture. Publie buildings are direct in
vestments, obvious to everybody, be
cause they save rental to the govern
ment. In the case of certain other
appropriations, the investment aspect.
while just as genuine, is so indirect as
to escape attention. An appropri
ation for the improvement of lioston
harbor would be an indirect invest
mest. The cost of transportation is one
of the great public charges, the rates
of which bear directly upon the
fortunes of everybody. A deep channel
to Boston makes possible large ships
and therefore low freight rates. The
government in spending monoy for
such improvements makes easier the
future burden of its citizens and as
the interests of the citizen, and the
State are identical, this becomes an
investment pure and simple.
It is the same story, continues the
Transcript, with all worthy river and
harbor imrovements'; they are national
investments. Irrigation expenses, in so
far as they provide for permanent
works, come under the same head.
National expenditures of the invest
ment sort should be encouraged, es
pecially when the country is so prosper
ous that it can bear its burden well as
against the time of greater stringency.
It takes but slight study to see that
an irrigation appropriation applied to
any one section would almost immedi
ate! v help other sections. If the west
fee tad man. -
Necessity makes
It takes smart person to take the
hint every time.
The men most cursed are- generally
the ones most missed.
The world's wrongs are
of individuals, mistakes.
No man , ever wounded
but left a scar on himself.
A man's love for a woman is no
deeper then she makes it.
It takes a keen hearing to detect
the soft knock of opportunity.
When women cease to pray the
devil will pre-empt the world.
The peaks of onr ambition make
the low valleys of our despair.
We turn down a chance in a minute
and spend a life time in regret.
There's plenty of women for every
man, but few men for every woman.
The man you have to kill to conquer
is the one who wins out in the end.
Day dreams are generally followed
by a girl till they change into night
mares. -Every
man's life has been lived
right, who can truly say he isn't
afraid to die.
A man with a hobby is most times
a smart man,, and a "crank" is a
Doing another man wrong only
draws interest in your favor for 70
years at the most.
If angels are women it's to be hoped
that they can't quarrel like their
earthly sisters.
The man or "woman who always
' guess or suppose so," never won a
battle in any walk of life. .
The best trait a man or woman can
posssess is to say "yes" or "no" in a
manly and womanly way.
The world's engaged in the sama
mission it was 1900 years ago only
with improved appliances.
The strongest nature is the one that
can keep on fighting, regardless wheth
er the lamps are lighted or not.
It is an easy matter for a woman to
fall in love with a shiftless man ; but
few men fall in love with a shiftless
No old road leads to success. Every
fellow has to build a new one and his
success depends entirely on his ability
to remove the cobble stones.
(From the Phoenix Republican. 5
Here is good news for Phoenix and
important if true. While the delegates
from Florence to the democratic terri
torial convention were waiting at Casa
Grande on Tuesday night, they were
entertained at great length by a woman
named Mrs. William Beard, who is go
ing to tap this town with a railroad.
She has, she says, a concession from
the Mexican government for a line
from a bay south of Topolobampo.
The concession embraces 10,000 acres
of land and a Kubsidy of $10,000 a mile,
besides other valuable inducements
from the states of Sonora and Sinaloa,
and other Mexican states through
which the railroad is going to run. It
will enter the United States at a point
near Lenoria, about twenty miles east
of Ndgales, and will thence be run in a
general northwesterly direction to
Phoenix. What is to be done after
that is yet to be determined. Mrs.
Beard said she had an offer of $50,000
to build to Deming instead of to Phoe
nix, but she had declined for the reason
that her husband, an experienced rain
ing man, who died in Alaska, told her
that central and northern Arizona was
the richest and most promising mineral
region in the world.
Besides $50,000 is a bagatelle hardly
worth considering since she is backed
by capitalists of the Hague to the ex
tent of $44,000,000. Another aggrega
tion of capitalists have since wanted to
put $S0,000,000 into the enterprise on
account of the attractive character of
the Mexican concession, but she de
clined the offer on tha ground that
$44,000,000 was enough.
A branch line of the road will be
built to Topolobampo, that settlement
having been turned over to her by the
Mexican government, the original con
proportion as they are advocated or ;
posed by the people who live in sn
towns and on farms, because the ev
ings of sueh people are devoted
reading and reflection, or to
fashioned visiting, which means an
change of views and frequent disc
sion. In moulding these views
country editor is the chief instrumet
Natural WonOers.
From the Los Angeles Times. . ;
There are many curious things t
seen out on the Colorado desert, wl
section is likely to come into prv
nence with the next few years, ow
to the large irrigation project
under way there. Among other thi
you may travel there for many n
in a depression 200 feet or more b
the level of the sea. There are,
strange mud volcanoes, where ;
water bubbles up from the bowe
the earth. Another curious featu'
the desert is the cow tracks, w
stand almost a foot high. These tr
are generally made during a rain st
and as the ground is then soft,
compressed where the cattle step
It. It hardens as it dries and the ;
blows the sand from around the tri
leaving them standing in some p
a foot above the level of the groun
The following is the New York
nal's explanation of the multitu
Btrikes: "Most of the current st
are due to the increased cost of li
Nominally for higher wages, the;
really strikes against wage reduc
The general rise of prices has
down the purchasing power of n
that the real wages of most wor
are lower now than they were i
hard times three years ago, even S
they are 10 or 20 per cent higher,
nred in dollars and cents. The
benefit most workmen receive ?
The San Francisco Chronicle of re
cent date states that Post Office In-
were fully developed, the east would spectors Hall and Flint are about leav-
necessarily benefit thereby, for western j ing San Francisco, with $30,000 worth
money would ow eastward to pur- 0f stamps for Honolulu.
prosperity thus far has been inct
cessiouaire Owens having' failed in his ! steadiness of employment. Thei
contract with the government. Mrs. I been no improvement in earnin
Beard says the preliminary survey of
her line has been completed. She
made it herself riding over the entire
route on horseback or in a buckboard.
Mrs. Beard is a nature 01 Havana, a
woman of hardly middle age, attractive
personality, and a strong flow of language.
Printers' Ink gives an interesting
excerpt from an address delivered by
Congressman Landis of N. Y., on The
Evolution of the Country Editor. Pass
ing over the contrast drawn to show
the great difference between the coun
try editor of twenty-five years ago,
when his lot was a hard one, and the
editor of the present day, when his
work is easy everywhere except in
Arizona, perhaps let us see what the
gentleman from New York hs to say
in another connection :
"The country newspaper men of to
day really mould the sentiment of the
republic, and have done so for the lust
fifty years. The metropolitan papers
oannot successfully champion any prop
osition that meets with the united
opposition of the country press. Great
movements either succeed or fail in
those at work, but rather the revs
... j
The only safe way for a man tc"
his wife wi th a smile on his lip 3
chew a few cloves just aften
"smile." f
A rich lady cured of her dtf
and noises in the head by Ir. I
son's Artificial Ear Drums, ga
000 to tiis Institute, so that deaf:
unable to procure the Ear Drue
have them free. Address No. IS
Nicholson Institute, 780 Eighth A
New York. n
Eureka Harness Oil is the be'
preservative of new leatllt
and the best renovutor of ol
leather. It oils, softeuB, blacli
ens and protects. Ije .
. Eureka i
Harness m
on yotir best harness, vonr old ha
ness, and your carriacPtop, and thi
will nut only look letter but v'
longer. Sold everywherr-in cans
Bi2tfrow half pints to Bvecailon
Made by bTA NDAlttt OIL CO.

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