OCR Interpretation

The Florence tribune. [volume] (Florence, Ariz) 1892-1901, April 06, 1901, Image 2

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94050572/1901-04-06/ed-1/seq-2/

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ee Months,
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itered at the Florence
md class matter.
posKjflk as
iT Is apparent that something must be
e to provide water for the Indians. In
er to demonstrate our ability to govern
v peoples we must show a better record
those now in our care." Prof. F. H.
veil, in a lecture in Washington, Dec
KDOnsTKDLY-the first work in irrigation
Ich the government should undertake is
construction of a dam on the Gila River
Jan Carlos, in Arisoiia, because this im
Vf ment n otiid not only bring uudercul
ttion a large area of arid land for the
r of white settlers, but would also relieve
urgent needs of thousands of friendly
lians, who are now in a starving condi
a because the water upon which they
e been dependent for centurleti has been
erted by white settlers above them,
is Improvement would be not only a strik-
' object lesson of the advantage of irriga-
B en a large scale, but also an act of
rcy and justice. Los Angeles Times
ltorlaL Feb. 12, 1D01. .
Thi appointment of Fred Funston to
Brigadier General in the regular
By was a prompt recognition of tbe
ring capture of Agninaldo by the
incible little Kansan,
K man who boists of his liberality
d public spirit generally refuses to
y his honest debts. Sui:h an individ
1 is indebted to the Tribune five
liars for subscription just tbe
ount of his quarterly city license.
Tuk elections in the east this week in
e large cities have generally gone
tuocratic, three particularly in which
e greatest interest was taken. Rolls
ells was elected mayor of St. Louis,
rter Harrison mayor of Chicago, and
m Johnson mayor of Cleveland.
It is said that Albert Steinfeld has
kin secured control of the Bay Mines,
d will sooa begin active operations
the property. At the recent election
directors in London the interests
the wealthy bankers Seligman of
tw York and Mr. Steinfeld represent
a majority of the stock, and the
rri;?ijuien stepped clown and oat
lis fine property has been teiribly
smanaged, but will soon come to the
nt under businesslike American eon-
1. Competent men, regardless of
tionality , will be employed, and none
ier. Tbe Tribune has this straight.
d it can be depended on.
The oew law which goes into effect
the 1st of next September increases
:aries of all officers in fourth, fifth
d sixth-class counties. The sheriff
made ex-officio assessor, and the dis
ci attorney, treasurer and recorder
11 receive $1250 a year. Tbe latter
11 also get one-half the fees for re
rding mining locations (50 cents'),
d tbe supervisors may allow him
tra pay for a clerk. Tbe probate
ge's compensation is also increased,
d certain fees of the sheriff over
lich there has been some dispute are
ide legal charges. The allowance of
ch supervisor has been increased to
X) a year. And tbe tax-payers pay
e freight.
Tub thousands of old Tocubstoners
ittered over the world will be glad
learn that E. B. Gage has consoli-
ted the Grand Central, Contention
d roughnut interests, and will at
ce reopen those wonderfully rich
Des oo a grander scale than ever. It
a mistake to suppose that the prod'
t of Tombstone was exclusively
ver, ss good value in gold is in all
e ore, while the ore bodies at and
low water level are immense. Tbe
ubuhk man believes from a long and
timate acquaintance with tbe prop-
ties, which have paid their tens of
.Hious in dividends, that Tombstone
11 again resume its proud position
, tbe leading ininicg camp of Arizona.
Ts statement has been made that
b Paul was the first sheriff of
chise county, which is incorrect
ongh he was sheriff of Pima county
ben it comprised what is now
chise. In the election in 1880 Paul
is defeated on the face of the re
rns, but in a contest it was stown
.at half a dozen of Curly Bill's
tiers at Han Simon cast something
er a hundred votes against him
ley drank and voted all day, and
ong towards night, just before the
ills were to close, Curly Bill re'
arked, "Boys, this election has gone
o one-sided to suit me, and just to
i ow them fellers down at Tucson
at there is do coercion in this camp
"am going to give Bob Paul one."
od so the returns showed that one
te was all he got, but the precinct
?m thrown out and Paul was elected.
The .lefferson Democrat, published
at llillsboro, Mo., one of the leading
country newspapers of the State, was
established in 18liG by Chus. D. Iteppy
and Chas. A. Clurk, and is now owned
and ably edited by R. W. McMnllen,
brother-in-law of tbe former. Tbe fol
lowing article taken from a receat is
sue is convincing proof that the Dem
ocrat is sound on the main issues now
before the American people:
Senator Carter of Montana has been
harshly critioised for talking to death the
River and Harbor appropriation bill. His
action was ptobably without a parallel in
the C.S.eongress. It is not uncommon for
the minority in t he senate to take advantage
of the rules of that body and prevent the
passage of objectionable bills by contiuous
speech making; but Senator Carter belonged
to the majority and blocked a measure in
which his party was interested and which
had been passed by his friends in the house,
Before condemning him it will be well to
consider the circumstances and the reasons
which impelled him to take the course he
did. There is a vast section of this country
to the west and northwest that is not pecun
iarily interested In the improvement of the
waterways for navigable purposes, but in
tensely interested in the storage and control
of water for irrigation purposes, With a
supply of water that territory is capable of
providing good homes for millions of people.
Without water much of it will have to re
main an uninhabitable desert. The Monta
na senator is presumed to have been looking
after the interests of people whom he repre
sented. He wanted appropriations for res
ervoirs for irrigation, and as the majority
in congress had decided that there was not
funds enough for that purpose and to also
continue the work of Improving the rivers
and harbors after providing for other gov
ernment expenses, they refused his appro
priations; and he adopted the only method
left for keeping even. The proper question
for the entire public to consider Is, Why is
there not money enough for both the im
provement of the rivers and the storage res
ervoirs? The answer Ic easy. Too much is
being spent in maintaining a, fnay of crim
inal aggression. If instead of sacrificing
thousands of American citizens and mil
lions of American dollars in a war of con
quest the money was spent la developing
the territory already belonging to us,
there is no telling how much good could
be accomplished. The expenditure of money
would not need to be increased a cent;
the sacrifice of American lives would be
stopped ; the administration would be com
mended for keeping within the limits of the
constitution and laws of the eountry, and
the nation would resume its lost position as
a friend of freedom and justice.
Fkkd Nave was married this week
to a handsome Negates widow, Mrs.
Eliza Jones. Tbe jacking up he re-
ontly g-oi at the nanus Of the terri
torial press onght to prepare Fred for
peaceful honeymoon.
A more or less esteemed contempo
rary advises its readers to "burry per
sonal anisnosities." If it has refer
ence to burying personal animosities,
the Tribune quite agrees with it.
Billy Spkars, . with bis snake
stories, which he attributes to Judge
Barnes, is usurping tbe prerogatives
of our veracious friend Joe MulhattoD,
and should be looked after.
J. Porterie reports a bonanza silver
strike by Jack Phifer and B. Monterey
a mile and a quarter from tbe famous
old Silver King of Pinal county. The
two men have sank a shaft 35 feet
deep striking a ven from two to two
and a half feet wide and composed of
stromierite or silver copper glance
and ruby silver. An assay of the for
mer ran 1000 ounces of silver to the
ton and the latter 305 ounces. It is
believed the strike is on tbe old vein
of tbe Silver King which was lost some
years ago. Enterprise.
Word has been received here that
another accident occurred in tbe Unit
ed Verde mine at Jerome last Friday
night, in which two men were killed,
and four others seriously wounded.
A number of holes bad been loaded
ready for shooting, and the work of
lighting the fuse was in progress.
The fuse used was too short, and be
fore all of them were lighted, the first
one commenced to explode, causing
accident. Journal-Miner.
The latest slander on Missouri, the
greatest State in the Union, is the fol
lowing: A St. Louis "lunger," stop
ping in Tucson, took a trip to Oraele,
Pinal county. On his return a friend
asked him the altitude of Oracle. The
Missonrian's reply was, "It's pretty
high teu dollars a week."
While working in an exavation for
the Tucson waterworks Tuesday,
Christie Garcia and three companions
were buried under a mass of caving
ground. Garcia was instantly killed
and the others were badly hurt. The
dead man was a former resident of
Religious Notice.
. Beginning with November, preach
ing services at the Florence Presby-
terian Church on the second and fourth
Sabboths of tbe month. .
Preaching services Sunday, 11 a. m.
and 7:15 p. m. ; Sunday school every
Sunday at 10 : a. m. ; Christian Endeavor
every Sunday at 6:30 p. m.; prayer
meeting every Wednesday at 7 p. m.
All are cordially invited to thessitle,
services. II. II. Mayo, Pastor.
Project to Furnish PowertoOperate Mines
In Globe and Mineral Greek District.
From the Globe Silver Belt.
Chas, M. Clark and his son Gib re
turned last Friday, accompanied by
Mr. VY. Meridith, of the firm of Ben
jamin, Hunt, Corey & Meriditb, elec
trical engineers, of San Francisco.
Mr. Meriditn's visit is for the purpose
of making a critical examination of
Mr. Clark's electrical transmission
enterprise, and the organization of the
company to carry on the project will
aepena largely on Mr. Meriditn's re
The party left Globe Sunday morn'
ing for upper Salt river, where tbe
generating plant is to be located, and
they will spend three or four weeks in
making the survey. Tl.ey will lay the
grade for the canal ' to conduct the
water from the intake at tae mouth
of Cherry creek to tbe head of Medier
gulch, from which point it is proposed
to conduct the water in a pressure pipe
to the wheels to be iostalied at the
level of tbe river. Mr. Clark expects
to. get a 300 foot head, and develop
4000 h. p., which with a liberal allow'
ance lor loss or power will give an
efficiency of 3000 h. p.
It is proposed to transmit the power
to Globe and to any point in tbe dis
trict where it may be required to oper
ate mines and reduction works and for
lighting purposes. Tbe line will also
be continued to Ray and Kelvin, and
in the event of having a surplus of
power above the requirements of the
sections named, it would be prsctic
able to extend the line to Phoenix at
an additional cost of $50,000.
Mr. Meridith's company is the most
eminent firm of electrical engineers on
the coast. They installed the Spreckles
light and power system in San Fran
cisco, and have a similar contract in
Honolulu. Mr. Meridith personally
superintended the construction of the
great electrical power plant on the
Coins tock, which was recently com
pleted Railroad to La Cananeas.
Prom tbe Tucson Star.
Scott White, ex-sheriff of Cochise
county, was at tbe San Xaviur on Sun
day, accompanied by bis wife. E. A.
McFarland, engineer in chief of the
Green Consolidated Copper company's
railroad interests, came with Mr.
White. The latter had a long talk
with Colonel Randolph, who was re
cently driven to the Cananeas from
Kaco by the ex-sheriff. Tbe latter
held the ribbons over tbe finest pair
of horses in Cochise county on that
particular occasion, a fact, Mr. White
was pleased to remark.
Messrs. White aud McFarland were
en route to San Francisco, where they
are to meet Presideut Greene of the
Greene Consolidated Copper Co., he
having wired Mr. White that he had
bought the necessary steel rails for
37 miles Of railroad from Naco to the
Cananeas camp. Tbe grade is com
paratively easy, said Mr. White.
The Tombstone Prospector seems to
have caught on to the idea that the
S. P. intended to run a line from Co
chibe station to Pearce, Turquois,
Tombstone and Naco, there to connect
with the Greene Consolidated Copper
company's line. It does look that way,
though Mr. White was noncommittal
on tbat pojnt. The G. C. C. Co. will
be a great feeder to such a line and it
is a known fact that the other points
have been for years, especially so
Pearce and Tombstone. Tbe latter will
be a big feeder following tbe reopen
ing of tbe mines in tbe Tombstone dis
trict. .
Nsw Directors of the Southern Pacific.
New Yokk, April 3. The Southern
Pacific has elected tbe following direct
ors: T, J.Coolidge, Jr., Geo. J. Gould,
E. H. Harrimao, Edwin Hawleyi
Chas. H. Hays, 11. E. Huntinglohjl
Jas. H. Hyde, Otto U. Kuhn, J. Wj
Mackay, D. 0. Mills, WibslowS. Price,
J. H. Schiff, Jas. Speyer, Jas. Still
man and Chas. II. Tweed.
It includes seven members of the
Union Pacific syndicate which recently
acquired control of the Southern Paci
fic, seven old Huntington representa
tives, and George Gould.
Justice A. B. Tomlioson is this after
noon explaining tbe mysteries of Mr.
Edmunds' famous act to Orlando
Douglass and Mrs. Ludke. In the case
of the later tbe assistance of a jury
has been requested. Tempe News.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
Contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely derange
tbe whole system when entering it
through the mucous surfaces. Such
articles should never be used except en
prescriptions from reputable physi
cians, as the damage they will do is
ten fold to tbe good you can possibly
derive from -them. Hall's Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney &
Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury,
and is taken internally, acting directly
upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh
Cure be sure yon get the genuine. It
is taken internally, and made in Toledo,
Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimon
ials free.
Sold by Druggists, price 75j. per bot-
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
An Interview on the Prospects of Reha
(From the Phoenix Enterprise.
E. B. Gage, the mining prince of
Arizona, together with a number of
mining magnates of the cast, spent
Thursday in Pboenix and returned to
the north last night. Mr. Gage was in
Tombstone in early days when it was
the boom camp of the world. Be has
formed a strong combination of capital
and will once more rehabilitate tbe
oamp. Speaking of what will be done,
Mr. Gage says, '"We hive purchased a
vast amount of machinery, and will
proceed to sink a new shaft with the
hope that all the water stored in tbe
other big mines may not flow in. If it
does we can pump it out without cessa
tion of work."
When asked whether he thought the
mines of Tombstone were worked out,
Mr. Gage says: "Not by any means; few
have been sunk far below the water
level, and good ore was in tbe bottom
when the camp closed down. Fnlly for
ty per cent of the mineral id gold, much
of it running five ounces to the ton;
tbe rest U silver."
" Work will begin soon and it will be
prosecuted continuously and with vigor.
"We are not doing this work in tbe in
terest of philanthropy," said Mr. Gage,
"but as a cold-blooded business trans
action." Tbe mineral deposits at Tomb
stone are among tbe richest in the
world, and the supply seems to be in
exhaustible. The Bryan Mines.
From the Globe Silver Belt. ,
We learn from Mrs. Clara Kinney,
principal owner of tbe Bryan copper
mines, situated on tbe Gila river near
Kelvin, that tbe U. S. patent to the
chief mines of tbe group has been re
ceived from Washington. Important
development work on the property now
nnder way is a tunnel to crosscut tb e
several ledges. The tunnel, which
starts from the river level, has been
driven about 60 feet and is now in iron
carrying gold, indicating that it will
ion cut the first ledge. It is the in
tention to continue this tunnel into
the mountain 400 feet, which will give
a depth oo tbe main ledge of some COO
feet. The shipment of ore has been
Because Judge A. S. Humphreys, of
the Cnited States circuit court of Hono
lulu (formerly of Floren je) , Indulged in
a scathing rebuke to juror Schmidt,
who refused to convict a prisoner in a
criminal case, and excused him from
further jury duty, Schmidt has brought
suit against Judge Humphreys for large
damages declaring that bis reputation
as an honest man has been seriously
injured by the actiou of tbe Judge.
C. J. Ulmer who has been on the sick
list for some time, is recovering and is
able to be out again. Tempe News.
Tea Garden Drips
is a Sugar Syrup of highest quality.
Once used always wanted. Deliri
ously sweet make, taffy candy to per
fection. Manufactured by Pacific Coast
Syrup Co. Ask your grocer, 707-719
Sansome St.. San Francisco,
Many a school
girl is said to
be lazy and B
shiftles s
nen she
doesn't deserve
She can't study, easily
falls asleep, is nervous
and tired all the time.
And what can you ex
pect? Her brain is being
fed with impure blood
and her whole system is
suffering from poisoning.
Such girls are wonder
fully helped and greatly
changed, by taking
Hundreds of thousands
l4 of schoolgirls have taken
, 4 it during the past SO years.
Many of these girls now
have homes of their own.
They remember what
cured them, and now
they give the same medi
cine to theirown children.
You can afford to trust a
Sarsaparilla that has been
tested for half a century.
ll.Mi bottle. Allsrasrlsts.
If your bowels are consti
pated take Ayer's Pills. You
can't have good health unless
you have daily action of the
bowels. 25 cts. a box.
" One box of Ayer's Pills cured my
dyspepsia." L.D. Cabdwill,
Jan. 12, 1899. Bath.N.T.
WrHm thm Daaior.
If you hsT any complaint whstsvflr
and desire the best medical ad-vlce 70a
can possibly receive, -write the doctor
freely. Toa -will receive a prompt zs
plj, without cost. Address,
TiT. T . TTT-T) T 11
m no. v. v a 1 ivn, luwhji, nun.
rV sti s A its 11 sHi s siinisOi
t-i f i n p. a v u
3 (,
Mr, m, Mr, Mtr, Mr, Mr, Me, M'', Me, Mt,
President. Vice President. Secretary,
General Merchandise.
Lumber and Building Material.
A complete stock at Wholesale prices.
Our Forwarding Department
In charge of an experienced Manager.
Casa Grande. Ariz.
', Mr, Mr, Mi, Mr, M', Me. Mr. Mr, M',
Wh libit?
I i
I Hardware Merchants, J
i Florence. Arizona. )
h Keep everything needed by the Miner, the 1
j Farmer, Freighter, the Mechanic j
k and by anybody else. 4
VO t? A ii A A A A A A A A A A A A A -fO, fO. j IsSltSl
Lodging House,
L. K. DRA1S, - Proprietor.
Newly Furnished ard Befitted.
Will be run
Table supplied with the best
the market aftords.
Elegantly Furnished Rooms
Bar Constantly" Supplied With
the Choicest Wines, Liquors
and Cigars.
Patronage of Commercial men and the gen
eral public respectfully solicited.
Stage anrl Livery Co.
Florence ? nd Casa Grande
Livery, Feed &
Sale Stables
Florence and Casa Cranae.
Tunnel Saloon.
Telephone No. Main 101.
J. C. KEATINC. Proprietor.
Meat Market,
Main Street, Florence.
Is constantly supplied withFat Beef, which
will be furnished customers at the lowest
cash prices. We buy for cash and are com
pelled to sell for cash, and will use our best
endeavors to guarantee satisfaction to our
Corner Saloon
C. W. HAEDY, Prop.
Headquarters for the Gang.
The finest of "Wines, Liquors
and Cigars.
ma fir, Mr, Me, m', Mr, m. Me, M; M, Me, 't.
Mr, Manager.
Me, MrMg.Mt.Mi, Mr, Mr, MS, M''r, Mr. MJ,
The Valley Bank,
W11. Chbistt, President.
M. K. Shebuak, Vice-President.
II. W. Mkssikgsb, Cashier.
Receive Deposits,
Make Collections,
Bay and Sell Exchange J
Discount Commercial Paper and do a-
General Banking Business. Office
Hours, 9 a. m. to 3 p.m.
American Exchange National Bank. N. T.
The Ando-California Rank. Kan Rrarw.iun.
Am. hxchange atl Bank, Chicago, 111. '
First Nat ional Bank, Los Angeles.
Bank of Arizona, Prescott, Arizona.
' 1
vrTuekOH, Arlzena.
Capital Paid Up, -Surplus
and Profits,
Deposits, - - -
Foreign exchange. Cable aud telegraph! c-
transfers all over the world.
Accounts of individuals, firms and corpora
tions solicited and their interests carefully
looked after.
H.B.TESNET, Cashier. -
C. R. IVlichea&Co.,
General lentte,
Corner Main and 12th streets.
Florence? Arizona
Florence Ptaacy,
Under Management of
Completely Restocked With
Drugs, Patent Medicines,
Toilet Articles, Perfumeries
Blank Books, Stationery,' Cigars, Etc.
Antonio, Chinaman
Corner 9th and Bailey streets,
Florencei ... Arizona.

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