THE FLORENCE TRIBUNE PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. FLORENCE. ARIZONA. AUGUST 31, 1901. SUN SET LON GDfsTA N CET ELEPHONS TLOBBSCE EXCHANGE. Main. 11 Barker, A. P.,.. General Merchandise. 41 Brookway, O. M., Florence Pharmacy. SI Brookway, G. 51., Residence. 51 Canal Company, Offic e. HI Clerk's oflioe Court Houe. 71 Sheriff's otHce,.. .Court House. 01 Drais, L. K Florence Hotel. 151 Judge's office. . . .Court House. Ml-Doan, F. M Residcnoe. lol--Keating, J. G.,.. Tunnel Saloou. Ill Mlcnea A Co Florence Cash Store. 121-Powell, C. G Resldenoe. 131 Reppy, C. D Retidenoe. 181-Reppy, C. D Tribuxb Office. 1 41 Shields A Price, . General Merchandise. 161 Stevens, D.C... Montezuma Stables. 1 Truman, W. C... Residence. SOUTHERN PACIFIC TIME TABLE. CASA GKAXDK STATION. No. 9, west-bound, daily at No. 10, east-buund, daily at ..8:23 p. m. ..4:33 a. m. For a few days we had a cool spell, and now, gee whiz! It seems hotter that ever. Justice M. M. Hiekey aad W. D. ' Foreman lelt Tuusday for the latter's ranch in the Black mountains. N. II, Mellor left yesterday for Sad dle mountain, after spending a week among his friends in Florence. Mr. and Mrs W". C. Truman returne d Tuesday from a delightful six weeks' outing at J. J.SYaser's mouutaiu ranch Tommy Sutton, Frank Evans, Barney Mc.Maaus and J. E. Coleman were drumming up trade in town this week. A six-months-old son of Miguel Cel aya died last Monday and was buried the following day in the Catholic ceme tery. 1. W. McCallen, P. A. Schilling and Billy Wicks were down from Ray Mon day, baring heard of the illness of their friend Jake Bates. Canal Manager W. Y, Price and Dis trict Attorney J. E. O'Connor left Thursday for California, and will spend a few days on the sea shore. J. II. La Rue and wife and W. R. Colcutt, of San Franoisco, and C. E. Moorman, of Solomonville, were reg istered at the Piorence Hotel yester day. Miss Mabel Burgess, who has been appointed teacher of the Mt. View school, across the river, arrived Tues day from the east. Her 6chool will open Monday. On account 61 thnrinese of Mrs. Frank M. Doan, she having taken a severe cold, her departure and that of her husband for Palo Alto, Cal., has been delayed for a time. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bley and their grandson, Roy Adams, returned Mon day from the San Pedro, where they have been spending a few weeks at the beautiful ranch of Mr. Geo. F. Cook. Last Saturday evening friends of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Doan tenderei them a farewell party at the residence of Judge Doan. The Oliyas orchestra furnished the music for a very enjoy able dance. 8. A. Bartleson, Miss Mary Bartie eon. Miss Mollie Long, Walter Bailey and Harvey Elliott returned last Sun day from a pleasant ten-days' outing at the Bartleson cattle ranch, thirty miles southeast of town. Oil-boring machinery is now at the depot in Casa Grande which will be placed in the Uackberry wash near Riverside, and set to work at once. It belongs to the company of which Alonzo Bailey, of Globe, is president. The Indications for oil in that section are excellent. Under Sheriff George E. Trnman and Taylor Branaman returned Mon day from Globe, where they went on official business. They saw Sam Fin ley and Ed. Tewksbury, in Globe. Fin ley aays he followed the Riverside robbers to the sawmill in the Pinal mountains, where he lost the trail. Landlord Drais is having extensive and much needed improvements made in his Florence Hotel. The burnt por tion is being covered with a now ahlngle roof and eight commodious rooms will thus be added to the popu lar hostelrie. The Draisea' are bouud to keep abreast of the times, if not a little ahead. There is quite an oil excitement in the Kenll worth country, eight miles from Florence. A company has been formed, a boring outfit purchased and a well will be sunk on Will Graham's place. Experts who have been over the ground say there are certain in dications of oil In fact, there is oil on the turface of the water in the wells. On Thursday last Misses Annis Keat ing, Dora Goodin and Mary Will left . for Tempo, where they will enter the Normal School, They were driven over in a four-horse coach, with Jim Rogers handling the reins, aciom panied by Capt. John G. Keati tig and Mrs. Charles Goodin. The Tihbujtb expects to hear a good account of our Florence ? iris. Who was Cain's Wife? Epitou Tribune: The question as to who Cain married in the land of Nod (Genesis 4-16 17) has never bein satisfactorily answered Out once. Sam Joues made a vapid blunder at it by saying that "Cain married the daugh ter of his father-in-law." This answer went wide of the murk, for the reason that the bible gives no account of say woman s.ive Madam Eve at the time Cain took a wife. Some irreverent cuss once suggested that Cain married in the Needier fami ly. This was prompted by malice, for at that very time Biitclicr was under going that notable 100-days trial for uumjnisteriul catting up with Eliza beth, one of the yew lambs of his church, and the plausible answer was left for a negro preacher to solve. Not long after the rebel war closed (in which you and I were trying to make sausage meat cf each otherl the Chattanooga and Alabama railroad was built. The grading was all done by the negroes who f.ieetiously alluded to certain of the white peoyle of the South as "low down white trash." Following up the line of the grading of said road was a lot of negro preach ers. Prominent among thetu was an old gray headed darkey who was rev erently a lluded to as Father Nelius. Oue bright moonlight night in a beautiful grove iu Alabama Father Nelms was about to address a large concourse of darkies, with a sprinkling of whites on the outskirts. Having pre luded his discourse with the remark: "Having calched a bad cold de other night I can't 'tempt to preach a sar mint now, but I will rend a chapter and 'opinio it as I go 'long. "De udder eight I was preaching up de road 'bout Caiu killing his bruuder Abei and going to de land of Nod and looked a wife. "After the sarraint was over one of your thin-skinDed salaratus complex ioned darkies came around wid a lot of grinning niggers at his heels and says to me, 'Fodder Nclins, you disre membered to tell us who Mr. Cain married in de land of Nod. Was it his mudder?' "I was so shocked wid de impudence oh ce question I knovved fie white trash had sent bim up to ax it, and I couldn't say nuflin', but 1 took it under prayr f ul consideration, and de answer was made plain." Then he read the 4th chapter of Genesis and, laying down the book, he continued his discourse: "Befo' Cain killed his Christian brudder, he used to raise right smart truck, but afterward we doa't read ob bis working any mo'. "Finally he took his gun and dogs and went down to dai sleepy no-account country called Nod and thar he loafed about and sponged u way till he lost all 'spect for hisself, family and state, and de next we read he married a daughter ob one ob de low down white-trash families dat de in spired writers tlidu't think fltten to mention in de holy writ." The Heathen Vax Dalsem. Letter from John P. Cium. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, OFNCK of Post Office iNssi-r.CTOK, Nome, Alaska, July 3U, l'JUl. Mi Deab Em-it: It was a pleasure to read the Teibunr of June 21st. Your very kindly mention of your old "pard" of the Epitaph was specially gratifying. In this age of uxpansiou individual efforts are sooa in-gotten. My life has not been devoid of errors, bat I have given my best years to the con cientious direction of affairs for the public good and fuel that I have con tiiuuted my fuil share of endeavor to ward tne development and upbuilding of our vast frontier. I am just now completing my 3uth year among the western trails, and a few sincere lines of recognition like those in the Tm El'XE make one feel kindlier toward the world in general. I thank you for remembering me thus cordially. I lft Washington on Muy 18, and hope to be on my way to the states in about a month. I desire very muh to make a visit to Arizona and hope I may be able to see Florence once more before many moons. With b-:st wishes for yourself and Mrs. Reppy, and trusting that the Tri bune may prosper, i am, Sincerely your friend, JoiiN P. Clcm. Miss Lillian Reid will return from California r:ext Saturday. The Ari zola school, of which she is teacher, opens on September 9th. Hundred Year C!ubs Are becoming numerous. The idea promotes longevity. It is interesting to note that the means through which long life is to be obtained is food and the stomach. Long life and good health are not possible unless the stomach does its wouk properly. There is a way to make it, if it does not. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is an ideal strength restorer. If you would be cured of dyspepsia, indigestion, belch ing, constipation, insomnia, nervous ness, try the Bitters. Everybody should try it to help nature rid the blood of all impurities. It possesses .. valua ble curative properties, and as a speci fic for malaria, fever and ague, it is un tqualled. Don't fail to give it a trial, but be sure you get the genuine, In its straggling efforts to do ten percent of the business of Floreuce the Thidune this vreek commenced the construction of an addition to its al ready commodious quarters. When finished, it will have the most com plete printing office, housed in its own building, to be found in the territory outside of Phoenix or Tucson, and hopes to catch at least 25 per cent of the trade. Call and see samples of job-work and get prices. It is with sincere regret that the Tribune announces the early depart ure of the celebrated OlivasOrchestra, which expects to make Tucson its head quarters in the future. The music of these accomplished musicians has charmed our people for years, and will be sadly missed. Bat what is Florence's loss is Tucson's gain, and we heartily commend them to the music-loving public of the old pueblo. Jake Bates was brought down from Newberry camp last Sunday almost helpless from an attack of paralysis that Effected his right side. The Tri liUSK is pleased to note that he is re covering the use of his limbs, and is on the road to recovery uuder the skill ful care of Dr. Brock way. Notwithstanding the warm weather two well-patronized dancas were given this week by the Oiivas Orchestra at Keating's Hall. The young people took this method of expressing their ap preciation of the many pleasant oc casions furnished them by this un rivalled orchestra. Temporary repairs have been made on the dam and water was turned into the canal Thursday, much to the relief of farmers, who are now irrigating for all they are worth. Manager Price is deserving of much credit for the en ergetic manner in which he has di rected the work. The skeleton recently found in the Pieacho mountains, near Avenente's ranch, is said by Granville Wheat, our oldest old-timer, to have been that c a Pima Indian who was killed by the Apaches over eighteen years ago. Funeral of John McCariy. From the Phoenix Republican. The remains of John McCarty ar rived in Phoenix Wednesday morning and the funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at 5 o'clock at the under taking parlors of Merrymaa & Uolley. The funeral services were under the i auspices of Arizona lodge No. 2, F. and A. M. Mrs. McCarty, accompanied by her grandmother," Mrs. Susan Cosgray, arrived la Phoenix Monday morning from their home midway between Fior-1 enee and Mammoth, having endured the day before a very tiresome journey of eighty-five miles across tho desert. The first news of the finding of Mr. MeCarty's remains was bronght to them by a courier sent out by Mr. Dan Stevens of Florence. The courier at tached so much importance to his errand that he urged his horse beyond his reasonable capabilities with the. result that it died soon after the jour ney was over. A second messenger came after Mrs. McCarty and Mrs. Cosgray with a car riage and their hasty journey was made under the impression that the body would reach Phoenix yesterday, and that the funeral was arranged for yesterday. They left home early Sun day morning, arriving in Mesa City late Sunday night and coming to Phoe nix yesterday morning on the Mesa train. They are stopping at the Com mercial hotel and, of course, are very much fatigued by their journey. It is understood that Mr. McCarty's family will be well provided for, as he was a member of several fraternal or ganizations and carried insurance in four of thorn, as well as one old line policy. Just what the aggregate amount is could not be learned, but it is reported to be between $20,000 and 23,C00. m'caktt's insurance. From the Phoenix Enterprise The last sad rites over, the remains of Jchn McCarty were held at the par lors of Merrjmau & Holly yesterday. The services were in charge of the Masons but were attended by the mem bership of the Workmen, Odd Fellows, Foresters, Woodmen of the World and Fraternal Brotherhood. A large fol lowing of personal friends also attend ed, a glowing tribute- to the popu larity of the deceased. McCarty leaves his young widow in very good circum stances be having been the holder of numerous insurauce policies the total value of which will reach $ 27,000. This is divided amoug various companies as follows: Fraternal Brotherhood, $2 000; Foresters, $5,000; A. O. O. W., f 2,000; Woodmen, $3,000; Manhattan ! Life. Insurance Company, $10,000, and ! au accident insurance company $5,000. OwiDg to the necessity of having the remains satisfactorily identified, that the insurance might be collected, rep resentatives of the various companies yesterday viewe'd them. Wm. Hattich, of the Tombstone Prospector, spent Sunday last at Fair banks enjoying his summer vacation. The natives of the metropolis along the San Pedro stood around with their eyes popping out at the reckless manner in which "billy" spent bis money. Ilisbee Review. AN EIGHT HOUR MINE. Manaoer C H. Cutting Talks of the Troy Property. "Yes, it is true that the eight hour system is in vogue on the Troy and the Manhattan, two groups in the ex treme eastern part of Pinal-county. At Globe tne ten hour system prevails on the basis of $3.50 a day for miner's pay, while we pay $3. I find that you can get as much work out of the inen in eight hours that you would if they put in the ten. There is a saloon in the vicinity, but our men do not make a practice of drinking; they know that drunkenness means dismissal," said General Manager Charles H. Cutting, who has charge of the Troy and Man hattan, to a Star reporter. He said he had seventy-five men em ployed on development work, as against fifteen a year ago and that be was shipping high grade ore to El Paso through Casa Grande, return hauls of machinery and store supplies for the camps. These camps are but a few miles from the Ray properties, but as to that proposition Mr. Cutting could not speak, not being in a position to enlighten the publio on the subject. Incidentally Mr. Cutting spoke of the disposition among many to con demn properties because they did not blossom out as great producers at sight. It took years to make the Duited Verde, the Copper Queen aod other propositions. At least two years should be given every property on development work, systematically conducted, before a plant la installed. The properties under Mr. Cutting's con trol have been worked a year and a half. They are owned by Boston par ties. It is the purpose of the companies to adopt active operations in treatiug ores, but not before considerable blocking out is accomplished. JOSSEY KILLS HIMSELF. Tragic Chapter Added to the Customs Scandal In the Death of One of the Suspected Officials. Tucson, August 27. A second chap ter to the startling Nogales custom bouse scandal was added to-day by the death of Chinese Inspector B'. F. Jossey,. which occurred at his borne here at 4 o'clock this morning, the re sult of the accidental discharge of a shot gun in bis own bauds. Jossey has for the past six months owned and operated, aside from his duties as customs inspector, a poultry yard for the raising of fancy chickens. He has Iatuly lost several of his best fowls by the onslaught of skunks. About 4 o'clock this morning, bearing a disturbance in his backyard, be took his shot gon and started to the chicken yard doping to get a shot at one of the intruders. In climbing over an Inter vening fence his gun was accidentally discharged, the shot entering his breast above the heart. Death occur red instantly. In falling the gun fell on one side of the fence,, the body of Jossey on the otheri The news of his death was tele phoned to the sheriff's office and a coroner's jury quickly impanneled to view the remains. After a few min utes deliberation they arrived at a ver dict to the effect that the deceased met his death by the accidental dis charge of a shot gun in his own hands. The remains were taken in charge by and undertaker to be prepared for burial.. He leaves to mourn his death a wife and daughter, besides a large circle of friends made in his travels over the territory in- pursuit of his official duties as Chinese inspector. Notice lor Publication. Homestead Entry No. Z738. DEPARTMENT OF THK INTERIOR, j Land Ovfxck 11 Tucsu.i. Arii..Aug.i7, 1901.) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN' THAT THE - following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sup - port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver, at Tucson, Arizona, on Saturday, October 12, 1901, viz: Daniel Miller, of Arizolu, Ari zona, for the K!4 Sec. 31, T.6 S R.7E..G. A S. R. B. 4 M . He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Philip M. Smith, Christopher A. Smith and Fred W. Weaver. of Arizota, Arizona, and Annie J. Moore, of Tucson, Arizona. MILTON R. MOORE, Reclster., First Publication August SI, 1901. WOODS HOTEL, Casa Grande, Arizona- MRS; M. E. WOODS, - - PporrattoB Goods Meals and Lodging for Travelers. Take a Up. To Whom it May Concern: Notice is hereby given that have been furnishing pasture to a roan ha rse, about 7 years old, branded WP. since Ma v 1st, 19J1, and have taken possession of said h irse and am retaining him until the charges or said pasture are paid, to-wit : the sum of Ten Dollars. If said charges are not paid within ten days after the publication of this notice said ho rse will be sold according to law. FRANK SHIELDS. Florence, Ariz., Auuust 24, 1901. First publication Ausust ;4, 1901. Ml1, V, t!;-J'- ' ' .'. w jS-tfe Stir GENERAL FREIGHTCONTRACTORS, Florence, Arizona. w i? 'if ,!. w sv? mi!. SHIELDS J Hay, ' -&" Grain, .' PEICB j Cattle; DKALEKS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. ! .yj, t!. jm. .j't. v -f v, j. 4' J'4'4iJ&S!&s&:i'&'&3?i ' W" 't? W' W" W" W- W'1? W" 5? W-W W W W WW W W W W W" W"iFiP w Eagle Milling Company u Tucson, QOLD P ft kSOLD o o v rri f4 It is Superior to Denver Flour, It is Whiter, It has More L evening Power. Makes a Largei Loaf, - Bakes Quicker The Best Fl our for Family Use. For Sale by all the Grocers. --T -T -T-T-T -TT T liiniimi u i m u m i iu nm iiiiiu n i mi in n ni Jinn m n ui luiiiuiii n u m mm h I A.. 1?. BAEKEE. g -DEALER 15- I GENERAL New, Fresh Corner Main and Eighth Streets. I have just returned from San Francisco, where 1 bought a large and well selected stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Bootsand Shoes, Hats and Caps, And NOTIONS for spot cash at very low flures, and proposeto give my customers the benefit of my purchases. Gall and be convinced. 1 A- F" BARKER. m onti 1 1 ii ii i 1 1 i in m ii i n Ti i tii ixi i n rn n iiiiTi i u 1 1 n i n mi nmixijinii m nuiixi n ram uS Marshall D. Draper, E. M. J.N.McLeod.E.M. DRAPER & PilcLEOD, Graduates of Colorado' . State School of Mines. Assayers, Chemists, Min ing Engineers.. Testing laboratories for Cyanide, Chlorina . tion. Concentration. Amalgamation and other tests for selection or treatment of Ores. Examination and reports on mining proper ties. Plans, estimates, specifications, etc., for Mining and Milling plants. ASSAYING. Gold S .50 Silver .M Gold and Silver.. .75 pie - Lead .....$ 50 Copper 75 Any i. same sam Send for Complete Price List and Mail ing' fc,nvolopes. 33 Champa St. . Denver, Colo; . 'W'-.:?.'- w w w k w '. it? IS St w w w. sv' w. $k w. w. w. w. 11 n n n ft! Arizona. DUST-7 O II DUST, n k3 'trjm l UU-. W 1 wr i. 'A r T ?--TT T-j?- T -g -T Yf 1 As 31 MERCHANDISE, 1 and Clean, FLORENCE, ARIZ; EI FLORENCE Lodging House, L... K. DRAIS,, -' - Proprietor. " Newly Furnished end Refitted. Will be run STiilCTLY FIRST CLASS.' Table supplied with the best the market affords. Elegantly Furnished Rooms AXD ALL MODERN APPOINTMENTS. Bar Constantly Supplied With;i the Choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. 1.25 Patronage of Commercial men and ths gen eral public respectful!? solicited.