OCR Interpretation

Papago Indian news. (Sells, Ariz.) 1954-19??, February 01, 1958, Image 4

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94050960/1958-02-01/ed-1/seq-4/

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(font# from pa e p)
chronic ail -ont. .se-r mother fro-: Tc nas
came to lock after Dr, Jo?,no and I.ls son,
'!rc, Johns has returned home now, and wc
'.re p-lad to ’know she has improved and is
feelin . normal a;ain#
Cr. 1/2C/ST, the employees pave
a "o inn-sway party for hie had mis who is
1 ravin to attend school in Oakland, bal.
He was ore-sented with a vcr; r fine piece
of lw --a e* Ho freed merits were served
while ever one 30!sin 1" ave advice and
reriously ■ w ichcd hin and his £c\;■ ily the
test o:? 1 r.c’ rind 000 h: a Ith# He will 0c
■ irsed.
. ore infor: at ion about the ob
servatory vd id nan is*, built on Hitt*c
peak* ont of tl ree slaces in Arizona be*
in a considered, w s r. ce tly told#
About !■ wil" be sc paired
to build the three telescopes, according
to Dr# A# • "ntrial on •'she It sional Astro
nomical. Cbs .water '• One will be throe
feet in diameter, artier will /a- seven
foot in diameter, and the third will be
the lar sc in the world, or about r)
feet- in ~clin etc:'#
C 1 oice of v, f * ich .nlace 'will bo
the location of the observatory will be
anr.cun.eed t 1 : a a ;**• cr or in the rail*
In addition to t- 0 Hitt's peak locution,
the otyr two are near Fla ■ seems, f and
near ...in, ran#
.. . fbuburda - Pcb. 5, is the date
of the "arch of Dines Jumbo:, ec to be held
at the Tribal '-raidin' , Six to midnight
ease the a our s for the party and the
pub ic i s inv itc d.
In addition to canes, there
will h n cake walk, . ovier, and a fish
sond# proceeds will be Ivon to the
annual campaign :’or f-*nd.c to defeat polio
and aid its victf-s of oast epidemics*
There will 'a a food sale.
Star tin;-- at f:00 and lasting for three
hours vJil-. be a denies with ■:usic by A1
Tarcia and ' is band#
Job. 11 L ’'is Juan of Top awn died
last Honda*/ * burial was at Topawa# Sur
viving arc three sisters: Holly, Louise,
Virginixjthere is also an uncle, Joe A#
When r ou‘rc in T pawn,
come in and visit
tb e 000 p: r ts v 0 Store
I fan wed by Hark, Hanuel
The papaya Hews stated on page
5 that Hr* William ICarty is a Conserva
tion Aide; actually, he is a Conservation
. The paper also says that Bert
Enos of Obuichu did not re-re istcr at
the University of Ariao:la for second se
mester. A rccheck discovers that Bert
re i stc re ti 1 ate •
Clara Acosta, daughter of Hr#
and Has, Acosta of Bells, has enrolled in
a secretarial school in Oakland, Calif*
last month#
Yes, YGI I Whether you’re 1 6
or 66, physically fit or not, this war
on traffic accidents is YCUE war*
Every'time v. drive -our car
or take a walk, ou are on the battle
field# because I IS war is be-in bought
on our streets and hi hways#
Yhat do ou need to fiwht the
wood f: :ht? Just the basic rules of case
welkine end safe driving*
If, ever” time ou walk or drive
you make sure that no careless act of
ybwrs will endan er your own life or the
lives of others, ou've made a bi; contri
bution to the war on traffic accidents.
The Selfish act, the hoe die ss
act, is enemy work# In fact, It is "’■he
cnersy• Because the wi ole traffic .acci
dent problem .row: out of a multiplica
tion or heedless acts.
You strike a personal ’.low
a .gainst the common enc:,r ever-* time you
accept your responsibility' to drive and
walk safely in traffic# You aid the
enemy ev ry, time /ou drop ■ our ward*
Strike Back*#•Join the Attack#
1* Develop s' ill in - our control of the
c ar.
H. Learn what you can exoect of *our car*
p# Avoid takin foolish chances#
4# Have rc .rd for the rights of other
- highway .1 sere#
% Signal year intentions to all persons
w' o ' *.ay b - affected b our acts#
6. Hatch for the mistakes cl other per
sons and do what you can to compensate
If we make our dr Ivin , conform
to these rules, wc s' all come very close
to ettir.y the marinun use fullness, plea
sure and comet out *f our automobil.s #
Crocerio:, Colc Dr inks
'cneral ' ercbr.ncise
Shell Borvice and .araye

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