AJO N3K3. • • . . ' •
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Padre Orosco, said -to bo 111 years old and one of the oldest
Papago non died on Jan. 15 in Sonoyta, So nor?.. He was reputed
to have boon born August S, 1547, in Quitovaquito, Arizona. He is survived
by two sons, Jose and Timas of and throe daughters*
Tho annual ?-T' Indian program was given January 21, 1950. Go
chair 'on were Hrs,. Ruth Norago and Mrs; Lulu Manuel. Tho all-Indian class
of Mrs, Maude Houston, primary teacher, ■was. presented. These children
&ave a variety of dances. .
The Indion Boya chorus,- under the- direction of Father Csmillis,
sang a number of seloctions* This was the first public appearance of
the chorus, the only boys chorus .in Ajo, Alex Paya gave hoop dances,
Krs. Verna. Patton Anthrop, "ina Indian Health nurse, spoke on
• the history of the :‘apago and Pi'a peoples. ■ There vans also a movie -
entitled "The River People”.' ; .
. Members of tho St, Catherine*s Parents club elected new officers
at a meeting held early in January.
Incoming officers are Francisco Jose, president; Andy Jones,
Vice-president; Augustine Ortega, T reasurer;'Valencia Ramon; Clara
Visto, chief cook; Laur: Polina, Finer Polina, and Henry Harrison,
program committee; and Harrison Jones and Angelo Hattias and Augustine
- Ortega club police.
These four Indian auxiliary policemen! who havobbeen patroling
public Indian functions vb.ll hereafter charge a fee of 010,00 per man
* for their service's. The money will be used to nay for gas and other expenses.
Hr. and hrs' Joe Blaine were’the sponsors for the wedding cf
Hr, and Mrs Leonard Francisco at Fresnal Village, An'all-night celebration
of feasting <and dancing was 'held. Music was furnished by the Joaquin
Celeya orchestra.
Kills Manuel Jr, was uninjured on January 27 when his car
turned over at the Five Mile v/ash on the road to Gila B end.
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The St. Catherine*s Parents club donated 5120,25 to the annual
March of Dimes campaign. The sum was raised from the chili dinner and
- dance given in late January.
Donations of food, money and music for the affair made the large
donation possible, T ho next fund-raising campaign will be for crippled
children, “ ’ ‘
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V - r ■ i i i , . , |
s®lix Miranda disturbing the peace
Ernest. Beauty - disturbing the peaqe - - 525.00 or 10 days
Benjamin Beauty - disturbing the peace - 425.00 or 10 days
v ipriano Ramirez
driving - - 5125.00 or 60 days.