OCR Interpretation

Papago Indian news. (Sells, Ariz.) 1954-19??, February 01, 1958, Image 7

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94050960/1958-02-01/ed-1/seq-7/

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! 'T.rnort Broth ore arc pi: used -to announce j
| their appointment as GGCDT3AR Truck Tiro |
pApA.'O FIDTPAL h jDIT VI'Z&J, 1-33 T& * 1 dealers for this area. This —cans ...
« -- r - * *
M # SAVINGS in loner £ per mile tiro cost j
Fotluck f>u .per is pi aimed ’ey' 1 700-15 Hi hilar Irm k - Tires as lon as !
the papa. *o e h.- ai red it T h,i6n' for Churs- #y2.K) plus your recr.opafclc trs de-in.
day, Fe . a ,at :bj p• i the uudi— • Other sizes are ecus: > 1 low—oriecd. ... .
toriv: ' the o" r.r.ity uildln.'> r ahe J See us for Quality, price, and Low hilccwn
atn-’in r’• ou 1d .i in a cov rcd dish of L iW-Ji.K.l .Snub TKaD,.. or n-..Y
./r» _ / .
• - complete nle of the Papayo
. Indian News since the date of the first
rid Ffhkh: :h . ■ a 1954, 1= am;: m.ced in the
?' ii;: . “ -;;Cv..ug Stem Library at FUoenix. The rec uos t ior
’. ’ , i 7 x ■ • ,aG ° u ; P e -i •. back issues and a current subscri t 4 o>' vr- s
" cd ;;\ * all ' . : recently made by Alice B, Good, director
' " /*“ Ah ''' T ur . F° m c r rc ~ of the Department of Library and .archives
. 1 ; c • - ili ;^ LU "" : ,r: - n - DC . he ** for the state of Arizona. '
an a.if Jourv, Boom mszsaa or‘the tribal __
office, ' • i "**"■" PApiGO TH.J}F:::~POST
I Snriny S' oe Stvlec are coniny in every ~T ! Soils., Arizona. j
! dav La-'iec K3EETTLS with wasUabltj 1 Groceries - Fresh Keats - Dry Goods
! Uoperc and,a:,ft sole; m colors are' now t , and Hardware - Gasoline and Oil j
I here and other styles -.re on ti: elr wav. ! i ..Cjailos & Ha«.o-l .<-'.rdrrg I
! See them all t.b. J. j j Proprietors j
be 11 n j Ar iz on a.
PROF FSBD SO' J. T 3 OF*: ?aoa c Trachoma Garvey end Treatment proyrmr.
FOFTF February, IfpS .
I . j j >_ j.
j . i "' I y i ‘ "i 7
Tonf.wa &chl. ;San hi ucl ! Oowlic Sch.lJ Vamori !
j first v'oe':: ' Community jbehl, c. Com— A Conanunity ■ Toros
Ifesnal jiaunity . 1 . Tec dote
! ■ ’ Can on phoulic j i Rockyccint ’
I (Gold fields ? 1 !
Ikonelik i 1 j
! __ __ ! i
~ I .ToT :*. n ;"' ' i2~j ' "15J" " rr
piaiichu Cocklebtirr • Covered j—k Chin 1
Second VJk* Sc 1:1. A tCohat’: J I/ells' Schl. j (llaricopa
Community jt’h't. liorse j Villa .r. j Res.) I
\ Pass. | served by j j
jjack Rabbit ■ school j
| . “'l? } is T 19 ' - "20 21T
Cells Schl. pells Sckl, Little 1 Sells
1 Third W}”. i(any 'me:'— Tucson > Coma !l .nity <
prdned sc"l, Frssnal 1
I children from Villa c , |
I Er i. ry**' :
Biaiielas ; i
i _
£i ' ' 'at'"" 2ZTT 27j m
Santa Rosa fisinomo , Forth j Santa Rosa j
Fourth ;fk. School panta Cruz I Fomelik i i
' 1:01:0 So.pUS.ro
! Anayan 1 . ■
j -re Chin i |
: Coal Mine j ,j j
* | •
r r the DaIV". IN •
j ucncral rcliandlso ■> | by the Community Buildiny S
i *‘ito —ccescorios j C.’iili be'.ns AC. me sec a burros j
j u.ow lscd Trucks | . Coen every day
1 ! .I'.U'v- . SO ( I'.j'i.
h;3N I i

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