Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12. Local and Personal. ' Married by Justice Watt ron, W. J. Maupia and Mrs. Annie Denton. Jamea E. - Porter of the Show Low country has a case in court. God hates a fool and of all fools the educated one is much the greater. God has yet to create a teacher capable of putting brains into an empty skulL Not a business house or dwelling in the town for rent; all full and more are needed. Johnv Bull another one now neanng "Hassayampadom is also upon our streets. For flsh, fowl, eggs, etc.; call at the "Holbrook Meat Market," south side of railroad track. A. St B. Schuster are building a stone addition to their present whole sale and retail establishment. W. H. Clark, general agent for most everybody, has nearly complet ed for himself nice business quarters. Johny Phipps of Pinetop, an old timer whom we knew "away back yander," is in town attending on court. A. M. Boyer, Esq., an old time citi zen of Holbrook, returned a few days since from off a flying trip to Denver. Sensible people "shore" advertise their business;-they are not afraid to let the world know they are in it for a purpose. - The trains on, the A. & P. railway are again running on schedule time, The last heavy storms causing no serious delays. Hon. II. D. Ross, Register of the U. S. land office at Prescott, Arizona, was a visitor in our midst for a few days last week. J. D. Houck, the irrepressible Jim Houck, in the sheep business about Heber. this county, is in town also on court busines. "Old Joe" Hollister is a "looker on in Vienna." Joe is no Texas "lone-horn" by any means; neither is he a "tenderfoot." An old proverb says: "Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad." Bear this in mind before letting go-your "kicks." Judge F. M. Zuck, superintendent of our public schools, was quite busy last week, examining applicants for teacher's certificates. A telegram says "the preside ns has gone hunting after ducks and geese. WelL what of it, didn't "Nero fid dle," whilst Rome burned? The man or firm who never makes the acquaintance of printer's ink, is shofely a grovelling grub, and de serves tobe buried beneath tons of cobwebs. A. great part of. Winslow seems to be on our streets; court being the lode-stone bringing them here. Too many for individual mention at this time. JL C. Kinder, Esq., in times past a star route Jebu, but now one., of Nai-TOunty's"promínent sheep men, is exhibiting bis genial self About town. r 0"T JTcbrook merchants are live w - - 1. to prove thoir n Vii i nocí ttiav kna jelve through tM columns of the Abous. WV are in rented quarters now, but propose to build for ourselves other and more roomy quarters as soon as we can get around to it. See "pro posa U for building" in another column. The A oes extends the hand of fraternal fellowship to the territorial press; it tenders thanks to the gen tlemen who have, before our first issue, expressed their good wishes for its success. People desiring to ?isit the petri-' fied forest should call upon Mr. E. M. Dineen. Mr. Dineen is in the livery and feed business; has an ad. in our paper, and logically (le po ryes your patronage. For inflamation and swelling of the udder, brought on by colds pr kindred causes, bathe the udder in hot water, rubbing it gently but - with the open hand; rub dry Mustang liniment, Why not keep good stock, it does not require any more feed and cer tainly much less trouble? A good milch cow is better than two or three scrub ones; and it requires no reasoning to note the difference in favor of good stock. The "old folks" must not forgot the "little folks," but should call at Wattron's drug store, where they can find any sort of toy pleasing to the eye ana ear, ana whicn to possess would fill the little heart with glad ness an joy. Don't forget 'em. Mr. Jno. K. Hulett, superintend ent of the A. C. M. I- one of the largest wholesale and retail firms in northern Arizona, informs the Abous that it is the intention of his com pany to erect several dwellings at once, work to begin as soon as the weather will permit. People endeavoring to cultivate fruit trees should never neglect to thoroughly cultivate the soil. It is utterly impossible to obtain good re sults in this line, if you alio"' alf alfa or other grass, weeds or other vegetation to absorb the moisture and choke your trees to death. A recent experience convinces us of the utility of wide tires for freight wagons. Wide tires do not cut the roads, but assist in packing the road-bed. Let u. have wide tires, by all means, and to do this exempt parties from part or all road tax who shall use wide-tired wagons. ' Henry Smith, Esq., and Earnest Tee, Esq., of the 24 Cattle company, arrived here from their heedquarters ranch last Tuesday. These gentle men are large cattle shippers, and they also have extensive pastures in Kansas, where their herds are fat tened for the Kansas City and Chi cago markets. . Holbrook still maintains its old time prestage for being the greatest shipping point for live stock and wool, along the line of the A. & P. R. R-, between Albuquerque and the Needles. The shipment of cattle alone runs up to 20,000 head, and sheep 18,00o. As for wool, more than sixty cars were loaded at our depot. It is a very good plan for everyone to keep his or her "scrap book;" in doing so however, do not clip indi; cnminately, but use your better judgment in the selection of matter. In writing the above no levity is in tended, nor any gratuitous allusion to Corbet t-Fitzsimons, or any local "scrap" likely to occur in a pretty town like Holbrook. Late dispatches from Washington say both democrats and republicans are "boiling hot" over Cleveland's total indifference to our interna tional complications. While there seems to be a crisis in our relations with England, his "fatness" is off to North Carolina duck hunting. It looks very much like Cleveland's boasted foreign policy(?) was simply to allow England to do as she pleas ed (ar in the Corinto affair), and so commit this country that it cannot consistently assert its rights at the proper time. A. F. Banta, who in 1883 assisted Jezekiah Johnson in the issue of a Spanish paper in old Albuquerque, later at St. Johns in the banking business and now here in the same line, will issue the weekly Abous, republican, next week. C. F. Hager, late of George Albright's, is setting up the paper and needs help. J" says Holbrook will be the best on the Atlantic & Pacific. I- c.r tainly is in shipping stock and wooL Pittock in Albuquerque Democrat. Hezekiah S. Johnson; the year 1863; do not need "help" at present. Monday, the second instant, our adjourned term of court opened with Judge John J. Hawkins on the bench. Present, Owens, sheriff; O. D. Flake, clerk; Judge W. M. Perrill, disrtict attorney. No grand jury drawn, which fact gives the criminal element a short respite. We notice quite an array of legal talent pres ent, viz: Johnson St Sloan of Pres cott, Herndon & Norris of Prescott, Bunch St Jones of Flagstaff, Wilson St Burbage and Geo. Stoneman of Winslow, E. M. Doe of Flagstaff, Judge .F. M. Zuck and F. W. Nelson of Holbrook. The civil docket car ries sixteen cases, some of them of more than ordinary interest to our people. The criminal calander con tains four cases only, neither of which deserves special notice. The civil cases of Huning vs. Porter and Hnning vs. Houck are of especial interest on account of amounts in volved and of legal points to be adjudicated. REMINISCENCES. Personal Experiences and Recollection of Arlxona, During- the Fast Thirty-three Years. BT A. F. BAHIA. "THE BRADSHAWS." How few today, either in or out of Arizona, are conversant of how the "Bradshaws" received their name. Early in the 60'a, two brothers of the name of Bradshaw were prospecting and placer mining in that section of the country; and that range . of mountains were so named by the other miners to designate where the Bradshaw boys were located. Speaking of the "Bradshaw moun tains" calls to mind a little histor ical event in connection with the above name. At the first "general election" held in Arizona, several candidates were before the people, for the place of delegate to congress, viz: Chas. D. Posten, "Steamboat" Adams, Doctor Lieb and Bill Brad shaw, the elder of the aforé men tioned "two brothers." C. D.Poston was elected, mainly throughThe in fluence and popularity of J. Ross Browne. ' "Steamboat Adams ' short ly afterwards drifted out of the pub lic sight, and was heard of no more. Doctor Lieb, author of "six months in the quartermaster department or how to make a million," took his defeat so badly, that soon after the returns were in, took to his bed and soon died. Bill Bradshaw finally succumbed to his life long 'failing, and in a fit of despondency com mitted suicide by cutting his throat with a draw-knife, on the Big Colo rado river. One of the first duties of the present congress should be the ad justment of a fair and reasonable tariff on foreign wools. A tariff of not less than five nor more than ten per cent would just about fit the situation. Senator John Sherman has been quoted as saying "a tariff mus be put upon all foreign wools." When John Sherman talks he means something, and he knows pretty well the action congress is most likely to take in the matter under discussion. The whole country will await patiently the relief a republi can congress is surely to give to it Let congress do its rightfull duty and if Mr. Cleveland chooses to kill such legislation, then the people can place the responsibility where it properly belongs. ' " Notice my few remarks: Money talks they say and, I'm money money from away back, coin of the relm a silver dollar that's 100 cents; I've tried before to speak but circumstance forbade. To tell the truth, I couldn't get a word in not a small word edgwise. Once I was simply cash, now I'm lugged into campaigns to worry staetsmen Some whoop it up for gold, others, again, for me, still others for the two of us and all of those who whoop take eitner, white or yellow, and give no moan; so they get a plenty. My serrate edge disturbs a few. They've made a saw of me, furnished the motive power of wind and set me going, while they stand in the way to wonder what is hurting. Don't vou be scared. When is s all over I'll be what now I am a big round dollar. A man of little learning deems that little a great dear; a frog, never having seen the ocean, considers its well a great sea. Let every man sweep the snow from before his own doors, and not y himself about the frost on his four, i mm , - o'clock in the mortU Proposals for Batidlas;. Dimensions: Depth sixty-five (A3) feet; front twenty-fire (25) feet including walls. The front of the first story to be iron and Class; the front of the second story to be either brick or stone, if of brick twelve (12) inches thick, if of stone fourteen (14) inches thick. The two side walls and the rear wall to be two CO feet thick. The two side walls and rear end wall for the second story to be sixteen inches thick. The first story to be eleven (11) feet in the elear between floor and ceilinaT. Th second story to be twelve (U) feet in the elear between floor and ceiling-. The roof to be flat If of asphaltam. If of eor-rum-ated iron, to slope both ways from the center to the sides. The foundation to be of stone three () feet wide at bottom; one (1) foot under around and two (2) foot above rround. Several partitions, windows and doors. Plans and specifications to be seen at this office. The above is for adobe; bids for same in stone also received, walls to be 18 inches and 14 inches. The rirht resened to reject any and all bids. Bids received up to February 1, law. A. r. BANTA. I FREE! IF SICK OB AILING. SEND : name, symptoms and Uve rod you a scientifie diaar- 'O-cent stamps and we wiu nosis of your disease and tell you what will cure you. Address. CiUfouu Mxdical ahd Sub- : oicax. lariBMABT, lOW-i Market Street, : San Francisco. California. GARPKNTBB SHOP North side of B. B. track, east of the shop of Wn. Artnbrust r. All kinds of earpenter work at short notice. Repairing- a specialty. Give m a call If you have work needinrlrarnedlatelat tewtfea. It C. 07TSTRsIAN. S S S V F. J. WATTRON, -DEALER IN- IJ All VUlVllivUJ Fancy and Toilet Articles. JEWELRY, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, SOAPS, COMBS, GLASS, PUTTY, Patent Medicines, OILS, VARNISHES, PAINTS, CUTLERY, WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, CONFECTIONERY, Fruits of all Kinds. Finest and Largest Assortment of Xmas and Holiday Goods In Navajo County. Mail Orders Promptly Filled, i bib LOUIE GHUEY, BAKERY -ANI CHOP:- : HOUSE SHORT ORDER MEALS AT ALL' HOURS. Groceries and Provisions. FRESH CANDIES and CONFECTIONS. RAILROAD AVE-, HOLBROOK. ARIZ. Itf :L0Y KEE, All Work First-Class. WHITE SHIRTS, CUFFS and COLLARS A SPECIALTY. ALL CLOTHES CALLED FOR and DELIVERED FREE. RAILROAD ATE, IKJLBliOOK, ARIZ, 11 U&U aundry ZUCK'S v NEW v HOTEL, The : Holbrook FIRE-PROOF Comfortable ALL ACCOMMODATIONS THE BEST Public Patronage Respectfully Solicited. HOLBROOK, HOLBROOK MEAT MARKET, C. F. PERKINS, Proprietor. Y)ffn Vf r- -f T7J r1"t hi pv ii iiiMiiv r iv ii 11VJ11 ÍUVUIU) A U 11 muñí . m m HOLBROOK, itf A. & B. SCHUSTER, Holbrook, A. T. St. Johns, A. T. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in- - . , rnnarnl AfarrTimrlica Y y uUiLiai luuuiauunb Deliraste, Provisions, Tobacco C Cigars, Harness C Saddlery, Hay Grain, Paints Oils, Woodenware, Hardware and Tinware, Crockery Jk Glassware, Guns o? Amunition, Furniture. Sole Agents for SCHUTTLER WAGONS and NORTH OF IRELAND SHEEP DIP. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to. itf GREER -PROPRIETORS- Pioneer Saloon -DEALERS IN- Brandies, Whiskies, Domestic and RAILROAD AVENUE, itf Lowenthal & Meyers, :- ; Largest Importers and Jobbers in the Wes Of Wines, Liquors, Cordials, Etc., Fine Kentucky, Mary land and Pennsylvania Pure Rye and Bourbon Whiskies (In bond or tax paid.) SOLE AGENTS FOR JOS. SCHLITZ AMERICAN BREWING COMPANY'S BOTTLED BEEI Write for prices if in need of goods and we will promptly answc . all inquiries. 205 GOLD AVENUE, uf BUILDING, and Safe. FIRST - CLASS. THE COUNTRY AFFORDS. ARIZONA. Titt 4-4-f.t T?vyt rviiiiMi inn niiiiv ) ÜUUV1 U11V1 JUkX v v m y ARIZONA. Notions, Fancy Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, . Furnishing Goods, Stationery, Trunks and Valises, Navajo Blankets, Lumber, Wallpaper. & WOODS, Hne w Hied, Imported Cigars, Etc. HOLBROOK, ARIZONA, ALB UQ UER Q UE,