OCR Interpretation

The argus. (Holbrook, Ariz.) 1895-1900, December 26, 1895, Image 3

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

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7 i
Local and Personal.
Last Monday night the good peo-
I pie of Holbrook young and other-
I wise met at the Hall to spend the
evening in dancing and social con
verse. All seemed to enjoy them
I selves, particularly the young peo
ple. We see no reason why these
pleasant parties should not occur at
shorter intervals. Among
"There's a rhicl amane ye's takln otes.
And faith he 1 preut em."
Holbrook, Dec. 23, 1895.
Editor Aroüs: As you requested
me to sketch the conception and
progress of the new county bridge,
those oow nearing completion, I will offer
tve onderstaud the public school
re-opens today.
Sunday last a mixture of snow and
rain fell during the forenoon.
"Uncle" Jeexns of ye "mail" was
up at the co-seat the other day.
Attorney Nelson made a "flyer" to
Wiuslow and back last Saturday.
Hon. Frank M. Murbhy and wife
will spend their holidays at Prescott.
The family of Mr. O. D. Flake
has returned to their home at Snow
flake. The mail between here and St.
Johns appears to be on its "last
Miss Lillie Gardner of Woodruff,
Ud some shopping in town last
The county fathers will let con
tracts next Saturday for the county
Three cars laden with Gallup
present we noticed Mr. C. F. Putnam
and wife, Mr. J. E. De Rosear and
wife, Mr. Adolf Schuster and wife,
Mr. E. M. Dineen and wife, Mr. A.
F. Bant a and wife, Mr. John Con
nors and wife, Mr. Hiatt and wife,
Mr. Jno. T. Jones and wife, Mrs.
the following items;
The prime mover in the construc
tion of the bridge was Mr. J. H.
Bowman, chairman of the board of
. . " X
supervisors, sometime in juiy last,
your correspondent spent á short
time with the supervisors, talking
Aivhi'a rrmnrnn. Mrs v.. A .'MVrWv. over the propriety ot unaertaKing
Miss Toni Bucholz, Miss Zuck and an enterprise of such magnitude,
sister Miss May, Miss Bessie Bu- but one so mucn aeeaeu. as a re-
.l.n r;u larrii mil oiotor T',ea Suit BOtUlOHlSTS STeTB UUHlG, 8nU a
X. MWUMMf V auv m, Ax-r-J I ' " -
Maggie, Misa Nettie Allen, Miss solid ; bed-rock .discovered near tne
Ethel FarrelL The following is a surface, the entire distance across the
partial list of gentlemen present, river; these soundings were made by
viz: Mr. W. H. Clark. Mr. Georsre Messrs. Connor and Armbruster.
As a further security to Navajo
county, and to show that we have
done good work, wo have given the
county a guarantee bond insuring
the work from floods for a period of
two years from date of completion
and its acceptance by the proper
authorities of the county.
Before closing this rather long
letter, the contractors desires to
state publicly their appreciation of
the courteous and gentlemanly treat
ment received at all Times, from Mr.
C. F. Putinan, the county's inspect
or of the work.
Very respectfully,
Allex Frost.
Winert, Mr. F. W. Nelson, Mr. E. A.
Sawyer, Mr. Bernard Schuster, Mr.
Peter Pemberton, Mr. Robt. Hufford,
Mr7JohnPoint sell, Mr. Robert Mor
ris, Mr. Judd Lathrop, Mr. Reese
Bonner, Mr. Joe. F. Woods, Mr. Jas.
A proposition was .then made to
our board of supervisors to provide
a plan for a bridge that would an
swer all general purposes; at me
same time, one mac wouiti come
within the reach of the county road
fund for the two years ending Dec.
Judge Zuek returned from the
institute the first part of the week.
The Judge expressed himself as well
pjeased with the "teachers institute",
but thinks such gatherings should
not take place during the winter
An undressed, unwashed unprinci
pled, ungodly and alas! unrecog
nized sneak-thief, at some unseason
able hour last week, and entirely un
beknown to Mr. Bernard Schuster,
entered his apartments and with the
.2 of Mining Claims.
ants are-
. Anv and alÍTuersnlis
claiming adversely any portion of said Colo-
.um, i ig wiiwf, Arupmiuw, ciniej', i.i 1 1 1,3
Gem Placer Mining Claims are required to
lile their adverse claims with the Register of
the United States Land Office at Prescott. in
the Territory of Arizona, during the sixty
days period of publication hereof, or they
wilHw barred by virtue of the provisions of
the statute.
It) H. D. BOSS. Register.
f. j. wattron:
Mining Application No. 319,
F. Colhath. Mr. F. A. Znclc Mr.
Orvill Martin. Mr. L. R. Divelhesw. 31. 1896. and in the event this plan very best taste (were it not so good.
Mr. Bert Maupin, Mr. E. H. Angelí, was accepted, the county paying for 'twere better for pur friend), "did
Mr. Eusrene Honer. Mr. W. M. Per- it. otherwise it must be returned to lead, drive and carry away" the best
r- inrin Kcs.crnvt- A nlan was nreriarecL suit of clothes in Mr. Schuster's
fruit were sido-tracked hero one d&y I Jopliii and sotuo others whoso names 1 mlxxlyinf? the necessary specifica-1 arorotw.
last week. we did not secure. As to the tions. which was submitted to and J, A. Dasrcrs TORterday received
la n-nrn v.v ftPAnted hv th oountv. The siroer- bisr hunk of bear stake, which tempt
mm V A&IUUVl T C RAA W V U lUlO I MUsf. uuuutrvuau WAAV. V.J V A - V I m.. j A Is J 1 1 1 i 1
íVa l,i:M i: vS- imm1.telv thnn.aft.er cave IPS morsel was sent oy nis Droiner,
:. .. -T . 6 . ;. o- - jrranjj Daggs of Flagstaff. It
"Jenkins," we cannot describe them public notice oy aaverusing in me a rare article here. Phenix
all in detail, and will simply gener- Winslow Mail, inviting proposals for Gazette,
alize hv savinsr. thev were all iir in the construction of said bridge in Any one not excepting the
the the fin de aWle mtvW All in accordance with said plans and Gazette expert' that can speak of
.. . i - i i : 4v bear meat as a "tempting morsel
au it was a very enjoyaDie party, jwun.i.uu, to surely possesses a morbid taste, or
and no doubt everyone present felt office of the board of supervisors of he never (in his natural life), ate
week laying in edible supplies for
his sheep caiap.
A. M, Boyer, Esq. made a flying
trip to St. Johns recently, and he re
ports the roads "in one h 1 of a fix".
S, M. Folsom, ex-cashier of the de
funct "Albuquerque Rational Bank",
was passenger west bound yester.
Hon. Jessie X. Smith, at one time
probate, judge of Apache county,
waa in . town the forepart of the
week. L" -'-
John II. Bowman, Esq., chairman
i i . . . .
oi our ooara ox supervisors, returnea ge awaj au(j
better for being there.
A party of soldiers, from Whipple,
are reported to have taken a position
in the rocks, with a supply of beer,
during yesterday's game of foot ball.
Report also says that they gave beer
to two small boys, until they become
so drunk that one of them could not
was left there with
Navajo county, Arizona.
All bids for the construction of
said bridge were to be opened by the
board of supervisors at a special
meeting for this purpose, Oct. 9,
1895; they making the usual reser
vation as in such cases.
Your correspondent, in conjunc
tion with three other gentlemen, all
a. A. I
wfh nim nniil n residents oí tne county ana practi-
fornia. Lw. tu 4 1. cal workmen, formulated a bid upon
two bovs are no doubt in itmorance th basis of a small margin of profit,
fourth judicial district for Navajo of the circumstances. Such conduct which was duly filed with the clerk
count v. made a short trio anrl i nnniiiii;i.io ;n tkn.m,, .,,1 1 of the board of supervisors, and
w r A- - i y - r a vuv s,A vuiu auu I -
returned early in the week. should be punished if the names of being the lowest bid (by several
Mrs. A. E. Heninir. teacher of the the guilty parties can be ascertained, thousand dollars), was accepted and
w I ' I. a
-public school at Navajo, returned a Journal-Miner, Prescott. tne contract award 1 to tnem. a
fewU.-ince from attendance on Miss Jessie Scott writes from St. 00,1(1 I?r as requirea ana
the teacheiV institute at Prescott. Johns, that the fun-lovinir folks of &vea Ior tüe iaitnIul performance
W. TT TtnrKanm v. th.t (nan, 1,, . M n,,., of tho contract, Messrs. lulet,
torney of Apache county and editor rade ball on New Tear's night. She -' l.
of the St, Johns Herald returned said nearly everybody had selected V" "e uon" . ureues-. ul
home last Friday by private carriage, their costume and of course had done.the first work of the great bridge
r. . . I -.. A 1 . Í 1 t Lt I BVlv0d K Uv X-4a i. L 1U VV1V1UUU A A WA.
üllSS. HAlZA Jems who haji lvn ouuacuueuuy luiu it?r ur uis near- . . , . ,
a wuu lias ueen I . J . . ... I wna mmnnl ati A ntra iorfnffr
n.11 .11 i- ai - I sMxt. Anrl rioat. fnonri.H-pnnfí1inti'iIlv
school of that citv. returned home of course-what that costume would "" -
Monday evening to spend the holi-1 be And ' o1186 the "nearest
ttays. ana oest ' aia precisely tne same
thing; when lo! in two day s after
a mouthful of so called "bear steak'
yy -
Hotel Arrivals.
Jos T Woods. City
F W Nelson. City
W H Burboce, St. Johns
D PondeL, Los Anéeles
M O Cooiier, Kansns City
C A Peake. Kansas City
H H Wheelock. St. Louis
James S Colbath, Show Low
í P Wallace, Wiuslow
E H Angel, Chieago
John Paulsell, County
Hopper. County
Miss Nettie Hunt. Snowflake
Miss Bashee Smith, Snowflake
F B Seeerailler. Snowflake
Mr and Mrs L P Cordon, Taylor
Miss Olenea Kemp. St.Johns .
R F Jackson. Shtimm-ay
Z N Decker. St. Joseph
Paul Wilman, San Francisco
E A Sawyer. Winslowl
Miss Helen House h. Sprinserville
H P Brown, County
W W Hosea, County
P Pemberton, County
A J Joplln, County
WH Clark. City
Lee Reinhaai, St, Louis
Mrs E A Barnes, City
Miss B Buchanan, City
in Aeent, Zl Merchants' exchange, San
Francisco, is our authorised aeent. This
paper is sept on nie in nis omce.
Proposals for Buildinr
Dimensions: Denth slxtv-fiva IGSl
structure must be finished, was The front of the first story to be iron and
. , , . . sTbvss; the front of the second story to be
three months from date Of Signing either Brick or stone, if of brick twelve (12)
ii. i . i wi:iv.i. j; . i inches thick, if of stone fourteen (14) inches
the contract. Notwithstanding the thick. The two side walls and the rear wall
lbe two side walls
davs. present prospects are exceed- S"1"-.Tne. id story to be twelve (12)
- ' - , ..I Tno clear Detween noor and celling-,
lnclv mwvl for the cnmnlnt inn nf the The roof to be flat if of asphaltum. if of cor-
, , , , . , , rugated Iron, to slope both ways front the
work Within the contract time. At center to the sides. The foundation to be of
G. Testerman met with rather A Alien. rosl' 01 naJie, thia the contractors have not uZTur Í3 ?wo cImSSov.
painful though not serious acci- lme W .tt J l lae received a dollar in cash, but have JoST p&I
sient on day lt w.lt. TTa fll T ,nIantlIe ,dea hOW 4 Should Shoot,! . f .K;l, this office. The above Is for adobe; bids for
Nat Greer, familv nH TñA fV I m uaJ 8 , . . '.v.. to two (2) feet thick.
- .1 ZT J . . everybody knew iust the fRtiim uuusual uw-emeucj mo woamer and rear end wall for the second story to
ia the races at Phenix. All returned eTerJrüoaT Anew just tne costume , . thirty 'teen Inchrs thick. The first story to
c . v x everyone else intended to Wear. eIPenenCeU nere lno P381 lQlrlJ eleven (U) feet in the clear between floor
home on Sunday morning. Nat re- "f" V.tL rt ...... . , days, present prospects are exceed- the nd ry to be twelve.
"Garden City." closed mouths.
C. G. Testerman met with rtW Allen Frost ot Snowflake,
A. A B. Schuster.
The law partnership between T.
one day last week by complacently next fow
u ; ... ... r did rrv nt. nA - - J . " . same In .torn, alM .received, walls to be 18
dropping into the Aaocs oflice, eav- k. . wag for the reasona.
W. Johnston and Judge R. E. Sloan, TT ? , 8lUD6cnPuorn; ble sum of J3,9C5.
wa mutually dissolved on the 18th Frost believes the hom b Id 1116 morchants have honored our
of present month. Mr. Johnson has k . , tr-i?!?8 jT' orders for merchandise, payable out
bids. Bids received ud to February 1. 1H8.
his professional carxl in the A oes.
Attorney T. S. Bunch, of the law
&rm of Bunch St Jones, Flag
Uff, Arix, stopped off here Satur
day, en route home from Albuquer
be supported. Wilt thou, dear reaa
er, go and do likewise T Remember
the printer, that thy days may be
long in the land.
Mining Application No. 318.
I'xntD Statbs Lahd OrricB.1
Presoott. Aril.. Dec. 10. 181Ü. i
Notice is hereby sriven that The Armstrong
Abrasive Company, whose postoffice address
is Denver, Colorado, have this day filed their
application for a patent for one hundred aud
of second payment, by discounting
them 12 per cent. A e have paid sixty acres of the Colorado Placer Mineral
Common labor Xl.Zt) Per dUV ana I touts oui. earnellau and asrate. situated
1 , 1i I rr eo I the County of Apache, Territory of Ari-
XMAU. B&XXXtTU XtkLlUX 11U1U CX.ItJ LU CU I UIM xrul mm hk HftPthWMv .
Anecunaaysci.oo! cmioren were p,.,. day and found; we have had an ISSSWSS'SJZIZ
Zmm.m-. sf1 " A A .A A 1
nú TT- ,..,U tx. c.x - . x K'"u " zurísimas lree al ,M 1001
n b o-xy n.Kiit I house, where the little people en
" joyed themselves right heartily. We
K-x tt Aempe ewa, believe each child in town received
"at Harry Zuck, a younger son of something from off this most boun---ge
Zuck. has been auite ill latelv. 1 x ir: t - -r . i"
- T . M " xi t-vj. iiim jjcbbio xucuauau,
lauuw luipruTin na 11 no re- our public school
as. 1 . I
iujrw oreura ne W1J1. 80011 out up a very artistic orange tree from
agiin. whose every twig hung a most tempt-
An impromptu Social was held lnff h,8 luscious orange, and from it
lait night at the residence of Mr. A. each little one present received an
M Boyer. Not many participated, I orange.
At mm 1 .
im rooms being small, but all that j We take pleasure in calling the
dil seemed to have an exceedingly attention of merchants and other
peasant time, heavy buyers, of both Navajo,
. Miss Helen Housch is not "snow APache nd Coconino counties, to
bcund" but is "mud bound" here the "dvertisement, in this week's is-
for the past three days. Miss Bue 01 the A of I. B. Putney of
"Eousch is teaching in the public Albuquerque, ISew Mexico. Mr.
diools at Springerville, and left utnéJ " one of the largest dealers
tlis morning for home. 'n na íne n!s 8Íe ' Topeka, Kan,
'.. i t , am bears the reputation of fair
In tne rush, hursy and worry of .1 n i x. 1
1 . . . .1... r uüoiíns auiuxiK iueJ UjiviUK uusiness
lt week, we inadvertently neglect- i. Ljm 6
e to mention the illness of Mrs. De
Riee&r. However, we are glad to be
pile to aaj, her indisposition was
nt serious and she has fully recov-
with him.
TJunder the head of "reminis
eenses" it should read "the estab
lishment of "Camp Ord" and not
"Camp Mogollón." It has not been
so very long ago, the fall of 18G9
since this camp was established, and
will ask how many of my readers
From Mr, Bel a Gardner we learn
tlre is a deposit of fine Quality of
l - . s
inent near here, which can be pre- can "x t witñout referring
Pfed and barreled at a eent per lb. tn HuliUrj recordaT
Slould a large trade be built up s- p- Behan, livestock agent for
J the road, che to fterthe SSS
. ..r", i.viwusiMustr Atlantic rat'iue railway,, were
t-'hof ac"
yjsitors at Nogales. The Oasis.
excellent crew of hands, and all
appear to have been satisfied with
their wages and board. Our qxary is
one-quarter of a mile from the bridge,
due south, and is a very durable
brown stone, that works well when
not frozen too hard.
There is over four tons of bolts
used in the bridge; 50,000 feet of
lumber; 650 perch of masonry,
which consumed about 120 barrels
of cement; this cement was manu
factured on the ground at a cost of
one cent per pound. Each pier is
is secured to the solid bed-rock by
four anchor-bolts, each one and one
half inches in diameter, these wore
dove-tailed into the bed-rock.
Considerable has been said about
the small amount for which the
bridge is being constructed; and
doubting the ability of the contract
ors to complete the job at their
figures. To all such I would re
spectfully state; that the day of
soft snaps" in bridge building is a
thing of the past; that the figures
were carefully made; that the con
tractors are right side up: that the
job will be done on time; that the
hands will all be paid; that the con
tractors will have a fair profit left,
and they hope their work will recom
mend them to tho good people of
Navajo county and of the surround
ing country for further favors in our
line of business,
as eommencina at the
section 2, town lo nor
and-baltjtiver merid
along- 4th sfcarJacd D
southi' mile, thence
mile, thence north s
tween sections 2 and t
srinniixr. containing IrtO acres, nut
And the Big Denver Placer mineral groundn
oeariug ameiuysv, jasper, cnaieoaony. topas,
onyx, amellan and agate, being the north
east i of section Ü, town 16 north, range 23
east, Gila and Salt River meridian, awd de
scribed as commencing at the northeast cor
ner of section 2, and running- south mile
to ,'x corner between sections 1 and 2; thence
at right angles west mile, thence north S
mile, thence at right angles east 5 mile to
place of besfinninir. containing one nundred
ana sixty acres.
And the Arapahoe Placer Mineral ground,
bearing amethyst, Jasper, chalcedony, topas.
T.. . . U.K. lniV. UV.U( V.UW uuxtu
X 11 f f h VltllllMllt 1 ' Hllt ttl. Hir-.k 1 .f ,.
soutnwest or section z, township lb north.
ranse a ease, una ana aaic mver meridian.
and described as commencing at the cor
ner between sections 2 and s and running
soum aiong secrion line Deiween sections x
and t eighty rods, thence at right angles east
1 mile, thence north eighty rods between
sections 1 and 2, thence at right angles west
1 mile to piase of beginning, eontaiuing ltiu
acres more or mss.
And the Emley Placer Mineral sFrnitiMf.
bearins? amethyst, lasuer. chalcedony, tonas.
onyx, camelian and agate, being the north
west i of section 12. town 10 north, range 23
easv una aau oais xuver meriaiau, ana de
scribed as commencing at the northwest
corner of section 12. town IS north, ramre
22 east, Gila and Salt River meridian, and run
ning south along section line between sec
tions 11 and 12 to 'Á corner. Thence at right
angles east li mile, thence north to M corner
between sections 1 aud 12, thence west along
section line between sections 1 and 13 to place
of beginning, containing 100 acres more or
And the Little Gem Placer Mineral around.
bearing amethyst, jasper, chalcedony, topas,
onyx, carnelian and agate, being the north
east l'x' of section 12. town ltt north, mm 23
east, Gila and Salt River meridian, and de
scribed as commencing at the northwest cor
ner of section 12. town 1A north. ranM 23 nut
Gila and Salt Kiver meridian, and running
south along range line between 23 and 24, also
oexween sections I and 12 to ; corner, thence
at ria-ht amrlea west 1 mile, thenoe north In
Vi corner between sections 1 and 12. thence
east aloug section line 1 and 12 to place of be-
UxrrsD Statxs Laxp .Office,
Notice Is hereby given that T Ib Armstrong
Abrasive Company, whose postoffice address
is ienter,JUoloradV. buvejliis day tiled their
application tor a uatctit for one hundred and
sixty acres of tho Equitable Placer Mineral
ground, bearius amethyst, jasper, chalcedo
ny, topaz, onyx, carnelian and atrato. being
the northwest i of section 22, toa n 17 north,
range 24 east, Gila and Suit River meridian,
ami descrilted as commencing at tho north
west corner of section 24. town 14 north,
runge 24 eat, Gila aud Salt River meridian,
and running south !, mile, thence at right
angles east A, mile, thenco north ?j mile,
thence at right angles west 'a mile to place
of beginning, containing 160 acres, more or
And the St. Louis Placer Mineral ground,
bearing amethyst, jasper, chulcedony, topaz,
onyx, carnelian and agate, being the south
west 1 of section 22, town 17 north, range 24
east, Gila and Salt River meridian, aud run
ning north mile. to !x corner uost between
sections 21 and 22, thence at ri lit ancles east
'l mile, thence south S mile, thence at right
angles west M mile to ulace of beErlnniuir. I
containing one hundred and sixty acres more
or less. I
All lyinar and beuie situated within the
County of Apache, lerritory of Arizona.
Magnetic variation . Containing 320
The locations of these mines are recorded
in Kerorder's omce of St. Johns, in Hoox No.
2 of Mining Claims. The adjoiuing claim
ants arc . Any and all per
sons cmimimr adversely any portion or said
Equitable and St. Louis Placer mining claims
are required to file their adverse claims with
the Register of the United States Land Office
at Prescott, in the Territory of Arizona, dur
ilicr the sixty davs ueriod of nuhlication
hereof, or they will be barred by virtue of
tne provisions oi tne statute.
ltlu H. 1). ROSS, Register.
Drugs, Medicines,
ancy.and Toilet Articles.
Mining Application JSo. 330.
VirrrsD Statbs Lasco Officb, (
Prescott, AriiM Dec. 10, 1895. i
Notice Is hereby given that The Armstrong
Abrasive Company, whose postoffice address
is Denver, Colorado, have this day tiled their
application for a patent for one hundred and
sixty acres of the Hartwell Placer
Mineral ground, bearing amethyst, jasper,
chalcedony, topaz, onyx, carnelian ami agate,
beinz the east ' of the northeast i and the
north 'i of the southeast í of section 0,
town 17 north, range 24 east, Gila and Salt
River meridian, aud described as commenc
ing at the northeast corner of section Sand
running south along section line between
sections 8 and 9 of a mile, thence at riijht
angles west M mile, thence north i mile,
thence at right angles east í mile, thence
north mile to section line between sections
5 and S, thence at right angles along section
I i Tm htvMtti S ti ti H M ' tniln tn nlftm nt hetrln.
ning. eontainin? one hundred and sixty acres
more of less. Lying and being situated with
in the County of Apache, Territory of Ari
zona. Magnetic variation Containing
100 acres.
The location of this mine is recorded In
Recorder's Office of St. Johns, in Book No. 2
of Mining Claims. The adjoining claimants
are . Any and all persons
claiming adversely any portion of said Hart
well No. 2 Placer Mining claim are required
to file their adverse claims with the Register
of the United States Land Office at Prescott,
in the Territory of Arizona, during the sixty
days period of publication hereof, or they
win ne barred oy virtue ot tiie provisions oi
the statute.
ltlO H. D. ROSS, Register.
Patent Medicines-
Fruits of all Kinds,
Articles of Incorporation of the Wood
ruff Irrigation Company, of Wood
run", Navajo County, Arizona.
Pbíxubli.-Be it known to all men that.
at a regularly appointed stockholder's meet
ins:, held September 2. 1805. we. J. C Owens.
Jr L. H. Hatch, Bela Gardner, Charles Lilly
white, P. J. Christofferson, J. Y. Lee and L.
M. Savage were chosen as a board of direct-
rporators tor tne above named
company: and it is our intention to comply
with all the requirements as made and pro
vided in the statutes of Arizona lor such
corporate bodies.
Article 1. ln:3 corporation shall be Known
n- Y. . 1X7 1 it T : ; í 1 . .. :.. l.
shall continue in existence twenty- áve (25)
years from the date of recording of these
articles in the eounty records: and the prin
cipal place of business shall be at Woodruff
navajo Uo.. Arizona.
Art. z. lbe oblect or this eorDoratloa Is
the owning and controlling of the waters of
the Little Colorado river and Silver creek at
and below Woodruff , .-and their distribution
to the several owners thereof ; for which pur
pose they may construct aad maintain dams,
reservoirs, eanals. ditches, head-ates. sluice
ways and 11 other necessarV appliances' to
carry on a successful irrigation business.
Art. 3. The caDital stock of t-his -comiianv
shall be twenty-five thousand (325.000) dollars,
divided into one thousand 1000) shares of
twent v-five dollars each, seventy-five (75) ner
oent of which is to be paid when subscribed
tor uo the highest amount or indebted
ness to be contracted by the company is two-
thirds (3 of the stock actually tiken.
Art. . 1 nis company can sue anu oesuea
r the above title : but no private property
r any of its members shall in anywise be
held for theoompany s debts.
Art. 5. The aifairs of this company shall
be conducted by a board of seven (7) direct
ors, out of which number there shall be
lected by said directors, a D resident- a vice-
iresident and .a secretary. Said board of
irectors shall be elected by the stockhold
ers on the second (2nd) Mouday of December,
18w5. and annually thereafter. A code of by
laws shall be furnished, by the directors, for
the regulation of the com,any'a affairs.
hich code must be rati tied at a stockhold
er's meeting, called for that purpose, where I
two-thirds (S) of the stock actually taken
must be represented, but a majority of votes
east at such meeting can ratify.
Art. ft. The president of this company
shall procure, as soon as practicable, a suita
ble aeaL shall cause to be filed with the Sec
retary of Arizona Territory a copy of these
Finest and Largest Assortment of
Xmas and
Holiday Goods
In Navajo County.
Mail Orders Promptly Filled,
Groceries and Provisions,
hwest corner of
zl sivksj urn iiiuui pwiiiiiuui nuu iviiu w
ulred of Dim by law or the by
ginning, contaminar MO acres, mora or I
All lyliur and beiuxr sltuntMl In th róiinlv
of Apache, Territory of Arizona. Magnetic
variation (containing 302.10 acres.
The locations Of 11mm uUm mrm ninrAmA
4n Recorder' Office of St. Johns, in Book 'o,
pany shall be
ees, and other-
tuiattons I
Witness our sign.
Siiiitinlixp A . TI &
1. T. LEE.
County of Navajo. t
Before me. Q. R. Gardner, a justice of the
peace in and for said County of Navajo, on
this aajrpersonaiiy appeared tUevl ftl. aavage.
Christofferson, J. V. Lee, Charles Lilly-white
and Bela Gardner, known to me to be the
persons whose names are subscribed to the
foregoing instrument and acknowledged to
me that they executed the same for the pur
pose and consideration therein set forth.
Given under my hand this 21st day of Sent-
A. u. una.
It! Justice of the Peace.
Entertainment for
Man and Beast; '
Hay and flrrain always on hand. The table
furnished with the best to be had in the
market. Commercial and other travelers
enroute to and from Holbsook to St. Johns
nun aiiriuKrrriue, V. ill 1111.1 1L QvsirsD IXJ
give me a call.
BENGNO LOPEZ, Proprietor.
Colcho, Ajucoka.
'" "
Fine Laundry.
All Work First-Class.

" " ""'"H onenuing me nign i " J Itv, ,:fii tu

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