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Mí! CATTLEMEN, Advertise your brands in the Aboi'8. People doing baxiness should advertise It. By do ing so yon inform other people that jrou are on top of the earth. A business that cannot afTorrl to advertise U not worth monkcyinc with. Remember the loss of a ingle steer, will more than pay for brand and paper for a year. sheepmen; Should advertise their ear-marks in the Argus. The brand including paper one year, constitutes a small outlay, and may save you a "cut ;" this one "saving" mould pay cost of brand and paper for many years. Remember 'tis a business maxim : "a business which can not afford to advertise, will not pay to fol low." Gentlemen, send us your brands. Volume I. HOLBROOK, ARIZONA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1896. Number 7. TIIK KAILHOAD8. Atlantic PaciDo 1$. It. Co. TIME TATILK. WESTWARD. Cal ltd f UH lua 4 (Up 12 lp 4 Snp 5 2Tp 8 lup t lip 11 &p 13 V 1 -" 5 4na 7 Sua 2Ua 1 4Up a ivi OKp 10 lup STATIONS. BA8TWABD. Ch'o At'nc Cal Exd Ltd Exp 10 Up I.v... Chicago... Ar 8 lua 10 Jp 1 Sip Lv KansasC'ity Ar i C)p 7 t a 7 i -p Lv...leuver....Ar 8 ft lr.p t C a Lv.Alt.uci'rqiie Ar S C3a 8 Tip 8 a Wlngate 4 (xa S U'p lua UnlTup. Ititt 2 S-'ip 12 top Holbruok . . . ..12 a 10 4a 1 ft v tiisiow l i up v aia .nagotan- 4:.p i zia .Williams 6 Vp 6 0a . Ah Fork. & p 4 Sua .K lug-man 12 p 11 rjp . . Need lea 10 (xa 8 Vp ..Hlake. 8 Sua JKp ..Ifcurirett 8 Sa 2 v 12 15; Ar...Bnrsvow...L 2Ua 2 lOp tCjir Ylojuvc i.r 10 toa Sup Ar Los A.igelea Lv 8 OOp 1 tja Ar .San li-ico .1. 2 Sup 10 4Sa Ar San Fraii ito Lv J0p 4 2Uj.. II a. II EM IXISCENCKS. Personal Experiences and IicC' lections of Arizona, Dur ing the Past Thirty Tlirec Years. The Establishment of Camp Ord, - Other Matter Connected Therewith. ind Sl'MUFB OB WINTER. The Santa Fé Route Is the moat comfort able Railway between California and the Cast. The meals at Harvey's Iining Rooms are an excellent feature of the line, and are only equalled by those served oa the new Iiinng Cars which are carried on all limited trains. The Grand Cation of the Colorado can be reached la no other way. JHO. 1. BYRNE. Oont Pass. Agent, Los Anecies, Cal C H. SPEEKáw Asst Geni Pass. A rent. San Frnnrlaro, CaL H. S. VAN SLYC'K. Geni Agent. Albuquerque. N. L S. F, P. IP. Railway. TIME TAKLE JTo. IS. In affect December 25, at 12M a. m. alTN DAILY. Mxd. No. II 7 onp 2 o 2 " t O. p 8 rip 8 Sip 4 lip 4 SUp 8 OVp 8 2p 8 up Ño. 41 7 Om 1 m 7 Bin 8 01a 8 Km l ZXa 9 Vm 10 life 10 rm 11 "a 11 2a 12 Bp 1 wP 11, 3 Wp 2 Zip 2 Sip 2 Oup 8 zr.p a a'.p Pi STATIONS. ORTH DAILY. Pass. Unl. No. 1. No. 2. No. r 1 00a LV.. Ash Fork.. Ar ft 20p 12 01 p 7 17a Mcath 8 fr.p 11 S7a 7 S2m Wirklow 4 4Up 11 la 7 rta .. Kork Hntte 4 '.p 11 CJst 11a Cellar Glade 4 Hip 10 l.a Valley 8 Sf.p 10 10a 8 SOa .Del Kio 8 ip 9 Srta 8 &4a. Jerome in action. 8 BUp I'-a 9 12a -Grsuit- 9 I3p 8 ia 9 24 ilaasiek 2 &p 8 ISa 9 45a Prescott 2 4Up 7 45a No. 42 9 58a Prescott 2 Mp 4 0p 10 23a Iron Springs.... 2 Ulp 8 fp lO Tm -Mimmll 2 Dip -p 10 Sea .Kamagate 1 Sip 8 01 p 11 I.. .. Skull Valley.... 1 lap 2 Sp 11 S'-a Kirkland 12 zip 2 Up 12 I2p View.. ..12 l'-'p 1 4rtp 12 tip HilUide. II SJa 1 2up 12 Sep .Date Creek 11 la 12 Wp 1 (Mp Martines II 14a 12 2Jp 1 Sip Comma 10 SM 11 Sua 1 43p....farnua Hala. ...10 45a 11 lita 2 05p W ir kenburs;. . .JO 25a 10 4Ua 2 Sip To It ii re 9 Sua 10 05a 2 -p Hot Spr sTt Jane's. 9 4 9 45s 8 tp HearcUley 9 Zia 9 lua Marinette . fe 4a S ISp Peoria 9 O0a 8t 8 S-p Glendale 8 Sua 8 25a 8 47 p Alhambra. 8 41a 8 COa 4 tJp Ar...Pbenix....LY 8 Sua 7 40a Traína Nos. 41 and 42 run on alternate days. Information as to what days same will run will be furnished by airentaon application. No. 1 makes connections at Ash Fork with A. A P. vestibnled limited No. 9 from the east. This is the Unes train wetnf Chicago. No. 2 also cannecta with A. A i .Mo. 2 from the west. Persons desiring to stay over at Ash Fork will find the best of accommodations at Fred Harvey's boteL No. 2 makes close connection at Ash Fork with A. A P. trains Nos. 1 and 4. A. A P. No. 1 r saches San Francisco 10 :45 a.m. second morn ing. A. A P. No. 4 Is a vestibuled train throjigbont, lighted with piutch gas. dining car running through. Los Angeles to Chicago. Dining cars under the managemeut of Fred Harvey, with his unexcelled service, care and attention to his guests. Nos, 1 and 2 connect at Jerome Junction with trains of U. V. A P. Rr. for Jerome. Connecting at Prescott with stage lines for all principal mining camps; at Congress with stage lines for Harua Hala. Station and Tar nell: at Pbenlx with the Maricopa A Phe nix Ry. for points on the S. P. Kt. This Ho, Is the best route to the Great Salt River Valley. For Information regarding this valley and the rich mining section tribu tary to this road, address any Sonta Fé Route representative, or GEO. M. SARGENT. Geni Ft. and Pan. Act-, Prescott, Ariz. GEO. T. NICHOLSON. Geni Pass. Art-, Chicago. IIL 1. J. FRET. GenT Manager, Topeka, Kan. K. E. WELLS, Asst. Gen'l Manager. Prescott. Aril. IRA P. SMITH. Commercial Agent. Phoenix. Aria. E. COPELAND. GenT Agent, El Paso, Texas. PROFESIONAL CARDS. F. W. NELSON, ATTO HN KY-AT.IiA W, WIXSLOW, - AHIZOXA. E. M. SAXF0RD, ATTO It N EY-AT-LAW, niKOTT, - AK1ZOX A. W. M. PERRILL, Xistct Attoi-noy Xnvajo County BOLBBOOK, - AKIrOSA. Will practice in all courts of Arizona. T. W. JOHNSTON, ATTORN K Y-AT-LA W, PSXSCOTT, - AKIZOXA. Win practice in the Conrts of Navajo. Apache. Coconino and Mohave Counties. R. E. MORRISON, ATTTJIINEY-AT-LAW, (District Attorney Tavapal County.) Office In Court House, Prescott. Arizona. GEORGE ST0NEMAN, ATTO K JiE Y-AT-LA WMSLOW. - ABIZOSA. J. T. WELCH, H. D., C PHYSICIAN Ac HU1ÍGKOX, HOLBBOOK. - . - AK'.ZOKA. LP. FISHER. NEWS PA PEI ADVERTIS ing Agent, 21 Merchants' Exchaiure. S n Francisco, is our authorized agent. This paper is kept on file la his oiiice. , IP SICE OR AILING. SEND name, symptoms and five two-cent stamps anil we will i send you a scieiitine ding- - tell you a-hat will cure you. : : Address, CALtroBSiA Mzdical asid Sl k : niciL ixriSMAUr. lir-H', Market Street, ; ban Fraaeneo, Californiü. . . FREE; CHAPTER VI. As for the troops and any danger therefrom I never gave- it a second thought; for it always did appear to me an utter impossibilit j for either lumbering cavalrymen or infantry men to ever catch anything in the ruiTtrtd mountains of Arizona. Of course Apaches, as well as other peo ple, sometimes get careless and are surprised, but not very often is this the case; and it is or was mostly through treachery they were ever tak en unawares in their camps. With this feeling of contempt for the "catch ing" ability of the troops, I inform ed Cooley and Dodd that I should forthwith notify the sleeping Indi ans that they might save their lives by flight. 'Good God don't do that," said Cooley, "we are already outlawed now and liable to be shot at any moment." My reply to Mr. C.'s excited harangue was to the ef fect that the troops must first catch before they could shoot and if they can catch me in these mountains let 'em shoot and be d d to 'em. I then proposed that all pull out. To this Cooley objected on the grounds that ho and Dodd were under parole, having pledged their words to Cap tain Barry not to escape. Captain Barry's reasons for allowing his pris oners to return to their camp, putting the two whites on their parole, wa9 to allay any suspicions the Indians might have so that his troops could make a complete and successful massacre the next morning, it being -too late that evening to do the job. Mr. Cooley seemed greatly exercised over my proposition to inform the Apaches of their danger, and en treated me for God's sake not to do anything until he and Dodd could have another interview with the Captain. It seems that both my friends had also given their word not to even hint of the intended killing to the Apaches. They both immediately proceeded to the mili tary camp; this was between 2 and 3 o'clock in the night. After about an hour both returned with the in telligence that Captain Barry would surely disobey his Colonel's orders and would not murder the poor devils on the following morning; that Barry had not said this in so many words but had distinctly con veyed this impression to them. At that time now twenty-seven years ago, l was young lull ol tlie spirit of adventure and it did really seem to mo a matter absolutely far- cicial for lumbering cavalrymen to talk of catching any one, particular ly in a mountainous country, and who was at home at any time and place amongst them. The following morning August 2d I awoke late, and seeing Captain Barry and Cooley walking back and forth along the brow of the mesa upon which our camp was situated I immediately felt that no massacre would take place. Runners were immediately sent out to call in all Apaches in the near neighborhood to have a "big peace talk" with Cap tain Barry. In the afternoon a grand pow-wow was had at which Captain Barry explained to the Apaches his orders from Colonel Green. This was certainly a great sur prise to our Apache friends, aud the one solitary eye of oar Chief, (ho part and apparently unknown and unnoticed by the Coyoteros; but were always seen in the background. on the outskirts of the assembled council. At the conclusion of Cap tain Barry's talk many of the Apaches turned their e3es towards the writer, particularly Huero, but they were satisfied that I had had no part in the treachery, and my in dignation must have shown plainly upon my face, for the Apache chiefs came to me immediately and ex pressed themselves as fully confident of my honesty and sincerity. Es- cah-pah, with that peculiar cynical smile on his face and devilish glit ter of his one eye, informed Captain Barry that "had it not been by treachery, he nor Colonel Green could not have made much of massacre; that possibly the shoe might have been on the other foot," or words to that effect. That under the circumstances, and as the Cap tain proposed to bo just, he and his people were willing to meet half way. J. lie Uluel tlien proaueeu His papers from Gen. James H. Carle- ton. The Captain looked them over carefully and was fully satisfied that to kill these people was to commit a great crimo. In this connection it would bo well to state that at the time Cooley, Dodd and the writer joined Es-cah-pah at the Zuñi vil lagos, ho had been to Santa Fe, Now Mexico to see General Gottie, then n command of the district of New Mexico, for the express purpose of ascertaining if the promise of a reservation was to be carried out. But General Gettio told Es-cah-pali to go back that it was not in his military district; that he must see the district commander of Southern Arizona; and it was on his return from Santa Fe, we three joined the Chief and his party at" the Pueblo de Zuñi. After the commandant of the troop of horse had examined the Chiefs papers, and had verified his statements through us who were ac quainted with the facts, he informed the Indians that he would disobey the orders of his superior officer on humanitarian grounds; that in con sideration therefor the principal men of the tribe must go with the three Americans to Camp McDowell and see General Deven, who alone had the right to make peace with them; that if the General did so he would give them papers which would protect them in the future from other scouting parties of soldiers. To this proposition the Indians agreed and seemed very glad to do so. The following day, August 3d, Captain Barry returned to Colonel Green's camp, still at the confluence of the east and west forks of the White river, and reported to his su perior what he had done on his trip to the Apache camp on the Carizo. Colonel Green became at once very passionate at Captain Barry for dis obeying orders in not killing all the Indians as ordered, and immediately relieved the Captain of his com mand, confining, him to .the camp limits. Soon after Colonel Green selected a site about three-quarters of a mile further east upon the mesa, where" a military post was established and named "Camp Ord" in honor of the department commander Gen. E. O. C. Ord. Camp Ord was considered stragot ically situated, being located in the heart of the Apacheria. This done Colonel Green returned with his command back to Fort Goodwin. Arriving at Goodwin the Colonel at once set about the preparation of a series of "charges and specifica tions" against Captain Barry, alleg ing "disobedience of orders, the vio lation of certain articles of war," i and the inevitable winding up, viz had lost his left eye in battle), seem-, conduct unbecoming an officer and eu to taKe on a peculiar gmier; ior he was a brave warrior as also was his brother El Diablo and had a massacre been attempted, although taken at a disadvantage by treach ery, under the guise of friendship, he and his trusty braves certainly would have "made their record" be fore death. At this "peace talk" were repre sentatives from the Sierra Blanca Apaches, the Final Apaches, and perhaps others, but they were silent "lookers on in Venice," taking no a gentleman." This rigmarole of charges, etc., etc., were in due time sent to Gen. Thomas E. Deven, com manding officer of the southern military district of Arizona, with headquarters at Camp McDowell. coxtinted. Lazard Freres hav eordered$l,100, 000 gold from the Assay office for shipment to Europe tomorrow. Muller,.Schall & Co. will withdraw $30,000 in gold coin, to be forwarded to South America tomorrow. Russia and the United States. 4TERKITOKIAL. committed. Russi3 is a very wealthy nation, has a vast amount of gold at her dis posal, and she is an excellent friend for the United States to have in case of war with England. The st aunch ness of her friendship was shown during the period of the late war of rebellion, when she stood firmly by that portion of the country which represented the Old Flag and the traditions of American freedom Without the moral support which she then gave us, there were times when even the loyalty of the na tion mij,tit have become dishartenod, and felt that the struggle was un certain, But the so-called despotism of Russia was with our struggling and loyal armies, and never once through that long period of strife, . in defeat or in victory, did she prove faithless, and today, while the press of Europe was almost universally denouncing the Venezuelan message of President Cleveland, and declaring that the Monroe doctrine was untenable and worthy of condemnation, the Russi an press came out warmly in its fav or and cordially indorsed the senti ment of "America for Americans.". With a surplus in her treasury which, according to the best informa tion, is not less than ?1 ,000,000,000, Russia's offer to stand by the treas ury of the United States is not with out value. In the international chess game which is being played, it will be a great thing for the United States to have Russia as a friendly power at our eidow. In times of trial she has been a better friend to us than ever John Bull, who is alC ways on the alert for ascendancy. Russia is not standing idle in the world's march for advancement. She is building the most extensive and the most expensive railroad of the world, and its completion means for the Russian people new conditions and enlarged commercial facilities, great er comfort for her peoplo, the open ing up of vast mineral wealth, and a continent of rich farming lands for her peasantry. There can be, under existing conditions, nothing like stagnation in Russian affairs, but rather broad expansion and growth. Says the Washington correspond ent of the Chicago . Record in a re cent letter to that journal: "Russia's chief motive for her offer of gold to the United States was her desiro to give her great plans a broader and more secure basis. It was originally made months ago, un conditionally, and in a peaceful, friendly, spirit. She made it partly with the purpose of freeing the United States from England and the European money-lenders, and partly in order to place some of her gold reserve-where it would do her the most good in case of emergency. "Although she does not seek war with England, she is wise enough to be prepared for it. Should war be forced upon Russia her gold would be in the United States, where it could be used to pay for war mate rial, provisions, ect., which she natur ally would buy from the States. The trial order of armor plate, given to Carnegie at a time when it could have been filled easily at home, is one of. tlie strongest proois mat Russia wanted to ascertain whether she couldTely ou the States in case of war to execute her orders. In view of the completion of the ííiearaguan Canal under American control and the consequent enlarge ment of both American and Russian commerce, tne same correspondent suggests: Then, not until then, but then in reality, Russia and the United States will be masters of the Pacific, and supremacy in commerce and at sea will be wrested forever from the English flag, and wrested by two powers who are so widely sparated and whose spheres of interest are so different that they would never clash." In case of serious difiiculty with Great Britain these possibilities are not unpleasant things to contem plate, and Uncle Sam will look with complacent satisfaction at. the .con tinued friendship of the powerful Russian empire. We owe Russia something for her past attitude to ward us, and it will not lessen our trust in her in the future. . Though a government of so-called despotism, she has stood fast and firm for Ameri can freedom. Los Angeles Times. The Following Named Gentlemen Com prise the Kepublican Committee of Arizona. Kib- A. O. Brodie, T. Griffith, Herbert Executive committee J. H. bey, chairman; R. L. Long, secre tary; T. W. Hine, P. Carson, W. M. Brown. Apache county J. H. Bowman, W. C. Barnes, Jas. Mahoney, J. L. Hubbell, Jesse N. Smith. Cochise county Allen T. Bird, Al. Noyes, W. F. Nichols, A. L. Grow, W. A. Place. Coconino county E. S. Clark, C. M. Funston, N. G. Layton, F. W. Smith, E. F. Greenlaw. Gila county G. M. Allison, G. T. Peter, T. A. Pascoe, W. M. Griffith, F. W. Westmeyer. ' - Graham county M. J. Egan, H L. Smith, H. Weech, Alexander Mc Lean, E. A. Cutter. Maricopa county Jas. McMillan, T. W. Hine, Lincoln Fowler, W. S. White, L. H. Goodrich. Mohave connty H. H. Watkins, F. L. Smith, J. K. Halsey, J. L. Nel son, David Southwick. Pima county Charles R. Drake, Herbert Brown, J. A. Zabriskie, Geo. Christ, R. H. Paul. Pinal county W. B. Reed, T. P. Carson, O. H. Carpenter, W. F. Cooper, E. W. Childs. Yavapai county A. O. Broclie, Chas. Akers, D. L. Robinson, John S. Jones, Thos. Roach. Yuma county J. W. Dorrington, O. F. Townsend, F. S. Ingalls, F. E. Ewing, Frank Wightman. Power of Francis Schlatter. LyThe above is all right except foVJ the better subject himself to the in- Apache and Navajo counties. Quick Horace Townsend, correspondent of The Philadelphia Ledger desired some information from Philadelphia today. He telephoned inquiry from the News office of the Cable company, The inquiry was cabled to' New York and telephoned thence to Phil adelphia. A reply was sent back by telephone and cable and received in London in twelve minutes. There was no p re-arrangement or prepara tion, and it is now seen that had all parties been alert and desirous of making a record, the same perform ance could have been accomplished in nine or ten minutes. As it is they made phenomenal time. s si a Ousted. A great sensation was coused by the summary removal from office of Postmaster-General Gochicea, Post master Montiel of t he City of Mexico, and all sorts of rumors are circulat- J ing as to the cause. The press and 1x5 public have been loudly complainingy of the service, and it was known in in official circles that some changes were coming. The former postmast er in this city fled over a year ago, leaving a shortage of some $60,000, and he has never been apprehended. The removal of the officials mention ed was made on the order of Minis ter of Communications, General Mona. Tlie Merrill Murder. Through General Wheaton a re port has reached the War Depart ment from Captain Godfrey, Sev enth Cavalry, at San Carlos agency, in which the Captain says he is sat isfied that Captain Mayers, the In dian agent there, has done all in his power to determine whether or not the murderers of the Merrill family have been on the reservation since the murder, and whether the crime was committed by Indians. The Captain reports that he is now con vinced the renegade Massai is the murderer. If he has been on the reservation since the murder, the Indians don't know it. "What is the mystery of the won derful healing power possessed by Francis Schlatter? said Rev. Helen Van Anderson, pastor of the Church of Higher Life of Boston, to an au dience that tested the seating and standing capacity of Allen Hall yes terday afternoon. The subject of her sermon was "Schlatter, the Di vine Healer, and something of the Philosophy of Spiritual Healing." The services included solos by Mr. L. G. Parker and Miss Loring. The speaker outlined the history of the poor shoemaker and gave some de tails of his methods of curing the sick, instancing many cases. Con tinuing her remarks she said: 'Is there any philosophic founda tion upon which his power is based? Is this man chosen for the work? If there is a philosophy in it, cannot others come into the power? I be lieve there are answers to these questions just as I know there are questions that have appealed to the brightest minds of our times. Schlatter says that the power that is in him is the spirit of the Father as something that is of himself a part, that dwells within him, that guides and directs as well as impelís him. On account of his wonderful faith in and implicit obedience to the dic tates of that spirit he has suffered many privations, he has wandered over desert wilds, . he has fasted, literally abstained from food for seventy-five days; he has been per secuted, arrested as a vagrant, but through it all he has maintained his loyalty to his faith. He -has kept himself, as it were, in a holy nitch away from the world, that he might flue nee of the spirit and so fit him self to affect the consciousness of those to whom he ministers. "Thus he has inspired hope in the hopeless. Their very hopelessness has been like a door to their recep tive faculties, and through the ema nations from this man of sublime faith in the Father, the potency of that faith has entered the souls of the sick and made them well. and broken in body and mind, through his hope and faith have been, rejuvinated. It is possible, I believe, for all of us in a greater or lesser degree to exercise similar in fluence, but before we are qualified to receive and administer this spir itual healing power we must prepare ourselves by leading spiritual lives. Such lives are possible for all human beings, but they can only be attained by fasting, not abstaining from food, but giving up beliefs in appearances and willingly sacrificing many of those things that we have come to regard as essential to our material welfare and happiness." The services were concluded by a healing service, consisting of . a prayer by the pastor and silent prayer on the part of the audience. Boston üerald. Good Advice- Plenty of Time. Geo. Leonard who is "beating" his way from San Francisco to Boston on a wager os $5,000, arrived in New York city, January 14, Leonard must make a journey across the con tinent in thirty days without any expenditure. He must have $500 in hand when he reaches Boston. Leonard will receive half of a $5,000 wager if he makes the trip in thirty days. He has only been nineteen days on his journey and has already earned $162. . Winslow as at present situated is wholly dependent on the railroad. Put a thrifty farming community surrounding it of 400 or 500 and she would be, in a measure, independent of the road. Eastern railroad mag nates and European bond "holders, care no more for the interests of the residents of our town, than they do for the dirt under their feet.' They would see all business stopped,- and our property holders forced to get up and leave their possessions, if in doing so either could gain a tempo rary advantage. Let us get togeth er and act as one man, to induce capital to come into the country, de velop our water supply, reclaim land, and place ourselves on an in dependent and self-sustaining basis. It strikes the Mail that any other course is simply suicidal. Mail. The above is the very soundest sort of advice, and the sooner Wins low peoplo heed it the better for them. No city . in the world was ever built upon "imports" alone. 44BVB- Another Bilk. William Baldwin, who recently completed a trip from New York to San Francisco ?ind return on foot, under a wager, giving baloon ascen sions, tight-rope preformanccs, etc., will start from Brooklyn, January 23, on a tour around the world un der similar conditions. The 'wager this time is that Baldwin shall start, without a cent, and with the excep tion of water-ways, he is to walk across the two continents, to return to New York within eighteen mouths, with $2,000 in cash. . .. \n\n C p.... 7 4Up.... 1 Va.... 4 4ua.... 6 a.... BT A. F. BASTA. noMS of your il idease and