Newspaper Page Text
- CATTLEMEN, Adwrtlc your brands In the A sacs. Propio doing buines should adertie it. By do lus; so yon Inform other people that joa are on top of tha earth. A badness that cannot afford to advertise ia not worth monkeyina; m ith. Remember the loaa of single ateer, m ill mora than pay for brand and paper for a year. SHEEPMEN,. Should advertise their ear-mark in the A ROUS. The brand including paper one year, constitutes a small outlay, and may save you a "cut;" this one "saving" would pay cost of brand and paper for many years. Remember 'tis a business niaim : "a business which can not afford to advertise, will not pay to fol low." Gentlemen, send us your brands. V Volume I. HOLBROOK, ARIZONA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1896. Number 12. r I X Y T Delinquent Tax List - OF TAXES IN ThaGountij of Nacajo, ' Territory of ' ; ; Arizona, FOR THE YEAR Í895. NAME. DESCRIPTION. Adamson & Kinder, patented land on Show Low, value $800; improve ments, $50.00; tax $26.35, cost and pen alty $1.32, total $ Amos, W. personal prop erty 215, south of ' north-east section ' - 24 township 9 range. 23, 80 acres 100, ini- , provements 100; tax on personal property - - 6.51, tax on real estate - 6.20, penalty and cost ' 1.14, total..... Ailing, J. G, mechanic's tools 200, jewelry 100, per- sonal property 300; ' taxes on personal property 9.30, penal ty and cost .97, total Amos, Abe, personal proper ty 110, improvements at Pinetop 150; tax on personal property 3.51, tax on real estate 4.65, penalty and cost 1.40, total Allen, F. personal proper ty ' 129, section 1 township 12 range 21, 6 acres 150, sec tion 2 township 12 range 21, 6 acres 90, section 12 township 12 range 21, 6 acres 30, improvements 100; tax on personal property 4.00, tax on real estate 11.47, pen alty and cost 1.27, total 16.74. By cash 1147; balance. ' Adams, G. M., personal prop erty 249, improve ments on Show Low 200; tax on personal property 88.32, tax on real estate 6.20, penalty and cost 2.58, total 97.00. By cash 64; balance due Adamson & Burbage, lots 12, 13, 22 block 7, Hol - " brook, 75; tax on : real estate 2-33, pen alty : and cost .62, total Burke, M. An personal prop erty 210.75, improve ments at Pinedale 50; tax on personal prop erty 6.53, tax on real estate 1.55, penalty and cost 1.41, total. . Brewer, J. J., personal prop erty 110; tax on per sonal property 3.41, penalty and' cost .67, total.. Barger, K. W, personal pro p- ,-. erty 62.00, improve ments near. Taylor 25; tax on personal property 1,92, tax on real estate .78, pen alty and costs 1.13, total Baca, Lorenzo, personal prop erty 129, improve- . ments on Silver creek 100; tax on personal property' 4.00, tax on real estate 3.10, pen- - alty and costs 130 total -. Bazan,Ignaciomprovenients at Ortego , Lake 150; . ; tax 4.65, penalty and - " ' cost .73, total . . . . . .. ' Brimhall, N.A-, personal prop erty 228, section 2 township 12 range 21, - 25 acres 445, improve ments .125, Tajlor AMI. 28 20 13 85 10 27 9 56 5 27 33 00 2 95 9 49 4 OS 3 83 8 45 5 33 lots 75,improvements . on Water Cafion 20; tax on personal prop erty 7.07, on real es tate 20.62, penalty and cost 3.88, total.. $ 31 57 Brewer, Jacob, personal prop erty 335, improve ments at Pinedale 100; tax on personal property 10.39, tax on real estate 3.10, pen alty and cost 1.68, total 15 17 Brewer, Joseph I, personal property 131.50, im provements at Pine dale 100; tax on per sonal property 4.08, on real estate 3.10, penalty and cost 1.37 total 8 55 Burbage, W. IL, personal property 2,500; tax on personal property 77.50, penalty and cost 4.37, total 81 87 Boyer, A. M., southwest J section ' 2 township 17 range 20, 160 acres 400, improvements 50; tax on real es tate 13.95, penalty and cost 1.20, total. . 15 15 Brimhall, C. M., personal property 135;tax on personal property 4.19, penalty and cost .71, total 4 90 Campbell, Frank personal property 238.75, section 25 township 13 range 21, 15 acres 295, Snowflake lots 150; tax on personal prop erty 7.42, tax on real estate 13.80, penalty and cost 1.96, total 23.18. By cash 12.00; balance due 11 18 Clawson, H. A., personal property 218, im provements at Taylor 150; tax on personal property 6.76, on real estate 4.65, penalty and cost 1.57, total.. 12 98 CrandelL A. AV., personal property 233. im provements at Pine dale 100; tax on per sonal property 7.22, tax on real estate 3.10, penalty and costs 1.52, total 8 94 Churchill, Mrs., lot 18 block 7, Holbrook, 25; tax .78, penalty and cost .54, total 1 32 Cart, Mrs. James, personal property 445, lots 10, 12 block P 250, im provements 500, lot 13 block 1 300, im provements 300; tax on personal property 13.80, tax on real es- " tate 41.85, penalty and cost 4.28, total . . 59 93 Divelbess, L. E., personal property 105, lots 1, 2, 3, 4,5,6, 7, block 5, Holbrook 325, im provements 500; tax on personal property 3.26, tax on real es tate 25.58, penalty and cost 2.44, total.. 3128 Dexter, F., south J section 1 10 acres in "Woodruff 40; tax 1.24, penalty ' and cost .56, total.'. 1 80 Duffin, B. F., personal prop erty SiO, section 17 township 16 range 22, '44 acres 285, lots 61, 62, 27 and 32, Wood ruff, 100, improve - ments 100; tax on personal ' property ' 10.54, tax on real es tate 15.04, penalty and cost 2.30, total 27.88. By cash 10.00; balance due 17 88 Furgeson, S. H., personal property 80, improve ments east of lleber 25; tax on personal , ' property 2.48, tax on . - real estate .78, penal ty 1.16, total.... 4 46 French, Fred G., crsonal property 165; tax on - personal property 5.12, penalty .75, total .$ 5 87 Gibson, W. J., personal prop erty 25, lot 1 block 3 , Snowflake, 60, im provements. 100; tax I on personal property .78, tax on real estate 5.74, penalty and cost 1.28, total 7 02 Garcia, Francisco, personal property 175, im provements 50; tax on personal property 5.43, tax on real es tate 1.55, penalty and costs 1.35, total -8 33 Gillispie, A. M., personal property 125; tax on personal property 3.88, penalty and cost .70, total 4 58 Gardner, C. F., personal prop erty 169.25, section 17 township 16 range 22, 14 acres 50,- im- -provements 100; tax on personal property 5.25, tax on real es tate 4.65, penalty and cost 1.50, total 11 40 Gonzales, D., personal prop erty 60, improve ments at Winslow 15; tax on personal prop erty 1.86, on real es tate .47, penalty and cost 1.12, total 3 45 Gutieres, Rosendo, northwest section 8 township 17 range 21, 160 acres 400, improvements 150, personal proper ty 225; tax on per sonal property 6.98, tax on real estate 17.05, penalty and costs 2.20, total 26 23 Garcia, S. Mora, lots 1, 2 block 5z5, improve- ments 25; tax on real estate 1.55, penalty and cost .58, total... 2 13 Gutieres, Francisco, personal property 216.25, im provements on ranch 150; tax on personal property 6.71, tax on real estate 4.65, pen alty and cost 1.57, total 12 93 Henning, Mrs. A. E. person al property 800, north of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block 7, Holbrook, 125, improvements . 200; tax on personal property 24.80, tax on Teal estate 10.08, penalty and cost 2.74, total 37 62 Hunt Brothers, personal property 385, sec tion 35, township 12 rango 21, 10 acres 200, lot 3 block. 5, Snowflake 75, im provements 100; tax on personal property 11.94, tax on real es tate 11.63, penalty and cost 2.18, total 25.75. By cash 20.00; balance due 5 75 Hancock, M. L., personal property 137, lots 3, 4 block 7 Taylor 40, improvements 35; tax on personal prop erty 4.25, tax on real . estate 2.33 penalty and cost 1.33, total.. 7 91 Hatch, Willard, personal property 331, lot 2 . block 30, Taylor, 40, lots 1, 2 block 30, 40, improvements 110; tax on personal prop erty 10.26, tax ou real estate 5.89, pen alty and cost 2.37, total 18. 52. By cash 8.65; balance due 9 87 Hansen, J. N., personal prop erty 461, improve ments at Linden 50; tax ou personal prop erty 14.29, tax on real estate 1.55, penal ty and cost 1.79, total 17 63 Hart & Stevenson, personal property 1,930, 1m-. -provements on ranch 250; tax on personal property 59.83, tax on real estate 7.75, penalty and cost 4.48, total , . ..$ 74 06 Hennissey, D. E., lots 13, 14, block O, Winslow, 120; tax 3.72, penal ty and cost .68, total 4 40 Jewell, Stephen, personal property 231, im provements at Pine top 75; tax on per sonal property 7.16, tax on real estate 2.33, .penalty and costs 1.47, total 10 96 Johnson, T. N., north east J of northwest J, and wtst,J and southeast " of northeast J sec tion 25 township 9 range 23, 160 acres 200; taxes on real es tate 6.20, penalty and costs .80, total 7 00 Kartchner, N. D., personal property 205.75, sec tion 24, township 13 range 21, 10 acres 250, improvements 450, lot 4 block 1, Snow flake, 75; tax on per sonal property 6.39, tax on real estate " 24.03, penalty and costs 3.02, total 33 44 Keams, Thomas V., personal property 7,400; tax . on personal property 229.40, penalty and " cost 11.97, total 241 47 Kinder, R. C, personal prop erty 2,405, lots 38,39, 40, 41 block 4, Hol--brook, 200, improve ments 600; tax on personal property 74.56, tax on real es tate 24.80, penalty. and costs 5.97, total 105 33 Kay, J. A., personal property 180; tax on personal property 5.58, penal ty and cost .78 total 6. 36 King & Jenkins, personal " property 2.800; tax , " on personal property .. 4, 86.80, penalty . and . costs 4.84, total 91 64 Lewis, F. G., personal prop erty 238; tax on per sonal property 7,38, penalty and cost .87, total 8 25 Lundquist, A. J., personal property 160.25, lot 2 block 5, Snowflake, 50, improvements 40; . tax on personal prop erty 4.97, tax on real estate 2.79, penalty and cost 1.39, total. . 9 15 Larsen, Hook A., personal property 2,535, im provements near Wilford 200; tax on ' personal property 78.59, tax on real es tate 6.20, penalty and cost 5.24, total 90 03 Lindenberger, C.,lot 14 block 1, 50; tax on real es tate 1.55, penalty and, cost .58, total 2 13 Montano, Mrs. P. Barth y, lots 1,2, 3, 4 block 2, Hol brook, 80, improve ments 600; tax on real estate 21.08, pen alty and cost 1.55, total. 22 63 Micheal, C. J, personal prop erty 20 lots 23, 24 block B and H, Winslow, 150, 1894 assessment, lots 23, 24 block B and H, Winslow, 100; tax on personal property .62, on real estate 7.75, penalty and costs .42, total 9 79 Marvin, J. H., personal prop erty 135; tax on per sonal property 4.19, penalty and cost .71, total 4 90 Martinez, Averisto, personal property 2,358, iru " provements on Or tego Lake 75; tax on personal property 73.10, tax on real es- " tate 2.33, penalty . and cost 3.97, total . . 79 40 Mora Sopreno, personal prop erty 50, lot 1, Hol brook, 50, improve ments 100; tax on. personal property 1.55. tax on real es tate 4.65, penalty and costs 1.30, total $ 7 50 Mora, Felisiano, personal property 192, im provements on Silver creek 75; tax on per sonal property 5.92, tax on real estate 2.33, penalty and cost 1.42, total 9 70 Marrow, C. R., personal prop erty 1,250, improve ments on Show Low 100; tax on personal 38.75, tax on real es tate 3.10, penalty and cost 2.93, total 44.78. By cash 3.10; balance due 41 68 Mahoney, Dan, personal prop erty 2,565; tax on personal property 79.52, penalty and costs 4.48, total 84 00 Morse, Al, personal property 57; tax on personal property 1.77, penal ty and cost 58, total 2 35 Montano, Pedro, lots 42, 43, 44 block 7, Holbrook, 50; tax 1.55, penalty and cost .58. total. .. 2 13 Morrison, R. E., lot 30 block 4 Holbrook, 50; tax 1.55, costs and penal ty .58, total 2 13 McNeal, John, personal prop erty 1033.25,improve ments at Show Low 75; tax on personal property 32.04, tax on real estate 2.33, penalty and costs 2.73, total 37 10 McFate, J. N., personal prop erty 5,027; tax on personal property 155.84, penalty and cost 8.25, total. . .... 164 09 COKTINCED O THIBD PAGK. Threw Away His Canes. , Mr. D. Wiley, ex-postmaster, Black Creek, N. Y., was so badly afflicted with rheumatism that .he was only able to hobble around with canes, and even then it caused him great pain. After using Chamberlain s Pain lialm he was so much improved that he threw away his canes. He says this liniment did him more good than all other medicines and treatment put together. For sale at 50 cents per a . 1 a T TTT 1. A bottle Dy r . i. wanron. Too True and Why? An Italian princeling has arrived at San Francisco uron a man-of-war, and the newspapers require several columns of space and one or more pictures to announce the fact. Moreover, we have not much doubt that to half of our readers the arriv al of a pirnce to this republican country is an event of such interest as to justify this spread. Yet in any monarchical country of Europe the cominsr or eoiner of this Italian ij -j princeling, if noticed at all in the newspapers, would be dismissed with a five-line paragraph, and it would not be thought necessray to print his TMp.ture. There is a large amount of i . ' sad humbug about our pretentions of republican simplicity snd demo cratic sentiment. Oakland Enquir er. In Vienna, all bicycle riders te- fore obtaining permission to ride on the public streets are required to pass an examination. They are re quired to ride between boards laid on the floor, without touching the sides or edges of them. At the word of command they must be able to dismount either right, left or back ward; until the rider passes this ex amination satisfactorily, a licence to ride on the public highway is refused. Simon S. Hartman, of Tunnelton, West Va., has been subject to attacks of colic about once a year, and would have to call a doctor and then suffer for about twelve hours as much as some do when . they die. He was taken recently just the same as at other times, and concluded to try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy. He says: "I took one dose of it and it gave me relief, in five min utes. That is more than any thing else has ever done for me." For sale by F. J. Wattron. Shall We Meet Again? "The fiat of death is inexorable. There is no appeal for relief from the great law which dooms us to dust. We flourish and fade as the leaves of the forest, and the flowers that bloom and wither in a day have no frailer hold upon life than the mightiest monarch that ever shook the eaath -with his footsteps. Gen erations of men will appear as the grass, and the multitude that throngs the world to-day will disappear as footsteps on the shore. Men seldom think of the great event of death until the shadow falls across their pathway, hiding from their eyes the faces of loved ones, whose living was the sunlight of their existence. Death is the antagonist of life and and the thought of the tomb 'is íthe skeleton of all feasts. We do not want to go through the dark valley, al though the passage may lead to para dise. We do not want to go down into deep graves, even with princes for bed-fellows. In the beautiful drama of "Ion" the hope of immor tality, so eloquently uttered by the death devoted Greek: finds deep re sponse in every thoughtful mind. When about to yield his life a sacri fice to fate, his "Clemanthe" asks if they should meet again, to which he responds, "I have asked that ques tion of the hills that look eternal of the clear streams that flow forever of the stars among whose fields of azure my raised spirits have walked in glory. All are dumb. But as I gaze upon thy living face I feel that there is something in love that man tles through its beauty that cannot wholly perish. We shall meet again Clemanthe." George Washington, the father of his country, whose birthday will be celebrated this month, was a good business man and he knew the value of newspaper advertising. Mr. Clar ence Curtis of 923 Washington ave nue, Kansas City, Kansas, owns an original copy of the Maryland Journ al and Baltimore Advertiser, publish ed at Baltimore, Md. under date of August 20, 1773. It is No.l, volume 1, and contains four pages. The sheets are 3 by 12 inches." Tne pub lisher apologizes for the delay in is suing by stating he had a lack of subscriptions and inability to get the news. The paper has been in the Curtis family for fifty years. It is yellow with- age and in it George Washington advertises land for sale. Arizona (daily) Republican. The New York Herald's corre spondent at Rio de J aneiro, Brazil, telegraphs that a protocol has been signed by the Italian minister and the Brazilian foreign minister, whereby the two countries agree to submit their dispute to the president of the United States. Our people are growing more and more in the habit of looking to F. J.. Wattron for the latest and best in the drug line. He sells Chamber lain's Cough Remedy, famous for its cures of bad colds, croup and whoop ing cough. When in need of such a medicine give this remedy" a trial and you will be more than pleased with the result. PROFESIONAL CARDS. F. W. NELSON, - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, WINSLOW, - AKIZOSA. E. M. SANFORD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, FRBSCOTT, - ABIXOSf A. . W. M. PERR1LL, Dist'ct Attorney NavajoCounty HOLBBOOK, - ARIZONA. Will practice in all courts of Aris , T. W. JOHNSTON, . ATTORKHV-AT-LAW, PBKSCOTT. - ARIZONA. Will practice in the Courts of Karajo, Apache, Coconino and Mohave Counties. R. E. MORRISON,.. , '"" ATTORNEYrAT-IiAW, (District Attorney Yavapai County.) Office in Court House, Prescot. Ariaona. J. P. WELCH, M. P., ; PHYSICIAN Sc SURGEON, HOLBBOOK, - ABIZOBA. ' CHALCEDONY LODGE NO. tt. V. A A. M.. Holbrook, Arisona. - Recular stated communications at 7 :90 p.m. on Fourth Suturday of each month. Visiting brethren invited. By order of B. C. KINDER. W. M, J. H. BOWMAN, Secretary, ytf