OCR Interpretation

The argus. (Holbrook, Ariz.) 1895-1900, April 16, 1896, Image 1

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94051341/1896-04-16/ed-1/seq-1/

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Advertise your bnuiib in the Abois. People
doing business should advertise It. By do
lnx so you inform other people that you are
on top of the earth. A business that cannot
afford to advertise ia not worth monkeyinr
with. Bemember the losa of a singlo steer,
will more than pay for brand and paper for a
Should advertise their ear-marks in the
Akocs. The brand including paper ono year, .
constitutes a small outlay, and may save you
a "cut ;" this one "savins" would pay cost of
brand and paper for many years. Remember
'tis a business maxim : "a business which can
not afford to advertise, will not pay to fol
low." Gentlemen, send us your brands.
Volume I.
APRIL 16, 1896.
Number 19.
Atlantic & Pacific R. IÍ. Co.
No. 4 No. 2
So. 1 No. I
a aoa
10 SOp
Lv. . ..Chicago. . ..Ar
Lv Kansas City Ar
Lv.... Denver. ....Ar
Ash Fork-
io oop e oop
ft OOp
8 sua
4 Do
ft 15p
l Kip lua
7 OOpi 4 OOp
S Oua 12 lOp
8 2Sal 4 ihp
8 Hp
I 05o
t 40al
i 15o
13 20a
11 (Bp
8 4Spj
e p
ft 4Up
10 40a
I 9
7 27a
4 SOa
12 SOpi 8 lOp
V II M & -fin
1 Kpl V lUp
4 ZUI 11 B-p
6 OOp 12 45a
7 40p!
1 4&a
it sup
10 00
8 80a
S 45a
S 20a
11 rip
8 p
7 25p
1 Ma
4 40a
ft 4na
7 50a
9 20a
1 40o
Ar . .Barstow-. . Lv
Ar.. . ..Ubjave . ..Lv
Ar Los Angeles Lv
Ar.,-San Diego. Lv
Ar Sau Frau eo 'Lv
S lunJ
111 45a
iz lap
2 lOp
10 00a
e oop
8 OOp
2 50p
7 00a
6 05d
10 lOp
ft tOp
10 45a'
Train No. 3, westbound, and train No. 4,
eastbound, are fast limited trains, carrying
first-class passengers only and equipped with
Pullman's latest and most elegant sleeping
ears, reclining chair cars, with an attendant
to look after the passengers' comfort and
new dining cars through without change be
tween Los Angeles ano Chicago.
In addition to the regular daily equipment,
a luxurious compartment sleeping car, con
taining two drawing rooms and seven family
rooms wiU be attached to No. 4, leaving Los
Angeles on Tuesdays and Chicago on Wednes
days of each week.
Trains Nos. 1 and 2 carry Pullman Palace
sleeping cars through without change be
tween Chicago and San Francisco, with an
annex ear between Barstow and Los Angeles.
Pullman Tourist sleeping cars through with
out change between Chicago and San Fran
cisco, and Chicago and Los Angeles every
day: twice a week between Los Angeles and
St. Paul ; once a week between Los Angeles
and St. Louis and Ronton.
The Santa F Route ia the most comfort
able Railway between California and the East.
The Grand Canon of the Colorado can be
reached in no other way.
The meals at Harvey's Dining Rooms are
aa excellent feature of the line, and are only
equalled by those served on the new Dining
Cars which are carried on all limited trains.
Geni Pasa. Agent, Albuquerque, N. M.
Asst Gen'l Pass. Agent, San Francisco, CaL
Receiver and Geni Manager.
S. F, P. 4P. Railway.
In effect December 25, at 1245 a. m.
bq'th pa't
MQB'H pa't
Pass.) Mxd.
Mxd. I Pa
No. 31 No. 1
No. 2. No. 32
.Ash Fork .Ar
3 20p 12 Olp
ft 05p 11 37 a
4 4p 11 la
4 S5p 11 00a
4 lOp 10 35a
t &5p H 10a
5 45p 9 Ma
S SOp 9 35a
ISpl 8 35a
2 5Vpl 8 15a
2 40p 7 45a
Meatb -
Wick low
Rock Bntte
.....Cedar Glade....
-Del Kio
.Jerome Junction.
No. 411
7 00a! 9
7 30a 10
7 33a 10
8 01a 10
8 30a 11
9 00a 11
9 2ba 13
9 48a 12
10 16a 12
S5a .Prescott
23a . . . ..Iron Springs....
25a -Summit.
52a -Ramagate -
S5a .....Skull Valley....
&2a Kirkland
12pi -Grand View
31 pi Hillside
52p. -Date Creek
Oxp .Martinez
SOpi .Congress
43pj...-Harqua Hala ....
05p .Wickenburg ....
31p : Vulture
45p .Hot. Spr'gs Junc'n.
Obp Beardsley
2Bp Peoria
Shp .Glendale
47p .Alhambra.
OOpi Ar. . ..Pbenix ... .Lv
2 SSp!
2 03p
2 Olp
1 Up
1 13p
12 35d
4 lOp
5 S6p
8 Olp
2 SAp
2 14p
1 4fip
1 20ii
12 12p
ii azai
11 II
12 Kb
10 S5al 1
11 16a 12 22p
10 50a 11 5ba
10 45a 11 10a
10 25a 10 40a
11 30ai
11 fcia
12 sup
1 (Hp
1 Zip
2 OOp
2 23d
Ma 10 05a
9 45a, 9 45a
9 22a
9 OOa
8 SOa!
8 41a
8 30a!
9 10a
8 48a
8 Sua
8 25a
8 00a
7 40a
2 tip!
Trains Nos, 41 and 42 run on alternate days.
Information as to what days same will run
will be furnished by agents on application.
No. 1 makes connections at Ash Fork with
A. A P. vestibuled limited No. S from the
east. This is the finest train west of Chicago.
No. 2 also connects with A. A P. No. 2 from
the west.
Persons desiring to stay over at Ash Fork
will find the best of accommodations at Fred
Harvey's hotel.
No. 2 makes close connection at Ash Fork
with LIP. trains Nos. 1 and 4. A. A P. No. 1
reaches San Francisco 10:45 a.m. second morn
ing. . A. A P. No. 4 is a vestibuled train
throughout, lighted with plnteh gas. dining
ear running through. Los Angeles to Chicago.
Dining cars under the management of Fred
Harvey, with his unexcelled service, care and
attention to his guests.
Nos. 1 and 2 connect nt Jerome Junction
with trains of U. V. A P. Rr. for Jerome..
Connecting at Prescott with stage lines for
all principal mining camps; at Congress with
stage lines for Harqua Hala, Station and Var
neil: at Pbenix with the Maricopa A Pbe
nix By. for points on the S. P. Ry.
This line is the best route to the Great Salt
River Valley. For information regarding
this valley and the rich mining section tribu
tary to this road, address any Santa Fé Roiite
representative, or
Geni Ft. and Pass. Agt, Prescott, Ariz.
Geni Pass. A-t- Chicago, 111.
Gent Manager. Topeka, Kan.
. S. E. WELLS,
Asst. Gen'l Manager, Prescott. Ariz.
Commercial Agent, Phoenix, Ariz.
Gen'l Agent, El Paso. Texas.
Dist'ot Attorney Navajo County
Win practice in all courts of Arizona.
Will practice in the Courts of Nava
Apache, Coconino and Mohave Counties.
(District Attorney Yavapai County.)
Office in Court House, Prescott. Arizona.
J. P. WELCH, M: D.,
OLVBOOC. - ' .ABUOsTA. . .
2 OOp 7 OOa Lv
2 Kp 7 17a
2 45p 7 K2
OZp 7 Aa
27p 8 11a
S &5p
4 Up 8 JSa
4 SOp 8 55a
ft OOp 9 12ai
ft 2bp 9 2fta
ft Up 9 45a
The following story was published
several years since, nevertheless we
believe there are many of our readers
who never read it. We submit the
story for your judgment, hoping that
you may laugh and wonder, as many
others have, when reading the quaint
speculations of Big Jack.
The parson did not enjoy his sup
per. His day had been one of tire
some, nervous preparation for a new
kind of life; but Mr. Small was in
hearty sympathy with all nature,
which includes a good appetite (if
it is not founded on a good appetite),
and he ate with a rapid action and a
keen relish, talking as he ate, in a
way to provoke appetite, or if not to
provoke, at least raise a sigh of re
gret for its absence.
"Thar!" said Mr. Small, with sigh
ing emphasis, "that lets me out on
creature-comforts, in the grub line,
till to-morrer. Yer don't waltz in
very hearty on this grub, Parson.
All right; I'll bake yer an oat-meal
cake soon's I git done with my bread,
an' mix yer a canteen o' milk for to
morrer's lunch."
"Thank you, indeed, Mr. Small."
"Yere, Gov," said Mr. Small, as he
piled the greased frying- pan full of
broken bread, and poured out a tin
cup of coffee, "Yere's yer hash!" to
which Gov responded silently by
carrying the pan and cup to the fire,
and then sitting down on the ground,
to eat and drink in his own fashion.
"These yere Injins is curious,"
said Mr. Small, in his running com
mentary on things in general, as he
actively passed from one point in
his culinary duties to another; "they
won't eat bacon, but they'll eat
bacon-grease an' bread, or beef an'
bacon-greese; an' they won't eat
cheese, but they'll eat dead hoss. I
b'lieve the way to whip Injins
would be to load connons with Lim
burg cheese an' blaze away at 'em!"
"As the Chinese shoot their ene
mies in war with pots of abominable
"Yes; I've heerd before o' the
Chinese way o' makin' war, but
reckon 'taint the smell Injins keer
for it's mighty hard to knock an
Injin with a smell! Injins, leastway
this yere tribe, hain't got no nose
fer posies. They got some kind o'
superstition about milk an' cheese,
though I reckon they must hev
drinked milk when they's little."
And Mr. Small chuckled at the de
licacy of his own illusion to the font
of aboriginal maternity.
"Don't yer smoke, Parson?"
"Not of late years," replied Mr.
Signal; and paced up and down
meditatively past the fire, gazing at
the darkening sky. "I formerly en
joyed a cigar, occasionally, but my
dyspepsia has cut me off from that
"Well I've got this bread bakin'
an' reckon I'll take a smoke. Yore,
Gov, done yer suppert Scoot up
thar. an' throw down them beds, so
we can hev a seat." The silent and
ready compliance of the Indian en
abled Mr. Small as he tossed the
rolls of bedding over by the fire, to
remark; "Yere, Parson, take a seat!
This yere's high style front settin'
room, fust floor. You'll want yer
legs tomorrer, though yer kin ride
ef yer want to; but it's powerful
tejus, ridin' a bull-wagon." And he
sat down on his roll of bedding to
cut his plug tobacco, fill his short
pipe, and watch the process of bread-
baking while he enjoyed his smoke.
The reverend also sat down on his
The Indian sat on the ground, at
the opposite Bide of the fire, hum
ming the low, buzzing, dismal ditty
of his remote ancestors.
The stars came quietly out in the
clear sky, and the dry, still air seem
ed to listen to the coming on of the
innumerable host. So still O, bo
crystaline still is a summer's night
on an Arizona desert.
"Yer see, Parson," began Mr.
Small, after a short, quiet consulta
tion with his pipe, "they say 'at bull
punchln's slow business, but they
don't know. People kin tell what
they don't know powerful slick-like.
Let some o' them talkin' fellers what
knows all- about this business in
three squints from a stage-coach
winder let 'em try it on. Let 'em
stand in once an' chop wood, build
a fire, cut bacon, make bread an'
coffee, an' so ou, all in the same
minute an' do it faster'n they kin
write it down in a letter, an' they
wont talk so much with their
"Yes; I was just, in the moment
you began to speak, reflecting on the
multiplicity of your duties and the
rapid execution of them. Does not
your life wear upon you terribly?"
"No, sir. Hit's head-work does it.
Seems to me when a feller has a big
idee in his head, an' is jest a-boomin'
with the futur, an' look in' forward,
work doesn't hurt him a derned
bit. Hit's hangin' back on the yoke
'at wears a feller out an' a ox, too.
When I used to foller a plow, by
the day's work fer wages, an' haviu'
no pint ahead to steer to no place
to unload at I wasn't no more ac
than a cripple in a county poor
house!" "What is your great aim at this
time? if I may be so impolite as to
make such an inquiry on so short an
acquaintance," queried" Mr. Sighal,
in a soft voice and balmy manner.
"O, no; nothin' imperlite about it.
Open out on me, Parson, when you
feel like it. I hain't got ho secrets.
My great aim is to play my game
up to the handle. Every feller's
got a game. Some's politics, some's
religion, some's big money, some's
land, some's keards, some's wimmen
an' good clo'es, some's good, some's
bad,"said Mr. Small, rapidly, punc
tuating his remarks with puffs of to
bacco smoke: "an' my game is to
have the best eight yoke o' cattle,
an' the best wagons, an' pull the
biggest load to yoke, in these yere
mountains; and then," he added,
laughing and stroking his long
bronze beard, "I kinder think there's
a solid square-built gal some'rs
what I ain't jest seen yit, that's
a-waitin' in her daddy's front porch
fer a feller like me an' the old man
he's gittin' too old, an' hain't got no
other children, an' he's jest a-walk-in'
up an' down under the shade
trees, expectin' a feller about my
size an' build, what kin sling ink in
the Bank o' Californy for about ten
thousan' cash, honest money.
How's that fer high, Parson?" And
Mr. Small roared with his loudest
laugh, until the parson and Gov
joined sympathetically.
"A very laudable endeavor, Mr.
Small; and let mo say that I hearti
ly wish you God-speed!"
"Amen, Parson! I don't know ef
I kin make it. But that's my game;
an' ef I can't make it well, hit's
better to hev a game an' lose it
than never to.play at all. Hain't it,
"It surely is. No good endeavor
Í3 ever entirety lost. God, in His
great providence, gives germinating
power to the minute seed of the
plant which grew and died last
year, though the seed may have
been blown "away."
"Do you believe," said Mr. Small,
after a long pause, in which he rais
ed the bake-kettle ,lid with the
point of a stick, and piled more hot
coals upon the top "do you b'lieve,
fer certain dead sure that God
looks after all these small things?"
"Surely, Mr. Small. Have we not
the blessed promises in the good
"I don't jest reck'lect what we've
got in the good book. But do you,
as yer mammy's son not as a par
son do you b'lieve it?"
"If I at all know my own thoughts
and convictions, Mr. Small, I do."
After another long pause and
strict attention to the baking bread:
"Parson, gittin sleepy?"
"Not at all, Mr. Small."
"Thinkin' 'bout somethin', p'r'r
"I was reflecting whether I had
done my whole duty, and answered
your question as fully as it should
be answered."
"Well, whenever you feel sleepy,
jest spread your lay-out where you
chuze, an' turn in. Needn't mind
me. I'll fuss round yere an' smoke
a good while yit. Thar hain't no
ceremony at this hotel the rooms
is all fust-class 'partments."
"Thank you, Mr.. Small," said Mr.
Sighal; and then, after some pause,
resuming audibly the thread of his
own thought, he asked; "Mr. Small,
do not you believe in the overruling
providence of God?"
"Which God?"
"There Í3 but one God."
"I don't poo it, Parson. On this
yere Pacific Coast, gods is numerous
Chinee gods, Mormon gods, Chris
tian gods, an' the Bank o' Californy."
"Perhaps so, Mr. Small it is
written there be gods mauy; but
there is one only true God, Jesus
Christ tLe righteous."
"Don't see it, Parson."
The Reverend Mr. Sighal rose
quick! vta.his feet, and pulled down
his vest .at the waistband, like a
warrior unconsciously feeling for
the girding of his armor.
"Do you deny the truth of tho
sacred Scriptures, Mr. Small?"
"I don't deny nothin', 'cept what
kin come before me to be recogniz
ed. What I say is, I don't see it."
"You don't see it?"
"No, sir!" emphasis on the sir.
"Perhaps not, with the natural
eye-sight; but with the eye of faith,
Mr. Small, you can see it, if you
humbly and honestly make the ef
"I hain't got but two eyes no
extra eye fer Sunday use. What I
can't see, nor year, nor taste, nor
smell, nor feel nor make up out o'
recollection an' hitch together,
hain't nothin' to me. That's my
meanin' when I say, 'I don't see it.' "
"I am deeply grieved to hear you
speak so, Mr. Small."
"Now, look yere, Parson," replied
Mr. Small, as he got up to bustle
about his work, "fellers like me,
livin' out o' doors, has got a God
what couldn't git into one of your
moetin' bouses."
"Mr. Small pardon me there is
a glimmer or wnat seems to do
meaning in your remark, but really,
I fail to comprehend you,"
"That's hit" it will be observed
as a peculiarity in Mr. Small's lan
guage (a"peeuliarity common to un
lettered western born Americans)
that he sounds the emphatic form
of the pronoun it with the aspirate
h "that's hit! That's the high
larnt way to say, 'I don't see it.'
Now, we're even, Parson only
you've got a million o' meetin'-house
bells to do the 'plaudin' fer you, an'
I haint got nary one. But these
yere mountains, an' them bright
stars, an' yonder moon pullin' bright
over the summit, would 'plaud me
ef I knowed how to talk for what
made 'em. Hush listen!" said Mr.
Small, suddenly pausing and point
ing under the moonlight across the
dim valley. "That's a coyote; I
wonder which of us he's laughin' at."
"Yash; kiotee. He heap talk.
Mebbe so tabbit ketch um," said the
Indian, rising and gathering up his
blankets to retire. "Me heap
shneep" (sleep).
"Throw down another stick o'
wood off the wagon, Gov, before yer
go to beck"
"Yash; me heap slineepy," replied
the Indian, stretching and yawning
with uplifted hands, from one of
which his red blanket draped down
for a moment over his shoulder, gor
geous in the dancing camp-fire light.
While the Indian climbed the
wagon-side for the stick of wood,
Mr. Sighal remarked: "Mr. Small,
before we retiro, may I not ask the
privilege of a few words of audible
prayer to God for His preservation
through the night hours?"
"Yes, sir. Yere, Gov' come yere.
I want that Injin to year one prayer,
ef he never years another. I've
prid money when I was a boy to hev
Injins prayed fer, an' now I'm goin'
to see some of it done. Come yere,
The Indian came to the fire-side.
''Yere, Gov you sabe? This
a-way; all same me" and Mr. Small
dropped upon his own knees at the
side of his roll of bedding.
All-a-same Injin all-a-same lit
tle stand up?" asked Gov, dropping
his blanket, and placing hi3 hands
on his knees. '
"Yes! Little stand up all same
"Yash!" assented Gov, on the
opposite side of the roll, settling
gradually upon his knees.
A dispatch from Trinidad says
that Manuel Gonzales, the insur
gent leader, has been killed.
Geni. A. J. Simpson, late of Den
ver, lias been elected commander of
the department of Arizona, G. A. IÍ.
The president has pardoned Jose
Almendaris, sentenced in New Mex
ico to two years imprisonment for
J. C. Yetzger was sentenced to
the penitentiary from Des Moines,
Iowa, for five years for fraudulent
. Heidelbach, Ickelhimer & Co. will
ship ?500,000 gold tomorrow. It is
expected it will be taken from the
Official returns from the republi
can primaries in Louisville and
Jefferson county, Ky., give Mc
Kinley 123 delegates, Bradley 72.
The Bartlett racing bill to per
mit horse racing in the District of
Columbia, was favorably acted upon
by the District of Columbia com
mittee of the house.
The home of Alf Mustin was
burned to the ground. Two chil
dren, aged 3 and 1 locked in the
house by the mother while she went
to a neighbor's house were burned
to death.
Sheriff Hubble gave the republi
cans valuable assistance at the late
elections at Albuquerque, N. M. In
fact the splendid majorities were
largely due to his untiring work for
the ticket.
Students and members of the
national party at Madrid, are re
ported organizing demonstrations
against the United States in view of
the recent vote in congress on Cuban
belligerancy. v
The Italians met another defeat
in Africa. The first report of the
battle stated that the Italians lost
100 killed and wounded. Now it is
admitted that ten officers and 300
men were killed.
On the morning of the 8th a span
of the Wheeling & Lake Erie bridge
over the Maumee river, fell under
the weight of a freight train. Five
cars went down. James Marshall,
brakeman, wa3 drowned.
Word has reached this city from
Wheatstone, Marshal county, Iowa,
about 100 miles from this city, that
Jackson Martin, his wife and child
were cremated in a fire which de
stroyed their dwelling house.
A bill making it obligatory upon
railroads to carry bicycles free, if
release for damage is given, was
passed by the assembly of New
York by a vote of 127 to 1, and in
the senate by a vote of 36 to 4.
The Times will publish a dis
patch from Singapore which says
that Li Hung Chang has abandoned
his American tour, but after the
Czar's coronation will proceed to
London to see Lord Salisbury.
By a vote of ninety-nine to eighty
nine the New York Methodist
Episcopal conference . decided
against the amendment recommend
ing that lay delegates to the con
ference may be either malo or fe
male. England is advancing up the Nile
in order to obtain a "natural fron
tier," It is one of the peculiarities
of the earth's topography that the
British are always compelled to tako
in a little more land to' get their
The Tennessee supremo court has
sustained the validity of the law
compelling a voter to show his poll
tax receipt before he can legally
vote. The law is an excellent one
and should be on the statute books
of Arizona.
By a vote of 119 to 117 in the
house the bill was passed to adopt
the metric system of weights and
measures in all departments of the
government after July 1, 1896, and
make it the only legal system after
Jan. 1, 1901.
Oregon will send McKinley dele
gates to the St. Louis con-rention.
A Portland dispatch says: Wallace
McCalmant and C. W. Parrish were
elected delegates to the St.
Louis Convention. Instructed for
Senator Allen introduced a bill
providing for the restoration of the
ames of widows of soldiers to the
pension rolls after the death of the
second husband, which by reason of
a second marriage have been drop
from the pension rolls.
Tho old engine "W. N. Kelley,"
which was at ono time used on the
Prescott & Arizona road, now de
funct, stands in tho yards near
Master Mechanic English's office.
Mr. Kelley, after whom it was nam
ed, is now the receiver of the road.
The senate committee on foreign
relations again "considered tho
Hawaiian cable resolution and ad
journed without reaching a conclu
sion. The disposition now is to
await action by the house com
mittee, which has the same question
in hand.
The people of Phenlx was dis
graced by the verdict which exon
erated Hughes' vagrant assailant.
The fellow was tried and found not
guilty of a most cowardly assault
on the ex-governor. This is going
it blind in the mud and slush of
The act, originating in tho senate,
to authorize tho leasing of lands for
educational purposes in Arizona, be
came a law without the president's
approval. This particular measure
was really framed to meet certain
objections by the president to the
original bill, vetoed by him.
It cannot bo denied that there ex
ists in Cairo a strong apprehension
that disaster will soon overtake the
head of the Dongola expedition.
It is believed that 50,000 men will
soon be ready to intercept the march
of the. Anglo-Egyptian army, if ;the
plan of pushing beyond Akasheh is
persisted iu.
Sheriff K. H. Cameron, of Flag
staff, Ariz., received a telegram from
his deputy at Williams, that tho
jewelry store of Ed. Crawford had
been robbed; and tho following
articles are jnissiag, v viz: Kino
watches, three vest chains, ono silk
vest chain, twenty lockets, twenty
breast pins, ten cuff buttons, ten
emblem pins and three gold pen
holders. A. M. Brown, editor of tho Dayton,
Tenn., Leader, was waylaid while en
tering his own yard by two unknown
men who shot five times at him, two
shots taking effect. The wound in
his back is dangerous. His printing
office was entered and his type scat
tered ihrough the town. His assail
ants are thought to be members of
a political ring that he has been
attacking in his paper.
Four contested election eases hava
been decided by the house elections
committee. In only ono case wa3
the report adverso to the member
now holding the seat, that of Mur
ray vs. Elliott, first South Carolina,
which is favorable to Murray. Tho
others were: Johnson vs. Stokes,
seventh South Caroiina; Kirby vs,
Abbott, fifth Texas, and Kadcliffe
vs. Williams, fifth Mississippi.
A Leavenworth, Kan., dispatch
says: "Charles Lamborn and Annie
Lamborn, his sister, are in jail
charged with complicity in tho
murder of their father. They inado
a full confession, having actively
assisted the man who struck the
fatal blow. Thomas Davenport, a
lover of tho girl is also a prisoner.
Old man Lamborn was murdered at
his ranch the night of Feb. 10."
The supreme court of the United
States has overruled the decission
of Judge Boss, of California, which
declared tho Wright irrigation law
unconstitutional. This action by
tho highest tribunal of the land will
bo hailed with a groat deal of pleas
ure by the people of all parts of the
"arid regions," because tho setting
aside of tho Wright law would have
been a severo blow to the cause of
All Kot.
A dispatch says George E. Card,
late chief of the Southern Pacific
company's detective service, has'
given publicity to a conspiracy to
hold up the Vanderbilt special
train, and abduct Cornelius Van
derbilt. Made out of whole cloth to get
his name in the papers: cheap noto
rictv and no moro.

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