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n r THE ARGC3 FATOES FEEE COIXAGE OF ALL SILVER PRODUCED IX THE UNITED STATES. AT A RATIO OF M TO 1 ; STATE HOOD FOR ALL THE TERRITORIES. EX CLUSIVE OF ALAS3A; A REASO.SABLT HIGH TARIFF UPON ALL lAtPOHTS OF WHATSOEVER CLASS OR KIND THIS TO UCLl'L E SILVER IN WHATSOEVER FORjJ CR SHAPE IT HAY BE IMPORTED. FREE i TO ALL YEARLY PAID UP AE3US SUBSCUibSrca, WE ft ILL FURNISH FULE EIXKLi: OF THIS TWO FOLLOWING PUBLICA TIONS FOR ONE YEAit: "WOMAXKIXD" or "FARM XEWS." HERE IS A OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE A WORTH i PU3LI0A TXON FREE OF C-oi Volume I. HOLBROCK, ARIZOXA, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1S96. Kuir.ber 22. r-.a T1IK RAILROADH. Atlantic & Pecific R. R. Co. TIME TABLE, KABTWABD. l WEKTfflCD STATIONS. . 1N- No. 4 No. 2 p! l. ...CbícBso. . ..Ar !n f4)' 6 oo p i ' ft C-Ji! 7 Uui L KaiuaaCity Ar I j;;i; J likiCl? ñ! H sua: li a.v.. . Uonvrr. . Ar 9 O.'u 8 15pl Lv..Albiii'rue..Ar 4 Unit I l', it Wincatc 5 'ui 2 ri iuiltii.. 12 an 10 40a . . . Ho.l.rooA 11 0.p 11 Wiiulow H 7 2u: Kliiirotalf. 6 Vp 6 u .Wil:ium. iM)p ' Ab Fork- 12 30p 11 S.p KiiimHa. 10 Uju 8 it eedie 8 lOu 7 2p Hlake 3 4n 2 S l-iai;7ftt 3 20a 2 lop: Ar..Bnitow..Lv :;o Oun Ar.. . ..Moiave-. ..Lv VUh 12 iCu 8 lúa. 4 f-i i S K'a 4 i ra i 12 ?"V 8 1(' I 1 i II p I n 'ñ'vüZn 15 süS fi" 2 ii 4ia i lo,,; e il l " 8 co,.; 7 w. Ar At; p jop. a r sun gramo ly .n 4Jn Train No. a. wet:nrH. flnri train No. 4, atbouttd. are taAt 1huUe.l trains.! arryiti? Puiiia !att nd i lít éíeiraut Vierpiñir carm. recliniu? c h-iir car. with uu utteii iant to lcMk after tli ptwt.KPn' ron-fort and witinuf chaujfe be- Iwfen I ox Autre e and Lhit-um. in auflition totheretrti .'urHaiycitiipmetit. mo1fJÍfeCnfaro?; a luxurious roniurtiLC; taininir two Hram iiiir rooms AnKe!eouTie:iaaniiCbicuroouWeduc - d Yrirsi" 2 rnrry Puiin-m Palace rutlin Will tW) OIIOI UVl Xll O. . il'UV I Ilftr LXMf aleepiuir cars through without harija be tween Chu'atro ani .an r bwmtü, w itli an ' l4 r AAA . 4 a I U '1 I - V 1 1 11 UU Bunex -ar 1 VTeJwf,r0.,i on risi icv' run u roil wit ii Pullman Tonrist !eciiíi9rc-ars tbronirb i nut rliiinirf, ht-M.n Í " li i 11 mi Si.ii tr . , , : : : , . ciw-o, auj tbu-ago ami Los Anceie every nar: twice a eeK Detaeen l.o Anslea anil St. i'aiil; once a.weeif iietween LoAnzele in m. j)iitfl an i no ton. SCJU1E3 B..wjvr eu. 1UR ruinia re iwiiil' t tii.-? morc com ion- bTbft&&T nfort- rea. iieíl iu nootii-r wtiy. an ex-lleut feature of tbe line, ami are only e illation hy the aerved on the new Lining Car wbli b are carried on nil limiteil truiiu. , DO.N A. SWEET. I Gent Pa. Agent, Albut;uery lie, H.C. BL'SH. Am't iien'1 Pas. Ajent, San Frnnri -tro. Cal. C. W. SMITH. Beceiver and Geu1! Manager. S. F., P. cP. Railwau. TIME TABLE No. IS. In effect Deoeuiber 25. at 12.03 a. m. SO TU DA T SlXll. : Pllli! No. 1 IH..K"H DA' STATIONS. Pass. ixd. .W. 2. No. Si 2 OOp 7 00a1 Lt .Ath Fork.. Ar 2 'jbpi 7 lia'. .Meath 2 4.iu 7 Su Wic. lo I 0;i, 7 16a1.. ..Koc Butte 5 20i 12 0!p J 0m ii a; a 4 11 Ha 4 Sip !1 Ua 4 llHi in Xtn S il' 8 lia: .Cedar liiad.... 3 ;p. alley .. . . S &.ip 10 íOa ..34 in 0 riu 4 lsu a XM -Del icio XV: e u, ..heroine rfunL-tiou. 3 auin y zm 9 imp, lia uraint j s lapj a enp; V na. . 5 3Qpi 9 4jil' . lanmks I 2 itn 8 1 in Prwcott ' 2 4lp, 7 45a , No. 41! No. 42 7 00a &a. Prenrutt .Arou Spring..... ...Sumiiiit 2 Xip 4 lOp i 7 SO. 10 Zin 7 iJa 20 2ia 8 Ola 10 iea 8 Sua 11 3.a S OJn 11 iJa 9 -na 12 lp 9 4a 12 31p 10 Ii'mi 12 10 1 Onp 11 3Ua 1 30p 11 Via 1 43p 12 3Up 2 0p 1 (Ho 2 3.0 - " 1' .-i. 2t-jp ssp 20 ps sup, 1 w-i.. .1 . . . . . atalántate 1 33p 3 Oip i.-hiriiiaiui ...... -2 8.p 2 Un 1 2ip 2 4"ip .Hot. Sprir Juuí 2 Oup: 3 Cop Bia- li e . 2 Sip1 I lurinetlo . 2 fep 3 2Sn Peoria ... 9 45a 9 4:a v 1. v u a I 8 ii-a 9 rea 8 iba 3 OUp 3 ifp I 8 bl-a 8 25u 3 4 4 oúp AV.! .PbeT. ...Vul 8 &; 7 Train New. 41 an.l 42 run on aUemate day. ! iniopnanona, tonnnt rayn anie.wi run -ÍU be luruitben I y aceiit. on anpUcation. ISo. I make coime, tioiui at Ab KorK with ' (iraiid View 12 12p 1 4t'i 1 1-1 r 1 j . : ivjvs nut'ii a uuiuu ui oauijeiMiii s -E&'felíSi; r-:,-1.?"' qf a Csh.n-worm under send it down to camp by the Injna Cough Remedy in the house. It is K !lE-a afd; Et th WT n ,S 7" "the b-VSU Cme UP aU' SÍt me tie boat and i. sure to be needed ::. S S ! fettle down on n.e, I reckon 1 m out a!ive or dead. j thea :v'ro,rK::::ilS;8oi; 'boutall right. What're ver doiu,. -Do uot think mo weak or im- . f , fnr A. A P. retiSu!e 1 limitelNo. iro-n tbe,1" 1"" " f . " "t. Tbiu tbe finert train m-ct of Chicairo.' from the top; then bring tha euds No. 2 aiKeauuect witb A. A P. o 2 from , 1 " tbeeu i together on tho sido o tho box. Pemon desirincto fctay over at Afib Fork i , will bud the best of aceouimodatious at r'red Salle oümoKní cío eonneetion at A.h Fork "I hope I do, Mr. Small." with a. a i . iranís .o- i ana . A. A f. .o. i rea. be.S.n Fran.-uco morn- ng-. A. A V. No. 4 4 a vrMil'iilMl Iraio 1 Ihrous-b-mt. lixhred with pint b cn. diniiur i í1ir.n'Te ?t.u Su """ j No. I al 2 eon-ie,t at Jerome Junction ritb traiñf ü!V:p.Hr.fo7Er iiorii;r, nwe lie for Har-ina na'a. Stat ion aud Vr- nn; ai 1 uriiix mnn un an: opa l lif- nix Ry. lor noint-, on tbo S. P. Ht. Tbi line U tbe lie.t route to tbe Great Salt Hiver Valley. For i-ifor.nutiiKi reicariliii tbU valley and tbe ri b niiuinc mx-iíou tribu tary to lb road, addretai any santa Fe Koute rrpreutative, or GEO. M. SARUEST. Oenl Ft. and Pom. Ait I'reatott. Arix. GEO. T. MCHOLSiJN. Gen'l Piua. Agt Cbiaco. III. i. J. FRET. Genl Managsr, Tojieko, Kan. K. E. WELLS. Aaat. iien'I Manager. Prew-ott, Ariz. IRA P. SjIITH. Comrrercial Apeut, Pbceuix. Arix. E. COPELA Ji. Geu'l Aeut, El Paao. Tcxaa. PROFESIONAL CARDS. C. 0. AXDZR30X, A'ri'O It i FA'-AT-LA W. HCLBBOOX. - ABIZCSA. F. W.'KELSOX, ATrOKNF.Y-AT-IiAW, WIXSLOW. - - AB1ZC9A. E. M. SAXFORD ATTORJiEY-AT-LAVy, raesccTT. - abizoxa. W. H. PERRILL, Diat'ct Attorney Xarajo County MOLBBOOK, - ABIZOSA.' Will practice in all coarta of Arizona. T. W. J0HXST0X, A'rrro n yi ky-at-i,aw, PBSSCOTT. - ABIZOSA. Will practice in tbe Court of Varajo, Apacbe, Coconino awl Atobave Counties. K. E. M0RRIS0X, ATl'qilXEY.AT-LAW, rDitriet Attorney Yavapai County.) O&re in Cjuit fi'.uie. PreiM-ott. Anilina. J. P. WELCH, M. D., PHYélCIAZ: 6c suhgicox, MOLBBOOK. - ABIZOSA. BIG JACK SMALL. The following story was published several vcars since, nevertheless wo lm tin-f ( íorn firo TM n 51 T- f nil r i-Milora 1 - I - Al" i , . ....... ........ . .. . ,..... . ,1 Vo - ".powers in a rolo in which he had j 0...u., f-... ...... ' you may laugh and wouder, as many others have, when reading the quaint ' Speculations of I3ÍT Jack. ConcluUon. ir. c:i..i i, i ,1 jii. t.iSüii uw iixu oujiuu.-y uu.i VTayer''aUs ul3rrrini.' f,'ocl tllorcar;they tightened tho chains, and then oi tlie raiu ,no attitude of things. stoxj in no pulling attitude, but ; He heard a shout, a crash, and then , pullin!r not oue round more thauj all was silent, and Jack Small in - i visible. Tho unconscious cattle stool quietly in the yoke; Mr. Gighal ran j wildly from one side of tlie wagon I irt h ntlior. nnilpnvnrinfr in ilisonv. ' 0 V4 ' I ndiail walked CTCVCIV UP from the : , , m " , t , , head oi the team, where lie "ad j teen stationed to keep 11 in füeci, I and stolidly observed, pointing to 1 l. n n. .mnrt I I. I tti a ' luo l"UOL",lu ""i""' um waSon beaP ktUh um B!S J Mr. Sigbal looked in the imper- . . . . turbab!e Iace ot tue Indian, the in- ' ít lian looked into tho iace Ot -Sir. . , , , , i !,,i Woual' " "-i "llJ w.n i"""1 i. Tl.on II, a Ti.rüíin al. iiw - I a .,, 1 ;!l.c!rl nnrl Mr "i"" ' Sigbal stood pale and sad, turning his hands nervously through each othcY, Vainly trying to determino iniiii 11 what to do next, buddeuly he Call- , . T,i: 1 i i: l CU lUUldU, U 111 1 0-VUU ttl unloading tho unfortunate wagon, with tho intention, as ho afterward ! explained, of lifting it back by hand; which feat, considering its great size and weight, was nearly as far beyond the available power thero present as to Jilt tue wnoie joau. While thus Lercely eugaged, ana urging the Indian to increased ex- ertiou in the same direction, ho i i . m neara a voice as oi one crying iroiu the deptLs: "Hullo" Parson!" l." 41.. ..1. n,l m Ann w "Mr. w, muua w., "'j i-i Sm.ill. vrnl still live! ''. T ... . , , z bir. a uaiuL ueaj il. 4-. .... , -i j uu tviiuusij lujuirui auu ,i.-i,rill. do tell me what to do, Mr. ítmail. , . ' . w inaca ni-t I 111 i na-n mm in o urr uoi, " j the holler, but it's mighty close ParsOUi "Unloading the wngen, Mr. Small." "li 1! That haiut no use. Git the coupliu' chains from the other wagons but chock the wheels fust ! ; pass cm rouu :,, ' 1 ! fmm nnrl i . . ....1 '1 .. -. .1 aTi . i r. i .ii. ... "Then take fiG joko O cattle au nn-i.. , .: ODOlUer CUain an extry cnain, do to h'h P f common w.tü-ünve tuo came ron n' to tbn ofliir id o tho w.i"T.n rou11 "-"er Müe o thovia on, r"' . I TOUl tDO roaa : llltCU mat, extry chain into the chain on tho wagons, . . .. . . . , then hitch the cattle's chain to that extry viam. baiie. "I think I do, Mr. Small. ' 1 "Wben yer git that done, holler to me. Don't hurry. Work right ahead ss though thar wasn't nothin' wrong." Tho " parson conscientiously, yet with much misgiving, went about his task, aud when he had all ready, land the cattle strung out at right i angles with tho road, ho stepped up to the prostrate wagoD, and, turning asouowho listens down a well, ho I shouteds I "Mr. Small!" "Hullo-o!" "1 believe I have done as you told mo." "Got everything hitched strong? iifo which he hoped might yet bo , to white men. If the white coudus- don't want no slips in this game, dedicate! to gool and holy works, jtors could be made responsible for yer Jiiiow! 'cause ef this wagon-box , "Thank ye Parson," said Big iaek, the ventilation and temperature of slides much you'll have a mighty ' as dropped his hand and turned , t he sleeping-ccr . i istead of these ubi flat corpse to preach a funeral on!" . to the cattle; "you're a good one ; qultous colored men who are exceed- "O dear! d-ar! Mr. Small!" ex- thar aiut no go to you!" And : ingly partial to a torrid atmosphere, claiuiedtho parson, vexel and hor-tuen) faaiiiUg the cattle back from it would probably be a good thing rifiod. What next shall I duV tlj0 puUf ue said: parSon, when I for the travelers, in tending to their Ui e Oov a strong bar 1, el yer ( put it under when the cattle lift it. t,acev "Yes, ir.- All done Mr Small" "Now then, tert up the cattle, an' keep 'cm to it when they start. Ají' kin git one, or git a big stone ef yer ,-ou suaij 0 the ceremony, ef it But . despite every thing in the vuu v i, o" P'o i , costs me a thousand dollars to fetch "J. , " t V a 1Z Z ?c i ft,i ii, v..-. r i i, i,; ! . ... " i a tut liotn dangers ana discomforts 3 " "i'"W.) oo o ver where 1 am " t.- u .,7.i,i i , Gov, you look out nu' Leap fix up."., Yash, mo sabe," said tlio Indian, taking his positiuu, while Mr. Sichal sratbered to himself tho tor- ' i I - 1 1 1 1 ii l . r nin v. nui. .11 n'ii'iMi.ii-ii in irv lit", 1 T I - ' faint hopes of success. lie swung tho whip round Lis head, bringing Itl.n l.nirr Incl, -). n rnl.- lili flint f acrosg b3 nocl ! . . . .. ... . niiu süotitctl at t ho cattle, biowiv , jst oaollsh to stretch tho chains. j Qsen which wi'l pull true enough , , , , , , . the beaten track have doubts : about pUillll CUUllllJ .1 i. r. k " 1. lurougu uio urusu. uot up: UC8 siioutOQ mo itev- Af- c:,,!,! f Krw lr ,;ei -.foAA v v ; voice, and trYiusr in vain to jerk an eSpi0sion out of tho great whip as ho had'seen Mr. Small do. "Get up! ... .... Cieellio lougl" And then, seeing j himself unsuccessful, and becoming h t á Uh tL exertion, ho added, ' ' , of torror to the cattle' "Con- r i t i m o:n ...... lOllUU iw.i: l"h ll 11 oiut i n m i v n i . i i?..i 4i.. ..t i. tui-uos. uai liio iujj ui .hi. c n Tr...S .. uuiuii. iiuuiu. iuuiiu.i. -i v- f i,;, ... i, .i i . i""o ul vuaiiis. un uiu .......i,0 o - t j with uo result, Mr. Small called 'Ilullo! Parson!" "Sir." 'What's tho matter?" "The cattle can't draw it Mr. Small," replied the parson sadlv. ; "Can't draw it, bo d d! Go fer 'em with the brad, an' cuss 'em! They kin pull it easy enough." j "Curse them, Mr. Small!" cried tho parson, in a voice of impressive solemnity. "Yes, cuss 'em!" shouted Mr. gman. "i wsh I v-as out there,', vm; Mr. Small, don't swear needlessly. This is an occasion of life and , . i .. , ,i -i ... aeatn, saiu tue parson, aesisiing irom nis euoris at urging 1110 cnttie, Whereat ho had crown hot and red, excited and vexed. i "Well well' never don't fret Par- 1 lien,, iiuu uuuiiiuiii. t 11 11 1 1 .1 3 son: MUier men man me uu uiuu practical, Mr. Small," replied Mr. sighal, with a determined ring in voice. 'Tell mo what to do and I will do it, God being judge of my intentions." 'Can you cuss, Parson?" "It is many year3 since I have ut tered an oath of profanity. What is it I am to do?" asked the parson, ' division on which they are employ sternly. J ed, but the sleeping-car porter can "Go round to them cattle, com-; never tell with any certainty where meneo on the leaders an' brad 'em his run will end. His car may bo .11 with that steel in the end o tho whip-stock-the way you've seen ' madoit; then raise the whip above i i i . n yer head, start em oa the gee pull, auu lust lay your noaa mcs nu- cuss na l.,irl . st rnnir n run kin hollor Tlj0 ReVpread Mr. Sighal went " round to "them cattle.' 1 aere was audible to Mr. Smali's ears a hustliuir of ox-feet 11 Don the earth, a creaking of ox-bows, mixed with an occasional short bawl; then the sound of tho parson's voice elevated with great vehemence aud the ' wagon slowly arose enough to per- ' rnit Mr. Small to crawl out into the free ar. The parson was still shout-' n,, at tuo straining cattle, when Mr. Small limped quickly to where UQ stooJ aud taking tha whip from wtn oao ijaud extended his other, v.hich Mr. Sighal grasped in both of his, and, turning his eyes, dow full of tears, toward heaven, eloquently thanked God for His Ctejt mercy iu tho preservation of a marry lhat square-built gal, 'Ah! Mr. Small, this lesson ! should teach us thzt wo know not Amenean railroad is today et-asf r-jet-what a ,lnv mav '.rin.r frO, . eJ and operated wiih sach skill and . ... ,. ,., . . , ed, well takj tho ehauces, 1..-..!, anyway, Parsou!" What lapgunge tho IZev. Mr. Signal used to tho .cattle is not rtv ported by Mr. Small; the Indian be ing accustomed to much that he . 1 . ... . . . . . .1 i l 1 . i ' I ilium uui uuTiir:M :s:i ii. in ilmt iki mu. of it; and the wide gray silence of tho desert is no babbler. : Once free, though somewhat hrni-el ill Jim lnn-or limit.. Tliir .Tnr-fe Sm.,ii .atlo short work of drawing , . .. , , nis wagon Dacu upon its wnecis anu into the road, and slowly rolled on toward his destination. In town, and his cattle corralled. . ho said: "Now, Parson, ef yor don't want to go to one o' these, yere lodg- i . , -; , ..... ... lateral uucuus. in -houses, yoa jest pile in with mo1. .. , ,. . ..!. .1. ........tiltil T .... UU.WTI I HO tugU.l, till iail. U 11 . i.l mi u 11 iuii uui dm buiuint iiv ro s eise ior naouier inp. . .rr-1 i r ... A 1.1. IUIU.I i 1.111, God williug, ranitin in this town and go about tho work of my Master. How much am I in your debt Mr. r li a toman; "In my debt ! Seo jer?, Parson, that's too thin. Yer don't owe me nary cent. An' ef ever you git stuck -r.,,11 it ,1 v n ii i, inm i " 1 1 , i y li jrai, uiu.j 4 , T , . . 1 . line lO J Oun olSlall, , Arizona, an .,t j....i j.. . , ...... ... ei j. uoii l uoiiiiie in r ne ni 1 1 wii ii vmi -. . J , icea jesi write across a pipe? iiih j - k nntu uliuj.i i t v -j paper, 'Big Jack Small's dead-broke ' an' can't borrer a cent.' " "Thank von. Mr. Smill." said the , ; , . . , . . , reverend snaüing líig jacK s nana. "I will pray for your well-being daily, and if at. any time I can assist you, do not fail to summon me. GcoI-ni"-ht." I "Good-bye, Parson! An' fergit about me an' my gal!- going to be a whack shore!" don't -that's How to Trent a Wife. (From Pacific lleiuth Journal.) First, get a Wife; SOJOaJ, bo pa- lent You may have great trials : anil nernlpxitieii in voiir hiisinoss. )ut do not therefore, carry to vour . r.n,,A n.,fmr.ti .i-,,- v.,. 1,, tri,!c l;i. ju.rij 0f jeS3 mi"nitude irav bo ,.w 1....7- A I-L,l ..j ,uiuu jui ui't iu urni. ía aj vL uia, a tender look, will do wonders in ' 11 iruuci luua, ,1111 110 huuucij 111 i r i n i j t chasiug from her brow all clouds of o jlooin. To this we WOllld add al- her and wish to protect her health For sale by F. J. Watt roa. ' -j-vsa . The brakemen and sleeping-car porters on a railway nowadays con tribute rather to tho comfort than tlií s.iVtv rf tlin nníiífno-ir- Tli brakemen do not go beyond the sent, frnm mv Ynrk to Florida, or even to California, and he must be always preparel to go with it. 1 - 1 iii. , e ii 1 ,T , . . , ,"V evening JJ. Iv. üngnam treat- Much curiosity has been expressed r' . - fr:pnf,, to , Mp.;. as to when a sleeping-car porter .C,,l. n nnndian ia na linnl to . .... when a cat s.eeps. lne habits 01 tho porter and the cat are quite simi lar in this particular.' Each sleeDs when tho opportunity comes. A sleeping-car porter rarely has a long nap on a stretch, but duriug the twenty-four hours ho manages to get sotao sleep. Even when he has brought his car into a terminal station ho docs not know with any certainty how long he is to remain before his next trip r s next trip. IndeeJ, his may betriu ia a fetv hours. If ho is provident ho has, therefore, taken all the sleep he could on the run. It is probably due to the fact that they have unexampled eapacü y for cat-naps that negroes have been selected for this work in preference greater comfort hey are found the highest typo of sagacity that we tro lux- ' íui"-ii,i Itll, iu uu.t; ÍJ 1 Ll A I jry and security than any people in! 'll ..1.1 T .1 TT. f .... 1 ' the world. .Ladies' Iloiüe JouxiiuL nswer a3 it woma us to say,r ,r TT , Ar: A Cure so Muscilur Rheumatism. Mrs. R. L. Lamson, oí Faírmount, ' - III., says: "My sister used Cham ; borlain's Pain Balm for muscular i-! t-,ii ,i A 1 4 ír, , . 1 . ' i iui tium i i.-íu (iiu it i-iii.tirvi u v. vni- i píete cure, I keep it in tho house ciij till, iiiutra dull ij ; tj aiiiia iiiuua it beneficial for aches and pains. It is tha quickest cure for rheumatism, muscular pains and lameness I have , x ever seen. ror saie dj r.d. ai- tron. Perhaps the most common way in which water is wasted in Arizona is through tho multiplicity of small The usual custom ty is. for each individual lOCliilJ 13. ! to uave 1113 own pnrate lateral iroiu , . , , , , I ' 1 ill k H3 liiiill, C13 111. 1 U VJ 1 1UU1 1 '1 these ditches will be found on each side of a public, road, As these are sometimes of great length, general ly carry but a small head of water, and are always used intermittently,1 their aggregate loss of water is enormous. Much could le saved by a number of neighbors formins: an ! . . . , .... . association and maintaining a single l . , r il..' T lateral ior luejr eoujiiiou use, aim; . ... - ; when tuo water supply is low adopt . ., .. , e .. ( . .. ..i.,v . i; i ! J - f,! CI? ' 7 says in bulletin 17 ' - f t tin ir! n T-v it rl riont ííf ; I í nn i ,1 ucson. For a Conference for the Organization of j the Peoples 1'arty In Vavaiial ! County, Arizona. A conference will be hold at tha court liause, in the city of Prescott, Arizona, on Saturday, thsCth day of June, at 10 n. m.. for i the purpose of organizing- tli3 People's Par- : ty iu Yarnpui county. All men who have ? tired of tha Kepulilican and Pemo- ! i cratic parties, all men who believe in tlie free ' ftnd nHratfd coinage of silver at 16 to 1; all I e ,tIl iu Ameriea ísdu; .01I3 to th, ma!. teuanoe of American liberties and American institutions; all men wba believe in His gov ernment of tlie people, by tb? people uui for tbe people, in every precinct in t lu comity, are asltcd to send delegates to represent tlici ! ot 8m " comerencc-oiie ce.csaie a - eorted to every tor ea- ü U'.ty votes or traction m?reor cat ai tuo e.ccnun oi ! isai. Tbi members of tbs People's Party in every nre.'iu. t in Yavapai county, are earnestly urffcdtjcommuui-atewitbtb-?un!lers!B-ned regarding said conference at tbsir earliest ( convenience. Prescott, Arizona, April 27, 1S93. Wm. O. O'íCEíLL. -.r tTT . I Al. Mr. D.F.Davis, a prominent hvery- man and merchant of Goshen, Va., has this to say on tho subject of , .. ... , , , . rheumatism: "I take pleasure in recommending Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism, as I know from personal experience that it will r . , , do all that is claimed for it. A year , ao this spring my brotaer was laiU up in beel with jntlammatory rueu- . , , . . 1 n-.i matism and suffered intensely. The first application of Chamberlai u s Pain Balm eased the pain aud the us3 of oue bottle completely cured x it- 1 him." For sale by F. J. at tron. i can dinner at the Fonda de Peez, I ,- . - . . Tlmcn Timift-.t ivprft T) 7?. T?riii-liani - v i'1 . w ' - - - .- . . , ,f R. F ,; , T . and Laura Sharp; Messrs. Will C. Barnes and Paul Brizzard. The following caloric menu was discussed . , ., . , . rr r i i while the East Tempe fire brigade stood at attention: Chili con ajo y : seboya en cantidad, enchiladas a la ' Español, tamales de gallo-y qu9 - ' i-, mas? chili con carne muy echiloso, I frijoles con queso, chili colorado, papas cosidas, betabel con vlnaigre, ; .... . i... i tortdlas v pau estranjero, hueves, j f j ' agua fria, pimiente, sal, vinaigre, aceite de comer, asucar quadrada, j moscas de lumbre, polvo y arena del pais. Tempe News. The above make one's eyes water if not the mouth. Ed. For every quarter in a man's pocket there are a dozen uses; and to use each one iu such a way as to derive tho greatest benefit is a ques tion every one must solve for him self. Wo believe, however, that no I better use could be made of one of I these quarters than to exchange it I 1. .., iirf-i, , i.;..i n. l: ior a Dome ox Tnamoeric.iu 5 iuiie, Oholpra niirl Dinrrhof.i Eemedr. a !:..: r.:i.. ,u.i.- be provided with. For sale by F. J. j Wattron. Our subscribers will confer a very great favor upon us bv remitting a year's bubácripíiou to this oiiice. Til i J cEA 01 SVD'OZ. - Formation cf Anolh-r Ecdy W-t2i- Li :o thi Djid Sjo. tllstorlc Fart. Ai)i: the rarrrrln( j JZvcy Y-a" -i, -,r Ara Not licvoi.l of l-'.fe. r . "r1 V"0 'cr oa..of,Sf,? . lout- L.noa. cf tac Laiicd States navy, lir.i cstr.b: b'.icvl the ia:t, pra viouu'.y not known v.-ilh conysiaEiate assurajy. that the iion of tho Doud sea, (Iso knorn i!ie Soa of Lot and in the Sjri ,t-.iro3 as the Halt cea) is over thirteen hr.narcd Oct below the level of t'io J.Ie-.lLcrranenn. n liilo thai oí LakeOoncsuri-i iieifyh; h-n 'rJ f-ct lower than thoo.vsa.- The-raeaarc-ucnto ivero nías trenty yoars jío. a I037 jít-1-icj.l i 1 a sorp.i-vol .-alc region. Tipleo Gcncs-.rjt L oaneated wilh the ; " v. . .i y . . . t.l i v! ' -1 it from north t j mullí, and criaccrs and soie:i:ir;ts are mlra-Iid thai the Led of the Jordan i.; jjra.lnaiiy r,li:!:irT. M v observations of the uhc-.-cscf L::!re Ocñ esarct and thoss of tho inhaJ.-ilanis of tlie noWí-borla.T t-.v:iü and i iiir..T03 in dicate that the 1:i'.:j ii e :i'.i n r. i.y fall ing tovrr.r.l the btittorr:. iT?;ihi the water ; is becoaiin'j denser fr ra year to year. iuu sais, b'.r.i.a ía i;a;oi.i aro prro'.via eoas'.aaily. ii :.ce::::.-, ;,l;c1 s.-.l-phnr s-iiin.Ts aro be í:h::Í::t 'ixn-cnt on ' . i . . . vue p:uuis serrón:!- i.. J n 1 :i o ?ioi. , . - . . - , -...oi l-t lze .1.0 ria trees. so::ie ci ttsein alive, nioiv o: tai-a dea'". an;l barren, rise ;büve l!:owaiercta distance of irons i-,ren!y to foi-iy feat from sliore. Tliat ilioy s!:ou!J b-rc taken root, in the vr.iíer i iinonGible, and the S3"po3Í.oa i tliat 01 .'finally tlicy staod 0:1 i il.iiül ; s-.ibnicrjeil wiLh" tli sinlñn.T of t:e laUe's !:otlorj. The cr.;:is'ro;:u wlii.-h resv.'cd in the doslru Jli-.m of I jo cLies of ííodom and toaorra!i and ia tlio foimalion of the Dead sea 1 j couip-.iU-d to have oc curred abovit nhietecn l:;j:idred yeara befoi-o Christ. The L). ::.l sea hai puz zled ssicntiiiis t-rer sia-.-e. and rar.yof its i-e:aarl:ablo fo:itv.iv.s !;;ive ny.v been uxplamcd. Its d til-.-level of tho Medi.ei-raii-.-au i' the deep est known oa car.h. The bo; tora jul Luke Gencsaret i: on a i:;;ioh liig-iier level at present, Lf.t if i; o n.L.;;e3 t- sink as it h::r. done ia the i...t t'.rentv yearu a re;oli'.:-jn of i !e events of f.n.V thotisacd yeai-i a.I . noi, improbable. As tho worl-.l lias r.;;t boLti tr- r.ted to a spectacle of tcrrei-'.i-::;! 1 -c.l::.i: ;m 0:1 a fjraad s.i!e vi'.U::i h -:'r, :;f yers. the creation cí a sesntv.l I -:1 r. e-j vritls- In the commas:; cf or.iir.i-ri "i.-i 1-0: i i stirclyattr.-i.3i; tho att-.nti.-i;i of a'l civi lized un.ionL., an.l c:t tho ibr.t help to .-.olro tiauy problems of a sjien , tiiiis nature j Josiphe.s, v.-')o was born in :".7 Tí. C. ! reports that the vrut r of Genesarc: j was "clear as cry.-j'.al, svrei t :i::d ivliole- 1 EODC." I tried todrhi'i r,f I:, bit fantl it p.,tr;a ;,n.i ,-uf.r.-. il U-ís salty taste in the mo-ih. lacked the Cshcrrac i, plykirr their trade on tho laka as in Dibli.-ul da vs. whether the TOtcp WM alwcV3 fjp tirin!l.IÍT purposes, and rejeed ens cr that it jrrcw p:oie and raoro iov.l every ycur. j ?hhi Gcn to V'a; ja: ft:i"t Sllr raioCS as to tho cmncjo of eo:id:tions ia tv. í.i.. t-, . . Dead sea. as is wcJ o, ...entirely "- :"- 1.10 o.-ii 1. inf from it creatcr, a pestile.iíial aíraos- phcrc f Qr ny .. rov.aX x ll3VC never beca able to aproali the lake in sum cr, bat tho natives have ia- incd me that about thr, time of the vcar water, even a 1 00" below the Bt!ria2e, acisiiva a teimerutiire cf ninety depreca. Il has been observed tliat pasi, ta.' tempe: a'.i:re cr the water on fa.- oarfa-.-o censured in the nci-T'iborhood of oe hundred dc Trees, ti here li. hoirever, one fiusa la- . : ; . . .. .-: . i . l Ci A.i . : , 1 í i .1.1 1.1 L : J . : I . 1 . 1 . i 1 .1 io 1. , . - it to aaial life. Ikurks, partridsca. frors aud m-room m:!3crou3 upon its shoreo. and i:ll sosv's of cra'.vünj in sects abonad ther-; the tdiTi.jh vra ter3' r.rc covered with dujks ia faut, the fann-i ii t!ie -.n::i j as that in-, hal)itl2;T t2ie s!oro:4 oi La,.0 lJraCiarc., w-th thii diCcrcne, however: All sn.'ánsa-i of the aniral world ::botit the Dead o.a are shite coM, while thoie enlivcuiu the s.iores and st:r a:c of L lkc G wcai. t;io5l. ordinary plmnajjc and s-.-ly dress respcatively, The L,tin ene ar.-t, also called tho Sea of Tiberias cr Galilee, is situated ... ., r n sitíty-uve miles nnrih of the Pead era. its extreme 1 jnth is fifteen miles, its crer.tcst v.-idth six ar.d t:ree-foariha. cites, llio water is very tleep at tuo shores. Ia some sriots its eepth nieas-tu-es one hundred and sb;'y feet, in olhers seven InadroJ :nd fifty and raorc. In thi 11 jrtheast an 1 nor.h-.vest the .shores nra tint and s-.var.'.py; the raoantaiha of Safod apprfiajh the la'ro in the north; in n.c ver.t we have tho hills of El-llaisr-ia and Ilattiu. Tho voleaaij plateau of. Jaulan comraeac? In the east; it is disiinTuiihed for niiny dead craters; its greatest height ia called Ilcrmoa. and it wears an eternal sao-.v cap. Palms that brinj forth no fmitin", panvres plants and oleander Sourish ia tho neighborhood cf tho shor The at the ede of tao water ere lit era :y cov; 60HC cf v.-hieh prow ov red v.-S:h turtles, er a foi.t ind 5. a- loa-r. u.i--.v .:i e -i.uu.ui ;- parts; in others the peiiian holds forth In larjre numbers. Philadelphia Times. A farmer iz the noblist work ov God! He gits up at 2 o'clock in th morning and burns a pound wood 'an, two kords of can'ls, then goes 'an worrys the geese au waj the hogs.