Newspaper Page Text
... UK Volume II. KOLBROOK, ARIZOXA, SATURDAY, D3C3:.I3ZR 10, 1333. L'u: 1 THK BÁILKOADS. "Atlantic & Pacific Railroad. 1 (WEBTEB3 MVISIOSj C. W SMITH. Bcceiver.. . Condensed. Time Card No. i3, " "Effect Sot. 4, 1S34. . STATIONS. Chicago Kttiia4 Ciiy. lenver. ...... ' La Jnnto.. ... Albii't'rtiuo... Win rale Gull jp. Holoro&k..... TVialo ria?talí. Wiriunn. A-al jrt...... Asi Fork I 7 15a! PrpiTott j. Ar'10 !ii; l'lt-iiir. -. . Ar; siv Ai-li Fork p ni-h rjprin;rs... Lin,r..:ait........ M'cti.ei-.-- lüítKC. Kaydad llagtrett I.uro-' Jlojave.. Loa A nc'.si San (-ieí.'3 Lv 50o 9 ff. 21 0u, 1 C'.a 8 Km 1 4n 2 tiu 4 Ga 4 Uu 5 4a 8 COa! 7 M.'a 0 C.a' 9 Kia 3-a 4 4j 12 4 11 ICa ..a.-; ..Ar ..Ar 7 itiat 3 j-p; 8 10, 4 s lip I I S'l 1 0 Cp 10 4'- P ,;Ar' 0 ..Ar 10 3ju STATIOXS. No. 2 ! So. 6 ' So. Ch!ca?o Ar 19 00il fceu City Ar; 7 l-u' L'cnvcr . 3 (-p ! 9 42a 1 r. utn 1 La Junta Ar ó. ...... A.'buttUQ.iio Ar. y "W i r-ule .Lv 4 4iv Oaüup I 4 H p J'olurook. 12 ICp Winíloxr. 11 3Cu llatstaff I 9 aim Vriiiiaich , I 8 IKia A-.h l-orii Lv ja: 5 Sit .-. :; p 9 U ll i ila it Jl.a ii u-a i 's sjp I 6 itp ' 7üoo A.hl'ork... Precott. . . . rh?3'x Ar; 6 00a ... :...Lv z ui... ..'..Lv' 1 SC,i... r i Ath Fork l'covh Springs. Kinmau Nc3.i icj , E!a:;-; l:igr-jOfl Dujfset: is. ....-. Mojare. m Aiic'.c. ... ííjíu l i?;- an KrauuI&-o... ....Ar, 6 -Sin S Tn Lv, 4 0a 1 :c. i a i-oa :o a;i . ii Li'p, J '-r 10 0 8 CO, I 8 (U,,; 8 4, 1 S 4l p 1 K 5ti'pl2 4f, ....Lv' I 9 4 ....Lv 10 lía ...... ....Lv 7 i'nx Lv: 4 üjp i tip I Z 4.ia "j tva 6 Sou .1 2iu i'ioá Víók ' ! &jp Tralu "os. S and 4 are limited train", rnn- fiinir rpni.c:p,xlr. Tin. 3 lf-vfvs C'li:Lfrwo "V.'eunesdiiy n:i 1 Saturdov, paíes Allu- Loa AUiielr. .S itnrdar ami IucmIots. Irani iio. 4 wiil leave Los Arr?clcr, Aiouifnys and 'AütinclaTc f'OftHiu? Aiiiifjierni ciinw ii an J S:'. 'ir)y orrivias at C1jí.cí-o, Yriilavi aui i-'onuri- 1'ulxnan I'd! Sleeping Cor rTai!y tlir.incli betwepn Lo Au;?i-!e auJ CltUuffo an.t Witüauiv and an i rcurÍMX. Pullman Tourist Cars 'Yal!? nro,iUbrtwBClili-.r.j::d 5aa I rauoijc j ! un I CIi"-nji.- ami lo.Ac.vflt' "ouri ejn leava- rVnMnco every ib;,im1un.nnr tu Calorado can o rea4 hcú un!; vin tli ' ck frr n I tutli'i'ny iiluklrated Look wlii.b i!l i-o Biaueu Ircf. J;o3 A. Swbxi. Csal Paxxazr Aeat. Altu r.'.ercue, . M, 14. i ijuti'in, I 5. F., P. & P. Rajlwau. WITH THB A. T. & S. K. R. 13 THE SII03TnST AXD QCICEE3T ROUTE To Denver. Ecsu.TC5t7. St. T.otiii. and Clii caso aiid all io:;iU E-iii'. 6. r. Ac I. TIME IVUIK In eCect í'ov S. 1F38. Vlniiatain timo U fttaadard uod SOUTH BOl'SD. I I soeth rjfu:.'D. No. 4 Haw STATIOSA 7 i CCul ft IVpl 7 i u y,.i 8 i :. v- 9 u:a Ah fork IV--:i Htme L'cl l.,u 1 cron-.o Jam t!oa 1 rru-vtt lrc..Htt Sl:.!l VuKey Lir:luu4l Lu-. CiU V i.-'..tnlurs l'!crio (ilrui:a!e A.!ia:nt. ra l'lt,i nix i -"l C (K.'a 4 4!p i Ota 3 i'i' 4 ll'u r'''j i í0 ! II ti. :t . Li 4 u :i i w i:v If a i 3 p ii ij ii s I la; - 'o 'ai'" iril ! l 1 1:?. i a i . & 8 . I 4. J 1 u,. Eiaiiis station. TH3 SCETIC EOCTE 07 AEIZOSA. Thebm rontoto California. Th only north fijl njataltnem Arizona to tii9 Toret. Cu t iiwciiiiizi. orect i in3 i or-rt. I 2í:iMcr?!i.Voiie, ulJna,acroaoiheri'oi,lW Turo'i-U tlrktns tn c" points in tU3 Initc J St.lv4. CUtua-ta am! iicxVo. ' S)j. 1 and t ?3:ine.-t tt irromn Jnrrtion wi-j trains of I . 4 !:av A- h i'ors at 6'.. r. ::jrimiv, ul'). sl sakgest. Pre"t & iies'l Ms'r, Pas.'r Aent. Prrvo". Ariz. l're--tt. Ariz. lw L. Wiii.Li, An'tant General Manager. lVe?cozt, Arizona. A- , CHALCSDOXY LODGE SO. C F. A A. ajm r.uroo, Arizona. iierinur zU"l eomnt:ini'ation5 at on tíiurtlt .at-.llNl3y of iu.'H :iUi.. VLUXlnz brethren invited. E pra;r oí ..-, ' K. f. ETSDE3, 7. BL J. II. naWilATI. Secretary. 9tf CARPÍTEIl STinP TTorth ide of Ii. R. trajx.aof tüuh'por I' in. Armbrust r. All kind of iarpont? wont at short oti '-i. ltejiitirin-f soe:alty. Give me a fait if you uav 'ark uw.itus immcd;ate at eotua. It C U. fEiltiiiiAN. Notice. M-. R. "S. VTe-it of RaoilaTie. I our anthor Isail ftfrvnt f r ti-t nmrtion of tho county, and aatli j.-iii t- rerstve ana raceip ur sao- No.l'xo. 6 So. S Lv le 25,,! ..... S OOn ... js í-p! mt. ... 9 4j; 5 Süp ... 9 WB II S-l ... i is 3,'P ... 7 lúa ... 8 fría; S 10p ... 11 1U. 8 a.t ... 11 ... SSi.! 121 Sp ... 5 5'j.; 7 !0u 12 ita Ar 6 5t)p 3 40! 1 'a I f-a 13 i-Ja ; I 6 U'i . Counoctia at Vrcsooit wnii ,t,ivo for , jo lea lugiiest staie or pericction OI fill pri:Mii;nl Tniniuir rami; at Cnj4Tfr -itfi ! , , .. , r Claire iaiJ c . u. :L fu.- Cjtom anJ tno prottucts of tne coil, not only 01 tj8 liaMfor Ilariua ii tin Statlou and Yur- . i . ... l f fMTll. At r-litiUmilh tlw Maricopa A Pb-p- tho CCrralS but especially OÍ t!i0 i rv r 7 - fruits. Not only aro fruits grown in .r iaoro ap- nJ we. Traiu for Caiiipmia icavo Ah i penranco by reason of their brighter lurkatónOan-l K:ip. nu imviuc in Los , r - J .... Ania!si!:: crtaraTon (.t l:ijnnJ Sjn Krrn- I and Clearer COloniig, but they pCIr, um to tbs ABOVf. WOXDERFCL IAXI. What Governor rranklln About Our Mineral cud Possibilities. Has to Cay ricuitcral Follotrin is an extract from Gov ernor Frnnklíii's report, in which Arizona's agricultural, mineral and climatic worth aro ally and com prehensively reviewed: "Tho agricultural resources of Arizona cannot as jet bo computed with any groat dogrea of accuracy, as their development is littlo moro than begun. . "ilillious of acres within what is called this arid region will Lo re claimed, and this territory will in íLo recr future Lo a great agricul tural etale. Tho lands of cur val- levs, and they are extensive, aro as rich as tho land of any portion of tho glolje. 'Ths Salt River valley alone is as lorgo as the entiro state of Khode Island, EJid when you consider the extent of all Lo valley lands of the territory it will bo found that we havo an agricultural area that will comparo favorably with many of the great states in the Union. "This is a great mineral region. Our mountains are full of tho prcc- ious metal?, j et wo have n area of land that can ho reclaimed suiEcieat to make' a great r agricultural state. "- largo portion of Southern Ari- zona is semi-trcpical. Tho orange, ! I lm IpríTin. i lio nlmoiifl. mid in tnct. all the semi-tropical fruits aro pro duced with grind results. Is it not a grand agricultural horticultural country whero on tho. samo section - J'"-1" com C1-t dfalfa, wheat, barley, tho orange, lemon, almond, po and pomegranate can bo found growing side by side? Very few countries in the world produce SliC'h an exhibition. , "The winters r.ra miid ihero is do clay in tho year that tho hcbecd; man can't work in his shirt rlceves v.iih comfort. Yo havo almost per- pclual guushine. For Only thlCO r . i months 1U the JCCT 3 tllO Lent cp- t prnod, j owing to t bo dryness of tho atmcs I inhere, there aro no s:in?.troko. What is called tho het Ff asen is tho health iest season of the year. "Tho agricultural and horticul tural resources of Arizona cro just beginning to bo developed. "Where there Í3 a rich harvest tho reaper will surely como and capital will seek a region where remunerative profits are to bo realized. Arizona has a total area of over TCGO.CGO acres, and moro than 10,CG0,(X)0 may in time be reclaimed for agricultural and horticultural purposes. Of this vast area wo havo only 1,00C,CC0 C3 yet reclaimed and under cultivation. All of our fertila valleys will some day blcom and blossom as a garden. ! They will be subdivided iuto su all farms, and will bo r.3 productiva as any lands of tho ilediterratean. Tho .-randest t retnras from agricid- A v. i-itnroanu noriicuiiaro navo rcsuueu from irrigation farming. The ccuu- tries that have yielded tho ercttesl results per aero and where tho hus bandman has been best rewarded for his labor, aro thoso countries whero irrigation and not uatural rainfall wns dr?ieuded upon. Not only the qiiantjty but tho qonhty ol farm products is a matter worthy of note. An abundance of bright sun-r shine and pure, dry air are essential j scss greater sweet ues.s ana aro oi su perior flavor to tl.os3 from countries less favored in this respect. "Of all tho political divisions of I tho Union, Arizona is par excellence j tho land of euushine, as has been clearly demonstrated by the annual records of tho weather bureau, conT cerring tho amount and brightness of the sunlight. No country in the world exceeds Arizona in the uum ber of clays Eunphina per annum. With theso superior conditions of sun and air and soil and weather in telligently applied, it will bo but a short timo before Arizona's ngricul tural and ' horticultural products properly placed upon tho market, will find first favor with discrimi nating consumers. '"The northern portiou of Iho ter ritory produces all tho fruits known to tho temperate zono, and its val leys yield bountiful harvests of wheat, barley and oats. Not only has it great valleys producing boun tiful harvests of grain, but it Í3 one grand pasturo field for immense herds of cattle. '"Any one entering tho territory from tho west, and traveling on the Atlantic & Pacific railway, will bo readily struck by tho grandeur and beauty of tho country. In many portions of it for scores of miles it resembles a grand old English park not a pcrticlo of underbrush, and tho grand pines etandig as if they had been planted by tho hand of man. With moro than 10,C00,CCO acres of arable valley and mesa land ready for tho plovv as eoon as suffic ient water will bo provided, as will bo provided in the future, Arizona will be a great agricultural state." ao i The Newspaper 3Is.n The man who wroio tho following evidently knew what ho was writing about, and to havo become as famil iar with the subject as ho shows him self to be, be must have gained his knowlcijo by experience. Tho cr ticlo is credited to tho Albany Jour nal, and here is what it says: "Newspaper men aro not morbid, or especially dissatisfied with their lot, but it may bo said that nine tenths of them, outside of the large dailies, if they would begin life orer again, would avoid a printing oiEco as they would a pestilence. They see and coma in contact with moro pelíT meanní3 than anybody else. They aro swindled oftencr, tea to one, than anyono else; even thoso who pray, often times prey ti-:.ia the newspaper man. Appreci ation for him, as compared with what he docs in and for a ccniinu uily is reduced to a vanishing poini and accompanies his incomo to a limit cf nothing less. In addition ! to Lis capabilities asa writer, when he rossesscs it, ho must bo a careful, painstaking and judicious business man, and j'tt few ever think cf him in that light at all. IIo is trpce. cd to do a thousand things wiih his paper that, as a busiutss man, ho knows would provo fatal, and when ho politely declines peo plo want to know what a newspaper h for. They never suspect that it has a business end, which, if nctr leclod, will briug collapse' A prohibitionist clergyman i a New Jersey has ir.venteá a novel scheme for overcoming tho demon rum, which ho declares will work liko á charm, although it is moro than doubtful ii it will meet tho general npprobitioa of tho tax-pnyers cf that state. IIo pror oses that every saloonkeeper shall recuivo a pension of Ci.CCO frori tho state, on tho. un-, derstauding that ho will 6ell no more liquor. Naturally tho caloonkeop ers aro enthusiastic over tho plan and tho only dihlculty would bo to figure out how many saloonkeepers there would be in New Jersey after such a law was passed. Probably it would turn out that 9JJ per cent cl the populatiou would lay claim to tbo pension. Hining Eeeord. W. A. Fox of Argentine, died re cently at tho Sañta Fo railway hos pital at Topeka, directly from the effects of his foot "jroing to sleep" on last election day. Absolutely no popsiblo extirpation can bo given by tho surgeons and physicians in charge of it. Nothiug in medical science throws any light upon it. It is the first and only instanco of tho kind known to tho profession, and has caused a sousatiou among its members. Fox, who was 46 years of ago, had been an engineer on tho Santa Fe railway for several years, running out of Argentine. Ex. t i ' 'O-T" Tha v.iio of IJ.-. D. Robinson, a prominent lumberman of Hart wick, N. J., was sick with rheumatism for Svo months. In speaking of it, Mr. Tiobinsoa says: "Chamberlain's Pain Balm is tho only thiug that gave her any rest from pain. For tho re lief of paia it cannot lo boat." JIany very bad cases of rheumatism have l9en cured bv it. For 63I0 by F. J. Wattron.. " . TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. L?.rc Telcgrai3 Condensed for Koailer:; of The Argus, TU? Harlem Stato bank of Iowa, closed on the lOih inst. A fire at Montreal, Canada, oa tho 9th inst., caused a loss of $173,000. Tho Andrew3 Packing .company of Pueblo, Colo., failed pa th3 Sih inst. The First National bank of Niag ara Falls, Ñ. Y., failed oa tho 12th inst. Tho Pacific railroads fundiug till will bo taken up in tho houso on Jan. 5. Tho erect ioa of a sevcaty-twe-story building is being planned in Now York. Tho Nrth German Lloyd Steam er Salier, Las been lost with nearly 00J on bor.r J. tunta !c iiurdeD, contractors Ot Long Island Citv-, made an assign ment on tho 9th inst. Patrick Coghlan was sentenced to bo shot, at Randolph, Ctah, by Judgo Hart on the 11th inst. Three yo.;ng children of John Tallingwest were burned lo death at Irwin, Pa., on tho 10th inst. " Tha t!m'-.!oyc3 of tho Pacific Roll ing mills struck on tho 9lh inst. on account of a"rcd;!.t.n in wages. A shipment oí 35G (.: of copper from the Ducktowp, Tena., mines has been made to Swansea, Wales. Cashier Fleraingi of tho Exchango National Bank of Eldorado, Kan., has been arrested on a chargo of forgery. Bogat & Son, dry goods dealers of New York, failed on tho 12th iast. with liabilities, ?110,C00; assets, The Michigan Pipo company's en tiro plant at Bay City, Mich., cover ing four acres, burnod on tho Gth inst. Loss, S1'JO,000. v Bob Coug'alia had his hand shot o!T at Good sawmill, near Gillette, Colo., on tho Cth inst., in a quarrel ovpr a load cf lumber. In attempting to arrest burglars who had Llown open a safo at fciouta McAlister, I. T., Night Watchman McDonald was killed on tho 12ih inst. Kid Thompson, thcRDoCDi, Cal., tram wrcclicr, wno was sentences co . . 3 X - oo hnnj has been rranted a new U t:t.-V trial by tho California EUFremt court. The National bank cf Dululh, Min., suspended on tho 11th inst. The bank is capatalized at 209,000, and has 530,000 surplus; Vloposits, Í93.C03. " M. Spr.rr was convicted at Nash- ville, Tenn., on tho 12th inst., of falsely -certifying checks, aad sea lenced to two yearo and six months imprisonment. Tho war'department has awarded tho contract for buildiu: gua and mortar battery implements for San Diego, to the California Construc tion company for f 109,417. Tho court of appeals of Ken tucky have afiirtned the decision of tho lower court in tko caso of Scott Jacksoa, sentenced to bo hanged for tuo myrdor of Pearl Bryan. Tho supremo court of Idaho his decided that tho equal sutlrago amendment voted on at the recent ekotiou was adopted aad horoafter women will vote in that stato. William Allison, a Santa Fo. ccu duilcv, was killed by his train near Trinidad, Colo., on the 8th iuft. Ho slipped c-u tka ico r.nd fell beforo tho train whk-h cut him ia two. Shanky Cunaingham, a Georgia! Gamo oa tho 3rd inst., was convicted ! at Albany, Ga., oa the 13th iast. Tho trial oecupiad but on-.i hour. Fires were put under the Cohaacey Glass company's tanks at Princeton, j t ii.. on. :cf ,1 1L. , . O ., tJ LI L UlU Itist., uuu wiwMv.a will begin work on the 2Gth. About 403 men will bo given employment. John G. Newbill, register of the Springfield 111., land office, has been requestod to send his resignatloa to Secretary of the. Interior FraacLs, Jo is said to havo neglected his work to further the silver cause. Tho supreme court of California has given Theocloro Durraut, tho slayer of Blanche Lamonte, another respite, as the caso now stands it may bo many months bef cro it will be knowa whether Durraut will se cure aaolhtr trial. Ia March. 1S93, Spiritualists want to hold the fiftieth anniversary cala bratioa of the advent of Spiritual ism in this country. Thj event will occur at Rochester, N. Y., where spirits rapped first and tho Fox sis ters bid them come in. Andrew J. Spate of Denver, who was accused of murdering his wife and four children, who were drowned several wc:;ks sineo while boating at Smith's lake, has been fully cleared by tho unanimous refusal of the grand jury to indict him. The appointment of a receiver has been asked for at Birmiughc:, Ala., for the Elytoa company, tho largest iauu concern in Aiaoama. it con 1 1 ii. trolled over 62,000,003 worth of ' . . . propcrty crcuna ií:rm;ngkam and has $-1,700,030 bonds outstanding with a trust company. . John Bungard, a miner, was killed at Angles Camp, Cal., oa tho 10th inst., by having his head crushed to a jeliy between tho side of the shaft and some planking ho was endeavor iag to put ia piacD. Oao en.l of tho plank caught oa a pump-bob, which had a stroke of four feet. A Columbia, Mo., dispatch of the 11th inst., says that an unknown iraa jumped from a Missouri, Kan sas z Tesas passenger train going forty miles an hour, and was in stantly killed. He had S3.000 in his possession but nothing loading to identify him except a ticket to Deai soa Texas. , Tho monitor ram Puritan has beqa put into commission at the Brooklyn navy yard. It is thirty two years since tho keel of tha Puii taa was laid, and four years siuce she was launched. Now that she is ready for service she is regarded as, for defensivo purposes, superior to navy vessels of tho first-class, while for oüensive warfare, sho is a little inferior to first-class crafts. She is 3C0 feet long and sixty feet wide, nud has a displacement of 6,200 toes. Tko battleship Iniiaaa has gone from New York to Hampton Roads. Sho vi ill bo followed by all tho ves- seb of tho North Atlantic squadron . st Pijri,irBÍ -t th j .j n.'.... ! .... -t- 1 J A TJ p0ads will bo made tho baso of the squadron drills during tho winter, as was Tompkinsvillo during tho sum mer months. The exercises will be ria as soon as the vessels of the 1 5qua(Jroa aro gathered ia the Roads, aad tho naval ofiic2r3 ara careful to convey tho understanding that thsy havo no warlike signiacauce. 4 A Baltimore dispatch says the Columbian Iron works of that city has contracted to build a submariue wrecking boat according to the plans of Simon Lake, an inventor of that city. Tho new boat will bo the first submarino boat ever built for practically submarino engineering work. It wiil bp used principally for searching tho bed of the ocean ! adjaceat to coast lines, and ia loeat- lug and recovering sunken vessels and their cargoes. According to tho specifications, the boat wLI be about fifty-four tons displacement. Sho will, Lake claims, with a crew of six men, bo able to eruiso arguud on the bottom for a day at a time before it will be necessary to ascend to tho surface to renew tho air sup ply and electrical energy. Major C. T. Picton is manager of tho Stato Hotel, at Denison, Texas, which tho traveling men say is one ! of the best hotels in that feection. 1,1 speaking of Chamberlain's Colic, Colera aad Diarrhoea Remedy Major Pictoa. says: "I havo used it myself and in ray family, for several year?, I and take pleasure in saying that I ; COIlsla or it ari infallible euro for diarrhoea and dyseutary. I always recommend it, and have frequently administered it to my guests, in the hotel, and in every cas it has prov en itself worthy of unqualified en dorsement." For salo by F J. Wattron. i THE Amounts rtcquired for tito 3cal "JTe Hntliu Tuno CO, 133S. Secretary Carlisle has transmitted to tho speaker .of tho house esti mates oí Ü19 appropriations requir ed for tho fiscal year ending June S3. If 03. They aro recapitulated by titles as follows: ' ' Legislative establishment, ?i,379, S20; executive establishment, 19, 5,952; judicial establishment, 52C7, 123; foreign intercourse, 82,CS2,72C; military establishment, ?2i,2S2,C2u; naval establishment., ?02.i34,773; In dian aHairs, 57.279,523; pensions, ?U1 .223,580; public work, m,ÍZ7't 061; postal srvioe, Ci,2S,S3; mis cellaneous, 53(3.31 i,21(; permanent fuiuup.l appropriations, $120,7CS',220. Total, 121,713,920. The estimates for tli3 pverct. fiscal year amounted to 18,001,073. Appropriations, including chuk-ien-cies and miscellaneous, 132.121X1.3. lotal estímate íor ioriificaf and other works of defense am 815.256, an increaso of over 1'JO pi cnat orar tin aTimriafimi F tU. lh present fiscal year, 1 T..i-i 4": t- Total estinntes for rivers and harbors, C5J3i9,'JOO; public wcrks cf all kinds, l,137,CS.i. ' Total amount required for tho im provement of rivers aad herbero lea der the acts of lSnO-32-f-í". net yet under coat rcct, are about 517,530.030. Estimates for srr.v and raiy pen sions aggregate SliOjCCO.OOO. An appropriation of 250.003 is asked for to enable tho United States government to take part in tisa inter national exposición at Paris in 1S30. ZTiuin Application ."e. 38. U.VITZD STATX3 LaKO Or?TCZ,i Preieott. Ariz- i-e. :0. IS?. ) ote is hereby (r:v.-"i tüt Th? Armstrong abrasive C'vrcpa'iy, w ii-j-a i:otailii- r.cWres is Denvo?, Colora-Jo. have this tiny ii:ed thslr npiiiicatioa for r pnt:it for o::e hKijrfd and sixty n.:resof thi Cj!oraii.- P.a-vi' Uinerpl ji'oun:!, beariTintTTieihi'st.iiifpsr,' hal?e -ory, tor-::z. oujx, carbol :nu nud o jute, fcit'TPtcd in the Co'fit.v of Aíinclií. Terntaiy cf Ai'l zona, an I dcoiated si th- nort'iR-er-t ct s?';tiou 2, to-.Vii-iii:p 1 n'rt2i, rarj 'A rat. Gila and iralt Kiver rreridiai, auü t!os;';rioed n ronimeni.;ii r.t' the nozthwett ecriifr section 2. to-wn 1;) noi-tli. rano t'l east. Gi'a mid Suit River meridian al rjmnr eat alo-T 4ih Ktar-litrd noríh l nj:!e. lia:',is so'tth 'fa niüe. 1h3urt3 ut riliv :;t!e3 vc;t ?i ni::p. th-n.- jio-:h aljjii1; "riivin üü? be tween ?e ti.":is 2 OTi.i o ii'a to piaw cl ie jfinii'.i'cr. eiHui:iuj lu arres, more or 1ps. And the Bir !)envr Placer inora! T""na 1, b?a- i-iz a:nothyt. i tor, (ii.!eo I.""iy, topna, oiivx. r:irne!iH:i and tate, t eini tli juitl: eat of KCction toi to tioi-:h, r-"Ui?e5 cast, Ijiut aud tíalt Uivtr',' ireridia:, und C& ribed us CNi'.ntvciiJÍQ ut ta uo" hnist cor-. ler ol section , ar.rt rr.nnntgr soiun mi. o to nt c-irnor l-etween seot: rigrht an!a lv-.v-t ti;i OTij 1 mm thtneo i,, the:i?e ni lu2 p'aoe of l?;j inning, c jata.alaj 343 hundred, and tixty a"'r3. An 1 tha AraualiDO Placer Mineral crrotind, bearing amothvjjt. ja-iie.', 1 haie.t-T, tooaz; onj x. ctrripliau nii-i ajaíc. t-eins tíio iijrtU !2 at til? STithc'ti-t li hii.i t!i3 n;í;h et thé so::í 'i-cst ?. o" -t-o-i . tJA'iirhrp li nii, rni'g:? -3 ptx-t. Gi!a uud Salt r-'ivei rjeyidran. and dejcritcd as coirt.,' at taj or nor l erty. cu sscti.ini 2 ad 3 and running sontii noiiíj S'.vtion lii:c i et-f fnrior: J and 3 eij-ity rods. tifn;n a. rijjLt ang en inst t ni!e, thr'n' ro.-tlt e:iiy rods rpty.xn wtions 1 and 2, tUeuceat risht crff'es trort 1 jni.e to p ace of bcciiinic, t ontainins 160 acres more or less. ' Alllji-5 r.nd 1 irssitrctcC in tie County of Apncln, territory of Arizcuu. c.o variation - r Co'itainius 4.'0 acres. 7 ho :;'atifn3 rí tho Iiíítíc aro recorded in Eeordej' Üi?e of St. Johr.n. in r;oo fo. 2 of liiuins Ciaims. The adj.iiidnj cinin!- ant are Atv nud a;l persona c!r.iminsr advorse'y any portion of sold Colo ra io. Bite teav&r or Arapah'ja jiuiu Claijrs are required tj iiTe titeira-tverje.aitu-1 with th3 Ueuiiter ..f tli- Uo'te J tatiM LuuU O üco nt Preott. in tli'i rcrrti j.v of A.-itoua, dur iiiff tho sixty ayá iert i o? ,;'atü?a:ioj here of, or th-íy wi'i le bai-red b7 vi. taú oí lita prov:s,ju. ; of tho stat -it?. H. i. PHOFESIOAI. CAHItii. C. J. H-133Í3, A. B., K. D. i Lata Essidt PHYSICIAX &; SCRGrEOÍT, City and County Hapit tls. Cb'cno, and Mexican Cont.-al üiil.vay idjjpiíJi. ZUC5.5 EOTIs C. 0. A:íDZIx3j3," ATTOBEy-AT-LAW, F. 17. E3L303, ATTOHEY-AT-IjAW, vri"aiow, - ' iiizo.iA. B. M. SAXFORD, ' ATTORXEY-AT-IiAW, U. n. PERRILL, Dist'ct Attorney Xarrvio County HOL3SOOS, - A2IZ0SA. ' Will pratlioe in all coarta of Arizona. T. W. JOHa'STOH, ATTO RXK r-AT-LAV, ASISiKA, Court? of Wi'l prntioo in tho avajo. Apacae. ujcjuina ana avo CjantiCi n. e. rcoRRisosi, tt)iirtri"t Attorney Yavapai Connty.) OZico in Coart ÍIou3.r'i,u:3ttv Arizona. J. P. WSLCII, M. LV rllYSICIA." i SURGE'JX