Volume I.
Number' 3.
-run n.uLr.oAD!
Atlantic & Pacific Railroad.
C. TV. SMITH. Ecccivcr.
'Condensed a'iino Cara 2Co. t.
"' Erc4t Tor. 23. 169G.
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t':ii.ira:i Pu'ue SlcpInT Cnr daHy
tlir .:';i Lct-f un Ausoles and Ctlcnj
v !ii:aijü iaxuI Saii i-'ium-iiro.
Pu'.liiiuu Toiiri ' iS;c-vpiiit; Cnr daily
1 a.iiixli liet ec-n Clii." -o tuj au 'razicljco
-unrl C lii--no un.i Ihm Aureieii.
I'oa.-Nt on iB.i.e ii i r -anrlspo every
VTa !a'?tiy i-t o An riíloevery f íi 'triluy ,
r n iin r t.'jiá tj -ÁAiai C.tyi Cbiii
. au:1 boton. " y
. b- Jru'i 1 Culion of t'ta Colorado can Le
reu lieJ on-y x.u in- lun.
.- A-a for a temtiiul-y illu.trblcd LocU
hull wi'.l le milcJ lree.
iios A. Sweet.
Gen'I Passessr Aeent. A;uiiieri;uc.. i I,
S. F,, P.' P. Railüaó.
i ' ' i
vira tu 3 -
JK..T. & S. K. R. R.
?o Diivr. Kansas City. St. Lonis. and Chi
tJiru uud lili ihaííUa A.Sr. ' i '
In cCcwrt Kor 6. K-i. Monutaiu time ÍJ
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1-Iulna ktction. '
Tlis brt ro'i'e t-Ca!ifonita. Tin on!y nori!
. . a iJ rittt iiii.' in .Arizona tu tlia
Crsn.l Caü-its ol Colorado, t-t trlfled
Tore.. lelilí I;e!üifn. Urnl I'ine lumt,
ÁZívnr V iA.it J ano uuu.riouso.iier 'uiiit
oi iit;ret.
1 lira ifcli t'li'ketn tA nil points in the Uu'.tcO
S 'e. i'tta'ia and Mex'vo.
.Nik 1 un'l 2 riTiiit-t at Jcron.o anctíoi.
witÍA t.'Afiaof U. KmJk 1. Áy. tor Jerome.
, r . ii t nt lrrHott Mill t line for
nil fri.?:pat r.)luvg fuip ot Conifrc- witi:
4Jii"-.'a jd C'A. AC -JL. tJ' C'Qiie44 am.
rZAjj li ief il-ii ;-ta Ha a Stutfou and Var
ticiu At I'li.'snii :th tli3 iuri.i.ia A l-lur-siix
x?y. f ir tKj.iiV. uu tli9 o. 1. a . - AIma a illi
S. Tí. '. l;.Fy. . -
V.'jtX. r..-.i- tion tnaiii' nt r:r.i sritli
F.-i'ita r Z-..ile fa-t t.n'.it4 t'j a:i p.iiiit eu-i
end Cíí. 'irnin lor C'aLi.ornta k-ovc Ali
1 orit u x0 au.l ó:iii. au rrni ln- iu l.
Ancrea" Jtext alternoou t i:J on J Nin r'rrii
canc-o second mnrnit: at Iu:ía. 'Xmin for tlir
Ea-t lc-.- A-b-Toras at fiii.
r. .üt.:-í.'iltf, OtO. II. SAP.GEXT.
Pi '."t 4 jcn 1 On r, ticu'l 1'iWr Anil
Irrcr.rt, A'ix. 1'riMectt, AriA
. . V.'tL' Aitnt General Alaka'er.
recoit. Arixono.
CHAirsT-ox? lotiot: so. a. y. a a
1 lf.j..ro3l:, Arizonts. Kctrutai
... ln-1 ... n.:.r.i 'uliii nt . .v
VV in. ai i'u.irti. riaturriuy of eatl.
' inanlli. Viiitiujf urttiirea invitod.
Uyordcrof .: KrSE2, w. U.
J. H. Secretary. Otf
C!tr,iTT2'l SHOP Sort h side of R. B.
t.-A.-.iritit of thenhopol Wm. Arni!rut
er. A 11 kiri'U of earpentr wurK at ilun
noii -fl. ltifiairiii a i:i'ia!t;U. Crive me a
c.il if yoal W3riieedlnS iTrerfiate nt-
il-. S. B. Wert of Snoa-naTte. ls oor anthor
ixii a-i.-t for t!iat section of the eootity, and
t a aa:hsrúcJ Vi re .iva aui rosaiyt fvr ub
r(ÍI)aiWtsAMVf. .
r- '
Territorial Items Gleaned From
Onr Exchanges and Con
densed for Our Busy
Phenix Las a clog poisoner in tbsir
I Tn.i irlll TiiT- Inn vmr rr,rtv
1 on tho 31st. .
1 uniesen tmove3 aro gatwag ia
C i their wcrk at Ash Fork.
Globe will nave a grana masquer
ade bail oa Now Years eve.
Soloaionviilo baa organized a
Jodge of Woodmen of the World. '
A new flour mill -ha3 .baaa started
at Matthowsyille, Graham county.
There aro CÍO stamps at present
m lavapai couuiv, su'a j.j iu. i mai
,fr '
Three carload of sheep were ship-
ped f roci Yv'illlaiiis to Los .Anieles
last week.
It 3 said that tho capítol grounds
of Arizona are second.to uo state in
the Union.
Tho Tucson city council has under
advisement a proposition to widen
Congress street.
! Tho cnterpriring people of Pima
i aro talvina steps looking to the ene -
II.' J. Emnnuel wa3 killed in
reck on the Soathéra Tacia j near
aienson on tue izi.u in:.
dialers irom ion. wjipw u.u
Jiunting door 1:1 the Mogollona ai;d
have bu fairly successful.
DUhop Erigham Young óf Utah,
W03 present
at ILj 0;Jening o tue
new ilormoa church at Mesa, last
The attendance oi ino irrigation
congress at Pheais was tno largest
w tho history of t aat body, l-
delegates being present
it is slated that S7C0,000 was tak
en from tho United Verde Copper
mines last month. This figures into
the millions by the year.
' Tho Williams News reports pro
visions scarce' with tho Supai Indi
ans. Their crops were washed away
l-y Hoods in Cataract Canon.
James Shaj?, an employe in tho
United Yerde' smelter at Jerome,
had bis right arm almost torn from
its socket one day last week.
An effort will be made at tho not
session oi tho Arizona legislature to
secure tho passage of a law to pro
hibit the marriage of consumptives.
Pensions have beca granted to the
miner heirs of Frederick Kirsch, of j
l'rescott, nomas dacous oi onuu
Valley, and Nieodemus Ilutchensoa
of Camp Verde.
Tho assessed valuation of prop
erty in Phenix for tho years 1800-7
was 3,119,787, a largj gain over
1S93-G. The total tax for- tho last
two years was 27,7GC.77.
A contract has been entered into
for tho extension of tho Suuset Tele
phone lino from Mayer's to Crown
ed King. It' is said that the lino
will ulamateJy bo extended to x no-
A mail rervico las beep ordered Mj- o always understood that has been rrpointed by tao cctnp
belween Kirkland valley' áa Ph,-1 the Copper eompany was very care- jro.ler. of t ho currency receiver of
:..: .i.-5.., ,imM ! ful to keep tho acid out of the river, j the Union .aloaaJ bank of Denver.
-VI 11.13 lAAAUlllg I am;., mivv ....
v.eek. A. E. Niles of Spriuger, N,
M has U-en awarded iho contract. kuoug, ana wo suppose tno pres-
-Journal-iiuer. cnco of acítl is .0,:Y SUPV bj
I anyone. It Í3 claimed that the water
. The following were commissioned ; w ,. Lill ccrtaia plnt jjr0 t Lal it waa
notario pulie last week by Governor nuver :nown lo do beforehand wo
Franklin: A. N. Elton, A hito Hibs, i ara tolJ that a tost- Í3 to hs mn,i0 to
MoLa.e robot j i. E. Curry, Gen- i oscertau lLo cau0. SsfTord Guar
itor li.ine; S. K. William, EísIacc;', .. '
Patrick, j; Farley, Prcscolt.
Frank Wright, while coming ia
this moruinz 'ro;n the .Senator oa a
tj .,ii i,. nrli
ILU'I AAA "ll J A-l 11V - " "o w-
..... -
..-t.Ani .r -. mrtrn ran Amr nia
I1UC1 I A im.0v.í . " . "
reft leg just above the ankle, break-
ag both bones of his leg. Preseott
The Commonwealtli Mining com
pany, at Pierce, Cocbiso county, em
ploys sixty men and ships to the
Pueblo smelUrs three to four car
loads of ora per day. The. rock is
rich in gold and silver, yielding $100
per" ton.
Tho Tucson Mining anc. Smelting
compapy "shipped' todaj1,1 thrpush'
the Consolidated Xatioual bank, via
tlio Southern Paciffe, twenty tons of
copper bulliou, tho product of a
four days' run of the smelter.
Tucson Citizen.
A carload of machinery for the
Chandler power plant. at tho fifty
foot drop on the cross-cut canal has
arrived at Tempo." It will only be a
short time before tho pumps at the
head of the-canal are in operation.
Phenix Republican.
Two convicts, Thomas Cameron,
from Yavapai, serving sentence1 of
fivo years for toiJjerr; aad J. Dace,
from Navajo, serving 6vo' years for
burglary, escaped from the peniten
tiary at Yuma last week, says the
Sun, and have not been -intercepted.
Au Indian boy was having a little
fun with the ears, Wednesday, and
let his hand lay too long on the
track and had it cut o?. A trr.iu in
iuu u. - '"ó i"
with. Dr. Knight attended tho lit-
tlo man. Einsinaa Mineral 'ealth.
Tho reuowal of the agitation of
the construction of a f 1'JDM'iO hotel
on tho military plaza is again iu the
air. It iso bo hoped t wiI rnnte
rializo ns it would ccomuiodate
hundreds who can and will pay for
tho very best accommodations.
Tucsoa Star.
Dr. II. A. Ilughes, sarerintpder.t
, of the insjuio asylum, has prdered
I six silver instruments for the pur-
coronet band. Ho proposes that
p.-itienis shall furufch their own
music atth) weekly dances that
held at .that institution.
A dL-pr.tch from
tells of the su J la
Aspen, Culo ,
vl "a.iaj, uu,.-.vvc1.i u
t.w Collie Oibsoa and Argectnm
I I .j 1 1. v.lHf .imi;?) huu AO ciuv acj
J of having .taken SC0 of other pec
I pies money with him. Smith 'was
: formerly under sherilT of Graham
County, this territory, and wis at
one timo book-keeper for the Ari
zoua .Copper liining- company at
Clifton! -
.Superintendent of Public Iostrúc
tióa'T. E. Dal ton, is at work pn his
report to tho governor. He states
that the total amount of school ex
penses in tho territory for tho year
ending June 20, 1S9G, is about 210,
000; 1 hat the valluation of property
will be about S50,000i that there are
331 school teachers, and that there
are 16,936 children of school ago in
tbo teritory. Tho number enrolled
in tho public schools in the past
year w&3 12,889.
Tho futuro of Pearco camp seems
now assured. A well authenticated
roport -ajg lhat
a mill ' is to be
erected' at the mino a tho spring.
Good ors boddies are boiug opened
up in the Johnson-Fitts mine and
ot her prospects in tho vicinity, and
valuable discoveries have lately been
made at South Pass. Numerous!
prospectors are at work along tho
Dragoon range' and the inquiry for
good 'copper or' gold mines contin
ues active. Wilcox News.
It is stated that tho acid from the
ffreat works at Cliftou is cominonc-
jag to make itself visiblo in tho
water used on tho farms ia the val-
- ,
but of course wo havo no mean of
Major C. T. Picton is manager of
i tho Stato Hotel, at Denison, Texas,
which the traveling mea sa
... . I
tT fliA lAcr. Ii1'-;a m f if .rrl inn
w ... - r . .......
1,1 s:eaaiug ot darjoan.iia s v,o;u
Colera and Diarrhoea R jmcdy M jjor
Picton s.iys: "I hive mod it myself
and in my family for several years,
and take pleasure in saying that I
consider it an infallible euro for
diarrhoea and dysentary. I always
recommend it, and' have frequently
administered it to ray guests in' the
hotel, and in every aso it has prov
en itself worthy of unqualified en
dorsement." For sale by F. J. Wait
ron. '
Late. Telegrams Condensed
Keaders of The Argrus.
Johc..Patzer sitícided at Wausau,
Wis., oi tho 18th inst.
Jamestown, Cal., was nearly wiped
out by Gro on tho 18th iast.
Missouri's anti-poolroom law has
been declared unconstitutional.
Ex-CongJessraan lioswell G. Horr
died at PlainCeld, N. J., oa the ISth
A Las Yegas paper reports a case
of leprosy about oas hundred miles
from that city.
. Miss Winnio Traver, deputy treas
urer of Clay coaaty, Ijwj, saieidod
oa tho 19th inst.
Spain has decided to send 15,O0C
men to reiufcrco tho troops in the
Phillipiue iálanJj.
Herman, tho migician, dijl ia
his privato oar at Groat Yalljy, ;N.
Y., on tho 17th inst.
Charles Jrefry was accidentally
shot at a br.rn raiir.g near Cliiton,
Okla., oa the I7th iast.
Oua -now irr:gtiia ditch ia San
Juaa eoanty, 7. M., will put G,C30
acres under cul;ivaiio:i.
Tho Caiuo building at Pittsburg,
Ta., was desiroye:l by fire oa the
17th inst. Los.', Spo6,ODD.
Sharkey ws3 a-;rdel the SIO.GOU
pursoloa thj 17th jast., by JaJga
i Tho Eolinljroko club of London,
oilers a purse of 515,009 fur a fight
between Corb tt and Fitzimmon3.
The'fisliingifhooner UJwin Eooth
and threo of Lor craw wero lost ia
tho Gulf oí Líe'ico cm í'ud 17iu iast.
Great JDritain contiaras lae largsst
purchaser and importer of swine
Cosh and hog products in the world.
Tho Italian chamber of deputies,
by a vote of 232 to Gl, passed i he
Italo-Tanisan treaty on the 17th
inst. '
Ono hundred and fifty Texas rang
ers, commaadad by Temple Hous
ton, are said to bo in realiness to
start for Cuba.
A Eaton, N. ZvL, man used coal oil
to kindlo the fire: Result; an ex
plosion badly burning himself and
four-year-cld son.
Ernest L. Chase of Detroit, on
the' 21st inst. cut his wife's throat
and then committed suicid. Jeal
ousy was tho cause.
Mr. and Mrs Aleo wore turned to
death ia their residence at Ashta
bula, Ohio, which was destroyed by
.Ire on the 20th inst.
Tho lone highwayman got in his
.work on Wells-Fargo's treasure box
on the 18th iust., betr.cea Penobscot
and Greenwood, Cal. "'
iTwo boilers of tho Kent Woolen
mills at Conterville, R. I., exploded
on the 19lh inst.,' killing four men
and fatally injuring another.
Ex-Congressman C' G. Coan of
Indiana,, has sold the Washington
Morning and Evening Times to Mr.
Stillsoa Hutchius of that city.
J. W. SchoflelJ pf 'Albuquerque,
i vu i.ie xiia insi. a train oa me
ll . i? !. A
Southern railway was held up near
Bryant's Station, Ga. Tho robbers
escaped, with a largo amount pf
A Buenos Ayre3 cablegram of he
22nd iast-i say 3 tho wheat crop pf
tho rroviuco of Santa, Argentine
Republic, is reported to bo ia bad
A Munich .cablegram of tho 17th
say is onojjjjgt s.-js that fifteen women and
rrirl3 were Lilied and many persons
injured by an explosion in a rftatch
factory at Aschaffeaburg.
Tho fortification board has xecc
monded tho iaimediato completion
of the dofensivo work at Port Wáds
wort h,'-ono of tho forts guarding tho
cntrancq to Sandy Hook, N. J.
Signor Charida, a member pf the
Italian -chamber of deputies, has
been chosen a delegate to the Inter
national' Postal congress, which
leeta at Wellington next year.
The three-year-old daughter of
John Cross of Lamont, Okla., play
ed with th9 fire on the 17th inst.,
when her alcthiec- took fire and she
was burned to death before assist
could bo rendered.
A Hamburg 1 cablegram says -the
German mail steamer, Eduard KehL.
reported to have been lost on the
way fo tho West African colonies,
arrived safely at Las Palmas, Cauary
Islands, Monday.
A, Parte cablegram say3 it is stated
the government will present a bill to
tho chamber for the issue of a 2J
per cent loau, probably with a view
of lightening the floating debt and
to improve the cavy.
A Bombay report of the 17th iast.
says: O'oiciah statistics of the bu
bonic plague i a this city show there
has beea 1,501 cases, 1V0J1 daaths
from t be disenso and 2DD,9J3 persons
Jed -from-tho city, aal thi llight
joatiaue3 daily.
A New York dispatch sav3 receiv
ers havo been appointed for tho
Bavariaa Star Erewing company.
Tho company's real property is ia
cambered by mortgages aggregating
51,671,093, and there arj 3143,033 of
cíuer libiliti.e.
A Ivnehiag pseurrod at E-jsse'mlle,
Ky., oa tho ISth iast. Dink and
Arch Proctor wero h-.iag and Will
rroctor shot bv a mVo. Thj abovo
was the losing seaaa of a stabbing
alTray that cc3arr4 that jjlaj a
Tow weeks since.
An Independence, Kip., dispatch
says tho wife of ex-JuJg3 Turner of
that placo is doad at Sh pard, Ohio.
Judge Turner was chiof jastisa of
Arizona for four years, aad Mr.
Turner wa3a Sunday -school mission
ary worker of note. -
Allen Ady of Columbus, Ohio,
who failed for half a million real
estate, ha3 been sentenced to the
penitentiary for eighteen months
for borrowing money in a way which
soemod to ba secured by first inort
gago when it was not.
A Claremore, I. T., dispatch of the
19th inst., says that while drunk. and
creating a disturbance in a saloon
Ed Reed, who killed the Crittendon
brothers a year ago, was shot and
killed by a deputy sheriff. Ho was
tho son of the notorious Belle Star.
It is believed the copper produc
tion of the United States for 1896
will amount to 250.000 gross tons.
Tho exports will bo about 120,000
tons, leaving 85,030 tons for home
consumption. The home consump
tion last year amounted to 120,009
A dispatch from San Francisco on
tho 17th just., says tho steamer Mari
posa brought 2,003,500. This mon
ey is the Jas.t of several shipments
which have been made during the
past year to equalize tho balance of
trado between this country and
English merchants in Australia.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clarke, of
Helena, Mout., who were convicted
of .manslaughter in connection with
the murder of their so-iu-law, John
P. Stewart, and sentenced to seven
teen years in tho penitentiary, have
bean pardoned; Stewart's wife con
fessed to having committed tho mur
der. August Biermaa a farmer at Law
rence, Kan., was shot iu the back by
his wife and instantly killed oa the
ISth inst.- Tho rroman then tried to
commit suicido, inflicting a serious
wound oa her left breast. Mrs. Bier-
man said sho did not lovo her hus
band and had no regro'.3 for what
she had done.
A Middlotewn, N Y., dispatch of
tbo 17th inst., say3 Percy Middle
brook, Frauk. Roo and Patrick Pow
ers, sons of prominent citizens ol
Florida, took a sleigh-rido Tuesday
night, returning at midnight. Roe
and Powers attempted to assist Mid
dlebrook from the sleigh, bat found
ho was frozen stiff.
A Washington dispatclx of the
2lst inst. says tho suppromo court
has affirmed the verdict of the court
of New Mexico in the case of Fran-(
cisco Borrego, Antonio Borrego,
Laurincio Alarid and Patricio Valen
cia, under sentence pf death for the
murder of Francisco Chaves in San
ta Fe county in 1802.
- A Mr. Eddy has recently ajrived
in Oregon from Cook'sjnlet, Alaska,
where ho spent last winter in com
pany with thirty ..pthers. He states
that about 200 men will -jvinter in
tho Inlet, and he believes the dis
trict will, develop into a good cne.
There are six hydraulic plants now
in operation and all are paying.
Two: women named Moon nd
Shell quarreled at ChUlicothe, Ohio,
on the ISth. inst., and Mrs. Shell
throw a bucket of strong lye water
into the face pf Mrs. Mppn aad hor
infant daughter. Both have their
eyes burned out and their heads and
faces are also horribly burned. Tho
baby died ia a short time, and tho
mother is in terriblo agcjny, her
death being looked for any moment.
A South Yineland, N. J., dispatch
says Antonio Jeronio, aged 65 years,
was brutaly murdered by his son
near there.' About two weeks ago
tho twp,young''r toas were arrested
and sent to jail for disturbing the
peaco by coatiuualiy playing around
the Catholic ehurehüa. ' They served
their timo and whea liberated re
turnad home, and thi3 morning celo
brated their release by siariering
their father. "
Tho flagship Now York, which
has bees undargoing repairs in .tho.'
B.-ooklya navy yard, will leave for
Hnmptoa Roads ou Saturday. A
supply of amaaitioa from Fort
Wad-v.vorth ; is to bo storedtin tho
mag izides of i ha vessel as'sooa'as
sho is take a out of her dock. " Thi3
fact has led. somo of JLior olScjrs to
believe that the 2 iw York will not
remain at Hampton Roads long, but
will iu all probability join tho Ral
eigh aad Newark oil Kay West.
A Washiagtoa dispatch of tka
19th inst., says T. M. Patterson of
Denver, appeared before Justico -Brewer
of tno supraaia court to ask
him to issue a writ of error to tho
supreme court of Colorado in behaljf
of Sheriff Newman "of Leadvilie, to
act as a supersedeas of judgment '
against "him as sheriff. It was ar
gued by Patterson that the statute
requiring tho seizure and destruc
tion of gambling implements'was in
violation pf the constitutional prohi
bition against the taking of prop
erty without dua process of law. r
In 1892 Mr. A. L. Goldwater.'whp
owns three retail drug stores in New
York City, ' having learned of the
great value of Chamberlain's Coagh
Remedy for colds, croup and whoop
ing cough, ordered a supply for his
customers. It met with so much
favor that he soon found it necessary
to order inore, and during the winter
sold over two gross of the remedy.
He says it gives the best satisfaction
of any cough cure he has over han
dled. For sala at 53 cants per byt-
tlo by F. J. Wattron.
C. J. HARDI3, A. B., H. D.
Late Resident
Citv and County Hro:taU. Calcazo. and
Mexican Central tiixsay Hospital. -
suck's noxi
G. 0. AjD3350!,
F. VI. KELS03,
DisUct attorney Xar.-yo County
Will practice in all courts of Arizona.
A'XTO TZ 13 Y-Vr J'j A"W,
- 1
Wi!l prnotise in ths Cotirti of Navajo, '
Apaolií. CosoniSw il laiiavo Counties.
(Distrl(t Attorney. Ta vapal County.)
Office in Pourt House, Prpucott, Arizona.
J. P. WELCH, M. D.,
-OLBSOOK, - ' " A.BJtSJiej, - .