Newspaper Page Text
Q- r, fe? II. HOLBROOK, ARIZONA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1896. Number 4. s f If -J r THE BAILKOAD8. Atlantic & Pacific Railroad, i (westxkíi Dinaios.) C. W." SMITH. Receiver. .Condfnied Time Card No. Effect Sot. 29, 1886. WEnTWABO. STATIONS. No. 1 So. I So. 8 6 OOp Chicago Kansas City. Usa sr ...... La Junta..... . A i buq'rque.. Wlngate Gallup Holbrook Win. low Flagstaff...'... William. A ah Fork .Lv 10 25p 1 p .. 9 4ip... Hal... 1 41a;... 7 Ha;... I O&al... ft S0p 11 i'ióp 11 10a ... 12 p... f lio.... 11 SOpI !0p sop. 7 aupl 12 1 Ar Ask Fork. P he nix... 7 15a 10 srp 8 (Up 7 10 e ...Ar ...Ar Ash Fork Peach Springs. Kingraesw Need lea Blake- Bagdad ' I-s-ett Barstow Immir Mojara- Loa Angelas.... aa Iiearo e sop 7 40p I Oba 1 40a 4 Ctta ft 45a 11 Orp 4 lOaJ 1 Ua 7 . 1 a 10 06a 9 15a 4 40a 12 4Sp 7 4oa, t Sup U S 10a tap S ...Ari 7 Sip .Arl 1 20p 6 OOp .AH 2Sp 10 4up fu Fraudara. Ar 10 15a UTWiU. STATION'S. No. I So. 6 So. 4 . Clltearo Kansas City... ser ha Junta Albuquerqae. W lógate Gallup p Holbrook .Ar 10 OOn 43a 5 40o ...Arl 7 OSal.... ..Arl oupj.... 11 15a 10 Sop AT 12 UOpi. ..-Ar ....Lv 45pi op 4 lOu1 ova 4 10a 4Sa " opj 11 Ja 12 20a 11 OOp Flagstaff . Williams.. Aak Fork. Sua.. 8 p 7 Hp ft hip 8 05a 24a 7 10a ..Lv t &ial Ask Fork. Ar 00a! SOp 2 40p 7 SOa .1. .Lv 2 Sua 7 aopi Pheaix. Ask Fork v..iri Bal I SOp Peach Springs... Lv 4 06a 1 70a! S Oup Kingman ! 2 00a 10 20p-I2 45a eedle ,,.. " ' H ' P M plitke 0Up85a f I 5p Ka !4uJ S20a II 04a ... ,J4ia... 1 . , tr.-..vwul lsel. ...... I 8 00a mo I'teg-o Lv 7 45al 2 85p aea rrancisco. L.rt 4 aup' I ... I Trains Nos. 8 and 4 ara limited trains, run ' nina; semi-weekly. No. 8 leaves Ciiirníf o Wednesdays and Saturdays, pasase ' Albu querque Fridays and Mondays, arriving at 'Loa Angeles, Saturdays and Tuesdays. Train No. 4 will leave Los Angeles, Mondnys and Thursdays, DtOPAnm Albuoueroue. Wednes days and Saturdays, arriving at Chicago, "Fridays and Mondays. - Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars dally through between Los Angeles and Chicago and W iiliams and San Francisco, i Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars daily ! through between Chicago andSaa Francisco . and Chicago and Los Angeles. Tourist ears leave San Francisco every 1 Wednesday and Los Anadies every Thursday, Tunning throjigh to haasaa City, Chicago 'and Boston. . The Grand CaBon of the Colorado can be ..-reached only via this line. ! Ask for a beautifully illustrated book i which will be mailed free. Don A, Swbbt, Geal Passenger Agent, Albuquerque, N. M, S. F,, P. & P. Railwau. : A. T. & S. K. R. R. I IS THE SHORTEST AND OC1CKEST ROCTK Ta Denver. Kansas City. St. Louis, and Chi. cago and ail points BASI. 8. 3-.j?. Ac I. TIME TABLE Id effect Kot 29. Monotalo time U . etaodard used I NORTH BOÜSP. I No. 3 I No. 4 CTATIOSS. I Pass I Pi , AM J Bock m, Del r a u i." i. SOPI 4 41p 8 4Sp 8 2P ft 45a 4 4&a Butt Bio 8 45a 8 SUa 2 8Sa 2 20a " s II,. . ..... U Jsrorne i unction 10 4uo Soal Prescott ' ' Prescot Summit Skull Valley kirkland Date Creek - Congress yVickenburg Peoria Glendaie Alhambra Phrcnix t 4Up 2 25p 10 Wv 0 45o II 4.p -l Z2a i sup; 1 U US 1 BP 1 Wo'i iip l i Hop ,J OVaf itup 14 OVal tVP ' lOal 12 Ho 13 43p i ia rt zsp 11 12a II 13p 10 17a. 10 ZWp 9 4op 8 12p 7 Svu 8 11a 8 SWa 8 4na 7 ip 7 Sup 1 Uti VI 7 SUa Din station. THB "ENIC BOÜTB OF ARIZONA. The best rwte to California. The only north t ami lutnunein A niona to t lie f Grand CVm of the Colorado, Petrified 'orest.Clilweiunzs. Great Pine Forests. Kiver Alley and numerous other Points is intersst. Tbrouf U kets to all polnU in the United fctntn. Ca'ts and Melt'eo. baw-1 axs eonnert at Jerome Junction -itn w" rK. 1.4 r Ky. lor Jerome, f Connect. ir Prescott with stage lines for til ptiiciii "n ng camps Got' at Courress with 1 Rave lines f-rvraa Hala Station and Ysr tw ... lor Congress and ell. At rim with the Maricopa A Pbo UxRX; ("MHon tLe 3. P. Ky. Also with T. R. icuy. t I Close eoirAi made at Ash Fork with anta re nu'iest trains to all points east lud nt iri for California leave Ash -rsrork at í-ao.:üp. m, arriving in Los r Angeles sjt iflooo at 1 -20 and San Frrn ciscoseotN monng at 10:45. Train for the 1 at lea' rn -k at 0:2ft. i F. M. -te4ft. GEO. M. SARGEST. Prest A Gen'l Mir Gen'l Pass'r AenU - Prescott, Aris.. Prescott, Arts. sl s. si. fLiA Affaoi General Manager. ' 'CMA , CHiLTEDI' LODGB NO. 6, F. A A. n., nom a. Arizona, neguiar stated cr unications at 7 :S0 p m. on FcJa Saturday of each month. Jn, tirlirAn invifUMl- By order of '. C. KINDER, W. M. J. H. BOWMAN, SeHuy.. . Vtt hAKPESTER SHOlklorth side of B. B. '- J track, east of the of Wm. Armbrust l er. All kinds of center work at short kot i re. Repairing a sialty. Give me a aall if you nave work ing itnmed'ate at eation. ltf G. TfcsTEKMAS. N A Mr. S. B. West of Snot is our author jsed agent for that sect! , f the county, and w . uiugnwi to rmm reoeip IBf iuu- f t LeriptsoTsi to the Asotrs. . PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS NAVAJO COUXTY, S5p lUp 2p Decembeb 28, 1896. The Board of Supervisors met 00 ton oup this day pursuant to adjournment Nov. 16, 1896. Present John H. Bowman, chair man; J. M. Uiis ana J. II. iíreoü, members; and F. W. Nelson, clerk. 10a The minutes of Nov. 16, 1896, lOp were then read and approved. The Board then considered the following claims, audited, allowed and ordered the same paid from the Expense Fund as follows: No. 139, F. W. Nelson, Re corder's salary, fourth quar ter 1896......... 1250 00 No. 140, E. A. Sawyer, Treas urer's salary fourth quar ter 1896... 250 00 No. 141, W. M. Perrill, Dis trict Attorney's salary fourth quarter 1896. .. .. . . 250 00 No. 142, F. M. Zuck, Probate Judge's salary fourth quar ter 1896 100 00 No. 143, C. P. Owens, Sheriff and Assessor salary fourth quarter 1896 237 50 No. 144, Kobt. Huftord, Jailor and Janitor's salary fourth quarter 1896 225 00 No. 145, O. D. Flake, Clerk of District Court, salary fourth quarter 1896 43 No. 146, F. 31. Zuck, fees, Probate Judge 4 00 No. 147, C. P. Owens, Sheriff's fees 739 05 No. 148; F. J. Wattron, Jus- . rtice of the Peace fees 10 00 No. 149, F. W. Nelson, ser vices rendered and ex penses. 19 75 No, 150, Joseph Fish, services rendered 15 00 No. 151, J. P. "Welch, services rendered 5 No. 152, Apache County, ex penses, Barth case. ....... 41 No. 153, Apache County court costs, Barth case....... ... 13 No. 154, L. M. Seaton, wit 00 13 75 ness expenses 126 20 No. 155, James Scott, rent, fourth quarter 1896 105 00 No. 156, John Connor, rent, court room 35 00 No. 157, J. E. DeRosear, pub lishing; claim, $191.50, al lowed 176 50 No. 158, C. O. Anderson, coun ty printing..... 11 5 No. 159, A. C. M. I., supplies No. 160, Julius Wetzler, sup plies 3 25 No. 161, Breed-Band Mer- cantile Co., merchandise. . Breed-Rand Mer Co., merchandise.. A. & B. Schuster, 1 10 No. 162, cantile 3 15 No. 163, merchandise 80 No. 164, Hamilton & Egger, coal furnished .. .' 49 95 No. 165, F. J. Wattron, sup- plies 2 15 No. 166, B. Lorensen, servic es, etc to pauper 18 00 No. 167, Seledon Montany, ac count pauper; claim, 4.00, allowed 3 00 The following demand against the Road Fund was then considered, allowed, and ordered paid from the General Road Fund:. No. 13, Apache County, ac count claims prior to coun ty division. $5 79 It is hereby ordered that the sum of two thousand and nine and 95-100 dollars be transferred from the Gen eral Road Fund to Road District No. 3. Upon motion the Board adjourned until 10 a. m. tomorrow. John II. Bowman, Chairman. Attest: F.W. Nelson, Clerk. December 29, 1896, The Board of Supervisors met this day pursuant to adjournment of yesterday. Present John H. Bowman, chair man, J. H. Willis and J. H. Breed, members; and F. W. Nelson, clerk, lne minutes ol yesterday were read and approved as read. The board then considered, aud ited, allowed and ordered paid the following demands upon the Road Fund, namely: No. 14, H. M. Tanner, District No. 2, account road overseer services '. . .15 00 No. -15, John Hatch, District No. 6, account road overseer of services 15 00 The following demands against the county were then considered audited, allowed and ordered paid from the Expense Fund, namely: No. 168, E. A.Sawyer, jurors certificates $1464 No. 169, O. D. Flake, fees as Clerk of the District court ; claim, $122.60, allowed.. . 120 10 No. 17C, W. A. Parr, Justice of the Peace fees and pau per 17 50 No. 171, C. P. Owens, ex pense prisoners, etc 223 86 No. 172, F. J. Wattron, sup plies No. 173, John Connor, over paid taxes No. 174, Hamilton & Egger, account pauper No. 175, David Rope, storage election booth, Holbrook. No. 176, Jesse N. Smith, storage election booth, Snowflake... No. 177, J. H. Young, stor age election booth, Pine top No. 178, J. H. Pierce, .regis- trationfees No. 179, Allen Frost, regis tration fees 8 00 5 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 2 20 8 40 No. 180, F. J. Wattron, reg istration fees No. 181, R. Wiggin, registra tion fees No. 182, W. A. Parr, regis tration fees No. 183, J. H. Frisby, regis tration fees y; 26 00 12 CO 50 20 7 00 No. 184, Geo. A. Brown, reg istration fees 7 00 No. 185, Z. N. Decker, regis tration fees 10 20 No. 186, J no. Norton, regis tration fees 6 CO No. 187, J. P. Richards, reg istration fees 3 80 No. 188, Q. R. Gardner, reg istration fees 3 00 No. 189, G. W. Bryan, regis tration fees 7 60 No. 190, J. E. Shelley, regis tration fees 2 60 No. 191, W.- Whipple, regis tration fees 4 GO No. 192, E. A. Wilson, ex pense and clerk of elec tion 4 76 No. 193, E. A. Macklin, in spector of election 3 00 No. 194, J..E. Shelley, in spector of election. 3 00 No. 195, David Rope, inspect or of election '. , 3 00 No. 196, H. Hansen, Jr., in spector of election 3 00 No. 197, Geo. W. Bryan, in spector of election No. 198, A. C. Merrill, in spector of election. ...... No. 199, J. N. Smith, inspec tor of election....; No. 200, Jno. Bushman, in spector of election No. 201, M. Hunt, inspector of election No. 202, U. Z. Rand, inspec tor of election No. 203, L. M. Savage, in spector of election No. 204, W. J. Nurair, judge ' of election No. 205, J. S. Tenner, judge of election No. 206, D. Y. Penrod, judge of election No. 207, J. D. Houck, judge of election No. 208, Pat Garvey, judge of election No. 209, W. H. Clark, judge of election ." No. 210, Del Penrod, judge of election 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 No. 211, W. A. Stephens, judge of election 3 GO! No. 212, E. Thomas, judge of election $ 300 No. 213, Milo Peterson, judge of election 3 00 No. 214, J. D. Shone, judge of election 3 00 No. 215, W. E. Oliver, judge of election 300 No. 216, John Hunt, judge of election 3 00 No. 217, W. W. Willis, judge of election 3 No. 21S, E. Li. Garvin, judge of election .3 00 No. 219, J. C. Hanson, judge of election 300 No. 220, Z. B. Decker, judge of election 3 00 No. 221, F. M. Perkins, judge of election 3 00 No. 222, F. W. Fraser, judge of election 3 00 No. 223, G. A. Wolff, judge of election 300 No. 224, J. Y. Lee, judge of election 3 00 No. 225. Charles Lilly white, judge of election 3 00 No. 226, J. I. Smith, judge of election 3 00 No. 327, Jno. Hojle, judge of election 300 No. 22S, Alva Porter, judge of election 3 00 No. 229, John Hamilton, judge of election 3 00 No. 230, C. S. Ford, judge of election 300 No. 231, N. Packer, judge of election 3 00 No. 232, F. Moe, judge of election 3 00 No. 233, E. M. Webb, judge of election . 300 No. 234, Wm. Goodman, judge of election 3 00 No. 235, G. M. Adams, judge of election 3 00 No. 236, J. M, Flake, judge of election 3 00 No. 237, S. D. Rogers, judge of election '.. 3 00 No. 238, S. M. Porter, judge of election 3 00 No. 239, J. P. Richards judge of election ' 3 00 No. 240, N. A. Brimhall, judge of election 3 00 No. 241, L. P. Cordon, judge of election 3 00 No. 242, J. A. Crouch, judge of election ' 300 No. 243, P. H. McGuire, judge of election 3 00 No. 244, J. Lilly white, judge of .election 300 No. 245, Q. R. Gardner, judge of election , . 300 No. 246, Chas. Savage, elec tion maMlial 300 No. 247, J. L. Clark, election A marshal 3 00 No. 248, dVW. Hall, election marshal 3 00 No. 219, J. W. Straton, elec tion marshal 3 00 No. 250, F. Wicklans, elec tion marshal 3 00 No. 251, G. A. Gardner, elec tion marshal 3 00 No. 252, S. U. Porter, elec tion marshal . 3 00 No. 253, J. J. Shumway, elec7 tion marshal 3 00 No. 254, E. H. Bargman, election marshal..' .'. .". 3 00 No. 255, G. B. Gardner, elec tion marshal 3 00 The claim of Thos. V. Keams for I taxes paid for 1S&5. claimed to have been illegally assessed, was recon sidered and again disallowed.' The report of W. A. Parr, Justice of the peace was examined, found correct and approved for fourth quarter of 1896. The report of F. J. Wattron, Jus tice of the Peace, for the fourth quarter of 1890, was examined and approved. It is hereby ordered that the tax levipd upon the property assessed to Bela Gardner for 1896 be canceled, and the Tax-collector hereby di rected to make same canciled upon the duplicate assessment roll. The report of the Sheriff .for license tax collected for fourth quar ter of 1S96, was examiii! found correct and approved. k - The Assessor returned Treasurer's receipts for fifty-six (56) polls for 1896, amounting to one hundred and tw-jnty-six dollars. The Treasurer is hereby ordered and directed to transfer the sum of six thousand ($6,000) dollars from the General Fund to the Expense Fund. The report of H. M. Tanner Road Overseer for Road District No. 2, examined and approved. In the matter of the assessment of J. D. Sinithson on horses that were poisoned, it is hereby ordered that the tax to the amount of $4.7 be canceled, and the Tax-collector is hereby directed to credit said amount of $4.78 upon his taxes for 00 J 1896. Upon motion the Board then ad journed until 9:30 a. m. tomorrow, John H. Bowman Chairman. Attest: F.W.Nelson, Clerk. December 30, 1896. 9:30 a. m. The Board of Supervisors met this day at 9:30 a. m. pursuant to ad journment of yesterday. Present John H. Bowman, chairr man; J. H. Willis and J. H Breed, members; and F. W. Nelson, clerk. minutes oi yesterday were read and approved as read. The chairman reported that he had approved the following official bonds during the months of Octo ber, November and December, 1896, namely: Bond of W. H. Burbage as Notary Public. Bond of Jno. Hatch as Road Overseer. Bond of J. H. Frisby as Record er. Bond of J. H. Frisby as Clerk of the Board. Bond of W. H. Burbage as Dis trict Attorney. J Bond of F. J. Wattron as Sheriff. v Bond of F. J. Wattron as Assess or. Bond of B. F. Jackson as Probate Judge. Bond of B. F. Jackson as School Superintendent. Bond of B. F. Jackson as Probate Clerk. Bond of James Peterson as Jus tice of the Peace. Bond of W. H. Clark as Justice of the Peace. Bond of Jos. W. Smith as Justice of the Peace. Bond of James H. Frost as Con stable. Bond of James Scott as Treasurer and Tax-collector. Bond of E. E. Van Fossen, Jus tice of the Peace. Bond of J. J. Shumway as Con stable. Bond of A. F. McAllister as Jus tice of the Peace. Bond of E. T. Hatch as Justice of the Peace. The report of the County R& corder from October 1st to Decern ter 28th, 1896, was examined, found correct and approved and said ap proval noted upon the Recorder's fee book, and all instruments filed in said Recorder's office subsequent to said settlement are to be account ed for lay J. H. Frisby. The assessor returned Treasurer's receipt for eleven (11) and fraction polls for 1898, amounting to twenty six and 55-100 dollars. - ". ' ' The Assessor returned vouchers to the said Board for nine polls of 1895, six hundred and twelve and fraction polls of 1S96, and returned one hun dred and eighteen unused poll tax receipts for 1S96, which settles in full for the year of, and for all poll tax receipts had by said Assessor. The Sheriff returned Treasurer's receipt for twenty-eight and 50-100 dollars on account of gambling license tax and license tax receipt stubs, Nos. X to 149 inclusive and receipt No. 150, unused, and having accounted for same' in reports here tofore made, which have been duly approved, his accounts for license tax collections for the year are ap proved. The demand of John H. Bowman for services as supervisor for the fourth quarter of 1896, having been duly approved by the Probate Judge, Expense Fund warrant was ordered drawn as follows: No. 256, John H. Bowman, services as Supervisor $30 00 John H. Bowman, chairman, being absent, upon motion of J. H. Willis,. J. H. Breed ' was elected chairman pro tern of .the Board. Upon motion the Board then ad journed until 10 a. m. tomorrow. J. H. Breed Chairman pro tern. Attest: F. W. Nelson, Clerk. December 31, 1896. 10. a. m. The Board of Supervisors met this day pursuant to adjournment of yesterday. Present Jno. H. Willis and J. H. Breed, members; and F. W. Nelson, clerk. , Absent John H. Bowman chair man. Upon motion of J. H. Willis, J. H. Breed was elected chairman pro .tern of the Board. The minutes of yesterday were then read and approved as read The following demands against the county were considered, audited, allowed and ordered paid from the the Expense Fund, namely: No. 257, H. H. McNeil Cor, printing and stationery... .$190 34 No. 258, R. Wiggin, registra tion fees 5 00 The demands of J. H. Willis and J. H. Breed, for services as Super visors for the fourth quarter of J896, having been duly approved by the Probate Judge, were ordered paid from the Expense Fund, to-wit: No. 259, J. H. Breed, services - as Supervisor .$56-40 No. 260, J. H. Willis, services as supervisor.............. 71 00 The following demand was audit ed, allowed and ordered paid from the Expense Fund, namely: No. 261, West Publishing Com pany, Pacific Reporter $8 00 The assessment of 2,000 sheep made against J. H. Breed by the Tax-collector, and on bar fixtures $100and on pool table, $50; the assess ment of the pool table was canceled and the bar fixtures reduced to $40. Upon the statement of Mr. Breed that the sheep assessed to him had not been in Navajo county either in 1896 or 1895, but that they had at -. all times been run and herded in Coconino county, the assessment of 2,000 head of sheep was ordered can celed. - t The report of the District Attor? ney for the fourth quarter of 1896, was examined and approved. The report of the County School Superintendent was examined, found correct and approved for the fourth quarter of 1896. The Tax-collector's reports fo the months of October, November and December, 1896, were examined, found correct and approved. The statement of the County Treasurer for the quarter ending December 31st, 1896, was then exr amined, found correct and approvr ed. . The Clerk of the Board is hereby ordered and directed to issue a rer ceipt to the County Treasurer for 158 Expense Fund vouchers and COXTINCED ON THIRD PAGE. PROFESIONAL CARDS- ' C. 0. ANDERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HOLBROOK, ABIZOSA. F. W. NELSON, ATTORXEY-AT-LAW, WISSLOW, - ARIZONA. A E. H. SANF0RD, ATTO RN EYrAT-LAW, FBISCOTT, T. W. JOHNSTOa, ATTORNEY.AT.LAi PBE8COTT, - ABUMMJ, 11 nractice in the Courts Apache, Coconino and Mohave unties tv R. Konrj-a, .District Atto' aeyv. -i 1 Office in Court ixou, H tt Arisona. J- P. Y&UZl, M. D., PHYBirAX 60RQEON, BOLBBOOK. BJlpy, I: