Newspaper Page Text
i 1 1 I ! i HOLBROOK, ARIZONA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1897. Number 6. Volume II. V I. I;. ..r Í! I, ' ; ,1 ,. r 'TJfJKi BAILKOAUS. Atlantic & Pacific Railroad, (WKSTBBS DIVISION.) C W. SMITH. Receiver. Condensed Tii,e Card No. -14, Effect Nov. 28. 1898. WKSTWAD. STATIONS I Xo-lNo. 5 So. t Chicago Kansas City.... Denver.... La Junta. Albuq'rque "Wingate Gallup Holbrook Winslow. ....... Flagstaff. Williams... As't Vork. 10 25p OOp 8 40a 5 BUp t Zip V 4Sp saa 1 tta 7 10u 8 Ba 11 12 8ip 8 lOp 8 00p 8 lOp 11 10a 12 SSp 1 Up 11 top 12 4ua 8 SOp 6 20p .Ar a aop 7 ap 1 40a Ash Fork. Prnralt.. Pbenix.... T 15a 7 00a .Ar .Arl 10 Sop 10 30a a wp 6 OUp Ah Fork Peach Springs. . Kingman. Tieecllea Blake- sm- Bagdad IT... Xaggett Harttow Kramer. '. Mojave. Loa Angeles San Isiego iiaa Francisco... .Lv 8 50p 7 40p 2 05a 4 10a 8 OUa 10 06a 1 40a 4 uia 5 45a 7 sua 8 15a 111 OUp p 1 U-a 2 SOa 4 40a 11 10a 7 40a J SOp i Oip 2 lOp 6 lip 7 ip 6 OOp 10 40p .Ar 8 10a -Arj .Ar 1 20d .Arl 8 25p .Ar 10 lSa XASIWABD. STATION'S. So. 2 No. 6 No. 4 Chicago Konua City-.... Xenver....' La Junta Albuquerque... Wingate Gallup Holbrook. ' Winslow Flagstaff Williams. Ash Fork ArlO OOp J 8 4te .Ar! 7 05a! 8 40p .Ar! 8 OUpL .. Ill 15a .Ar up .Arj 8 45p .Lvl 4 40pi .... 4 lOpj 1 1 2 SOp . 11 sua I 8 Sual 8 USa .Lv 8 25a 110 aop v una 4 10a 45a 12 2ua 11 05p 7 10a1 5 85o b s.ip 7 15p 5 SOp Ash Fork... Prescott - Phenix .Arl 8 ODa' .Lv 2 80a! .Lvl 7 SOp: 8 SOp 2 4 Op 7 Sua Ash Fork Peach Spring. Kingman Blake.....' .... Bagdad- Daggett. Barstow Kramer Mojave Los Angeles "ss Diego . 8an Francisco... ....Arl 8 25ai.. .. 8 SOp ....Lv 4 Oial 1 20a I 8 OUp 20p 12 45a 4up 10 OOa 2 OUa 10 11 SUp i 7 1U uup 8 OUu! 8 35a 8 Xrp S 4üo 3 45p 8 25a 1 OUD i 2l)p 12 Ill 8 4up s sua 05a; 45a .Lv .Lv 10 15a'... .Lvl 7 4Sa... Lvl 4 50p'.., 8 OOa 2 Sip Trains Nos. 8 and 4 are limited trains, run. ning semi-weekly. No. 8 leaves Chicago Wednesdays and Saturdays, passes Albu querque Fridays and Mondays, arriving at Los Angeles. Saturdays and Tuesdays. Train No. 4 will leave Los Angeles, Mondays and Thursdays, passing Albuquerque, Wednes days and Saturdays, arriving at Chicago, Fridays and Mondays. - , ' ' Pullman - Palace - Sleeping - Cars daily . brongb between Los Angeles and Chicago and Williams and San Francisco. ' Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars daily throneh between Chicago and San Francisco and Chicago and Los Angeles. Tourist cars leave San Francisco every Wednesday and Los Angeles every Thursday, running through to Kansas City. Chicago jind Boston. " The Grand Canon of the Colorado can be reached only via this line. Ask for a beautifully illustrated book which wiU be mailed free. Don A. Stir, Gent Passenger Agent, Albuquerque, N. M. S. F., P. & P. Railwau. WITH THX a. T. & s, f re., re. 13 THE SHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROPXE To Denver. Kansas City. St. Louis, and ChU cago and all points zAST. S. V. r. k J?. TISIK TABLE In effect Nov 29, 1898. Mountain time is standard used fiOÜTH BOCXD. I I NORTH BOUND. No. 8 Pass i No. II Pas I No. 2 I I Pass No. 4 Pass STATIONS. 7 SOp 8 tup 9 25p 8 41p 10 40p 10 Sop 11 40p 12 4Sa 1 Oia 2 24a Wa1 4 Ova 8 10a 8 24a 7 OOa 7 S5a 8 SOa 9 06a Ash Fork Rock Butte Del Rio Jerome Junction Prescott . Prescott Summit Skull Toller Kirkland Date Creek Congress Wirkeuhurg Peoria Glendale Albambra Phonix 8 SUp S 45a 4 41il 4 45a 8 4.'.pt 8 45a 8 2hpi 8 SOa 2 40i 2 85a 10 90a 10 45a 2 P 2 20a 11 2üa 12 láp 12 S5p 1 So pi 1 4Sa 12 S5a 12 3p Vi Iba 12 ÍESp 11 Via 11 ISp 10 la 10 ftp 2 10 2 SUp 8 4ip S lftp 8 2hp 8 p 8 OO11 8 8nal 8 4ttp 8 1P 7 SVp 7 45p 7 aop 8 lla 8 SUa 8 46a 7 SOa , 8 SVal 7 00a Dining station. THE SCENIC ROUTE OF ARIZONA. The best route to California. The only north and south line in Arizona to the ' Grand Cation of the Colorado, Petrified Forert. Cliff Dwellings. Great Pine Forests. Snlt River Valley ami numerous other Points of interest. Through tickets to all points in the United States. Canada and Mex'co. ' Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Jerome Junction with trains of U. V. 4 P. Ry. for Jerome. ' Connecting at Prescott with stage lines for all principal mining camps; at Congress with IJongreas Gold Cu. R. R. for Congreu and stage lines for Harqua Hala Station and Tar nelL At Phoraix with the Maricopa A Phoe nix Ry. for points on the S. P. Ry. Also with 8. R. V. R-Ry. , . . . ' Close connections made at Ash Fork with Santa Fe Route fast trains to all points east mnA wmC- Train for California leave Ash ' Fork at 6:50 and 8:45 p. m., arriving in Los Angeles next afternoon at 1:20 and San Frrn eiaco second morning at 10:15. Train for the Bast leaves Ant t ori at oris. 0 xi. MIÍRPH Y. GEO. M. SARGENT. Prest A Gen'l Mg'r, Gen'l Pass'r Aent. Prescott, Aria. Prescott. Aria. R. E. WELLS. Assistant General Manager. Prescott. Arizona. A' CHALCEDONY LODGE NO. 8 P. A A. Holbrook. Arizona. Regular -yr stated communications at : p m nm Vtitnrth Kj&turvlav of each ' month. Vuitiug brethren invited. lsy oraer of ",Qru" R. a KINDER, W. M. J. H. BOWMAN. Secretary. 9tf nmPVVTIR KROP North side of R. R. I track, east of the shop of W m. Annbrust or. All kinds of carpenter work at short wotire. ' Repairing a secinlty. Give me a all if you have work needing immediate at tention. Itf C G. TESTtltUAn. , !otee. .M'. H. K. West of Snowrflske. is our author- ' so agent f or t hat sect losoItM sonnty. ana sutaorUed to receive and receipt lor sub- PROCEEDINGS OF THE - BOARDOFSUPERVISORS OF X ATAJO .COUXTY, Jakcaby .6j 1897. 10 a. m. Board met pureuant to adjourn ment of yesterday. All members present. The minutes of the previous jneet ing were read and approved. In the matter of renting postoffice boxes for county officers, it is hereby ordered that the clerk of the board rent five boxes for the use of county officers, and issue orders for samo payable out of the expense fund. . The amount of twelve dollars was received from C. P. Owens for rent of barn, in full of all demands to Jan. 1, 1897. The ' district attorney is hereby requested to make out and present demand to the U, S. government for arreet, care and prosecution ' of Apache Indians by Navajo county, during the year 1896. : - The lerk of the board is hereby instructed to order blank receipts for road overseers and forward same to road overseers with instructions to send in reports quarterly. : The clerk of the board is also in stnicted to order such stationery as may be required : by the various county offioers, also 1 assessment blanks, original and duplicate as sessment rolls. The report of Charles Lilywhite, as road overseer, district So. 4, to gether with demand for services as such road overseer for $18 was ex amined and allowed to amount of $9. ' The clerk of the board is hereby ordered to demand of Charles Lily white receipts in full for all money paid for right-of-way or land for the new line. - The treasurer is hereby ordered to notify the treasurer of Apache coun ty that this county is prepared to pay off bond No. 1 for $1,000.00, also the bond of $83.17, upon surrender of said bonds. . The county barn was rented to C. P. Owens for six months for $1.50 per month, and said amount paid in advance. Board adjourned until 1:30 p.m. 1:30 p. m. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All members present. The board then proceeded to con sider the request of B. F. Jackson, probate judge, to have certain mat ter Diinted in retrard to a county in stitute; said request was not granted. The sheriff is hereby authorized, to accept bids for boarding prisoners, and awarding contract to lowest and best bidder; prisoners to be allowed two meals per day. The clerk of the boarü is hereby authorized to purchase a record for indexing the minutes of the board of supervisors. The annual statement was then approved, filed and ordered spread upon the minutes. j. tí. ivnxis. Attest: Chairman. J. H. Fbisbt, Clerk. Holbrook, Arizona, ) December 31, 1896.J Annual statement of allowances made by theTjoard of supervisors of Navaio county. Ariz., in compliance with par. 451 (sec. 71) of the Revised Statutes of Arizona, for 1U7. EXPENSE FUND WARRANTS. No 10, J H "Willis, services supervisor 4th qr 1895..$ No 20, J H Willis, services - as supervisor 1st qr 1896 No 56, J H Willis, services as supervisor 2nd qr 1896 26 00 22 00 54 00 No 95, J H Willis, services as supervisor 3rd qr 1896 No 260, J'H Willis, services as supervisor 4th qr 1890 No 19, J H Bowman, serv. as supervisor 1st qr 1896 No 55, J H Bowman, serv, as supervisor 2d qr 1896 No 94, J H Bowman, serv. as supervisor 3rd qr 1896 No 256, J H Bowman, serv. as supervisor 4th qr 1896 No 11, J H Breed, services as supervisor 4th qr ,1895 No 21, J H Breed, services as supervisor 1st qr 1896 No 57, J H Breed, services as supervisor 2d qr 1896 No 96, J H Breed, services as supervisor 3rd qr 1896 No 259, J H Breed, services as supervisor 4th qr 1896 No 12, F W Nelson, salary recorder 140 71 10 30 80 30 45 18 46 131 56 250 No 58, F W Nelson, salary recorder 250 No 97, F W Nelson, salary rcorcr No 139, F W Nelson, salary recorder ................ No 13, E A Sawyer, salary treasurer , - No 59, E A Sawyer, salary 250 250 250 treasurer. 250 No 99, E A treasurer. Sawyer, salary 250 No 140, E A Sawyer, salary treasurer .5 No 14, W M Perrill, sala ry district attorney No 60, W M PerrilC sala ry district attorney No 98, W M PerrilC sala ry district attorney. No 141, W M Perrill, sala ry district attorney,.... No 15, F M Zuck, salary probate judge. ......... No 61, F AI Zuck, salary probate judge No 100, F M Zuck, salary ' probate judge...., No 142, F M Zuck, salary probate judge..., No 16, C P Owens, salary sheriff and assessor 250 250 250 250 250 100 100 100 100 237 237 237 237 225 225 225 225 43 43 43 43 13 13 41 25 190 8 3 139 204 94 176 176 11 No 62, C P Owens, salary sheriff and assessor No 101, C P Owens, salary sheriff and assessor No 143, C P Owens, salary sheriff and assessor No 17, Kobt Hufford, sala ry janitor and jailor No 63, Robt Hufford, sala ry íanitor and lailor No 102, Kobt Hufford, sala ry lanitor and jailor No 144, Robt Hufford, sala ry janitor and jailor No 18, O D Flake, salary clerk district court No 18, O D Flake, salary clerk district court. . ..... No 103, 0 D Flake, salary clerk district, court. . ..... No 145, 0 D Flake, salary clerk district court...... No 1, H H McNeil, print ed stationery ., No 32, H H McNeil, print ed stationery No 77, H H McNeil, print ed stationery No 116, H H McNeil printed stationery No 257, H H McNeil, printed stationery...., .. No 44, A F Banta, pub lishing No 45, A F Banta, pub lishing ., No 46, A F Banta, pub lishing No 47, A F Banta, pub lishing No 89, A F Banta, pub lishing , No. 157, J E DeRosear, pub lishing No 113, J E DeRosear, pub lishing No 150, C O Anderson, pub lishing.. . , No 22, F M Zuck, probate judge's fees No 146, F M Zuck, probate judge's fees., No 23, C P Owens, sheriff's No 67, C P Owens', sheriff's No 106,'C P Owens, sheriff's fees No 147, C P Owens, sheriff's No 24, C C Bowles, cou- ' stable fees No 69, C C Bowles, con- J stable fees.. , , , No 70, Burr Williams, con stable fees No 71, L WT Freeman, con- . stable fees No 72, Milo Webb, con stable fees No 92, C C Bowles, con st able fees NoJ 112, A H Porter, con stable fees No 25 W A Parr, justice fees No 4S, J P Richards, justice f fees No 68, F J Wattron, justice fees,., No 88, Allen Frost, justice fees... No 93, W A Parr, justice fees No 109, F J Wattron, jus tice fees... , No 110, Allen Frost, justice - fees; 4 4 191 50 400 739 53 24 57 18 26 19 3 67 5 4 10 21 4 1 5 10 17 ,6 20 No 111, R Wiggin, justice ft?(?S ease No 148, F J Wattron, jus . tice fees. No 170, WA Parr, justice fees and pauper. ........ No 40, Alfred Ruiz, fees clerk district court. ..... No 41, O D Flake, fees, clerk district court. , , , .. No 42, O D Flake, fees, ' clerk district court ...... No 65, O D Flake, fees, clerk district court No 66, Apache County, fees, clerk district court No 107,0 D Flake, clerk district court No 169, O D Flrke, clerk district court No 73, A Schuster, inter preter's fees No 108, A Schuster, inter preter's fees , No 3, Apache County, board and supplies to prisoners No 8, Loy Yuck Kee, wash ing for prisoners. . ...... No 29, C P Owens, expenses and board of prisoners. , No 76, C P Owens, expenses and board of prisoners. , No 127, C P Owens,ex penses 00' 00 00 00 00 00 80 20 40 00 40 00 10 7 89 120 2 2 250 1 255 270 251 223 00 00 00 00 00 1 and board of prisoners. . No 171. C P Owens, expenses 00 : and board or w No 2, James Scott, rent. .$ 105 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 50 50 50 00 00 00 00 75 75 75 75 50 25 15 10 34 85 75 86 00 20 50 40 25 31, 105 " 82, 11.1 jM 105 101 105 50 35 M " 155, " .. " 115, John Connor, " .. " 156, " " " .. " 5, Apache county, liabil ities prior to division. . ... 2 2 No 36, Apache county, lia bilities prior to division. .5 29 No 53, Apache county, lia bilities prior to division, .27 71 No 126, Apache Co, court expense, Barth case 11 11 No 152, Apache Co, court expense, Barth case 41 13 No 153, Apache Co, court expense, Barth case 13 75 No 9, W M Perrill, law books 15 50 No 78, Hall Lit ho Co, rec ord books 75 00 No 117 Hall Litho Co, rec ord books 25 33 No 261, West Publishing Co, Pacific Reports 8 00 No 26, W M Perrill, expen ses, district attorney.,,, - 5 05 No 27, C C Bowles, expenses constable 1 25 No 75, W M Perrill, expen, ( ses, district attorney 21 25 No 105, W M Perrift. i ' penses, district attorney. 6 50 No 138, W M Perrill, expen ses and services, dist att v. 51 70 No 30, F W Nelson, record ing . 1 50 No 35, A Carlisle & Co, as sessment blanks 13 90 No 54, Burbage & Nelson, insurance premium... . , . 66 25 No 83, J H Breed, Winslow branch jail 400 00 No 104, F. W. Nelson, mak ing duplicate assmt. roll 100 00 No 119, F. W. Nelson, ser vices and expenses 19 75 No 150, Jos Fish, services as expert 15 00 No 151, J P Welch, services 5 00 No 154, L M Seaton, wit ness expenses , . 126 20 No 39, R C Dryden, med ical services 15 00 No 74, J P Welch, medical services 15 00 No. 53, A & B Schuster, furniture and supplies.. 25 63 No 34, Office Specialty, Mfg Co, office supplies..... .. 17 40 No 43, E M Dineen, coal, etc 55 50 No 49, FJ Watt ron, sup plies io county 9 85 No 50, A C M I, supplies to countv.. 14 60 No 52, F A" Zuck, lumber. . 3 36 No 79, A & B Schuster, sup- 00 )V pli 1GS . 4 6 6 30 4 10 6 5 3 1 3 49 2 10 10 00 65 20 40 05 05 15 90 10 70 35 00 15 00 25 00 80 70 00 00 00 50 75 70 "81, " " No 84, J H Breed, supplies No 118, F. J. Wattron, sup- J plies No 119, Greer & Woods, ice No 120, John Connor, ser vices and repairs , , No 159, A C M I, supplies. No 160, Julius Wetzler, sup plies No 161, Breed-Rand Mer Co, supplies. . . , , No 162, Breed-Rand Mer Co, supplies ., No 163. A & B Schuster, supplies. , No 164, Hamilton & Egger, fcoal. etc LNo 165 F J Wattron, sup plies i$o 172, F J Wattron, sup- v plies No 7, Wm Armbruster, jail work No 85, AC MI, jail sup- nlies and pauper No 91. C H Fancher, G A, 10 Winslow jail lot 30 No 121. A & is Schuster, supplies to jail Nó 122, F J Wattron, sup plies to jail No 123, AC MI, supplies to jail..,,, No 124, W Armbruster work on jail , , , No 37, Julius Wetzler, dig ging grave for pauper. ,. No 3S. E A Sawyer, account 4 25 8 20 1 00 3 00 mdrsrent sick ,. . 30 INo'Sl, Wattron, coffin for 16 5 7 10 7 18 3 5 2 4 18 37 9 10 15 No86, F J Wattron, medi- y cine for pauper No 87, E P Woods, care ot pauper , No 90, Julius Wetzler.coffin for pauper No 125, Breed-Rand Mor Co, supplies to pauper. , No 166, B Lorensen, servic es to pauper , . No 167, Seledon Montano, digging grave for pauper No 174, Hamilton & Egger, " account pauper No 4, Jno H Bowman, jur- ors certificates : . No 6, W Armbruster, jurors certificates No 28, E A Sawyer, jurors certificates No 128, A C M I, jurors certificates No 129, E E Bradshaw, jur ors certificates No 130, Jos F Woods, jur ors certificates No 131. Nat Greer, jurors certificates I 90 85 66 30 10 00 00 30 75 95 05 92 86 No 132, W E Oliver, ju certificates , .$ No 133, H Hansen, Jr, jur ors certi ficat es . . . , No 134, J I Clawsou, jurors certificates No 135, S E West, jurors certificates .,. No 136, Z B Decker, jurors certificates , No 137, J C Owens, jurors certificates No 168, E A Sawyer, jurors certificates 1 No 173, John Connor, over paid taxes No 175, Davi d Rope, stor ing .booths No 176, J N Smith, storing boot hs , No 177, J H Young, stor ing booths No 178, J H Pearce, regis tration fees No 179, Allen Frost, regis tion fees ' No 180, F J Wattron, reg tration fees..,,,,,,,. . No 182, R Wiggin, registra tion fees...,..,,,.,.... No 182, W A Parr, registra tion fees No 183, J H Frisby, regis tiou fee3 No 184, G A Brown, regis 21 27 15 15 15 13 ,464 8 4 2 2 2 8 26 12 50 7 7 10 6 00 00 00 00 00 00 tration fees ,., ; No 185, Z N Decker, regis- istration fees. , No 186, Jno Norton, regis tration fees. . . No 187, J P Richards, reg istration fees No 188, Q R Gardner, reg istration fees No 189, G W Bryan, regis t ration fees No 190, J E Shelley, regis tration fees., .,, ...... ., No 191, W Whipple, regis tration fees No,258, R Wiggin, registra- . tion fees ... No 192, Ed Wilson, expense and clerk of election No 193, E A Macklin, in- spector of election. . , No 194, J E Shelley, in spector of election No 195, D Rope, inspector of election.., ......... No 196, H Hansen, Jr, in spector of election No 197, G W Bryan, inspec tor of election . . , No 198, A C Merrill, in spector of election ...... No 199, J N Smith, inspec tor of election . . , No 200, Jno Bushman, in spector of election No 201, M Hunt, inspector of election No 202, U Z Rand, inspec tor of election No 203, L M Savagej in spector of election No 204, W J Mercer, judge of election . . . ; No 205, J L Tenney, judge of election No 206, D Y Penrod, judge of election No 207, J D Houck, judge of election. No 208, Pat Garvey, judge of election No 209, W H Clark, judge of election No 210, Del Penrod, judge of 'election No 211, W A Stevens, judge of election No 212, E Thomas, judge of election... No. 213, Neils Peterson, . judge of election No 214, J D Schone, judge of election No 215, W E Oliver, judge of election No 216, Jno Hunt, judgo of election No 217, W W Willis, judge of election No 218, E L Garvin, judge of election No 219, J C Hansen, judge of election No 220, Z B Decker, judge of election No 221, F M Perkins, judge of election 00 3 80 3 00 7 60 2 60 4 60 5 00 4 76 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 75 20 75 79 00 50 50 17 25 10 15 80 95 15 75 50 40 00 00 No 232, E W Fraser, judge of election No 223, Geo A Wolff, judge of elect ion No 224, J Y Lee, judge of election No 225, Chas Lillywhite, judge of election No 226, J E Smith, clerk of election..." No 227, Jno Hoyle, clerk of election No 228, Alva Porter, clerk of election No 229, Jno Hamilton, clerk of election No 230, C S Ford, clerk of election. . .' No 231, N Packer, clerk of ' ' election . . . . No 232, F Moe, clerk , of election No 233, E M Webb, clerk of election No 234, Wm Goodman, clerk of election ." No 235, G M Adams, clerk of election No 236. J M Flake, clerk of of election...., , 00 25 00 00 35 00 00 00 30 60 50 40 60 30 90 . V "NT T Tincrnra fcrl 00 00 90 00 90 60 70 00 00 00 00 20 40 00 60 20 00 00 20 60 of election $ .3 09 No 238, S M Porter, clerk of -election , 3 00 No 239, J P Richards, clerk of election.. 3 00 No 240, N A Brimhall, clerk of election 500 No 241, L P Cardón, clerk of election .3 00 No 242, J A Crouch, clerk of election 3 00 No 243 J H McGuire, clerk of election.. 3 00 No 244, J Lillywhite, clerk of election... 3 00 No 245, Q R Gardner, clerk of election.,.,,, .3 00 No 246, Chas Savage, elec tion marshal.,. .300 No 247, J L Clark, election marshal No 248, J W Hall, election marshal No 249, J M St rat ton, elec tion marshal , No 250, Frank Nicklans. election marshal.,, , No 251, G A Gardner, elec- tion marshal ............ No 252, S W Porter, elec tion marshal No 253, J JShuuaway, elec tion marshal ., No 254, Ed Bargeman, elec tion marshal...,. No 255, G B Gardner, elec tion marshal.,, Total amount of expense fund warrants issued.$l J, Stamps and stamped en velopes issued to county officers upon receipt of treasurer 1, District court orders ap proved and paid from expense fund., 2 CASH ORDERS ISSUED ON EXPENSE No 1 Antonio Lopez, in- - digent sick ,. , No 2 Antonio Lopez, in digent sick., No 3, Antonio Lopez, in digent sick...... No 4, Antonio Lopez, in digent sick , No 5, Antonio Lopez, in digent sick. '. No 6, Antonio Lopez, in digent sick., , . . No 7, Antonio Lopez, in digent sick ,, . No 8, Antonio Lopez, in- " digent sick No 9, Antonio Lopez, in digent sick...., No 10, Antonio Lopez, in digent sick... No 11, Antonio Lopez, in digent sick No 12, Antonio Lopez, in digent sick. No 13, W H Clark, express charges . Total approved and or dered paid from ex pense fund .$14í ROAD FUND WARRANT3. No 1, Allen Frost, Holbrook road district No 3. $ No 2, C F Putnam, Holbrook road district No 3 No 3, G A Gardner, Show Low road district No 7... No 4, Bauerbach & Van- Fassen, Winslow road dis trict No 1 No 5, Allen Frost, Holbrook road district No 3. . ...... No 6, Allen Frost, Holbrook road district No 3 No 7, Wm Armbruster, Hol " brook road district No 3. . No 8, A C M I, Holbrook road district No 3 ' 1, No 9, A & B Schusten Hol brook road district No 3. . No 10, Chas Lillywhite, Woodruff road dist No 4.. Noll, Chas Ballard, Snow- flake road district No 5. .'. No 12, H Hansen, Pinetop road district No 8 '. . No 13, Apache county, ind. incurred prior to division. No 14, H M Tanner, St Joseph road district No 15, John Hatch, Taylor road district No 6 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 CO 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 Total amount of road fund warrants $2,t Territory of Arizona, i I County of Navajo. ( I I, F, W. Nelson, clerk of thrf of supervisor in and for the U of Navajo, Territory of Arizd hereby certify that the abov foregoing is a full, true and j statement of all warrants draii claims and demands audited lowed by the board of supervi. Navajo county, Arizona, for tl 1896, as shown by the minuN and claim register of the said now in my office. In witness whereof, I have There unto set my hand and affixed tho seal of said County of Navajo, this 31st day of December, 1896. F. W. Nelson, seal. Clerk of Board " Miss Shepard, daughter of ex Governor Shepard, residing at Bar opolas, Mexico, situated in the Sierra Madre mountains, has a piano which was carried in sections over 400 miles on the backs of men and burros, be, ing transported to ner mountain. homo t a cost of 5900. H ! i i v soriyUsss, tu 8he Aam- T j - - ' " O - 7 - r1"