Newspaper Page Text
- w. n III 7' ' w; Volume II. HOLBROGK. ARIZONA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1897. Number 8. V. XHK KAILKOADS. Atlantic & Pacific Railroad, (WSSTEHX DITISIOÜ.) C. W. SMITH. Kocciver. Condnaid Timo Card 3í"o. 44. Effect No. 29, 1W6. WZSTWAHD. STATIONS. No. l.No. 5, So. S I., Chicar Lv 'Kaiuu City " iBVr.... La Junta. Albuq'rque. Wlngate Gallup Holbrook Winslow : Flagstaff. - Williams... Ash Fork Ar 10 23pl .. 6 OOp 40a & SUp 9 4Sp'... 9 Mal... 1 u... 7 10a ... 8 Dio1... 11 3.-P 12 p 5 lOp 8 top 8 lUp 11 10a... 12 S0p... S Dl... 11 2Hp 5 5"pl 8 2012 4ua 6 50p 7 2Up 1 40a A.h Fork... 7 15al 7 00a 10 Sua e uop Prescott .Ar 10 Phenix Ar z Ash Fork Lv SPpí 7 0p 9 aipf 2 0 u 1 40a 4 00a i 45a 7 Mía Peach Spring Kingrnaaw.-. Neediest. Klake- Bardad Dairaett 11 Cup 4 10a 2 SOa'lO 0a' 9 l&a 4 4Ja 12 45p 11 10a 7 4a bou Bar tow Ar 8 10a 2 10p Rramer i Mojave Ar! 7 Up Los Angeles Arl 1 20p 6 00p 10 4op Sao IHeeo Arí 6 25pj.. .Sao Francisco. ArllO lau.. BASrWAHb. STATIONS. No. 2 No. C : No. 4 Chicago Ar 10 00pl 9 43o KamuCitjr. Ar' 7 06a! 5 40p Denver.... ...Ar' 6 Oitp' ill lia 'La Junta : Ar 12 Ojp; ,10 Mip Albuquerque Ar 0 r,p 9 Oua Gallup 4 lupj mngatc Lv 4 40p: 4 lUo a noiurooR. i sop Winslow 11 sob 12 20a 11 05p 1 8 Sop 7 l.ip S 50p Flagstaff 0 SOU:. 8 05a t 6 2ie: w illiama. Ash Fork Lv 7 10a S 55a Ash Fork.... Prescott Phen ...... ...Ar! 6 00a: . ..Lv! 2 Mia ...I.vl 7 SOU 5 S0p 2 4'jp 7 Soa .Ar I 2W 4 Ola 6 S0p I 00p Lv, 1 Jo. ..nan .. . 2 Ma 19 2up 12 45a N .-..!e .11 ajp. 7 40p 10 00a uiuKe io u p e vup, 8 raa Hairtliitl- 8 (Up; S 4ip 2Sa Daggett......... - Barstow Kramer Mojave -.. Loa Angeles op i uup 5 2up 12 4iip; S 20a 11 00a! 19 45a .Lv Lv 10 15a' I 8 OOa Nin niego. .. 7 Im, 2 Sip rian Francisco. Lvt 4 Sop Trains Nos. S and 4 are limited trains, run. nine semi-weekly. No. S leaves- Chicugo Wednesdays and Saturdays, passes Albu querque Fridays and Mondays, arriving at 'Los Angeles. Saturdays and Tuesdays. Train No. 4 will leave Los Angeles. Mondays and .Thursdays, passing- Albuquerque, Wednes days and Saturdays, arriving at Chicago, 'Fridays aud Mondays. -' Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars daily throttrh between Los Angeles and Chicago and Williams and Sou FranciNeo. - Pullman Tourint Sleeping Cars duily through between Chicago andSan Francisco and Chicago and Los Angeles. Tourist ears leave San Francisco every Wednesday and Lo.-Anieles every Thursday, running through to Kansas City, Chicago 'and Boston. - - The Grand Canon of the Colorado can b reached only via this line. - - 1 Ask for a beautifully illustrated ' book which will be mailed fren. Dox A, Swzit, Geni Passenger Agent, Albuquerque. N. M, S. F., P. & P. Railway. WITH TBS A, T. & S. K. JZ. R. 13 THE SHORTEST AND i . QUICKEST ROUTE To Denver. Kansas City, Sf. Louis, and Chi cago and all point AT. H. If. P. Sc. P. TIMK TAHLE In effect Nov 29, 1398. Mountain time is . standard used.. - KOCTH BOUND. I I NORTH BOUN D. No-S i Pass 7 Op No. 1 I Pas-! No, 4 STATIONS. I r-as I 7 OOa! Ash Fork Buck Butte Del Rio Jerome Junction Preseot -I'rescott Summit Skull Valley ' Kirkland Date Creek Congress Wickeiiburg Peoria Hiéndale Altiambra Phornrx 1 S0i a 4óa 4 4ipj 4 fm 5 4h. S 4a S 2p S SUa 2 4o. 2 SSa 2 -&p! 2 20a 1 boi. 1 4Sa H Hip ?P V4lpl 7 a 8 &Wa 10 4)ip 10 sua 10 IO II 4op II -im li im 12 rp 1 Oia 12 k.p t -J 1.! 2 loul ;12 a 12 4ap 112 Ina 12 23p 11 12a II 13p ,10 lía 10 2Up I 9 Snal 9 4p S 04a 2 ip 4 04a 10a 24a 6 asm a 4 .pi 8 llo 8 Up 8 JKai 7 VJp 8 4a 7 4 -p 7 SOal 7 SOp 43p 7 Ola 8 OOp Dining station. THE SCENIC ROUTE OF ABIZONA. .The best route to California. The only lorth and south line in Arixouatothe Grand Cation of the Colorado. Petrified Forest. Cliff Dwellings, Great Pine Forests, Salt Kiver Valley aud numerous oiber Poluta of interest. Thronsh tickets to all points ia the United States. Canada and Ue-x'co. Nm. 1 and 2 connect at Jerome Junction with trains of U. V. & P. Uy. for Jerome. Connecting at Prescott with stage lines for all principal mlniug camps; at Congress with Congress Gold Co. K. K. for Congress -and -stage linei for Haniua Hula Station aud Tar nelL At Phamix with the Maricopa A Pb ti ll is By. for iMjuit on the S. P. By.' Alao with S. R. V. K-By. . . . C Close connections made at Ash Fork with Santa Fe Route fast trains to all 'points eowt and west. Trains for. California leave Ak Fork at 8:50 and 8:45 p. nu, arriving in Los Angele next afternoon nt 1 JO and Sun Frru clsco second morning at 10:15. Train for the Eat leaves Ash Fork at 8-25. F. M. MUBPHY. - GEO. M. SARGENT, Pres't A (en'l Mg'r. ' - Gol1 Pass'r Acut Preott. Ariz. Prescott, Aril. B. E. WÜLLS, Assistant General Manager. Prescott. Arizoua. ft CHAIjCEDONY LODGE NO. 6. F. 4 A. Holbrook, Arizona.- Keulor stated communications at 7:30 p y4 m. on Fourth Saturday of each ' " month. Visiting brethren invited. By order of R. a KINDER, W. M. J. H. BOWMAN. Secretary. Otf CABPENTER SHOP North side of B. R. track, east of the shoirof Wut Armbrust er. A II kinds of carpenter work at short aotire. Repairing a specialty. Give' me a call if you have work needing Immediate at tention, ltf C G. TESTEBMAN. Notice. Mr. S. E. West of Snowflake. 1 onr author ized agent for that section of theeoniity. and is authorized to receive aud receit for sub- lutnsus to Me iiain. ARIZONA NEWS. Territorial Iteras Gleaned From Onr Exchanges and Con , densed for Our Iiusy Pairóos. Pbenix wants a smelter. Phenix is putting; in an electric firo alarm.' There are seventeen prisocers in the Tombstone jail. There are 488 members constitut ing the Rational Guard of Arizona. Globe will have a grand masque rade ball on Washington's birthday. Gleudale is to have a cannery and and a packing house in the near future. Jack Hennessey committed sui cide at Williams, Tuesday afternoon by shooting. There is a movement on foot to build a railroad from tbe Salt River valley to Globe. Extensive additions will doubtless be made to the Southern Pacific shops at Tucson. The Mineral Wealth of Kingman says the Elkhart mine is to have a 100-ton concentrator. The Association .of Civil Engineers of Arizona held a meeting iu Tho nix the first of the week. There were 512.83 ounces of Ari zona old received at the Denver mint on the 13th instant. Beef cattle in the Salt River val ley now range in price from three to three and three-quarters. - The city council of Flagstaff have resolved to build a substantial muni cipal building 26ixG0 feet. The Orb says that or -of the pressing needs of Bisbee - is a good opera house and lodge room. ' The Jerome News says on Sunday night last one of the jackets in the smelter exploded. No one was hurt. Twenty roen are working dry placers in the new district in the Chimehuevas mountains, this terri tory. E. Irvjne3 one of Phoenix' pioneer merchants, recently decamped for parts unknown to escape arrest for bigamy. B. Heyman has purchased an onyx mine on Cave creek, near Phenix, and is about to erect an onyx factory in that city. On Friday of last week W. H. Mc Kit trjck shipped an even hundred head of cattle from Wileox to Bakersfield, Cal. J. B. Knowles, charged with em bezzling S7U from the A. O. U. W. lodge of Joplin, Mo., was arrested at Jerome last week. Tucson's building and Joan asso ciations are the pride of the city and are said to be as well managed and as profitable as anv in the coun try, Herman Stohr and Clarence Malm bey, two miners working in the Sen ate mine, near Congress, were killed by a premature explosion a few days since. ' E. H. Winters, dry goods dealer of Phenix assigned on the 21st instant to A. L. Henshaw. Liabilities, 325, 000; assets claimed to be largely in excess. A big boulder, loosened by the storm, rolled down the mountain side at Jerome last week, crashing through the residence of Harry Walters. The Prescott Courier has figured out the birth record for Yavapai county for 181X5 to be fifty-two, or an averatre of one each week durintr I the year. The Southern Pacific is building a steel bridge across the San Pedro at Benson and does not expect to be bothered any more by washouts at 1 that point. I Hon. H. L. Rogers of Graham ! county thinks that an X-ray battery would be about the proper thing for a granger to use when entering , Phenix society. j John Quinlin, an employe at the j smelter, met with an accident Thurs-! day which resulted in his left foot j being crushed by a copper mould falling on it. Jerome News. i Dr. C. H. Porter of Saflbrd, was arrested last' week on a charge oí attempting to poison his wife, but was released owing to insufficient evidence, and has left the country. The Tempo News says that up to this date there has been upwards of sixty car loads of fat cattle gone to California points since the first of the present month .over the M. & P. road. Phenix barbers are forming an 43 organization with a view of getting legislation passed to prevent inex- penencea men irom experimenting on innocents at liau price, says tne Gazette ' Stock shipments over the S. F., P. & P. railroad for the year 18Ü6 were: Cattle, 908 car loads; horses, 21 car loads; sheep and -hogs, 98 car loads. Total, 1,087 car loads. Total cattle, 29,000 head. - A new thirty-ton cyanide plant was put in near Seymour the first part of this month, with which to work the tailings from the Vulture mine, of which there is said to be nearly 100,000 tons. ' Of 1277 prisoners sent to the pen itentiary at Yuma since its estab lishment C16 were foreign born and of the remainder 458 were Mexicans. The proportion of native born grin goes is therefore small. The total amount received at the county treasury of Pima county for the year 1896, was $136,436.51. The total expenditures of the coun ty for the year wero $119,171.59, leav ing a balance of $17,264.S2. Bob Mayfield, in the employ of the Greenlaw Lumber company, had the misfortune yesterday afternoon to have his leg terribly crushed and mangled in the "live rollers" of the Enterprise mill. Flagstaff Sun Democrat. Mrs. Thomas Bryan of Phenix re cently made an unsuccessful attempt to commit suicide. She swallowed a large quantity of poisonous lini ment, but the timely arrival of her husband who secured a doctor and a stomach pump, saved the lady's life. The purchasers of the Silver Trail mine, Hassayampa district, have or dered from the Gates Iron Works, San - Francisco, a concentrating quartz mill of GO tons per day ca pacity, which will be erected upon that mine as soon as possible. Pres cott Courier, James McCleanan, foreman of the Eureka mine, Cerbat, was badly hurt by the cave of several hundred pounds of Eureka ore on him Tues day morning. Morgan . Jones brought him to town to have his wounds looked after. It is not thought he is hurt internally. Kingman Mineral Wealth. The San Francisco mountains are clad in au elegant mantle of snow. Never before have they been noticed so completely covered a3 at present. They look like an immense bank of snow. Not a tree is visible nor can a black spot of any kind be seen anywhere as is almost always the case no matter how deep the snow. At a recent session of the board of supervisors ' of Yuma county, the clerk of the board was directed to notifv ex-Treasurer F. S. Incralls to make good the deficiency of $1,904.45 within sixty days, and, failing to do so, the district attorney was iustruct- ed and directed to immediately brine suit airaiust his bondsmen for ! i the recovery of the amount due. Four tons of high grade copper ore from the Ellis and Baxter mines, was brought in on Soto's team. Be tween thirty and forty tons of this ore is sent to the smelter monthly. It is understood that tne owners have refused a cash offer of $60,000 for the property. It is situated in the foothills of the Sierraitas about twenty-five miles south of this place. f : ulsuu A Mexican woodman of Clifton brought the body of his 10-year-old step-son into Morenci and reported ! that he had been drowned in the Frisco river. Tho boy had bruises on his head and other parts of the body, owing to the fact that he had recently been severely beaten. Some people think that the old man killed him and threw the body in t he river to prevent being accused of it. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Late Telegrams Condensed Readers of The Argus. for The Upland bank of Upland, Ind., has closed. Sandusky, Ohio, had a $100,000 fire on the 23rd instant. The Russell & Miller company of West Superior, Wis., has assigned. A 65,000 fire occurred at Waxa- hachie, Texas, on the 22nd instant. iT. Kansas City market expects 3 . . to handle 2,000,000 cattle this year. The Germau Savings bank of Des Moines, Iowa, closed its doors on the 21st justa&t The Dodson-Hils Manufacturing company of St. Louis, is iu the hands of a receiver. The lower house of the Texas legislature has passed a bill prohib iting Sunday base ball. It is estimated that over 200,000 cattle have perished in South Da kota from cold and hunger. The Louisville, New Albany & Chicago railroad is soon to be sold under mortgage foreclosure. The Pottsdam National bank of Pottsdaru, N. Y., has been closed by the national bank examiner. Herman Waterman, grain broker of San Francisco, is insolvent. Lia bilities, S33,000; practically no assets. A bill has been introduced in the California legislature to close the cemeteries of San Francisco in 1XKX). The government of Dutch Guiana has granted a million acres of select ed gold lands to a British syndicate. It has been estimated that cattle in the world have increased from 298,000,000 in 1893, to 312,000,000 in 1896. The New Castle, Pa., tin mills, the largest in the world, sustained a $50,000 loss by fire on the 22ud in stant. A young man named H. J. Lam bert was arrested at Ouray, Colo., on the 22nd instant, on a charge of forgery. Wm. J. Thomas, a miner, was kill ed at Boulder, Colo., on Monday, while attempting to thaw a stick of dynamite. The Shufeldfc distillery at Chi cago, which has been paying $3,000,- 000 a year taxes to the government, has been closed. The large furniture house of Julio Lansberg of New York, burned on the 23rd instant. Loss, $160,000; in surance, $60,000. - Samuel Kirby and wife of French Lick Springs, Ind., were found mur dered in their bed on the morning of the 23rd instant. ' I. T. Benham, trayeling salesman for the Hoffman Publishing compa ny of Minneapolis, suicided in Chi cago on Monday. The , Campbell-Eaton Crockery company of Kansas City, failed on the 22nd instant. Assets, $37,000; liabilities, $22,000. Miss Sophrcnia Breckinridge, daughter of Col. W. C. P. Breckin ridge, has been admitted to the bar i at Frankfort, Ky. Ex-United States Senator John Martin has been appointed clerk of the supremo court of Kansas by the 1 - t A.1 A. A. J"aes ol mat coun The present stock of wool on hand in Chicago is estimated at 13,000,000 pounds. The bulk of this is terri- j tory and pulled wool. Capt. Henry King has been ap pointed to succeed the late Joseph B. McCullagh, as editor of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, Tho B. & M. railway's car and rer pair shops at Plattsmouth, Neb., were destroyed by fire on the 26th instant. Loss, $125,000. ' John E. Evans, postmaster at Fort Logan, Colo.,' has been arrested for embezzling public funds. He is short in his accounts $360. John Hoch was successfully elec trocuted at Auburn, N. Y., ot the 21st instant, for the murder of Min nie Ingersoll in July, 1895. - On tho 22nd instant the president approved au act providing for the construction of a bridge over Red river, between Arkansas and Texas. Gene Wilson was fataly .injured by a falling timber while working in the bottom of a sixty-foot shaft at Florissant, Colo., on the 20th instant. A London dispatch of the 23rd instant says that Sir Isaac Pittman, inventor of the system of sten ography which bears his name, is dead. It is said that a syndicate of Ame rican capitalists ' have associated with Chilians and will start a factory for the manufacture of all kinds of nails. The rail department of the Illi nois Steel company's works at South Chicago haye shut down, throi about twelve hundred men out of work. The senate committee on judici ary has reported favorably the bill introduced by Senator Hill fixing the term of postmasters at four years. The Argentine government is ne gotiating with the Armstrongs, the big English ship builders, for the purchase of a 10,000-ton armored warship. King Oscar, of Sweeden, has for mally consented to act as one of the final arbitrators in the boundary dis pute between Great Britain and Venezuela. Eugene Washington, the negro who criminally assaulted Miss De- hart near Bryan, Texas, on the 21st instant, was lynched at that place on Saturday. On the 21st instant an agreement was entered into by the Cotton Man ufacturers' association of Fall River, Mass., to curtail the manufacture of cotton cloth. Pierce Taylor, a young negro who attempted an assault upon Miss Emma Apthorp last Sunday night, was lynched at Tallahasse, Fla., on the 25th instant. On the 21st instant three mask men held up a train on the South ern railway, near Berry station, Ala., securing a small amount of money from the express safe. A severe blizzard visited the mid dle west on the 24th instant. The mercury registered from 15 to 30 degrees below zero and much suffer ing has been reported. George Crocker, the California millionaire, has purchased $1,600,000 worth of real estate in New York, and will erect a modern fire-proof office building thereon. ' A Chicago dispatch says a judg ment for $84,000 in favor of the World's Columbian Exposition com pany has been entered against the Ferris Wheel company. The libel suit jof Jao Francisco de Frietas and Tyndalo Palmer against the Chicago Daily News for $50,000 damages, resulted in the jury award ing the complainants $1,000. The secretary of the treasury has awarded the contract for building a vessel for the lighthouse service to Wolf & Zewicker of Portland Or., at $73,000 to be finished within ten months. A St. Louis dispatch of the 23rd instant says that Genl. John D. Stevenson, aged 76 years, is dead, tter a protracted illness. He serv ed with distinction in the Mexican and civil wars. On the 23rd instant the govern ment filed a suit in the United States circuit court at Omaha asking that the government's lien on t he property of tho Union Pacific rail- way be foreclosed. At Topeka on the 23rd instant United States District J udge Foster granted a writ to compel the Santa Fe Railway company to make its an nual report to the interstate com merce commission. George E. Ross, who stole $1,500 ! from his employers, the Pacific Ex press company, ' plead guilty at Kansas City on the 23rd instant, and was sentenced to the penitep tiary for two years. A dispatch from Telluride, Colo., on the 22nd instant, says that Wil liam Trevis, a miner, was badly hurt in the Smuglar Union mine by being caught between the ore car and the wall of . the tunnel. The supreme court of Missouri has affirmed the decree of the low- er court in the case of Arthur Dues-' millionair, who child. He will now be re-sentenced. Great excitement prevails at ElUabf thtown, N. M. A pocket of ore has been struck in the Black Copper mine that is said to assay $100,000 to the ton. The ore looks almost like pure gold. A heavy suow storm visited the British Isles on the 23rd instant. The snow is reported two feet deep in Scotland, and .the loss of farm stack in that country and northern England will be heavy. The governments of Egypt, Vene zuela, Switzerland and Mexico, with France and Russia, have signified to this government their intention to .be represented at the Universal Postal convention next May. A Helena, Mont., dispatch says the value of the mineral output qf Montana for the year 1896 is as fol lows: Copper, $22,400,000; silver, $10,725,000; gold, $4,500,000; lead, $675,000. Total, $38,300,000. At Toronto, Ont., on the 21st instant, a shock from 9 dynamo in the electric light building, caused a fire which resulted in tho destruc tion of the big dynamo, leaving the city in darkness. Loss, $150,000. Georgo T. Nicholson, general pass enger agent of the Santa Fe system, has been appointed general passen ger agent of the St. Louis and San francisco road, and will assume his new position about the 15th of next month. At Dayton, Ohio, Judge Brown, overruled the motion for a new trial for Albert J. Frantz, convicted of the murder of Bessie Little, his sweetheart, and sentenced Frantz to be ' electrocuted at Columbus, on May 13 next, before 6 a.' m. Justice Lawrence, in the criminal branch of the supreme court of New York, has handed down an opinion denying the demurrer to the indict t ments found soma months ago for conspiracy against the officers of the American Tobacco .company. Superintendent Knoll, at the Hud-son-sreet Hospital, New York, has completed an X-ray photograph clearly outlining tho brachial artery in the right arm of Thomas Salt man. This is said to, be the first time such a feat has been accom plished. A telegram from Chihuahua, Mex tco, says: No more bull 'fights, prize fisrhts or cock fights will be allowed to take place in this state, the legislature having issued a de cree prohibiting these sports ? d providing a severe penalty for the violation of the law. The German millers have offered a reward of $250 for a method of destroying the meal moth, which has been ravaging the German mills. United States Consul General Der kay at Berlin offers to deliver to the proper authorities any method forr warded by Americans. The revenue cutter Daniel Man ning was launched from the yards at East Brooklyn on the 22nd in stant. This is the largest revenue cutter ever built for the government, surpassing in speed and power any nayal vessel of this and foreign ' countries, and in time of war is ex pected to provo most valuable to the navy. Somers Colo of Port Elizabeth, N. J., while repairing the old Hay homestead, found a box of gold and paper money in the eaves of the . house amounting to $25,000. The money was ancient money and bank notes, and owing to its age is worth considerable more than its face val ue. The Hays homestead was built before the revolutionary war and the money was secretad there by John Hays, who was one of the pio-. neer settlers of New Jersey. "The correspondent of the New York Herald in Montevideo, Ura-: guay, telegraphs that the political situation presents great difficulties. The government admits that reports received indicate that a formidable revolutionary movement is to be be made by the White party within a few days. The revolutionists will invade the republic on the Brazillian frontier, and it is feared that simul taneously insurrectionary action wil take place in the contral provinces. trow, the St. Louis killed his wife and t