Newspaper Page Text
T 1 V ... . : t ' HOLBROOK, ARIZONA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY . 6, 1S97. . Number 9. Volume 1L - ; ; : OTHK RAILROADS Atlantic & Pacific Railroad. (WBSTIRS BIVlBIOa.) C W. SMITH, Receiver. Condensed. Time Card Xfo. 44, Effect Not. 2. 1896. W 1ST W ABU. 8TATIOX3. lío. l.No. S So. , Chicago Kan City Denver.... La Junta. Albuq'rque Wingate Gallup Hofbrook Winslow Flagstaff. Williams. . .Lv 10 Zip! ... a 25pj ... It 4b,, .... 9 85a .... 1 45ai.... 7 10n;... 8 05a: 6 OOp 9 40a S SOp 11 Sóp 12 jp 5 lOp 8 (bp 8 lOp 11 lUa 1-2 Sip .... S3jl 11 2Hp 5 50d B 20l .12 40a Ash Fork. Ar 6 iOil 7 2Up 1 40a A ah Fork 7 15a 10 Sóp 2 OUp 7 00a 10 Süu 6 Oup Prescott Ar Phenix Ar Ash Fork Lv JOp Peach Sur inn 7 40p 2 Urn 4 10a 8 Ua 1 40a tea Kingman- U 5 45a 7 50a 9 15a Needle-.... - Jlwi Blake- ? a Bagdad Daggett - ' Bar.tow Ar 8 10a 10 00a 12 45p 11 10a s .'jupl 0P S 15p 7 Sip 2 lOp Kramer ......... . .. Mojave Ar. Los Angeles Ar, 1 20p Kan IHfu-o. An 6 S5p e oop 10 4Up an Francisco. Ar:1015a STATIONS. No. 2 No. 6 No. 4 -I- Chicago ...... Kansas City . Denver La Junta Albuquerque. Wingate Gallup Holbrook. Vinlow.,... . Flagstaff Williams....... Ash Fork .Ar 10 00p .Ar 7 05a ..Ar- 6 00p' .Ar 12 Oop ..Ar; 45p,. .Lv 4 40p' .... 4 llp ....12 p 9 43a 5 40p 11 lia 10 Sop 9 OUa 4 10a 45a 12 2ua 11 05p 8 S..p 7 15p 5 aop 111 Sua 9 SOa 8 OSai 8 25a; 7 10a 5 Loa .Lr Ash Fork. Preacott. . Phenix ... .Art 8 00a . .Lv 2 SOa . .Lv 7 SOp.. - i- 5 SOp 2 40p 7 SOa Ash Fork Peach Springs.. Kingman Needles Bluke- Bagdad- Daggett. Bartow Kramer Mojave Loa Angeles.... ' üan Diego Son Fraucisco... .Arl 0 2oa: .Lv 4 O'1 2 00a ....'11 p. 5 50p OOp 12 4oa 10 00a 8 Sou 25a Í'Óá 1 20a 10 20p 7 40p 8 00p 10 Oop H OUp 5 4Uul I ÍO) 1 Oup! S 2Up 12 40p' 11 0oa. 9 45a' Lvl .Lv 10 15a .Lvl 7 43a .Lvl 4 50p 8 00a 2 Sop Trains Nos. t and 4 are limited trains, run ning semi-weekly. No. S leaves Chicago Wednesdays and Saturdays, passes Albu querque Fridays and Wood ays. arriving at Los Angeles. Saturdays and Tuocays. Train No. 4 will leave Los Angeles, Mondays and Thursdays, passing Albuquerque. Wednes days and Saturdays, arriving at Chicago, J? rid ays and Mondays. Pullman raiace sweeping inrs imj hrough between Los Angles and Chicago and Williams and San Frauaisoo, Pullman Tourist Slee.ui...- Cars daily through between Chicago a U S-a Francisco atnd Chicago und Lo Anéeles. Tourist cars leave Su t'-ani: eo every Wednesday a.-; A 3'9i.eve- rTnnraday. runnio; tn.-o (o llantas C.ty, Chicago And Boston. . , . The Grand Cat on ol the Colorado can be reached only via tuis Ask for a beautifully illustrated book which will be mailed free. Dos A, Sweet, Gen'l Passenger Ac?nt, Albuquerj je, N. M, S. F., P. & P. Railwau. WITH THX a.t. & s. fr..:r. IS THE SHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROUTE To Denver, Kansas City. St, Louis, and Chi cago and all points SAÜT. 8. If. P. fc J?. TIME TABLE In effect Nor 29. 1898. Mountain time Is standard used COUTH BOUND. I I NORTH BOUND. No.t i No. 1 1 Pass I Pas 1 I No. 2 I Pass No. 4 Pass STATIONS. 7 0p 7 OOal Ash Fork Rock Butte Del iiio Jerome J unction Prescott Prescott Summit Skull Valley Kirkland Date Creek Congress Wirkeuburg Peoria Glendale Alhambra Phu?nix 1 SOpi 5 45a 4 41p 4 4 a 5 45pi S 45a 8 2Mpi 8 80s 2 40p 2 S5a 2 25pl 2 20a 1 50iii 1 4Sa B sup I ooa S 2op 8 50a 9 41p 9 05a 10 Uln 0 Sua 10 &ip:10 45a 11 40p.ll zza 12 43a 12 S5p 12 55a 12 4Sp 1 U7a, 12 Hp 12 lha 12 23p 11 12a 11 lip 10 17a 10 fjp 9 8ba 9 4hp 8 11a, 8 12p 8 59u! 7 5p 8 46u 7 45p 7 SOa) 7 SOp I 24 a 2 lOn 8 OUa 2 50p 4 OUa A 10a 6 24a e sua 8 45p i tap i 2)1 p 1 43d 7 OOal 8 OOp Dining station. THE SCENIC ROUTE OF ARIZONA. The best route to California. The only north and south line in Arizona to the Grand Callón of the Colorado. - Petrined Foreurt, Cliff Dwellings. Great Pine Forest. bait Kiver Valley ana numerous uiocr ruiuw of interest. .... , Through tt-kets to all points in the United States. I nada and Mex'co. it Hon. 1 and 2 connect at Jerome J a net loo with trains of U. V. A P. Ky. for Jerome. Connecting at Prescott with stage lines for ail principal mining camps: at Congress with Coagres Gold Co. R. R. for Congres and stage linei for Harqua Hala Station andTar neit At Phasnix with the Haricopa A Phoe nix Ry. for points on the S. P. Ry. Also with 8. R RRy. , , . Close connections made at Ash Fork with Santa Fe Route fast trains to all points east and west. Trains for California leave Ash Fork at 8:50 and 8:45 p. m arriving In Los Angele next afternoon at 1 AO and San Frrn eisco second morning at 10: 45. Train for the Eat leaves A h Fork at 1. F . 1. MURPHY, GEO. M. SARGENT. Pres t A Gen'l Ut'r, Gen'l Pass'r Aent. Preacott. Aria. Prescott. Anx. R. . WELLS. Assistant General Manager. Prescott. Aruuno. CHALCEDONY LODGE NO. 6, F. A A. 1 Holbrook, Arizona. Regular stated communications at 7 JO p m. on Fourth Saturday of each month. Visiting brethren invited. By order of R. a KINDER. W. M. J. H. BOWMAN. Secretary. 9tf CARPENTER SHOP Nort side of R. R. track, east of the shop of Wm. Arsnbrust er. All kinds of carpenter work at short notice. Repairing a specialty. Give me a Kotiee. Mr. 8. E. West of Snowflak. is our author ised agent for that section of the county, and ks authorised to receive and receiiit for suh avrljiMvDS to the A . ARIZONA - NEWS. Territorial Item9 Gleaned From Our Exclianges and Con- . densed for Our Busy Patrons. Keal estate in Tucson is said to be apprecirting. The insane asylum at Pheni x con tains 150 inmates. The supreme court has adjourned until the 23rd instant. Sheap shearing has already befun in the Salt Eiver valley. Jerome is said to have three ap plicants for postmaster. Charles It. Nutt has been appoint ed postmaster at Sentinel. Two white pelicans were killed near Phenix one day last week. ; Fav's hall at Kineman, was dedi cated last week by a grand balL. Colorado miners are reported ar riving in Prescott in large, numbers. The Indians of Mohave county have predicted heavy rains . for this month. The school fund of the town of Yuma is already practically ex hausted. Thirteen car loads of cattle were shipped from Tempe on Thursday of last week. In the Duncan country, in Graham county, six new canals have recently been taken out. All the cattle, in the vicinity of Bowie station are reported sold for spring delivery. The prison removal question is now aggitatiug tho minds of those directly interested. The, cemetery at Yuma is said to be badly located and the Sun thinks it should be moved. Eleven car loads of cattle were shipped from Phenix last week to Pacific coast points. P. W. O'Sullivan has been con firmed as register of the Lnited States land office at Prescott. The Etta mine, fifteen miles from Jerome, on the Verde, will be start ed up again on the 15th instant. The Arizona Homoeopathic Medi cal association held its sixth annual session at Phenix on the 30th ult. The current expenses of running Pima county during 1896 was S46, 824.63. Less than for any year since 1888. It is stated that experts are ex amining Fool Gulch properties with a view of purchasing. The price is $500,000. Commercial men say that Tucson has improved more than 50 per cent in the estimation of drummers in the last four years. Phenix has a new weekly paper, the Saturday Evening Press, at the head of which appears the, name of William Chappie. ' An epidemic of smallpox has broken out among a wandering tribe of Papago Indians in the southern part of the territory. An exchange says a crusty old bachelor of the Miuneil says that the enrolling committee needs pare goric more than writing pens. In a ealooa row at Tucson on the 27th ult. Doc West, a bartender, struck Johnie Lyons over the head with a club, killing him instantly. Four horse rigs have taken the place of the. two horse teams on the stage line from Gerónimo to Globe and the trip is now made in the day. The board of supervisors of Pima eountv are contemplating purchas ing a tract of land and some of the Kuilrlinra of old Fort Lowell for a poor farm. A brakeman named Ford was . re cently crushed to death on the Southern Paeific near. Stein's Pass, while .engaged in assisting in doub iag.a' train. . v The Star, eays that Tucson has more fraternal, religious, reformato ry, educational and social organiza tions, than any city ia Arizona or New. Mexico... Salvader Armijo, who murdered bis wife more than three, years ago at Flasretafl, has been arrested an is now in jail at Prescott on a charge of cattle steeling. The clerks of Phenix have been successful in the early closing strug gle. All the merchants have signed an agreement to close at 6 o'clock except on Saturday night. There are now seventeen prisoners in the county jail, and if they con tinue to come in at the present rate the jail will be packed full before next term of court. Prescott Cour ier. The resignation of Murat Master- son, assemblyman-elect from Yuma county, has been, accepted and Gov ernor Franklin has ordered an elec tion to be held on Feb. 9, to fill the vacancy. The Sun savs more rain fell on Jan. 15 than. has ever before fallen in Yuma in one day, and more rain has already fallen this monch than has ever fallen in Yuma during any one month. . Two men were recently arrested in Prescott and taken to Phenix on a charge of burglarizing the store of the McNeil company. They had over 100 pocket knives in their po- session when arrested. GnadaluDe. an Apache murderer, sentenced to life imprisonment, from Gila county, by Judge Kibbey in 1890, has served the full measure of his sentence;- ho died at the terri torial prison on the 25th ult. Eight copper claims situated near Owl Head, Pinal county, were re cently bonded to English capitalists for 35,000. The bond runs three months and stipulates that $1,000 shall be expended in development work. The Journal-Miner strtes that Kobert E. Moore, manager of Otto Mergentheler's Bald Butte mine, is well satisfied, with the present out look of the property. lie has cross cutted the lodge twenty-six feet without striking either wall. ' Henry Kobinson was arrested on a charge of stealing two chickens from Frank Smithline. He was proven guilty, after which he ac knowledged to having stolen many others. A punishment of fifty days was 'meted out to him. Phenix Gazette. ' ' Vj yÚQ Phenix Stockman says: In the rear 189G V ucox. was the banner shipping point, having exceeded the Tucson shipments by one train loaa 661 head, while Tucson slaughter ed more cattle than any other point in Arizona, leading Phenix by ninety seven head. The Bisbee Orb reports that Black Jack observed social etiquet by making New Years calls at some of the ranches in the valley. He announced, that he was in no hurry to leave the country, having ample food and bedding at his retreat in the Chiricahuas. The literary fever has taken an other header, and Prescott is to have a new journalistic jem in the shape of "The Growler." It will be pre sided over by Barney Smith as chief growler, and have for its motto a growl at every one who refuses to subscribe for it. Journal-Miner. Don A. Sanford has returned from the Sonoita, where he has been mak ing a transfer of some of his lands and stock to eastern parties. Mr. Sanford says the cattle interests down in that section are good, cattle are in splendid condition and the mining outlook was never better. Tucson Star. Supervisor Schuerman of Prescott is circulating a petition, destined for the secretary of the interior, praying that, that official eive his official consideration to "the question out lined in the document, which is to prevent the destruction of game by Indians who roam off tneir reserva tion at will and pleasure. Andrew Walsh, conductor of the elevator at the Hotel Adams at Phe nix, was nearly crushed to death one day last week. He was in the shaft oiling the machinery when the cage was set in downward motion. It was stopped as soon as it struck him, but not intime to quite save him " ,n" His head, back .and legs were jurod. According to the Phenix Gazette the report of Dr. J. C. Norton, ter ritorial . veterinary surgeon, shows that in 1896 200,000 head of cattle were shipped from Arizona. About 40,000. head are said to have been slaughtered within the territory, which makes , a total of nearly a quarter million head for the year's output. The new game law introduced in the Arizona legislature makes it a misdemeanor, for the next five years, to hunt, pursue, take, kill or destroy, any camel, male or female; elk, male or female; or any mountain sheep or big-horn, male or female; or any an telope, male or female; or any deer, male or female; or any mountain goat, male or female. The Williams News announces that the Saginaw Lumljer company of that place will positively rebuild their mill at that burgh. ' The new building will be a handsome two story structure, 50x200, lighted by electricity. A large enough electric plant will be put in to light the entire- town, should the citizens wish to avail themselves of the conven ience. Kingman is over-run with mining men, say the Jerome News, who are all looking for gold ' properties. There are enough gold properties in the territory to satisfy everyone, but it needs unbounded confidence and plenty of capital for the develop ment of the claims. A lack of cap ital is the principal drawback to the development of Arizona mines. Capital is timid and disposed to only invest in properties that have been developed and show good results. yNAVAJO TAXPAYEltS. The Indians Contributing to The port of Coconino County. Sup. The sheriff of Coconino county is an inventive genius and is now en gaged upon an experiment which he thinks will result in bringing about a spirit of friendliness between the Navajo Indians and the white stock men whose ranges lie adjacent to the borders of the reservation. They have been , haring a great deal of trouble along that border line and the Indians, aided and abetted by the United States, have always had the best of it. When there had been a scarcity of water or feed on the ranges the Indians have driv en their flocks and herds upon the neighboring ranges with impunity and the protests of the wüite stock men have been unavailing. When ever the stockmen have attempted to retaliate by driving their herds upon the ranges they were run off by the whole United States army. So the reservation line has only served the purpose of restricting the movements of the whites. The sheriff, who is also the assess or of Coconino county, got to think ing that the county had a right to tax all the stock found within its borders. He swore in a corps of thirty-five deputy county assessors and a few days ago made a round-up of all Indian stock he could find. , It is now under attachment and the sheriff is wondering what the Indi ans are going to do about it. He thinks some of the stock will have to be sold to pay the tax and that the rest will hereafter be kept with in the reservation lines. Republican. Toleration for the Crank., If there is a despicable man on earth, that mun is the chrouic crank. If anything happens to please him he never shows it. Why not encour age the poor devils with whom one comes in contact instead of assum ing a deprecatory air and making the said p. d. feel small , and insig nificant? A kind word in good sea son is better than all the harsh criti cism in the world. Nebraska State Journal. Choice building Smith's addition. lots for sale in W. H. Clark. Gladstone's Versatility. In all the stress and trouble of his long political career, says the Dramatic Mirror, Gladstone has never gave such evidence of his mental balance and his title to human admiration as he did Ibe other day at Hawarden. lie was judge and nrize-criver at a competitive mect- irg of 25 brass bands, lie heard ibera - i aij play, end he was amiable to the : last. " - TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Late Telegrams Condensed for Readers of The Argus. Street car fares in San .Francisco are to be reduced to 2J cents. California convicts are not to manufacture anything hereafter. Albuquerque wants artesian' wells, so as to get pure drinking water. Five persons lost their lives in a fire at Hoboken, N. J., on the 31st ult. Chauncey M. Depew says times will get worse before they get bet ter. A Kansas. City grand jury has re turned indictments against 150 gam blers. Rev. Joshua Hall Mcllvain, presi dent of Evelyn college, Princeton, N. J., is dead. James B. Inks, murderer of John Patterson, was hanged ou the2Jth at Oregon, Mo. Corbett has announced that he will train in Donver for his fight with Fitzsimmons. Edward W. Perry, murderer of the Sawyer family, was hanged at Ava, Mo., on the 30th ult. A fire at Lincoln, Neb., on the 28th ult. destroyed the Hall-Lansing block. Loss, 75,000. Taylor, the noted Missouri out law, was captured near Hanford, Cal., on the 30th ult. Dan Stuart has announced that the Corbett-Fitzsimmon's fight will be in Nevada on March 17. William Colton killed his wife and then committed suicide at Cleve land, Ohio, on the 30th ult. President George D. Roberts of the Pennsylvania railroad, died on the 30th ult at Philadelphia. Eleven men were severely injured by an explosion in a coal mine near Ottumwa,.Iova, on the 28th ult. The W. H. Pureell Malting com pany's elevator at Chicago was burn ed on the 26th ult. Loss, 350,000. Last week' Emil Kleinwort of Al buquerque was fined J25 for having a deer in his posession out of season. The business portion of Pacific Junction, Iowa, was destroyed by lire on the 27th ult. Total loss, $30,000. ' A disastrous conflagration at Phil adelphia on the 27th ult. destroyed property to the amount of over 2,500,000. Nebraska farmers are burniDg more corn than coal; corn being worth more as fuel thau to sell in the market. The Waulega bank of. Johnson City, Tenn., closed its doors on the 1st instant. Liabilities, 528,000; as sets, 94,000. Billy Carter, a noted desperado, was killed at Chattanooga, Tenn., on the 29th ult. while , resisting an oflicer's posse. The Standard Eagle Box and Lum ber company of St. Louis have gone into the hands of a receiver.. Lia bilities, $100,000. ' Henry Hatfield, . populist, was elected to tho United States senate from Idaho on the 2Sth ult., to suc ceed Senator DuBois. Fred Creite, an Omaha fugitive from justice, shot and fataly wound ed his .wife at Denver on the 1st in stant and then killed himself. The supremo court of Texas has decided that the state railroad com missioners have authority, to issue freight rates and enforce them. George IL. Turner, a well known lawyer, was elected United States Senator - from Washington on the twenty-fifth ballot on the 26th ult. , Both houses of the Nevada legis lature have passed the bill licensing glove contests in that state and it has been signed by the governor. Solomon Race of Goshen. Utah, killed his wife and then shot him-, self." They leave a family of nine children, the youngest of which. is only four days old. v On the night of the 29th ult. bur glars secured S5,000 in gold from 1 the A. H. Reeves Gold Leaf Manu facturing company of Chicago, by blowing open their safe. Charles F. Wilcox, a prominent attorney of San Jose, Cal., suicided on the 28th ult. by drinking carbolic acid. Ill health and financial losses are attributed as the cause. A Berlin dispatch says that rep resentatives of 151 sugar factories recently held a convention in that city and formed a trust to be known as the German Sugar Syndicate com pany. A receiver has been appointed for the Dime Savings bank of Chicago. It has about 40,000 depositors, to whom about 360,000 is due. It is expected t hat the' depositors will be paid in full. Albert Cunnings shot and killed ' Mrs. Mary Benning at Chicago on the 29th ult. He also attempted to kill the woman's two boys, but fail ed, then shot himself, falling across Mrs. Benning's bodv, fatally wound ed. '. - Armed men held up the north bound Southern Pacific train uear Shady Point, Cal., on the. 29th ulL, looting the express car and robbing the registered maiL It is reported that they did not make a very big haul. Near Marquette, Mich., on the 27th ult. Joe Martin, Jack Ford and Pat Donohue, returning to their lumber camp, in a blinding snow storm, were crushed by a tree falling on them, killing . the first -two out right. Donohue was horribly man gled. - Edward Batsoa was instantly killed and ten others seriously in injured at the Geotig3 mine, near Flemington, W. Va, on the 30th ult. The coal is sentí down an in clined railway by gravity, the load ed - hauling up empty cars Thirty miners were going up in two cars when the -loaded cars junjped the track and crashed . into the up bound train. . Henry Schneider,- conductor and Trainman Cranston were killed in a wreck on the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh road, near Leroy, X. Y on the 30th ult. Fireman McLaia was injured, .Robert "McLaughlin, brakeman, was pinned under the en gine and badly injured. . P.. RRyan, fireman, and James-Carrigan were also hurt. The collision occurred in a blinding snow torm, between a freight and a snow plow. The house of A. E. Vandawater at Belleville, Mich., was destroyed by fire on the 28th ult Mrs. Vanda water, two children, a lioy of 8 and a girl of 24, and Miss Anna Vanda water, 3 sister of the husband, per ished in the flames. The bodies were burned beyond recognition. Other inmates of the house escaped by jumping from a second, story window. They -walked in . their night robe3, barefooted, through snow eight or ten. inches deep, to -the house of a neighbor, a, mile away. COKS AND CHEMICALS. Said to Have Supplanted Barley and Malt iu.Beer-SIakIug. St. Louis, Feb. 5. A dispatch from Milwaukee says;' The tremenduous drop in the barley malt, product has stirred up . the malsters and they evince a disposition to make some interesting disclosures. They freely declare.that in many brewries a bar rel of beer is being made with but a half bushel of malt, while the German standard for pure beer is three bushels. The claim is as freely made that corn and chemicals, have practically supplanted barley in the production of the . beverage of the world. ... When the attention of Mr. Aug. A. Busch, vice-president of the Anheuser Busch : Brewing Associa tion, was called to the above article, he expressed no surprise in seeing the dispatch from Milwaukee, call ing attention . to the tremendous drop, in the barley malt pnxJútV but wondered why more had not. been said in public print with refer ence to the matter. Continuing, he said: "We do not now, nor have we ever, used corn in the the production of any of our beers, and we have al ways contended that first-class beer cannot be made by using corn as substitute for barley malt." , 0