OCR Interpretation

The argus. (Holbrook, Ariz.) 1895-1900, February 13, 1897, Image 1

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94051341/1897-02-13/ed-1/seq-1/

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Volume II.
Kumbcr 10.
Atlantic & Pacific Railroad.
(wrsTsax division.)
, C. W. SMITH. Receiver.
Condenied Time Cara Xo. 44,
Effect Nov. 29. 1WS.
IXo. 1 No. i So. t
Kansas City
.Denver. .
lfi i unta.
W instate...'
Will low
Ash Fork.........
....Lv 10 25p
j 8Up
I 9 4Uu
I S 3iP
I z u. ...
V 45p ....
9 Sin,....
11 1.
12 &p
8 (bp
1 45u
7 10a ....
I 8 05a'
11 lOu
....13 S5p.....
I S S5i
11 2p
.... S 5p! 6 20p 12 Mim
.Ar 6 Slip. 7 fcupt 1 W
Ash Fork..
Prescott.. .
17 15a' 7 00a
..Ar 10 S5p 10 ton
. .Ari 2 Cop j 6 UUp
Ash Fork
Peach Surinn
.Lv 50p! 7 4up I 40a
. 9 Kip- 2 Oju 4 0.io
King-man- Ill OOpI 4 10a 5 45a
Needle.. I 1 Ua 6 OUto 7 10a
Blake- 2 sua 10 Oju! 9 15a
lluirdud I 4 4uu 12 4..p 11 lúa
Itincgett .. , 7 41 u I Mipi
Harxtow Ar: 8 luai 5 0j 2 lOp
Kramer I 6 lip'......
Mojave Ar' j 7 35p
Cos Aríceles Ar. 1 20i. OOu
San Wco Ar 6 JSpj 110 4Up j
San Franoiara Ar 10 lba '
No. 2 So. 8 ' No. 4 !
.Cbicajro Ar 10 OOp 9 43a
Kansas City Ar 7 lña 1 5 4Up j
Denver Ar 6 UUp! 11 15u i
La Junta Ar 12 0u 10 &t)u
Albuquerque -Ar. 9 45p j 9 Uua
n infrute Í.V i up ...... ivu
Gallup j 4 K'p ! 3 4!a
Holbrook. '12 iup. 12 2Ua
Winslow 11 Ka ,11 Unp
t laestarx r u sua sjp
William. 8 05a 7 10a 7 15p
Ash Fork Lv S 25a 5 55a 5 50p
Ash Fork Ar!
S 00a
2 Sua
7 MJp
5 30p
I 2 4()p
Prescott Lv
Phenix Lv
7 sua i
Ah Fork Arl 8 25a
5 50p
Pe.uh Soring Lv
4 05a 1 20a' 3 UUp
2 Win 10 'dip 12 45a
11 sup i 7 40p lu uua
JO U ip uupi 8 SJa
.. ..! 8 UUp' S 4j 'iáa
I 5 41 ip 1 0
I i lup 12 4Ui' t 20a
I 11 U-ia
..Lv I 9 45a
Da-get t.. . .
Loa Angeles
Lv 10 15a: t 00a
San Dimro Lvl 7 45a
2 3-P
'Sau Francisco. Lvi 4 50p'
Train No. 3 and 4 are limited train, run-
pitia- M-ml-weekly. No. 3 leave Cuiraico
Wednesday and Saturday. poe Albu-1
. .uuerque Kridu and Alomlay. urnvinif nt I
Lo Anjelea. Satunlays and Tueolay. Irain
No. 4 will leave Im AdwH Monday nnúr
avurvuu. iinwiUK aii'U'liir rj 11 tr. nrunci.
lay and Saturday, arriviiur at Ciiicaaro.
i'riday and Monday.
Pullman Palace Sleepinc Car daily
throneh between Lo Ant-lr and Chicago
and William and San Franrieo,
Pnllman Tourlrt Mleepinir Car ; daily
tbrourh between Cliicaico and San Francúco
and Cuicaco and Lo Anivele.
Totirut ear leave ban rranci-wo every
atsd Bfwton.
The Uraad CaCoa of tie Colorado can be 1
peached only via tbia line.
Ak (or a beautifully IUutrated book 1
rbk-n w ill be mailed free.
Don A. Swirr,
iGetil PaurDfffr Ajcent, Albuquerque. N. 1,
S, F P. & P. Rallwau.
A, T. & S. K. R. R.
To Denver. EanaCity. St. Loot, and Chi-
easu ud all point SASI.
s. v. r. oc r. TIME TAHLK
In effect Nov 29. 1A90. Mountain time U
standard lined
No. I
No. 1 I
far !
I No. 2 1 No. 4 1
7 SOpi 7 UOal
8 Hip! 7 Via
9 25p! 8 &Ua
9 41pl 9 (ño i
10 4 10 -a
10 ST.p 10 4'.al
11 40p 11 2a.
12 4Sa 12 3-ipj
1 01 12 55p
2 21 ai 2 lUp
3 Oxa 2 5llpi
4 UJal 3 4'.pi
A.U Fork
Bock Kutte
Del Kio
Jeronie Junction
Skull Valley
Dute Creek
1 J0i 4 4aa
4 lip' 4 4a
3 45pi 3 45a
3 p: 3 Sua
2 VJf 2 35a
2 25p 2 2Uu
1 5Up 1 43a
12 50u 12 ii
;2 lh 12 2i
ill 12a 11 1:4
10 17a 10 l'üp 1
I SSai 9 4;p
8 11a' 8 l'p
I 8 5'A 7 5Dp
8 4Kai 7 4wp
I 7 SUa! 7 30p
n lual a inp
8 2a 5 2fp
S ral 3 42p
7 OUa! 8 Uip
Dining station.
The best route to California. The only north
and south line in Arizona to the
Grand Cañón of the Colorado. Petrified
ForeKt.Clitr Dwelling. Oreat Pine Forest.
.Salt Kiver Valley and numerous oilier Point
of interest.
Through ticket to all point in the United
State. Cunada and AIexco.
No. 1 and 2 connect at Jerome Junction
Tilth train of U. V. & P. Ky. for Jerome.
Connecting at Prescott with stage lines for
' all principal minina; camis; atCoiurresKW-ith
f Jongre ivold Co. R. K. for Cangre and
ftage line for Harina Hula Station and Yar
ftelL At Phoenix with the Muricopa á Plio?
tiix By. for point on the S. P. Ky. Also with
K. R. V. K.Ky.
Close connections mode at Ash Fork with
Santa Fe Route f ant trains to nll( points ent
and west. Trains for California leave Ahli
Fork at 8:50 and 8:45 p. m.. arriving in Los
Ano-ele next afternoon at 1 :'JU and Sun Frrn
eiuco second mominir ut 10:45. Truin for the
Km.t leaves Ash Fork at 6:25.
Fres't Uen'l Mg-'r, ' . Gen'l Pass'r Aent.
Prescott. Ariz. Prescott, Aria.
H. E. WELLS. Assistant General Manager.
Prescott. Arizona.
yi.. Holbrook. Arizona. Kemilnr
stAted communications at 1 -JM p
on Fourth Saturday of encu
month. Visitinar brethren invited.
By order of
J. H. BOWMAN. Secretary. 9tf
CARPENTER SHOP-North side of R. R.
track, east of the shop of Wm. Aruibruit
r. All kinds of eariienter work at short
notice. Repairing a Siecialty. Give me n
eall if you have work neediu immediate at
...tion. Itf - CO. TESTEKMAN.
ilr. S. E. West of Snowflakc, 1 our author-1
isodacent for that section of the county, and i
$ ajthri'i to rtreive and receipt lor sub-
jriprsyb to ue Jxt.
Territorial Items Gleaned From
Our Exchanges and Con
densed for Our Busy
' ' J. II. Behan is now Chinese in
spector at Nogales.
Tucson celebrated Arbor daj in
an appropriate manner.
Tombstone's municipal funded in
debtedness is f 12,81:138.
Building stone is being shipped
to Phenix from Flagstaff.
Governor Franklin has appointed
Charles Williams of Thatcher, notary
Michael Ohl is said to be in the
field as a candidate for secretar; of
Tucson has a few cases of la
grippe as
the result of the wet
I Members of the Prescott Lodire
of Elks will have a stag social oujattlo are still in heavy demand
March 17. j at good prices. Brady & Levin of
The fees of the recorders office j Tucson, have contracted for 20,000
at Prescott for January amounted
to 545825.
Maricopa conuty's tax rate is low
er than that' of every other county
in the territory.
A Tucson man proposes to estab-
lish a stage line from Santa Ana di
rect to El Plomo.
A thirteen-year-old boy in Phenix
had his leg broken the other day
while playing football.
Yuma has from 52,500 to 53,000
worth of bicycles, which the Senti
nel thinks should be taxed.
The annual .meeting of the Ari-
.. .... ,11
ZOUa FreSS association Will I III-Id
. 1 " ,
Bf, PheniX OQ tlie lotil lUstailt.
. ,,. , , . , ,
William J. Allison, an old resident
of Tonto, died at tho Gila county j
hospital last weeK irom cancer " j piac0 on tho staff of the grand com
th head. mander.
During the late storm more snow Tuesday's west . bound express
in the mountains surrounding ;
than ever before in
a given timo.
One of the new engines ordered
by the Arizona & Southeastern rail
road is expected to arrive at Bisbee
in a few days. :
At the Adams hotel, Phenix, the
room of Mrs Haff was entered and
Í3.0U0 worth of diamonds stolen, so
says the Herald.
For tho month of January the
rainfall at Tucson was a trifle over
2.12 inches, the heaviest for more
than twenty years.
The copper mines near the Grand
cafiou back of Flagstaff, are bonded
to eastern capitalists andaré devel-jhad
oping into uig proaucers.
... , . .
vjne oi tae preaiesi improemeuia
the Southern Pacific has made for a
long time, is gravel-ballasting its en
tire line across the desert.
The Philharmonic band of Yuma
will disband unless the town con
tributes 25 a month toward the ex
pense of the organization.
One of tho bright young men of
Tempe, last week, turned his horse
around by the tail. The lad 'is
rapidly recovering. Gazette.
Sr. Carlos Yelasco, tho editor of
f Tronforirn nf Tucson ha hf'inin
l r ronieriZO OI J. UCSOU, nas otguu
the publication of a daily edition
which he calls "Cassos y Cosas."
James Gill of Graham county and
reter liunyon oi Coconino county,
were last week pardoned by the j
governor to restore their citizenship.
-Mike Murphy of Phenix was re
cently sentenced to fffty days in jail
for getting drunk and throwing a
stick of wood through a plate glass
C. T. Clark, a well known attor
ney from Socorro, N. M- has located
in Globo and formed a partnership
with George II. Rice for the prac
tice of law.
At White Hills, Arizona, there has
always been a shortage of water,
but an effort will 'soon be made to
bore deep wells in the hope of strik-i
ing a good flow. -
Mari nos Raul have struck eight
inches of the richest gold ore ever i
uncovered in the Chimehuevis moun-
, . ., , , I
tains, in the BlaekcYcd Susan mine. I
-Mohave Miaer.
The 400-foot level of the Crowned
j King mine at Big Bug, shows better
ore than, auy or tho .upper levels,
thus keeping up its reputation of
improving with depth.
Rich copper discoveries are re-
j ported in the Mammon th district
; adjoining Seanlou's copjier claims.
I The eopier carries a rich percentage
of gold. Tucson Star.
The J. M. Dennis Lumber com
pany shipped sixty cars of lumber
the past month from this point,
which is not a bad showing for the
first month in the year. Williams
News. ,
A cave-in of considerable propor
tions occurred at the Commonwealth
mine at Fearee, Saturday. Fortu
nately the men working in the drift
where it occurred were out ana no
one wes injured.
The Erie Cattle company of Co
chise county aro building a, wire
fence fifty miles long, on the border
between Arizona and Mexico, to
I keep their cattle from straying into
I the sister republic.
; head for spring delivery, ana are so-
curing more as rapidly as possioie.
Florence Tribune.
The building boom has struck
Pearce in earnest. At least a dozen
new houses are in course of con
struction, while the whole country
is being fenced in by ambitious
property J-iolders. News.
Attorney General Wilson has filed
complaint against James A. Fleming
and his bondsmen for the sum of
S12,100, which ho received as terri
torial treasurer and has failed to
turu over to his successor.
Genl. A. J. Sampson has received
notification from Genl. Horace Port-
jer, grand commander of the G. A.
1?.. of his anooihtment as A. D. C.
for the terrtory cf Arizona and a
4 -Ttnn Knr nf bullion.
averaging in value about S5,000each.
Thev came from the mines at Tor-
res, Mexico, and were composed of
silver, copper and a little gold.
Yuma Sua.
Tom Mitchell, tho well knowu
teamster, sjent a few days in Bisbee
last week. He is suffering from a
broken arm caused by having a piece
of machinery fall on it. He is at
present located at Crittenden, which
place, ho says, is the coming camp
of Arizona. Orb.
C. D. Baker this week planted 110
olive trees on his ranch up the Uila.
! From the opinion of men who have
long experience in the raising
of olives, tho conditions are wen
nigh perfect here for the successful
growing of that popular and profit
able fruit. Yuma Sun.
Owing to an error in the appor
tionment of school moueys, King
man school will close in about two
weeks. It looks to us that an error
of this kind should be remied so
that tue largest uisinci in iub cuuu-
. 11 , Í J" A-J. " Al
ty could get me ueneut oi a Globe Silver Bolt, lobbyists are im
school term. Mohave County Miner. portuning the legialature to mako
On the 500-foot level of the Occi-, farther raids upon the treasury and
dent fourteen' feet of a crosscut j without taking . into consideration
showed ore that averaged $40 per that the appropriation thus obtaiu-
ton. This mine and tho other mines
on each end of it, .will keep the new
forty stamp mill poundiug away for
a long time. Grading has commenc-
e(j for the Hew
Mineral Wealth.
mill. Kingman
The Mineral Creek mining dis
trict gives promise of rivaling Crip
ple Creek. At present there are
about fifteen men working on differ
ent properties.. The Jimmie's Luck
Gold Mining company had thirteen
claims surveyed about "two weeks
ago, all of -which properties are on
well defined ledges. Florence Tri-
Alonzo R. Jenkins and E. L. Jenk
ins have filed notice of the appro
priation of 2,000 miner's inches of
subterranean water from tho Salt
river for irrigation purposes. The
land they propose to irrigate lies
about two miles north of Mesa and
the point of division is on the north
bank of the river. Tho irrigating
. ... , 11 i ii t- i i
system will lie called the Double
Butte Canal company.
-Republican. '
We rather think Gold Basin will
bloom out into a boom compared
with which Cripple Creek's boom
will pale like tho sickly light of a
candle under the beam of an arch
light. In the Gold Basin country
there are some of the most magnifi
cent liodies of ore to be found iu
Arizona. Lack of water has. been
tho great draw-back, but capital can
overcome this defect. Mohave
County Miner.
A large sample of ore from' the
Eldorado mine. Thumb Butte dis
trict, was yesterday brought into
the Prescott Mining Exchange. The
Eldorado is the property of Jos.
Dougherty and Win. Dearing, is de
veloped I13- a ninety-foot tunnel and
a fifty-foot shaft. The ledge is
eighteen inches wide; ore carries
from 25 to 37 per cent lead 125 ounc
es of silver and S8 to ?12 gold per
ton. Courier.
one mue oeiow tno Annie mine 1
on Chaparral gulch is the Yankee
Boy, worked by Jake Marks and
Crawford, says the Prescott Courier.
This enterprise is watched with
great interest; it is a big property
a quartz blow out 500 or (500 feet
wide, carrying a great deal of sul
phurates. The tunnel is in about
forty feet and is full of small seams
of rich ore, and about 100 feot
ahead of the tunnel there is a big
blow out of oxized gold.
Tho copper deposits at Skinner
ville, near Dripping Springs and
twenty-five miles south of Globe,
are attracting considerable notice,
I and development work is being done
on a number of claims in that local
ity. Among the most promising are
the Copper King and Kattler, owned
by W. H. Southerlaud. Over 803
feet of work has been done on t he
Kattler during the past six months,
and the mine has improved steadily
and now shows good bodies of ore.
Silver Belt.
Mr. J. E. Bailey recently left his
home at Bailey's Wells to go to the
vicinity of Yuma to institute a
search for a rich placer mine that
was worked by a friend of his in
18G7. Tho Bulletin quotes Unelo
Josh as saying that he is confident
of finding the placo and that the
dirt when last worked yielded twen
ty-live cents to tho pan. Mr. Uailey
is one of Graham county's pioneers
and a highly respocted citizeu. In
his quest for gold ho will have the
good wishes ' of all who know him.
Range News.
Bather unique was the report of
the legislative committee which vis
ited the," reform school building.
They found a well built structure
on which has teen expended
3G4.50, and they estimate it will re- süow a snas oi ,oou.
quire $22,000 to complete the build- j William J. Price of San Francisco,
ing. Nearly 9,000 of this amount has been sentenced to ten years im
is in the treasury. They further i prisonment on conviction of man-
I suggest that the building be insured j
and as there is no necessity for such The high school and Stout Man
an institution, the law establishing nal Training school of Menominee,
the same be repealed aud the prop- Wis., burned on the 4th instant,
erty converted to some other useful Loss, $130,000; insurance, $52.000.
purpose. Gazette.
j Notwithstanding Arizona's present !
and the deplorable
her credit, says the
ed might prove like the apples of
Sodom, while fair to the eye, yet all
smoke. In " that event wo 'suggest
that applicants bo given legislative
authority to extract sunbeams from
cucumbers. That, certainly, would
be evidence that the legislature had
not ignored their presence.
Georsre Lease, a prospector who
arrived today from the Granito i
mountain country, savs that he ran 1
onto last evening, t wo brown bears j bonds, $147,000.
making their way up that mountain j Postmaster George A. Draper of
as leasurely and unconcerned as if j Cheveue, Wyo., is short $4,800.
his whereabouts was unknown to 'Draper burned nine registered let
them. He got within one hundred ters, after rifling them, in addition
yards of tho pair, and though armed !
with a six shooter concluded to let
them severely alone, in view of the
fact that ho was on foot punching a
slow burro, and he wanted to be
let alone anyway as ho wasn't hunt
ing b'ar meat. On tho summit of
this mountain are said to be several
animals of this kiud, but on ac
count of its ruggedness is seldom
visited by any oue. Prescott Jjrnr-
nal - Miner.
Late Telegrams Condensed for
Headers of The Argus. , '
The Portugese ministry . has ' re
signed. A fire at Salt Lake City, Utah, on
the 4th instant, caused a loss of '
Mathew G. Upton, a veteran jour
nalist, died at San Francisco on the
Cth instant.
A plan is said to be on foot to en
gineer a lottery bill through the
Nevada legislature.
. Secretary Oluey has been tender
ed the chair of international law at
Harvard University.
William H. Crawford & Co.. of
Baltimore, wholesale dealers in
spices, have assigned. . -
Mrs. Cruz Gutierres of Albuquer
que has been arrested, charged with
poisoning her husband.
The Northwestern National bank
of Great Falls, Mont., closed its
doors on the 5th instant.
The State Savings bank of Atlanta,
Ga., failed on the 8th instant. Cap
ital, 5100,000; deposits. 75,000.
Five tons of nickle-in-the-slot
machines were recently shipped
from Tacoma to Delagoa Bay, South
Col. Robert S. Crofton of the
Fifteenth Infantry, was arbitrarily
relieved by the president on the 4th
The Consolidated Ice & Refriger
ator company of Cincinnati, Ohio,
have assigned. Liabilities, S81,000;
assets, $147,000.
Frank May, formerly chief cashier
and practically manager of the
Bank of England until he resigned
in 1893, is dead.
Cashier C. E. Breder of the First
National bank of Bethlehem, P.,
being short $15.003 in his accounts,
has disappeared.
The Moreland, Steel company at
Sparrow's Point, Md., will soon re
sume work; fifteen hundred men
will be employed.
A passenger train on theFallbrook
railroad jumpped the track near
Cedar Run, Pa., on the 7th instant,
killing tho fireman.
Seven hundred employes of Nor
ton Brothers' tin works, Chicago,
are on a strike on account of a 10
per cent cut in wages.
Postmaster Allen H. Fay of La
lone, N. Y., is a fugitive in Canada.
I Hi? oiBcial accounts, it is alleged,
slaughter, for killing his step-son.
The snpreme court Gf Jievada has
handed down an opinion that state
,aa fi,i citJthat city. The empl
courts have no jurisdiction over of
fenses committed -on government
Tqe State Capitol of Pennsylva
nia was destroyed by fire on the 3rd
instant. The Loss is placed at
! $1,000,000,000, with but $10J,OO0 in-
- Hugo Warren, an employe of the
Atlantic & Pacific Railroad company
was instantly killed at Albuquerque
on the 8th instant by a derrick fall
ing on him.
The First National bank of Gris-
wold, Iowa, failed on the 5th instant, j
stock, $50,000;
total assets,
to emptying a money package,
The lower house of congress has
passed a bill granting tho right of
way through the Gila River reser
vation in Arizona to the Hudson
Reservoir aud Canal company.
A telegram from Consul General
Leo of Havanna, on the Gth instant
says:' "Sylvester Scovel, a World
correspondent, was arrested jester-1
day at Tunas, Santa Clara province."
John K.- Gowdy, chairman of the
republican state central committee
of Indiana, has announced that he
is slated for consul general to Paris
under the incoming administration.
Francisco Gonzales y Borrego, An
tonio Gonzales y Borrego, Lauriano
Alard and Patricio Valencia, mur
derers of Frank Chaves, will be hug
at Santa Fe, N. M., on the 23rd instant.
A man who was being examined
for a place on the New York police
force gave the names of five New
Englaud states as follows: "Eng
land, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and
The machinery department of the
Louisville, Evensville & St. Louis
railroad shops at Princetpn, Ind.,
was burned on tho 8th instant.
Loss, $200,000. Two hundred men
are thrown out of employment.
John G. Carlisle, secretary of the
treasury, has been retained as lead-"
ing counsel for Banner and LaFol-
i lotte, who are seeking to get posses
sion of about 160 acres of land on
the lake front of Chicago, worth
On the 8th instant the senate by a
vote of 57 to 1 passed over the presi
dent's veto the bill for a new divis
ion of the eastern judicial business
district of Texas. Tho bill there
fore is now a law, having passed the
house over the veto.
Prince de Chinjey has been grant
ed a divorce from Princess de Chi
may, formerly Miss Clara Ward of
Detroit, on account of her miscon
duct with Jauo3 Rigo, a Hungarian
gypsy musician, with whom she
eloped last summer.
. Crime has become so prevalent in
Wasnita county, Okla., that 300
farmers recently met at Cloud Chief
and - organized a law and order
league. It is tactily understood
that they will hang the first cat t la
thief or murderer caught.
The output in copper in the Unit
ed States for the year 1S98 has beea
enormous, the total gain being 67,-
j 370,150 pounds, the largest on rec
I ord. The gold production for the
year reached tho great tof al of S57,
000,000, a gain over 1895 of $10,169,
800. Judge W. S. Metz of Wyoming,
against whom impeachment pro
ceedings were being had in the leg
islature, has resigned, Metz, it Í3
charged, was bribed to allow the
Sundance bank to transfer worthless
land toward his pourt in liquidation ,
of a debt of $9,000.
Tbj president sent the following
nominations to the senate on the
8th instant: War Lieutenant Colo
nel Morle, Third infantry, to hn
colonel; Maj. F. E- Tracey, Seven
teenth infaatry, to be lieutenant '
colonel; Capt. A. W. Corliss, Eighth
infantry, to be major.
A special from Du rango, Mexico,
on the 6th instant says that twe:,
bars of refined silver, valued at
j $10,000, have been stolen from the
'ells-i argo Express
company in
ty. The employes claim it
I was stolen while the office was clos
! ed. There is no clew to the robbers.
I Francisco Ulibarri, a half-breed
Navajo indian, and a member of tho
notorious Silva baud which terror?
ized Las Vegas, N. M., and yicinlty
in 189J.-92, was captured at a country
dance near Bernal station on the 7th
instant, and taken in irons to Lns
Vegas. He is wanted for taking part
in tho hanging of Patricio Maes, ono
of his associates in crime, in Octo
ber 1892- For throe j-ears a reward
of $500 has been outstanding by tha
territory for his capture and convie-
tku. He is tho last but two of th-
! gang to bo talicn into custody.
A special to the Kansas City Sfcar
from Guthrie, Okla., says a detach?
ment of troops succeeded ia locat
ing miners at work in the Wichita
mountains and has driven them out,
and a party of thern ia now under
arrest at Fort Sill William Cooley,
an old California miner, declares in
the great mother of the Wichita
mountains is one of the greatest
earborate belts in the world. Ho
says tno ledges so jealously guarded
by tne Indians for years are very
rih. and when the faots becorao
.nown the rush will be so great that
all tho troops in the country cannot
ke;-p the crowd out,

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