Newspaper Page Text
Volume II. HOLBROOK, ARIZONA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1897. Number 11. . v THR KAILKOAD8. Atlantic & Pacific Railroad. (WC8TXBX PITISIOX.) C. W. SMITH. Receiver. Condensed Time Card Ufo. -4 -, Effect Feb. 14. 1897. WE8TWABD. STATIONS. Ko. 1 No. S Sp. i -I- Chicago Kix City litfuver. l.a Junta. A tbui'riue. Wiugate Gallup Holbrook W inflow Flagtulf. Wiuiain... ..... Ash Fork.. Lv'10 25p .. . I Ml . ' 9 10a i Up 11 l.p 12 Sup 9 a 1 45u...... 7 10a fe I' I lOp 11 llu! 8 Oip 12 Sip V lOp X .pi 11 'iip S Hp! 6 20p 12 40a &Upl 7 iUp, 1 4Ua .Ar A ah Fork. 7 ISa' 7 00a Prescott. 10 ftp, 10 SO Phenix ...Ar 2 U.p j A Uup Ash Fork Lv 50p' 7 20p! 1 40a LOii 10 M 4 Oja Peach bprins K ingronn . .. Needie. hlaKc Bagdad I Daggett Hrtov Ar 11 tupi 2 OOuj i 44a I U.a' 4 a1 7 ida 2 SUa 4 4a 2ua: V lia a i) 11 10a 7 4Ua 8 lUa 1 t OUu 2 1 .! 2 lOp Kramer ! Mojave.. Ar' LosAngeles Ari 1 20r San Ar' 6 't- , San Francisco. Ar !0 laa Oup .. I Cup in c EAUTWAHU. STATIONS. ! No. 2; No. No. 4 Chicago ArlO 00p' j 9 4.!b Kansas City Ar, 7 baa I 5 4ip Denver Ar! 6 Oup ,11 1j La Junta Ar 12 0op 10 Up Albuquerque HAr; 9 4..p 9 Oua Viugate Lv 4 40p i 4 lea Gallup 4 jOp 4ja Holbrook. 12 SOp 'li '."Ua Window 11 Sua .11 Uip Flagstaff 9 Sua 8 srp Wllnunn. 8 00a 7 lOal 7 lap A-ih Fork Lv! S 2a S S5a & 5up I : ; Ah Fork Ar 8 00a Prescott Lv. 2 Sua I 55! Phenix Lvl 7 p 7 SOa Ash Fork Arl 2T S Ua! S 50o Peach Springs Lv 4 o. i ion; i oup lí inuiau 2 00a io jop 12 4.a eeile Hlaice. Bugriaf!.. lJu4ett. Ilar.tow Kramer Mojave. .. . Loa A Hire le SOpi 7 ttin 10 OUa iu vp' o uji 8 s-a 8 VOp! 4 5 4IH 1 Dim ft Ua 20k S Villi 1' 4liil 11 O.ia .Lv 9 50a .Lv.10 15a .Lvl 7 tiu, 8 00a 2 S.p i OUp San bie-o San rraucinco. Lvt SPECIAL KANDSBCKG THAINS. 5 20p 6 4 Op j L.. Ar. .Barstow Ar I -.üramer Lv I 8 SOp 0 !kip Traína Nos. S and 4 are limited t raj rim run ning semi-weekly. No. I leaves Clikaifo Wednesdays and Saturduys, pomes Albu querque rridays and Mondays, arriving at Los Ang-eles. Saturdays and Tueidays. Train No. 4 m iil leave Los Anirelea, Mondays and Thursdays, pansiiig- Albuquerque, Wednes days and Saturdays, arriving at Cbioago, Fridays and 'Monduys. Pasnirers on liinited west-bound trains holding" tickets reading direct via Mojave change at Barntow to No. Pullman Palace Sleeping- Cars daily throiifrh between Los Anicele and Chicug-o and Williams and San Fraucisco. Pullman Touriict Sleepiujr Cars daily ibroiiKb between Chicago und San Francisco and Chii-ag-o and Los A ngelem. Tourist cars leave Suu Francisco every TneAday and Lo Angeles every Wednesday, runninz through to slansaa. City, Chicago ai:d Btoii. Tbe Grand CaDon of the Colorado can be reached oulv via this line. Ask for a beautifully illustrated book which wiU be mailed free. Ho A. Sweet, Geni Passenger Agent. Albuquerque, N. M. S. F., P. & P. Railwau. WITH THS a.t. & s. f re. re. 13 THE SHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROUTE To Denver. Kansas City. St. Louis, and Chi cago and all points EAST. 8. I-'. P. Ac P. TIM E TABLE In effect Xov 29. 19. Mountain time standard used is SOCTH BOCND. I I NORTH BOUND. No. i No. 1 I Pun j Pav I No. 2 I 1 Pass! No. 4 Pans STATIONS. 7 0p: 7 00a Ash Fork Roctt Itutte Del Kio Jerome Junction Prescott Prescott Summit Skull Valley Kirkland Date Creek Congress . Wirkenliurg Peoria Glendale Alhambra PhUMliX, S ! 4 4oa 4 41p. 4 4-a 5 4Jp S 45a 1 2pi t Sua 2 4Up, 2 fea 2 2bp 2 2Ua 1 üupi 1 43a Zl, 8 JOa 4lp ua 10 40p 10 1 10 &o 10 45a 11 40p u 2ai 12 4.1a 12 Svpj 1 U.a 12 V.p 12 Sua 12 4L'p 12 la 12 p Z 'Ir. 2 lUp I 0M' 2 Jop 4 bta t 1 .p 6 lUal i Pipi 8 2la 1 2p 6 yni 43p 7 Coal 6 Uüpl io i;a io 2vp ' 9 -u 9 4p "8 11a 8 Up 8 Wii 7 &p 8 4ai 7 4-ip 7 SUaj 7 Sup Dining station. THE SCENIC ROUTE OP ARIZONA. The best route to California. The only north and south line in Arizona to the Grand CaCou of tbe Colorado. Petrified Foret. Cliff Dwellings, Great Pine Forests. Salt River Valley and numerous other Points of interest. Through tickets to all points in the United States, fsniuis and Mex'co. Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Jerome Junction with trains of V. V. & P. Ry. for Jerome. Connecting at Prescott with stage lines for all principal mining caniiis: at Congress with Couitre. liold Co. R. R. for l'ungres and stage lines for Harqtia Hula Statiou and Tar neiL At Phami with the Maricopa A Phoe nix Ry. for point on tbe S. P. Ry. Also w ith S. R. V. R-Ry. Close connections made at Ash Fork with 8anta Fe Route fast trains to all points nut and weit. Trains for California leave Ash Fork at 6:S0 and 8:45 p. m., arriving in Los Angeles next afternoon at 1 :20 and San Frnt eisco second morning at 10:45.- Train for tbe East leaves Ash Forkat6:2T. F. M. MURPHY, GEO. M. SARGENT. Pres't t Gen'l Mg r, Gen'l Pass'r Aent. Prescott, Aria. Prescott, Ariz. K. E. WELLS. Assistant General Manager. Prescott, Arizona. il CHALCEDONY LODGE NO. 6, F. A A. ff L. Holbrook. Arizona. Regular jT stated communications at 7:30 p L4r m. on Fourth Saturday of each ' month. Visiting brethren invited. By order of K. C. KINDER, W. M. J. H. BOWMAN. Secretary. 9tf CARPENTER SHOP-North side of R. R. track, east of the shop of Wm-Annnrust-er. All kinds of carpenter work at short notice. Repairing a specialty. Give me a eall if yon have work needing immediate at eutiva. It C, OrrESTERMAN. ARIZONA NEWS. Territorial Items Gleaned From Our Exchanges and Con densed for Our Jiusy Patrons. Building still continues lively at Jerome. District court is in session at Pbe nix this week. Peach trees are in bloom in the Salt Kiver valley. A smelter will be built at Saflbrd in the near future. About sixty teams are now freight ing out of Kingman. Judge Hawkins is holding court , at Prescott this week. ' The new cathedral at Tucson was dedicated on tbe 8th instant. A poverty ball will be given at Jerome on Washington's birthday. Phenix authorities are making it uncomfortable for the opium joints, i About seventy-five new wind mills have been ordered for Kingman wells. Capt. J. prietor of J. Fell is the new pro the Hotel Hardwick at Phenix. i The grass on the desert, says the Mesa Free Press, is making a fine growth. "Walter F. Foster, the fastest bi . . , a, t- -c i cycle riaer on me A-aciuc cuasi, i iu Tiií-Ríin Mrs. A. Kinney of Globe, has just completed a new and commodious brick hotel. Alfalfa pasture in the Salt River valley sells at from $1 to 1.50 per acre a month. The new dry kiln of the Saginaw Lumber company, at Williams, has been completed. Solomonville will have a grand masquerade ball on the evening of the 2nd instant. Yuma has made up the deficiency in her school fund by a popular sub scription of $500. An effort is lieing made to have a postoffice established at Scottsville, Maricopa county. The New3 says Williams presents a good opening just now for a first- class photographer, j The sugar beet industry is to re iceive attention from the farmers around Tempe and Mesa. Yavapai count3', says the Courier, contains the most extensive gold belt on the face of the earth. Burglars blew opan the safe in Chas. Holburu's whiskey house in Casa G randa last week and secured $175. Notarial commissions have been issued to F. Florence and Yuma. Chamberlain L. Redondo of i of The Phenix Gazette says that if ! j volume of gambling is a test of pros perity, that city is strictly "in the swim." I Baker & Hamilton of Los- Angeles, j extensive dealers in buggies and wheels, will establish a branch house at Phenix. - The people of Prescott are talk ing of reviving the race track at that place and having races in the early summer. It is rumored that the survey of the line segregating the coal fields from the San Carlos reservation has ! been rejected. A bold bad man held up a faro game at the Fashion saloon at Tombstone, one night last week, and secured about $300. - U. S. McWilliams, a cattleman of Maricopa county, attempted suicide a few days since in San Francisco, by cutting his throat. x-- i. ii t -r-'. - 7 ' mot .;tK mcf r.a;nr..l .Mant i last week, caused by the side bar of a wheel barrow exploding. Goodman Brothers, when sinking for artesian water at St. David, Cochise county, struck crude petro lium at a depth of 130 feet. The United Verde company of Jerome, have ordered a couple of cars of lire clay from Gallup, which will be used for the smelter. It is . said that some new cliff dwellings Lave been discovered on t he Verde river. Tbe caves can only lie reached by the aid of ropes. A colored man known as The Kid. was arrested at Tucson on Tuesday mgbt on a charge ol murder, lor which he is wanted at Los Angeles. During a carousal at Cochise on the 8th instant, Dolores Diaz killed Jose Padulla by stabbing him in the right side. The murderer escaped. The cottonwood buds are burst ing and the trees will soon lie in full new leaf. In many cases the trees still retain their old leaves. Tempo News. Attorney E. Murphy of Phenix, is charged with the embezzlement of $2.2(X) from a widow client. Murphy skipped and is supposed to be in Mexico. James Cutter has been arrested on a charge of attempting to black mail Dr. Drann of that place, and has been placed in the county jail at Phenix. I Un tne btn instant r lagstau by a i . . . , rvj. , i bonds to the amount of Go,(XX) for ,, . . . . I KLAV3 WII3llUtlllU JL M OJCLVrill VI water works. A petition is being circulated at Jerome, praying the legislature to enact a law prohibiting women from siugiug and dancing in saloons is this territory. It is reported that Mrs. Boyd has sold her mining claims adjoing the United Verde mine to R. E. Moore of Trescott. The purchase price is said to by $12,000. Owen Stull a miner employed at the Senator mine, was killed on the 12th instant by falling from one of the stopes to the drift below, a dis tance of fifty feet. D. Markham, the well known cat tle man whose range is near Tucson, has bought 3,000 head of New' Mex ico long, horns which will be deliv ered in Tucson the latter part oS the week. Tucson Star. Tbe Mexican who was shot through the body with a twenty-foot iron bar, near Clifton, a few weeks ago has so fully .recovered, says the Lordsburg Liberal, that he is now out of the hospital and expects to go to work in a few days. About 5 o'clock last evening a man named W. J. Baker, aged about 40 years, was found dead iu a cabin Dear Granite creek. It is alleged that he was addicted to the use of morpbene and it is supposed that he took an overdose. Journal-Miner. Carrie, the 4-year-old child of Mr. aud Mrs. George Heisler of Prescott, 000 and that a smelter will be plac while plajúng around the stove a ! ed upon the ground at once. A por few days since, got her clothes on j tiou of the purchase money has al- nre ana out ior i ue timely assistance of Mrs. J. P. Fitzgerald, who saw ... her from her porch and ran to her j assistance, would have been burned to death. One of the residents of complains because little this city minnows are furnished with the water supply ; that conies to his homo. Ho is cer- tainly unreasonable to expect the i water company to furnish fish large I enough for table use at the present ! rate charged by the water company. Phenix Gazette. Three men wen held up in the nnrlnr nt Ilia Alfniün linncii nf Wil- l I'1-' v - "" i liams on the evening of the 12th in- stant by a mask man, and relieved j the men had no very startliug expe of $755. In taking his departure i rience to relate, although the danger the robber emphasized his work by; at times was very great. Mr. Con discharging his revolver, the ball ! way and companion camped on the passing through a partition and : bank of the river while they explor- wounding Mrs; .Altmau in the leg, just above the ankle. j An event oí no small importance down irom the rim nueen Horses j to Mesaand viciuity took. place;over the Bass trail, a fact hitherto ! Monday.' This was the starting up of the dynamos of the Consolidated I 1 A ! II : anai company aoout one miie nortu j oi jtesa. auo power was useu ior raising water from the large wells that had been put down for furnish- ! insr water for the canals. The dv-! J 1L. 1 X ' liamos auu lUB piimi.s worn to per- !. ..... . - -r. fection. Mesa Free Press. Report comes from Lynx creek that T. G. Barlow-Massicks' hydraul ic works are running night and day; 800 cubic yards of dirt, running from . 40 to 60 cents a yard in gold, are being moved every twenty-four hours. The big boiler for t he steam shovel is being put in place. How the boiler ever reached its destina tion with the roads in sich bad con- dition is a matter of marvel to those who have seen the engine and the roads. Courier, An immense grey wolf was killed ! early Thursday morning near the j slaughter house, says the Kingman miner, it was running wit n some Indian dogs when first seeu and Mr. Phelan had to follow it a long dis tance before getting a chance to shoot it. It is supposed that this wolf has caused a great destruction among the calves in the Wallapai mountain country for a year or more past. The aunimal was on exhibi tion in the meat market Thursday. It weighed ninety pounds. W. X. Staley, representing San Francisco capitalists, is investigat ing the gold placer bars on the San Juan river at the old Gable camp. Ho is shipping twelve tons of ma chinery to that point to be used in operating upon the bars. . It is slat ed that the company will expend 25,000 in the. latest improved ma chinery for fine gold saving and in development. Trials thus far show a range in the value of the gravel of from 50 cents to 4 per jard, a grade that certainly justifies their expecta tions. Judge Hicks is in receipt of a novel instrument from Syria, Tur key, it being an assignment writteu in the Arabic language from the father and mother of the lato Joseph Hyder, who was killed some months ago at Congress. While Judge Hicks cannot intrepret or make out an? . meaning of the hieroglyphic I writing, tue. American consul at j Bieruth says it is all right. The ! estate is valued at 3,000 and the I old folks assigned it to the American residents. It should be seen. Journal-Miner. Goldfield can boast of a school marni who has nerve. She deserves the commendation of all good peo ple for her pluck in defending her self and her home. Mrs. Campbell is her name, and when a tramp in vaded her home last Sunday, after three times ordeiing him to leave and he didn't obey orders, she open ed fire ou him with a six shooter aud after three shots succeeded in let ting daylight through one of his hands. She did well, but if the miners had caught the scoundrel tueJ would have finished the job in ! good shape. Mesa Free Press. It is reported here that William Stiles and Felix May hew, of Casa Grauda, have sold their recently dis covered 'copper property, a few miles south of that town, for 00,- l it i i.i i I reauy oeen paiu anu tne remainaer ! will be forthcoming soon. The mines in the neighborhood of Casa : Grande are rich, aud are attracting j a great deal of attention of late. It ' is uuuerstooa that tne silver iteei properties have just changed owner- ship for a consideration of 75,000. Tucson Citizen. Mr. Conway aud companion, just in from the Grand cañón, states that two men passed down the cañón in boats last week. They .'started from Montana and commenc- 'ed their voyage at the first depth of ! trntm- nt. lift tnirt snim'nnf flin ÍVilrw 1 ; rado river. Mr. Conway stated that i ed aud prospected everything near them. They succeeded iu taking I impossible. Williams News. Ma3-or O Neill of Prescott, has re- i..-.! I t 4! 4 1 TT . tu.u - .P . aa najsww id nun jh mo cum- pany's pay roll, and that the force will be increased to 1,000 men by May 1. Extensive improvements . nn 11 ll.o n-tiila " '"- tendent Giroux is nerfeetin-? a nat- ent smelter whereby the sulphur will l-e made to smelt the sulphuret ! ores when placed in the smelter, and has the process almost perfect ed. Master Mechanic Adamson of I T"-. A I Hnnn:nr. In Kqva ilia AntrA works covered with a steel building which will be fifty feet high and a most imposing structure. Prescott Courier TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, Late Telegrams Condensed Readers of Tiie Argus. for Geni. Jos. O. Shelby died at Adrin, Mo., on-the 13th instant. A fire at Mars, Pa., on the 13th instaut caused a loss of 100,000. Tbe public debt increased during the mouth of January 14,078,735. Henry D. Brecker has been ap poiutcd postmaster at Isleta, N. M. President Diaz, of Mexico, will visit the United States next sum mer. The mills of the Illinois . Steel company are now working on full time. Hon. John Randolph Tucker died at Lexington, Ky., on the 11th in stant. A young man named Robert Gard ner is undergoing a fast at Los Angeles.' The Merchants' National bank of Helena, Mont., suspended on the 13th instant. The British mint coined in 1S96 23,00J,0D0 more pieces than in the preceding year. George Davies of Cleveland, Ohio, was shot and killed by his wife on the 12th instant. Otto Rood has been appointed receiver of the Exchange bauk of Minneapolis, Minn. . The flouring mill at Garden City, ivan., was burned on tue iztn. in stant. Loss, 15,000. , Duestrow, the St. Louis million aire murderer, was hanged at Union, Mo., on the ICth instant. A heavy snow storm interspersed with hail and rain prevailed all over Pennsylvania on the 13th instant. The Odd Fellows Mutual Life In surance company of Wisconsin made an assignment on tbe 12th instant. An incendiary fire at Piano, Texas, on the 12th instant, caused a loss of $100,000, with practically no insur ance. William P. St. John, treasurer of the democratic national committee, died at" New York on the 15th in stant. Wade Tillinghast, the notorious Virginia outlaw, was arrested at Huntington, W. Va., on the 12th in stant. The British bark Mark Curry was burned in Port Hoilo, Philippine islands, with 1,200 tons of sugar on board. , A vounjr man and woman were . OVer and killed by an engine uoar Caliente, Cal., while crossing a trestle. carjjsie is given out that will not return Seeretary to Ken- ' tuekv, but will make his home in ! New Yor. Capt. Philo H. McGiffen, formerly an oilicer in the Chinese navy, com mitted' suicide at New York on the ; 12th instant. Seven huudred glass workers at 'the Macbeth lamp company's fac- tory at Elwood, 111., struck on the i IltU lUStallt. The Mclntyre Brothers & Wilson ! Dry Goods company of Oskaloosa, la., have failed. Liabilities, 38,000; assets, 40,000. The Philadelphia Crematorium society reports eight-five cremations during the past year. Since 1888 the number was 501. ja Norway girls are ineligible for ..; llnt;i tiipv i,avfi Parnod cer- tificates for proficiency in knitting, j ll.lkilKT and sniniiin!?. UUUU I. OHO,vv.., Andrew pcket) 77 years, a prominent retired merchant of Eas-1 . . , , , , -r-. ton, Pa., was found dead hanging to I a bed post in his room.' By tbe breaking of one of the " leTes near itio ista, cai.t on tbe 12th instant, 9,000 acres of valu able land was submerged Sir James Grant predicts that the gold output of Cauada, especially of British Columbia, will astonish the world at no distant date. Liverpool is the most densely populated city in Great Britain, haviug a population of 114 per acre including the docks and quay. Paul Waguer, aged 45 years, and his wife Fredericka Wagner, 64 years of age, were found dead in bed at Milwaukee on the 15th instant. A team of baseball players from Australia will sail from Sydney in a few weeks for San Fraucisco, for the purpose of touring the United States. On the 12th instant, at Cincinnati, the Iuteruational Shpet Metal Work ers association voted to join the proposed National Building Trades council. Baron Von Kettler, German min ister to Mexico, has arrived in De troit to be married Feb. 24 to Miss Ledyard, daughter of the president of the Michig an Central railroad. The Southern Pacific Railroad company have made a round trip rate from San Fraucisco to Carson City, New, on the occasion of the Corbett-Fitzsimmons fight of $16.40. Philip McElhone and Lewis W. Turner, employes in the congres sional library at Washington, have been arrested on a charge of dispos ing of autograph letters from the. library. On the 11th instant three of the crew of tbe Maine were seriously in jured while loading one of the light er guns, by explosion of the shell which they were placing in the breech. The Colorado State Bureau of Mines has issued an order prohibit ing the use of iron or steel tamping bars in mines in that state for tbe purpose of driving powder into drill ed holes. By the explosion of a' boiler nt Lee's coal mine in Weathersficld, Ohio, John Willcox, aged 54 years, was killed and Wessley Kyle and J. G. Vetter badly scalded by escaping iug steam. A fight between a sheriff's posse and a band of cattle thieves iu Kim ball county, Texas on the 13th in stant resulted in the killing of three of the thieves. The sheriff's posse were uninjured, . On the 12th instant at a depth of 2,100 feet, at Florence, Colo., a flow of oil was 6truck that, when the tools were removed from the well, spurted over the top of a seventy- two-foot derrick. Í The Illinois Central Railroad com pany has taken advantage of the re cent break in the price of steel rail3 aud Dlaced orders with different mills for 50,000 tons of rails to be delivered during the year. The Missouri senate has passed an anti-trust bill, which nullifies all contracts for sales with trusts and provides that persons purchasing under the contract from trusts need not carry out the contracts thus made. On the 12th instant the senate confirmed the following nomina tions: Carrol D. Wright of Massa chusetts, to be commissioner of la bor; Martin A. Knopp of New York, to be interstate commerce commis sioner. The question of the Cherokee freedmen payment has been settled by a judicial decision that they are tUled tQ pqual per capta "shara 'with the Indians. Payments will begin at Hayden, I. T., and are final payments on account of the Chero kee Strip. The Business Men's league of St. Louis gives out the information that it is in receipt of a letter from a prominent legal firm in Boston, say- i insr it has a communication from a j wealthy British syndicate which is L - nimo - tn invest SI 0.000.000 in the city of St. Louis. TU IV Mom ít? Irananror of Lexington, Ky.. on the 13th in- stant killed his 6-year-old son and also shot his daughter and sister. The ladies will recover. After at tempting to kill the whole family, Marrs killed himself. He has been in the asylum ten years ago. The trustees of the Washington and Lee university of Lexingtou, Va., on the 12th instant unanimous ly elected William L. Wilson, post master-general, president, in place oi Geni. G. W. C. Lee, resigned. It is understood that Wilson will ac cept and enter upon the duties ot his office the 1st of July