Newspaper Page Text
HOLBROOK, ARIZOXA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1897. Number 12, ' s ' ' I i ) é .r1 T ULl.UUb.M AA-V liiai NAME. DESt'KU-TIU. AJ1UL.-HX. 'AM IK RAIIiHOADS. Atlantic & Pacific Railroad. (WUTIU DITISIOS.) C W. SMITH. Receiver, pondcnsnl Time Card Tío. -IS, Effect Feb. 14. 1897. STATIONS. CblcaffO Kaiuat City... Denvrr... to Junto. Albuti'ruue.... Winjfate (allup Hilbrook WilMloW Flauta IT Williams. Ash Fork .Lv .Ar Ash Fork. Prescott.. Phenix... Ko. l'xo. 5,'so. 3 -I- 10 2Tul 2 p, 4..pi 9 Sia; 1 4r.a 7 10a! 8 0-a: 11 lonl 12 p! v ... 5 Si)'é'3Ói..l2 4a C &0p 7 íOpj 1 40a 8 Ulp 9 4llo S Sop 11 8.p 12 a-p 'i'ióp 8 05p 9 lUu 11 2p I 7 . Ar 10 .Arj 2 15a!.. aopi.. OUpl.. Ash Fork Prarh Sprinv. Kinyman -Need .es Blake- Bagdad Duir crtt Vimow Kramer Mojave- Los Andele.... San Kieifo ..... San Francisco.. .Lv 8 ....11 1 .... S :::: .Ar, 8 .An... .Ar' 1 Ari 8 .ArilO 50p 7 2up 10 Ouu: 2 Oáui 4 Sua 8 40a i 9 40ai 1 lUu 2 .... I 3 ... S 24lpl... 2ip... láa 7 20p ouu a la 7 00a 10 Stia 8 UUp 1 40a 4 03a 5 4 a 7 bua 9 15a 5a 11 10a OUpl 2 lOp SOP OOp ... OOp ... 110 40p 40a: BASTWAHb. STATIONS. . i No. 2 Ko. I No. 4 Chicago Kaunas City-.. Ienver I,a Junta Albuquerque.. M intrate fiaUiip.- .Holbrook. W inslo w Flagstaff Williams. Ash Fork .Ar .Ar! .Ar: .Ar -Ar; .Lv; .Lv 10 p 1 Oja 8 0tp 12 Oip 9 4..p 4 40p 4 lup 12 acp 11 sua 9 Sua 8 lúa 8 20a I 9 43a 0p !11 15a ,10 sou 9 Ua 4 10a 45a 112 20a ,11 Oip 8 top 7 10a 7 lip & 5jb & Sop Ash Fork. Prncolt.. Phenix ... .Ar: 8 .Lv 2 .Lv; 7 OOa . Sua . aop,. Ash Fork Peach Spring's. KlDrmfiD Needles Blake- Ilairdad ..... l)aiCirrtt. Barstow Kramer Mojave. 1 uMk Anireiea San Ilieifo , ban Francisco.. .Ar 8 ....a ....10 8 i i - 5 30p 2 40p 7 Sua ARIZONA NEWS, Territorial Items pieaned From Onr Exclianjres and Con densed for Our Busy Patrons. .r. .Lv 10 Lvi 7 LvL. 25a 3 0ia 1 00a 10 SUp. 7 tl.p 8 OOP 40p' 1 20 12 11 ... i 9 Ha S5a' 8 90p V0a: t Ulp 20p 12 45a Op 10 00a Oop; 8 3-"a 4ip 8 23a 0p; 4tp' S 20a Via 50a 8 00a 2 1-p 5 Oup SPECIAL EAXDSBL'RG TBAISS. 8 ílpl Lv. 8 4Ap I Ar. Barstow.... .Kramer ....Ar ...Lv 8 30p 8 5p Trains Nos. and 4 are limited trains, rnn ninff serai-weekly. No. leaves Chicago . Wednesdays and Saturdays, pasaos Albu querque Fridays and Mondays, arriving- at Los Anireles, Saturdays nnd Tuesdays. Train No. 4 will leave Lo Anéeles. Mondays and Thursdays, passing- Albuquerque. Wednes days and Saturdays, arriving- at Chicago, Fridays and Mondays. Passengers on limited west-bound trains holding- tickets reading- direct via Mujave ehanee ot Burstow to No. S. Pullman Palace Sleeping- Cars daily throUK-h between Los Ang-eles and Chicug-o and Williams and San Fruncido. - Pullman Touriit Sleeping- Cars daily throueb between Chicago and San Francisco and Chicag-o and LosAug-eles. Tourist ears leave Sun Francisco every Tuesday and Los Angles every W ednesday, running- through to Kansas City, Chicag-o ai:d Bowton. . , . The Grand Canon of the Colorado can be reached only via this line. , , , Ask for a beautifully illustrated book which will be mailed free. lion A. Swill, Gen'l Passenger Agent. Albuquerque. N. M, S. F., P. & P. Railwau. WITH THE A. T. & S. K. R. R. Já THE SHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROUTE To Denver, Kansas City. St, Lonis. and Chi-cag-o aud all points BAST. S. If. 37. Sc P. TIMK TABLE In effect Nov 23. 1836. Mountain time is standard used SOUTH BOUND. I No. 3 j No. 1 I Pass I I 'an- STATIONS. I NORTH BOUND. No. 4 Pass I No. 2 I I Paxs I 7 30tI 7 00a 8 SOp 7 Ki 9 ' ) 8 SOu 9 41pl 9 05a 10 40p 10 Sua 10 Sop 10 4ju 11 40l 11 2 12 43a 12 Sip 1 OlaJi SP 2 2u 2 lOp I WuS 2 SOp 4 0Jil S 4:p 6 lUítl S HSo C 24al 5 2tp t Mm & 43p 7 ttto! B OOp Ash Fork Rock Butte Del Rio Jerome J unction Prescott Prescott Summit Skull Valley Kirklaud Date :reek Conifress ' Wickenburg Peoria Glenditie . Aluambra i'boriiix ,12 SOU 12 la 11 12a 10 17a 9 Sal 8 11a; 8 S Ju, 8 4Ha 7 SOa! S 45a 4 4.iu 5 45a ( 30a 2 3Ja 2 20a 1 43a 12 43p 12 23p 11 Up 10 2Up 9 l 8 121 7 SUp 7 45p 7 sop Dining- station. THE SCENIC ROUTE OF ARIZONA. The best route to California. The only north and south line in Arizona to the Grand Collón of the Colorado. Petrifled Fornt. Clin uweiiiiiB. ura v" " Salt River Valley and numerous oiher Points of interest. . . Through tickets to all points in the United States. Cunada and Mex'co. Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Jerome junction with trains of U. V. A P. Ry. for Jerome. Connecting at Prescott with stage lines for nil principal mining cauls; at Congress with Congress Gold Co. R. K. for Congress and taee lines for Harqua Hala Station aud Yar nelt At Phoenix with the Maricopa Phos iiix Ry. forpoiuts on the S. P. Ry- Also with S Close 'eoanectlons made at Ah Fork with Sun ta Fe Route fast trains to all points eat aud west. Trains for California leave Ash Fork at 6:10 and 8:4 p. m., arriving in Los Augeles next afternoon at 1 :20 and sun Frra second morning- at 10:tS. 1 rain for t he Fork at 8:2. F. M. MURPHY. GfcO. M. SARGENT. Pres't A Gen'l Mg-'r, . Gen'l Pass"r Aent. Prescott. Ari. Prescott, Arix. R. E. WELLS. Assistant General Manager. Prescott. Arizona. A CHALCEDONY LODGE NO.6, F. 4 A. A. M-, Holbrook. Arisona. Regular f y mated communications at 7 :S0 p vsv m. on Foirth Saturday of each ' month. Visiting brethren invited. By order of r. a KINDER, W. M. J. H. BOWMAN. Secretary. CARPENTER SHOP-North side of H. R. track, east of the shop of Wm. Armbrust er. All kinds of carpenter work at short Mtice. Repairing a specialty. Give tne a .:l if have work needing Immediate at- Itf C. G. TfcSTKRMAN. ration. Clifton is soon to have a K. of P. loilge. Pbenix is to have a new business directory. Yuma will soon have a ten-ton ice plant in operation. The supreme court is in session at Phenix this week. The delinquent tax list of Pinal county amounts to $15,005.83. A Knights of Pythias lodge is to be instituted at Solomonville. An effort is lieing made at Jerome to organize a library association. The Monmonier mine at Pearce is claimed to be showing up favorably, j The Tucson Star advocates the establishment of a. tannery in that j city. - : j The school house at Pearce was slightly damaged by fire one day last week. A townsite is to bo laid out at Wirkenbunr. Henrv Wickenbure i i. it. rit t .:.. I is lo ue i no litiuer oi mo vnj. With the election of Hiel Hale from Yuma, the republican members in the house are increased to three. The general condition of the ter ritory, as regards growth and prog ress, is reported gilt-edged. Citizen. Hon. P. R. Tully has recently re ceived $19,000 from the government on one of bis Indian depredation claims. The Solomonville school district has a deficiency of some 325 in the funds necessary to run the school six months. The fourth session of the Mari copa county Sunday school conven tion will be held on March 13 and 14, in Phenix. It is reported that there are more houses in course of construction in Tucson than at any time in the his tory of that city. It is rumored that the great firm of Segil, Cooper & Co., of Chicago and New York, are about to open a branch house in Tucson. It is reported that an English company recently purchased thirty mining claims in Indian aecret dis trict, Mohave county, for $2,000,000. George Woods, who was sent to Yuma from Maricopa county, in 1894, for three years and nine months, on a charge of burglary, has been pardoned by the governor. The government has ordered sur veyed the northern portion of the San iCarlos Indian reservation for the purpose of dividing, prepara tory to opening for settlement. Star Last Saturday evening Willie Moody, step-son of J. II. Stevens, of this place, fell from a shed and was seriously injured, by tho shattering of one of his ankles. Saüord Guar dian. F. B. Sanford has been appointed general passenger agent of the Maricopa & Phenix As Salt Eiver valley railroad, with headquarters at Phenix, vice K. L. Blackman, re signed. Cultivated land receiving its sup dIt of water from tho Montezuma canal was measured by Surveyor Logan last week and tho amount was found to be a little more than 4,000 a acres. Solomonville Bulle tin. - Several warriors of the Arizona militia are after Sol. Earth's scalp on .the repeal of the militia law. About the only time that a citizen soldier shows up, is when he has to fight hard for a rake off. Journal Miner. , A Phenix boy smoked 1,100 boxes of cigarettes, saved the pictures, sent them back to the manufacturers and asked what he would get for them. Ho received this reply: "Smoke 1,100 more and we will send you a coffin." Mortie Graham, a lad of but 13, surprised tho sportsmen yesterday Viv rrotiiníT a niece of monev in eoch- J D O A - - event. In three out of four events he divided first money. The lad killed forty out of a possible forty three pitroons. Gazette. Prescott only needs a few things, says the Journal miner, to make her great and metropolitan. For a starter reduction works, water in the summer time, electric lights, cement sidewalks, graded streets, railroads to the mines the vocabulary fails us. A mining man of note yesterday vouched for this, that Prescott aud Yavapai county will be "very pros perous this summer as a mining cen ter, and that he attributes it to a little incidont that took place last November. It begins to look that way already. Journal-Miner. The following parties were sen tenced in the district court at Phe nix last week: William McLeod, seven months at Yuma, for burglary in the second degree; John Edwards aud Joe Davis, for receiving stolen goods, three years at Arizona's pop ular resort on the banks of the Colorado. Mr. John X. McDonold, foreman of the timber forces for the Saginaw Lumber company, met with a bad accident Thursday. While crossing the railroad track near Challender he was thrown from tho sleigh. Une of the runners struck Mr. McDonold on top of tho head, cutting an ugly gash. Williams News. The Ora Plata mine is turning out about a car load of rich gold ore per week. Clack Brothers and Davis had one carload at the sam pler aud Dundon aud Sweeny had a twenty-five ton lot. The ore runs over one hundred dollars in gold and about thirty ounces in silver to the ton. Kingman Minor. Utah wants to annex the northern part of Arizona, taking in tho Grand cañón. Now, Utah don't want very much, and it wouldn't be a bad idea to give tho Grand canon over to that state immediately and also petition congress to have Niagara falls dug up anp moved to Utah for the edifi cation of her people. Bisbee Orb. Acting Foreman Joseph Geimer, of the S. F. P. & P. shops, had a narrow escape yesterday from losing one of his hands. - He was engaged in putting a brake shoe on an engine standing in the yards, when the air was accidentally turned on and his hand was caught between the brake shoe and the wheel. Three fingers were pretty badly mashed, the bones in one of them being broken. Journal-Miner. 9 Said a well known gentleman who has just completed a tour of inspec tion of this valley: "The Gila val ley is truly a wonderful and magnih ceut valley, surpassing by far my most sanguine anticipations. Why, it surpasses any valley in the west in point of productiveness and health ful climate, aud from what I can learn of the mines surrounding it, they are some of the richest and heaviest producers in the country." Guardian. The smelter mentioned in last week's Guardian has arrived. It is of small dimensions, the capacity beins twenty tons per day, but as Mr. Backstein says, is simply an ex-1 periment. Ho assures us, bowover, that if tho Lone Star district proves to be what ho expects, it will be but . v ... . ... , or Taxes In the County of Navajo The Year 1890. for 10 Gl 11 NAME. DESCRIPTION. AMOUNT. Allen, F M, Taylor, section 1 township 12 rauge 21, 6 acres, section 12 township 12 range 21, ü acres, $450, personal property $133; tax $18.38, penalty and costs $1.92. total $20 20 Adams, G M, Show Low, imp 1W1 rtcir rrf iw.-i tax 24.05 paid 3, pen, cost 1.05, total 22 Amos, Abe. Pinetop, imp Show ' Low 25, per pro 130; tax 4.80, pen, cost 1.24, total.. 6 Brimhall, C M, Taylor, per pro .74, total Bauerbach & VanFossen,Wins- low, lots 19 and 20, block 3 750, per pro 260; tax 33.33 pen and costs 2.67, total.. 3G 00 Bacca, Fernaudez, Silver creek imp 100, per pro t); tax 5.86, pen, costs 1.25, total- Bowen, J T, Navajo, per pro 770; tax 23.87,- pen and , costs 1.79, total 25 Bacca, Jose, Holbrook, per pro 78; tax 2.42, pen and costs .(jz, total í Clark, W 41, Holbrook, lots 2 aud 3 blk 3, Its 1 to 3blk 6, 1,225, per pro 75; tax 40.31 pen, costs 3.02, total 43 33 Carson, Lee, Pinetop, per pro ll't) LUA WXJ - Ma . vu .75, total Crandell, A W, Pinedale, imp yu, per pro iui; tax, nan nnfl oncU 1 .Il7- total.. Cawyer, D W, Linden, per pro 271; tax 8.40, pen and costs .92, total Cart, J W. Winslow, Its 13 and 14 blk P, Winslow, 150; tax 4.95, pen, costs .75, total. . Despain, H W, St Joseph, imp ou railroad 150,per pro 145; tax 9.15 pen,costs 1.46,total Eagen, Ed, Winslow, Its 15 and 16 blk K, 145; tax 21.45, pen and costs 1.57, total French, F M, Winslow, imp on w J se J aud e 4 sw 4 sec 20 tp 19 rg 16, 500, per pro 207, t ax 23.33, pen and costs 2.17, total Vrvii r. H J. St Joseuh. sec 15 t r. 1 8. rir 19. 28 acres. 193.20 per pro 215; tax 12.82, pen and costs 1.64, total Ford, C T, Holbrook, per pro 50 tax l.osi, pen, costs ao, Gibson, J A, Winslow, per pro 100; tax 3.39, pon and costs .67, total Gilbert, May. WídsIow, It 8 blk 9, 40, per pro 50 tax 2.97, nan finí 1 írst 1.15. total.. I Gardner, Q IÍ, Woodruff, sec 17 tp 16 rg 22, 2U.OT acres, 3(50, It 26 150 per pro 169 tax 21.21, pen and costs 2.56, total 23 Gardner, Fav, Woodruff, per pro 250; "tax 7.75, pen and costs 1.89, total 8 Gardner, G B, Woodruff, sec 17 tp 16 rg 22. 9 acres, 180, It 11. 200, per pro 55; tax 1349, pen and costs 1.67 paid 14, bal due 1 Gillespie.A M.Pinedale.per pro 245; tax 7.60, pen aud costs .88 total 8 Garcia, Francisco, Silver creek per pro 95; tax 2.95, pen and costs .65, total 3 Hoyle, John, Heber, imp 50, per pro tu; tax o.i, peu, costs 1.19, paid 3, bal due Hansen, N S, Snow-flake, sec 13 tp 13, rg 21. 31 acres, 38.77 It 4, blk 4, 350, per pro 25; tax 12.05, pen and cost 1.60. paid 12.60. bal due. . Houck. J D, Heber, imp 150, per pro 226; tax 11.66, pen costs 1.58, paid 3, bal duo 10 24 Hollister, Jos, imp Show Low 20, per pro 4U; tax l.oo, pen and costs 1.09, total.. Jarvis. Chas, St Johns, per pro 135; tax 4.20, pen ana costs .71, total 4 Jewell, L, Pinetop, imp 25, per 1 9.V I si 4.66. pen and coses 1.23, total . ..... 5 66 6 36 15 03 9 32 10 61 23 02 25 50 14 46 2 43 3 97 4 12 78 78 79 03 68 4 44 2 92 7 01 3 94 61 45 8 42 3 74 3 45 14 5 56 6 54 36 i- . . airp . istepiicn. i-iueiop, hum a few months until he will have one lü0 per pro 71.50; tax 5.32, here large enougn lor all purposes The smelter will either be located at Safford or at the mines, a distance of six or seven miles. Safford Guar dian. At the annual " meeting of the Arizona Press association, held at Phenix ou the 15th, the following officers were elected for tho ensuing year: J. C. Martin of the Prescott .Ii-uirn al-Miner. presideut; W. D. Morton, of the Mesa Free Press, farst vice-president ; C. D. Keppy, of the Florence Tribune, second vice-president; Chas. W. Pugh, of tho Stock man, Phenix, secretary and treasurer. The executive committee consists of N. A. Morford, Chas. C. Eandolph and John O. Dunbar, editors of the the three Phenix dailies. Tucson was selected as the place for holding tho next annual meeting. rip n nn d cost 3 1.37. total Johnson, T N, Gallup, N M, ne nw 1 and w i and se ne I sec 25 tp 9 rg"22, 160 acres 200; tax 6.00, pen and costs 1.81, total..... Kartchner, Margarette, sec 24 tp 13 rg 21, 10 acres, 250 It 1 blk 1, SnowHake. 575, per pro 10(5; tax 28.87, pen and costs 2.94, total Kay, J A, Tavlor. lot 1 blk 17, 112, per pro 214 tax 10.10 pen and costs 1.51, tax. . .. Lorensen, B, Winslow, Its 19 and 24 blk 6, 1,250, per pro 75: tax 43,73, pen and costs 2.29, paid 18.00, bal due.. Morales, J, Winslow, imp 20, per pro 10: tax 1.02, pen and costs 1.05, total. . .... fnnifin Antonio. Tavlor. per pro 130; tax 4.03, pen and . " costs .70, total 4 Marabel, Trinidad, Taylor, per pro 93; tax 2.88, pen and costs. 64, total 3 NAME. DESCRIPTION. AMOUNT Mills, Dan, Show Low, imp 20 per pro 215; tax 7-29, pen and costs 1.36, total. .. . .. . .$ 8 65 Jloss, A, r ort Apacne, per pro 75; tax 2.17, pea aud costs .61, total 2 Markelprang, J, St Joseph, per pro 500; tax 15.50, pen and costs 1.28, total 16 Nelson, John, Heber, imp 100 per pro 170; tax 8.37, pen and costs 1.42, total.. ... . 9 Norton, J N, Show Low, per pro 175; tax 5.27, peu and costs .76, total 6 Porter,N TVsee 18 tp 18 rg 18, 80 s acres. 280. per pro 11: tax qvv 13.98, pen. costs 1.70, total 15 I Perkins, C F, Holbrook, imp at slaughter nouse 20, per pro 107; tax b.Oo, pen and costs .69, paid 2.30, bal due Perkins, N J, Taylor It 1 blk 13 75; tax 2.33, pen and costs .62, total Perkins, R J, Tavlor, n Its 1 2 3 and 4 blk 14, 200; tax 6.20, pen and costs .81,total Perkins, B Y, Taylor, ltl blk 8 75, per pro 15; tax 280, wn nnH nnsts 1.14. tntal.. Perkius. L L, Tavlor, 171 acres - 87.50, Its 1 2 3 blk 12, 275 Its 2 and 3 blk 20. 2li. pei -pro 20: tax ll.ol), pes and costs 2.46. paid 10.35, bal. 6 Penrod, Liona, Pinetop, per nrii AO: tax 1.S6. pan and costs .59, total 2 Penrod, A, Pinetop, imp 50, per pro 178; tax 7.07, pen and costs 1.35, total Penrod, D L, Pinetop, imp, 50, per pro 212.50; tax 8.13, pen and costs 1.26, paid 5.65, bal due Penrod, Liola, Pinetop, imp 25 per pro 50; tax 2.33, pon and costs 1.12, total. ..... Penrod, Ephron, Pinetop, imp 100, per pro 316; tax 12.90, pen and costs 4.65, total. . Packer, N T, Pinetop, imp 35 per pro 105; tax 4 34, pen and irsts 1.22. total Pearce, Jas, Shumway, sec 25 tp 12 rg acres, aou, imp 50, per pro 2,894; tax 106.14, pen and costs 2.81, paid 100.22, bal due 8 Porter, J I, Heber, imp 25 per . . 1 .VI 1 pro lio; tax o.zo, pen anu costs 1.26, total. . . . . ... . . . Porter, A, Heber, per pro 165 tax 5.12, pen and costs .51 paid 5 35, bal due. . ....... Pnan-B. TT. San Francisco. Cal. . ne4nejsec24tp24rgl8 . 40 acres, se ne sec 30 tp 24 rg 21, 40 acres, se J se sec24tp 23 rg 17,40 acres, sw sw sec 4 tp 22 rg 21, 40 acres, se J se 4 sec 4 t p 22 rg 21, 40 acres, se se sec 8 tp 23 rg 21, 40 acres, sw J sw J sec 8 tp22 rg 20, 40 acres, 700; tax 21.70, pen, costs 4 59, total 26 29 Porter, Jack, Williams, south of Its 41 and 44 blk 3 Holbrook, 2U0; tax IÍ.2U, npn nnd costs .81. total... Kamsey, Frank, Holbrook per pro t w, tax z.o, pen anu. costs l.brt, total. Eamsey, Joe, Snowilake, It 4 blk 5, 575; tax 17.83, pen and costs .89, total. ...... Rand & Perkins, Pinedale, imp 50; tax 1.71, pen and costs .58, total Reidhead. John O, Linden, imp 200. per pro 461.25; tax 23,50, pen and costs 2.03, total.,.,......, :. 22 53 Smithson. J D, Woodruff, in Bela Gardner's entry, sec 17 tp 16 rg 22, 29 acres, 550, per pro 365; tax 23.37, pen ana costs .i, paia 4.76, bal d ue. W E. Snowflake. sec 13 aud 24 tp 13 rg 21, 10 acres, 200, It 2 blk 4, 875, nor nm 2(53: tax 41.48. oen and costs 2.50, paid 21.50, Vkfll rfllA - Santistevan, imp near Taylor t -- a. a ert 7o, per pro iw; lax o.ov, pen and cost3 1.28, total, , Sponsler. Joseph, Show Low, imp 160, per pro 3,190; tax 104.01, penalty and costs 6.20, total U0 21 Stocks, Joseph, Linden, per pro 76; tax 2.3b, pen ana costs .62, total. ......... . Shumway, L D, Linden, imp 50, per pro zo; tax j-j-o pen and costs 1.46, total.. Saul, T B, Linden, per pro 140 tax 4.34. pen. costs .72,total Stevens, W A. Pinetop, imp 50 per pro 116; tax 5.15, pen and costs 1.26, total. . .... 6 41 Stratton, Cal, sec 23 tp 13 rg21 90 acres, 90, It 1 blk 4 Snowflake, 225, per pro 949 ' -tax 39.19, pen and costs 2.46, total. . .,.,..,- tí. Gó Sanches, Vidal, Pinedale, imp 50, per pro iui; tax 4.00, pen and costs 1.23, total . . Snowflake Tannery, Snowflake N S Hanson, manager, tan nery stock 100; tax 3.10, penalty and costs .66, total Smith, F W, Philadelphia, sec 1 tp 17 rg 20, 28 acres, 280 Its 1 to 44 blk 11, 880, Its 1 to 44 blk 12, 880, Its 1 a.n.4 64 16 48 60 1 58 1 05 2 95 91 89 6 G9 7 01 24 26 18 T. 2 29 25 79 22 43 6 87 7 SI 31 81 11 61 28 00 2 07 2 98 10 64 5 06 5 01 3 76 NAME. DESCRIPTION. AMOUNT. 2 blk 13, 40. Its 7 to 9 blk 13, 60, Its 12 to 31 blk 13, 560, Its 4 to 23 blk 14,400; tax 96.10, penalty and costs 8.30, total 104 40 Taylor, Herbert, Winslow, per pro 52.50; tax 1.73, pen and costs .59, total 2 32 Velasques, Jesns, Fort Apache per pro 50; lax 1.55, pen and costs .58, total 2 13 Willis, A M, Snowflake', sec 24 tp 13 rg 21, 45 acres, 1,700, per pro 346; tax 63.43, pen and costs 1.91, paid 45.15, t-al clue 20 19 Webb, Milo, Snowflake, 15 acres at Snowflake, 300, per pro 120; tax 13.02, peu and costs 1.61, total 14 67 Whipple, Edson, Show Low, sec 18 tp 10 rg 22, 153 acres 241, per pro 202; tax 13.73, pen and costs 1.69, total.. 15 42 Welch, W P, Pinetop, imp 50 per pro 110; tax 4.96, pen and costs 1.25, total 6 21 Workman, W M, Pinedale, per pro 140; tax 4.34, pen and costs 1.25, total 5 C6 Woolford, J S, Snowflake, per pro 63; tax 1.95, pen and costs .60, total 2 55 Wing, Sam, Winslow, per pro" 100; tax 3.30, pen and ' costs .67, total 3 97 Young, R P, Taylor, It 4 blk 8 Taylor, 155, per pro 25; tax 5.59, pen and costs 1.25. total.... 6 84 Young, W A, Pinedale, imp 25 per pro 120; tax 4.50, pen -aud costs 1.23. total 5 73 Zuck, F A, Holbrook, It 36 blk 1, 30, Its 5 and 10 blk 2, 20 excepting Its 25, 23 to 29 blk 3, Holbrook, 150, Its 34 to 36 blk 3, 75, u Its 41 to 44 blk 3, 100, Its 12 and 13 blk 4, 75, Its 25 and 26 blk 4, 50, It 30 blk 4, 25 Us 35 to 38 blk 4, 100, Its 43 to 46 blk 4, 120. Its 8 to 10 blk 5, 75, Its 17 to 20 blk 5, 75, its 23 24 and 26 blk 6, 100, Its 29 to 32 blk 6, 125, excepting Its 18 20 . and 22, Its 14 to 24 blk 7, 120. Its 26 to 41 blk 7, 90, jts X to 4 blk 8, 100, Its 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 blk 9, 100, Its 11 to 20 blk 9, 75, ex cept 20, Its 12 to 22 blk 10, 350, except 25, Us 23 to 33 blk 10, 150, Us 21 to 24 and 25 to 48 blk 8, 300, sec 6 - tpl7 rg21, 20 acres, 200, per pro 75; tax 92.39, pen .and costs 16.62, total 109 01 Zuck, J C, Holbrook, Us 33 to 44 blk 6, Holbrook, 2,980, of It 34 blk 4, 25, per pro 348; tax 103.05, pen and costs 6.70, total ........... 110 65 Tekritort of Arizona,) " . County of Navajo. S -I, James Scott, Tax' Collector of Navajo county,' hereby give notice' that unless the taxes delinquent to gether with the costs and percentage thereon are paid as per the above delinquent list, the real property upon which such taxes are a lein will be sold at public auction as required by law, on Tuesday, the 23d day of March, A , D., 1897, between ' the hours of 10 o'clock a, m. and 3 o'clock p.- m. on said date. Dated at Holbrook, Feb. 19, 187 JAMES SCOTT, Tax Collector Among the non-permissabla drugs in households, according to a physic cian, is chloride of potassium, which is most poisonous and dangerous. There is no antidote for it, and little can be done for a person so pois oned. The use of chlorate of potas sium lozenges, unless under a physi cian's orders, he strongly condemns. Laudanum should never be kept. It is nothing but .tincture of opium and there is danger in its presence. Tho different coco-wines that are used widely aro but nerve stimulants and should never bo used except by physician's orders and no longer than tho time specified. Ex. - The statistical fiends aro never satisfied unless they give us some thing startling in the way of figures. One of them has announced that the annual aggregate circulation of ' the.papers of the world to be 12, 000000,000 coppies. To aid the mind to grasp the idea of tho magnitude of these figures, he states that it would cover a surface space of 10,450 square milos, that it is printed on 791,250 tons of paper, and further, that if the number of 12,000,000,000 represented seconds instead of copies it would take over 333 years for them to eiapse. Piled vertically, the highr est Alps would be left far below, for when the piling process was com pleted, the pile would reach the tre mendous altitude of 500 miles. Ex, Havt ' Subscribe for the Argcs., the only live local paper in Navajo county, 1 ÍÍ \n\n 5 Sop i 4 41p 8 4'.p, 2p! 2 40p! 2 2Tp, 1 SOp)