Newspaper Page Text
Published eery Saturday at Holbrook. Kavajo County Arizona, by C. O. ANDERSON. Editor and Proprietor C. F. HAGER, - - - . Manager. Entered at the poatoBeeat Holbrook. Ariz as aeooud-claas mall matter. . SUBSCRIPTION KATES. Cn yaar Si X months Ih.-ee uuintlu. .2 50 . 1 M . 1 00 Adrertwipff rates made known on applica tion at this oilice. 4 Some one who has taken the trouble to ascertain the political complexión of nil the legislatures of the forty-five states, finds that thero is a grand total of 3,493 republicans, 2,209 democrats, 520 populist3 aBd 211 fusionists, a clear republican majority of 550. In the legislatures of twelve Southern States there are 1,389 democrats, 3(57 republicans and 204 populists, which exhibit will be an unpleasant surprise to the popu lists who havp supposed that they were making much progress in the South. OFFICIAL DIIiECrOKY. C01fGBESSI03A&. Representative in Congress S. Ü. Murphy. .................----- xxxccTiTa dbpabtxbst. Governor B. i. Franklin. Phenix pjeretary Cha M. Bruce Treasure V. T.Cole.. Auditor..... C. P. Leiteh Att'y rtvnT J. F. Wilson Preseott, Supt. Pub. Inst T. V. DKlton.... .Phenix. Adj't-General Ed. Schwartz " JUDICIAL DBFARTJf BST gUrBEUI COCBT. Chief Justice A. C. Baker. Phenix A sao 'te Justice. -J. U. Betbunu lucson ..Owen T. Rouse Florence ..John I. Hawkins... Preseott (Herk J.X. B. Alexunder.. .Phenix U. S.Dist. Atty..E.E. Ellinwood Phenix ISTBICT COfBT, TOUBTll JCDXC1AZ. DISTRICT. 7 adze John J. Hawkins. . . Preseott Clerk O. D. Flake Holbrook SAVAJO COCXTT. Shrilf F- J. Wattron L'nder-Sheriff Joe Barucmon Probate J udee --B-F. Jackson District Attorney W. H. Burbape Kecordcr ... J. H. V risby Treasurer James Sott Kx-otlicio Tax Collector James Scott BOARD OF 6UPXi;V18(3BS. J. H. Willis ............. .'. ..Chairman L. E. Divelbess -...Member J. X. Woods " i. H. Frisby Clerk The Philadelphia Inquirer rebukes Evangelist Moody for advising peo ple to break their punchbowls, and suggests that they be used for serv ing other liquids in. "Lemonade would taste as well from a punch bowl as from a pitcher," it says. Serving lemonade from a punchbowl would be a gross deception on the t hirsty man and should not be coun tenanced. Mr. Moody is right. If you are not going to have punch, by all mea us bust the bowl. ' Don't practice deception on your friends. SATURDAY, MARCH 6. , 'Lobbtiso is a crime in Tennessee and the penalty is from two to five years in the penitentiary. John- T. Edwabds of Nebraska, who recently visited Texas points, has a correct appreciation of the ir rigation question. He says: "The irrigationists are gaining ground every year. The work is not limited to the arid and semi-arid lands. It is invading territory where drouths come only once or twice in ten years. Its chief aim is to redeem arid land. It is beneficial everywhere, for irri gation not only waters but fertilizes. It is the greatest of all restorers to worn out land." Jackson and Walling are to hang I together, which is inore than tbey could ever make their stories do. Thz country will now hare to drop, the joke about whiskers, for Mc Kinley's cabinet is a whiskered crowd. Chicago has an organization call ed the "Good Habits Society," and it goes, without saying, that the hab its were imported. Uncle Russell Saoe says pros perity 3 just ahead of us, and Uncle Russ is a man who has quite an eye for that sort of thing. - Sites hundred cities in the Unit ed States have already formed com mittees to give aid and encourage ment to the Cuban cause. "The oldest woman in England is 109 years, and has smoked a clay pipe for sixty years." That is cer tainly a remarkable pipe., Thebz is a man in Kentucky who believes prosperity has already struck the' country. He got three coons and four pailsful of honey mi r9 Ana f raA Eastebn fashion authorities assert "thtre will be nothing new in bloom ers this year," but don' be too brash in repeating it. The old girl may think herself new. A max has arisen to local, emi nence in Kansas who bears the name of Tinshirt, and it would seem that his bosom ought to be. safe against the shafts of criticism. The Chicago Inter-Ocean says: "There are in Chicago a dozen peo ple, who could afford the monetary outlay of the Bradly-Martin - ball, but there is not one who could af ford to brave the derisive laughter that the essay would evoke." It must bo the melcnium is drawing nigh, if the gall of Chicago, pluto crats has collapsed and their nerve given way. That there is pleanty of money to be earned by anybody who has the skill to invent a new way of earning it is made evident by tfca report that a woman in London has made a great success by organizing an asso ciation to give women advice, about how to dress. The advice given is much cheaper than that furnished by a modiste and just as satisfactory. It -is reported that cars are now painted with colors forced by com pressed air through a small hose, and the work is so rapid a car can be ' painted in thirty-five minutes. By the next step in art a man will be able to get his portrait painted by a squirt gun in thirty seconds. The New York Sun figures it out that if a general war occurs in Eu rope, Canada and the British West Indian colonies will be forced to ap ply for admission to the United States as a matter of self-defense. That much being settled the powers may turn their "war dogs" loose. Thu next senate will show five notable additions to the republican ranks:' Piatt, Foraker, Spooner, Penrose and Hanna. With whom will the democrats match these? - Blojtdix, the celebrated tight-rope walker, who was the first person to cross Niagara falls on a tight-rope, which feat he performed in August, 1839, died in London, on the 25th ult. "Ome of the. peculiarities of our mode of government," says Dr. Parkhurst, "is that legislators and the people have little in common." It may be added that the people would have- more if the legislators didn't vote it away in wasteful extravagance. It has cost $400,000 to, remove the snow from New York streets this winter, so that, although the. Bradley-Martin ball put S500.000 in cir culation, the snow ball was not far behind. . The commercial reports for. last week present a more, favorable show ing for trade than at any time since November. The business pulse evi dently feels the impetus of the spring demand. Tes city of Mobile, Ala., has just cold some of its bonds at par for the first time, it is said, in its history. The nomination of a business man for mayor carried them up 3 per cent at one jump. It is a good thing that some of the speakers at the Congress of Mothers at Washington were not mothers and some were, not married It takes that kind of women to. tell pothers how to raise the children. A bill providing for a term of five years in the state prison for married men who are convicted of being un faithful to their wives, has been in troduced in the Missouri legislature. If this bill passes the 6tate will have to increase the number of her penitentiaries. Hesbt Wattebson asserts that the party to which he belongs will still be. afloat on the sea of politics when the Bryanites will be "working their passage across hell-for-sartin on a mud scow." This is a picturesque style, but the words are far from golden. There are twelve pensioners left of the war of 1812. All of them have reached the age. of ninety, and two are of the age of 104. The government in advancing. their pen sions from $12 to $30 per month has done a commendable act. Dcbiso the year 1896, according to the United States consul general at Melbourne, the gold received at the royal mint there amounted to 1,18, 541 ounces, and 1,09219 ounces in the preceding year. The senatorial debate on the Cu ban qustion was a closo. approach to a "war dance," and Spain had better look out. Awarded HIsbcst Honors World's Fair,' .MÜN6 MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STAKDARD. IJEBK1Í SOCIETY NEWS. The Movements or The Social Circle for the' 1'ant Week. Hebek, Feb. 28, 1S97. Washington's birthday was well remembered in the little town f Heber. A supper and dance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Shelley will long be remembered b' all partici pants. On the 25th Mr. and Mrs. Penrod gave a candy pulling and dance at their home. The time was pleas antly spent by all present. Messrs. Sam Allenbaugh and Geo. White are visiting Heber. Miss Mollio Bacca entertained a few friends at her home on the eve ning of the 27th. The time was spent in games, music and recita tions. On the evening of the 21th Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porter gave a delight ful supper at their home. After supper all joined in a "social hop," much to the amusement of the chil dren present. The Kin. 1? I '3 . 1 K E 2 t J ? CO ü C -J T3 2 hL o . - co Ph 1 :8 o -J & .50 o K I - ? Q O S b George Cary Eooleston reports that in a recent interview Mr. Cleve land, when asked if he was weary of official life, replied, "I am tired," and thus we learn that to some extent Grover shares the feelings, of the people. Notice for Publication. HD. B. NO. 600. Laxd Office at Phbscott, Abiz..( February 2ith. lH'Ai. t Notice is hereby iriveu that tlie following--nained settler litis tiled uotice of his inten tion to make ttnul proof in support of bis claim, ami that said proof will be mude be fore the Cierk of district Court, at Holbroou, Ariz., on April 13, li-Mi. vis: Edward K. Brad sliuw, tor the N i j S W -t and W S K sec &, twp il north, runge ' eust. He names the following1 witnesses to prove his continuous renidence uioii, and cultiva tion of, said laud, viz: John Kcinhoud, Joseph C. r'ish, J. O. Smithson and Joseph Lilly.hite, all of Woodruff. Arizona. 1S-1S P. W. O'sL'LLiVAN, Kegister. Notice for Publication. HD. K. MO. 779. Land Office at Prescott. Abiz.,J February M, 1897. ( Notice is hereby given that the followiiie; nameti settler bus nled notice of his inten tion to muke linal proof in support of his cluim. and that said proof will be made be fore tlieClerkof District Court, at Koibrook. Ariz., on April 13, 1HÜ7. viz: iSeuobio banti stevau. for the E S K l-t, see 10, twp 11 north range 22 eastZ He names the following; witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of, said luud, viz: Laurenzo Baca, Fernandez Haca. Bcinnücio Bu?a aud Rufael Montano, all of Taylor. Arizona. 1S-1S P. W. O'SULUV'AN, Kegister. PROFESIONAL CARDS. C. 0. ANDERSON, ATTO Ií.íí K Y-AT-LAW , UOLBBOOS, - " ABIZONA. T. W. JOHNSTON, ATTOKNUY-AT-I.AW, PRESCOTT, - ABIZONA. Will practice in the Courts of Navajo, Apache. Coconino aud Mohuve Counties. - R, E. MORRISON, ATa'pRXEY-AT-LAW, iDistrlct Attorney Yavapai County.) Ofiice in Court House, Prescott. Arizona. J. P. WELCH, M. D., PHYSICIAN oc SURGEON, HOLBKOOK, ABIZOSA. FOR SALE. All the. ranches of the Twenty -Pour Cattle Company in Apache County, consisting of MUD, : SPRINGS, Vigil Ciénega, Hay Ranch on Rudd Creek, Pasture on White Moun tains and the. HEADQUARTER RANCH. Will sell each separate or all together, to suit purchaser. Apply to G. BECKER, SPRINGER VILLB, ARIZ. Arizona Co-operative Mercantile Inst, HOLBBOOK 4J2TZOXA, -Wholesale and Retail- DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE o o LOY KEE, FINE : LAUNDRY. All Work First-Oass 1 WHITE SHIRTS. COLT, A US antl CUFFS A SPECIALTY. ALL CLOTHES CALLED FOR and DELIVERED FREE. RAILROAD AVE.. HOLBROOK, ARIZ. THE NEW NOS. 2, 3 AND 4, Smith Premier Typewriters Contain the greatest imnrpveinonts ever placed on a writing machine' ADOPTED BY THE LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO. OAKLAND AND SAN DIEGO BOARDS OF EDUCATION OVER ALL OTHERS. S sssiíss-'1 L. & M. ALEXANDER & CO., WM. B. HAY WARD, Mana jer. Gen. Agents Pari Bo Coast, SOI So. Broadway, Los Anéeles, Cal. IF YOD WANT ANY BEEF, " MUTTON, PORK, SAUSAGE, FISH, or FRESH EGGS, Call at the, Holbrook - Meat - Market, C. F. PERKINS, Proprietor. PETRIFIED FOREST All parties desiring, to. visit this wonderful pet rified land should write or telegraph THE ARGUS for full particulars. All inquiries will be cheerful ly answered and the wants of visitors carefully look ed after. . - CD Q UJ CD LJ LU O LÜ We carry as complete a line of Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Gaps, Boots and Shoes, Queenstpare and Hardvcare, as can be found in any city. We also carry a complete line of FARM IMFLEJIEXTS, SEWIXG MACHINES, FEXCE WIRE and WIRE XAILS. The Best Grades of Flour that can be bought. We buy direct from Manu facturers and the Largest Job bing Jlouses in the country, . FOR CASH, flnii as far as practicable in CAR-LOAD LOTS, which enables us to sell you goods as low as is possible for any house that carries Strictly First-Class Goods. D I ' a m o o o o ID a J3 z: rn CD Your Patronage is alio ays appreciated , no matter how small your jturchase you may rest assured it tcill be our aim to sell you the best goods that can be obtained for cash, at reasonable, 2rices. ltf ZUCK'S v NEW v HOTEL, The : Holbrook, FIRE-PROOF BUILDING, Comfortable and Safe. ALL ACCOMMODATIONS FIRST-CLASS. THE BEST THE COUNTRY AFFORDS,, Public. Patronage Respectfully Solicited. HOLBROOK, ' ARIZONA. ltf A. & B. SCHUSTER, Holbrook, A. T. St. Johns, A. T. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In, GENEFtALa MERCHANDISE, groceries, Delicasies, Provision, Tobacco 0 Cigars , Harness dt Saddlery, Hay it Grain, Paints, C Oils, Wood-enware, Hardware, and- Tinware, Crockery C Glassware, Guns Ji A m unition, Furniture. Dry Goods, Notions, v Fancy Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, FurnisJiing Good. Stationery, Trunks and Valises, Navajo Blankets, Lumber, W allpaper. Sole Agents for SCIIUTTLER WAGONS and NORTH OF IRELAND SHEEP DIP Mail Qrder Promptly Attended, to..