Newspaper Page Text
P.C . Volume II. HOLBROOK, ARIZONA, SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1897. Number 13, II Ml ! D MTHJC KAILHOAD8. Atlantic & Pacific Railroad, ' ' (WMTSBS DITISIOST.) C. V, SMITH. Receiver. Condensed Time Card N"o. 45, Effect Feb. 14. 1697. WSSTWABD. STATIONS. No. 1 No. 5. No. ' Chicago . Kansas City.. Detrer. ....... La Junta. Albuq'ru.ue.... Wing-ste Gallup Holbrook...... Win low Flagstaff. William. .LilO 2Sp ... 8 (l)p z api ... 40u s sup 9 4in 11 35p 12 bp 1 ia 7 10a 8 05a, 5 lOp 8 top 9 lUu -I" t,. id sjpj s S-p 11 2P 5 SOpi 8 20 12 40a Ash Fork. Ar s &0p! 7 zopi i o Ash Fork 7 15a! . Prescott Ar.10 Up. Phenix An 2 Oupi. 7 00a 10 Sua 6 OUp Ath Fork ...Lv 8 SOpi 7 20p 1 40a 9 zop 10 0p 4 lja 11 Cup! z lun; 5 4.",a 1 Oia 4 40a I 7 boa 8 Sua 6 ata; 9 l&a 4 4ual 9 25a 11 10 Pacb springs Kingtnan Need les Blake- Bagdad Lag gett. - 7 4ua 1 OOp Kramer 1 S SOp Uoinve. Ar I i OOp Los Anfrles Ar 1 20p I 6an Diego An 8 0 IUa! Z lop 2 lOp 6 Oup 10 iOp gao Francisco. ArilO laax 7 40s BASXWABD. STATIONS. No. 2 ! No. 6 No. 4 Chicago Ar 10 OOp Kansas City- '. Ar. 7 GSa 9 43a 5 40p Denver Ar, 8 OUp La Junta Ar 12 Ojp 11 lJa io sup Albuquerque ..Ar Wingate Ly uua 4 IUa 4aa 4 40p . 4 10p. 12 SOpi. Gallup Holbrook. Winslow Flagstaff Williams. Ash Fork Lv 12 2ua 11 sua 111 (bp 9 Sua 8 Oia 8 2m P 7 10ai 7 lip i iba: i 5up Ash Fork Ar 8 00a 8 sua 7 Sup s sop 2 40p 7 sua Fresco..: Lv Phenix Lv Ash Fork Arl 8 25a' 8 Ma! S 50p 4 05a' 1 ií)a. S Oup 2 00a 10 20p 13 4ia Peach Springs Lv Kingman Needles Blake. 11 sup, 7 u 10 Qua 10 0p 8 OUp, 8 3-a Bardad-, Daggett.. Barstow. Kramer.. a oup; jp, &a 8 40pi 1 OUp, i 20p 12 4upl 20a 11 aai ...... 9 50a Mojare Lvl ixm Angeles... Lr 10 15a 8 00a Ban Diego ..Lvl 7 4a! 2 ST.p Ban Francisco.. .Lvl. 5 OOp SPECIAL BANDSBURS TRAINS. 8 20p I Lv Barstow.. 8 40p 1 Ar Kramer. , .Arl Lv! 8 80p 55p Trains Nob. 8 and 4 are limited trains, run ning semi-weekly. No. 8 leaves Chicago Wednesdays and - Saturdays, passes Albu 'qaerque Fridays and Mondays, arriving at Los Angeles. Saturdays and Tuesdays. Train No. 4 will leave Los Angeles. Mondays and Thursdays, passing Albuquerque. Wednes days and Saturdays, arriving at Chicago, Fridays and Mondays. Passengers on limited west-botmd trains holding tickets reading direct via Mojave change at Barstow to No. 8. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars daily through between Los Angeles and Chicago ond H liliams and San Francisco. .ahTUJr and Chicago and Los Angeles. Tourist cars leave Sun Francisco every Tuesday and Los Angeles every Wednesday, running through to Kansas City, Chicago and Boston. The Grand CaBon of the Colorado can be reached only via this line. Ask for a beautifully illustrated book which win be mailed free. Do A. Swskt, Gen'l Passenger Agent. Albuquerque, N. M, S, F., P. & P. Railwau. - WITH TH A. T. & S. K. R. R. IS TBS SHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROUTE To Denver. Kansas City. St. Louis, and Chi , cago and all points sAsT. S. JT. P. Ac I. TIME TABLE Io affect Nov 29, 1838. Mountain time is standard Used SOUTH BOUND. I I NORTH BOUND. No. 9 I Pasa I No. 1 1 Pas' I i No. 2 I I Pass! No. 4 Pass STATIONS. 7 SOpi upi 9 Zip 7 ual Ash Fork Bock Butte Iiel Rio Jerome J uuction Prescott Prescott Summit Skull Valley Kirkland , Date Creek Congress Wickenburg Peoria Glendale Albambra ' Pho?nix ' ' & SOp i 46a 4 41p; 4 4xa 8 4jp. S 4 a t üi; s sua 2 40p; 2 Sóa 2 Z! 2 2t'a 1 Son, 1 4.1 7 Ma 8 Km 9 06a 10 40p 10 Up .11 4ÚO 10 Sua 10 Im 11 22a 12 43al 12 lipi ;12 iia 12 4Sp 1 O.a 1 24a U Kid Ti lxa 12 ZSp 11 Via II lap 10 lía 10 2Vp 8 0eJ 2 lOp 4 a 8 lua l 4ópl 9 Sna 9 4p 8 I la; 8 Up 8 5Wa 7 8 4Aai 7 4Jp 7 S0n 7 Sup a liiu 8 24a ' 8 J 2pl 3p 8 OOp 7 Oum Dining station. THE SCENIC BOUTS OF ARIZONA. The best route to California. The only north and south line in Arisonatothe Grand CaBon of the Colorado. Petrified Forest. Cliff Dwellings. Great Pine Foret. Bait River Valley and numerous oilier Points pf interest. Through tickets to all points in the United States. Canada and Mes'co. Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Jerome Junction with trains of U. V. A P. Ry. for Jerome. Connecting at Prescott with stage lines for all principal mining ramps; at Congresa with Congress Gold Co. R. iL for Cons-rets and stage lines for Harqua Hala Station and Tar neiL At Phoraix with, the Maricopa A Phcc nix Ry. for points on the S P. Ry. Also with B. R. V. K-Ry. Close eoanections made at Ash Fork with Santa Fe Ronte fast trains to all points east and west. Trains for California leave Ash Fork at.4-.j0 and 8:44 p. m- arriving in Los A ágeles next afternoon at 1 :'M and San Frrn eiaoo seeond rooming at 10:45. Train for the Kast leaves Ash Fork at 6:JS. F. M. MURPHY. GEO. H. SARGENT, Pres't A Gent Mj r, ' Gen'l Pass'r Aent. Prescott. Aria. Prescott. Aria. B. E. WELLS. Assistant General Manager. Prescott. Arizona. CHALCEDONY LODGE NO. (.Ml. J7 hL. Holbrook. Arlsona. Regular jfr stated communications at 7 :3U p kjv tn. on Fourth Saturday of each ' month. . Visiting brethren invited. By order of R. C. KINDER, W. M. J. H. BOWMAN, Secretary. tttf niRPRVTKK SHOP-Vnrth m.l f It If 1 ii track, east of the shop of Wn. Armbrust-1 , er. All kinds of carpenter work at short ' otiee. Bepairing a specialty. -Give me a ; all if yea have work needing Immediate at- I fMtiosk - itf- c, G, TsjiTtKMAN. I R. ARIZONA NEWS. Territorial Items Gleaned From Oar Exchanges and Con densed for Our Busy Patrons. Fifteen arrests were made in Pres eott in February. A joung Men's Gospel union has been organized in Phenix. A society of the Unitarian church has been organized at Phenix. The fines collected in Prescott during February amounted to $470. It is reported that Fort Iluaehuca will soon be made a division head quarters. There was a balance in the city treasury of Prescott on March 1, of $i,70ti.3G. William Gwvn, of the S. F P. & P. railroad, has resigned and gone to Mexico. A Sunday school convention was held in Prescott on Wednesday and Thursday. Thenty-five tons of copper bul lion were shipped from Tucson one day last week. .Prescott is ' in darkness at night, and efforts are being made to have the city lighted. The new Episcopal church at Xucson was recently dedicated by Bishop Kendrick. The license tax collected in Pres cott for the second month of this year was S&18.25. . Hon. Thomas Hughes has an nounced himself as a candidate for postmaster at Tucson. pTom Armer, Indian farmer at the San Carlos reservation, has resigned and gone to Globe to reside. . One hundred Japanese laborers have been imported to Phenix to work for the Canaigree company. It is said that over one-half the silver produced in Arizona last year came from the county of Mohave. Aucrustin Garcia committed sui- San Jose on Feb. 27, by shooting himself in the head with a pistol. H. M. Abboit has a force of men at work developing the X Y Z cop per claim, adjoining the United V erde mine. D.Markham has purchased 3,000; head of New Mexican long horn cat tle and will put them on his range near Tucson. The Arizona & Southeastern rail road last week received an engine recently purchased from the G. E. Si I. railroad. Prof. Blandy has made a careful compilation of the copper output for Arizona and finds it foots a total of 03,323,788 pounds. . Good reports continue to comeJ from the Bald Butte mine, in which a nine-foot ledge of rich gold rock has just been exposed. The smelter of the Detroit Copper company at Morenci shut down last Friday. They will be shut down about ten days. Bulletin. William Bell and Charles Cator have begun work on their Little Harry mine. They intend to drive a 100-foot tunnel. Jerome Reporter. The Saginaw Lumber company have added six feet to the top of their dam in Wash canon, . making j nian Miner. the total height of the dam forty-, i C. L. Schaar, manager of the five feet. Placerita company, recently made a Seeds of the Australian salt bush a clean-up of $3,000 from a fifteen are again being distributed by thejdajs' run on ore from the Coral Arizona Exoeriment station to such ! ne, one of the group owned by his residents of the territory aseare to experiment in growing it. . Another gold strike has been made below town on the old soldier, says ine . ,Kingmau aimer, me ledge is several feet in width and runs several ounces to the ton. A holdup at Flagstaff last week failing to secure any booty, accept ed an invitation from his victim to adjourn to a near'4y saloon and have a drink, and was arrested. D..B. Gillette, a California mining nan roranllr m fi 1 fliA statement ' .- at Tucson, that there was more min- . . . ,i ing gOiag On in Yavapai COUnty than . t, t. ;t,n in any other part of the territory, Mecario Acosta and Bergino Gon zales, both sent to Yuma from Gra ham county for one year for grand larceny, have been discharged on account of expiration of sentence. During the past few days Brig ham & Hicks have dehorned over seven hundred head of cattle. Wolf Sachs will commence dehorning his herd some time next week. Tempe News. En-Dess-Do-Day, an Apache In dian from Graham couDty, serving a life sentence for murder, died at Yuma a few days since of consump tion, thus completing the full meas ure of his sentence. The United Globe Mines have purchased the Maudie mining claim from James P. Faull and partner for 2,000, and the remaining inter est of W. T. McNelly in the Mc Ginty claim, for $1,200. Governor Franklin pardoned Frank Woodson from the Yuma prison that he could be taken to Cassia county, Idaho, and tried for murder. Woodson was sent from Yavapai county in 1896, for aggra vated assault. C. B. Genung and sons, who are working an extension of the Levia than miuej near Stanton, struck a body of ore recently which goes 1100 per ton in gold. Iney are working it with an arastra, and are realizing excellent results. The testing mill which was re cently purchased by the Common wealth Mining company of Pearce, has been received and will bo placed iu position as soon as the excava tions for same have been completed, which will be in a few days. The governor sent the following appointments to the council last week: James Coyle, assistant sup erintendent at the prison; Harry W. McKeen, secretan; T. H. Sabin, physician; Emery Kays, member of live stock sanitary commission. Information is wanted of J. H. Jackson, better known as Harry J. Jackson, who lived in Globe in 1881. Persons , knowing anything about him or his whereabouts, will confer a favor by writing to George R. Jackson, Church street, Halifax, N. S. Recent snows in the mountains off Arizona assure the farmer, that there willbe plenty of water this season. In the Bradshaws, the San I Francisco and Four Peaks countries much deeper than usual last uu the 8ummer rains come. ; George Harris, a teamster, was killed yesterday between Prescott and the McCabe mine. He was en gaged in freighting to the latter mine with an eight-mule team and his wagon upset, falling upon him and crushing out his life. Journal Miner. All the ranch and cattle interests belonging to the Schoshusen broth ers on the San Pedro, have been sold to Frank Burns, a Santa Barbara, Cal., stockman. Everything on the ranch, even to the kitchen utensils, were taken in' the deed, and the place will be kept up. By Collins has opened up a five inch streak of-copper ore, in the Black foot mine, that runs about 1000 in gold and 300 ounces in sil ver to the ton. The mine is open ing up splendidly and Messrs. Col lins and Bohno are assured of olentv of monev in future. Kins- it, . - company. A very rich schute of ore , ira i was recently struck in this mine. assays as high as $92 per ton and , a e-i - i.. uiaies cuu poi iuu. i Der. oi me ick14141" mirouuce a j bill to have the people of Arizona j i . 1 1 t l - a , ; vote on the prison removal question. Should this be done, the prison will certainly be removed, with bright prospects' of its being removed to Prescott. Courier. A party who came. through San Carlos a few days ago, informed us that some Indians engaged in a free fight amongst themselves about two . L aooui, tore up ine carpei ana ieii pttsburg broker, died at San Fran Thatisagpod suggestion of the everything in confusion, takiug away ' csco on the "3rd instant, from an Arizona Republican hat some mem-, a few boxes .of cigars and some : nra t weeks ago, on the Gila opposite San Carlos. During the fracas one In dian was shot in the back and killed, and his supposed sla3er is now in the guard house at San Carlos. Globe Silver Belt. Kanab Uinkaret plateaus in nor thern Arizona are more heavily tim bered than any portiou of Arizona territory. Uinkaret mountains of northern Mohave county are cov ered by billions of feet of the finest pine timber to be found in the Unit- i ed States. The whole countrv re sembles in appearance the San Fran cisco mountains. Kingman Miner. Governor-Franklin has lerned that there are three men in the territory who have not been appointed nota ries public. He des not know their names or postodce addresses, but he is desirous of learning, that he may forward them notarial commissions. He does not want it said when he retires from office that he has not treated one man as well as another. Phenix Republican. J. W. Power, chief engineer at the Arizona Lumber & Timber compa ny's mill, was badly scalded Mon day forenoon while at work, says the Flagstaff Sun-Democrat. The gasket, or packing of the piston be came loosened and was forced, out by the immense pressure of steam, which immediately shot out, strik ing Mr. Power, who was near, in the face and chest, scalding him terri bly. In blasting for the foundation of the mill of the Sundance company, on their Silver Trail mine near the head of the Hassayampa, a thirty-two-inch vein was encountered,' the ore from which goes $16.58 per ton in free gold besides a small per centage in silver. The ledge is thought to be a continuation of one from which about $20,000 in gold was taken a few years ago. Journal Miner. . . Now' is the time to get to work on the Stockton Hill tunnel. Nowhere on the Pacific coast can greater bodies of ore be cut by a tunnel than at that point in the Cerbat range oí mountains. Ihe tunnel, as surveyed, will cut the ledges at a depth of 1,200 feet. All of the mines are now under water and can not be worked without putting; in costly machinery. Mohave County Miner. Daniel Drummond, a well-known surveyor, is reported missing. Some months ago he .obtained a govern ment contract in the northern part of the territory. This he complet ed and sent his notes to the surveyor general, and directed that all mail for him should be retained here pending his arrival.' This was six weeks ago and nothing has since been heard of him. 'Wheu he last wrote he was in Fagstaff, and fears are entertained hero that some se- rious mishap has befallen him. Tucson Citizen. - Last Wednesday morning Col. H. C. Hooker received from California by special car attached to the east bound passenger train, several ; Crockery company at San Fran thoroughbred stallions for his Sierra cSCOj Qa th(j 4th instant, caused a Bonita ranch. Parisee, a four-year- Hama of S20.000. old horse, sired by Palo Alto, was of the number, and is certainly a beau ty. He is such an animal as old judges of horse flesh love to see and admire, and will no doubt prove a valuable .addition to Colonel Hook er's stud, which now includes seven of the best stallions in the south west. Wilcox News. 1 The Tent store was burglarized on Monday night during the absence of the owners, Mr. and Mrs. McNeil, j who had gone to view the masque- i rade carnival. The robers ransack- ed the premises in a search for tnon- ! ey, which Mr. Mceil had prudently ... - i ueposiieu. Aiiejr weui, lurougo iob trunks, scattering the contents j . . . . , , . - i - - . i : wearing apparel. xney eviaeniiy meditated the destruction of the premises, as they placed the lamp on the floor against a curtain, which fortunately,; did not ignite. The same night the saddle was stolen from the back of S. A. Russell's horse,' which had been hitched on Broad street. The boldness of these thefts cálls for renewed vigilance on : the part ot otneers ol the law to ap prehend and rid the town of such miscreants, Globe Silver Belt, TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Late Telegrams Condensed for Headers of The Argus. Worcester, Mass., was visited by a $100,000 fire on the 6th instant. The official, reports from Bombay show that the plague is abating. Pueblo, Colo., has decided to hold an industrial exhibition in ApriL Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher died at Stamford, Conn., on the 8th instant. The New' Hampshire legislature has refused to repeal the bounty on bears. About 2,000 plasterers and hod carriers of Chicago struck on the Sth instant. An Ohio factory recently received an order from England for 42,000 pairs of shoes. Schwartz ' Brothers Commission company of at. Louis, assigned on the 4th instant. Rev. George S. Mallory of New York, editor of the Churchman, died on the 3rd instant. i Gus A. Norling shot and fatally wounded his wife and killed himself at Kansas City on the 9th instant. Thomas Wilson, a pioneer Chi cago contractor, who came to that city in 184 i, died on the 2nd instant. The house on the 3rd instant passed the imigration bill over the president's veto by a vote of 193 to 37. The Deep iWater commission has reported favorably on the San Pedro harbor instead of Santa Monica, Cal. O. F. Lodwisk and W. B. Webster were injured by a blast in the Ibex mine, near Ouray', Colo., on the 5th instant. Five hundred employes of the Globe Shipbuilding company of Cleveland, Ohio, struck on the 3rd instant. On the Vermillion river in north western Colorado, rich copper and gold deposits have recently been dis covered. Colin Danghdrill was hanged at Gadsend, Ala., on the 5th instant, for the murder of J. I. Bates, a drummer. The supreme court of California has filed a decission in the , famous Durant case, denying the defendant a new trial. . - Governor Bradley of Kentucky,' has appointed A. T. Wood, United States senator to succeed J. C. S. Blackburn. An explosion in a coal mine at Huntington, Ark., on the 6th instant burned thirty-five men seriously and some fatally. The American Plate Glass com pany's works at Alexandria, Ind., were damaged on the 2nd instant $40,000 by fire. Fre Q the store of the California j Prof. Edward Thompson Nelson, of the chair of science at the Ohio ! Wesleyan university, died of heart disease a few days since. The San Francisco Post announces the sale of the famous Utica mine i of California. The price alleged to have been paid is $15.900. A fast train was wrecked near Marshall, Mo., on the 2nd instant, killing C. G. Ehrit, engineer, and Charles Rynal, brakeman. Johny West of New York, defeat ed Joe Walcott, colored, of Boston, jn a twenty-round boxing bout at 'ew York on the Oth instant. John M -a Oakley, a prominent o o The Missouri vagrancy law, which permitted persons convicted of vagrancy to be sold by the sheriff from a block, has been repealed. William J. Koerner has been con victed of the murder of Rose A. Redmute of New. York, and sen- tenced to be electrocuted April 19. Judge Wolford of Missouri, has handed down a decission sustaining the constitutionality of the law fix ing the death penalty for train rob--bing. A Tacoma, Wash., cow recently gave birth to a calf with two fully formed heads, two taiU and five legs. The fifth leg issued from the back. - . The annual interest on the debt owed by India to Great Britain is' about $80,000,000; no wonder India has a famine and pestilence com bined. Duhme & Co., one of the oldest jewelry firms of Cincinnati, Ohio, made an assignment on the 6th in stant. Assets,. $100,000; liabilities unknown. In a recent engagement between the insurgents and Spanish forces in Cuba, 200 Spaniards are reported killed and the insurgent's loss is placed at fifty. - Jerry Shanahan was instantly killed and Michael Haley seriously injured by an explosion in the St. Lawrence mine at Butto, Mont-, on the 4th instant. Hon. Edward Ellis, president of the Schenectady Locomotive works, and a promiuent republican politi cian oi the Lmpire state, died on the 4th instant. ' The destructiou by fire of the power house of the Union Traction company of Philadelphia, on the 4th instant, caused a loss of half a million dollars. Puma City, Colo., was the scene of a shooting scrap on the 4th in stant that resulted in the killing of Peter S. Cox, a well-known saloon man and mino operator. On the 6th instant Governor Loud of Oregon, appointed ex-Senator H W. Corbett United States senator to " fill the vacancy caused by the failure of the legislature to elect. Two fires at Aurora, Ind., on the 3rd instant destroyed the Aurora Chair factory and the Wymond cooper shop, throwing 500 operat ives out of work. Loss$100,000. On the 5th instant, by a unani mous vote the lower house of the Washington legislature passed a bill prohibiting persons wearing hats in theaters, which will obstruct the view. , From the Peter Wood gravel mine on Magalia ridge, Butte coun ty, Cal., a large section of a tree was taken lately. It was found at a vertical depth of 800 feet and from the face of the tunnel 1100 feet. In a wreck at Bonnotte's Mill, Mo., on the Missouri Pacific railroad on the 5th instant, W. W. Rosen berger, mail clerk,' was killed and his body cremated. .The fireman was fatally injured and the engineer badly hurt. Advices from Delhi, India, state that in Scisa, in which district there has been more suffering from famine than in any other section of the country, the death rate was 23 per . cent of the population; 40,000 per sons having died. John R. Parrish a fireman on the Santa Fe, was instantly killed on his engine near Las Vegas a few ' days since, by being struck on the head by timbers of a bridge while . passing through. He was leading out of the cab window. ' The Peruvian government hare absolutely refused to pay the claim of Victor McCord, an American : citizen, for $200,000 for false impris onment. Secretary Olney made a peremptory demand for payment, which has been ignored. A recent Chicago dispatch says that a new whisky trust is forming and will include 115 distilleries. The company will be capitalized to the amount of $30,000,000. Securities will be divided as follows: First mortgage bonds, $10,000,000; prefer- red stock, S5,000,000; common stock, $15,000,000. The legislative committee appoint-r ed to investigate the charges Gf bribery in connection with the elec tion of Hatfield to the United States senate from Idaho, have made- a re port recommending that Represen tative Jones, who made the affidavit that he was bribed, and Representa tive Perkins, whom Jones charge with having paid him $150 far his vote, be removed from the legisla ture. This action practically sus. tains the charges. '