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AX 9 0 Volume IL HOLBROOK, ARIZOKA, SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1897. Number 15. v.- THK RAILKOAP8. Atlantic & Pacific Railroad. (WMTBBX DITXSIOa.) ' C W. SMITH. Receiver. lOondenscd Time Card No. 40, Effect Feb. 14, 1807. WIBTWAHD. STATIONS. No. l!No. 5 So. S Chicago Kansas Clfy... ..Lv 10 Bp t u 6 (Dp v 40a 5 Sup 45n La Junta. Alouq'rque... Wingate Gallup H ilbrook Wiuslow Flajvtalf. William,.. .. ah fork xsvnver. lía. 1 45a . 7 10a . 11 Up 12 Sip 8 05a 5 10p 8 top lOp 11 10a 12 Up S5p 11 2u a sop 6 Sup 6 20p 12 4ua ..Ar 1 20pL 1.40a Aah Fork 7 13a 7 00a 10 8Ua S OOp Prescott Ar Vbenix .Ar 10 Sip 2 OOp Ash Fork Lv SOp 7 20p 1 40a 4 0a Poach Springs I 9 20p 10 SOp kurmto. ii uup Needie- 1 UJa Blake. , 1 sua Bagdad 4 40a Daggett I 7 40a 2 00a & 43a 4 40a I 7 Ma 20a: 15a 9 25a 11 10a 1 OOp Bdirtow Ar 8 10a 2 lóp Kramer I t SOp idoiava- An I ft 00o 2 lOp Lo Angeles Ari 1 20p OOp San iñego Arl 8 n 110 40p Sao Francisco. ArilO 15a 7 40a1 inwiiD. STATIONS. No. I ,,Cleago..... Aanaa City. Denver Ar 10 O0d'.... An 7 Ova .Arl 6 OOp La Junta. Albuquerque -Ar Ar 12 uip 9 45p 4 40p 4 )On w mgate . juv Uallup Ho. brook.., 12 SOU i nilnw 11 SUa ill 0jP Planta ff William..... Aah torn..... v sa i b 91? 8 Oial 7 10a' 7 lop goal i SSal ft SOp .L Ash Fork Ar' 6 00a1. Prescott Lv 2 80a'. Phanlx Lvl 7 SOp. S SOp 2 40p 7 SOa -I- Ash Fork Ar 6 25a! 1 55a i ft SOp Peach Springs L 4 Oial 1 !t0a! S OOp Kingman 2 00a 10 20p 12 45a Neeoles 11 SOpi 7 40p 10 00a Blake- 10 topi 6 OUp, 8 S5a Bxds'l. 8 OOpi S 4w 25a lsaggett. ft 4Up! 1 OUp, Harto ft 2up 12 40p S 20a Kramer 11 Oja: Moi-ve Lv I 9 S0a Loa Angele Lv.10 15a I R 00a San Diego -.Lv 7 45a I 2 Sip Kan Francisco. Lvt. ft OOp SPECIAL BANDSBUBS TRAINS. 20p 40p Lt.. Ar. .Barstow Ar I ..Kramer Lv I 8 SOp SOp Traína No. S and 4 are limited trains, run ning semi-weekly. No. 8 leaves Chicago Wednesdays and Saturdays, passes Albu querque Fridays and Mondays, arriving at Los Angeles. Saturday's and Tuesdays. Train No. 4 will leave Loa Angeles. Mondays and Thursdays, pasriug Albuquerque, Wednes days and Saturdays, arriving at Chicago, Fridays and Mondays. Passengers on limited west-bo find trains holding tickets reading direct via Mojave change at Barstow to No. ft. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars daily through between Loa Angeles and Chicago And VV iiliams and San Francisco, Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars daily hrongh between Chicago and Sab FrAocisco ana vuu-ago ana uo Angeles. Tourist ears leave San Francisco every Tuesday and Los Angeles every Wednesday, running through to Kansas City, Chicago and Boston. The Grand Canon of the Colorado can be reached only via this line. Ask for a beautifully illustrated book which will be mailed free. Dow A, SwiiTj Geni Passenger Arent, Albuquerque. N. M, S. F.. P. & P, Railwau. WITH TBI A. T. & S. F R. R. 13 THE SHORTEST AflaL, . fiCICKEST ROUTS . To Denver, Kansas City. St. Louis, and Chi cago and all points BAST. B. y. F. St P. TIME 'TABLE In effect Kov 29, 1898. Mountain time is standard used SOUTH BOUND. I NORTH BOUND. No. i No. 1 I I No. 2 I I Pass I No. 4 Pass P" Pas- ' STATIONS. 7 SOp 8 0p 9 2o 7 OOal Ash Fork ft SOp 4 41 p 5 45 p ( 2hp 2 40p 2 25p 1 SOp 6 45a 4 4..a 1 45a 5 SOa 2 S5a 2 20a 7 Sou 8 SOA 9 03a Bock Butte Del Kio Jerome Junction Prescott Prescott Summit Skull Valley Kirkland Date Creek Congress ' Wickenbur Peoria Glendale Alhambra Pbreuix 9 41 p 10 40p 10 Sua 10 Sip 10 4a 11 40p 11 2ttl 12 41a: 12 Sip 1 43a 12 Soa 12 4Sp l 0ia,i2 up 2 24a S ta 4 04a 8 10a 2 lOp 2 SOp t 45p 5 lrtp ft 2p ft 43 u 112 IBa 12 Z3p ill 12a 11 13p lv nam zup 9 9 48p 8 Vp 7 SOp 7 45p 7 aop 8 11a 8 Sa 8 46a 7 SOa 8 2a SWa 1 00a 8 OOpj Dining station. THE SCENIC ROUTE OF ARIZONA. The best route to California. The only north and south line in Arizona to the Grand CnOon of the Colorado. Petrified Forest. Cliff Dwellings. Great Pine Forest. Salt River Valley and numerous oiher Points of interest. Through tickets to all points in the United States. Canada and Mex'co. Nos, 1 and 2 connect at Jerome Junction with trains of U. V. A P. By. for Jerome. Connecting at Prescott with stage lines for All principal mining ramps: at Congress with Congress Gold Co. B. K. for Congress and stage lines for Harqua Hala Station and Tar. nelL At Pluenix with the Maricopa A Pboi nix By. for points ón the S. P. By, Also with 8. R. V. B.Ry. Close connections made At Ash, Fork with Santa Fe Botite fast trains to all pointa east And west. Trains for California leave Ash Fork at 6:50 and 0:45 p. m., arriving in Los Angeles next afternoon at 1 :20 and San Frrn eisoo second morning at 10:43. Train for the Eaht leaves Ash Fork: at 6 :25. F. M. MUBPHT, - GEO. M. SARGENT. Pres't At Gen'l Mg'r, Gen'l Pass'r AenU Prescott. Aria. Prescott. Aria. B. E. WELLS. Assistant General Manager. Prase ott, Ariaoaa. CHALCEDONY LODGE NO. 8,F. A- A. AL, Hoi brook,' Arizona. Regulnr jjr st s tad communications at 7 M p r . on Fourth Saturday of each ' BBomta. Visiting brethren invited. By order of B.C KINDER, W.M. J. H. BOWMAN. Secretary. . - 9tf CABPENTri fcFOP North side of R. R. track, -- cf t-e shop of Wm. A rmbrust er. lit s of carpenter work at short notice. i a specialty. Give me a fall if yoa aa om needing immediate at teartioo. XJ C, CÍTTíTKBMAM. No. 8 1 No. 4 .. 9 4Sa .. ft 40p .. 11 15a .. ;10 50p I a tfM. 4 10a ...... 45a 12 20a ARIZONA NEWS, Territorial Items Gleaned From Onr Exchanges and Con densed for Oar Busy Patrons. A charity ball will be given at Tucson, April 23. Work has commenced on the new opera house at Tucson. There are twenty-four prisoners in the Yavapai county jail. A ledge of asbestos one foot wide has been discovered near Rye. The ore shipmaats from Tucson J are reported to be steadily increas ing. On April 2 the Arizona Baptist association will ñola its annual ses sion in Tucson. The Congress gold mine, Yavapai county, increased its production $100,000 last year. Wah Ching, a Chinese merchant of Phenix, has gone on a visit to the Flowery Kingdam. W. H. Gregory, formerly of Phe nix, has purchased the Moonshine lunch counter at Jerome. The prisoner roll now contains the names of 218 convicts, less than it has for a pumber of months. Yuma Sun. ' The alleged smallpox at the Saca ton Indian reservation has been pronounced by physicians to be cbickenpox. Charles Banker's brewery and ice plant at Globe were destroyed by fire on the 9th instant. Loss, 510,- 000; no insurance. Federal court will convene at Sol omonville on March 22, at which time a large criminal docket will come up for disposition. Now that the Maricopa squaws have taken to wearing bloomers and riding bicycles, another fashionable fad is wanted for the ladies Gazette. J. L. Waters, while working on a hay press at Duncan, got one of his feet caught in the press and so badly crushed that amputation (was necessary. Two quartz mills are now en route from Chicago to be placed on prop erties of the Chicago Gold Mining company in Big Bug district, Yava pai county. A meteor fell somewhere in the Dragoon mountains, near Benson a few days ago.' The shock when it struck the earth was felt a distance of 150 miles. C. S. Ackers, who was in town from the Mogollón mountains, says that he was snowed up for six week i at his Apache Maid ranch without seeing another person. Journal Miner. A rifle club has been organized at Jerome comprising most of the members of the Walnut Springs gun club. " Elmer . McFarland is presi dent . and Sam McCurdy secretary and treasurer. The Copper Glance mine in the West Hauchuca mountains, is look ing fine, says the Tombstone Pros pector, the regular quota of - men working all the time, and the pros pects of the mine are good. An attempt was made yesterday by some of the local dealers to com pel the four Illinois men here who are peddling buggies, to pay a li cense. No law could be found to cinch them. Phenix Gazette. Machinery for the forty stamp mill being erected at White Hills by the Excelsior Mining company is ar riving daily and being loaded by Thomas Howard. The weather now makes freighting easier. Kingman Mineral Wealth. Vf. S, Head informs the Journal Miner that for the first time in years peach trees have not blossomed in the Yerde valley in February. " In consequence of the lateness of their appearing in bloom he thinks there will be a good crop this year. Justice Campbell, yesterday even ing, fined the Man Morris, who drove Jos. Dougherty's team to Chaparral and left in an old shaft, $250, with the alternative of 250 days in jail. Having no money he took the alternative. Prescott Journal-Miner. xne city oí 'rescott nas con tracted with the Prescott Electric company for twelve 1200 candle- power arc lights, and the county four lights of like size, the net price of the system to be $200 per month. the expense to be born jointly by the city and county. Tom Woody, who works at the Winningham mine near Jerome, last Monday evening shot and killed a monster catamount. The animal was making a raid on the chickens when Tom rushed for his revolver and with unerring aim dispatched the nocturnal prowler. Deputy Sherift Merrit brought in a colored man from Jerome yester day who will serve ninety days in jail for beating a woman. The man is a picnist, clog dancer and vocal musician and with the Mexican vocal quartette, now in jail, will make a drawing musical combination. Pres cott Courier. Three gold nuggets were recently found on Willow creek, near Pres cott. One of them weighed $22.50, another $16 and the third $10. The Courier says that quite a number of rich nuggetts have been found in that vicinity during the past few years and it is believed that a rich gold ledge exists somewhere in that section. Councilman Packard will have the destinction of being the only man in either house of the nine teenth legislature who has not in troduced a bill during the session. Old Pack hugs himself and says he "voted no on every "d d thing that came up, and he is going home not as a statesman, but as a taxpayer." Gazette. Sykes Brothers are engaged in dis mantling the observatory building on the hill and preparing for the immediate construction of a build ing thirty feet higher than the old one, .says the Flagstaff Sun-Demo crat. - Mr. Lowell and his corps of astronomers will arrive with the telescope from the City of Mexico early in April. Jerome has a brass band that is a daisy. Our only desire now is a Sal vation army corps and a militia com pany. The hospital quartette is im proving and is preparing for a" pub lic appearance. On that occasion the price of eggs will rise and tur nips will be at a premium. The boys deserve praise for their age. Jerome News. A miner named Colfax, who work ed in the United Yerde mine at Je rome a couple of years ago, says the Jerome News, was shot and killed in Cuba recently. He had become imbued with the spirit of freedom that throbs in every Americau's breast and joined the insurgent ranks, with the result that he gave up his life for "Cuba libre." The largest cattle deal ever made in Gila county was closed yesterday says the Silver Belt, Sam W. Brown, agent for J. G. Hall of Doming, N. having purchased 'the Pr ingle cattle at $12 per head. John' and Robert Priugle, owners of the' cat tle, agree, so it is reported, to de liver 5,000 head, for which they will receive, at the price named, $(30,000. A Mexican laborer in attempting to steal a ride on a freight train near Luzena, Sunday night, fell un der the train and had both feet badly crushed and mangled. 'He was brougnt to v itcox wnere bis wounds were dressed by Dr. M. J. Nicholson. The injured man was last night taken .to .Tombstone by Deputv Constable L. N. Barnes. News. A Mexican, formerly a section hand on the Southern Pacific, was found lying beside the rails near Red Rock yesterday morning with both legs horribly mangled, and it is supposed that he was lying across the track in a drunken stupor when a passing freight train ran over him. He was taken to the hospital as soon as possible, but only lived until last night when he died in awful agony. Tucson Star. J. H. Behan, of Tucson, while shooting at the live bird match, on Sunday last, had the misfortune to burst the right barrel of his gun. Luckily for him, however, he escaped injury, although the call was a close one. He was shootiug nitro powder and the expansion of the shell at the point of explosion was so great that it tore the right side of the barrel out to the depth of several inches, Gazette. Sheriff Potts received a telegram Wednesday that a man had been killed near Sweeney's ranch on this side of the river near the Needles. unaer onerm smitn was at once dispatched to the scene, coroner Rodman accompanying him. A jury was impanneled that found a ver dict to the effect that the man was shot to death by parties unknown. Chris Callan was the man's name, and his body contained three gun shot wounds. He was burried at the Needles. Kingman Mineral Wealth. On Sunday morning when the band boys were gathering for the picnic Juan Estrella, the leading violinist, was examining a small 32 pistol to see whether it was in work ing order. He found it aJl right with a ball in every chamber. Be fore he returned the weapon to his pocket it fell from his hand and was accidentally discharged. The ball tore away the flesh from one of Atigei viejos angers ana struck a pant's button just over Estrella's bowels, which turned it away. Alejo has a very sore hand and Estrella has a bruised spot about the size of a dollar just below the navel, as a result of the accident. Solomon-' ville Bulletin. A discovery has been made in the Oro mine, at Oro Blanco that fixes the permanency of that camp be yond question. In cross cutting a ledge of free milling gold rock was run into. The lowest assay taken therefrom was $12 and the highest $115. The ledge is considered by mining men to be a bonanza in itself. It is strong, well defined, high grade, and free milling. Superintendent Gould, under whose direction the discovery was made, is naturally quite jubilant over the results. Aside from this, however, the Oro and Julia camp was, under the su perintendence of Mr. Gould, on a paying basis and the discovery of the ledge in question makes it doubly so. Tucfon Citizen. A Worthy Pardon. cour-rIn speaking of the pardon of J. W. Robinson, sentenced from this coun ty last September to one year at Yuma, the Phenix Republican says: "Another pardon granted yester day was that of J. W. Robinsoji, who was sent to the penitentiary in September, 1896, for one year from Navajo county, for burglary. The vr crime and punishment of Robinson would be ridiculous if they had been productive of something less serious than a term in the penitentiary. This proves that justice in Arizona is not only blind as she ought al ways to be, but is sometimes deaf, dumb and insane. There is a the ory that Robinson was the victim of novelty. Navajo county was young then, and probably practiced upon Itobinson in order to nave a repre sentative in the territorial prison, in which capacity he succeeded in shed ding by his scileuce moro luster up on the county which sent him than some of the members of the legis lature have reflected upon their counties. "Robinson was a bartender in a saloon. One morning the propri etor gave him $2 and he got drunk. He spent the money and when he returned to the saloon for more money or liquor he found the door closed. The saloon had passed in to the custody of the sheriff. Rob inson didn't know who had closed the doors and didn't care. He knew or thought he was thirsty, so he kicked a hole in the door, went in, got a drink and went awaj-. If in stead of giving way to his appetite he had surrendered to his cupidity and stole a horse or had yielded, ta his passion and killed a man he might have been acquited. Review ing the case Governor Franklin said he ought never to have been convicted." TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, Late Telegrams Condensed Readers of The Argus. for The Colorado malitia bill for ser vices at the Leadville strike aggre gates $200,000. Ireland has the smallest suicide rate of any country in Europe only ten in 1,000,000. The Monon railroad was sold at Indianapolis, Ind., on the 12th stant for $3,000,000. Ryan & Clark's elevator at Buffalo was destroyed by fire on the 12th instant. Loss, $125,000. Several hundred coal miners at Baldwin, Gunnison county, Colo., have struck for higher wages. James Powers of Chicago, shot and killed his wife on the 10th in stant, and then killed himself. The Pennsylvania Tube works of Pittsburgh, have given notice of a 10 per cent reduction in wages. In wreck on the Evansville & Terre Haute railroad on the 11th in stant, fifteen people were killed. The first of four cargos of steel rails for Japan, was shipped from San Francisco on the 12th instant. Lee Armstrong of Eureka, Cal., was seriously burned on the 10th instant by an explosion of gasoline. The Standard Manufacturing com pany of Pittsburg, have reduced the wages of their employes 15 per cent, . C. C. Snyder, one of the oldest business men of Cantou, Ohio, as signed on the 10th instant. Assets, $60,000. Heavy losses of cattle and sheep on the Montana ranges "during the recent storms and cold weather are reported. f The keel of the new battle ship Wisconsin, was laid at the Union Iron Works, San Francisco, on the 12th instant. The employes of the Keystone Rolling company of Pittsburg, have been notified of a 20 per cent re duction in wages. An explosion occurred at the Ber-wind-White coal shaft at Dubois, Pa., on the 12th instant. No serious injuries reported. J. A. McMillian, treasurer of the Los Angeles City Directory com pany, has been arrested on a charge of embezzlement. Ex-Senator J. N. Dolph of Ore gon, died at Portland on the 10th instant from the effects of the am putation of a leg. The new gunboats Helena and Wilmington, built at Newport News, have been reported ready for official acceptance and trials. A bill has passed the California legislature which permits the Santa Fe to purchase the Atlantic & Pa road from Mojave to Needles. The French Syndicate has con cluded its purchase of 300,000 shares of the Elkton Consolidated mine at Cripple Creek, at $1 per share. On the 11th instant a party of robbers held up a train on the Louis ville & Nashville railroad, near Calera, Ala., securing a good haul. On the 9th instant the executive committee of the Western Union Telegraph company declared the regular 14 per cent quarterly divi dend. Miss Grace Hubbard of Iowa, is a civil engineer. She has been given the contract by the United Statt a government survey for the maps of Montana. Allen Coen was accidentally shot in the cheek by the gun he was car rying at Cloverdale, Cal., on the 9th instant. He will recover, but will lose an eye. James Lewis, a ' wealthy retired miner of Las Vegas, N. M., made an unsuccessful attempt at suicide at San Diego a few days since, by the use of chloroform. A receiver has ben appointed for the Consolidated Building and Sav ings company of Cleveland, Ohio. The liabilities are placed at $230,000 and assets $175,000. The Stuart county jail at Dover, Tena., burned on the morning of the ! 15th instant. Three colored prison ers were so badly burned that there is no t race of their bodies, 'A collision occurred on the lili nois Central Railroad at East Cairo, Ky., on the 12th instant, fatally in juring Walter Rodgers, fireman, and demolishing the mail and express car. John F. Pierce, chief cas hi re of the Philadelphia & Reading Rail road company's business at Port Richmond coal wharves, has disap peared with $5,000 of the company's money. Terrence Mullen, a man wb-a-i 1865 became famous as the origin ator of a conspiracy to rob the gráve of Abraham Lincoln, died in Santa Fe county, N. M., on the 13th instant. Albert Smith a lineman of the San Jauquine Electric company at Fresno, Cal., was burned to death on the 11th instant, while repairing a line, by coming in contact with a live wire. K. H. Wade, general manager of the Southern California Railway company, was found dead in a bath tub at his appartments at the Hoi- lenbeck Hotel, Los Angeles, on the 12th instant. The Pueblo Smelting and Refin ing company cas contracted for 1,500.000 brick for the enlargement of its plant, which will make it the largest ore reduction works in the United States. Steve Cosilia of Portland, Ore., has telegraphed to San Francisco that he is the murderer of Blanche Lamonte, for which crime Theodora Durant is sentenced to hang. It is thought Cosilia is insane. A dispatch from Ottawa, Oat., on the 12th instant says that the local authorities have been informed by the Sweedish government that Prof. Andre will start in his baloon for the north pole in June next. An Aberdene, S. D., dispatch of the 12th instant says: A blizzard of remarkably fine light snow started about midnight and prevailed over this entire section today. There is a probability that the storm will .tie up the roads another week. Richard Graham, a wealthy farm er, ana nis wile, were lounu aying in a farm house near Crab tree, Pa., on the morning of the 13th instant, in pools of their own blood. - It is supposed their assailants were tramps who were after money. A Chicago telegram says, that a new agreement has been reached be tween the Southern Pacific- and the Santa Fe, concerning the use of the the former's track by the latter froru Mojave to San Francisco. - Under it, it is claimed, the Santa Fe will effect a considerable saving in rentals. A Santa Fe, N. M., dispatch of th 10th instant says; News has reach ed here that Silvero Martinez and a woman named Sandoval were shot and killed at Cayote, Bernalillo county, by the woman's husband, a prominent ranch owner, who re turned homo unexpectedly and, found them iu a compromising situ ation. - In a sparring match at Cheyenne, Wyo., on the 13th instant, betweeu between Privates Collie and O'Shay of the Eighth United States in fantry, O'Shay struck Collie a half hook blow below the temple in the first round, when Collie fell to thj ground dead, his neck having beeu broken. O'Shay will be tried for murder in the United States court. The Arizona Experiment Station is desirous of having' tobacco grown during the present season in all parts of Arizona, All those who are will ing to make some experiments in the growing of tobacco, -who will send to the Experiment . Station. Tucson, Ariz,, for seeds or plants, will be supplied with same upon, their agreeing to cultivate them and report the results. From experi ments already made it was found that tobacco may be successfully grown in the Salt River and Santa Cruz valleys, but the trials have not bee a sufficient in number and have not extended over a sufficiently wida territory to justify the statement that Arizona is a tobacco growing country, though results indicate that such is the case.