Newspaper Page Text
77 HOLBROOK, ARIZONA. SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1897. Xumber 16. Volume II. JLr. i' V THK RAIIiltOADS. Atlantic & Pacific Railroad. (WKSTEHS DIVISION.) C. W. SMITH, Receiver. Conilemeil Time Curtí Xo. Effect Feb. 14. Ib.. -1 WKSTWABD. STATIONS. I ! No. 1 No. 5 So. 8 Chicago Lv 10 25pl 3 25pi 9 -i-Mi V ioui 1 45a' 7 10a 8 tr.a 8 Ülp V 40a i 3U. fcaniM City Denver. La Junto. ... Albuorque W innate Gallup Holbrook , Winslow Flagtan Williams. Ash Fork. Ar 11 Sjp 12 ST.p 5 10 8 05p II 1U 11 Ilia, 12 S5p 8 STp 5 Kill 11 2-1 j 6 20p 12 40a 5up. 7 2Up 1 Ja Ash Fork 7 ISa . 10 35p:. 2 Uip.. 7 ODo 10 SUa 6 (Up Prencott Ar Phenix Arl Ash Fork Lv 6 SOpr 7 20p 9 2Ur 10 i 1 40a 4 O&a Peach Springs Kingrnan Needles Blake- Kairdnd 11 (lUp 2 (JL'a 5 4.-.0 7 S0o 9 15a 1 iMa . 2 fl 20a 4 40a; 9 -ha 11 10a ln,ijrett ) 7 40a Hantov Ar( 8 lUa 1 Una 2 K.p 2 lOp Kramer : J 8 '1 Jtlojave Ar; S Wp LosAngeles.. Ar 1 20p 6 OOp San Diego Ar, 8 p, 10 4tp Man Francisco ArilO 15a 7 40a' S AST W AMI. STATIONS. i No. 2 : No. 8 No. 4 Chicago Ar 10 OOp 43a KansusC'ity.. Ar, 7 05a S 4Up Denver Ar, 6 OUp 11 lia La Junta Ar 12 Uip ,10 5Up Albuquerque .Ar 9 4up Wimrute Lvi 4 40p v wa 4 10a 4bu Gallup 4 K1 . Holbrook. '12 80u'. 12 20a Winalow ;11 3Ua ill 05p FlutrKtafT a I b s-ip William. 8 05a 7 10a 7 15p Ash Fork Lv 8 25a i 55a; 8 Sup Ash Fork Ar' 8 00a'. Preacott Lvi 2 30a . Pbenix : Lr; 7 SOp . 5 SOp 2 40p 7 SOa p:acFh0rVn;::::::.:Í;i 5 ow i "ai 1 5T Z'SZ;0 :::::-',T . 7 XZ 5 51 Blake.. 10 O-pp: 8 Oup, 8 ST.a BamlacL. 8 OUp. S 45p 6 25a ''26a Daggett Unriioir Kramer Mo ave ' . . Lv 5 40p 1 OUp, 6 aup is 4up 11 05u 9 Mia, Loa A n trole Lv 10 15a San Dinjo I-VI 7 45a Sjan Frnueiseo ..Lvv 8 00a 2 5ip 5 Oup SPECIAL RANDSBURG TRAINS. 3 2üp I Lv.. . -Barrtow Ar I 8 4Up I Ar Kramer Lv I 8 30p 8 Kp Trains Nos. S and 4 are limited trains, running- semi-weekly. No. S leaves Chicago Wednesday and Saturdays, passes Albu fluemue Fridays and Mondays, arriving at Los Angeles. Saturdays and Tuesdays. Traiu No. 4 will leave I.oa Angeles. Mondays and Thursdays, passim Albuquerque. Wednes days and Saturdays, arriving at Chicago, Fridays and Mondays. Passengers on limited west-bonnd traína holding tickets reading; direct via Mojave cbanire at Bnrstow to No. &. Pnllman Palace Sleeping- Car dally through between Los Angeles and Chicago and W illiams and San Francisco, Pullman Tourist Sleeping- Cars J daily through between Chicago and San Francisco and Chicago and Los Angeles. Tourist cars leave Suu Francisco every Tuesday and Los Ang-elesevery Wednesday, running; through to Kansas City, Chicago i:d Bokton. The Grand Callón of the Colorado can be reached only via this line. Ask for a beautifully illustrated book which will be mailed free. Dos A. Sweet, Gen'l Passenger Agent. Albuquerque, N. M. S. F., P. & P. Railwau. WITH THE A. T. & S. K VI. "R. IS THE SHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROUTE To Denver. Kansas City. St, Louis, and Chl easo and all points ftAT. B. V. I. Ac I. TIMK TABLE la effect Nor 29. 1"M. Mountain time ia standard used SOUTH ROUND. I I NORTH BOUND. I No. 2 I Pass No. 4 PUMS Pa I i'BV" STATIONS. 7 t'l 7 UOai Ash Fork Rock Butts Del Kio Jerome Junction Prescott Prescott Summit Skull Valley , Kirklaml Date Creek " - Cbiigresa Wiclienburg; Peoria Ole ad ale Alhambra lnrnix 1 SUpi 5 45a 4 41p' 4 45a 5 45pl 8 4.5a 2p, 3Ua 2 40p 2 35a 2 Sip 2 il 1 5Up! 1 4a 12 55u 12 ISO 8 H 7 Va 2p, 8 5Uu 41 pi 9 Uu 10 4up'10 Sua 10 biu 10 11 4n 11 12 42a IS 1 V,x 1' kp 2 2al 2 lUp a! 2 5Up 112 lna 12 p 111 l'.'a 11 lap , 11 , - in 'JO.. 4 (Mia 8 lUa 6 2ta 8 34n 7 00 1 4i i liipl i 2p 5 43i 8 iia; 8 ijp I 8 Ma ' V'P ' 8 46a! 7 45p I 7 8uui 7 aup 8 OUp Dining station. TH3 SCENIC ROUTE OF ARIZONA. The best route to California. The only north and south line in Ariaonatotue Grand Canon of the Colorado. Petrified Forest. Cliff Dwellings. Great Pine Foret. Salt Kiver Valley and numerous oilier Points of intereft. . . Through ticket to all points in the United States. Canada and Mex'co. Nos. 1 and 2 connect nt Jerome Junction with trains of U. V. P. By. for Jerome. Connecting at Prescott with stasre lines for all principal mininjf camim: at Congress with Congress Gold Co. R. li. for Congress and stage lines for Harqua Hala Station and Yar nell. At Pbcenix with the Maricopa & Phoe nix Ry. for point ou the S. P. Ky. Also with 8. R. V. K-Ry. , . , , CUne connections made at Ash Fork with Santa Fe lionte fast trains to all points east and west. Trains for California leave Ab Fork at 6:50 and 8:45 p. ra-, arriving in Los Angeles next afternoon at 1 :'.fl) and San Frrn cisco second morning at 10:45. Train for the Jiast leave Ah Fork at 6:25. M. MURPHY, GEO. M. SARGENT. Pres't 4 Gen'l MgV, Gen'l Pass'r Aent. Prescott. Aria. Prescott, Ana. K. E. WELLS. Assistant General Manager. , Prescott, Arizona. A- CHALCEDONY LODGE NO. 6, F. A. M.. HolbTook. Arizona, neguiar stated communications at 7 :30 p m. on Fourth Saturday of each month. Visiting; brethren invited. By order of R. C KINDER, W. M. J. H. BOWMAN. Secretary. . . 9tf xiPPBVmR s HOP North side of R. R. I track! east of the shop of Win. Armbrust nr. AH kinds of carpenter work at short Botica. Repairing a specialty. Give me a if ,OU bavw work "V&tIj&AN. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS- Late Telrgrrams Condensed for Keadcrs of The Argus. A fire at Huron, S. D., on the 22nd instant, destroyed property to the value of S70,000. W. J. Johnson, a stock buyer of Indianapolis, Ind., suicided at Chi cago on the 20th instant. The new gun boats, the Wheeling and Marietta, were launched at San Francisco on the 19th instant. The speed of ocean steamships has increased since 1840 at the rate of two and one-half knots every ten years. W. E. Stephens & Co., lithograph ers of St. Louis, have assigned. The liabilities are about $35,000; assets, $15,000. , An insane man at Odobout, Iowa, on the 20th instant shot and killed three persons and theu blew the top of his head off. Alouzo Walling and Scott Jackson, convicted of the murder of Pearl Bryan, were executed at Newport, ! Ky., on the 20th instant. Charles H. Lott while working in the Waterloo mine at Leadville on the 20th instant, was caught in a cave-in and crushed to death. Eear Admiral J. C. Walker was placed ou the retired list of the navy on the 20th instant, by opera tion of law on account oi age A crook stole a tray of diamonds at Spokane, Wash., on the 18th in stant by throwing a handful of fine powder in the clerk's eyes, and made his escape. Charles W. Gordon has been ap pointed postmaster at Chicago, to succeed Washington Hesing, whose resignation has been accepted by the president. A cyclone at Arlington, Ua., on I the 23rd instant demolished the school house, instantly killing twelve children, fatally injuring as many more scholars and the two teachers iu charge. . - A fire at St. Louis on the 18th in stant destroyed the block bounded by Eighth and St. Charles streets and Washington avenue, and occu pied by the Ely Walker Dry Goods company. Loss, $1,800,000; insur ance, $1,000,000. On the 19th instant Charles Kod atinsky, a farmer, with his wife and baby, started for Omaha in a covered wagon with a gasolene stove. The stove exploded, the team ran away and the occupants of the wagon were fatally burned. A meat train was wrecked on the 18th. instant on the Belt line of the Chicago, Hammond & Western rail road, ditching the engine and tele scoping two cars. George Maxwell and Charles Merryweather, brake-' men, were fatally injured. The Railway Ago publishes a prospectus of railway building for 1897. Its summary of railroads un der construction or projected gives 300 lines and a total mileage of 17.511. Indian Territory, Oklahoma and Texas show the greatest project- ed mileage. Genl. Carlos RolofT and Dr. Joa quine Castillo failed to respond in the United States criminal court at New York on the 19th instant, when called for trial for having aided in filibustering expeditious, and Judge Benedict direct od their bail bonds of $2,500 each to be forfeited. , At Linton, Ind., Charles Winters, aged 10 and Willie Babbitt alxjut the same age, played William Tell and in lieu of an apple, Babbitt placed a corn cob upou his head. Winters using a revolver, shot at the corn cob, and the ball struck the Babbit boy in the forehead, kill ing him instantly.. : The president on the 18th. instant sent tho following nominations to the senate: Powell Clayton of Ar kansas, minister to Mexico; William Osborne of Massachusets, consul general at London; J. K. Gowdy of Indiana, consul-general at Paris; J i H. Brigham of Ohio, assistant secre-, tary of agriculture; P. S. Heath of Indiana, first assistant postmaster genoraL ;. liECOIiDIXO JílíANOS. Section 44 to 63 Inclusive of the New Stock Lav. BRANDING. Se-tion 44. Every person, firm, company or corporation owning horses, mules, asses or neat cattle in this territory shall have and adopt a mark and brand for such animals, by which they shall be marked and branded after such brand shall have been recorded as required by this act. EVIDENCE OF. Sec. 45. No brands, except such as are recorded under the provisions of this act, shall be recognized in law as any evidence of ownership of horses, mules, asses, or neat cattle upon which such brand may be used. RECORD OF. Sec. 4G. Any brand recorded iu accordance with the requirements of this act, shall bo considered as the property of the person causing such record to bo made, and shall be sub ject to sale, assignment, trausfer, devise and descent, the same as other personal property. RULES AND REGULATIONS. Sec. 47. From and after the pas sage of this act the board shall be aud constitute a board for the regis tration of brands on horses, mules, asses and neat cattle in this territory; and it shall make rules and regula tions governing the recording and use of live stock brands. BRAND BOOK. Sec. 48. Immediately upon the passage of this act it shall bo the duty of the said board to procure a suitable book to be known as the territorial brand book, in which shall be recorded the brands used for the branding of horses, mules, asses and neet cattle in this territory. EVIDENCE. . . Sec. 49. For the purposes of this act, and in all the prosecutions aris ing under the same, or in the prose cution under of any offense arising the laws of this territory in regara to tiie uniawiui taking, handling, killing, driving, or other unlawful disposition of animals of the bovine kind, the description "neat cattle" in any indictment shall be deemed sufficient, aud the proof of the brand by a certified copy of the registration thereof in the ter ritorial brand book under the seal of the said board, certified to by its secretary, shall be sufficient to iden tify all horses, asses, or neat cattle, and shall be prima facie proof that tho person owning the recorded brand is the owner of the animal branded with such brand. See; 50. At any' time before the first day of July after tho passage of this act, it shall be. the duty of per sons, firms, companies or corpora tions owning brands and marks, to file tho same with said board, aud the said board shall record the samo in a book of brands and marks, and shall furnish to the owners certifi cates thereof uuder seal of the board, free of charge, which said certifi cates shall'be competent evidence of tho registration of such brand aud: prima facie evidence of ownership. It ia hereby mado tho duty of said board to transcribe iu a territorial brand book all of said brands and marks; thereupon all of said brands and marks shall be deemed to have been duly recorded i u such territorial braud book by the owners of said brands aud marks. . After said first day of July' next, uo one shall file any brand which has' before thnt time been filed by another. With the brand offered for registration be fore July first aforesaid the owner shall furnish a certiCcate of the recorder of his county that the brand so offered for registration is the recorded brand of the , owner, and tho recorder shall 'charge tweu-ty-five cents and no more, for such certificate. Before rezistration the j board shall ascertain by such rules aud regulations as they may pre scribe the real owner of the brand offered for registration, and the same shall be registered in the name, of the true owner, and said board shall be held responsible in damages for duplicating certificates of brands to different owners, . FEES. Sec. 51. From and after the pas sage of this act, any person, firm, company or corporation desiring to adopt any brand or mark to be used for the branding of horses, mules, asses or neat cattle in this territory, shall before using the same forward to the said board a fac simile of such brand or mark, defining the position upou the animal upon which the brand shall be placed, together with a fee of fifty cents .to pay for recording the same; upon tho re ceipt of such fac-similo and fee the said board shall immediately record tho same in the territorial brand book, unless such brand has already been recorded in behalf of some other person, firm, company or cor poration, or . is of such character as to conflict with such prior recorded brand, in which case the said board shall not record' such latter brand, and shall return such fac-simile aud fee to the party by whom the same was forwarded to them, with a state ment of the reason for refusing to record the same. CERTIFIED COPY. Sec. 52. Upon the recording of any such mark, brand or brands, as provided by the preceding sections of this act, the owner thereof shall procure from the said board a certi fied copy of such mark, brand or brands, under the seal of said loard, pa3-ing therefor the sum of fifty cents. RECORDING. Sec. 53. From and after the pas sago of this act, it shall be unlawful for any county recorder in this ter ritory to record any mark or brand unless the same be accompanied -with a certificate from the said board to the effect that the said mark or brand has been recorded in the ter ritorial brand book. PUBLISHING BRAND BOOK.' DUPLICATE TO BE FILED WITH COUNTY RECORDER. Sec. 54. It shall be the duty of the said board, within ninety days after the first day of July, A. D., 1897, to publish a brand book iu which shall be given a fac-simile or codv of all brands recorded iu their I s office on the said first day of July, together with the owner's name and the county wherein he resides; such names and brauds shall be arranged in tho most couvenieut form for reference, and the following may be the form of said brand book: Description Descrio- Rem- Date Name Resi dence. of ear mards tion of arks brand Such book shall be bound iu good and substantial binding, and in such manner that additional leaves may be added thereafter; one copy of such book shall be forwarded to the couuty recorder of each county, in j whose office it shall be kept open i for the inspection of all persons in terested. It shall bo the duty of said board quarterly, after tho pub lishing of said brand book, to fur nish each county recorder with a list of the brands recorded in their office during the precediug three months, which list shall be printed iu uniform stj'le with tho pages of such brand book, and shall be pasted in and l-ecouio a part of such brand book when received by the county recorders of the respective counties. The said board is authorized to pub lish, if they doom best to do so, a limited number of such brand books in addition to the number required b' the provisions of this section aud to sell the same for such price as the said board shall consider reason able aud proper, which price shall not be less thau tho actual cost of tho same, and from time to time to revise said territorial record of brands by the cancellation of obso lute and unused brands, aud to pro vide for due notice of such revisions. TSE OF BRANDS. Sec 55. Xo . person owning ' or claiming shall, in originally marking! or branding horses, mules, asses or i ,(,ia matn At IroAr. ,.t! more than one mark or brand; pro- j vidud, that any person may own and possess such animals in many marks nnd brands, tho same havinff been by him acquired by purchase or any other lawful manner, and bills ot sale.iu writing properly acknowl edged from the previous owner or owners of the animal or animals having such brands, or from the heirs, executors, . administrators or legal representatives of such owner or owners, shall be sulhcient evi dence of such purchase; but the in crease of such animals so acquired by such persou from other live-stock owned by him shall be branded by and with the recorded brand and mark of the person acquiring such animals; provided, that in cases where livo-stock having upon them a duly recorded brand may have had established against them a mortgage or other lien, it shall be lawful for either of the parties in terested iu such lien, for the pur- pose of identification of the animals said person, lirm, compauy or cor covered by such lien upou filing poration is not the lawful owner, with said board a duly certified copy : and any animal having any such of such mortgage or other lien, to mark or brand shall be unlawfully adopt and record iu the same man ner as an original braud a special braud to be placed upon the animals j persons having such written author subject to such lien aud their in- j ity and by virtue thereof, then the crease for the identification of such j person, firm company or corpora animals during the pendency of j tion giving such written authority such lieu. (shall be deemed principals to tho suxoRS, brand of. j unlawful taking, gathering, driving Sec. 56. Minors owniug horses, j or handling of such animal or ani- mules, asses or neat cattle separate from that of the parent or guardiau, may have a mark and brand which shall be recorded in accordance with the requirements of this act, but the parent or guardian shall be re sponsible for the proper use of such mark and braud by any such miuor. BILL OF SALE. Sec. 57. Upon the sale, alienation or trausfer of any horses, mules, asses or neat cattle by any person iu this territory, the actual delivery of such animals shall bo accompanied !,r a rittpn Mil of s.ilo from tho vendor or the party selling to the I party purchasing, giving the num ber, kind, marks and brand of each animal sold and delivered, which bill of sale shall be signed by the party giving the same, and shall bo j acknowledged by him as his act and i deed before some officer authorized under the laws of the territory to take acknowledgements to deeds of i conveyance; and upon tho trial of any person charged with the theft, unlawful possession, handling, driv ing or killing of any such animal as is mentioned in this section, the pos session of such animal by the ac cused without his having a duly written and acknowledged bill of sale therefor, such as is required by the provisious of this section, shall be prima facie evidence against tho accused that such possession was il legal, and no officer acknowledging any bill of sale or other written in strument required to be acknowl edged under the provisions of this act shall be authorized to exact or receive a larger fee thau twenty-five cents for acknowledging, certifying to aud affixing his seal to such in strument. VENTING. Sec. 58. Every person who sells horses, mules, asses or neat cattle ; tjje hest seller I have." J. F. Camp must vent or counter-brand such j i)eut merchant of Safford, Ariz., ! animals, aud said vent or counter-1 brand must bo upon the same side of tho animal as tho original brand, A legal vent shall be a stamp iron of record; provided, that animals sold to be slaughtered, or shipped out of the territory need not bo vented. .' estkats, sale of. Sec. 59. Whenever any live-stock branded with any brand not duly re corded as required by the provisious of this act shall bo found at large upon any rango in this territory, the same shall be reported to the said board by any duly authorized in spector and detective therefor and shall bo considered cs unclaimed live-stock, and shall bo disposed of as now provided by law for the dis position of unclaimed live-stock, written authority. Sec. CO. Any! person, company or corporation owning a recoraea mar k and brand and being the owner or owners of animals of the horse,; mule, ass or neat cattle Kincl, Orana- ed with such recorded brand, or who arinll lie the lawful owner of suca animáis naying oiuer uiauus, 1 , . 1 1 l. .. .1 . In,n may wish to authorize auj' other person or persons to gather, drive or nthorwisn handle any ot said am mals by their mark aud brand, shall furnish to such person or persons an authority in writing containing tho list of the marks and brands author ized to be handled, and authorizing the person or persons tliereiu named to gather, drive or otherwise handle the stock therein described; and the possession of such written authority shall be deemed sufficient to author ize the person or persons therein named to gather, drive or otherwise handle any of such animals in the marks and brands set forth and de- scribed in the said written authority; provided, that if any person, firm, company or corporation, in giving any such written authority as is pro vided in this section, shall insort therein any mark or brand of which taken, gathered, driven or otherwise unlawfully haudled by the person or SALE OF HERD ON RANGE. Sec. 61. The owners of horses, mules, asses or neat cattle running , at largo upou any range in this ter ritory may dispose of such animals by range delivery while on the range and ungathered, by the sale and de livery of the marks and brauds of such animals; but in every such case, the purchaser, in order to ac quire title to such auimals, must have his conveyance or writtou transfer of such auimals, described J ma auu uulJr cküo " 1 1. I Y J .1.1 1 1 edSfd, hJ tho" vedor nfthen re corded in the office of the county recorder' of .the county in which such animals range, iu a book kept for such purpose; aud such sale or trausfer shall be noted on the record of original marks and brands in the office of said board. . BRANDS PROHIBITED. Sec. 62. An perou who' shall mark or brand a nyuu iua tíTeílTr"uV.- j branded horse, mule, ass or neat cat-. tie found running at large upon any range iu this territory with a mark or brand that has not been recorded under the provisions of this act, or who, for the purpose of branding horses or cattle, uses as a brand a sash, frying pan or any device what soever which can be employed or used to obliterate a brand, and every person who shall use" any unrecord brand which is an infringement upou any recorded brand, or who shall use a like brand in the same Xosition or place, recorded by an other, shall be deemed guilty of larceny of said animal. Stands at the Head. Aug. J. liogel, the leading drug gist of Shreveport, La. says: "Dr. Kingr's New Discovery is the only j thiug that cures my cough, and it is wrjtes. Dr. King's New Discovery j ;3 aji that is claimed for it ; it never j faü3) and is a suro cure for consump- ; j tion, coughs, and colds. I cannot j saj enough for. its merits." Dr. ', j King's New Discovery for coasump- j j t jon , COughs and colds' is üot aa ex- ! perimeut. It has been tried for a ; i nf , oenturv. and today i sianus at mu uuüü. i uuioi iioaj points. Sold at Holbrook, Ariz., at F. J. Watt ron's. i -a i i T. - .1 : A practical woman remarked the other day that she read the adver tisements in a newspaper more dosel v than anything else. ';Aud long ago," she said, "I quit buying of those who do uot advertise. It al-j that the mct-l ' chant who advertises invites me to. trade with him, while-the one who i does not advertise impresses me with iuo iu. " , , enough for xny trado to ask for it Then, too, I have found that th I mercnam wno ameru goods for the reason that ho sells ! inore. fc.xcnange i Now that the toneless carriages are an assured fact, Jim Townsend' of the Bodie Index, hopes that thj country may have dogless sausage hairless butter, soundless piano? voiceless elocutionists, acheless back oathloss profanity and bagless blooir era. .in addition to jo':els3 joke' , about all of them. í