OCR Interpretation

Holbrook argus. (Holbrook, Ariz.) 1900-1913, November 15, 1902, Image 8

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94051342/1902-11-15/ed-1/seq-8/

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Certificate of Incorporation
The Ate IiImoii, Topeku und Kan
la Ve. Railway Company.
' Shawnee County, i '
V II KIIKAS, The Atchison, Toika and Sau
tu Kb Itiiilwuy Couipuii.v, u corporation crcat
i.d hyun ..etof thn Territory of Kunsus. mi
titleil "An Ai't liu-oriMirutiiiK the Atchison
nml Topeku Kaili'oml Coiiijiuii.v," upproveil
Ketiruury 11. I"'M. 11,1,1 existing iiiiilci' tin
laws of wiiil Territory ami nl tlm State of
KUIIHIM, lllll, Oil ill" Kltllllliy Of Octolicr, ISM'.t,
cxecuto its certain iiiortKiitfe or ilecil ol trout
to the Union Trust Coinpuiiy f New
uh Trustee, to secure tlm IioiiiIh of kiiIiI Atehi
on, Topeku unil Santa Ke Kailrouil Company,
Issueil iimler anil pursuant to suiil iiiiirtumfH
or ileeil of trust, anil In ami ly "aid inoi-tijuiie
or cleeil of trust, moi tirani il ami com-ycil to
said Union Trust Company nl N w York, uh
Trust im. all of its railroad vuiistmcteil in
the state of Kansas, i-iiiininir fr on , Atchison
on the Missouri rivor, throiiirh Topeku, to a
point on the western houiiiliiry ot tlm statu
of Kansas. Imluj aliout four htiuilrcil and
seventy and lifty-night liuiidri'ilths (I7u.!is.)
miles In li'iiifth, toui-tlier with all the iio
piirteiiunceH thereof, in lu. lint; teleiri-uphs
uud telephones, and all franchises, riulits,
pi-ivlleircsnuil iiiiiiiiinities, then ortl cutter
iinrtuiiiiiitf to said railroad, teleirruphs, tele
phone ami other iironerty. or ihe uppurte
iiau.'es and iippciulaaes thereof; and all pro
perty, real and personal, of every inline and
nature whatsoever and wheresoever situuled
iiieliidiiiK all shares of the eapital stork and
lioiids of other corporations, whether then
possessed or thereafter aeipiired by the Mini
At.'hisoii, Topeku uud S:iut,i Ke Kallroad
Comiianv, for the purpo-icH of the construc
tion, eipilp nt. maintenance or operation
ofthesuid railroad, telegraphs, telephones
and other property, or for use in connect ion
therewith, or with :my or all of the same;
together with all I ho revenues, income, pro
tits, liciieilts uml advantages of. or in uuy
way tfrowiiiir out of. any or all of the said
ttliove-descrilied property; ami also certain
storks and bonds mentioned ami described
in said inortitaite and then owned or th ere
after to lie ucouireil by said At.'lilson, Tope
ku and Saut'i Ke ltuili-ouil Company; an I
WHKKKAS, Thereafti r. and on or h'i ut
tho iith duy of Aoirust, Ihiii. the Ci.-.-uit
Court of the United States for the uistriet of
Kansas, the same lielusf a court of eompe
tent jurisdiction, made mi l entcrc 1 a cer
tain judgment or decree fore.'lo.in : said
inortuaite or deed of trust, which judgment
or decree wus entered in u c'rtai i consoli
date! caue pcmliuir ill said Cuiii-tv wherein
the Union Trust Company of New York, the
Trustee under said inoi-ttraif or deed of
trust, was a complain l it. and aid AtchUou,
Topeku and Santa Ke Uuilrou.l Company was
udcfemlaut; ami
W A KitKAS. The said railroad, properties
and fran dlises, on the llltll day of i)cceinber,
lK Ti, w ere duly sold in pursuance ol the suiil
judgment or decree of said C nirt to liilw anl
KIiik. Charles C. Heanian mi l Victor Morn
wet a. all of the City of New York. N. Y.. nnd
such sale haviiu; i.een- duly .oiillrnicd by
said Court, the said railroad, properties ami
franchises, in pursuance of said judgment
or decree and the orders of said court made
thereon, were conveyed by deed, executed
by John It. Johnson. S uncial Master in Chan
cery, appointed by sail Court in said cause,
to the said Kdward Kintf. Charles C. Ileaman
and Victor Moruwetz, us joint tenants and
not as tenants in common, who thereby ae
ipiired title to said railroad, properties and
franchises under Hindi sale; ami the suid pur
ehusers and their associates, successors and
assigns, under .mil by virtuo of the laws of
the state of Kansas in such case made mid
provided, illd thereby have mid uciuii-e ami
liet'ome entitled thereafter to exercise uml
enjoy, ull the ritflijs, privileges, grains, fran
chises, immunities mid advantages in ami
by said mortgage or deed of trust conveyed,
which belonged to uud were enjoyed by said
Atchison, Topeku and Sintu Ke Railroad
Company, so fur as the same relate an I ap
pertain to said railroad, described in ami
conveyed liy said mortgage oe deed of trust
us above set forth; uml
WHIiltKAS, The said Kilwitril King, i;nurles
C. Heanian und Victor Moruwetz. the suid
purchasers, for the purpose of or'aui.ing u
nw con. oral ion under uml ill puraiaiicn
of the laws of th" state of Kansas, have as
sociated with themselves the following
niimeil parsons, viz: lidwar l I. Itipley. who
is u rttt.eli of the state of Illinois, residing
ut the city of Chicago; Aldace K. Walker,
who is a citizen of the slate of I IliuoU, resid
ing at the city of Chicago; liciij iiiiin 1.
Cheney, wdio is u citizen of i Im state of Mass
uchusetts, residing at the city of Hover; lid
ward N. iibbs, wli'i i- a citizen of the state
of New York, residing at the city of New
York ; Charles S. (ileed, who is u citizen of
the state of Kansas, residing at thn city of
Topeku; It. Soni"rs Hayes, who is u citizen
of the state of New York, residing at, the
city of New York ; George G. Haven, who is
u citizen of the state of New York, re -idiug
ut the eity of New York; Cyrus K. Holliduy,
who is u citizen of the state of Kiriisas, resid
ing at the city of Topeku; Thomus A. Os
horn, who is u citizen of the state of Kansas,
residing at the city of Topeku; Willium
Kotch, who 1h u citizen of the state of Massa
chusetts, residing ut tlm oity of Boston; Eil-
wuril Wilder, who is a citizen of the state of
Kansas, residing at thji city of Topeku.
WHERI5AS, The suid purchasers und Iheir
suid associates hnve organized themselves
and do hereby orgunize themselves as a new
eorp'iration us hereinafter in this certiilcute
set forth:
NOW THHREFORK, The undersigned, being
the suid purehusers, and their associates, do
hereby certify and state ns follows:
KIRST, The name of the corporation
formed by the undersigned is THB Atchison,
Toprka and Santa Kb Railway Company.
SECOND, The purposes for which such
cornorutlon is formed are as follows:
To acquire, construct, own, ninnituin und
opernte u ruilwuy running from the oity of
Atchison, on the Missouri river, In the stute
of Kunsas, through Topeku to n point on the
western boundary of the stute of Kunsas,
through the counties of Atchison, Jefferson,
Snuwnee, Osage, I yon, Chase, Marion, Har
vey, Reno, Rice, Burton, Puwnee, Kdwards,
Ford, Grny, Finney, Keurney und Hamilton,
and a telegraph line in connection with said
railway, together with ull the appurtenances
thereof, the estimuted length of which ruil
way is four hundred and seventy and llfty
elght hundredths (470.58) miles; and also to
acquire, own, use and enjoy the ruilroud uud
appurtenances, franchises, rights, privileges,
and immunities, stocks and bonds, und ull
other properties acquired by suid sule as
above recited;
THIRD, The place or places where the.
business of Hiiid corporutlou is to be trail
sactcd ure the city of Topeka, in the county
of Shawnee, In the state of Kansas, uud such
other plucus and cities upon t In line of suid
ruilwuy, or uuy of its hruticheK, or leased,
operated or controlled lines, an mil) from
time to time be deemed ilcsiruhlo and ut
such ot her poiutH or iiluces wb.'re uuy bus
ness iua be legally done by it in the exercise
and enjoyment of its rights, powers und
FOURTH, The term for which this cor
porution Is to exist is nine hundred uud
ninety-nine illllil) years.
KIKTII, The number of its directors shall
be fifteen, und the mimes und residences of
those who ure uppoiiited for the lirst yeur
lire us follows:
Kdward I. Ripley, Chicago. III.; Aldace F.
Walker, Chicago. Ill, ; Benjamin P. Cheney,
Dover. Mass.; tdwaril N. liibhs, New York,
N. Y. ; Charles S. (jleed. Topeka, Kan,; (teo.
(i. Haven. New York. N. Y ; It. Souicrs Hayes,
New York, N. Y : Cyrus K. Holliduy. Topeku,
Kan.; Victor Moruwetz. New York, N. Y ;
Thomas A Osboru. Topckn. Kan.: William
Itotch, 'losioii, Mass. ; hdwurtl Wilder, Tone
Ita. hail.; Robert Fleming. Loudon, I'ing.;
John l.iideu. Amsterdam, ilolluiul. uud Her
man Kobbe. New Vorlt, N. Y.
SIXTH. 1'he umoiuit of the eiipitul stock
of such corporation shall be two hundred ami
thirty-three million, four hundred and cgh-ty-
six thousand (I W.Isil.lKHIi dollars, uud the
same shall hi, divided lulu lu-ii niillitin t lireo
hundred ami thirty-four thousand eight
hundred and sixty C!,:I'.II,MII) shares o! the par
value of one hiiiidrp I (fltX)l dollars each.
Of such eupitul stock one million, three
hundred ami fourteen thousand eight hun
dred uud sixty (l.mi.Kiitb shares, amounting in
the aggregate to one hundred and thirty-one
million, four hundred uud eightv six thous
anil (f i:tl.4stl,oiH dollars, shall be live per cent
non-ciiiniihitive preferred stock and
One million, twenty thousand (I.O.U'KMI)
shares, amounting in the aggregnte to one
hundred uud two million ($10i,OUI,u.iu dollars,
shall be common st.tck.
The holders of the preferred stock shall be
entitled to iioii-ciiinulative dividends in encli
and every fiscal year begi lining alter the :ioth
day of June, Is'.Ml, ut such rnte, not exceiliuy
lie per cenriini per milium, as shall be de
clared by the Hoard of Dire -tors ol such cor
pornt ion, in orelereiiee mid priority to uuy
payment in or for such ll-euiyear ol'niiy d'vi
d'nd on I he common stocU or on any other
st-.ck of said compaiiy, hut only from undivi
ded net proofs w.,cu and us determined by
the suid board ; and ineu-,eof di-solution or
liipiidatiou of suid "orporation, the holders
of tip prc.ferre I stork sh ill lie entitled to re
ceive the pur iiinoant of their so;.k mit of
the usscts of such corporal ion in priority to
the common stork.
No mortgage, other than n mortgage to se
cure uud issueofseveiiti.cn million d dlarsof
Four I'er Cent. Thirty-Year I'. ior l.ien IJ ild
Hoods ami uu issue of one hundred and sixty-five
million four hundred uud ninety
thousand live hundred dollars of I'iciieral
Mortgage Four I'er Cent. One Hundred Year
(iojil Hon. Is, mid another mortgage to se "tire
mi issue of not to exceed seventy-one in i 1 1 ion
seven hundred und tueuty-eir-rlit thousand
dollars of Kour IN-r ('cut. : ue Hundred Year
Adjustment lioiids (bearing interest payable
only out of surplus net earnings if cnriicd.i,
shall be execute I by the corporation hereby
loruied nor shall the amount olthcl'refcrred
Stock of uid corporation lie increased, un
less the execution of such mortgage or such
increase of th' I'rp-fernd stuck shall have
received the consent of Ih holders of a ma
jority of the w holeamoilut of the Preferred
Stock which shall at the time be outstanding,
given at u meeting of the stockholders culled
for that purpose ami the consent of the hold
ers of u majority of such part of the common
stock as shall be represented nt such meet nig.
IN TF.sri.UDN'Y WHUltKOF. We huve here
unto subscribed our names this Vlili day of
Dehcmher, IHKt.
CH Itl.KS C. UK M N.
Al.DU'K F. WALK lilt.
F.inVA RD N. OIltHS.
C. S. (;i.KKD.
O. (i. H WHS.
12. WI LIl'lilt.
County of Shawnee. KH"
He is remembered, that on the twelfth day
of December. A. 1) iHUii, before me Notary
Public w it htii and for the suid county uud
stare, personally appeared Kdward King.
Chits. C. Hcuniun. Victor .Moruwetz. Kdward
P. IMpley. Alduce F. Walker. Hcnj. P.Cheiii.v.
Kilwd. N. Oildis, Clms. S. Ulectl, It. Soincrs
Hayes, Geo. G. Haven Cyrus K. Holliduy,
Thus. A. ((shorn. Win. Itotch und Kdwd. Wil
der, who ure pcrsouallv ku iwn to me to be
the same psrsous who executed the forego
ing instrument of writi-ig, and duly acknow
ledged the execution of the same t
IN TKST1M0NY VH UKKOK, I have here
unto subscribed my iiumc. and allixed my
notarial seal, the day uud yeur lust uhove
Notary Public.
My commission expires Jan. i!S, IH97.
Office of the Secretary of State, t
I. George A. Clark, Secretary of Stute of
the state of Kansas, do hereby certify that
by virtue of my olnco. I um the lawful eus
todiuii of ull the articles of incorporation
in this state and that the foregoing is u
true uud correct copy of the original articles
, of incorporation of the Atchison, Topeka
and Santa Ke Railway Company. Hied in the
! oflice of the Secretary of State of the state of
i Kansas. December 12th, IHllii, nnd now a por
tion oi i iic recoras oi suio omce.
unto subscribed my name und affixed un
official deal. Done nt Topeku, Kansas, this
2titli duy of April I HOI.
Secretary of State.
First Pub. Oct. 11.
KO v For Drunkc
Drunkenness, Opium,
Morphine and
other Drug Using,
IkfiTnhanAA llahil
' m and Neurasthenia.
Correi- I I mm -M. TUF If PFI FY
Strictly V" INJlMUIt,
Contldenflal. lmmmm Owlght. III.
T'.ii i
St. Johns
J- MJJS1 1 1 li 1 wo 1 1 ' 1 1 1 i i s e.
Navajo BlanKets and Indian Curios.
O00000O0000(X)0O00CO00COCr;0U00 i
William Armbruster,
Practical BlacKmith
and Wheelwright. jP j7
All ((tit of town work will receive prompt ;ittcn
tion. If you have a wheel to fill or a tire lo set
briny; it to me and j;ct service for your nionev.
f - .. .... .
it v m. i!( V ' ivKVfK. HOLBROOK, ARIZ. 2
We Earnestly Solicit Your Patronage.
W. H. HUliHAtrii I'l-ei(lcnt. (HiiNKV HUM Ni
V. W. Mil.St)N. ..Vice-l'i-e.-.i(lciit. Kiiectors. t
GEO. A. LANK Cashier. V. I-'I.OI.'K.V
Wabash Niagara Falls Short Lin
Union Depot at Kansas City and Chicago With S"nta Fe Route.
4 Through Trains Daily from Chicago '11 1 DHLMI
4 Through Trains Daily from St. Louis II );FP Al I
-t i iiiiun ucm ii win rv.ciim:ia j
And Points Beyond,
FnillPMFMT KBellniiiif Chair Cars (freo) l'ullinuii Palace Sleeiicrs, ilinitiL' ami ( ,.
CyUlrWCIl I Curs on ull trains. I'olite traiiitami. Peiloct iou'll.e.,1. Nli"i'ts li,,.',!,!,'
tiuickest .ime. Tourist ours Moiuluys Thiii-sduys, 2K'i hours Chicago to Host in.
C. S. Crane, '). I'. &T, A.,St, l.is J,',.
. Ko-ssl,. Cliue. I. C. P. A.. Los .wiuelfls.

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