HOLBROOH ARGUS L. D. DlVIiLBESS...rKoPKiKTuK J. II. DIVI5LBESS Manac.kk. Official Paper of Navajo County. (JntiM'rd lit tlio I'ostolli; c at Hiillnook. A rl .uiih. us Sei-oml (Muss Mail Muttm. f.'.y"" V.lilrc.ss nil ('(iinniiinicutioTis mill muUe Alt bills payable to The Aru-us. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ONE YEAR $2.00 IN ADVANCE. It may interest some people to learn that gold is now beingpro duced in this world at the rate of one million dollars a day for everv day in the year. Los An geles Mining Review. The hill which was before the last two or three sessions of congress to annex to Utah that portion of Arizona lying north ot the Colo rado river, has again been intro duced by Senator Kearnsof Utah. The blojkhouse which was the headquarters of General. I'hil Sheridan during ths Indian wais of 1S")5 ")( v ill be moved to Port land and placed on exhibition at the Lewis and Clark Centennial. The house is situated about fif teen miles west of Sheridan, Ore gon. It is a two story structure, burlt of logs, and is in good condition. Of the workers in America near ly 10,500,(100 are engaged in agriculture. There are one and a half as many farm workers as there are factory operatives. More than twice as many per sons find emplyment in agricul ture as handle the trade and transportation of the country. There are only one ninth as many professional men as there arc farmers. II0LBR00K MEAT MARKET Where can be found at all times the choicest line of Beef, I'ork, Mutton, Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Sausage and Fish. Also Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Crackers, etc. Market price paid for cattle, mut- . ton or hogs. Mail ordersgivenpromptattcntion. . - ICK ON ll.t.MI AT A I.I- ICK l.'KKAM TWICK A WK1CK H0LBR00K MEAT MARKET R. D. Greer, Prop., Molbrook, Ariz. has been found that out ofl of the prominent business men of Chicago S4- came from the It 100 At last the pension roll ot the United Slates exceeds one million country. of persons, the number now be ing 1,000,701. It is thought the maximum has been reached. There has been a corresponding ini,i-f'ii in tin1 f i.'i v 1 1 ii -vi t i but it that city were country j . . '" .- , J is given out that the expenses ot i running the bureau are to beeur- In an amendment to the joint ' tailed, n(1 that in thencar future statehood bill, as made bytheisomc five hundred clerks may be senate committee, provides that i (1SI"-'"SC(1 Wlt1'- Arizona be given forty four votes in the constitutional convention It is also stated that j 71 out of 100 of the best physi- j aians of boys. Livery and Feed Stables SMITH V SMITH, lMoiuietoiN. W liolfwiilc and retail Hay, Grain and Coal. Tenuis fur tin- I'K'lli I I'l Hl I'UKIWT. Otwwl ti.i.niM in.l ..i.f..r..i i..i ,i- un liuiiil iliiy ,! niitht. Tourists ami ('iimiiipii-iul Ti iivelers ill ulwnyn I llnil us pi-.-imi i-il to xiw thi'in tin- lii'st si'i-viiii! lit reusoniililp I lirii-i'K. Coi-ii-I .mil Slulilns soutli siiln of ruilwiij' T trui-lt. opposite utir tunU. J H0LBR00K, ARIZONA: 1 to New Mcxieo'ssixty-six instead of seventy to forty, as originally provided by the bill. The French Admiralty rccenly carried out an interesting experi ment to ascertain whether the explosion oe a torpedo in the vi cinity of a submarine exercises oooooooooocoooooooocoo William Armbruster, I i Practical Blacksmith and "WHeelwrig'Ht. j? All out of town work will receive prompt atten tion. If you have a wheel to fill or a tire to set bring it to are and get service for your money. It is estimated the total pro-; any injurious effect uponanother dnction of copper in Arizona dur-j torpedo lying alongside the ves the year 1901- will be 210, "00,-: The sul)inarine anchored off 000 pounds. Of this, the Copper Cape I'etet, and the torpedo, Queen is the largest producer; containing a charge of 1 00 kilo while the C. & A. and the United grammes ot gun cotton, was fired Verde share honors for second 1 at a distance fiO meters from the place. Bisbee Miner. J submarine, beside which, exposed .to the full force of the exploding Riverside county, California, ' t01.pc;l0i was placed tlie second received trie nignest award loran j Abb WOKK GUARANTEED TO SUIT YOU. Ninth SiHc of H0LBR00K, ARIZ oGCXXXXXXXXXDOOOOCOOOOOC IIAVAJO COUNTY highest irrigation exhibit attheSt. Louis World's Fair. The exhibit was! a relief panorama of the River side valley, showing canals, or-j chards, and a miniature orange j grove in process of irrigation, j The scheme of irrigation wasear-1 ried out in perfect detail. j Pennsylvania, which makes more than half the iron used in J the United States, produces less than 2 per cent of the iron ore mined. Ohio, which comes. next to Pennsylvania as an iron-maker, mines less than 0.1 per cent of the total. In both cases the ore is brought to the fuel. Only in Alabama are the ore and fuel found together. weapon. .Not t lie slightest dam age was caused b' the explosion. ; A letter received from Fen S. ! Ilildreth, Register of the land; office, at Prcscott, informs us; that the Secretary of the In i terior has withdrawn about .''00, 000 acres of land, situated in the Little Colorado river valley, from 1 settlement. Mr. Ilildreth does not state the cause for the with drawal of these lands, but it is rumored that the Aztec Land and Cattle Co., has placed their scrip here and intend fencing and again engaging in the stock business. 11 WINSLOW, ARIZONA. INCORPORATED. GENERAL BANKING CONDUCTED n We Earnestly Solicit Your Patronage. OFFICERS & DIRETORS W. 11. IlLMtUAIHi I'rosiilmit. K. W. SHI.SOX. ..Vii-K-L'ri'siiloiit. OKU. A. I.ANli Cusliiiir. I Dil-mitor HUNKV HUNINIi "" uv. w. p K UK INS. I I II I I V The new currency of the repub lic of Panama is soon to be intro duced. In fact, some few of the coins have been made. It is un derstood that the Columbian coins will soon be gradually with drawn and the new ones put in to circulation. The monetary unit is the gold "balboa," which, although none will be coiner, ts the basis of the svstem and equal to $1 United States gold. en vcr a dq EXPERIENCE .hp. vr:r HolbrooK 7. vs -sit 'I '4 A . .. DEALER I: General MercHanciise Toinp Marks Anvonn flflndlnff a skotoli mid dpscrintion mny qnlnltly iisorrain our opinion froo wlitithdr an InvtMitloti is probnhly piucntiiblii. Coinnitiiiiriu Mima st rict lyc.nilhl. -ni bil. HANDBOOK on I'ui nnts Bnt fnm, Oldest ntreiH'y for Houurintf putenia. Iiiteiiw tukon tlirtuitih Munii & Co. reuulve tper.iat notice, without chamo, in the Scientific Eicrican. A hnnrlsomoly Hlnfltrntftd wonkly. I.nrpost clr (Mihit.ion of any puientluo Jnnrnal. Tonus, $;t a Tour; four months, $L Bold by all nowsdonlors. H(lllNN&Co.36,Badwa-New York Hrunch Ulllce, 626 F Bt, WiuhlUKlou, D. 0. 1 Fresh Fruits, Vegetablas, Butter and Eggs Cigars, Tobaccoes Confectionery and Notions Fine Wines and Whiskies, MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION 7s .. VC"J1 iKife.'iKK 'JK Jt i K K K i. isK i K i&