Newspaper Page Text
---- X 4 HERALD. KubliJiheil every Thur-day. J1Y J11R APACHE COUNTY 11 HUSHING CO. BARRY MATTHEWS, EDITOR AND MANAGER. Gae im:h. one Month. ?2.0(. ' i one Yejir One-quarter Column, otig'Morith;. ...' 5.00 " " one Year, -WXi Ont-lMf Column,one Month ICMXi " ' one Year. HW.wi flni I'nliinin. one Month 20.00 " one Year. ih.M Locnl notices will Ic inserted at twenty cunts a line first insertion and ten cents a line cucn subsequent IriMTtion. Le-al notices will le inserted at 2-f0 i aqnan. iten lines of this lyj e for the first insertion and L00 n Koimre for each snlwpfjnent iu:ertio:i. Stock nrauds will he inserted one brand ou cut. one year. $10: each additional brand on cut. une owner, 5; each additional brand or character, bar or connected letter-, requiring engraved Wocli. Mif year, fi. All communication should b(S addressed to Tin: llKKAi.n. St.Jolnu. A. T. "PPHfCKiiTtos 4.00 per year, in advance. Sz. Johns. Thu?3iay, ODtobsr 21. OITJZEXS TICKET. Apache County Ticket- , u nuininauuii uiuv v wuiuhw, This office ordered lo be filled by the Executive Committee. Winslow Convention Ticket. Tor (he Council, J. H. BREED. For the Assembly, J. Q, A DAM SON, JOHN T. IIOGUE. County Judge, K. E. MORRISON. District Attorney, II A KRIS BALDWIN. Sheriff, GOMMODORE OWENS. Recorder, E. W. NELSON, Treasurer, J. T. LESUEUR. Assessor, A. Y. GREER. Supervisor, david rope, t. j. Mccormick, j. h. richards. County Surveyor, G. A. KENTNBH. A. One hundred and one votes reg V istered atEl Tule. What next? Have the Mormons got enough stock to last two years longer. woodruff and MiowiiaKft are solid for the Vinslow ticket to a man. Reliable information iVqm Tay lor gives that precinct solid for the Winslow ticket. Stock thieves are all calling for equal rights to follow their avoca tion, and they will vote for it too. Mineral votes as many to the square mile as any of her eompad res. The Herald will keep the voters posted as to the political situation until the campaign is over. We wonder what Amnion 'Pen ny, Christopherson and Flake will have to say about the Equal Rights Ticket. When Commodore Owens is sher iff the eows will begin to come home every night and in the com ing time it will be a mere matter of form to brand your horseR. It is a fact, beyond question that at least two hundred fraudulent votes have been registered in the County. Look out for repeaters and frauds on election day. We would suggest that our 'Mor mon friends ask Crosby fc Co. to explain why theT have made com mon cause with their enemies of two years ago. J. L. Huihjell, J. B. Milner and $ .Joseph Crosby left for Bush Valley I -v Jast Sunday to misinform the peo ple in that section. They must give the people credit for treacher ous memories. We are pledged honestly, hon orably pledged, to support the Win slow ticket,and "survive or perish,; swim or go irrecoverably under." : We are.goingto see it through to the outcome. About the first work Commodore Owens, our next sheriff, will be called upon to do is to entirely re fit the jail, as the coming winter promises a brisk and flourishing trade, and this building will be a popular and fashionable boarding house. There are a large number of guests from Concho and El Tiile Ig&whohave already spoken for rooms;'' "We publish the proceedings of tihe'so-called "mass meeting1' at St. Johns. It is a good document to read and remember, and is .valuable to keep on file for future, reference. Ye invite tax-payers to read it in order to fairly understand the issue before the people. It has been definitely ascertained from a comparison f statistics in the United .States, that there is one legal voter in every five of popula tion, or one qualified elector to four women and children. Taking these figurps as a basis the popula tion of (J'ncho is 705 and that of El Tide 505. Ye gods and little fishes. The Orion Era says the Winslow Convention was captured by the anti-Mexicans Equal Rights, Broth er Milner, the Onion Eater was cap tured by the Mexicans. Things whichare equal to the samethingare equal to each other, and this is the only chance you will have lo get even during the campaign. Name it. but you cant' rake it. We send out several hundred tropics of the Hekald this week for free distribution among the voters. They are sent to members of the County Central Committee who will please hand around the extra copies. DruiNt; thisand next week theeol umnsoflhe Hehald will devote all available space tn keeping its read- i-rt posted in every feature of the campaign and as far as possible securing the success of the ticket upon which depends the future prosperity of the county and the 'inhabitants thereof; Who cursed the Mormons two years ago. persecuted, viiiified them. and broke up the reform ticket at Holbrook? The same crowd with whom Crosby &Co. have united to make up a ticket and undo another convention. Can the Mormons for one moment take up such a gang and oycrlook a man like John T. Lesueur. We say it is simply im possible. Eojai. rights in Concho and JC1 Tule means three to one. If the pumpkin heads who engineered that little enterprise think it. will win or the people stand it, thoy will have an opportunity to discuss the matter with their dupes while the latter are playing checkers with their noses in a frame of iron squares. The registration of Concho in lSS4vasS7 votes, in 1.SSG, 153; that of El Tule in 1884 was 53, in 1S8G, 101. It must he a wonderful ly productive soil, and the grass good in and around those precincts. Citizens in the remarkable atmos phere of those favored spots must be born like .Minerva full grown. They are registered ami marked before birth and come into the world with a hand full of equal rights. . Can our Mormon citizens hesitate ic moment to give their support toJ.T. Lesueur. Joseph Crosby his opponent may be a clever man but don't you think he is caught in rather questionable company? Crosby is now running cheek by jowl with men whom, we are iold two years ago swore by all their patron saints that perdition might overtake them if they ever voted or affiliated with a Mormon. Is this true? Make inquiry and find out. What does it mean, how can you support a man who has walked ever into the camp of the enemy and delivered himself up? It must be a trade and the consideration Crosby renders is to deliver all the Mormons he can into the same bondage. You cannot vote for Crosby and company with out lending aid and comfort to your enemies and the foes of good government. In' addition to these facts and as an unanswerable argu ment in behalf of Mr. Lesueur, the latter is the candidate possessed of the necessary business qualifica tions. He is thoroughly honest, and we only speak public senti ment in saying he will have a walk over. Amnion M. Tenny, P. J. Chris- tophcrsoi in "Saint son and C. I. Kemp arrived Tqhns this morning. Yef are informed that there is scarcely a Mormon in the Count' owning stock who has not suffered loss at the hands', of thieves. While.this wholesale lawleshess has been going on, how many have been convicted or even arrested? Now. we have no way to judge the future save by the past, and accept ing that as a standard, what are we to expect hereafter: If nothing has been done in the two years past is there any reason to believe more will be done in the two years which are to follow. Stock thieves have plied their avocation with im punity, and "none to molest or make them afraid." It'has: been accepted as a well known fact that if prosecution should be made the proceedings would be a judicial farce, and hence no one even takes the trouble to report losses, because experience has taught the citizens of Apache County, that their only course is to "suffer and be strong." Are the Mormons prepared to say they want this state of affairs kept up. Do they or anyother class of citizens desire to be continually plundered of their property without any hope of redress. Now is the time to call a halt, and if you hes itate or fail it may be a last oppor tunity. There is but one way to remedy these evils and that is the election of Commodore Owens as the next Sheriff of Apache Count'. The Commodore possesses all the traits of a good and' efficient officer ; temperate and "discreet, yet at the same time fearless and conscien tious in the discharge of duty, he would be the right man in the right place as Sheriff of Apache County. While, as would be the case in any election, some good citizens differ in their choice of candidates, and the Commodore may be no excep tion to the rule, yet it is a notice able fact that wherever you find a lawless character he wants another man sheriff, This in itself is -the strongest and best possible reason why good citizens with one voice should give Commodore a hearty and united support. The Orion Era boldly proclaims itself a Mexican Organ, bargained, bought and sold for political pur poses. The Herald advocates the rights, interests and sentiments of the honest tax paying community, irrespective of other claims Every body who wishes a good govern ment, honestly administered, is in vited to join the Hekald in a cru sade against wickedness and cor ruption in high places. We arc trying to represent honest people of all classes and are laboring for the good of all. Taxpayers read the Era.the self acknowledged organ of all that is hostile to your inter est, the subsidized mouth piece of a ticket which has stolen the good names of citizens as a sauce to make the crow, which the rest of the ticket represents, palatable. If the Era wishes to bear the cac tus aloft, it may do so and its cause will fall between the knight and his plume. A letter received from Holbrook informs us that our subscribers atTIlc temporary chairman and the that place failed to receive the last! issue of the Herald, although pack ages of the paper passed through that office en-route to other places. We regret the occurrence very much but arc at a loss to explain it. The mail was' made up in the usual manner and deposited in the post office and the Holbrook list was certainly filled out. It is possible the mistake was occasioned by a green hand in the office who in the press of business assisted in mak ing up the mail and misdirected the package. We will take every precaution that it shall not happen again through any fault of ours, at least. The bolters are disappointed pol iticians and office seekers and noth ing more. These are the facts, coolly, clearly and dispassionately stated. Taxpayers and Reformers, are you going to tolerate such pro ceedings, are you going to support or endorse such a .growling gang of malcontents? We believe not, and we hope all pur. readers will take these matters into serious con- sidoratiou.. i i i i We reprint the "Equal Rights" proceedings from the Orion Era, and we wish our Readers to under stand that any errors therein re sult from following copy. Hon. J.Q. Adamson, of Holbrook the next member of the Assembly from Apache County passed through town yesterday eng route to Springerville. Policarpio and Santos Armijo, citizens of Albuquerque, New Mex ico, are registered at Hardy's sta tion as voters of Apache County. This is a fair sample of what to look for at the coming election. If the Era, the organ of "Equal Rights" will register all the errors which occurred in the last issue of that sheet, we will guarantee a majority by some thousands over all opposition. The Convention was conducted as fairly and squarely as was possi ble for a popular assembly to be, and Mormons, Gentiles and Mex icans were without distinction, giv eng representation on the floor. The "Equal Rights" admit they only represent one-third of the vot ers. This leaves two-thirds against them in a country where majorities are supposed to govern. They openly acknowledge themselves in the minority, and are simply bolt ing because they are unable to car ry things their own way in spite of two-thirds against them. Non sense ! Unadulterated, sheer non sense! Hold your jaw' equal rights and take a back seat, you cannot even write a set of resolutions without showing the cloven hoof. As e have before remarked "pol itics makes strange bed-fellows." Last winter some of the leaders who arejjengineering the "Equal Rights" Ticket" jumped the claims of the Mormons at the reservoir south of St. Johns, as every body believed, without right or law. Last Spring when the figuring on a political siate negan, a compromise was agreed upon in order to become compadres with the Mormons. Don't it look like a regular cam paign dodge gotten up for the ex press purpose of capturing the Mor mon votes? Is it generosity to take a man's property forcibly and then give it back? The very men who advised and abetted the schemeto jump and take possession of the water privilege of the Mormons are now asking their votes on the grounds of their generosity in re turning the property. Such cheap clap-trap will never win and the Mormons will never take such taffy handed them on a club. We ask the Mormons to consider and care fully weigh the situation. The bolting members of the Win slow Convention, Juan Milner, Jose Crosby, Hubbel tfcCo. wercjjenlitled to seats therein. They bolted the Convention with eight uncontested votes and proxies in their pockets, and the sequel proved that these eight votes would have controlled the organization of the Convention " they iiacl remained m their seats. Cpnnnittec of Credentials, of which they now so ungenerously com plain, would have been delegates of their own selection. What then is the explanation of the bolt? Simp ly this, J. L. Hubbel had sounded the sentiments of the dele gates and found out he was fairly and squarely beaten and he was therefore bent on a rule or ruin policy. He only attended the Con vention as a desperate experiment, not to abideits action, but to test his own strength, and bolt if the tide was against him. This is the whole matter in a nutshell. Did he not promise Mr. Robt. Scott his following, in event he failed to de velop strength? Did he carry out his promise? No, his motto was Hubbel, or nothing. Every one knows Scott would have secured the nomination, but for Hubbell's Punic faith. The rest of the crowd were governed by the wishes of Hubbell and followed blindly in his wake, believing, that in another way, they could, through him, se cure the Mexican vote. All were selfishly bent on their own nomina tion, and in furtherance of a previ- ously arranged scheme, Juan Mil ner and Jose Crosby had agreed to trade Hubbell Mormon for Mexi can votes. Failing to accomplish this purpose at Winslow a second convention! wasjresolved upon'with results as shown in the published proceedings. Read their resolu tions and they speak the dema gogue for themselves, their trans parent trick to excite prejudice and catch thatMexican vote. What liie People S:iy. As an emblem of premature monstrosity and a token of evil propagation, we view the "Equal Rights Ticket" as it now lies be fore us, eing Bashamed of its own production, it, takes withot the knowledge, privilege or consent certain Winslow nominees, with the view of crossing the breed and the creation of an animal more in digenous to the community, but, alas "Poor Yorick !" thy mixture is incomnatible,and thy incr.bator,be fore whose shrine you have bowed as gracefully as coi.genital deform ity would permit, beseeching amai- gation, has shown you its inability in suchincubatioR,and the impossi bilities of such a production. We will now advise the ambiguous an imal to. cease such futile attempts and take himself into the clandes tine regions where he can propa gate his own specie without affect ing lii oral philosophy. We warn the people against the intrigues of the ungodly produc tion and untimely begotten animal, as he swore to capture the County Court with . a speed denoting 5 horse power and a defective ' spinal column which has long since ceased to perform its functions, cut him off and brand him for the good of mankind. When his next pro longation endeavors to reach the Sheriff's office, defeat him, as you remember his record for the past two years. Revert back and note how well he filled this office. Of the 2 years 18 months in the Nav ajo country: during the 2 years, not a personal arrest; during the 2 years, a wilful permitting' of the escape of three-fourths of his priso ners, and with this record he wants the people to again give him the officebecause of his efficiency. And now we reach the third bi furcation of this monstrosity reach ing for the Treasurers office. He inherits no pedigree, but wants it on his shape and the good he ex pects to do. This devision of this ungainly mass is a subject of hal lucination, and his imaginary con ceptions have led him to believe that as a chancellor of the exchec- quer he is beyond rival. With the rest of his followers he must be be feated that he may assist in carry ing off the field of action the man gled form of a disreputable carcass whoso device has been "Equal Rights." at, m mst A Card. The Winslow Convention nominated three candidates for members of the Board of Supervisors, myself among the number. It now appears that the law makes provision for the election of only two members, one of the old Board holding over. In view of these facts and in order tu promote harmony, good feeling and unanimity of action. I desire to announce my withdrawal from the ticket. Appreciating the courtesy ex tended me at the Convention and thank ing my many friends ior the honor con ferred and the kindly support given, I ask them to accept my withdrawal as a request to transfer to the Winslow ticket the same generous support and coruial endorsement with which they saw fit to honor me. Respectfully T. J. McCormick. 0 IE (O !E3 TO ta: Notice is hereby given that the taxes for the year 1886, in Apache County are now due and payable at the office of the fax Collector of said county, in the town of St. Johns, in said county of Apache, and that said taxes must be paid on or before the THIRD MONDAY OF DE CEMBER NEXT, or a penalty of five per cent will be added thereto. Dated St. Johns, September 18, 18S6. ST. GEORGE CREAGHE, County Treasurer and ex-otficio Tax Col lector of said Apache County. By H. F. BANTA, Deputy Treasurer. se23 8t STOCK.BFrANDS- - r - , 1 1 Post Office, Los Lunas, 2cw Mexico. Range, Los Qnelites, Vuleik-iu t'oimty. New Mexico. jel6 BILLINGS LAND AND, CATTLE CO. i Cattle brand Diamond in circle, on left side' or hip and B (oft jaw Horse brand: S on CSS left, shoulder. Range : Billings on Rio" Puoreo. P. ( ). address : Holbrook, Ariz. vtmZa WABASH CATTLE CO. Cattle brand same as cut on .rjuht side. Kar mark right.ear utv.lerbit, Udrse firand same as cut on . tesreai&.g Salt Lakes A cache Co. Arirl P. O. address: Navajo Springs, Arizona. JAMES M HIOGINS myJi Cattle brand same as cut, on left side. Horse brand :same on left flank. Range Little olorado River, near Holbrook. x 'tddress, Holbrook, Ariz. W. F. BENSON. Cattle brand same us cut on left sides. i Horse brand B on .le-Ct flank. (Range: Eight miles west of Holbrook. Post OHiee address: Holbrook, .rizonn. A, H- PRATT. Cattle .brand nS tn cut ort left side. Ear mark, crop and. split in the left, upper and underbit in the right. Range, Ksquidilla Moun tains. Post Office. Snrineervillei Apachecounty, An'zuia-. . LAIRD BROTHERS. (Suc'rs to Moffett fc Iiird.) Catttlc branded same as cut on right side. All increase on and after Jan. 1st 1JCJ5, branded on the right ribs. Ear Mark: both ears over half cropped. Range: Lower Chevellons Fork Post OHiee address: St. Joseph, Apache Co. Ariz. BARNES & GOMEZ, MAMorns.. A. L. MORRISON & SONS Cattle brand same as cut-. 5 Mir underslope on right, crop . on left. Horse brand the- same, on right hip.' ' v Home-ranch: Mamie creek nearEscadilla Mountains ' .&LZ" Post Ollice address; Springerville, Arizonav . MONARCH illiard Saloon, - WALTER DARLING, Prop. : ST. JOHNS, - - - ARIZONA. It is not necessary to call the attention of old customers to our location,.' ; they know full well where.'- Z . "to find the largest stock of Fine "Wines, 1 . . ' t :. Whiskies?, " Beer, Cigars; 'jcM Etc.,. - ALSO Artistically Compounded. For the benefit of our Patrons we have-j connected with our Saloon well kept corrals. Hay, GrrainStabliii (V F urnished for those desiring such accomodations. EAT MARKET FINE BEEF,. MUTTON, PORK, . ; SAUSAGE, T ,. HEADCHEESE , Always on hand and ready tq sell af f1 CASH PRICES. If you want good nice : i:' cuts, call on me. Terms cash. JOSEPH KINSLEY; J U4W selG tf Proprietor . if 1 a 4 t -V. ... - V i