OCR Interpretation

The St. Johns herald. (St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona Territory [Ariz.]) 1885-1903, September 14, 1901, Image 4

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94051692/1901-09-14/ed-1/seq-4/

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. . . . . - . . . - . . iii rrTTTrir 'na,y-'V
Published eyery Saturday at St.
Johns, Apache County, Arizona,
and entered at the Post Office as
Second Class Mail Matter.
1 inch 1 mew. $1. 2 mos. $1,50 3 moe.
2. 6 mos. $3. 1 year $5.
2 inches 1 mes. $1,50 2 mos. $2,50, 3
aoc. $3. C mos. $4,50 1 year $7,50.
lUtM on Urge contract given on ap
Sjyexso N. O. Yurpay rhanlx
?:cmit C. H. Akera Phenlx.
rxtioruK, TW. Femfcertou... .Pbcenlx
ior.PCB.lKT'K..S. L. Leng ..Phcenix.
lrDXTejt, G. W. Vlckera Prescott.
vrroRKcy Gek... C. J. Aiaswwth .Phcmis.
kWT. QEJfKBAi.- ...R. Alljm Lewis.... Pkosnlx.
f BiTxk StirtT. Chief Justice Phcenix.
s. K. Davis, Associate Justice Tucson.
r. M. DeAjc, Associate Justice Florence.
R. I. Sloxm, Asseclite Justice Prescott
C. MeRRisoii, U.S.Dlst. Attorney, Prescott.
W. M. Griffith, U. S. Marshal Globe.
lk Thomas, Qeixdka Phoensx.
lerk Dist. Court.. ..W. C. EosTzaCPhoemx.
I A. V, Gibbons
I Chairman.
ofiWmobQ. A. Conklin,
J Benigno Lopez,
LMonlco Garcia, Clerk
narterlyisMt!ngsoftheBoard will be held
first Monday In Jan., April, Jnlyand Oct.
Shxriff Leandro Ortega
3tstRiCT Attorkrt..... Alfred Ruix
Sko.dk UarTZm
Pkobatk JtmoE John T.Hogue
Terms of the District Court, third Monday
April and the first Menday in October,
Hon. Richard Gibbons has an
other large boy in his family.
Mr. J. C Jones now has charge
of Mr. J. B. Pattersons sheep.
Mr. J. B. Patterson made a trip
to his sheep Camp last Saturday.
M Mr. Antonio Duran is spending
a few days at home this week.
Mr. W. H. Gibbons came in
from his ranch and spent this
week in town.
Mr. J J Karnes was to town
this week after supplies for his
cattle camp.
Cat. J. T. Hogue made a busi
ness trip to Navajo and Holbrook
this week.
When you want a pleasant
physic try the new remedy,
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets They are easy to take
artd pleasant in effect. Price, 25
cents. Samples free at St. John's
Drug Co.
Messrs. W. A- Tenney and F.
ly. Davis left for Clifton this
week to work.
Mr. Jerry Gonzales came down
from the mountains Tuesday and
spent a few days at home.
The Whiting boys returned
from Holbrook Tuesday with
their furniture.
Have you a" sense of fullness
in the region of your stomach
after eating. If so you will be
benefited by using Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets.
They regulate the bowels too.
Price, 25c Sold by St. .John's
Drug Co.
At the conference last week
ten persons did what every man
in Apache county ought to do,
have their names put on the sub
scription list.
Mr. W. J. Mallory is now so
near recovered from his accident
Viaf hp is able to aerain attend
ft "h VmninpR; affairs of the St.
Johns Drug Co.
puts And Burns Quickly
Chamberlain's Pain Balm apli
ed to a cut, bruise, burn, scald or
injury will instantly allay the
pain and will heal the parts in less
time than any other treatment
Unless the injury is very severe
it will not leave a scar. Pain
Balm also cures rheumatism,
sprains, swellings and lameness.
Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy a Great
The soothing and healing pro
perties of this remedy, its pleas
ant taste and prompt and perma
nant cures have made it a great
favorite with people everywhere.
It is especially prized by.mothers
of small children for colds, croup
and whooping cough, as it always
affords quick relief, and as it con
tains no opium or other harmful
drugs, it may be given as confi
dently to a baby as to an adult.
For sale by St- John's Drug Co.
Mr. Peder Pederson came in
from his sheep camp to spent con
ference, last week.
Mr- Denicio Duran came in from
the mountains the fore part of
the week and went back again
Wednesday tolook after his sheep.
Cured of Chronic Diar
rhoea After Thity Years
of Suffering.
"I suffered for thirty years
with diarrhoea and thought I was
past being cured," says John S.
Halloway. of French Camp, Mass.
"I had spent so much time and
money and suffered so much that
I had given up all hopes of recov
ery. I was so feeble from the ef
fect of the diarrhoea that I could
do no kind of labor, could not
even travel, but by accident I was
permitted to find a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ond
Diarrhoea Remedy, and after tak
ing several bottles I am entirely
cured of that trouble. I am so
-pleased with the result that I am
anxious that it be in reach of all
who suffer as I have " For sale
by St. John's Drug Co.
Mr. O. F. Freeman, who has
been in the employ of Peder Ped
erson & Co. for the past month
returned home Tuesday.
President D. K. Udall took
A postal M. F. Cowley and one of
Seven Presidents of Seventies J.
W. McMurnn to Snowflake, Fri
urday. Working Night and Day.
The busiest and mightiest lit
tle thing that ever was made is
Dr. Kiner's New Life Pills.
These pills change weakness into
strength, listlessness into energy,
brain-fag into mental power.
They're wonderful in building up
the health. Only 25c per box.
Sold by St. Johns Drug Co.
We had a most excellent show
er on the 10th Inst, that lasted
about half the day.
Messrs. S. C. Thompson and
Wm. Harris left Wednesday with
supplies for J. B. Pattersons
sheep camp. They will also ass
ist in dipping his sheep.
A Shocking Calmity.
Latelv befell a railroad
laborer," writes Dr. A. Kallett,
of Williford, Ark. "His foot was
badly crushed, but Bucklens
Arnica Salve quickly cured him.
It's simply wonderful for Burns,
Boils, Piles, and all skin erup
tions. It's the world's champion
healer, Curs guaranteed. 25c.
Sold by St. John's Drug Co.
May Butler has returned-
Riley Greer, was in Conho Sun
daj. David Ortega's little child was
badly burned. Seemingly a box
of matches attracted its attention
as it began playing with them
and in some way set them afire.
Unfortunately the child was not
discovered until ill its clothes
were in a blaze. We trust for its
Eliza Butler has gone home.
a. 1 ti
bOv attempted Stealing. During
J 5
the day Mrs. Laura Kempe seeing
a mexican boy watching around
the Kempe store and residence
told her little girl, Hazel to
watch him but apparently Hagel
forgot her instruction. In the
evening, when Jennie came home
they discovered a hole in the
screen large enough to unlock
the door. - Mrs. Kempe going to
the bureau drawer could not find
the money. Presently after go
ing to the house where the boy
was staying he appeared acknow
ledged and returned the amount
of three dollars and fifty cents
and the check, all that was stol
en. David Sanders Sen-is apparent-
lv graining in strength. A party
was given him on his birthday.
Apst M. F. Cowley, McMerrinand
a pary of St. Johns folks pass thru
here last Friday eye enroute for
Little Eugene; Keagle was ser
iously hurt by his pony stepping
on him but is alright at present.
Chas. Gillespie killed a bear
just below the field.
Mr. Edwin Whiting has pur
chased the lot in from of the C.
M. & M. I. and is busy moving
in their new nome.
Stood Death Off.
E- B. Munday, a lawyer of
Henrietta, Tex., once fooled a
grave-digger. He says: My
brother was very low with ma
larial fever and jaundice. I per
suaded him to try Electrie Bit
ters, and he was soon much better
but continued their use until he
was wholly cured. I am shure
Electric Bitters saved his life."
This remedy expels malaria, kills
disease germs and purifies the
blood; aids digestion, regulates
liver kidneys and bowels, cures
constipation, dyspepsia, nervous
diseases, kidney troubles, female
complaints ;gives perfect helth.
Only 50c at St. John's Drug
Prof E. L- Cropper has rented
the Dr Piatt resident on the west
of the C. M. & M. I.
A. S Gibbons left for Nutrioso
to day he has been imployed to
teach that school this winter.
A Night of Terror.
"Awful anxiety was felt for
the widow of the brave General
Burnham of Machias, Me., when
the doctors said she would die
from Pheumonia before morning"
writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who
attended her that fearful night,
but she begged for Dr. King's
New Discovery, which had more
than once saved her life, and
cured ber of Consumption. Aft
er taking, she slept all night.
Further use entirely cured her."
This mavellous medicine is
guaranteed to cure all Throat,
Chest and Lung Disease. Only
SOc and $1.00. Trial bottles tree
at St, John's Drug Co.
Married: Sept. 4, 1901 at 4
o'clock at the bride's residence
Lillian Lee of Nutrioso and
Willard Hamblin of Alpine- The
bride's father preformed the
ceremony, after which a supper
was served- Only the relatives
of the parents were present. We
wish Mr. and Mrs. Hamblin
much joy and happiness.
We are having rainy weather
The young people went to St.
Johns for Confrence this week,
so the news is scarce.
Mrs. Lorenzo Crosby, Mrs An
nie Baird, and son Wilson Baird,
and Mrs Crosby's two little
daughters together with Mr. Ben
Howell came down from the
Mountains last Saturday.
Mr. C, E Baker, Forest Ranger
has been transfered to the
Blue, -
J. ney of Apache county. Office, In the
flniirt TTrtn St Tv.a tn'raTii
Calls from Springerville, Concho and
other towns will receive prompt atten
tion. St. Johns, Ariz,
I have in my possession -as
estray one bay mare branded L C
on left hip, tip of both ears crop
ped, age six years or oyer.
Owner may recover same by
paying costs.
Chas. Jarvis,
St- Johns, Aug. 10, 1901-
Are you in nead of a new suit,
Pants or Over coat? If so call on
us and have your measuremeni
taken. We have one thousand
of the latest samples to select
from. Prices are reasonable,
fit and satisfaction guranteed.
St. Johns Drug Co-
It will pay yon to purchase your
boots and shoes from the Drug
Co. they carry a complete line of
the celebrated Wells shoes the
best on earth. Prices are as low
as the lowest, quality considered.
David K. Udall's name appears
among the inventors.
We notice from the Official
Gazette of the United States Pat
ent Office of Aug. 27, 1901, that
a patent has been issued to David
K. Udall for an Agricultural
Machine. The object of the in
vention is to produce a machine
embodying in combination a roll
er, marker and seeder, by the use
of which the grain or seeds can
be planted either by drilling or
broadcasting, as,desired, and the
soil marked in furrows and rolled
during the planting operation.
A still further object of the in
vention is to provide for the dis
tribution of chemical or other
fertilizers over the ground im
mediately in advance of the drills,
so that by single operation the
ground ma' be marked, furrowed,
fertilized and the seed deposited
in drills or sown broadcast, and
soil finally pressed or rolled firm
ly in a manner to leave the
ground in perfect condition for
crop growth and for the taking
in of moisture and for irrigation
purposes, which latter result ren
ders the machine particularly ef
fective in arid districts.
Mr. Udall's invention certainly
has taken a great deal of consid
eration and thought He being
an experienced farmer of 40 years
practic undoubtedly would be
able to make an invention in the
Agricultural line that will be of
benefit to the farmer as this one no
doubt is and will prove of great
benefit to the farmers.
At any rate Mr, Udall deserves
credit for obtaining a patent
from the U. S. Patent Office at
Washington D. C on so useful a
machine to this western country.
And having his name appear a-long-sideof
the many other in
ventors of this most progressive
Latter Day Saint's Academy.
After leaying St. Johns, I
traveled pleasantly with company
until reaching Alpine, where I
wandered southward, alone, thru
those lofty pines, down the beau
tiful Blue, that picturesque
scenery is most magnificent and
silvery stream would dizz the
brain of a Shakespere or of aNe
polean, passing thru Clifton
journeying over those rolling
hills, reached Thatcher Saturday
The Li D. S. Academy opened
Monday morning for registration
and commenced Tuesday moring
at 9 o'clock with 75 students.
Students are coming in rapidly.
The prospects are that we will
have an excellent school this year
great improvements have been
made in the buildings and equip
ments of the Aacademy-
A merchandise establishment of
three large rooms has been pur
chased by the board of education
in which the Commercial dept. of
the L- D- S- A- will be conducted
by Prof Burnham
The Academy expects to make
great progress in the. line of bass
balltplaying this j'ear.
Holbrook. Sf. Johns and
Springerville express.
W. W. BERRY, Proprietor.
Leave Holbrook daily 9:30 &. n
" woodruff "
Arrive Station "
L Testation "
Coneho " ..'
" St Johns "
Ar. Springerrille "
Leave " " .........
" St. Johns
" Concho " ,
" Station "
Arrive Woodruff "
Leave " t
Arrive Holbrook "
12.60 xi
...7:00 p. hi
....7:15 p. xn.
....9:15 p. in.
..12:00 night
8,3 s. m.
... 4:00 p. m.
....12:00 night
... 4:00 a. m.
6:30 a. m.
1:00 p, vx.
.....1:30 p. m.
3:00 p.
Holbrook to Woodruff. $1 00
Concho 4 50
" 6t Johns 6 00
" 8pringerville 8 00
Holbrook to Woodruff and return $1 50
Concho " " 8 00
St.Johhs 10 00
SDrincervillo " 14 00
allowed at
any point
on the line
ifty pounds of baggage carried free for each
For full particulars Inquire of any of our ajreuts
or postmasters along the lino.
J. R. Hulett, Agent.
Holbroolr, Arlx.
All kind of repairing done m
a neat up-to-date style on wag-
rtc "hiiofo-ies and vehicles of all
vuw, "tr o
Horse-shoeing Spolalist.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Give me a call.
St. JohHS, - - Arizoaa.
Job Printing
just laid in a large as
sortment of. New Type
faces ot the very latest
styles, and we are now
prepared to do all kinds
Plain and fancy
Job Printing
in the latest and most
up-to-date manner.
Letter Heads,
Note Heads,
Bill Heads,
Etc., Etc.,
Our prices are just rigbt
and we guarantee satis
faction. Let us figure
on your next order.
nng son
Stray Horse.
Whilp o-nino- to Holbrook, an
iVM Vkotr linrsp branded H C T on
U1V4 w
left hip, followed my teams for 10
miles. The animal is now m my
nspcsinn- owner may recover
same by paying costs.
Lorenzo Peralta.
July 25. 1901.
Railroad Surveyors.
Chief Engineer Thos. Wiggles-
worth and his company of twelve
surveyors camped in this town
last Friday night, a week ago, on
their way to Clifton. Mr. Wig
glesworth reports the country
from Durango her to be excellent
to build a railroar over. They
have been traveling at the rate of
10 miles a day almost all of the
way from their starting point.
Altho prospects are fairly good
nothing is sure of it coming yet,
but it is expected that it will.
Some of the party talked
greatly in favor of its coming
while others did not. All the
information we were able to get
from Mr. Wigglesworth was that
he could say nothing about it
yet. But he will soon be back
and then perhaps he would
be able to give more information
regarding the subject.
The Bank of
Solicits Accounts and Offers to Depositors Every Faoillty
Csnsistent with Profitable Banking.
11. B. OTKRO, President. J. C. BALDRIDGE. Lumber. W. C. LEONARD, Capitalist.
B. P. SCHUSTER, Vice President. A. KISEMANN, Eiseaapn Bros., Wool.
W. 8 STRICKLE R, Cashier. A. 21. BLACKWELL. Grost,4Blackwell & Co.. Grocers.
H. J. DVIKEdON. Assist. Cashier. W ,v. MAXWELL, Wholesale Druggist.
Depository for Atchison Tnpeka & Santa Fe Raiiwav.
Brand as cut kept up.
Also owns the following brands:
Upper slope rigkt amd
and over bit left.
Swallow forkle.'t, circle
Ithe right.
fork left, split ana upper urj.
crop the right. Tar Brand, (F
Range White Mountains, VI
Apache county. Aritona.
Shflepand wool grower, St. Johns
Ear mark on ewes square crop right
and swallow fork left, reversed on weth
era. Fire brand f on nose. Tarr
brand y on rump.
Range, Apache county, Arizona.
If you want your shoes properly
Prompt Work,
and Courteous Treatment to all
Are 3rou in need of an Organ
or Piano? If so we would be
pleased to quote you prices.
We are agents for the Francis
Bacon Piano the Carpenter and
the Lyon & Healy Organ also
other makes. Your orders are
solicited Respectfully.
St. Johns Drug Co.
During the next thirty days I
will pay the highest prices of
the year for Forest Rererve Land
don't fail to write me I want your
W. H. Clark.
To late for last week.
Pres. Udall, wife, and his
councilors, and many others paid
us a visit last week, and a very
plasant, and profitable visit we
had with them, And the
inside of our school house, where
we held meeting, looked nice and
fresh with its new coat of paint
and other improvements.
W. W. Berry of St. Johns ac
companied, by his brother lom
have been with us for a short
time, and Tom and his family
are going to come soon to remain
with us; occupying the Baton
house. We bid them a nearty
Stansil Greer has gone to Mag-
dalena for freight . for the. Co
op. L- J Brown Sen. returned Sun
day evening from Magdalena
with fresght for Mr. Becker.
The grain in the valley is
nearly all cut we will have about
half a crop.
Graham Hamblin and brothers
had quite a serious, runaway.
They had gone after wood, and
Also run following brands
on left ribs. RKlon left hip.
Range, Litlue uoioraao lver
Post effice.&t. fJohns, Ariros&Terr
Main brands On horses W slash, on left taljB
On Cows W slash, on left ribs.
41so runs the following brands:
Horse Brands, HXbar aad DK.an tefUal
Pjon the left hip.
ZflB cow Brauds. BWl left si 4
EJSboth sides. JEW hat
iat nmmsmm
both on left slda.
N s-both sides.
Range Halpals Gap and alt Lake.
Post office, Cieneja Asaarlllb V. II
Do Your SHOES Need Fixing?
Gall On Cruz Navarett'
Shop M'!er St. ft. Joins, irle
Blacksmith Shop
WagreH Repairing:.
promptly and in a workmanlike manner
I will give Special Attention to ranch worr.
03T My shop is located about one hundred
ard5 direptl' north from C. M. & M. I.
St. Johui. - - Ar'ze
Estray Notice.
Notice ia hereby given that IJ
have taken up as estray one.dark
colored mare about 6 years oldr
branded JRon left shoulder. The
owner fan have said mare on
payment of costs.
Jose Maria Chaves.
Walnut Grove July 15, 19ol.
Are you going to build?
If so go to the Drug Store to
purchase your 4umber. They
hay e the best assorted stock. in
left one team standing while
loading the other, Vhen the team
that was standing ran away,
breaking up the wagon, and
breaking one horses back and leg
injuring it so badly that it had to
be killed.
Many of the people of our lit
tle town, have gone to St. Johns
to attend the "Young men's Con
vention" and Stake Conference;
We are sure they will have a
pleasant time with St. John's
hospitable residents.
The Bazar that was held on
the 12th and 13th by the Y. M. &
Y. L M. I. Associations was a
complete success. A most excel-
lent time was had by all who at
tended. The booths were just
unsurpassable and indescribable.
It certainly was a credit to the
Associations, Weedon D. Whelan, special
agent of the Fireman's Fund In
surance Co. of San Francisco has
been paying our town a yisit
during the week looking after
the interest of the-Company.
- The contract of the delivery ot.
Oats to Fort Apache, have been
awarded to Gustave Becker- ajicl
W. F. Lesuer of Springerville."
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-For sale by St. John's Drug Co.
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