Newspaper Page Text
V flkiTW Old S;ria TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA, THOK.SDAY EVENING. APRIL 29. SG. Voiuine V AO. 1T7 V Macnei oore &Co., Carner Fiftli and Allen, r General Merchandise. Have always m stock a Full Line of. Eastern and Western Canned Goods, Fancy and Staple. 0 HULL WEIGHT and Guaranteed Family & Bakers' Flour, Suga-?, Haiti, Bacon, ect, always at Bed-Rock Piiooa. A Oooi'pletc! StoeW. of Underwear, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. Solo Agent- for Budweisef Beer, -Superior to any in ilarket. Hay, Grain, Mixed Feed, dorn and Wheat, For' sale in ljuar.tities to suit Japping as w do in CAR LOTS ONLY, Wo feel .jmwfiivl in saying wc are Tc ) 5:itiey.!oKr- A Liberal Dis Kjurt to Cis't 'n,-u' n.inrtv stevexsox THE WILLOWS" -KUN BY Harry and Johnny. Fancy Mixed Drinks of all Kinds a Specialty. Toa Kattlc Rye, and Cliff - Springs Bourbon. Also LAMARQUISJTA CIGAR. Allon Street bet. Third and Fourth I5Noxt door to tUo 0 C Corral. FOR SALE Or Will Take Cuttle on Shares. One of the very best ranches m Sulpher Springs Valley, ten mile range. Plenty of water, four good ! houses on range; plenty of shade, running springs For particulars apply at this of fice, tf John Sullivan, Practical and Mechanical r ii in t i s t. Office on the south side ,of Allen street, three doors" west of Seventh. AH M-(d of dental work proiuptty- .. ptiitonncu. n" -till kinds of ArlIfiCfaTT5eUi n uTrorrr: rccth fliii-a .iva extractid without pain. All w rk done at the lowest rates and WARRANTED. 3 29tt (lallfeiua Wiie Works, 32U MARKET Sr., SAM FRANCISCO, xixcTActcnccs or WIRE EVERYTHING IN WIRE Hi, mil 'uirl, ifiji ra. s(-U. Lict quili.v- i-il'ihii. u'uarautccd of th.- UuUCtjf UUirJCIlO ( v.irc, JlUre,:.W upio 'Viro 'or '-tcrr-p1. i-tciirti:Cf iV1;? h3y feccoa. II II U t lriJic, hhI'h, etc,, ill Uh'ili a..d sizoi. . KrllOfl rJrn! "T"lily lcnl numifadar uCtlUCU flilb (cro(r.n.l-ii.jii,ieiduroiJ!; M-t. Our cui-t 4ucrs arc gtiwntcecl ajranst lar Gopher Traps, Bird CageslSir:-",! ics avario, siuuutcr-liouics, ctpt Wire Cloth andNettlngiS Icgrce of sticngtli. ihs ani Aii kinds of Wire Goods for Uie Miner, Fnusr and jcuenj public XOTi- -JIV defy cozipatliux antf sell ym bcltirpoadj at icj?3 ,u-iV; IA4 eastern uasif SUMMONS. IN THE JUSTICE'S COURT, TOYN5niP No. 1. in tbt- cunty of CQ' Vle, Territwy ol A4izona, bclorc V. P.. Alvord, J. 1'.; demand, S47.. Cadwt-11 Si Slai f rd, l'l.inttff, tiff, 1 aat. f Wm. CotiutOG. Ilcfendaat 1rr:tory U Amuna sends irrectintj to William Coviujr.- u. delendam: Y.iu are hereby -nmmoued ami required to appear lefore ine at my ofil in 'I'ombst.ine, ccuuty cf ioehis. i-n the 3th d-iy f April, A.I) ISsfi, nt leu o"clocn a. lu , to aii-wvr the comprint of the aroe nimu-i pV'niili?, who dimaiid tl ou tluty. u are indibled io ihcm In ihei-um of J47.-I!t or !ki1s UJiil mcrcli-udisc purchn ed and delUced to you at youi liitat.ce and roi e. t, a moru fully appears by c- lnplaliit low ou ll'e lu mv Cice. An-lif yuu f iil o atp ar and auswvr said complilnt an herein rcipnn-d., ie "lainiilTs will lake judgment fcauisl ya af ccmaudei and f-r the comIi ol this sua. tiivt-n under my bind -Us ltt day of Ma.cb, A, !., 10. C, K. Al. ol(l). Justice Lf the t cat-u First I'uljlicotion Xlarcli 15, IbSC. rVolico l"o- Ititii-:itioii. (PltCEMITKlN "o. 117.'.) ' Laxp. Orr;icc iT.Tucsox, A. T i " March' 11, 1S. f Notice is hereby given tliat.-the following named settler has tiled his r.o'litu ol Inlc n lion to make final proof ill sni'l-ovt of his cl.iiui.aud that siid iroif uillje in ide be fore Uie IIeKVtri-r ati-l ReceiiOr lltTlcslul,- J Arizona, on April 2u. l&y, iz. Eusetie K. ii r p. cbowxet. Il-isurs, of Ujenon, Arizona, for the E 4 oi 6 E X of Sfcctiou 10. and W or S W Jof .i-r.ll.To.vuJiip 17 Soulh, Itiiuirf 20 E.isl, Ciila and Salt' Uiver ha.e and incridiaiu "lit name's 1 lie follon-io wilm-SM-s to prive his eoiU'-nuon ic-it!c;c'" nj-o i. and cnlliialuin of a d land, vir Vf. ft. John-"ii, I!. E. tYii-.-!!!. .Tanus i'alleu and Ceorffo Kent, alio liou-i!', :!.feoii.i. P.. M Tflt'M S, yeilsUr. TIic l-'iupst in llic f:iiid. Those fine Tom & Jerry's, hot Scotch whisky, hot Jamaica, St. Croix and' Now England rums at' Henry Campbell's Keg House. 1-5 tt Tombstone,-April 1, 18S0. To the members of the Anti-Chinese League. In accordance - with a resolution panned by your body, at a mctting held Saturday, March 27, it was hiadc the duty of the exectttivo committee to publish tho namu8 of all persons employing or patronizing Chineso. we have so far received trom tne committee of six, appointed to in vestigate and repdrt to us, the follow ing names ; L. W. Bliuri. of Cochise II. & T. R. W. Woods, gas comp.; L. Hart, gunsmith ; II. K. Tweed, gen eral merchandise; J. 1'. Clum, City ltecorder ; CJias. Baccigaluppi, butcher Fremont street; 3Irs. Uuchman, Star ltestaiirant. ADDITIONS TO BLACK LIST. Webster Street, Judge of county court; II. G. Howe, Surveyor, G. G. Borry, attorney; l)r. Willis, county physii ian. By order of tho Airo-CiiiNESE League. Advice to lollioi's. Mrs. Winsluw's Soothing Syrup, for children teething, is the prescription of one of the best female nurses and physicians in the United States, and has been used for forty years with never-failing- success by millions of mothers for their children. During the proecss of teething, its value is incalculable. It relieves the child from pain, cures .dysentery and diar rhoea, griping in the bowels, and wind colic. By giving health to the child, it rests' the mother. Price, 25c a bottle. 1-1 Tho undersigned has leased for a number of years the Oak Grove Dairy and over three hundred cows, uud will on and after Tuesday April 20th, be able to furnish freth and pure milk and genuine ranch butter in any quantity und deliver the same. 4-1C tf JOHN.S'V SlIIliLPS. Somcllii iiT IVcvr The Cuba hand-made cigar made only by Cuban workmen out of the lilies t Havana U; the finest bit cigar ever sold in Tomb stone. Aslimun & Walker, the tobac conist of Tombstone, are the so'e acents. and all iudires of a line cicar ij,, ... .1 i arc recommended to give them .vtrial. lo he htm only at Aslumin & Walker s Tobacco Emporium. 4-12-3t Mcnibcrs Ait:t-'tiiiicsc I.enp:iie Any member of the League know ing of any person or persons giving washing, buying vegetables, or em ploying Chinamen in any capacity are earnestly requested to report the same tq any member if the investi gating committee, that they may wait on wild paities and request them to detist from said action. The utmost secrecy will be maintained and the names of such informers will hot be made public. Frank Bkoad, Cql. Dj:a.v, Josiah Kuti-F.w, W. J. Weeks, James Chatham, Members of Investigating Committee, K:u Chance. rOK SALE A house and lot in B;sbee, tholerd- 1UE Coiipcr Mining Camp 111 Arizona I , . , , ,, , ' Jenitory. Ill the Center Of the bllSl- ' . ., . i i I 11CSS portion of tllC town. Vlll take cash, cattle or real estate in Tomb stone in payment thereof. Apply to . II. SciimeidixG, The l'ionecr Jeweler. Allen street, between 4th and 5th, Tombstone, A. T. 4-lotf " Owve appointed 3Ir. V. Vick ers my agent to collect all outstaud ing accounts due Summerfield Dros., and also to pay all debts owed by said linn. Lpyssit Su-M-UEitriELD. 5-7 tf ''IiirI-C'Isiso Collie. Therv will be another thiul-class or emigrant stage line start to-morrow morning between this city and Y z.i? Umk. Fare, 25 cents. - ToAr T'-T, I'roprictor. IrARKY StevE-S'SQN, Agt. At Hie Willow's Saloon. Anheii.ei beer on draught at the (Jric'itnlj ft'Jine Jituch tliiovvn in Summons. IM THE JUSTICES CJRT OF NO lownslup, of tlic Coiiniy ot l.ochise, lerri toryof Arizoni. before Jno U. Eastoii, Just ice or iiiu ri-u-c: R. C McCiiffiey and F. C. Levari, plaintiff ve. Ilanicl Woon, iieiLiiunn: ; dpimiml $iuu. The I'uiritnry of Arizbn'a Hindi frrectin to Daniel Wood, :m abseil, defonilunt. You are hereby commanded and required to appear before mc at my olllcc in tlic city ot lomuetoiu, rou'jty oi cociusc on w 3d day of June. A. 1). IbSO. at 10 o'clock. a. m.. to answer the eoinphiiiit.of, lte abort named pluintills who itcm.-iiid ol ou, lu you arc Indebted In tlicm lu the sum of one hundred (-S10U) dollars, for assess ment tvork done by plaintiffs on tlic Pnniror i mine, in lomustorie instild, at your speclu ! instance and reciut-st. And if you fail to appear ur.d-answcr paid cotnplaitu at herein required the piaintillV win jiuifcnient nf-ams;. you as oeinanu ed bv delaultaiifl fcr costs of suit. " - ' Given under my hand tit said tqwnsbip the JUlu nay 01 .YMIl'U, A. u. IBSU. J.NO.C.-EAST02J Justice of tiio 1'eacciOf said Towiishio, TSTIIB JUSTICE'S! COUHT. TOWKSIII JL Ko, 1, In tLc county of Coclic, l'ciritoryuf aiuods, nviote u. su, -Rivera, j. r ; aemtiua, joti VB J J. J. IScciiett. Defendant. I 1 no '1 errilory o Arizona sends erecting to .1 J. lienneti. Dt-lCLdunt: Voit arc herehv sum- moued aLd rtqairtd to appe.r berore me aim. flice in TorubptoDe. county of Cochise, on tbi auui car oi April, a u ii-bli, al len o cloci; a. m lo answer tn- cotupI.ilLi of t.u ai o c-nan.ed pi .lull v, wno demauu or yoa that vouurem dcblcu,ta tbcm in the sum ol J5S, for ppods aim mercbaLdie purcbaecd ana deli emd toyuuat your instance aiiU rtqueM, as more tuny ppeart ov rciertuie to cumpumi now on me lu ni) oUice. And if yoa lail to aoucar and answer Bali complaint a bere.n rcq aired, the plaintiffs will lake judgment auinsl jou as demanced and fui the i.uets i.f thl? suit. Ulven nudcr my hand tbb- ctn cay oi juarcn. & u inou. C. E.ALVOHD J. P. Koticc to Ci editors. ALL CREDITORS OF THE LATE HENRY Kokmnn, ileceated. are hereby ii-dilied i present thcil elaiins, with proper vouchers- lo tne, at Uie store of lhoiuas Atchison, coriu'i- ol Sixth und Alien street, uithiii Iota months itoin tne dale ol this notice. Dated -March 19th, 18S(i. UEOIUJE R. WATT, Administrator of the Estate of Henry Bok man, duceaicd. . US' Tlin JUSTICE'S COURT. TOWNSHIP No. 1. lu the Couu y of I ophite. Tcnitory o. Arizona, belore C. AIord, J. 1; demana. Cadncil & Stanford, F.aintifl', 1 vs. V J 0. rirciiks, be:cnd .nt. Thu Tenitury of Ar zons t-euds K'cctins to J. C. Brooke, 1'i-fui.daui: Yoa are henby snm raot. 0 and required to a peaj hef-jre at my oiscc in 'loia'i louo. catiitv of Ct.cnic. ou tlu :S)tb day ol April, a D , l9Mi, at ten o"ci..Ck a, ui. lo aut-wur ine c- oi lae aooe named pi .in. ill's, wto den. and 'l yon Una you are In debtea lo them lu tne mm 1 gUo.'JU lor good- aud mel-cbanic m .-chafed and utlitcrcd ,o voi a Your instance ai.d request, w mo.c fllj aiipea. s brc -mpaMiit i.otv on hie in nij umce. aikI 1 y-t u la 1 lo appear a u DU.-wtrr r-alu compia nt x nereis r qui cd, lbs liiuiilTB v:il lake Jiidg ineuc riiei-t yu aud for the cose Cf .lus suit (ini-H uu-cr my h.uia this li day of Mai en A. 1), IN THE JUSTICE'S COURT, TOWNSHIP No. 1 lr. the ctn y of CVche. Tcrriiory of Arizona, befo a V. K- Alvord. J P : demand.!! U G'J. Cadrtcll Jt bt:in ord, IMaiutja-, , txiry-SIcb:' tjlffcndant. ire itriri .r 01 Ai'Zi Tt Ol .l-4uiilh bnrll frntlilif tn Henry U: ert. Uefei.dsut: Yuu jno herein Miiiwmiue:! luu leiiuireu lit u, pe-ir QluTO Die a1 my olli-o iii'lomb oun, coun.y of Cochfeo- the uay oi'.p.ii. A, U. Ubt at tcno c ock a. m.. to answer ine coin lain! ot t-e aovi.--i.amtd nlauiltirp1, who ccintLd of voa thit oa.m n- uuiil-.Iio Inem ij tb fu.ii of $ tSAn, mr p d . und inc.cliauulse pnrcbji-fd ami ai , jNur .IJm:i; ;lIui lcqjCg, 0? morriuiiv appears in complain, now on tile in my ul'Jce. A..d l you f:-l io ai-pca." mil answer said coui.daint as b-re n reipur d, il.ei'!iii.t.irs will take-j augment ami i.9 vuu a ucitiaaucn auu lor ine cusis ol iiiu suit, iiiviuundtr my luna ti Js 1st iUv ol M.:rch a.1J lcS3 U. i". ALVOlil). J. ! 1N THECJUSl ICE'S COUJ::, TOWXSHird o, i, c .ui'.iyoi i;ocui9 -, -leiravry oi Arizona, belore C E. -.'ivoi tt, J, 1',; den. una, -20. Cudivell & StaiiToru, riaiiu-.lTs, i Vs y W II. Trice, Dacndant, ) TbeTcm ar of tonus greeting to W. M. Price, de.eudant: You a.c aLd it-qiiiied to appunr befo e me at my office lu T no.sione, c ui,iy ot Cochise, on the&l.h unyol April A. 11. ISwS, io len o'clock a. ni , t answer lb'! complaint of ihc si'iovo named plaint fl'-', who demand ol yen that you are Inueb ed to ttieni i. tbu sum of S'o for g o s and uitichauoisc pur chased and.- aelneed at your tyet-ince and tc q.H1!, ts' inure lnlly ap crs hy complaint now ounleiu -iny olli e. And il.y.msfill to aupear aid answer tuul couiplaint as licciu rtq ireu, the idaii.tiffs wdl t ke jungmeui rg-iin-t yu as demanded uud lor the cists cf thi-i suit. Given under my baud this 1st uay cf Jlnrch -,I) lrsS. C. E. ALVUIiU, i. 1. i:f THE JUSTICE'S COUltT, TOW.NSIIIP Mo. 1, in tLe ioun'y of Coctii"e. Territory oi Ariz-ma, before C. E. Alvord, J. P.; demand. iauwtll& bSmford, PlainlifT, s. Cbns. E., Dcnndant The Tcnitory ol Anz.r.a s.r.d greeting to Chailes . lli-enan, dclbudact; You are he.eby summoned und ri-qmr d lo appear before me i.t n y oiliceln Tonibst-jm-. coitaty of Coch sc. an the Sdih ay of Ap;ll, A II 1883, ut 11) o'clock a. m, to answer the cjniplaial ot tlic above-named p.ali. tin's, who Oemand of yoa th t yon are in dettcdtothim in the sun. of $1S U0, for goods and unrehaudisep rchascd.nd oelivereuioyou at your iiis-aLCe und request. t.s more fullv ais- p ars by complaint now on file in my officii And if ion 'all to nuLcar and aid anwtr sad com whuut as hen-iu nouired, the plaiutilTs willtik judmeui n:.a nst you as ccmaii'kd and f r the costs pi this suit. Giv.-n under my hand this 1 t day of llarch, AD IStO. C. K. ALYOUD, J P. (A. EORTLOUIB WHOliESALK Jjia-Liox Dealer Hits on liand constantly the choicest brands of Imported Liquois, Winca nud Cordials Family trade $fHicitca Fruit trees, small fruits, and grape vines for late planting; monthly rosf hushes, Oleanders, and plants and bulbs in variety; and the combination steam washing machine, best in use, sold by J. 11. Tut tie, Second street, between Allen and Fremont, Tonili-stoue- ;!-22tf SUMONS. IX THE JUSTICE'S COURT, TOWXS1IIP No. 1, county or Co. hise, Terrlt- ry or Arizona before c. E. Alvord, J I. ; dematid Stl 00. Cadwell A Stanford, rialntiff, j s. . James Tiles. T'cfencant. ) The errlto;y of Arizona seeds greeting to James Piles, defendant: You. arc hereby snm siimmo cdand icqn r-d to appear before meat my oUUe in the city of Tombstone, couniy of CfCuise, on the 30th day cf April, A I) lSSti, at 10 o clccka. m., to an-wer to the compl-int of the above named pluntiffs, who. demands of yon tuatyoa arc Indebted to them In the snm of 8-11 00. for goods and nurchandisc purchase and d iiveiei lo i on st your instance and n quest, as more lully ap,.rais by ccaplatnt cow on file in myoUlie. And lr yon fall io appear ai.dai.swer said co i plaint as herein required, ibe plalntliTs will take judenieut against you us dcmand.d, aLd for the cosIb o tne suit. Given nuder my hxnd at said tow-LShip, the IM day of March. A 1) 1&8. C. E. ALYOIID, J P. IN THE JUSTICE'S COUHT, TOWNSUrr o. i, in me county or uocnise, 'lerniory ol Arizona, berore C. E. Alvord. J. F.t demand, S74 41. oawelt & Stanford, Plaintiff, 1 vs, K M. McDo'.al , Defendant. ') The Terrltcrv of Arizona sends prpsttnr tn P M HcUocnld, defend mi; You are he eby sum moued an reaulrcd to anDcar ht-torn me &t mv Hie in Toinbst lie, Cuuuty of Cochise, on tne ' Wihdjy of ApilLA-i). 18t6, at 10 o'clock a. m , to snswrr ine compia.ut or me above named pi itntifl's, wh" demand cf yo" that yon are In-1 jebted othcrn. la the mm ofS74.4.1, lor gtods i mmuivimuniae yurtuuseu nuu ueiivereu loyoa yoci and request, as mure fully sp ars by eooipl out n w on die In my. And yon tail to appear a d answer sold comprint as in required the n alnlilTs will tai e Inde- cut against yon as ccmamea and for the costs im suit, uiver March, A V 1SE3 tbt suit. Givei- und. r my hand this '.'nd day U, E ALYOKU, J..P. It THE JUSTICE'S COUUT, TOWNSHIP No. 1, Cocb-se coi ty, Arizona Toirltory, bciore 0. E. wvord.J. V ; demand, $05.23 , t'adwdl & sunt rd, Piaimilt. 1 vs. y Henry P. Price. Defendant. ) Tho Territory of Arizona sends rfreetlng to Hcury F. Price, defendant: You are hereby rtiinu oncd and i eqnlred to appeal befo'e mc at my ofllec in Tombstone, cou .ty ot Cochise, on tne30ibda or Apr,.. A D ltSG, ot ten o'clock . in., to answer thei omplamtoi the above named plaint ffs, who demand 1 yoa that you arc In debted to them in lb-- sum of MXlb. furcoods and me chnndiscpnrchas d and uelivcred to yon at yi n.- msta ce ami request, as more fully ap pears by c. mpla nt now od die lu my office. ALd ti you fail to aupear ajd answer said complaint as her In rcqnucd, the p..intlffd will tukejudg- intut rgainstyou as cemauoeu anu lor mecost ot thissuit. Oivennnd r mr hand thtslstdav of March, A D i8SU. C. K. AEVOltD, l. P. Aletsrs. Crcsar fc Wehrfritz have just received, at the Crystal Palace iiilnm-i o nnnio"i.tnfnV.' nf nlo ,tnrl nnr. ter, Which they keep on draught, and draw from their patent German foun tains". Go and try some Eomo of it. 2-6tf NOT ICE I County, City Wai rants and Jurors' Certiflcati'S, ac cepted accounts against the City or County '"bought at the highest market price at Tfoo Cochise County Bank If von want bargains in oil cloths ind rarpcts, go to Schoenfeld !fc llcy- tnan's. 3-2G lm I BEG LEAVE TO INFORM and vicinity that I ha c returned from the East with a large supply of tho Celebrated Simonds' Nabob 1 . l.. . .! t. il 11 uiu is iiuw iul saie uy inu gaiiun, uuLiie aim smuuer ijuuuunuf. at 1113' bar -K)S. PASCHOLY, Occidental HotcJ IN THE JUSTICE'S COURT. TOWNSHIP No. 1, in the County of Cochise, Tcrrlto y ol Arizuna, before C. E. Alvord, J, P. ; demand, Cadwt ell & Stanford, Plaintiir, 1 V8 Nathanol Ali-xand r, Dert. I ho Territory of Arlzo a sends greeting to Nttian el Alixiuder, dclendant: You are lere by summoned and required to appear before me Hi mv llic.o lu fimbstoi-e, county of Cochise, on the 30:h dav of Apill, A D It So, at ten o'clock a. in , io answer tne coiupiaiufc , i ie auovc-oiameu nl.iiMiiir,. who dcuiMid ol von that Ton are lu di Ui d io them in the sum of $M.s:, for goods and uicrcbaii ise puiCiased and delivered lo yot tyonrown iustance and request, a more lully appe rfb c mplaiut caw on file in my office And if you fail to appear and answer said com p aint as herein required, l lie pUintifi's will take Ind -nicut a-'atnst you as demanded and fcr the costs ol this snit. Given u.ider my hand this fl.-st dav of llarch, A. I). 16SS. i:. ni. Ai.yuiiu, j v. TM THE JUSTICE'S COUUT. TOWNSHIP No. 1. in tic c unty of Cochise, Territory ol I Arizona, bc'ore C E Alvord, J. P.: demand S64. i i.advell X Ktanirru, riainuu, i i Amp. Dcocdar.t 1 IIIU ICIIIHUJVI - ... ObUU ,w , Ames, defendant: ln are hereny summoned and r quired to appear before me at my ofilce in ) Tnir.lwroue. c-uuiv ol C'-c'iiae. on ttio auth day l of Apr 1, A D 1S32. at 10 o' a m.. to answer m me COinpiainl Ol ll'O uhuvisubiucu luauinu-, rl-r. no if von that vna arc indexed to tne ihi-wnn of SUl. f rciiods tnd mcicuaudise pu chased and delivcn-d to on of yonr own instanic and rtq icst, a u-orc felly sppiars by complaint now ol file In my oilice. Anu if you fa'l to ap pfar nd acswer said complaint as herein rc quieed, tl-eplainlifl will tjke Judgment agaln-it .ou as demanded and fjr the costs ol this suit. lveu nnder my hand this 2nd day of March A D ('.. .. i" I.J.P First insertion March 27, 6SG. Notice of Forfeiture. TO JOHN SIMPSON AND IKE ROSEN UU11U. You are hereby notified that I have ex pended one hundred dollars (l(Xl), in labor and improvements on the "Little Jack" lode und iuinitis claim, si I no led in the Warren Mininr District. County of Cochise, Terri tory of Arizona; location notice of which chum is recorded in Honk of Alines No. 5, pase (XKS, Cochise County Kecnrds, under the provisions of section 2324, I'urisfd Statutes of the United States. Now thrrt fore, if witliin ninety (80) days Irom date thereof and publication of tins notire, you fail o- refuse to contiibule each of ou your nroprtion ot said expenditures ami cost rrf this publication as ro-owners, your interests in said miue ot chiiin, will lecoine the prop erty of tile undersigned, under said section 'SKJ, lleviscd Statutes of the United States. J. 1'. MANSFIEU). Kisr.i:, A-Uonn, March iM, 1S60. For Sul;. An elegant lady's saddle. Fo7js&rt-L-uhirs enquire at thi? ofce. Unipp Nqws DepoJ Can Alwije be Fonnd Jto best Assortment of Books, Toys ind Stationery MUSICAL ESSTIUTMfiSTS. PEntODICALS, MAO A ZJES, ETO Allen Strcet,in Qrantl Hotel B'ld'g, SOL ISRAEL, Proprietor. PAP-AGO CASHSTOEli. m 1IIEM0NT STREET. T?ino Groceries of every descriptipri, choUs estbradd -oi Kentucky Whiskey and UraUj otll:i o il kept constantly ox bond and ! o3. at lotrett price. rank B. Austin, Prop, Tsayers supplies always on hand an.u of turbest Quality. Is acknowlciTired bv eminent iurceotiP to f o . the purest nnd linest known, and invaluable ( in Itivnlt'la I to ilivnllds. StMMONDS' KENTUCKY NABOB UOVA. BON WHISKY has been well known foy nmny years, beinic unsurpassed fcr itsexco; lent quality and delicious flavor Everybody who has tried it says it is the best In he. world. Families supplied ty the jrJlon, ca or oottle. Nonc genuine" unless my )ii:natUve it across the i-ork, ''G. Sirotmnds." My asrent is authorized to sell to the trade, half barrel, barrel ditectslilpmcnt from Ken. tuckyor from his warehouse a' San Bernar. di no. Sold by the bottle and gallon by BOTTIINV TWEEU& COMPANY, . Sole Agents for Tombstone and Tltinlty. Tho Fountain, The Fountain Chop House Is the coolest -place In the city to take a meal. No snioke hcat'dr smell beinjren.--tircly separate from the dining room. No fore-quarter beef used. Nothing but tl.o choicest cuts. fish, iramc. oysters, etc 1'rU I vite entrance from Tougbuul street to thq J " i " ocuii. i'HE PUBLIC IN TOMBSIONR Bourbon Whisky, t-lll. 1 1' - For Sal. The old established and only Undertaking husmesa in Tombstone, either witli i or without the real estate. Terms repsonaDie. .Fy. nticulars, address a. o, RITTIiR. Tombstone, Aii? 2-9tf JDyar & Baldwin. . , , TVUOlCSalC and retail dealers in Book Mi, Barley POTa I'OZS, CAn NED GOODS, and all kinds ot GROCERIES 0ndg sold cheaper thaj other. Mrs. Head has been appointed agent for Connor's ranch butter, which she receives fresh every Satuj day. Also fresh buttermilk on hand 3-17 tt 5i Men Think? 1 JS4s4siC theyJaiow all about Mustcng I4o imcnt. Few do. Not to kow j not tt have.