,4ho L'ioneor Daily ol the Camp
PKun.-hiiu EvKirz evening,
, "Miudays Excepted,)
r Office on Allen Street, north sWe, fcc
-bird and Fourth. j ' f
i Subscription Kates,
One Ycr.r .' S10 00
Six lloutlis -. 0 00
.Thrce Moii'lis o 00
'"One Month.... ..... 1 00
.Delivered by Curriers for 25 oeiiti a Week
Oochise County.
, The Epitaph gloats over the in-crear-c
of me business of Solomon &
Wickershain of Bowie, "thanks to the
-Indian outbreak."
- TliE Ghinese are fast, leaving this
city and we hope inside of a month'
to chronicle the departure of the lSbt
' TiintTY Chinamen arrived in San
Francisco on Saturday last, being the
last of the Cjtinepe residents of IIum:
-boldt county, California.
; It will not long before tile Epitaph
will be advertised out of ns new and
comfortable quarters on Fouith htie t,
as that institution belongs lo the ee
'tatc of J. W. U.ildridge.
The Epitaph will publish a reli
gious controversy to-morrow, ami on
file ny following will have its col
umns tilled with blai-phomy about
soin o member of the Anti-Chinese
The Epitaph oiiice and building
was sold b' Iho Sheriff yesterday for
.the sura of $200. People 'in thjs
leighborhooi don't seem to have
niacli faith in the valu'i o our cs
tcenpid contempoiary.
' ,,,, , ,
The 5Iei-icau government claim
that the people of the United States
arc Loycotimjj the Mexican dollar by
discounting the same, and thoy'pr0'''
jiosc to boycott American goods and
get even.
. Eivc Cliiheeo .iVaeh houses have
clj&ed up since the Anti Chinese Lea
gue was established, and i.'e have bcci
inhumed by an agent of the Water
"Company that two more have ordered
their water cut off on the nrst of lio
jiiinith, as they intend to quit huai
cpss Let the good work go on.
!Ve ans In reoefpt of the lvalues
City Sunday
Juurn.il, cont iniug
(v;enty pages of well edited
jieAMy piinled ins. Iter.
Thia is a. no-
truke of enteruris-a for n
. - --..
journal in the far Wist, and its p;U-
iiiii3 and the people of Kansas City
fhohlu be proud of it, and alto of i;s
editoijs Jna'prJijireiorfc
John I. Ginn, editor of the Xogalcs
Frontier, who has been one of the
,iii06t bitter writers in the Territorv
jSainsif.Crook and his policy, and at
T.'hom otijor rtevtpapors; in the pay of
Crook CHti their darts of tj keii, has
taken the field against tho A7uche
v.ith jKr.rder and haid, and at lht4
"arne time w u-Ing" hs paper li.illjts
r.3 5?y le ucn by an article iiv
.mother column". ' " t
T'ltE I'.diee -ia,ertt Ij.taij iluitra---
. i n in tins M-eoiCi lasu-.- of lb j uu'th'Mj
:: ifee pcop of T j:nbti:iH in golli.ig.
T ; o." Ctiine-'e. . Our Ciiizehs c'ap hiw
.-'j trie hnti hsng do.u ot;r'"tov,vi by
!;!'.h Irrosp-ohaihla apera as the V.n
i tph,Jy Sh! jjilirtiH6.i of'.uch Iyi
;i'PjU as l':r.vjj..iK.Jv-0'j i:i thi.ctj
li'nns of that tvieet ' f.:'r hie'iia-'t ;:V
.eelrjj ami' tlu'.JunlieH.i 'reports
r.i 11-Vry ticciti's., ouo'Jt i!;e satno ont
i t v.ho ti l.-jrr.tp,.i ih; iht.v frr-.M-thic
M-r t.nliSau KraticKvo Chroni ij
:...-T.A:-r:iJK TU Li f 1 f
iLi. il . i :iit tt ck
, i:iti o ,
i ir.-in aV, dirett-
frura Ortlaliasas was totally destroyed
lut the pi-oplc however are believed lo
have escaped. he wife and child f
A. L. Ercl; lixye.been killed b- the In
ans an, is n;ece j.,ken prisoner. Po k
was captured but escaped. The Owen
bp titers pr-minent ranchers are noth
reported ki'led. The U. S. troops are
on tne ground. I' is thought the Indi
acs are mkiti" for the Santa Ki-a
motin oins.
The Nogiles 'volunteers will s'ay on
the trin nil niht. Ileport just re
ceived here say fhat the Indians hav
a t hie to a bridge on the Sonora
railroad near -Capita canon, fcpeci '
nrip.e is just leaving to itiye3.igat.
1'nt- jifxt excitement prevails ollUirnuijh
thja si-ctin. k
Froia tle Front,
Calabasas Auril 28 lireat excitf
uiHiu .still pimliuu s to prevail here.
It .s be:ieved tli Apnche ave divided
i.MoUoUb on. is heading for Sal-
tro and he o'.i-pr for Oro Blanco.
Great 'ears aro t-ntrrtained for cafet
in tht-be ui ffiets. Th'T is no less
than th.rty hrsij'es. Captain D-.vi.
ith a ro'op of cavalry arrived to-day
from AJesca; Springs. Peck who t
eaped irom the hus ilesss Geronimo
yipoks to him told him who was.
Tint, leaves no doubithla is Geron.mos
The Apnclics.
Calabaeae April 28 The hostilos
were run out of thejr pronqhuld p'en
ty mij-is south of Nogies y-cerday
morning. Thev swept across the held
uf the S-iiita Cruz ncirehng Nogales
and le..viiiw a bio idy tra 1. They at
tacked "Wil i m'. raieh th's mo-ninjr
but were driy-n off. Tney swept
across by Cilabawas at five wounding
on- m-iii and sweeping stock. Th y
w-re puisud by eight men whom they
drove ti&ck and thirty to forty are
hav nj a b u feast in the roc's two
miles north. There are enough here
frcra N"gal.s to hold tjso f rt but not
to attack.
0 SHARP! and DON'T
Do hvt pfiict a i:c-t Until You look "U Over. Puitpdroj ped frf m
' dov'(i "fn'm 5 to 2. Come caily. C( nie fiV'. 'Doin wail
Ciosed Out by St.ruwd Bargain GraLltrx. Bii'ii 1 iz dit p n,
iTnw prices in r-'d fiqires, ami the iov.-n j.aii.tod id with 1 arfca'nf. Ctinpc
eitnrpt beqjtdO'n'e. 31?" 1" '--t ' " r.uilir.'oid. Hi- j;i dh idust p
:" r ' v" ' "owii riitt'jr5.ts'niid 'l.e 'firi ii:i;t. Wo bor what
' .We mean v.hat we adei tiie.
Open your.siye Mid iol.l our '.re.th.
- jj.-Ealev Bcpori.
Nooales April 28 About forty
apaches pass-d up rhe San'a Crnz val
ley eaily th's morning killing seviral
Mexicauu and A'nr.ricar s, They as
fd Ca'abaas about seven this moj-n-i
g cappming some of Sykees Atkjn
son's stuck and shouting a Mexic-n in
the aim.
In answer to a call for help about
:orty volunteers well armed left .here
1 8 o'clock on a special train reaching
Calnbasas in twi-nty minu es. Scout
ing parties wer organized and th
liostilt-s were discovered in camp
bout tw o miles north of Calibxsas.
A second train of volunteers hft at 10
o.c i ck and word was shortly received
iha.t the ho-tilcs .were being corralled
and would be held for the arrival ol
troops At noun a detachment of the
Tenth cavalry under pnptnin Lebo
.1 r .1 ?
parsed here for tht. sconp of action
A. com. at-y of cavalry alao pased
Ctittouden about 11 o'clock headed for
i ;i : e k. i
Ca'acsas. About sixty volunteers
from Nogales ff re in the ti jld, A third
rain has jut left here with provisions
canteens and supplies. There has
behu ipte se excitement jn town all
day and business ia practically sus
pended. TJie Cemeerv ppmniit eo of the
Fjre' Department of Tombstone, on
behalf of the department, extend to
Mr. L. W. iilinn their heartfelt thanks
for his liberal donation of lumber,
and other favors which he has shown
, ' :i ii. (Mr i. m
to the firp boys.
Cemetery Committee
The Pins: and White Toa given
the resjjlencp of Mrs. Chcyney last
evening for the benefit of the Kectory
Fund of tlje Episcopal Church was a
very successful affair, and netted
quite a sum to the fund for which
it was givpu. Tj;o ladies getting uj
the enfertaiument are deserving of j.
Get the Bargains to be hal at Myers Bro?.
d-rre i..-ur ft. le '.u!r n g.ro
great deal of credit for the successful
termination of the affair.
Efjgs jor S.il.
The undersigned has for sale &
choice lot of eggs for setting of the
following varieties, all pure blood.
Golden Spangle Poland, Silver Span
gled Hamburg, Black Polish with
whjtp crests, Wyandots, Lang Shangs
and ark Leghorns. Parties desiring
eggs of any of tho above foi setting,
can procure tho same by applying to
Sandy Bob; at the stage ofjjce. 4-29 tf
Haying this day sold py unflr
Jaking busjnes? Jo Jos. Pfiscboly &
Co. I respectfully request all net
;ng his seryipes to call upon him.
All bill.i to date will be psid and
coJeqted by inyef.
April 29, 1886. -23:Jp?
Referring tfl he abxe we would
aay tljaj; wo will enojeaygr tq give
the public tho ganie court out
treatment an fair dealing they
have received in the past from Mr.
A. Bitter.
J6s: FMT k Co.
Successors to A, J. RiTTEjt,
Lorrelard's new brand of cognac
cocktail chewing tobacco, tp be had at
Asihtmirj Walker', "The" Toaccpn;
iste." ' " ''--St""
Just received th.-.t famous Key
West Cigar Ja MHcjjas?e a Ash
mun & Walker. Tjie La Marseillasse
Cigar ia the favorite brand of Cey
West Cigars ajid fnipked entirely by
the people of 8an Francjsco. Try
atthem. tyfo for twenty-five cents.
A first-clais baker can secure era-
. il r -iirf I .
ployment by applyjng at the Eclipse
itakei y on Fremont Street. tf.
TUMBLE Uj. ar,d
f 20 t- $0. I'an'alcoria knocked
liner Mfiks and find everything
we'll n-ke yt-ji aiuil-. '
titers ainted (due-W,V 'h! n
and giogiokly. Sti dy yjni
we adviiftV. ,'
u tro rloUr tr. tied thing
i3 -
Stop ad Re(i Thi3 Ad Yrggieiitj
M. eary has just returned from a trip East, where hte has pur
chased the, urges; consignment of
fi? and Ififets Sgs,
ts' dancing
Boots and. Qbej madp to order. AJ1 kinds of Rpajpng a gpeciaitvj
Remember the Place.
Allen Street, Bctweccn FiftU and Sixth, -
0MC? Sfegle nd
ifje Teas apd
Jffi2 Bottle TrespTYei
AH Kind of
Canned Goods.
'yiziiA "Biilding;
qfopgiujit Strje; jJctci Thhd njirj Fourth.
Agents Kor -
MiQig? glastipg. Sporting
and Hercules Powers,
W if "fe
- I ?
i-"'"i-. umn
ui Ada n a an a . .
Pirtclac Waliiug and Irou:ijg at
KiMM-iialde i:at"i. "'
Only Die nlot ejeprrit-nefd Fnijch
i-.dy - '
All y.'-rk iiarantetd. All on' -s
' ' u: oinp'tly attended ty.
0) 5
JLm () c
JPiMps, 3fp. 3Utp0
Eancy Groceries
Qoffgg a Specialty
Xi'.tinr, in tic t'nuntr of l ilitar,.lvrri
tory til Arizunit.
Al.N Mttlc. Plaintiff, tf. IV Cbri.Uu.cn,
Dcll-llllKllt. m "t
Bi-fpp- (V K, Alvord. Justice of tic f rnr,
ilrniHBil. tKi.'
The Territory f Arizonn s-nd ffrevtlnz
tp y. Chrif t. n.cii, ilefi-i.iliuit.
"inuilu l:rTi ly Mimmunrd nd required
loappi-ar bl-rbri- av at mj offict.ln Tomb-ttiiM-,
Ciiin ly uf Cin liin-. i.n theAitU dir of.
Jt.ni-. A. 1). 1SWJ. at 10 i.'cli.rU a. t an
ivil't' the i-oiupUlut pi t'.ie nboTr n.imed
r 1 t i t i tr."V I. d'inirdf pf nu tLit ji.u irif
Indl bli'a to h'm lu the uni uf flVZ, for UW
jii-rfuVatj-il at r in-tni'e mid liquet iiif
Ins tlif' j f'ar htG," more full) ..priTby
ri.raiilaiiit bixe'tiii fie in my Wee,
And if mu tail lo aptrV.'r auit aiwrria!d
rururuii.t a liriein rrqulu ft, tin- (ilnlntiff
nill ukV jUikment.Hraii t )ou t dnuaniiira
aw! for I lie i!li of thU ult.
Citcn uiiiIit in liuiidl"iiU 2th day iA.
AiTil.A.D.WO. -" 1
' ' " C.E.. ALVORD.
Ju.tlri uf tbe Peace.
BilJrd Parlors,
Ilafltier & Minugbnewy, lrtp.
(.Miis fcUe! ct. IVnith and F:itl.)
rblt.U the Firt Bllllarl Parlor toatb ci
Cboicv WINS?, LIOl'OKS asd CJOABl ahrata
Mir click.
Milwaue Beer on Draught
If you Hflt the fiiu-t rapcll blittt-r;
ever brought Ui thin city, go to Uyar.
& Bah'.wiuV and get a roll of that
.V I .i '
bulyr which arrives daily -from fc
WhitoV nint h by exprr3. -1.191 f
See t !. elejrant park fcttf four
jiieci s only l.fiO per set at Viiot;