Newspaper Page Text
IJjlJR Old Series TOMBSTONE, AKIZONA. FlilDAY" EVEiNJLNtt, APRIL 3Q. SO. V Ad, 178 Macneil Moore Co "9 torner FifturT, Allon, 2' t General Merchandise. - Dave always in stock a Full Line -of Eastern and Western: Cannod Goods, Fancy and Staple, Jf iizL WEI GHT . j SVPJSMIQM HIIAXD Guarantee ! Family h fakers' Flaur, Suga-vHam, -.Bacon, ect., always at Bed-Rock Prices. .A CWiplot Stock of Jlrideri&eanV v'Qlpthing, Hats and Caps, r e. Boots nd Shoes. Soe Agentb-fori h Bttd&ser, iB'eer , .k-o ' :r' -'. Superior to anjiL' Uarket . tHay, Grain. Mixed Feed, OorDid Wheat, For salri m iJuantitiee to -suit Shipping a wc do in- CARliTS!6NLY, ?Wn feel jus.cifletVin'slQ'Sig: arc ,5 fS -,- -.-l. J ... .W- Tc bo undersoldr -A'Libcranii? ' , " - . : HA,t()T STETEN302J THE WILLOWS" RUN BY Harry and Johnny. i Fancy Mixed Drinks of all Kinds a Specialty. Tea Kettle Rye, and Cliff Springs Bourbon. Also LASIARQUISITA CIGAR. Alien Street bet- Third and Fourth t"Xcxt door to the O tC. Corral. FOR SALE. Or TOM- Ettlie Vu'ttle on Shares. One xd fyejr.$zy:. best ranches in Sulpher "; Springs Valley, ten mile range. Plenty of water, four good houses on range; plenty of shade, running springs For particulars' apply at this office.- tf "y John Sullivan, "Practical and Mechanical DENTIS T. Office on the south side of Allen street, three douri. west of Seventh. All Muda of dental work promptly performed. Makmsr all kinds of Artiflclal Teeth a tfpwlalty. .Teeth,- iMed arri cxtr.ictid v it limit pain. -.All w rk done at (he lowest rates and WARRANTED. tf j-m S2i XAHKET ST., SAri FSAHCISCO, KAMTiwrr. or OTE EVERYTHING IN WIRF flit an! ro'inl, iron aiid rtctJ. Guaranteed o? tho quality ami w.r.2naihij. Battery ScresnsilSisJ fences, 1 1 II O t liridj, irprili;'?, C.C, .11 UWds ihiekiKrL Oarcut iicr arc jjuiranteed atlaw uits. - ac Goplier Traps, BirdGsgealri WirejClolh and Nettin?ulUS i Ail kinds of Wire Goods .. for tl;c Miner, Ftninwrf.nd general pablic;-r XOTKr -IHr dtfy competition and sell yes bcttrr good ut irdpriec-tfain c a torn want SUMMOXS. '-IN THE Jl'snC-'S COUKT, Tofr'SIIIf iKo-rl. in tbi c-untv of Co-biy, Tcrrilory ul .A4Uoua, bdurc, L'. J:. AlvurJ, J. K; ocmaad, 47.t9. Cadwell i S- f nl, ri-iulifr, 1 vs. V U'nl. C'ov'.JL'toc, Dcfomlaul j 'ler-Uur) til Ari7.'ii,a ri-utla rcftinc lR OnincX u. delenrtanr: Yuu are bprehy tf:huiiiiitl ' iwl rt quired tc jp-pi-ir Icforcuieat piy I'tlice nr 'lmiiht,ue. o uiijj- i.f i ovbiu . 01 .tWe-.3iitbdiy.r-f April A,D JSSC, at ten o'ciocn a'.' Ci.v.1 tt .i-Vf'T the rpmp a,nt or ibe vab ve nnme . pi. liintTe, Tio dunarTd. 1 i 10 tfcaty"U are iud. bledjo lliem in .lt.c m'-iu f $47".-iS, or too ifiiiM mercbMidise pnrclin cd and delic cd 'trsflnt-W jooi iastai ce aud reiic I, iiv ruor filily ajipearby c mpla'iit ilow on ll'e ii, mv .nice. -bnl fx vou fjil ,o a jpi ar aid answer said ctuiipl-iiiil.a'ia fierein reqmied, the iilaini ifl"s vll take judgment tia uit ja as .emanded and f.r ifib cosis i-l thi. suit, tliwu ui'dt-i inv band hia lrt day, A, !.. IS. C, K. AlA'ultl), , .. , o'jsiicet.i liicreaca. IKirst l'iihlieolion Ji.ircli 15, 18SC. . .J rVotiee lor J'nblicatioji. ' XPllCLMPTIO,'?. ?o. 117..);i) Orricc..T -Tucsoi:, A. T., I. - -March 11,.1S0. l" . Kotlee is hereby eiven that Ihe followinj; . named settlor 1ms tiled. )iit HotUfot Iiitdi' linn .to make fuia1. ifi'aor in" 'stifport of his x-latoi, anil thai 8:uil proof u ill be in idu he 'fore tlijj' Ketfidrcr aiul -Heeeiver-at-TiicQii' AriZ'ina. on April S1.!. 1SSJ, iz. Eusiune.. Iisrers.of Benron Ar:zoiia,?terbe iT-Jj-Ol 6"E f tection.10, and- AVj 3 oS W jjflf ptt.1t. Township 17 South.: fianye 20 E.iit, QiU and Salt Kiver b.ise and meriJiah. v names, lltejoniiwiii wnnesseb to prove-lus Hensiiii, Arizona. -r " it x r. CRowLEr. The 1'iucNt In the Lnnd. Those fine Tom & Jerry's, haV Scotch whisky, hot Jamaica. St. Croix , ' , . anu new .E,ngianu ram? ai aenry Campbell's Keg House, 1-5 tt Tombstone, April 1, 188C. To th members of the Aiiti-Cliincee 1 League. In accordance with a resolution passed by your body, at a metting licld Saturday, March 27, it was made the duty of the executive committee tu publish the names of all persona employing or patronizing Chinese. We have so far received from the, committee of six, appointed to in vestigate and report to 'up, the follow ing names : .. . L. W: Unn, of Cochise II. & T.' I?, W. Woods, gas comp. ; L. Hart, gunsmith ; H. K. Tweed; gen- cral merchandise: J. F. Clumt' Citv Recorder ; Clias. Baceigaluppi, butcher! Fremont street; ilrs. liiichmun, Star' liestauriint. APOITIONS TO BLACK U ter Street, Judge ofLconnty courtTH? G HoweTurveyorT G.. Uerry, attorney ; J)r. Willis, coUuty physi ian. By order of the iVuTt-CnixESE Leaqu;. Advico toJIotlicrs. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, for children teething, is the prescription of one of tlie best female nurses and phyticians in the United Stales, and has been used for forty years with never-failing success by millions of mothers for their children. During the pfocesp of teething, its value is incalculable. It rehpves tliu child fioin pain, cures dysuitery and diar rlicaa, griping in the bowels, and wind colic. By giving health to the child, it repts the . mother, Price, 25c a bottle. 5 1-1 Kotice. The undersigned' has leased for a number of years the Oak Grove Dairy and over three hundred cows, and will an and after Tuesday April 20th, be able to furnish fresh and pure milk and genuine ranch butter in any quantity und deliver the same. i-36 tf Johxnv Shields. Woinclliinp: CV The Cuba hand-made cigar made only by Cuban workmen out of the finest Havana tobacco. This cijjar is the finest bit cignr ever sold in Tomb stone. Ashinun & Walker, the tobac conist of Tombstone, arc the so'e agents, aud all judges of a line cigar are recommended to give them a trial. To be had only at Aslunun fc Walter's Tobacco Emporium. 4-12-3t member Aiiti-Cltiucxc I.cugiip Any member of the League know ing of any person or persons giving washing, buying vegetables, or cm ploying Chinamen in any capacity are earnestly requested to report the same to any member i f the investi gating committee, that they may wait oj) said patties and request them to' desist from said action, The ijtniost secrecy will be maintained and the mimes of EtK-h informers will hot be made public. Fkaxk Bhoad, : Cql. Dean, i Josiah Kiri.ew, ; W.J. Week?, J.. iies CiirvrnAir, Jfembers of Iuvcstigatingommittcc. Itare Chance. KOR SALE " i A house and lot in Bisbce, thelerd- ing Coiinor Milling Camp in Arizona . , , , , auiTiiuiy, in me; uuiii-ci ui unc -...... r m. Xtr;il il-r ijc&a icii iiuii ui tiiv; lonii. ii cif-h, cattle or real estate in Tomb stone iu payment thereof. Apply to - H. SCHMEIDINQ, The rioneer Jeweler. Allen .Strcct,--bctwce'n .4th and 5th, Jfbinbztouc, A. T. 445tf Notice. I have appointed Mr. J. V. Yick er"s.jy ii'gcnt to collect all outstand ing a'ceojHits due Summerfield Bros., and- also to pay all tjebts owed by said 'firm'. Lesser'Summerfield. 5-7tf XJiirtUriasi. Line. ThcrJ-will be another tjmd-classtir emigrant stage line start to-morrotv r,i6vjiing between this city and Fiir- :banlC' Fafe, 23 cents. ?.ToM T'A.ft, Proprietor. ,?Harry StevskpQ, Agt. At the Willow's Saloon. A ulii'iiiT . hi'r-i ritf-'dr.-irirlit.- fit tin i I- yi . '.. , , .r . Summons. LIN THE JUSTICES CCnuT OF NO 1 lownstnp, oi me uoumy ot i.'ocblsc, .tin tory of Arizont. before Juo C. Eastern, Just Ice of I lie IVuce It. C McCnffiey"and F. C. Lcvun, plalntiS vs. Daniel Woud, deieudun.; demand $100. The leiritory of Arizona trait xwulmis to Daniel n ona, an auscn aetenuant. You are heichy commanded uud require to appear before Hie ut my ofllco in the citj it Tunibstoiic. I'outity of Cochise on tb- S.d day of June, A. D. IbbC, ut 10 o'clock! , tu.. io answer me complaint ol the ubo linraea ptiiiu'lus who Ucniana ol vou, tun you urc indebted to them in tb sum of one- hundi ed (100) dollars, for assess. nu-nl work dune bi piaintiffs on llic Pittizoi IlilllC, 111 lOUUISlllliC 1S1SH ICt, J OUf SpClll!, iuliiiivi; nuu iuvei. Ana If yuu fail to appear and answer Jim complaint ub htfetn. required Ihe plaillllil will "judcmentai;ainsi jou us demand eti o uelnttll and icr costs ol suit. Given uuu.e.rtuy liand at said township tb ovtu uuyt)i 3iuicu, A. v. ibso. Jiulice of Ihe i'eaee of huiJ TuwnaLin. IN TUt JUbTICi. CuUliT, TOWNSH1 No. 1, la'il.otuuiity of eocbl-e.Te rltory Aiizoua, bclore Ov. Alvrd, J. I'; oeruand, a5l Uadueli Jt ib,ord7PlointiU-i v . J J. Bennett. Defemlan.. 1 Tfie 'J errllon-o Arizona seudu ircctinf to.l -J. benneti. Uefei.oaut:''" Vou are bcxeby anm- KiJJi,:me, cuinty. of Ouchlse, on tbt 30.n cut oTfc, A Wjti-SS. at. ten ocn,et a. m.. pi luilrt(iJftsaiaKiuia oj joa you are in dibtej toyfaTuUti-aum 0 56, for nooda anu mercbaudfir 'pvtchaaed anu dell eicd to yuu ai oat iu.rtance no nqucist, as more faliy nppcflrr reereuie iu compiaiQi now oil me it. xu oaree. And if voa tail to aoLeA.- and snuwtr u rompUlnt a beie:nnquired, tbe plaintlOs will late juOsuncut aaiuri you aa demanced and fu. tbe vueis i f tbl.- eulu Uiven under ray band tbir oia oay ui juarca, A v lciso. C5.AI.YOHD i. P. "Notico to Creditors. ALL CREDITORS OF I HE LATE HENRY Itokiuau, deceased, are hereby notified present theii Claims, witli proper vouehei to me. at the store of Thomas Ati-hison -corpr ot Sis; tli (inn Alien street, uUblu ioui mourns irotit l(;e fl.Uc qt tbis notice. Dated Mnrch l'Jib, lbSC. UEOltGE R. WATT, Administrator of the Estate of Henry Bok man, deceased. - IN TE JUSTICU'S COUKT. TOW'tSblllP no. I, in lac uoju.y oil-otHIsc. Jer.lturj o Anzoua, belore O.-h; Alvqrd, J. J',; deraana. Uodwell & Stanford," r.aintifl" ) vs. y 1 O.Bri.oks, ) Tbe Territi.rv of Ar zona .seeds c-eetinrr to J C- Brooks, I'tfe. dtt.i: Voa are bvnby sura-' moi. u auu rctiunea io ;a peaj Dei'.re m. atni odice iu lorau lone, cuuutr of (.'eclnse. on th SUth day ol April, A 0 , lasy, ftt t?n o' a, n.. Io auswei iLe c nila.ui Ql tne abgvc uaiaed pi .iptlTa, wbo demand pi you thai joaareli. dtbiea to tliem 1.. tile cum I $ Io: good- aud lucreuauuise pi .xnasea anu u-.uerea .oyou a Yburiusti,uce ai,d request, as mo:e f,ill appea e bvc.mplfii.t now on flie ill m, etliee. ,md I u la.i io apjiear a u unswer saiu coiapia nt as. eiea riqai ed, lb.. ljii;.i!rs will late judg- incut rj oust yuu aud for lbs cos s bis suit l.ivcu my band ibis la' day of Ma cb A. i IN TUE JUSTICE'S COL'rtT, TOWNSHIP .iu. ii vi,u euuu y 01 v.ueui-e. iem-orj Ol Arizona, bp!b e C, E' Alvord, .1 P; deruand.U 6. Cad null & Sianiord, I'iniutlfl', . va ; J- Henry tfiebe-t. defendant. 1 Tlie Teiri or, of A.-Uoca aenda eroetla" t ll....-.. w... t.u,'.. .... . ....7. .. ,7v.. . nitnuiimad and leqaired to a peir 0-forenn.a iu ufike in '1 ombs out. ctWmv uf Cocb so o tb. autb uay ol Ap.ii, A. D l&aii, ai tenoc.oek a. lu., to answer Ihe ec-m laiu' of-t..e uovix umiu pia.nun r, wno ccma.u or yon tint yoa an n- kcoica ,o tnem lu in eu.u .f $439, :r (,'n.d and mccbandistf mirchared and ncliitrirl at jear-.n-tance and req .es , ea morrlnnv appears in complain .now on tile ill my ultlce. a. d i y:u fa 1 ;o appear uud answer s.i.dwcoarploi'U as u re ii icquir- u, inepiaiui,u a wwi iaKjuagmei., aca jibi you as uenuuucd and tor tl.e ci'is.s ol bi- suit, liiveu underlay nana t. is 1st day of March -A.JJ pi L-, ALUKD.J,r IN THE JU.VIICEIS CliUM, TOWNSlUI'd No, 1, cunt' of Cochis , Termury "ol ;-Arizuua. Driorei-.-erA .jvuru, j..t?,; acuana, fjj. Oad,vell trsianKmiVPIaimifl''s, i va ' W M. Trice, Defendant, ) Tbe Ter i o of iiz ira scnnt zreetlnz to W M. Price, dc.'endant: You aic sun.ino.ieJ and icmiiicd to appear befo c me at myofllr-e u. T mi'Sioue, cuuiy ot Coctuse, en tbe 3o,b cay ol April A. It. JBSti, a ten. o'clock a. m , I answer lh". complatut'of ibe auove named pla-ut ff-, who a.maaa oi you laai jou arc incteo eu io luem u. the rem of .S-'U fpr p o a and cicrchaiidiecpar ccliyp cd at yar; iust-iuc and re' nu.Wr,a more lullv an eura by cuuiniaint now on ode in my ofrl e And it yon fail tu aopear a u nswer saiu cocipiaim as nerem rcq ire... the plait'Hs Will t ke jndginciil . gainst yu as demanded anc lor the cu-ts f tl i .uit. "Uiten under my baud tbis 1st uay of Jlarch .1 lose. C. . ALVORO. J. P. IN THE JUBTIPE'S COURT, TOWNSHIP No. 1, in ibe man y Qf Cpcutse, Territory oi Ariz-iua, before C. E. Alvord, J. P.; demand, $lt.20 . aowell & Stanford, PlaintiiT, I va. . y Cbas. E. necnan. Defendant. ) Tn.e.Tirritory ol Ariz ma s -nds srfctins to Charles . lleenan. detbudart: Yen are be.ebj. sumii'oncd and requir d to appear befere ma at a. y oflleein Tombstone, ci tii.ty of Cucb sc, 3u ihe SUth eay or Apiil, A D 1SB3, at 10 o'clock a, m , to answer tbe complaint or the abive-naraed plaii.tlffs, wbo demand of yoa th-t 'U are in. debted tiithim iu tbe sui, of $ls "P, for Roods and p rcbaaed&ni uelivereutoyon 'ai yout iu.s Jluce una" reqn'tstj ls more fully aji- ".1. ;i ars byromplahit now on hie in my ..fllce. And jou ii io apear ana ai-a r.ngwtr sa-a com plalut as herein required, tne plaiutltrs nllltakv judi;mcut asmet '"4 as deniiriflcd and f r the ctists ol tbis salt. Gir-n under my bapd this 1 t day of JIarch, A I ltttj. C. K. ALVOHO, J P. A. . FQRTiiOWIS -Ts- lynoLESALi: Li a u.oj ID ealer ? Has on hand cons'antly the choicest brands . of Imported Liquors,'Virica and Cordials Family trade sf mated s . s . AM.JiS S T.,"TOniISTO."E. Fruit trees, small fruits, and grape vines for late planting; monthly rosf bushes, Oleanders, and plants and bulbs in variety ; and the combination steam ;-wishing machine.' best in use, -foIilAv 'J.-1I. Tttte, Second street, lw.tic.ion Ailfn finrl nti i-rfinont, loraiv sUJe,- 3-2?tf SU?OIONS, IS THE JUSTICE'S COURT, TOWNSHIP N . 1, county of Co bise, Terrlt-ry of Arizona b. fore u. E. Alvord. J P. ; demand !jjl (W. caowelt Slunford. Plaintiff, 1 Janies Piles. Ijchncant. ) Ihe eirltoiy of Arizona tetds gre?ttrg to Jnroes tll.-a. defendant: Y u re herehv nm. auramii edono tequ rrd io appeir btloieraeat iiyofflem ihe Uiy of To.ubstoi.e, pi.uu y of lvC;..e. on the 30iQ day f April. A 1) 18Su, ai Oo clock a.m., lo an wcr to thp enmpi mtof tbe above naine.i plrtintills, who aemiu as I y.ra t.iatjron are in euted 'to .them in ihe sum of S3I PO, fur goods jina nurcha. A'tc pnrcna.e and d liveie. i. '".at-ypi.rjlnsjttiu.e and pquesi, a moru luily ap.ea.s by ccmlamt low .ntileiu myota.. And ll juu fal io atiLcarai-da siver sa.dco plaiul as herein u-qnlr.,d, .hu p atiAitTs vol lake Jndme.t again t yon as d.mai.d d, ai-dforihe costs o the sitiu Olven unuer m) nnd ai said-township, ihe-2d day of Mrncb. A D . . C. K. ALVOKO. J P. IN THE JUSTICE'S COURT, TOWNoIUP No. l,lu the county of Co., Terntoij- ot A-izoua, before O. J3. Alvord. J. P., demand, i7i 41. uwell Stanford, -Plaintiff, 1 vs, J. F. M. McCn al , Defendant. ) The Territory ot oilzoi.a sends greeting to P, M McDonald, uifend.nt: Yon are he eby enm, moneu an "reqMbedMO appear b'to'e me at niy nlC ill T mUSl LC. C Unt. ,f CiK-.hts. nnti..i ni-hday of A pi ill A. D. 18.-6, l 10 ocl.-ca a m , to si.-er the tornpia nt of tij aUoyenaucJ', pi Intifl's, vh uei'iiand of yo thai jouareiu-l - I ,mvw . ' uin u. , lui X.UUS ud mrrchjj.u Ise pnrc&aed . nd uelheitd toy o' )ooi lfTsia Cc ant rcqnesi, ar lullyap ara hy oo not tint n w o.. ule Id mv on ce And you tail to appear a d answer soiu complaint .s in r-qnired the p am ia'a vlll tti c junt eni against you as tcmau e-j and 1. r ihe ci.sis tnts suit, oirer nnd r my land tbli ii.d uay lUnitll, A 1 1CCT V, La AL l J.U, ttt . i", I Tllli JUSTICE'S COURT, TOWNSHIP ii. 1, Cocb i e coj t), Anz na icrriiory. be.cue . E. -uvurd. J. P : demand. $ti5.25 I'adwell btLt rd, Piaiu.iU. i vs. ' V Uenry F. Pi ice. Defendant. J Tbe Territorj of Arizona sen's cetlac to llci.ry F Pnc. , derenuaul: You afe henby ruini oned and cauired tu ai.ueai belo e meai my office in Tumlictoiit-, con tj ol Cocht-.. o-. the 3u.u d1 of Apr... 1' tt ten o'clock a ui io answer tbt o... plaint o i tie above plaiut ffs, wi o d.mai.d .1 voa tbat vou are in- deiite. t.jtLim iu . h. sum of Sli.:.; f r-'. nd. and me chai.d a pun has d a A u t-. yon a. j.ur n.sta ce a u leqeisi, as moie tnilj ap pears by o mpla lit now od file in niy .-ffice. Ai d n voa tail (o appe.r a td apswer said complaint a tier. U-. ieq.i.,cd, ihe pl.intitfs will lakejudg mtn igainsl job as d.mauded and lur I eO'Sl ot this suit. Oivcn und r my hand this 1-t day f March, A D iSSS. C. is. ALVORD, .I.F. Alessrs. Cajsar & Wehrfritz have ... , ..i s-i .it.. just received, at the Crystal Palace saloon, it cortsignmept of aje and por ter, which the? keep on draught, and draw from their patent German foun tains. Go and trv some some of it. NOTICE! County, City Wtui'ants cepted accounts against tlie City or County bousrht at the highest market price at the Cochise County Bank If you want bargains in oil cloths inrl ..-irTiita. on tn SiOin.nfMlil Sr. Iliv- ' J man s. J-2b Im 1 I HLG LEAVE TO IJNFOKM and vicinity that 1 ha e returned from the East w ith a large supply or the Celebrated Simonds' Nabob J . .1 . 1 1. . 11 ana ja now ioi suie uy tne gaiion. oocxie anu -smnuer quuniicies at my bar -10S. TASOHOLY, Occidental Hotel- IN THE JUSTICE'S COURT. ToWNsHIP No. 1, in the County of Cocutse. Tcrrlio y ol Arizona, before C, K. Alvord. J, P.; tirniaud, Si l.5. Cadwell i Stinford, rialotlff, ) ve v Nathenu-l Al.xand r.Dert. ) he Territory ofArizo a sends greeting to Natian el Al. xu der. dctcnoaut: You are ere- by rnmmomd and required to appear before me at ray i face in l' mbstoi e. county of CocUlse, on the 30th uat of Apiil, A D ls36, at ten o'c ock a. ui , to answer the cumplaini f t e above-named plaiutiffs, wbo denund ol yon that y n are iu ..11 o o mem 111 .lie suia ui ...w, lor uuna nd mercbau ise pu.'c a-cd aud delivi r. d -oyi u nonrowu iustauccand rioucst. a. m re fully appc robv c mplamt now on file in my office And 11 jon lau io ppear a. .a answe aiuem aitit as ncrcln rtqu.rca, ine i.nni-.n s win tare d.'meni ntust vou as demanded a d lor Ibe costs ol ihts Full, Oivu uuder my hand this .-st day of Marca, A.-1. lesb. J i. v a i rnnn t r . ' 'J. .... i v.", . . IV THE JUSITCi'S CUURT. TOWNSHIP I ... 1. in tl.e c uuty'.'f CocoUs. Territory ol I Arizoua, be'ore C E Alvord, J. P,; demand JW. i adnell, jiaiiuin, i , va S- '. , Ames, ) j The Territory of Arizona sends erecting to A i mc, itrtindautf Y' u are hereby snmmonid- and r q -ireuto i ppear tfpire roe at my omco in j -Tombstone c -niitv ui u cut, cn xno auia uay i of Apr 1, A D 1SS2. at 10 o'cl ek a m. f answer theconiplai .lof the aiove-named.plilntid-, wlp I d a ma. f vou that von are indeb cd to the -i In ihn nm nfitii. f rcoods Lad mcicnaudise uu cbased and di-lier--d to on o' ynnr own iosUnei and rcq ief t, as u.ore fully tfppi ars hv comp aim 41..... nm... A .... If tnn 'jTt 1 -in Mtl .l U.V ... ...v. .. J " - - .- "af ndscswer said compWiLt is n-rcin rc- ouli'ed.i'eplaiiitlb will I ke jGd-rinei.t aa n-t ,-iu . g ucmauueu nuu ui air- c..-is .u.-cu... iveu under my nana mis xnu uav ui aiaieu a u First insertion JIarcli 27. 188(5.1 Notice .of-. For loitiiro. .TO JOHN SIMI'SO-V AND IKE ROSEN' : 13UKU. Tou nre hereby notified that I have ex- pended one hundred d.-llars.(5l(X), in labor and improvements on the "Little Jack" lode and mlnlnff claim, bitusted in the Warren Mininir District. County of Cochise, terri tory cf Arizona loratinp' Milch laiiit is recorucn iu noo o: junea . o. n'Ee"B38. Uochifc County Records, under the pHivtsio'ns "of section S3--4, Revised Statutes ol the Uultcd States. Mow therb fore, if within ninety (00) dajs from date thereof and trablicatlon of this notice, you fail or refuse to contribute each of jon your tiropirttou ot saiu cxpecnitpres aeucosioi tbis publication as so.owners, your :ntsfests in said mine oi claim, will lecome the prop-Hi-tvnf tne. nndersipned. under said section 2324. Revised Statutes of tlie United Slates. tt f I ...(i.iCfl.i.o. Hisn"E, Arizona, March 24, 18tC. For Snle. r.n elegant lady's faddle. For p't- ulais enquire at this o!'ice. c A.T THE Union New Depot Can Alwajs be Found the lies; Assortment of i Books, Toys aa& StatiQRery MUSICAL INSTALMENTS. PEKIoniCALS, MAG-?nflS; BT? Allen Street,in Grand .lotrf &'lv'x SOL ISRAEL, Proprietor. ' PAPAGO OAS STOBSi. 324 h RESION 1' STREET. Yiuc Groceries oi every description, choU eat brands oi Eentucky Whiskey and Urulq 31 all : i c it kept constantly oa hjind and, sold at lowest prices. rank B. Austin, Prop, ayelS'sur'pljestvrayB cn hand ?z.j of t-lif best oppi'ty. I T. ..1 ) , . . .. , ' iicftiiMsiui-cu uy ciuiuetii. auriri-uua it- &p , the purest and iim-Jt known, audSiri,ilnaLlp: to invalids. siMvtnvns' K-pvTiTriK-Y vAt?nn xtnrA. BOS WHISKY has been well JcDuWU fop tunny years, Lein unsurpassed foi itscicp. lent qualitv and delicious flavor. Every bq'.y who has tricd-it says it is the best la b.3 world. Families supplied by the gr.Hop.ctu' up oottle. 15?" None genuine unless my i;natu.e is, ai-ross the i-ork, "G. Sirom ipiis," My ai'cnt is authorized to sell to th,e trade, half barrel, barret d'u ect shipment from eqt incky or fr.itn his warehouse a- San Hprpr-; flinn slnlrl ht- tlw. Ix.ttli. ;mH r,il!riii hv BOTillN, TWEEL7 & CQMPAJTf, Sole Agents for Tombstone af)4 Tlt.'ultr, I l llO t-OIlllT.lltl. T FolintaiI1 Cllup Ul)ll8e is the cool(.st place in lue city lu tune u tpeai, ?iq smpke; beat nr sinell trom Uic )j;ciif)ir, it hepij; en tirety separate front the uinip room. So-lore-quarter beef used. Noibiii' hut tt eboicest cuts, nsli, 'Mine, oysteis. ett I'ri. . vitu Mtttr.inco from T. .nrrlii.iil. &tr..l tn tha , " T.i7ir oct7tf. I'BE FUBLlU 1 KMLrS'iOlS'S Bourbon Whisky, I -i-l 1 T . if," ' For Sale. The old established and only Undertaking hnsniesja in TomhstQne, either ivitty or without tlie reaj estate Terms re? -Fi,y nticnlar-s., address a. 0, HITTKR, Tonihstoiie, An 2-9tf 71 Z , nimn ). UtrWwrtn y Ctl OC U CU UI VV l ' . , , , ., ,,. uuicsuie unu iciaii ucaicio ... Q r ff J . J7- riTtri itfJOlC ticLlE. JZaTiBv f nsyr rOTA fOE9, CAx.VED goods- aud nil kin'is ot GROCERIES Or-ntis sold chi'spcr thaj other Mrs. Hciid. has been appointed agent for Connor's ranch butter which she receives fresh every Salur day. Also fresh buttermilk on hand ; 3-F7 tr Men Thing "V they knew all about Mustang' Lfer Iment. Few dg, Not f q lenny y uotj? have, - -