Newspaper Page Text
. FFlCiAL PAPER OF Cochise County. No police news to-day. The thcrnonictcr registered 91 de frees to-day. It is stated tfiat Supt. E. B. Gage of the Grand Central mine, left Boston last night, en route for Tombstone. The Elite Theater expects a new combination. J3f.ta!ent frojnSilxPt City in. the ncar,future. Deputy Sheriff Crowley and George Frisk, cattle inspector for this district txk wiug for their homes in Willcox '.his retwihig. ... Sfcwtor Arthur Hawkins, messenger of the Western Union, appears t-wluv ivigpteucimt in a tn-aud new company uniform which much becumes him. If you want to know the name of one of Sheriff Hatch's niOst active a id vigilant deputies, ask under Shei iff Beppy or Ben Goodrich. Two heavily loaded wagons with ma chiuery, tank and other supplies to replace those recently distroyedby fire at one of the watering places on Su patvisor White's ranch started, out this morning. Mr. A. Frsunan has just completed and placed in position a sign for the Criterion raloon. The background is black, and the lettering .in golden script. It is a very artistic piece cf workmanship. A Mexican arrived in camp to-day. wilh the report that a small band of hostile had. been, seen, at the mouth of the Bisbee canyon. Tins report up to the hour of going to press lacks continuation. " Jack Doling has leased the Delta simoon formerly run by Ike Isaacs, and will ' reopen it to-morrow evening. Jack is one of the oldest saloon men in town, and wi'd no doubt make tiie new venture a tuccets. . Sjncc the opening up of the Einer al I mine, water has been pumped to it-frontf tlieUnmd-.-Cin:raLs,Thc re cent desTuction of the woJks on the latter mine, necesitates a new water Supply for the Emcra!d,-and.':?r gong- of men were put to work this iitbrnin'g digging a ditch for a pipe line from the Huachuca water' works to the mine. Mr. A.dam Berg who has been out on the San Bernardiiioraheh for sev eral days, receiving from John Slaugh ter's herd a couple of tram loads of cattle for the Kansas City maikct, re turned to-day. As previously stated, the cattle will be driven up through the Sulphur Spring valley, and 4hip' ped from Willcox. Every household is liable to be vis ited by sudden sickness. Often it oc curs in the night, distant from the doctor, nothing in the house to giye relief, the patient is sure to get worse: A box of Ayer's Pills, in such an emergency, would arrest disorders which, if not taken in season, may be come deadly. 23-lw Thcjiro in' the main shaft of the Grand Central mino is reported to have been cxtinguWied eaily this morning, and an effort was probably made by Foreman loach to enter it from the other workings to discover the amount of damage. Runic, hath it, the the cage which was thought to iiave dropped to the sump, caught on the 300-ioot level and that the shaft is filled by caves from, that point to the. bottom. From Deputy Collector Wilson, who has recently returned from Tuc son, it is learnetT thaV-nft'cr.'.tlid disa greement of tho jury in tlu c ai if the United States vs. Godfrey Tribo let, charged with selling liquor with out a license, he was arrested on a charge of smuggling msscal; and up on being taken before the U..S. C'vart Commissioner was bound ' over, to await the action of th : grand, jury iu - October next. Tlu penalty in case of conviction is naid to bo irom three tofivcyeais in the penifcutiaryr" a fine of from ?3,0DD to $5,033, or both, in the discretion of the court. Parties have recently taken hold of the celebrated Lo?t Basin gold prop- erlin Mohave county, and will spend from .P150,00'J to.OD.OOO in building a mill and developing the mines. From all rcpoits received cf these mines they will prove a bonanza to thoir owners who expect to have everything ei-iuplcted ready for opera tion -within ninety drtj'i. ', " j M'he Oilsei- Sirte. Mike McGloin, whom it will bo re membered was shot by Diek'Richards at a ' ranch in the Dragoons, a few days since, arrived in camp last night. In conversation with a Daily Tomb stone reporter, he tells a story of the occurrence' which differs materially from that related by Richards. He admits having talked roughly to Rieh ards, but rluims that the latter was robbing him in ' the division of the cattle, and that i-oing po verless ti prevent it, lic became so incensed, that 1ie(':ould not he'p . it. At the time of tho shooting he says that lie was armed with a six-shooter, but was rendered poweiless to Use it, from be ing left handed and Richards striking him over the left arm at the elbow, disabling it. The arm was shown the reporter, and found to be .still terribly swollen and frightfully discolored, lie farther states, that it was not until struck as mentioned, ' that he attempted togpta'roek to tnrow at Richards, at which time the latter tired at nim with his six-shooter, the ball striking him above the light eye. He claims that Richard's statement, that he aliow him to pro cure a physician is not true, and that Richards and party left him alone on the-ranch, not knowing whether he would live or die. Shortly after their depaiture, hisliorsc'catne up and al though weak from loss of blood and his other injuries, he managed to sad dle it, and ride to a camp of soldiers n:.t far distant. From thence he went to Fort Bowie where his wounds were dressed by the post surgeon. The wound in the head is very sore aud painful. Such in brief is the story told by McGloin. Readers have now had both sides; Richards' story hav ing been published a day or two since, aud can draw their own conclusions. A-v-.:inlEesl Officer. Deputy Sheriff Crowley arrived in camp lust night having in charge ' a prisoner naiiied Frank Graham, who was sent up by Justice Nichols, to the count v-juil far thirtv davr for an as fault and battery oii'the .'deputy -hei-iff. The cause 'of -the anest Js de tailed by the oliieer as follows: A telegram froav-lk'Jiiwu notifying him to be on the-lookout for Gndiam'." who was wanted there for" rolling a .man named Kirr, and robbing him of $3-1 was received, and when the train ar rived Crowley boarded it, and found his m in. TJie latter demurred to be ing arrested, and upon the officer in sisting, stfu'clrhim a violent blow in the face, and was preparing to follow it 'up, whereupon the officer covered him with a forty-five, and he surren dered.- The warrant1'. charging h.m with" grand larceny -wifs turned over to tlje. sheriff . and Iris examination on that charge will probably take place probably in-Tombstonc. te aoiuos-ipl -iiy Program. The progiam for Memorial Day ser vices has not yet been fully arranged, and will not bo completed until the meeting of tho Grand Army Post to morrow night. Tho following, how ever, in relation to it, was learned this. morning. A. L. Grew, Past Post Com mander was selected as grand marshal, Culouel Herring as orator, and Mr. Frank C. Prescott as poet, The G. A. E. and ether- societies will assemble at or about Schieffelin Hall, and m-irch from thence to the setuetery where ceremony of decking with flowers the graves of fallen comrades who wore the" blue will take islnce. Upon return the procession will dis band. The other exercises connected with the obssrv.mce of the day, will take place at Sekieffelin Hall in the 'evening, and-incliide'.anoation, pjcin recitations, song and tableau. '2' lie SSovloI 51 tin. Ho don't play the fiddle, part his hair in the middle, nor dress like an An ghcan dude. . When bx'.t$ofc to. a- party with Meig3 or Mjt3i.rty," ht5 never is noisy and rude ; He lives in frugality and weet con jugality, :.nd 'Willi Is . pie biff- two-' times a day ; He never eats onions nor treads on your bunions, nor. growls when yon gel in his wivy ; ile'a '.vise and he's wit'ty. persevering . and gritty, and has ' a 'Augiiifieertt head ; He's nil light and sweetiif9s, he's thorough et'im-L'teiiess, he's per iodica in short but he's dead t .... . Lynn (Mats.)-Haiun. MURDER AND SUICIDE. War Among ilie vVallapai ' - .-Indians. Pixc ' imViziu- Skilled anil Several- Vostmlctl so IFsir. A Eow Over a. fiqiistir tlxa CaiiKC of "ilia W2iolc 'E'rouMe. A correspondent of the Mohave Miner gives the following graphic ac count of a recent killing among the W.ill.ipais1 Daily this morning our quiet camp was aroused by the sound of several rifle shots at the Indian camp near by-, illalf 4an hor-r later other shifts were heard in quick succession, nd excited Indians' were seen running in every- direction. It being about 0 a. m., when most of .the miners were on llieir Way. to work, about . twenty of them went down to the Indian camp to investigate. On arriving at th.1 camp th"y found a terriblj state of affairs, two of tli2 Indians Having i cen killed and four others wounded Those killed outright were a buck who went by the name of Ah Quinthe (this is as near as I can come to spell ing it) and his squaw, w'jo was a 'daughter- of Chief Leve-Levn. An other buek, MoCarty, was shot through the body, as w-isalso another of Leve Leve's daughters, n big squaw named Mate. Both of - these are mort lly wounded and will die in a few hour.-. Another sqtiav h.ul received two balls in her leg, o:ij of which had shattered th.1! ankle bone, and the other bad ploughed a furrow from the ankle to, the knee, laying tho ilosh open to the bono. This'onj will probably die, but with proper care ought to iceovur. Another was wounded, but not dangcr- From what I can learn the trou'.de originated froiii jodlouj-y, a squaw be ing the cause qf it all. The Indian who did the killing went bv the name of FizzUr; and -has been in the em ploy of Slieri'f Steen more or less of the time for the last three or "fotr years, though for the last month he has been working for Chi1?. E'.libee. The shooting was done villi a Winch ester ri tie, some 2D or 25 shots being fired in all. The whole tribe is gath ering'' aud nlore trouble -will be up soon, as of course the Indians must have revenge, and revenge with them means retaliation aud at least a life for a life. Tho murderer has fled, but is being pursued by three mounted Indian's armed with Winchester ritles, and others are starting out every few minutes to join in the pur.-uit. As tho 'killed an 1 wounded belong to three different bauds or captains I tlrink the end is not yet. At 2 p. m. the two dead Indians were carried to the side of a mountaiu where wood was plenty, and' their bodies cremated. Botti doctors are here,: the one from Kingman arriving goon" after the one from the' Park. They came, I believe, at tho request of Mr. R. W. Marsh, who I suppose will bo required to foot .their billi, and probably the county will be calljd on for adiitional pay. There is a. good deal of discussion ovei the occurence, and I hear many remarks ' stu'h as tliesc-i "Where i3 tho deputy U. S. .Marshal '? There is a fine chance for him'to ge't'in some fees and "miliage." "I wonder if the county will be" held for the enst of criminal prosecutions?" " The county oliieiuls had bettor' let the Indians manage their own affairs." These and other remarks of a similar nature show tlu drift of public opin ion on the Hill. Since writinir-tho above. Chief Sur rum has arrived, and immediately is sued orders to Ilia 'ribe to kill all the relatives of the murderer in retalia tion, aud the squaws and little ones ll.tve already struck out for tiie hills to hide themselves. On Friday ovo;iing, the squaw Kate died, aud tho Indian McCarty Satur day morning, and both were cremated at nobii fo'-day. Af'er. Ghief Surrum had orJered all tin; relatives of the murdered kill ad yesterday, many of tuom t-)!.!,;!!!; protection au.l hiding plau.s in ttie miners' cabin. Afmr. awhils tho miners inturferrcd and told his highness that they would not al low his orders to be carried out and that he must countermand them at once, which he very reluctantly did, but issued fresh orders to bring in the mrrdercr at any cost. At least ten well-armed Indians started in pursuit yesterday, and followed his tracks for secral miles into the Wallapai valley darkness compelled them to de sist. They then came back to camp for water, food and fresh horses, and at 2 a. in. started for the place where they had left the tracks the evening before. After following them about twelve miles further they came upon the dead body of the murderer. It seems that he had run his horse the entire distance, and it being very warm the horse gave out. lie then killed the horse, and'pLicing the muz zle of his rifle to his right eye, fired, the b.dt literally tearing the top of his head off. . The pursuing' Indians returned about, 2 p. in. to day," and as soon as the rest cf the Indians learned the news they started for their camps, the crying soon diied up, and quiet was once more restored. The Indians say that Surrum has given orders for, a big powwow at Canyon Station to morrow, and whether any further ac tion will be taken in the matter will depend on tho results of that meet ing. WJiiJe mountain .Ane!ieff. Special advices from Winslow say '. Reports have reached Winslow from some of the Aztec Cattle Company men, who have a camp on tho north line of the Apache reservation, about forty-five miles southwest ofc Hol brooir, that the Indians are getting restless and a band has loft, llieis re servation, coming north. Those In dians entered the Aztec company's camp, and stole. some provisions and amunuion. They w.-rc seen by the cowboys who tallowed them some di.-tance and had a scrini '..rtge wi'h them and recovered the property. ' It is feared by the per pie of Apache county, tha if these Indians come north they may incite the Navajoes to jo:n them in a campaign of rapine and murder. Major Warren, gpneral manager of the Aztec company, is' very uneasy and left for the scene of trouble this morning. YS'ill Clove. Tombstone, May 23. 1SSG. We the undersigned merchants do ing business ir. Tombstone, do hereby agree to close our respective places of business at twelve o'clock noon, on Monday, May Slat, 1830, for'thc pur pose of observing the same as a holt day, and to enable oui employees to participate in the ceremonies of the legal holiday, known as "Decoration Day." II. J. Sadler, Cochise H. & T. Co., II. K: Tweed, Sol Israel, Schocnfeld & Heymau, Job M. Seamans & Son, H. Sehmieding, A. E. Hartmari, Herrera & MeClure, Macniel ifc Moore, Barrow & Bagg, C. B. Tarbell, Wolcotl & Mcs-' hick, Jds. Hoeller, Dyar"& Baldwin, U. P. Mansfield, J. Myers & Bro., Palace Dry Goods Store, A. Cohen, T. L. Monmonier, Dallas Bios. The following is a list of perfect scholars at tho puhlic school, for the week ending May 28, 1SS0: Fin-t Grade Mike Walsh, John Claik. Maggie Costello, Har'y Thomp son, .Tom Dorsey, Cora Goodrich, .Tosse:L )wery, Allie'ilowii, K.ito Walslr Miil'nie Hill, Addie. fclaughter, Jessie MeCean, Frank MeCiiUnugh, Nellie Hughes, Maggie Hill, Nellie Walsh, Second Grade Enul Hartman, Emma Ashman, Widter Grist, Dario Coiitraras, Ralph Brown, Willie Twomoy, Milium Baur, Angelica Flat It Rosa Hattic'', Heibet Schoenficld, Tilho .Callaham, .Lizzie Wittig. . Tnird Grade James Brown, Carrie Ragg, Elery Butler, George Clark, Deborah Dodge, Virginia Fetterman, Ava Gage, Annie Hill, Bertie Holland Nicholas McCormick, Bertie Remsey, Josie Sims, Earnest Sprague, Kate Tenlcy, , Ebbie Wood, Rich.i'rd Wood, Albert Whittig, Freddie Watts, Em ma Bauer, Emma Stumpf. Fourth Grade Eddie Burns, Valla Hill, Mamie Hanley, Anxlie McArdle, Ida McOulloirgh, Maggie Noonan, H'u, Ge"orr;e Swain, Jaeob Troglin. For. Sale. A Sideboard "and Jcc chest ,' ehe.ip. '' Apply at Torn AV1 alobu.; ... -.mywlilw. The following instruments nave been filed in the office of th County Rec order: LOCATION. Cleveland Millsite, Harvry J. Drag cr and Louis W. Glander. BOND. Phil. Crnvat as Notary Public in the sum of $1000. Sureties, Maria Porter, J. Goldwater. Coolest Place in Town. The TomtMtimu ICostaurunt mid siiloon is the rool'.-sl place In this city f-ir licoplc " eat ut. ;II.irry Wisdom Iia3 i-oraplelctv re novated fh'H popular rcsurt. mid invites tho pi-oplu of Tiimhitone to s-ivc hitn a ci'l when he will convince them that tbey will bo served at all timer, with the choicest the market affonlj. Imported wini-, liquors raid cigars in connection with the hoiue. Attention 2:irusiilc G.A2I There will be a meeting of tho Post on Saturday evening, May 29, 18SG at 8 oeloek at the City Hall to make fin al arrangements for Memorial Day. All members of the Post are urgently requested to be present, By order of the Post Commander. Geo. R. Watt, Adjutant The chrapest and best store ta trade In ;oin, is at Hen era & MeClure. 5 2S.f Jacob Muller, who has been for some, time in the hospital, was brought be fore Judge Peel to-day on a charge of insanity. The examination is in pro gress as The Tombstone goes to presn The clndcet of fresh groceries at Herrera & licOuireV. S-tiStf Directors of the insane asylum, Stewart. Hatch and Lincoln, are in Pheuix attending to the duties of their position. M. W S:ewart is ac companied by his attorney Judge S;ill well, of this city. ,1usi received at Herrera it McCiure'i the finest bailed oat h-iy ever brougiit to thi city. C 3S"f On complaint of Mike McGloin, a varrant was issued to-day for the ar rest of Dick Richards, charging him witli an assault, with intent to com mit murder. The arrest grew out of reoent shooting of McGloin in the Dragoons Erighieef Bowers, of the S. V. R. R. while coming towards Tucson wi h an engine last evening, diove be.weon to squads of Apaches about rive niiles east of Pantano, not far from Mescal . i - station. A part of a band of about ten had crossed tiie track just before the engine came along, and the re mainder waited until it passed by. They were heading for the Whe ? stones. Citizen The attention of tho city council is caled to the fact that Rescue Hose Co. has noplace in which to wash tho hose after the fire. It will not do to W:ifh it on the sidewalk in front of the city hall as the waiter runs into the basement aud also into the cellar of the P.pago store. If a plat form could be built about 55 feet long and about six feet wide and placed in the adjacent lot lot the' problem would be solved, and at a very little expense. Sabe. A Sjilscml GSTer. The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshal Mich., offer to send their Celebrated Voltaic Belts and Llectric Appliances on thirty days' trial to any man af flicted with Nervous Debility, Loss of Vitality, Manhood,' -.c. Illustrated pamphlet in foaled envelope with full particulars, mailed free. Write them at once. Cuullosi, . From and after this date all per sons "ara cautioned not" to trust my .wife Mary - Lea as I will not pay any bills contracted by her. C F. Lr.f.. .Tombstouc, May 27, 138(5. TELEGRAPHIC. St. Louts M-iy 27 Fountler.y for the defence in the Prel'er case eora nipnced his opening address to the jury to-day. He stated that he w'sh ed to impress tliun with the fact that no one knew how Piellft.r cama to bis death except defendant and that he proposed to disclose to the jury all the circumstances att.-ndir.g it. Af ter stating the. manner in which Pol ler and tiie defendant bacamo scqua:n t'd tnd tho cio.-iencss of their frisnd therealter, hp t'ten st-it-d that the d iisp in'eiidi'd :o pr;ve tJ-tii Piti -lar was s.: 'f ring fr.iin ( triCu-e mid it oey.iidaijt fu lishy undortv-k to rennvc it. D fendmt was unwill ing to preform tho operation alone but Preiler did not wi h the nature f his ailment 'o he known and in sisted that Maxwell shou'd prpform the oppration to relieve his pain. Ho gave him chloroform but in too larfte a quu ity. Daath resulted. Mx wpI1 was placed on tho stand; he show little evidence of freiiig though there was some degree of nervous i6s3 both on his foce Mid hand?. The wit ness in reply si question? made by Fouutler.iy stated in sitbstante as fol 'ows: My fud nmne is II. M. Br ok?, I urn 25 ye-irs old; horn in Hjde Cnester lilngland; I sfu'died meJicinq and sur. ery in a col e.i m scho )l fc .Manclics'er but I am no li ensed phy sician; I first met P-eller at tho Northwestern hotel at Livbrnool but fid not git icquaiu'ed with him un till I met him oil board of the steam er Ceptalonia. Mr. P.llrr and 1 were both Englishmen c ming to a strange land and our a quiintance ripen.;d into a warm friend-ship. EJicemlvo Orders; Washington May 27 The presi dent his ifsu'd an extcuiivn order closing a'l the departments en M in day tkj 21si ins'ant to onsbla the employes to participate in th decora tton of the p-rav-! s of the acldiers wi o fell durins: the reu. if on. E.-trtt!qti;ilcs SSioclcs. San Fravci30o May 27 This even ing t 10:30 a dull riiuib'.in s 'una was hf-ard, f llowed by several severe earthquake sho -Its fram north to south i. stinc fully ten tieconds. The . vibratioiia were mufh severer than those tlii morning. No damage howr ever has bee i rpoited. . i S.rics ixnH sT! Knars. Cnic.voo May 27 S-mi" cf the big perat.irs and not a f-w brokers figure I it out that "Uncle" Phil. Ar mour is one of" the big losrra in the g:eat d cline iu wheat. According to their oiieu'.ations he b gaii tobu 1 the mtrket at Sic, or thereabouts aud cloied out and gave up the efforts at 80c, and below. As he was not deal ing iu small amounts they conclude that the fellows who were on the others side have -got a hand iomc -slice of his -inone-. Just how hands-mo this slice is op'iii us difF. r, but most of them pit it up to reven figures aid believe it repreqjntg more th m he made iu St. Paul a -year ago, and som say twice as mu-jh. As it is a very uuusual thing f r the gre it packer to get on th wrong side th other fellovfs arq feeling vary g 'od over it at presuat The fellows wtio gather-d In tho lions share of the sums lot by thotB have tried to hull the mirkit Bines it went below ar N- B. Ream Ciiilei Schwartz, Edvard Padrigp, (the dry gais merchant) Ch'rey Singer and John Cudahyr Of these. IVam, Padrige art) . Cudahy have, been the biggest gainers. Bis:des Armour the 'bijgest Iosts-, h-tVf. been N .t Jon-s, Piaakinto i, and th-- Minne ipolis millers, Pilkbury Hillan i, KoIups and Birups, E3nra is; Your Kelp. Among the arguments uso'd by those who are willing that theChine'sQ !lonld go but who want them to rej main a little longer, is this, ' How cari we get our wathing done.' Any argtt'f meiil on this question is solved bY this answer: 'Purchase an A No.'i Little Jokes Washing Machine. I Iiirt inachuij is light ar.vl f-imple, cheap and durable, eo f-iniple that ij child or a weakly orsickly woman can. run it without exertion. It fjives time in fact a large family wash can be put out in two hours. It washes clear and does not wear out your clothes. Call and inspect one of the macnineV at Mrs. Grant who is the agent at the American Lodging House, Tonglinut next door to the court house, Tomb. stone, A. T, 4-12-tf.' Just received that famous Key West Cigar La MarteilUsse a'. Aslj. musi & Walkers. The La Maneillasse. Cigar is the favorite brand 'of,K6 West Cigars and smoked entirely by the people of San Francisco. .Tr them, two for twentv-rjYe r,ents. 4-27-tf. Occidental Hotel. rUa only first clra' hotel -ja, Toinlutone. Sifuttcd, on thp corner oj. Fourth ind A lieu streei. Il.iiiilsomely furuished thro'uhnui, und dli m dr rn iiupruVcmeuts.' Tnveitrs are rccom mt-nrieit to stop at this house. Private. inin. tr f-ir-aicciil travoler. 'Jnh. hr of this h"R5' is toiniFhil wnft is. Iirnyfd hi'liar.l i'ii)!''s aad card rooms, n-3 is sicHH.i .vih tjie tineft bra iti. . v:-ii!.-S. llOUOlS fit. 1 cisatr,. , 8t' -JijM i't?Tj,