Newspaper Page Text
: !at . Old Series .TOMBHTONB, ARIZONA, TtOR3DAZ HSVBNlNa JUNE 3, b'G. Volume .V .NO. 203 - r r JVlaciiei! Moore &Co. Oaruer Fifth Mid Allen, General J, -4' ... -- Merchandise. Have always xn stock a Full Lino of-l&rtsrcrand Western Canned . . Ootttis.ancyvintl Staple, X V LL WEIGHT and SGPltBIOX, iSRANiy (luarasttocl rFatnilr Bakers' -Hanr.Soga 'Hani, TJacon. cct, alvaj"- at Bed-Rock Frics."nCtJ6lnpl6Htock"or'" Underwear, Clothing, Hats and Oaps, Boots and Shoes. Solo Agent tor Budweiser Beer, Superior to any ic Market. Hay, Grain. Mixed Eeed, Oorn and Wheat, For salts in Quantities to suit Shipping aa we do in CAR LOTS ONLY, Wo feel jossified in saying- wc are -T Tc ba undersold'' A Liberal Dis sent w our CfliA T"idc HARRY STEVENSON JiHE WILLOWS" RUN BT Harry and Johnny. Fancy Mixed Drinks of all Kinds a Specialty. Toa Kattle Rye, and Cliff Springs Bouriroa. Also LAMA EQUISI TA CIGAR. Allen Street bot. Third and Fourth XWRex!t door to tbo O iC Corral. FOR SALE. Or Will TaJee Cattle on Shares. One of the very 1st ranches in Sulpher Springs Valley, ten mile range. -Plenty of water, four good houses on range; plenty of shade, running " springs For particulars apply at this of fice. tf John Sullivan, Practical and Mechanical JD m N T I S T. Ufllce on the south side nf Allen street. tlircc floors wc;l or Seventh. - All kind of dental work promptly pcrtormcu. Unking all kinds of Artificial Tec Hi a ttpeolaity. reetn Jitieil ara cxtracua wtthuut pain. All w-rk done at' t lie lowest rates and WARRANTED. 3 29 U California Wire Mis, 323 MARKET ST., SAN FRANCISCO, ItAKUTACTtrnZBS Or WIRE EYERYTHINGr IN WIRE Flit and ronnd. Iron and steel. Guaranteed of tba beat quality and workmanship. Battery Screens! Tempered steel or bras wire, all meshes up to JSC. Ufirn 'or telegraph, telephone. brdlnjr hay, fences, II 1 1 0 I bridge, springs, etc. , all Uuds and urea. OnrViarl llirf regularly license! minufactur DalDCll nilB terser 2 and 4 point, regular and thickset. OurCusi-ancn aro iruanntoed azanatlav suits. Gopher Traps, Bird Cagestl cages, avaries, summer-houses, etc Wire Cloth and iletree of strength. Ali kinds of Wire Goods (or the Maer, Farmer and ecnettd public lfOTE.lfe defy competition and sejl yoa better good at less price than eastern uan Uctorers. SUMMONS. IN-THE JrjSTIPB'S COURT, TOWNSHIP Mo.'l. In thi county ol Corhiae. Territory ot A4lzona, .Defer C. . Alvord, J. P.; demand. $47.43. Cadwell & Rtatf rd. Plaintiff, ra. fm,- Covington, Defendant. ) . Territory ol Arizona traas erecting to William, OOTinetnn. UelomUnt; Ton aro hereby ennunoncd and rtqnlreU to appear before meat my. office In Tombstone, county of CochiB-;. -on thu 3Uth day cf April, A. ,, 1850, at ten o"c!ock a, n., to autrer the complaint of the above, nainei plaintiffs, who dimand i-f you that you are Indebted to them In tho sum uf 347.4a 'or jtooaa and.merehandlso ptrrebn-ed and delivered to yon fet your Ustacce and request, aa more folly, appear by complaint hott on He In my nQoe. Andlfyoa fall to appear and answer said enmnlitnt aa heraln nanlrcd. the slalntlfTs trill tak Jadmcnt against y.n as oemnnded and ftr tne costaoi tniaaoii. uica ouucruij aaauiui. lstdayofSIatch.A, D..1BS8. C,E.ALVOKD, First Fnbllcotion Marcli 15, 1SS6. IXotieo for Fubllcallos. (?HEMPIOS No. 117;.) Laxt1)f?icb AT .l"VC&ON, A. T., I - March 11, 1S48.S Uotlpe Is Ixrebv elTen that the followlng- named settltr has filed liis notice ot lntt-n lion to tnnkc final proof in support of his claim, and that anid proof will be mide be fore the ReelMrer and Receiver atTucson' ArlL.nn. nn Al.rll 0. 18S8. viz. EUL'eno F. Rose or Ben8on,SHrIzona, for the E X ol 8 E Jf-of Section 10. tind W i of S W M of 8ec.ll. Township" 17 Souths Ranee 20 East, Gils "and Salt River base and meridian. He namea'ttiefollowiiiK wiiriesbea to prove bis continuous resl4ence,"t?on; and cultivation or aaid land. via. W. O., Johnson. R. E. Wll. aon. -James Patten aiif. Goorge Kent, all o Benson, Arizona. B- M TH031.S Register.. ir n r. csowLur. Tltc Flnent in thcLand. Those fine Tom & Jerry's, hot Scotch ivhisk3T, hot Jamaica, St. Croix and Now England rums at Henry Campbell's Keg House. 15 tt Anli-Cliiracwe League. All members of this league, and all persons who sympathize with its prin ciples., are hereby earnestly requested not to patronize the following-named persons or firms, or any business in which they are engaged : L. W. Blinn, of l.'ochisc H. & T. Go. E. W. Wooda, gas and ice man. L. Hart, gunsmith. H. K. Tweed, general merchandise. J. P. Clum, city recorder. Chas. Baccigalupe, butcher. Webster Street, county judge. H. G. Howe, surveyor. G. G. "Berry, lawyer. Dr. Willis, county physician. h. Shopufdd, of Shocufold & Hoy- man, w , Daily "Epitaph." liaison Doree J?etaurant. Cochise Coun iy Bank. Tombstone "Democrat." Ben. Goodrich. Uy order of the 5-7-tf. Anti Chikesk Lraoui?. Advico to Uothcm, Mrs. Winslow's Soolhing Syrup, for children teething, is the prescription of one of the best female nurses and" physicians in the United States, and has been used for forty years with never-failing success by millions of mothers for their children. During the process of teething, its value is incalculable. It relieves the child from pain, cures dysentery and diar rhoea, griping in the bowels, and wind colic. By giving health to the child, it rests the mother. Trice, zoc a bottle. 1-1 Notice. The undersigned has leased for a number of years the Oak Grove Dairy and over three huudred coWb, and will on and after Tuesday April iJQtb, bo able to furuibh fresh aud pure milk and genuine ranch butter in any quantity and deliver the snme. 4-1G tf Johnny Shields. MoiiielliiiiK' IVcw. The Cuba hand-made cigar made only by Cuban workmen out of the linefet" Havana tobacco, This cigar, ii the finest bit cigar ever sold in Tomb stone. Ashmun fc Walker, the tobac conist of Tombstone, aro the eo'c agents, and all judges of a lino cigar are recommended to give them a trial. To be had only at Ashmun fc Walker's Tobacco Emporium. 4-12-3t 3fcmIcrN Aili-ChSncsc Conciic Any member of the League know ing of any person or persons giving washing, buying vegetables, or em ploying Chinamen in any capacity are earnestly requested to report the earae to any member cf the investi gating committee, that they may Wait on said parties and request them to desist from said action. The utmost secrecy will be maintained and the names of such informers will hot be made public. Frank Broad, Col. Dean, Josiah Kirlew, W. J. Weeks, James Chatham, Members of Investigating Committee. Rare Chance. FOR SALE A house and lot in Bisbee, the lord ing Copper Mining Camp in Arizona Territory. In the center of tho busi- aess portion of the town. Will take cash, cattle or real estate in Tomb stone in payment thereof. Apply to H. Schmeidino, The Pioneer Jeweler. Allen Street, between 4th and. 5th, Tombstone, A. T. 4-15ff I have appointed Mr. J. V. Vick- ers my agent to collect all outstand ing accounts due Summerfield Bros., and also to pay all debts owed by said firm. Lesser Summerfield. 5-7tf Tltlrd-C'lana Line. There will be another tbhd-class or emigrant stage lino start to-morrow morning between this city and Fair bank. Fare, 25 centp. Tom Taft, Proprietor. Harry Stevenson, Agt. At the Willow's Saloon. Anhcttsei beer on draught at tho Oriental, a line lunch thrown in Summons. IN THE JUSTICES COURT OF JXO. 1 lownenip, ot tuc uoui y ji i;ociitse, :crn tory or Arizunt, before Ji o O.Eas ton, Just Ice of the IViice: R.U McCKfTiey am? B C. Lcvun, plaintiff vs.uuiuei tvooa, ocicnaani; uemnutl $luu. The i'eiritory of Arizooa sends greeting to Daniel Wood, nn absent, defendant. You arc hereby commanded and required to appear before me at my ofllcu in the citj ol Tombstoiii, coutity of Cochise on tli: 3d day of Jtau-, A. 1). 1K5U. ut 10 o'clock a. ni.. to answer the complaint of the abort. named plnintills who demand of you, that you arc luucuica to tlu-rn in the turn of one hundred ($100) dollars, for assess. racnt rork done by plintiU on the Funjjor uune, in ioinu.'tonc your epeclal instance and request. And if you fall to appear ar.d answer said complaint aa herein required the plaintiffs win d'.kc juoemcnt against you as ocmanu ed br delaull and fcr costs of suit. Given under my hand at said township the win uny oi jiaicn, a. u. isso. JXO. C. EASTON Justice of the Teace cf said Townshin i THE JUSTICE'S COURT, TOVKSUII' So.l, In the county of Cochlc, Territory of VadwcUit 8 amord, riuintin" va J J. J.Bennett. DLfendan.. Tbe Territory of ArlBCna sends greetinc to A, 1, , iiUM&M ... Ulli;i UKIMIV lilts lUy cS'celn Tombstone, county ofCochiee, on the ZOih day of April, AD leSS, at ten o'clock a. in., to answer the complaliit of te uko e-uamed dibieJ to them In the stun ol 53, for goods and taerchaudito purchased aud delivered to yon at your instance and nquoet, as more fally appears bv refertwo to complaint now on file iu my otfloe. nd.lf yon tail to appear aad ausner said rompliiul as herein reqiired, the plaintiffs will tho coete of this salt. Ulvenuuder my hand thic U.K. AI.VOHD J. P. Notice to Creditors. ALT. CREDITORS OF THE LATE HENRY Kokiuan, deceased, are hereby notilied to present their claims, with proper vouchers to tne, at the store of Thonus Atrhison, corner" ot Sixth and Alien street, within four months from the date of this notice. Dated .March 19tti, 18S6. UEOKGE R. WATT, Administrator or the Estate of Henry Buk--nihn, deceased. IN THE JUSTICE'S COURT, TOV.'N&IIir No. I, In the Coaniy of Cochls e. 'Icnitury ol Arizoaa, before C. K, Alrord, J. I',; demand, (.'Hdwcil & Etanfoid, Piaiutiu", 1 ts.. y t C.BrcoUe, Uo:cud.nt. ) Tho Tcrilii.ry of Ar zona seeds g-ccting to J. C. Urooks, I'tfetdaut: Yon are iitrtby sum moL il aud required to la peu bvfgru mu at my otnee in 'loao idne, Couuty orc'tcbisc, ouihe SOth day ol April, A D , 1S5, at ten n'ci"Ck e. iu. to uiiswcr tne cmplaiut ot toe above named plaintiff's, who demand ol you that tou are In debted lo tbcra lu tne sum 1 1 JCi-W lor gOod ai.d merchandise pi .-chased and dtlitcit;d ,oyou a' Yonr iuetancc aiid requost, us mOie fully apprais bTC-.niplriut tow on flic in my uftiee. .md .1 y. n la.l to appear a d answer said cotnn'a ni as herein r. qui cd, the il.itn.!IT will lake j adg mer.crg.iiistywuaudfor tht: cos s if ihisBUit Uiven unuvr my hand this 1st day of Hatch A. V. WS6. C. E. AL.VOKD., J. K IN THE JUSTICE'S COURT,. TOWNSHIP No. 1 Ir. the coau y of Cochise, Territory of Arizona, bcfo.cCE- Alvord, J. P ; diraand. 13 G9. CadwellA Stanford, Plaintiff, i -.vs. V Henry SIcbe-t, Defendant. ) The Teiri.ory GT..-4t,Json& sends ccciIur to Henry Slcocri, Defendant: You sre hereby summoned and required to appear b fore me a my ottUe m 'tombs ono, county of Coch se ui lbe 3Uh uay of April, A. D. IssK. at ttno'ciock a. m., to answer ihe coxvlalut. of tie uvove-Lamed plauituTV, who deiuiiLci of yon tint yon art in ucntcd 10 them iu lb suut of $ 13.69, lor good and meichaudlse pnrchastd aad Cclitrnd at jour .njtalice and request, as more fully appears in complaiuL vow on file iu my ofilce. Aid -i ycufa;l io appear and answer said complaiutas hre.n required, incplai-jt'fTs will takejuegiueut n-a:nst ton as ucmuuued and lor the costs ol ibis suit. Given under my nana tliis 1st day of Murch a.0 ltftiS C. E. ALVORD. J. P IN THE JUSTICE'S COURT, TOWNSHIPd No, 1, county sf Uocbls.', Terruury of, before C. H. olrord, J. P.; demand, 20 Cud well & Stanford, Plaintiff's, I tjitM. vs y Vf M. Rrfcc, Defendant, J TheTerri or) of Atizora senas greeting It W. M. Price, .de.endant: You aio surumoued aud icquiicd to appear befo o me at myomr.e in T. mnsioue, couuiy of the SOih day ot April A. 1. leSed, a. ten o'clock a. m , t ansttcr thi com plaint of the above-named plaint flV, Mho demand ol yon that ou aro lnaeb.ed to tbem i the sum of '$20 for c o, s ana nicrchaiioisc pur chased and oclivo ed at yonr instance aud re quest, lb more lully ap by ccinplaiut now on alu in my ofil e. And il yon fail to aopear ai.d snswer said complaint as herein required, the plaintiffs will',t ke judgment tgainft yu as demaaded an5-lorlthc cjsts if tti-smt. Given under my hand this 1st day of March, 4. D. ItSti. C. E. ALVORD. J. P. IN TnE JUSTICE'S COURT, TOWNSIIIP No. 1, in the coaniy of Cocbls-e, Tciritory oi Arizona, before C. E. Alvord, J. P.i demand, cauwell & Stanford, Plaintiff, 1 vs. V Chas. E. Hrenan, Defendant. J The Territory ot Ariz ma sends prccttDj tn Ohailes i. Ueenan. dCIhndact: Yon are hc.ebt sumiiioncd and required to appear before me ut ( ir.yofUce la Tombstone, county of, on the SOtheoy or.Aptll, AD 1SS3, at iu o'clocK a. m , to answer the cjmplaiut of tbo above-named glili.tUTs, who demand of you that ou are in ebtcdtothtm In thu saia of 3 18.20, for goods una mtrehundlce purchased and delivered to you at your nnd request, as -tore fally ap prnre by complaint now on flle In my ofaco. And if you Sail to appear and aLd enswtr raid com plaint as herein required, the plaintiffs will tat judgment against ua u comuii'led end tr the costs cl this Bnit. QiVi-n nnder my habd this 1 t day ol March, A D 1SS0. C. E. ALVORD, J P. A. FORTLOUIS WHOLESALE Xjicmor Dealer Has on band constantly the choicest brands of Imported Liquors, Wines and Cordials Family trade solicited AK.Il:.-V STm XO.llBSTO.'SH. - Fruit trees, small fruits, and grape vines for late planting; monthly rosf bushes, Oleanders, and plants and bulbs in variety; and tho combination steam washing machine, best in use, told by J. H. Tuttle, Second street, between Allen and Fremont, Totnb- 1 utor.f:. o-M SUMMONS. IN THE JUSTICE'S COURT, TOWNSHrP No. 1, county of Co hiFC, Territi.rv or Arizona before O. E. Alvord, J P. ; demaud Ml 00. Cadwell ii Stanford, Fluinuff, I ts. I James PIlis. Defendant. J The eiriu j of Arizona sends greeting to James Piles, atfcnd-.nt. Y..u ore hereby siim suramo.edara -Mjmredto appear beroremeat my ofilce la lie eft, cf Tombstone, coun.y of Cochise, on the 30tU day U pril. A D JOoclocka.m., to an-wo. to the cnmplalutof the above named plaintiffs, who demaLds of you tnatyou are indeeted to them in the KM cf! i3,', M' Il,t K001!"" aud mi-rchai.ttise pnrcfi.fw- and d iirtieJtutou at your iUstaaie and r-t, .est, a more lully apt,estB by ccmplalnt cow .n file in roy office. Andlfyoufail io appcarai-d a..wer' said coiplaintlis herein reqnlrud, the plaiutifTs will take Judumeut against you as demanded, aud for the costs o tne suit. Given nuder my bind at said township, the 2d day of March. A D ists. c. El alvokd, j i: IN THE JUSTICE'S COURT, TOWNSIIIP No. 1, In the county of Cochise. Territory of Artzoua, before C. E. Alvord. J. p., dcaiaiul, J74 41. ' ' c'aawsll & Stanford, Plaintiff;) I. M, McDonal ', Defendant, j" The Territory of Arizona scnls grceiing toF, M. McDonald, defendtnt: Yon are he ebv sum moned an n nnitcd lo annear beioro' me at mv : ifilc-lu Tombet .nc, couuty of Cocfcie, OUtnel ai.h djy of Apiil. A. D. IStU. at 10 o'clock a. m , ; to snswer the complaint cf the above uatuC-i : pi.iiui.u s, vn. oemuna cl yo i mat yoa are In-1 debtcd'othera in the mm of S74.41, lor gtuds! uu mLrcuauuise puresosen una ueivercu toyju and request, as more fully ap are by eompl-dnt auw on IIP) in ray otlice. And yoa lail to appear a -d answer sold complaint as r in required tbe plaintiff's will tale Jmlir cnt as ccmanaed and lor the cos:s this BUit. Given ucdsr my band tbit and day March, A D lESti. C, E ALVORD, J. P. II THE JUSTICE'S COURT, TOWNSIIIP No. 1. Cochise col. tv. Arizona Terriiorv. beioro C. E. alvord, J. P ; demand, S65.23 Cadwell & Stunt ,1-J, Piainiiil, 1 vs. v Henry P. Price, Defendant. ) The Territory of Arizona soiif"a ir-cnlinr? tn Ileorr F. Prise, defendant: You ara f nmmoncd and required to appeal befo-e mo at rayctllco la Tombstone, coui.ty ot Cochise, on tbeSOindav or Apr... A I lite, ot ten o'Uock a in., lo answer the (oninlaintot the above numed Sluintiffs, who demand if yon that you arc ln ebteotothem in the sum of$63.'U, fcrgjods and me chandise pnrchas.d at.d eelivered to yon al3ur lustat ce and request, as more fully ap pears by cvmpla ut now od die iu my ofilce, ALd ir yoa Uii to" appear and answer said complaint as herein reqaired, th plaintiffs will takejadg tcintrgiiinstion as diiniuded and lor tEeci.-i ol thissutl. Given und r my this l'tdav of March, A D 18I51J. C. IS. ALVORD, J. P. filetsrs. OfCEar' &. Wehrfritz have just received', at tho Crytlal Palace saloon, a consignment of ale and' por ter, which they keep on draught, and draw from their patent German foun tains. Go and try some some of it. 2-Gtf NOTICE! County, City W;u rants and Jurors' Certificates, ac cepted accounts against the City or County bought at the highest market price at the Cochise County Bank If j'ou want bargains in oil cloths iud carpets, go to Schoenfeld & lley- man's. 3-26 im I BEG LEAVE TO INFORM i'HE PUBLIC IN TOMBSTONE and vicinity that I ba e returned from the East with a largo supph' of the Celebrated Simonds' Nabob and is now toi sale bj-the gallon, bottle and smaller quantities at my bar -TQS. PASCHOLY, Occidental Hotel IN THE JUSTICE'S COURT. TOWNSniP No. 1, In the County of Cocbise, Terriio y oi Arizona, btfore C, . Alvord, J, P.; demand, S24.S5. Cadwell & Stanford, Plaintiff, 1 vs Nnthan'cl Aleiand r, Dert. ) the Territory of Arizo. a sends greeting to Nutcanel Ahsitsder, delendant: You are I ere by sammonsdacd icquiied to appear before me as my tflice in Ti mbstone, county of Cochue, on tbe SOth da of April. A D tiSS, at ten o'clock a. m , to answer tne complaint, i lie aoove-namea nlalnnlTj. who demsnd ot yon that von are in de Hid io them lu the sum of S-.t4.25, fur goods and merchan lacpuioia-ca ana aeiivtrca loyot. tjonrown lurtauccand rtqncst. a morn lully appe rsbr c niplalnt now ou file In my office And If yoa fuU to appear and answer raid com- j BlUt aB nerciu riquireu, ius iitiuuiu c ..... mii. nri 'tni-iit. Birsinst vott as demniided andt.rtlie mts ol this suit. Given nadcr my hand this first day of March, A. D. 18S6. IN THE JUSTICE'S COURT, TOWNSHIP No. 1. in tie c nnty of Coculso, Territory ot Arizona, bc'ore C E. Alvord, J. P, ; demand SM. cadnell&Stanfrrd, Plalntlfl, 1 vs. . Ames, De.endant. . ) Tao Terf Itory of Arizona tends Ktectirg to A. Amen, defendant: Y.u are heraov snmmonstl and r qired to appear before me Ut my o3ce In Tombstone, c.nuty ol C Cbl'e, on tne 30to day or Apr 1, A D 1SS2. at 10 o'clock a m.. to answer tne compialat cf the arove-named plt:ntW, who dm. ca i f von that yoa are indebted to t'j-i la the sum of S'it, f r goods ana tneicaadise pa r.hitred nml deliver d to ou of own InstanLO and req icst, as u.orc fully sppats by comp'aint nf.w ot. Ule 111 mv ouice. aiw i. yoa .... .wup nar snd aLitwer snid complaint ss h.'rein re- unleed, the plaintiff will jndement aga!nt ' tven nnder my hand this 2nd day or March A D nstf. c. e i 1 l j.p First Insertion March 27, 168(5.1 Notice of Forfeiture. TO JOHN SIMPSOX AND IKE ROSEN uurtu. You are hereby notified that I haTe cr- and improvements on the "Little Jack" lode anu minini; ciuiui. snuoiou ... iuc ,.u..u Mining District, County of Coehiae. Terri tory cf Arizona; locatlori notice of which claim is recorded in Rook of Mines No. 5, piigu G53, Cochise County Records, nnder tbe provisions of Bectlon U3i4, Revised Statutes of the United States. Now there fore, if witbiu ninety (00) days from date thereof and publication of tins fail or refuse to contiibute each of jou your liroportion of said expenditures and cost of this publication aa co-owners, your interests in said mine oi claim, will lecorac tho prop erty of the unders'.srned, under said section 2S21, Revised Statutes of the United States. J. P. JJ ANSFIEuI). BisiiKEAiizrna, March 24, 1SSC. For Sale. An elegant lady's saddle. For part culiirs enquire at litis office. AT THE Union News .Depqt Can Always bo Fonnd the best Assortment of Books, Toys .and Stationery MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. .' - PERIODICALS, '- MAGAZINES E'TC Allen Strcet,in Grand Hotel B'ld'g. SOL ISRAEL, Proprietor PAPAGO 324 FREMONT STREET. "Fine Groceries of every description, choli est brands of Kentucky Wbhkey and Gruitt oi illci o d kept, constantly on 'hand and sold at lbwcst prices - " ' rank B. Austin, Prop tsayers supplies always on handacj of the best qua'ty. Is acknowledged by eminent surtreoiiS to ta thR purest and finest known, and Invaluib.a to inriilids. SiMMONDS' KENTUCKY NABOB BOUX RON WHISKY has been wnll known for nmny years, beinj; unsurpatsed. for IU e2C8l. lent qualitr and delicious flavor. BVurybocy who has tried it says lt is the best ' la the world. Families supplied by tbe scllou,care. ur uolt.'e. ESf None genuine unless my lignatu.e is across the cork, "G.SlronnndsJ' My arent is authorized to sell to the trade, liulf barrel, barrel direetslilpment from Ken tucky or from his warehouse a San Bernar dino. Sold by tho bottlo and gallon by BOTHIN, TWEEb & COMPANY. Sole Aficuts for Tombstone and vltinltr. The Fountain. Tno Fountain Chop House is the cooh-t place. in iiju. city to take a ilieal, Ko sutoke". Iic:itnr-.cill froffilhft-bVcUeivlt tiroly scpuRitc Irijm tiie'ainin? room'. No fore-quarter beef used. Nothing but tte choicest cuts, fish, game, oysters, etc Pri vtte entrance from Toughuhl street to tbo boxes. octTtl. Bourbon Whisky, For Sale. The old established and only Undertaking lrasinessi in Tombstone, either with or witliont the real etato. Terms repsonanic. For nticulars, address a. j. HITTER, Tombstone, Aii; 2-9tf (Dyar & Baldwin;, "Wholesale and retail dealers In B.QQk Sslt, Bme? rOTAJ'OES, CAxaNED GOODS, find all kinds ot GROCERIES Goods sold cheaper thuj other' Mrs. Head has been appointed agent for Connor's ranch, butter which she receives fresh cVery atui day. Also fresh' buttermilk on hand 3-17 XS Many a Lady is beautiful, all but her skin ;' and nobody has ever told' her how easy it is to put beauty on the skin. Beauty on the skin is Magnoligi ; Balm. " " " 1- "-li