Newspaper Page Text
F-FICJAL PAPER ,0F Cochise County r.-V t.n. in. 'wrtl Tho thernioriictcr masked 84 to i The modern Hercules at Ihe Elite theater to night. Jusi received at Hcrrcra & McCUtre's the i'nL'st balled oat hay over brought to, this city. "5 23 t Judge Alexander Campbell returned io Tucson this morning. It is repotted that, diphtheria has again m'ade.ifs appearance in camp. The county hospital contains .ten patient. The choicest or fesh groceries at ITerrern McOlurc'i. ... . , ' sastr Several large signal, fires., were no ticed in the Santa CatalftT-aVlast riiglit The cheapest and best store to trade in town, is at Hcrrcra & McClurc. 5 23:f Hon. C. C. Bean will please accept thanks for a copy of the report of the commissioner of Education. I Business meeting of tile anti-Chinese league to-morrow night'; don't forget it. ev. Mr. Pearson, pastor of the 31' 3hurch, who has been seriously ill ome .weeks, is reported convales- .0 E.ision has removed his of ihe room formerly occupied by j Richardson, adjoining ILut 3 jewelry store. Vednesday List, a track walker . die S. P. It. R., saw about twenty Indians pass near tile hrst station cast of Lovie! Major S.M. WhiUide, U. S. A., now stationed in Dakota, arrived in this city last evening, after a four years absence from the territory. The (statement that the Contention mine is do'iii no' Work! is1 riot correct.' Tilers are about a dozen meu esn jiloed t'.uro cxistiully in tilling out ore. Mr. C. W. Haggart, brother of Gil lagg:ml, who was buried on Wed nesday List, arrived ni the city last liiht from Fargo, one day too late for 'i the funeral. t .fudge and S. M.- Franklin, Esq., of Tucson, are registered at tlo Ocei leutal. They came up tb attend Ihi tcssion of tne District Court and io get couled off. It looked las'- evening as if the raiu i god intended favoring us with a show er. The signs proved treacherous though, not more than three drops tb' tHe sq.i.'.re rod falling.' 0. B. Bloomer will start i'l a day or two, to examine a gold property about thirty miles b'olow Nogalos, hi SouOra, belonging to C. 15. -Aycrs. Samples from the mine show free gold in large quantities. Judge Easlon, wife and grand son readied Tombstone last evening from Texas. Tlie Judge states that the grass is very short in a large poition of that state, and cattle dying by the thousand. In some sections, however heavy rains have recently fallen.' and at a place called Big Springsj about 400 miles this side ol El Paso the railroad track for a lotif distance was iiooded. The piilv female member of the Grand Army is Mrs. E. II. Howe of New York. She acted as one of the Hides' de camp in the memorial day procession in that city. At the break ing out of the war she enlisted as a drummer, was wounded at Frcdcricks b'lirg, afterwards threw aside her drum and shouldered a mu-iket, ud marched and fought with the regi ment and was dangerously wounded at Lookout Mountain. She ia a line -r.-ewomau and can handle a saber . cavalryman. .jibstone, a few' day? since, Tut; rilithcd aii account taken from the . lal Record: of the death by drown- i:i the G'ilallivor of a man named J. T. Yw'lK It was not suspected at '. ;? time that it wa3 the J. P. 'Wells formerly connected with the Boston Mill and Mining Company, of this place, as he was thought to be in an other part of- the Territory. Finns Sheriff Bob Hatch, however, a re porter learns that, there caii be little dorbt lliat it is the same me man, as he lelt the .locality mentioned aboiu two months 'siucv, and went to Pinal county to examine some mining jxojKTty. Washington-. May 30, 1SS6. Mn.. Editoh The Pro-ident has several tjmeo during the past. week. driven otit to his recently purchased summer residence upon the Tenally town road, and on Wednesday he sat upon the broad front veranda for mora than an hour and enjoyed the magnificent view whieli is obtained from tliis point. It is generally conceded that -in nothing that Mr. Cleveland has done since he became President, has he shown- greater good sense than in the purchase of this estate. The place has long been known as "Pretty Pros pect," arid it was rightly named. The locality is qttilc an aristocratic one Near by is "Woodley," which was for. merly the home of Philip Barton Key. and is now Occupied by Chief Engin eer Henderson, of-tho 17. S. Navy, while a short distance to the west ward io "Grassland," tlie country seat of Secretary Whitney, and upon the opposite side of the road is the estate of the Georgetown College. Not only has the Presidsnt secured a delightful summer residence, at a sufficient distance from the city to enable him to pass the summer months in comparative freedom from the cares and worries incident to a life in the While House, and at the same time near enough to insure his presence on short notice if occasion' demanded, but at the sairie time his invest rh'erit is likely to prove a very profitable one. .Massachusetts avenue, which is soon to be extended, will reach very near the estate, and a de lightful drive of one and a half miles will then separate it from the White House. .Every indication about the White House for some time past, has been such as to point to a social crisis of some kind, and the fact thai tlip Pres ident's, wedding was to take place :u June has been generally accepted. Newspaper correspondents have fath oined every possible source of inform ation, ia hopes of ascertaining the cx ac. date of the occurrence, and having failed, they had re.-olved themselves into a sort of self-constituted commit tee of arrangement?; and viftiially settled the question in their own minds. By unanimous decision of the aforesaid committee, the date was set upon June 19th, and the ceremony was to" take place in New York City. Everything having thus beeii settled, excepting perhaps come of the minor details, tfic official announcement, which was made on Saturday morn ing, to the effect that the wedding would take place in the Blue Boom of the White House, on Wednesday evening, June 2nd, created a sensa tion not only among nespaper men but tlie general public, such as has been seldom equaled. The arrange ments will be of tho simplest order. The President will go to New York to-day and will participate in the Deeoratioii Day observances, and will return on Tuesday in company with Miss Folsom and members of her fam ily. The ceremon- will take place at 7 o'clock in the eveniug, and will be followed by a wedding supper in the Stale dining room. Probably no bill that lias been dis cussed during the present session of Congress has excited a more general and hearty interest, both among the members themselves and the general public, thau Ins the bill which im poses iv tax of ten cents per pound on oleomargarine and other substitutes for butter, and making the Interual Revenue Bureau responsible for tlie collection of tlie tax. The bill won a place upon the calendar on Mouday, arid the de'jate was opened by Messrs. W. L. Scott, of Pennsylvania, and Mr. Uokins, of Illinois, both of whom spoke in favor of the bill. They main tained that so great had the industry grown that the dairymen of the coun try who are engaged in the manufac ture of butter from milk alone, can ik t long survive the competition oE the oleomargarine makers, and that the tax is proposed as a metliod of le strietiug the manufacture of an un wholesome product. The opponents of tlie bill insist that the bill is un constitutional upon the ground that, it is. an attempt to regulate matiufao tures, by protecting one class at the expense of others. The sentiment ol the House is, however, overwhelming ly in favor of the bill, which will doubt'ess' become a law if a rotcis secured upon it. In accordance' with tlie usual cus tom the President issued an executive order closing the several Executive Department's oh the 31st inst., to en able tile employes to participate in tlie decoration of the graves of soldiers who fell during the rebellion. A very large majority of the clerks will, how ever, avail themselves of th(runu,ual low excursion rates which arc being offered by the railroad companies to Harper's Ferry, Pen! if Mar, Luray Caverns and other points of interest. ' ' v , , .' Ill Grant! Cciitml iSfotes. - From Charlie Leach, foreman of tlie Grand Central mine, The Tomb stone learns that the caving at the mine nas about ceased. At the-time of the lire the cage caught somewhere in the vicinity of the 300-foot level; on t'ais fell the debris from the burn ing hoist, and since that the caved ground, with this as a foundation, has tilled the ihaftupto within ab'ottt twenty feet of the mouth'; No effort has been made to enter the mine since the almost fatal at tempt last week, and it will probably be several weeks yet before explora tions can be attempted with safety. Superintendent Gage, who arrived last eveniug from the East, was to have met lie appraiser sent down by the insurance companies from Cali fornia. Upon the selection of an ap praise- by 3r' Gugc the work of esti mating the damage will begin. If Mr. Gage's selection is made here, the work will probably begin to-fnbrrow'. If he detei mines to send to Califor nia for a party, it will, of course, lie delayed soms days. As to the luturc inoNeiiients if the company nothing ! has been learned. Tle full complement of tliirty-hve men has been secured, about an number of Americans and Mexicans. They arc all picked men, every one of them has been under lire and wil not flinch if they got under an Apache volley. . The rangers have for captain, M. G. Samanicgoj sc'coiid iii command, IV. N. Leather.vood, trailer, Jesus Maria Elias. They will have a pack train of I en mules. They go out to get Indians, at any cost, and will leave this morning for Fort Lowell where they will be provided with mounts and all o'ther necessaries.' General Miles will probably sec them to-morrow and give them instructions. The Star has big faith in the men who make up the Tucson ltanger3 and predicts theywill return with a good 'report. Star, June 3rd, ,nnd Office Circular. Washington, June 2. The follow ing circular has been issued froni tlie General Land OlHce to-day : To Registers and Receivers U. S. Land Offices: Gentlemen The repeal of the pre emption, 'timber culture and desert land laws being now subject to con sideration by Congress, all applica tions to enter claims under tho said laws are hereby suspended front and after this date u'ntii the first day of August, ISSo, and you are hereby di rected to receive no filings or new ap plications for entry under eaid laws during that time. Signed Yr:i. II. J. SrAKics. Commissioner. Approved, - L. Q. C. Lam ah, ' Secretary. The following instruments nave been filed iri the office of the County Rec order: LOCATION. ' Dial gold and biker mice, J)ca Ca bZim district, James Seen Henry Dial, J. P. Johnson. Solitary mine, Dos Oabezai district, A. F. Moo'sam", J. Carver. AFFIDAVIT Of Henry Percy, as to,- number of cattle killed during the month of May. Mr. Ghas. Ames, one of the owneis of the Grand Ceutuil milie wi 1 arrive in this city to-morrow eveniug from Youugstown, Ohio. -It is learned that a new shaft will be started on the Grand Central with in ten days, and that all the men t.iul woik cm b; found for, will receive euijioymeu t. Trial of I-iCST ff,iiiirueiit da -ivliicJi Reputations Depend. No class of professional men are so .susceptible of prbfesiotia! jealousy as doctors. When an invalid calls in a certain doctor, he must be content to abide by his advice, unless he can afford the expensive luxury of a con sulfation, y;hero a dozen or more of tlie piofessioii put their heads to gether aiid sit upon his case. The assuring comfort of a word of advice from a single physician, without the consent of a regularly employed medico, is denied .him. It would bo unprofessional, and though the out sider may intimate by nods, slnugs, exclamations, groans, and pve.i in definite profanity that the other doctor is-dosing his patient o death, he will not commie himself to an a -sertion of that, fact toT the patient. A ICearny-street storekeeper, a man who makes hi3 own wares and sella them, was laid up the other day with a badly swollen leg, occasioned by undue indulgence iri the Highland fling at the Caledonia picnic. He called in liis family physician, who prescribed a lotion. "Bat tho more vigorously the patient rubbed in the lotion, the more the swelling increas ed and the other leg, through sym pathy, began to exhibit an abnormal dv-elopment. The sick man was badly scared. His faith in the physi cian's skill was wnakeued. Ho re solved to consult another doctor on the aly. "Hump! what have you b'ceii doing for th'ia?" asked the second scientist. "Nothing, doctor; nothing," re plied the patient, glancing nervously around to see that no trace of tho first adviser's medicine was visible. Number two wrote a prescription and departed. Hopefully tho patient ap plied it; but, to his horror, die legs were larger than ever tlie iidxl iftorn- j irig. , , , ' "Henry," he .-aid to his son, "I'll give both those doctors i fair shake, Now I'll assign Doctor A. to the right leg, and Doctor B. to the left, and we'll time 'em, Henry, so that B don't get in a spoonful more lotion on the left than A. do.JS.on the right, nor one secoric's more rubbing. Give me ny 'watch,' lad, an 1 we'll have a fair start." Being of a sporting turn, the sick man infolmed the sympathetic friends who visited him of the nature of the trial, and the pools sold like wildfire, the patieut claiming only a small per centage in the form of bottled ale on the bets. "I won't put up a cent on either leg, or you fellows might think I wasn't handling the legs fair," he said. "Measure 'em, Henry." The tape showed a decline of a quarter inch in the circumference of the light leg, and Dr. A. went up at orice in tlie pools and was a strong favorite during tlie rest of the day. But when on (lie evening measurement the left leg had not only offset that quarter inch, but had dropped a quarter on its own account, the betting was ten to four on Dr. B. with few takers. The con test will not be decided before tho end of the week. A bulletin board posted at the head of the patient's bed gives the latest measurement quotations and tlie re'eord of the betting. A large sum will change I'ands on the rosult. though the disponition of the early bookmakers to hedge. both ways is very apparent. S. 1' . Call. Tho Britle'f 5rcs.u The press report brings a tw.!-col-ilinn account of the President's wed ding. The only item of interest in the report is one that affects the fem inine portion of the community, namely, a description of tho bridts' costume, which was as follows ; "The bride wore an enchanting wedding dress of ivory satiu, simply garnished on a high corsage with India muslin cressed in Grecian folds and carried in exquisite falls over the petticoats; The orango blossom gar niture coniniencing upon the veil iif a superb coronet, is continued throughout the costume with artistic skill. Her ve'ri of tulle, abodt five' yards in length, completely enveloped her, falling to the -edge of h-T petti coat in and extending the entire length of her -full'- court train. Sue carried no flowers and wore no jewel ry, except .an engagement ring, con taining a sapphire and two diamonds atid a plain wadding ring, which had bjen on her linger before she descended the staircase." AIVOT3IEJS VlC'i'BSI. Apaches .Tnmp Jimmy Carr's Ranch in tlie 23nacliuc:i9. Pat Maloney, who has a ranch at tho southwest end of the Huachucas, arrived in camp this afternoon, and states that while passing through Charleston a messenger arrived from Jimmy Carr's horse ranch," on the west side of the Huachucas at the mouth of Hayea and Tanner's Pass with the" news that the Apaches jumped the ranch this morning and killed a man. They also it is thought ran off som? stock'. Thcro were two men named Malone and Cole in charge of the stock, and tba report would indicate it was one of the tivo; but which' is no't known. TKa ms scngor asked for assistance and it is stated a party was made tip" to go' to tho scene of the massacre. Touto rroiih'lea Uacte Sa.!ii; Hets oii & siolidriy. Measra Van Alen, Samuels and Laird arrived lately arrived from Gen eral springs, at the head of East Fork Verde. They etate that thev wara on the road to Apache 'county arid found on a tree dated May 28th' a note sign ed Mr. Salter stating that GOO Indians had left the reservation on the 20th and that 300 of them were headed for Ton to Basin country and that all par lies were warned to move their famil ies to Green valley for general protec tion and safety. They - immediately retunied to Prescott. From the Mog- olion mountains they could see.firra in the direction of the dry fork of Tonic. She supposition is that the infqnualioii was forwarded by runners as llu notice stated that the inform. - tion was started from Globe. Courier EriiTon ToiicsTONn : Tho Epitapl made me say, (in its report cf my speach) that "Mr. Justice Pinney's misfortune changed all of his Grocer ics and provisions. I did not say that, but did say that it changed all of his previous predilections; Yery Respectfully CiiAM.r.- Granville Johnton, Vai-d oi" TliaiikK. Rescue Hose Company desires to return thanks to Mesdames Jenkins, Bagg, Cook, Howell, Clark and Wehr fritz, for their kind donations of flow era on Me r.orial day, and to' Judge Stilwell and J. E. Durke for a bounti ful supply of refreshments. Mrs. T.A. Jones arrived to dav from Nogales. Mrs. L. Schoenfeld and Mrs. A. Fortlouis are enjoying themselves at Fort Htlacliuca. If you' desire something fine for breakfast, go to the Maisou Doree and Dau will cook you some of those fine fat frogs. The news was flashed over the wires to-day that Judge Barnes of the Firat Judicial District of Arizona, had been confirmed by the Senate. This wil. end fh'e controversy regarding the president's right tc remove trie judiciary. . At a meeting of Engine Co. No. 1, held last eveaing, it was unanimously resolved to join with Rescue Hcse Co. in the ball July 5th. A meeting of both companies will ba held at Reeue Hose house this evening to make ar rangements for tlie saine. Attention is called to the mam- lh'oth advertisement of II. J. Sadler, which appears in this issue. This es- tablisment, the largest m tho general mcrchandieo lino in the city, an nounces a sweeping reduction in prices, anu inteuomg purcnasers would do well tb pay them an early call and secure bargains. For sluggish bowels, torpid liver, indigestion, bad breath, flatulence, ick headache, Ayer' Cathartic Pills aic the certain remedy. By land or at sea' out on the prairie or in the crowded city, they are the best pills for purgative purposes, everywhere alike convenient, efficacious and safe'. -4-iw An error crept into The Tombstone the other nay in the statoment that in modifying the injunction in'the water right.cise of, Hill et al vsJLc Nbrniand, the Court had granted'the defendant t,he use of the water from sunrise to "sunset cv'tfry-other night durinir the summer. It tliould have read every other night for ten days. E'erfect 2.11. The following is a list of perfect scholars. at the public school, for the week ending June 4, 1886: . First Grade Michael Walsh, Nich olas Cas.tello, Harry Tl:-.mpson, Thomas Dorsey; Cora Goodrkh, Jesse Lowery, Allie Howe, Minr.: Hill, Addie Slaughter, Frank McCuilough, Maggie McCormick, Nellie Hughes Maggie Hill. Second Grade Minuie Bauer, Harry Hughes, Rosa Hattich, Emil Hartmann. Ralph Brown, John Chy nowclh, Emily Ashman, Tonkin Williiim's; Irene Packard, Harry. Gillam, Harry Waters. Third Grade---James .Brawn, .".ci lery Butler, Josio Dutrens. TV, borah Dodge, Katie F-of. Vir-' gicia Fetterman, Ava G-.: A-r-nie Hill, Bertie Holland, EtaJt Sprngue, Katio Temley, M:eh-,..el Twomoy, Richard Wood, Albert. Vifc tigj Freddie Watts. Maggie Hartuett, Emma Rauer, Emma Stumpf. Fouith Grade Beatrice Plewiti, Eddie Bums, John Garrett, Ids Mc: Cullough, Harry Proop.J, ITormaa Plath, Lilian Packard, Ceorge Swam Christian Wilson, Martiri ' Walsh' Minnie Wiltts: Orjraiis Cheap. Mi. Geo. Ivohler his for sals some fino Organs direct, from the factory he will sell o.n the instalment plan at 10 per month. Call and see them at the furniture store on Allen street opposite the Elite Theatre.. o-5tf The partnership betweon G. S. Brodshaw and T. Taft, in the Bisbee stage lino, will go into effect July 1st. Quite a heavy rain visited the Huiichucaa to-diy. The edge of the storm cloud passed over Tombstone, leaving a small amount of m'oisture. Tt is reported that G. 3. Bradshaw and J. B. Ayers. of Charle3',on, will enter into partnership, or that the latter will buy out the Fashion saloon' ; ere long. The special school tax has been coming in to da' at a rapid rate. To-' morrow the tax wdl become delin quent. Collector Behan can be found at the District Court Clerk's office until 4 p. m. The examination of Dick Richards fur assault with .intetit to, kill Mike McGloin, began to-day at 1 o'clock in Justice Alvord's Court, and is in progress as The Tombstone goes to press. Upon the adjournment of the Dis trict Court, which will occur probibly the last of next week, a grand jury will be called in the County Court for the purpose of passing upon criminal cases. Mr. A. Baiir takes the lead of them all arid invites the public of Tombstone to call at his butcher shop if they de sire prime American beef muttou and rtork. Mr. J. M. Stump, who has for some time been working gold properties in . Miller's canyon. Huachuca .moun tains, is in the city. Not long since' he erected a Dyer Cannon Ball mill wiiicli works suscessftilly; Tlie ore' contains snlphurets in a large decree and Mr. Stump is uow engaged io putting in a-set of concentrators. The aggregate of San Carlos Ac . -y " Indians in 1S81 wai 4,57S. live vpftn ' 1'iter the official numeration niae'es the? number at 5,000 as follows; White" Moumtain Apaches, including Coyote ros 1,500 ; Sari Carlos Apaches 1,150; Chiricahnas including Warm Spring Indians 450 ; Apache Yuma 350 ; Apa- - cheTonto 000; Apache Mohave 700; Supai 214. Upon visiting the stable th'ia" morn ing an employe found a very valuable horse belonging to Mr. Blinn with its'" right foreleg broken. The cause of the accident is not known, but it is thought the animal had the leg caught under the manger in lying" down or getting up. Mr. Blitin or dered the animal shot, but &l the re quest of Mr. G. S. Bradshaw lie was turned over to him. Securing 'tha services of Dr. Goodfellow the'limb" was set, tli3 horse swung up and the probabilities now are that in due timii these gentlemen will own a $305 horse'' in good condition. I Caution. From ami after'this djile all per' sons are' cautioned not to truit my wife Mary Lee as I will not pyhn b'il!& contracted by her. C. F. L'ii Tombstone, May 27, 13B-.