Newspaper Page Text
QFFTciAL PAPER " Uf Cochise County. --" y " ' U. S.Miirahul Jlehde arrived in this city from Prescott last evening: Eobert Upton is confined to his room by a "severe attack of maleria. E. K. Monk, a resident of Willcox 2 registered-at the Occidental. Subscribe Jor "and advertise in The Dailt Tombstone. Herman Scliniyiiing has announced, .himself 'as a 'candidate for the office of City Treasurer. Schoenfeld & Hevrann are jnsr in receipt of a large consignment of large beer glasses (schooners). Call ncd examine-. jeSOlf From the" appears nee of things, it looks as if Jlessiqk woald'lose his bet on the rain'quesliori. ' Messrs. Taft : Bradshaw have lo cated their Bisbce stage office in that of Sandy 'Bob. A. Fortlonts, wholesale dealer Id imported and domestic liquors, vrine's and cigars, Is selling out his entire stock nt cost, anil for ... ' " 7-ltf E. B. Gage viho -went to Dcming yesterday morning, is expected to re turn this evening. ' Hermann Welisch is nearly ready to open up hi large stoctof goods to c public, and will probably do so on 7Tonday next. Fred W. Smith, formeily of this city, but now collector of customs at Yuma, p.issud through Benson yester day en route to El P.iso. ' Turn Allisou has to Wrestta to furnish his numerous customers,'' bpecitnen of very "choice Euglisli" in this morniug's Jtongoliati. v. As will be seen by a card in another column, the business houses ofthio city will remain.-'closod on Monday next. Tom Gregory has caused another fclwutot paiu to pierce tne political aspiration of Bu'rko by announcing himself as a cnudidats for County Assessor. . The attendance at the race track on Sunday next will probably (be tb; largest ever known. Some of the ihiest horses in the county "hare been entered for the different races and are now in actire training. Mr. Thomas Ncgrie will lead to the alter to-morrow Miss Tcresita Fry. The happy couple have a host of friends in this city, who wish them a life of uualoycd pleasure and prosp erity. About as happy a man as could be found in Tombstone to-day, was J. L. Mellgreu, and enquiry elicited the fact that liis wife had yesterday pre sented "him with a scai.'' This is the foUrth child that lias been born to Mr. Mellgren and his wife in Tomb stone. The twenty-seventh annual com mencement exercises of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary were held Monday night in Chestnut street Church. There was an immense audi ence. Rev. F. 1. Kerfoot, D. D., of Brooklyn, N. Y., made the opening prayer, and the "choir sang a selection from Mozart's twelfth mass, "Sanctus." Dr. B.oyco delivered diplomas to the graduates of the various schools. F.rom Alabama there were: W. M. B.lackwelder, W. IT. Smith, J. IT. Jester, C. E. NnMi, W. J. Elliott, II. i. Ralls. -Western Record. The distressing word was received in town this morning, by the arrival of a Mexican, that the btore of I. II. Levy and the saloon of Mr. Monctti were destroyed by fire at Vulture yes terday at noon. There are no details as to the origin or aa to goods or books ..Yid. Mr. Levy, who is in towrij tells us that his stock was valued at at least 515,000 and his books at $5,000, the insurance upon which waa very light owing to the high rate of insur ance at that camp. Tnus in ;i few abort hours Mr. Levy will lose the re- sulis of seven hard years of business ai-d labor. The poslofiice was in A vy's store, and that loss will amount ' something. Monetti loses at least i f" worth of property and was not i !. AVe sympathize with the f i . Gazette. S' i V i me Has now arrived, when everybody men, women and child-cn, need have no 'more cause to complain of the heat,' aa the swimming baths will open early Sunday morning. Everything is new and clean; 50.000 gallons of water will hu constantly running in and out, makingth'e water pure and clean. There' will he '& first-class bar connected with the baths where noth ing but the choicest of liquors aud cigars will be kept. There will be separate hours for ladies. Only 25 cents will be charged for haths. ' A buss will be run Constantly from Al len street to the baths, taking passen gprs to and fro for ten cents. Re member the baths will be open to the public earl' on "Sunday morning. ft. 4,'nrd. We the undersigned merchants of Tombstone," in consideration of -the Fourth of July falling on Sunday, do agree not to open our respective places of business on Monday, July 6th, 880: ' Wolcott & Mesick, Dyar : Baldwin, R. P. Mansfield. Jos'. Hoefler, Myers & Bros, Palace Pry Goods Store, Job M. Seamans fe Son, A. Cohn, Macneil & Moore, Barrow & Bagg, Herrera & McClure, H. Schmeiding, Cochise H. &, T. Co., A. E. Hurtmann, H. K. Tweed, H. J. Sadler, Sol Israel, Schoenfeld fc Heyman, L. B. Van Burt, J. M. Leary, C. E. Fredrick, Geo. E. Koliler, T. A. Atchison, S. L. Hart, Herman Welisch, J. Barnes. The following instruments wete tiled in the office of tho County Re corder to-day: "";- AFFIDAVIT. J. Er'erhardy & Co. as to amount of cattle slaughtered fur the month of July. - jsi ' The regular busiuos meeting of the Tombstone anti-Chinese league, will tuko place at the City Hall at 3 o'clock to-monow evening. Every member oi the league is requested?to be pre serit ap business ol the utmost im portance will be transacted. By order of . C. X. Thomas. - President. - W.. A. tf&u,.S?cft&fy, -- 3-2t -.- Atjr.utiou Firemen. "The committee of arrangements of the Firemen's Ball, will meet at the Tombstone Engine House this even ing at 7 :30 o'clock. Every member of the committee is requested to be present, as some very important busi ness will be transacted. Thos. Kkefk, Chairman. I lev. Cha, 53. iVasIi. At the instance of the First Baptit church in Montgomery, the First church in Briminvjham called a pres bytery for the purpose of ordaining Rev. C. E. Nash to the full work of the ministry on June 2, 1886. Revs. M. B. Wharton, J. C. Hudson, D. I. Purser and W. C. Cleveland composed tho presbytery. After care ful and thorough examination the presbytery proceeded to tne ordina tion. Rev. M. B. Wharton preached a sermon appropiate to the occasion Rev. W. C. Cleveland offered the or-, dination prayer, Rev. D. I. Purser delivered tho charge, Rev. J. C. Hud son presented the Bible, after which the congregation was dismissed by Bcv. O. E. Nash. - - W. C. Ci.evela.xd, Mod. D. I. Pursfr, Clerk. Alabama Baptist. V- Ayer's Ague Cure is a powerful ton ic bitter, composed wholly of veg etabe substances-. Its action is pecu liar, prompt aud powerful, bieaking up the chill, curing the fever, and.ex pelliug the poison from the system, yet leaving no harmful or unpleasant effect upon tLc patient. Sufferers from chills and fever who have used quinine as a jemedy will appreciate this. 1 w. Judge Barnes arrived in this city last evening from Santa Monica where he has been engaged in sea bathing. Ho has letmned to Tomb stunt- to finish the furnishing of a house in this city where iic will reside in the future previous to the arrival of his wife who is now in Santa Monica. A 32oKt EInqiient Acal to llie PatriotiMti ol'ToIxloiio. is Tombstone going to celebrate the Fourth of July? Is she going to make the eagle scream? Why should other towns blow their fingers off with the brass cannon or shoot deadly p nson into their per sons with' the toy pistol and Tomb stone sit around whittling a stick and acting as though it was Christmas? ' If nwghboiing town are going to be burned np'by the firecracker un der tha sidewalk it' is time Tombstone moved in the matter' als6. Let us celebrate the proud day. If the prom inent citizens of surrounding towns are going to get full and snort around and say '.hey can lick John L. Sulli van with one hand, let us see that our leading citizens are given an equal chance. There seems to' be no" gfood reason why ve shouldn't have just as much trouble in Tombstone that day as they have anywhere else. We can easily get a good second hand eagle some where, one that is hal'ler-broken and j wnnt kick out behind, and if we can't make it scream it will ba funny Then there is the toy cannon; if it" is properly Joadtf'l it, will kdl j ust as many folks as any other. We could have some horse races and probably a pony would .hiOW its rider, and af ter that a baseball game, aud the crowd could pound the umpire and mob him all over the ground. 9f- 11 Bii33!-uiic Arrest. Advices fiom Nogalee, dated June 27th give the following particidars of an important arrest niado in that place last Sunday : "Frank L Smith alias J IT. Mor-r-11 was arrested at this place charged with the crime of murder committed at Chadro-', Nebraska about- four years ago. The arrest was made by James Blades :'nd Dr. Purdy in the International Hotel at 0 o'clock this morning. Smith offered no re istance mer. ly remaiking when ordered to throw up his hands, "You are jok ing." - - Smith come up to this-plaee about three months ago and bought into a commission and forwarding house on tho Sonora side of the line, very sel dom comming into the United Statrs. Dr. Purdy formerly a deputy sheiiff, noticing the man's peculiar actions, determined to watcli him. He had his suspicions confirmed by Smith re lating n stage .robbery which took place in Wyoming. Soon afterward Dr. Purdy obtained a letter the pris oner had written and torn up. Past ing the pieces to-getlur he found out his limine was Smith and not Moirel. He immediately communicated by letter with James S Smith the sheriff of Cheyenne Wyoming, asking if Smith was wantad. A reply came "Yes for murder. He is a notorious desperado, murderer, hore and cattle thief. Reward of $5,000 offered." Yesterday an oiderfor his arrest Caine by telegraph. The prisoner's story is that his right name is Morrel aid that Smith was a man he killed and that Smith had seduced his 6ioter-in-law. Dui ing the quarrel Smith was shot The prisoner jays he lived for four jcarb at Chadron. After the killing three Grand Juries refused to indict - him. The present sheriff is a brother of the murdered manaud has finally got him indicted. The'true story is that the prisoner ambushed Moirel and shot him in the back and robbed the body over 56,000. He then assumed the murdered maYs name and fled the country. At the time of his ar rest the piisoner was negotiating for a cattle ranch in Mexico. He was turned over to Constable Frank Sin sel. Sheriff Smith leaves Cheynne to day and will reach here about July 4th, to take the prisoner back. Citi zen. 2on't Forget. That to-morrow evening, J. B. Ayers, who is now the proprietor of the Fashion Saloon, bus prepared a great treat and surprise for his friends and patrons at 10 o'clock. We are not at liberty to state, what the sur prise will be, but we can state that everybody who is present at that hour will never regret it. ' . Masters Dall Hawkins and Ralph Schoenfeld, two enterprising young boys of this city have ojr'iied a stuitd fo- the sale of tire-works, Hags, etc., for the Fourth of Jily, and they should be liberally patronized bythoe of our citizens who Ajesire to be pa triotic. ' i". Bisbee in Ashes. The Fire extends from Sol Pierce's Saloon to the Smelter One side and from the Queen Res taurant on the other side of the street. A fire broke out in 'Bisbee to-day and destroyed the main business por tion of the city. Full particulars tomorrow. A Jiar Cherub. A mystery surprising- the ruytery of Gilga', described in J. lm Ha3's verse3 was discover, d yesterday on the excursion of iLe Five Eoints chil dren. When 'they started out they -wee carefullr counted and there were 223 of them filling' five ' cira. When they came back they were counted ai.d foUiid to bn 22 The happy Five Pointers went to Coona on the Lonrr Taiand . liiilway and ute c ke aud drank lemonade. t$ xt en .di.icov ret four-leat clovers fourteen fell out of swi gs, ten were frightened by devil's darning . needles and five, wanted to ca np out in the wo ds and bs-c mc hig'hwaynien. ill oaina back to N- w Yojr happy but one, and he caniH back crying cry ing becdU.-e he was born when the j.ic n ic was over. Mrs. C rry nho went to the picnic "was the mother of tho two hun dred and tventy-fuurt!i child on that memorial t xcussion. The young man was borne :t o 1 ite loi dinmr and when the lusio a le had nar:y given out. lie k'.pt up his coura' -ami came lack to New York with ihe rest of the children. He l.a 1 no round trip licke'- aud tne eonduc or 1st lnui ri le free. - " Five Points excursions hsvc the reputation of leaving town and earn ing hick with three or four more people then New York Jour nal. A great lime is m store for the patrons of the FasJiiun to-morrow evening. . ..,",. - - The thermometer cams" within, half a notch of reaching the 100 degree mark loJay. LOST A red covered Morrocco note book. The linder will please leave the jiimc at Tnn To.mbstoXr office. Sunday is the one hundred and tenth anniversary of American Inde pendence, yet Tombstone, tho chief city of Arizona will not celebrate. It is thought that the injunction suit of the Taxpayers vs. Tins City of Tombstone, will be heard before Judge Barnes to-morrow. H. S. Van Sickler, a gentleman from the east who is visiting Tomb stone for the benefit of his health, is a guest of N. B. Walker, and is im proving very rapidly. It has been thought by many tiiat Johu Sullivan had no' completed and perfected a flying machine, but that such is the case, none of our citizens who saw him flying up Allen street this morning will deny. He made the trip from Fifth to Eighth streets in about four seconds. . The ex-chamber maid of a livery stable, who is now trying to palm himself off upon the public, as an editor, is evidently jealous cf our abilities, aud accuses us of, stealing editorials. Well, this is really funny, as the Mongolian is ku.own among printers as a read-print bheet. There s only one church (the Catholic) in town at the present lime, tjiat have regular services upon the Sabba'h. The Presbyterian and Epis copal churches are without a pastoi, and the Rev. Mi.' Pearson of the Methodist church is very ill, and will as soon as able take his departure for awhile in order to legain his strength in another clime. Dr Dunn and wife, Mrs. Finley and son, Miss Mary Costello, Margie Cos tello, Nicholas Costello, Frank Hare, George Stevenson and three other vho.-e names we failed to-Jearn, wha have been camping in Miller's Can yon, Ilmit-hua mountains, will arrive in this city to-morrow .fternoon, Mr. Bramer Brown hiving sent teams after them this aiternoon. Henry Dubecker, one of the prpp ri lors of the Bisbee brewery, has visiting Tombstone for a few dayp. Sam McClaren, constable at Charles ton, has almost recovered from his" recent severe illness, and is again at tending to' his duties. Tom Gardner is still willing to bet that he has got the lastest horses in the county, either for money, marbles or red ap,.les Don't fail to purchase a ticket for the Firemen's' ball. Everybody intends to go to the races on Sunday. Let every member of the committee of the Fiiemen's ball, attend the meet-i ing at tho Engine HoUsu to-uight. im Gr.-siicl Baffle. The tickets fur the raffle or Mr. Josiah Kirle.v's handsomely ImproveJ property are now ready. 7 Remember that this is one of the finest gardens in Tombstone, there be inr 16 bearing fruit trees, besides m-uiy others that will bear next sea-ton. Sereraj. 2rapu vines of dlffeieut varieties, now cov. ered with Iu-icious fruit, current and goose berry bushes. Anybody ran bn tonvincec' by i-ulllns; at .Mr Kirlews residence bai-K of ti e Union S -d.i W'ufc. TicKe'ts are for talc at he low priee of one dollar each, and can tie procured at d l I-i ael.-, and all the lead ing bu-lucsr houses in tuuu. 7-2tf ' SUMUA'S. IN" YHE JUSTICES COUKT OF JSO. 3 Township, ot the C'ountj ot l.'ocliisn, tern, lory of Arizun 1. Thoma3 P. Devine. riniiitifty V3. William McC'imu, Defendant. B.-li.i i S (J. Fen in, Justice of the Pence deniaua S'2J. Tho I'uultury of Arizona seudi greeting to iIH.iim MrUiiiuuy, di fer l ml. You are iieteny siiniiiiuncif and ieoiiir-d IO appear beiure ins lit my ofiire n BU!ee, cf Loelii.-e oil tti ITlli da ol Adjust. A. I). JbWi, at 10 oV.ovk, a. U. 10 answer the i-uiii'iui:it of-'ihu aboic named phdniill' who demand.') ol mi, tkut v-ju are iudebied to 'Vtiu in thif sum of $.:0 for uioiivy loaned jnu at jnur in Slimee ai:drn si as luurj In'ly appears bj cum i limit IL'.u m lay olii.e. And if yu fail to appearand answer eaid complaint .s ii. rem required the piainiin" will i.-ke judgment against jou as dtftnend. cdt and for ensts u! suit. Uiven under ujy hand ties Ilth (lav of Jui.e, A. U. ISbO. S. U. I'EllulN. .lustice 01 tin; i'taee. SUMMONS. IX THE JUSTICE'S COUKT. TOWNSHIP Kit. iiirei,in the Count ut; Ten i tory oi'Aris i.ih; j;"U. Norlon. Plaintifr. vs William ile Comas, demand, The l'er.iiory of Anzuna s-nd3 gicetmg o JVillia 11 Me;om is. defendant. Yoa are hereby suiitmuned and required to appear betor me at ai.v nlli.'e. in uiibee, CoiiMly of Cochise, 0U tlielTih da ut Aug. Ua'.A. D. 1SS0, in 10 o'eloek a.m.. to an swer Hie Couip -lint ot the above named p;aintiff, who ilemandA of ou thilvouare indebted In hi in ill the aiini of.fll'iO, for uierchaullse pureha-ed and delne.ed lojou t.t your instance mid lequ-st, . per tiui- iil mi n.w or nie In my oltiee. Aua 11 jou fail to appearand arswer -aid lOiili.l.iilll us uen-lii n quired, tho ii.niiiilit wPl tauejuilg m.ut -igainrt eu as dem.u.ded uur. for the i-osis "I this suit. Given under my tliis 4th day of dime, A. U. Ufeli. S U i"JSuKl., JUitite ut the" 1'ci-ce. Mono to Let. A fine co'ni!!iodh"U3 re.-Ulenca of four rooms with railed yaid, chicken house, etc on B. ucu street, next i.oor west of the resl- ilenee ol Uiemerd Biown, Esq. Kent reasonable. "Apl at once to Jam .s Ueicly, Oi3ec Allen s'reet, bet 2u and lid, 2f sidr, (V23-lv Mr. I.. B. V in Burt will tell the entire stock ol wine-, l.quo's, cigars, cardials svrup?, etc., intact everything eariivd by wlnie-Mle Cn'J iu titosu.t purcha.-ers for cash- 8 Just received at Herrera MeClure'a the tlnest balled ivt hay ever brought to this eiiy. o- 3 It Ice for FauiiJics. Comtueiicing incsduy, a. ay 4lh, we will issue vt ekly ice iickcU for lamilies aud other consumers, at S1.C0 aad up- wjrds. Diiversare not allowed to deliver ice to weekly cutolncrs without weekly tickets. G-C3i.r SouTilwrSTEKX Ice Co. Kotice, Ve hiTe appointed Jlr. J. Gatchell Jones nnr agcut(witli power of aUorcey)tj collect all la.mey due to us. Ali persons knowing themselves to bo in debted to us, are requested to settle nilti .Mr Jone. Jacob Everuablit & Co. Tojibitoae, May 1st. lbbG. 6-3 -tf Declaration of boIe-Traclerslnp- TO WKOJl IT MAT CONCtE.N: I, Cecelia Loudon, dcR'rmg to avail my self of the benefits of Chap. 33, Laws of Arizona, relating to Sole Traders, do hereby publicly declare that, I intend to carry on ju-ines in my own name and on my own .account: The nature of the bu-lness I pro pose to carry on and conduct is that of buy ing and selling goods, wii-eo. cd mcrehar.-ill-e, winrs. liquoio and lobaccos, 1u the County of,-Aiisniii 'territory. - - CECELIA LOUDO Tkiikitout or Aki2oxa, Codxtt or Cocaisc. Oil this 26th day of June, A.D. 1SS6, personally apniared be ore ra;, a notary public in anil for said County of Cochise, Cecelia L"Utlon. known to nie to bo tho per s.iii described in and who was made' ac quainted with'the content of and ho ex ecutid II c fnregoing ecclarath'ii. r.nd who at kiuiwledgeil t one. m an ix-iiinnd'toii Immii anil with- ,t t.,e liea.ingnr her husbai.i'., I hat hhu ex it uU-d the siime frenli and vliiiil.tiiu, fur Hie ue and pmpo-es iher. in iiiei.tioned w.tlnmt tear or conipin--h'lior undue inlliiein e from anyone anil thfti she does not rtish to retract the cxeeu linn, of the s iuie. Witness mv hand and official seal th 2'Jtli day ut June, btO. ALLliX R. ENllLISU. 0-25-St Notaiyl-ubUc. AN NOUNOE MEN-TS . 4U All announi-enifOts under this head must be paid for in adTauce, or't'icy Will not be Inserted. " ' TOR COUNTY ASSESSOR. At ths solicitation of .many friends thronghctit fJochise County, I nereby no. noimce myself its n candidate for the office ot County Assessor, subject to the decision of the KepublLw: County ConveDticn. E. G. NjpRTOK. NOTICE. All peraonsin this County who have not paid their co unr ty licenses are ye quested to Gall at the Sheriff's office at once, as all li censes not paid, by the first of ;JuIy will be placed-in-the hands of the Bis trict Attorney fop collection. 1 R. S. HATCH, Sheriff. Tombstone, June 25, 1886 GRAND GALA DAY Doling'n Mace Traefc, A.V' .JxCly 4a It and otli , Races Commence at I I A. M, The First Race will ie 600-yard dash, free for all, 120; entrance fee $20; six to enter, live tu start. The Second Race, 440-yard dash, six to enter five to btait, S12J; entrance fee $30. Thiid Race, a mTTe'dush, sweepstake -free for ail uotbeo la Cochise County. Entrance fee.SW. - ' - Oix July Stli. First Rice, a half mile dnsh, free for aM, file to cuter aud lour to start, 3100: entrance fee, ?2J. No horses are barred from participating !: these races, and ever) thing will "be't-on ducted in a fair, impartial ni .nner. ' - These races will ue tne Cccat cTBr heldia CochNe County. ENTRIES CLOSE ON JULY 1st- . Admission - - 6Qg For Sale, A horse and wagon horse kind an! ceulle. For particular- apply at Ibis offica' ustr Liook Hero. 1 have just received at my Jewelry storo the finest assortment of LadlcB' Cuff But tons, Pins. Charms, 'vV'atc'i Chainsand Watches which I will sell cheapo "tor -cash.' Come in and examine the good. Snfibe'con vinced. They are cntfrely new and unique in design. H. Sohmbidixq. 6 18i! . Watchmaker and Jeweler, Lost. A Silver Watch and imitation fob chain with locket attached. The finder -will Jbo' liberally rewarded by returning the eamo to thi3oCicc. v - W-lw" JTotics, to tho Public, I have purchased the wholesale liquor' r Dusinees oi u.iii. LMHa. & Bro, and requwti that ali persons Indebted to the late firm, " tlll come forward and settle. 15-11' L. B.VABqty. Tiie choicest of fresh gToreriisit Htrrera A McClure'tf. ' ' ' .23if"' The cheapeit and best tore to trade lo ' town, b at. Kcrrera & McClure. 5 8.S- Look Out. And don't you forget it, that Wolcott fc MeMck have tlte llncM toilet soa'm fur sale tint has ever been offered to the people of this city. 'fi-SSif Vanted. By a lady,- a situation as cool: or hmoa keeper. Apply at tL: American ' jo ct l,i jr I. :.urt i , a