OCR Interpretation

The Daily Tombstone. [volume] (Tombstone, Ariz.) 1885-1886, September 06, 1886, Image 2

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94052361/1886-09-06/ed-1/seq-2/

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ITH.E daily tombstone
The I'ionor Daily ot the Camp
'Sundays Excepted,)
' Ollice on Allen Street, north side, between
Third and Fourth.
Subscription Rates,
One Year S10 00
'Six Months C 00
Three Mouths 8 "0
One Month 1 00
Delivered by Carriers for 2o fonts 3a Week
Cochise County.
Arizona or California look at the
rooniit earthquakes in the cast, as
only a regulation of their liver.
As long as Slaughter keeps his sack
open he -war cry will ho Slaughter.
Howard Herring still booms up as
a candidate for the etliee of District
Slaughter's sack was' opened on
Saturday-last, but it failed to effect
ikc'Shaughnessy delegate;.
The Nogales press slate that C. C.
Bean is'the winning candidate on' the
Republican ticket for Delegate to
Delegates to the Territorial Con
vention should bo chosen by the Coun
t; Convention, not by the' County
'Central Committees.
Our Xasby which is postmaster of
tliis. city did not go to Tucson as a
delegate, considering the position of
'postmaster mure important.
Dick Rule will occupy the' editorial
cnair 01 tiie .ueniocrat uuriug the
'sbsense of Brawley who has gone with
'the "trooly loil" to Tucson to whoop
It up for Mark Smith' for Con
w -
The. Democrat bewailed the fact
that John Slaughter failed to arrive
hi Ffiday la.-t, but was eulogistic on
Si'uday when they learned that he
'arrived early on Saturday morning in
"time to open the sack.
Several of the di.jegatcs to Der.u
criitic Territorial Convention lroni
rthis county, expressed themselves bc
'fore they left that lliey would not
Vote for the nomination of a candi
date for Joint Councilman as long .
li. S. Coffman was W. -re the Kcpul -lican
Ooii.vehfiiin,' and that they
"would rather wait and endorse him at
'the winning candidate of the Suuth
era District.
Berry, Dunbar and the pcsiinaMei
candidate, John Slaughter, umloubt
edly carried the day on Saturday
'last, and the icgular Hue demecratE
ivcre defea'tr1. Two years ago just
the opposite was. the case and Berry
et al. worked against llie Do.nocratie
'ticket.' This year that portion of the
party that supported the ticket two
5'ears ago will he found working
4igai:itt it.
In another column will lie found
the report of the T". M. & M &. Co as
presented by its President George
Burnham and eitj cretary W. J.
Cheyney. The .".mount of develop-
v&i rsrk done and the bullion pro--fluccd
will be a surprite to even our
V.w'n citizens who live on the suiface
ground of sonic ,f tlie T. M. & aI.
pnipiietors. The report al.-o shows
'that under the Mipiiuiendcncy of Mr.
-'Oheyney the company is entirely free
froin litigation and alto nearly entire
ly free from del.t. Also that with the
. lire? en: low price of silver Ih'-y can
v.'uili the mine at a profit ov.t-ig ti.
tho fhipioved facilities now in use and
'it is hoped that the stockholders will
ha ahl.'d by this elir and' e'vueise re
'port, viiw tic ituatln ' as it
tiiiids. and 0119 and all vfte to
flare the works again s'nrtc.l ui.
, , , ., . ,
-. v.wpig to the length of the report THE'
A'OMllgTOSE Was Unable to "Jin'tiitll St
, , ... , ....
all 111 this lSfiUO but Will larawll It Jfl
J '
UO !ixt.
With a very few exceptions the
character of the Democratic delegates
indicate Slaughter or his sac!:, for
It is needless for The Tombstone
to announce the vote of the Democrat
ic primaries held in this city on Sat
urday last as the editorials and com
ments of the party organ, ycsteiday
morning f flows conclusively that
Slaughter was the choitc of the voters
TiieTomdstose is glad of this fact
as it is convulsive evidence that who
ever the Republicans nominate for
Sheriff will be elected by a large ma
T horcur announce myself a? a candidate
for Constable, subject to the action of the-
republican County Convention.
All parties having Imts. belts or other
property belongins to Ihe Itcseuc Hoss
Company, v.-ill Iplease leturn the same at
once and avoid trouble.
- . G a Bi:ADsn.vw,
7'v.iii " Trcsident
Lesser Surr.mcrficld has the largest stole
ot clothing in San rianeisco, at 042 llaihet
li ic , vi rtr l. J-ii.-w --tf
roSlce to Ci'LtliScr.f.
The creditors of :md all persons lulling
claims against the said namcil esia.e tile
hereby notified lo exhibit their claims villi
the necessary vouchers to me, within mur
months after lirit publication of tin- notice.
at the kUrc of Herrera & MeCiure, in the
city of Tombstiue, Cochise county. Terri
tory of Arizona, or the same will be foreier
tuureil. EitNEST (). licCIX'!;::,
Admin. s'u.Uor.
Tombstone, September lit., lSbti.
Xjiconso Auctioneer,
Tor.ihstcne and Goclsifio Ousjuiy
Orricc at OocxiiiiT.vi. Ilorji..
Rheumatism, Kecfa!r.ia; Sciatica,
Iain-bap, Bckachs. iieatiifme, Tocir.aar.o,
13 jii oti'ee uoi:::,v imj-s ..; AfHI?.
twltrlrujri-W5aHil.-iile.-cvrrl.?i-. 'r.V C.i-UAL-iiA
CirMLiblall-Uii;, ...
'IHE OXAP.tS3 A. OCr.!.-'"
tlri. Sratih'fc- Ct.so, r.cd vriist tho I5cv. Er.
JIcrrjr.stry lir.3 to tay atoac It.
To the PceJc: I bare been u fearful eaGlrcr
f -r llftoer, ycz;s, most tac tirao with vlnt baa
btcn callc-l Eczciu.1 vc Halt Ithaara, IVoria-i 3 ru
Ijcpra, aa l Iba I1U0, nud have atv.-syj bun told tlii
tlieroiva? no euro l"jr me, r.nd hJV'1 hctu so'ils
rourr.ed lluit I had soon Cte c live. I r.ivc
bscii eo badlyafllc'td frau-tlrncj that t'jero cts cot
lb? emrulcjt tpot fnia t-e cruT7n of jay head to tha
noloe cf ia fivt tb.t vaj net dU'ja-sed and za redaj
crimson. It would coramecco bi i mull vbito spot?,
wtich Lad n silvory ui-i'ariiice, but wcro not deep,
eat if I attempted to tout thoia.cr eaoa af.cr thair
firft npjaranct, tbi y orU burn aad run together
until tbere wts a cumiileto dry, rod ecalc, vuteh
vrould become so iniiint-'d a-tjcia'.-k and look liery
tad angry, tnd llJ bartang ecijulioa T.ould bo
abiio&t iatolw auk;.
I V7E3 at timt.5 30 larco tb:.t I could scarwly get
about, and tould not tlrva my tlf without assist.
eu. I havo tried loany n-nii-uiis, and bare
pcld $100 in a t-irv'o lLfct.iucc to n phyhician,
,-iit lnv3 "V.r 0bt.1lL.eJ o.ily tcir.poraiy rtlieC
Ahhorghb IjhkI foratrne, 1 roou ri-lapscd ftgain
to be aj badly tr'jubb d as ever, nut during tha
vrtuter of 1J51 r:id 13i"2 I 5tilTL:rud so much a3lo
cntlnly difcounicd. I.afft June, however, 1
K-is advi-od by Elder and ilr;. L. C. ilcKl-ttry,
wlrt arc well knom ia thesu ni;ionf to try your
Corici'iu Keheihei; and I fullErnM-howalitLlo
3jurr.gef from their iV.voi-ablo opiaiju of thom, to
try tlicir irtuc Al.ut ?tcoud vct-k of July
att I co:nu)cuccl taU i; tho rumdies, and wilbla
llxve!- I befraato see a perrj-iacnt iuiprovemcnt,
iiall Ii'iv? (Oct. 1) 1 am aVout ijj od sj now, :ia.
iivflwh ia a. the fle.-h cf r. chi'.J.
mis. iiexj. mrrii.
I certify that t'i.! above s'atcmcnt of raj rifu U
ami, cad I i'ni i-idi b- r ia rxprwiatr xny graU
tujo for lie tritcX bneb- Uc hi receiviti.
I certify that the Mure- ;t!t'ieat ! corroct. l!r.
'iritb isap.-oaineat man in IbU coir.mu..iiy,'wherp
ho lire. Ifcl5r. yc,l-Ur4f.":i d'dci hi ttock.aurl
jiesltiancd:, wi'Iiibnt of lus v.ifo,i.i fully cctUlcd
.3 crvtlit.
i))no at. Ho Province t.i Quebec, tlllt
tsa' vefvuth daw of Oetootrr. 3SSJ.
, L. C. i.ci:'.XSTEY.
',nn:.-Uj,cf Vte (7olwi
5vrr:. I fcao soe:i IIra. Ctaita recently anu
f i. :. KcjaLfsTi'.y,
e-ostov,-.di.i), iSm.
crncunj. ZZcsot.vi'!!?, xhe JJCT7 blood pnrljt'!?
tare -1 biaaUlUrj.aro fold crcrywlicio. ITice
.' ""Vs.; Soir,2Jc ; EEiolarEST, 01.C0.
v ottr r;n, ra CI!cal Co., Srosteu
3 tf3g3&i?X?& .
And'all who may visit San Francisco next month.
Late of Tombstone, have one of the largest
In California at
942 Market Street 942
Under the Baldwin llotel.
And invite all their pd friends when they vitit San Francisco, to call on
them and get theiinest clothing, cheaper than any other place 111
"San rrancisco.
Having Fitted up this liostam ant now and Complete in
every particular we are prepared to Mcrve to
the people 01 Tombstone the
Finest Meals. 7umches, Suppers
That the Market Affords.
Private lee Cream
OTST3RS IN S"VH;i5."2" ST"
Sappers for Parties a Specialty
Cull 111 anil be
At a gTOB bar
gain in a very de
sirable locality an
elegant residence
five rooms, closet
and bath, with
earnets. kitchen
and dining room
furniture. o r
farther narticni-
ars mciuire ai zzm
x ti'F. .iushcis ct vr. or fM o;;
T.nvn-hip, oj tin; CoUiiU of t'oci.if-e, T. r
1 itorv i.l Arizonn.
II A Jt'isri-rs'. I'luir.tifr, vs irii rcnir.
PokiT. Dufeniiaiit.
'J ho 'icirit:ry of Arizona s-end Kieeti11.tr
lo Elmir.i toher, ilclemlant.
You : re hcrebv -iiiiiniaiie"! to appt'i.r ht-
fuie mi-, al 111 v ollhe in Benson, in Ihe ecinn-
U of C(icliiu. on Hie 14th cl.. o! O- tob-.r,
10, al '.) oVhi. k a 111, in an :u i:on biouirhl
aciii'tjou by said pUmllll, lo amv. cr ilie
conn L.int of tiie ubcnc named nhimtiH.
Said ai'tiau is biousht So ici'o.cr ofji"1
ihortirrt "1 liift tltdiarsand !ity-lic uii'.-
a on account staleil. bUwcen 5"U ai.d me
f'liuuf Koirrra Iho-., Btiou, Aiiz-ma, for
"iidMt, mi it and drmprcil to mu at v.nr 111
siaiuv ai d it quit, and fur money laivauccil
as will more Ivillv anDe.tr on i-tatemcnr 011
tile in tbiLsolliie vhiih is mane r.p.nt o!
lomphunt by plaintili, orjuilsRient win ue
laken atrainst jouforlhc said amount, lo-
etlier v, ill. o-t of this suit if jou fail t
arinenr and an.-wer.
'j'o tt.e SlierlU" or any Constable of laid
j county, yrt'e'in:
AiaKe eirai i-rniec r.na uue ie;nni iin'icn.
Given under my band this Sia Cay id
.Vu"iist, 1MU.
I'.OIiT. L VJM.r.1!,
A Justice of the I'c.ce for aid'l'oiifl.ip
tae County ol Coehitc, lerntury of An
AIXXANDEl! LoVjDON, iJefcmlant f
Action lirouxM in the County Coi-ri of
Cidiite, Tcrntori' of Ari..oiui, aial Ibe com
Vl.iiut iiied in tiie aid Cciuil; of Coelii"i
111 l!ie o'.hee of the Clerk of the said County
'ihe Territory of Arizona send jjreeti'i;;
t Alexander I.oiul.iL, Dt'ti ndaut.
Yuu.tic hereby 1 i ),uiied to api-r..ir in an
attion brought airniiis-t you by ihe abotr
1. amid plaintitl, in I' e Count! Com: of Co.
i hisc Count , Territory of Arizona, and to
aiiMver the ioniiilaint liled timrein, within
twenty dajs (i-xciusiv-! oflhe day of servi'e)
after ihe -erviee 0:1 j 011 of th.i- Mimmoiis, if
served nilliin ihi- eouuly; or if served out
of ibis county, but in this, district, itbin
thiity days; DtLciv.ite williiu fort day, or
iiidrr.e.it 1' default will be taheu a:;.iii,.-t
ion according to thuprajcr ot o.iid corn
ida'ut Said action is brought to p'cover a deciec
of Oiyorce from the Hum of Ma'nmo: y,.i
fiulv appears by tiie comprint Ho d herein,
.. duly (CHilh'd'copy ol which i-hereto at.
laeheil. Ard you are here!) not'fh-il that il
vim lai' t, appiar and annuel" ih- -.id I'om
ph'iiit, us amne requiiei', tue said plahrnl
ill app'y In ttn- lvourl fo: the re'ud' praj-a
f ,r in aid 1 (niiii.iint.
fiiven iini'i-r oiy band a.d -e:,l t!e
C' wily (Jowl t ot t'tu h-Coini'i. '.nrl r;.
m' Ai ii iii !, this 41b d.iv of - liens'. A I'
A ( . V. A ! I .' ( 1 ( .1 .
I don't sell t-htitildi-r r!e; 1; l' r r
terhouso steak ; cr two o: ih;.'- y.-ar
old beef for veal. Ge. D. 5i.s hiu,
Fulton Jlaikct, cotr.cr cf 7th and
Fremont streets. 8-9if
and Coffee Parlors.
" '
risU-c " n-V.i'f citnre.
Yi.it an heiebv m-iilifd that I have ex-
peiuleo the sum of (l.t'U;)) owe lhoiiMiim
ilili.r- ei.iniiy of ll.e Ui.ilir. Slal-s.in
l. . liii! iini) i w irenis lit oil U.u .'.r,ie
.I iu.e- ami S..!i.ia itnb.i- or inir.ins claims.
sit;. an d in N.niei'-C.injoii. Hinu linen moiui-i-.
i-, t ori-is- -utility. iVri'ilur of Arizona,
i i . ri'i I t 1. old ll.e "id lode- or u.iiiint
il ..ni !"r the eridii r Imi ml.er ".1st.
lh--l; l-J; it4 ana i1-.."-.'), 1. uh-r the
I in t :-;oii.- o) m;. liini i'i.4. KcU-iil Slaiutcs
a I lit- L'luti d tft..li, to wit: For labor siii'i
pn-irovt iin-nls u; on the a.d 1 1. iw for the
year 11:1:111; IHt " inbt r "ili-t, l.'M, one hun
rtreil tit ll.ii-eat h; for 'he ear tndu Di
et min i ol, li-ti-J, mi' i.iniii etl doilais eat-h;
iort!iH j, ;.i ei.iltliL' Diet mb-r HI, I-W, one
Lilt tir. ii dollai i-a-li; for tie jear ending
IJeeimler 111, US!, ei.e l.uiidi. it 'oilar.'
ei.tb; fi.r I'm jiai i-mlii.? De-eraNi 31,
iy.Vi. one iiuudted dollar- e..it h Ttilal lor
ll.e lite je .r.s, ll.e .-urn ol (l,lX:0j i.ne ll ou
salltl tii,li.-r-.
"be I'tn-at on lioii.-t-- of the said claims
Ix-iitr ret ' idul a- fol.oi-. s:
.Nellie J-nr itiin at; c-Is-iin, in look 4,
I- e.-. io'd -.'i:;
:-:.iina- ii.iu.n4 chum, in b. ok 4, pacs
2 H and 2M.
In lln- i-icO'Il- i f Cnclii-e C'limiy. Terrl
oiyof Anz iia. Iran.-t ritcii liom the l'iina
oniiti it finds.
And if within i.ine v (HO) d.n s utter thi-
i.o:ice by i iiMn-alien, jt.u fail or re'ti-e to
coiitribule, eai Ii of jou, jour proptu tion of
-iit-1: e.M elidi'iiie, as eo.t wners, jour lnter-i-i-ai
tiie id lot!, s or mil ium "t-I.iimsv.iil
he on.e "he l-n-piriy of ti e uudersisued
under .lid .- et-iion i:-y4.
Chark-tton, Coehisv: Co., S.T., July.U, lbhfi
Coolest Plutc in Toivn.
ho Ti Liiliiu Iciiii.uit lid mho
tie cool-s! 1 1; ic in illicit lor ttop
ear :.t. Harry isrftn. 1 . s nirjltlilv
novaicd ll.i-J.oi nb r len.it.Mit ii iles
pi oj le 1 'i' mh.-toi e lo iie I.ini a
when he will on vim e tlcm liattl.ey
be tmt fl :.t ail tinir, nitii the el.o
and lo do ll,c light tiling by hi- -.iL-!omcrs.
The Tombstone public have tiiccl lina and
ever found him crooked. T-.ttf
Loolc Out,
And don't vou forget it, that Wolcott A.
Jle.'sii k have the finest tollt t univa for m.U
tl:at his t ver been ollered lu the peoide ol
:his city. CSStf
Gri-Rory's Kcstitisr.uit.
Fremont street, opp'teite f-'chief-felin
liall. On ant! ami after May 11.
ISSli, iiu-als from "0 e'-nts and up
wai ds. I!ieaki';t from 7 to '2, Dinner
fiuni 4 lo S. inyJ2-tf.
'So other blood-purifj ie.g m-dirino is mfde,
ct h-.s eccr Iietm prt i.-red, v.hich :io com
r:otilv in-ul i!mj warns ct' uiiyciiiiiiws and
las s.-:!r.u p'-:dia :u
Ayers Sarsaparilla.
H lea,!-! the r rv trutv rciPiitiBe prepT-a-f.ou
t.,r all b' .' t'lis-.u-o-f; I f lin-ic i.- .1 lur!;
C.r ..r,,. , ; j-uins i .-r-'fu:.-. aimr.t yon,
;li!tbr Ai m.- - tu;ii-n'.u.u will
ai-loiijf h .i:ij ex--.; it iron voiir .-'y:3ia.
l''oi-"eo:.-litui: .i.'al or M'li.rniim-, Ci.tarrh,
fiT!!?,- Wuii's .S'::r.il-ir.n.i.v i-i tho
l-Xlt.: l'"-- ro::..-.t-. It Uh curol
uu:ili.-riea. r -i H irlll sto; tiie ii:iiilniiu
carirri'.il liL-.-'iru-i, an-l r--':; vu tin- aiehot:
iuz oior of iu bi..i.ii, trjica rac iadicr.iioii3
of s.'t'ui'sl'jus oriyia.
" JI utto. T.-x..Sept. 2?, ISPi.
i vtrs o'p of
Qr;rcC' '' ei.:::.. u .'. terribly mlln'i 'd
C-.l-u i,-.r'i tiijt :o:, i-..,';:u" -ore-n.i.iu
:r..-j ..;:! n.eiv. Al t .- u'ir.0 :::uj ili t-j.ta
were sw"Uii. r.'.M-h ii.;.' oii'tl. aa I very "of'-.
fr.. 2',rrn re'.i'Hia.is in'il i thsit r. t'
O'Jiiv C;CO ei-.iilalti-raiivfnaiHciiif mtht
I eini-I-t . fii 'v iMiteil reC'i.nmeiidiii
Ay .:is HiiKtrin:!.!.'.. A fe.r de-ex pro-iUie.-.l
a i,rei-.,-.ib'e ii.i;.roreiijent. t.-Iih-h. by
an n-lh-r. ::.' t i a: ilir.n-i.1 iil. w.is eonuu
ueJ 10 a ni'i'j-!o and p-rm.iiiK.it earu. N"
CHjaonc lei- -it.oe ;i;iji "l1-!1 i of tiie CvUtl'Iiej
of jruy 5-sriCu. 'i's t.-!-iji:ck--; and no tret
lieiit'of an ttiiirib-7 wa-t eTi-r attcndwl by
mors oronipt tr eltcctu.il rcuit.
" i'oara trulj , li. F. JouxsoiV"
l-SnTASEil nv
Sold by all Diuyi-'is- 5! sis bottles feJ" ?3.
.Allon St., ."Bet.
LD & 1
JIavincj determined to close out our business in Tombstone, wc our oar
entire steel: coi sisting of
It such prices that will induce you to
convince you that this is a Uei.u.ne
Walnut jr.".rble-To) Rudrouiu setts, 7 pieces
Walnut AVood-Toii " " "
Imitation Walnut " " (
Wood Seat Chairs
Peiforate.l Chairs -
Rockers from $1.2.) to
Redstei-ds tiom jl.6'3 laeli and ujixyiirds
Patent Spiing Reds, (i-aeli) - -
Uaqiets from cants jior yard a:.d uj.-wards
Urockeiy and (Jlatswaie at Lx? than c-ost.
rJ?iiriii!i Strictly Os.ifej2a.
P. S. All parties inilebttd to us will p'eas (a'l an.! ift le at once ai J
save cos's.
Two Dwc ling Hous. s de:,ir..bly loai'te.!, for snL- fun.isl.nl i r u hi ni.-l.,-,.
h $ si (HP
Biack Diamond Octagon Drill Steel
I I Cents a Pound.
All kinds of Mining and Milling
supplies and Shelf Hardware and
Mechanics Tools of all descriptions
we offer and will sell at
wiz ?n:A. v.'iiat vi-: s xy'-i
:o; -
These goods must
Terms are
W ra h?5sg;' csfea
4zth and otli.
Lpyj we will tpjo a few tirieo
Closing Out bale end no humbu '
?47 uO
4U Of,
25 00
1 00
1 75
be Sold at Once
Strictly Casli,
"xSsc .3SE55S' ixikrizzzk szJbsasl ulci

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