Newspaper Page Text
TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOTJF.K 2, ( G. Old Series Y OLTDIE VI No 3G UAltltV STEVENSON THE WILLOWS" HUN BY Harry and Johnny. Fancy Mixed Drinks of ail Kinds a Specialty. Tea Kottle Eye, and Cliff Sx, -igs Bourbon. Also LAaLARQUISITA (JLC3AK. Alien Stroqt bet- third and Fourth XsTNext dour to the O tC. Corral. FOR SALE. Or Will Take Cttttlel on Slnres. One of the very JSt nches in r. J. a. Sulpher Springs Valley, ten mile range. Plenty oi water, four good houses on 4ange; plenty of shade, running springs For particulars apply at this of flee. ' tf John Sullivan, Prcc'ieal and Mechanical X 3i E T I S T. Office on ilie south side of Allen street, three doors wc.t of Seventh. All kind or d.'ittal work nrompUy pcrfotnied. Making all Mads of AMi&iial Tctlli a 1 Sprei-ilty.' Teeth titled .u-d extracted witloit pain. All wik t'niy t the 1. west r .U-s and WAItKANTI D. S 23 tf pform fire foils, J"!it nnl "ai.'. i.-m s.l stcc!. Guaranteed ft Uic C0r'J ?i"sr. "cmiwvwl rice', or trail. QSllBi j Oiii u'JiiS ( wiru. iU inc-ihes up to --ie. 'ti'.rr. ( ftirtclesrtjih.itlciJioiK. lii'liiijiiay, fences, ft'ii dt tiidj:., r:i v-o, etc., til Muds and tizc, ,j,. Uf! ' wsnlatJy iiicn'cl msnnfactur tiS 1 li CIS Fil 1 1 ( " of 2 ail J 1 wiut, rejrular and tl li-l. Our t.tst eucrs aro juarantacJ ajanst law jOBlisr Traps, Bird Cagesnt1 &t:rfct lummcr-Iioiics, etc Wire C!olhsndN8iiingM Iths and ishv and anj" A!i kliiiiS oi Wire Goods Im !ic Jlincr, Furmtr and general public XOffZ- -It'r th'fy compel Won nml soli yoa Ltltrr oai'rf ar.'orf tlum eastern uaisa Summons. IN THE COUNTY COUKT, IX AND FOU ths County of Coililsc, in tlio "Territory of ..riaii'.a. HKXKt UU15ACIIE1J, Vlaintiir ) VREDEKICK (5EKBAUDT, Off. Action brouRlit inllic County Court of Loelilae county, errunry 01 .Arizona, mm llio complaint Hied in the said county of Co cliif e. in the olliee of the Clerk of lhe said County Court. Thii Tenitory of Arizona ?ctuls prect'uis ).o EreJcriek Urrbardt, defendant: You are hereby recniired to appear in an action brought against jou by ttic above .atned phnn'.i!', in the Count) Cou-t of Co ehi'C county, errito;y of Ariisona. and to answer the Voiuplaint lilt cl tl.erein, within tuont) day.- (cxi-hif iru of the day ol eriee) after the service on you of this sunrjons. lfered wiihin this canity; or if served out of this county, but in thi difti"ft, wilu In thirty days; otherwise within forty days, or judgment by default will be taken again.'! yu according to the prayer of said complain!. ' Said action is brought to recover an ac counting a.'.id dissolution of co-partnership 'and judgment for amount due from de'end xni to idhintiir. as fllllv :lit:ears by the com plaint tiled herein, a (Inly eettilied copy of 'which i- hereto attached. And you arts hereby uctitlt-d that if you fail to apu'uar and anwer the said complaint, a above re quired, the said platuliir will take judgment ,galnt vou by defiu't and apply to tbe Court 'or the relief demanded m llie com- ' '(Viven under my hand and seal of tl:i; Com. ty Com t of Ccliiso l.'ounty. Tenitory cf AiizotiA. 3rd day of September, A. Y 'SS'i. ' TA. O. WALLACE, Clerk ( - 8tt SUBSCRIBE TO .THE In Cochisn SUBSCRIPTION P.ATES; One Year - Six Months Three Months Delivered by Carrier per week 2oc T I DOUBLE THE GIRGULATION '--OF ANY TAPER IN THE : i Territory-; ; ' THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF HE COUNTY? ZToiV 'i c.v idcto ,4civcrtite at vv (. Cheap THE ONLY. County. - - , - - 6 00 - - o 00 HAS t CONSUMERS Beware! There are imitations of the celeb rated and old reliable J. 13. P.tce Tobaccos. The genuine has the Full Xtame J. B. Pace. on tne tin tag. Don't be deceived. You. are im posed upm if the initials J. B. are not on the tin ta. JMEW DEFAKTUI1E. PAyS QUALE NI&llQ Of the Comet Saloon lias Uib Standard ' . Time AVJiwky. A netr iiivoiec of rilENCII COGNACS, FRENCH WINES,' Jf.sll dcscri:miis. GINS,. IMPORTED CIGARS, VIELAND'3 1'liila. Benr.' Comet Saloon ASIers Sircst, betvcon Sir. and 7iYi Uilliard ar.d Tool tables connected Willi tlic saloun. 5 4tf TILE WINJh ItOGiUS Allen St., Bet. 4th a:;d otii. J.O?l -WAltlCKil, Proiirietor. The lim-st impnried Wine, Liquors and Imported Cigars in this city to be found at this place. ST. LOUIS BEER ON DRAUGHT (lee cold.) A Fine Liiiiich sj)ratl every day 5-3otf ' THE CRITERION Saloon and Club Itooms.. Driscoll & Mciuies&y .A-llen St Eot- -4 tli and Stb Tombstone, Arizona. Billiard Parlors. (Allen btrect Bet. Fcurih and Flflt.j This .is the l"i:cJt Parlor South :o bus Alleles. (JhoicoWlXKS, LIQUOFSand CIUA1M slwajr Milwaukee Beer on Draught! A NEW DEAL! The Pioneer Meat Market Still at the Front! Ite undesigned wixhos to inlorrn the public Ihut h! hr.s eold bis iireuM in the I'ochFC Wholeealo ana ! lluuherinf: Asei ciitio:: In Mr. i. i. Slausbti-r and Krnest Ht' rnif, inclucheg cat'la, horsisf, bog, wou. tlaabtcr-houfce, etc. .Ti.f i'"; ndetin-cd v.onlil lan.lo'' vUnrm t.' c j-iih'ie ..ui !)t- o.d rJt- Toyn ttal e '3 mt'lii'i; n j c.-.ntrau'i ! i .' I-r'.j " i . feiii.ta' in" o t. ', Notice oi' Forl'eiture, TO DAVID CALLI31IEII YOUR IIETE3 or Assigns. Yott tre hereby notilletl that I have expended (100) one hundred dollars in labor and imnrovetnents on the Ohio lode and mining claim, situated In the llisbec mining district, county of Cochise, Tcrrilroy of Arizona, in order to hold the claim of the year ending December, 1S8G, under the pro visions of Section SIM, Kevised Statutes of the United Stales. Therefore, if within ninety da)s from publication of this notice, you fail or refuse to contribute jour propor tion of said expenditure and cost or this publication as co-owner, your interest in said mine or claim will become the prop erty of the undersigned, tihrier Section 'Zili. SOLO.MO.S SIIULTZ. Tn-nbslone. Aiiril 7. !!&. Summons. N TIIE JUSTICE'S COUST, TOWNSHIP No One, in the County of Cochise, Terri tory of Arizona, Charles Nar'dim, plaintiff, v.. Utitsuppc Eontana. defendant. Hefore C. E. Alvord, Justice of the Peace, .Jcnintirl ITTkl The Tcrrilory of Arizona sends greeting ; to CiiUeppc Fontana. defendant. ' t Youaie hereby summoned ami required ', a appear before me at my olliee in Tomb-. lone. County of-Coeiiise.'ori the Sthdayofi 4iuy, .i. loan, at iu o ciock a. iu to an swer the complaint of th6 nboic named plaintlir, who demands of you tliat you are indebted to him in the sum of three hundred (fIXW) dollars, on apiomisory note giving by ) ou to plaintilt". as more fully appears by complaint now ou Hie in my otllce. And if you fail !o appear and answer said complaint ns heroin required, the p'i'intit! will take judgment ngaiust you as dunundd and ft.r the costs of tbU suit. Given under 4ny hsnd ihis-Ctli day of Slav .V D 1SS0 C U ALVOii:), Justice of the Perce NOTICE. Having chis clay sold my under taking business to Jos. Fascholy X Co. I respectfully request all need ing his services to call upon him. All bills to date wilt bo psid and collected py.mysclf. A. J. TCitter. April 29, 1SSG. 4-29-lin Referring to the above we would saT that we will endeavor to give the public lhe same courteous treatment and fair dcali.ig they have received in the past from lur. A. J. Hitter. Jos. Pascholy & Co. Successors to A. 4 20-lv.' . RllTEU. For the finebt pickled pigs feet in the city j go to Martin O'L.iugliliu'e buteher shop, corner Seventh and Fremont streets. 5 7-tf. I BEG LEAVE TO INFORM x'HE PUBLIC IN T05IBST0KE and vicinity that I hac returnee from the East with a large ' su pply of . the Celebrated irrjoncls' Nabob Bourbon Whisky, and is now foi sale by the gallon, bottle and smaller quantities at my bar rrOS. PASCHOLY Occidental Hotel IN THE JUSTICE'S COUUT, TOWNSHIP No. I, in ths Conaty of Ccchlse, Terti'o y of AriznKa, b-.rjre O, E. Alvord, J, 1.; SrrumiJ, Oadwell Sttaford, Plaiutifl; utifl; Xatl.nnlel AlexanJ r. T)e! Thj Territory of Ario- a sends Mothau'cl Alex-mdor, derendaat: You arc 1 erc tij Hiimtnoriedand rcqnlred to epoear before me al my U!iC2 in Tcinbetor.e, count) of Cochi:C, on t'eo .iOih day of April, A U ItSS, at ten o'clock a. a., to answer thu cotaplaiut cf the a&ovc-r.anicd lilniunU"-!, who demand of yon that you ara in Ssottd to theai in the turn of g-.'l.SS, for goods andnierchairisepurc'iascd aid delivered to yot; it jour own instauca and request. a more iully appc rs by complaint now oi fib) in my olliee. And if yot Dil to tppcar and answer ftid con p ain' as herein rrquired, the pUintilTs will take Jadumeut. against joa as demanded andftrtbe cot oi this snit. Given tinder my bacd this nif t day of Jlarch, A. U. 1SSU. " C. E. Ai.vor.D, J. P. TI Tlin -lITSTrcn'S OOITRT. TOWSSUIP No. 1, iu tic c-unty cf CocUlte, Territory ot , Arizona, bo'ore O. C. Alvord, J. P,; demand $5J. VS. Tne Tcirltory of Arizona sends grecttrg Io A. ' A,nM f!ftf.d;i;ir: Yen aro herehv gammoned t nd required to before ice at myoSiceln o nbstoue, couatv ol Ucc'ilc, on tae SCth day.' April, A D 1SW-J, at 10 o'clock a m.. to acewcr j caai;:aiat of the above-named pliir.tiils, who . a m I or vott tait yon are uiueu.ta m vue -i iu sun of jil, furg.'od.' tnd sicier.anuisc r"" sol and dvliver.'.d to 5 oa of your own instance rj'i ieit, as rao-e f ally j)iK&rs by coinptaint V ou tile la my oIllcB. Anti U yea fx! 10 cp irandaawcr said couplaint as herein re. oL'otl, tfceplaintlfl' ill t .ke jndsmer.t asamst 11 as demanded and for the costs ol this suit, v en under ciy hacd this 2nd day of Itarch A 1) SC. O. E. M' l.J.i1 roil BAtiS. Furnished l;ou:C of tlirne rooms and kitchen, complete for house keep ing, on Allen street, between Sevtnth Hiid Eighth. Vill be sold chrap if applied for at ouce. For particulars npp!y at this office. 8-1-1 3 m Any parties wishing to go overland to Kingston, at reasonable rates, should call upon Geo. W: Buford, who is troin,' very shortly and has accommodation for five passen- S 1 Fiftfcn dtillar pants for eleven dol- .' if-, : fn t-iilors. 8-13tf. A.iaeaer beer on draught .at tho Ori'jntitl, a line hincii thrown in A.T TPIE Union IMews Depot Ciic Al?-aj s be Found the best Assortment Books, Toys and Stationery MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. PUKIODICAL!?, jiagazii's tn Allen Slrcct,in Grand Bote! B'U'" SOL ISTIAEL, Proprietor. PAPAGO CASH foTOR3B). 324 rnEMCKT STREET. Fine Orovcrics of every description, oliois est brands of Kentucky Y.'Mskey and Grain 3f All : i cil kept constantly on hand tnJ ?old at lowest prices. rank B. Austin, Prsp ssayfrs supplies alway on hand ana of ihe best qualitv. Is acknowledged by eminent surgeons o o the purest and linest known, aud invalutnu io invaiias. SiJIMONDS' KENTUCKY NABOB MOVji BON WHISKY' has been well known Wr many years, being unsurpa ssed for its evce.'. Ic'nc nualitv and delicious 11 avor. Every bocy who bos tried it says it is the best iu the: world. Families supplied tytlie gcllou.cafS or n-ttle. 2? None genuine unlcs3 my iignatu,e is across the cork, "G-Simmonds." 5Iy as-cnt is authorized to sell to " trade, half barrel, barrel direct shipment f m Ken tucky or from his warehouse ai San Bernar diiio. Sold by the bottle apd gallon BOTIIIN, TWEED & COMPANY. Sole Agonts for Tom bstone and Titinity. The Fountain. The Fountain Chop House is the cool place iu the city to take a meal. No" smo heat or smell frjm the kitchen, it .beiul tirely separate from the dininx room, fore-quarter beef used. Nothing'but choicest cuts, tish. game, ovsters.etc. . vste entrance from Tougbnul street to f boxes: oct7 For Sale. Tho oM .established ami only Uiulertaldiig 'busiiiesh iu Tonilssloiie, eiilier with or without tlie real estate , T.enns res'fiOBaoie. Tfcv Dtieiilars, address a, ElTTIiR, ToHiLstonc, Aii- 2-9ti Oyar & Baidwin "Wholcualc and retail dealer in BoGk Salt; Barby TOTAJOES, CAnrTED GOODS, asu all kinds oi GROCERIES Goods sold chpupcr t'nwa other Mrs. Head has been appointed agent for Connor's ranch butter which she receives fresh every Satu.' day. Also frtsii buttermilk on hand 3-17 t Many a Lady is beautiful, all but her skin; and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to" put beauty on the skin. Beauty on the skin is Magnolij? Balm. m m