Newspaper Page Text
v t : FOR CITY. TTEASURKK. I hereby aum-uncc myself to the Tottrs of tiio City of Tombstone as an independent c andidate fur City Treasurer at t!:c election which .vllllm lieid XoTcmlier 2hd. OLIVER TF.EVILLIAX. Silver fcisiio The following is the latest price of silver in New York and London : New Yokk, Oct. 2. London 44 .Vd New York SCi cts. The K. of T. meet this evening. Registration is proceeding very rapidly these days. Tom Gregory Ut for his ranch, in the Dragoons, this morning. The Board of Supervisors were in se-eion this ufternoon. Our dress-goods, bargain counter. Paluce. . -27tf The churches, were well attended yesterday. Something recant Drasi7goo Is ba i gain counter. . "Palace." 27tf The family of Mr. Castauoda will remove from Fairbank to this city during the week. Come and sea ::r circus-goods, bir Cain counter. Talace Dry Goods Stow. , 9-27t A slut belonging to dipt. Riffeily recently gave birth to three dogs, all of which wore born with bobtail. Gcod colors, good goods, gocd value all for good mono "Palace," 1'iflh fctrett. 0-27tf The Copper Queen company of Bisbce, have purchased a portion of the machinery of the Notion mill, to bo used in their new works at Bisboc. I)rcs-goods atS vards for :?1.00, spier, lid value. "Palace." Fifth street. 9 27tf Overcoats could have been com fortably worn yesterday and last night. You can got a dress lor $1.59, good wrari ig goods at the Palace, Fifth street. - 9-27tf The firemen's! election for Chief Engineer, pa-sed off very quietly to 1 iy. For sali! Cheap Coh. riile, 41 cai iluv, peep and ulnae sight. Apply at lesenipiroMico.' " " U-SS'-IV.- Vt'P' route noni for "Wells, I 4 . & t'o, ,Hi!.-t ! ;.i it. iijri.n Sat- i.TSSi- i:.i iiiitu f. i:. i- . i ... .-:he '....v.- Oisiir:: 1- j. i'. e b.' in i -.'p: '.'. in No- giles, anl a f treat many ;ruvv munis aiv beginning in and around, here. .Ni'g-iifcS News. INsioU irja ciu, forsisrlin c'.iargj of ilu L. W. Bliun Lumlw Co.' yard( at Faiibank, has accopted a i-.i the company's yard heie. Noga'.cs News. Mrr. Hilton : Nun is will open ihciiniew meat imtfhet, on the corner of Third and Allen ttroetc, to-moirow morning. For Mile elu-np Two carpets, bed room set. wardrohi-, cooking stove, etc. A pply I'j X. C. 1'iescott, Fourth street, between 1 remont and Saflord. Visitors toTombs'oitoneato that the restaurant men of this city ict up belter meals, and for less money, than any othei town in tho Teirituty. We expect a rash for our dress goods, bargain counter. Palace. U" William McFawn, who left this city about one week ago to woik on the Nogales pvpers, returned from that place to-day. Printers d- not seem von favorably impressed with No gjles. The Maison D.rea will receive this evening the first shell oysters of the ason, a-Ui keep them constantly on ban J. Call and tiy a pl.iie ot" them. "J-30tf llualupi Clark got up eaily this m irning, for the lir.-t limn in many yj.irs, and was pounced, upon by M 'rshal Meade and taken to Tucson as a U. S. grand ju:or. Wanted A furnished house of from three to live poms. Apply to L B. Van Burt, 5J5 Allon street.' ti The Dmojrat ic headquai ters are fitte 1 up in thd shape of a vault, with reiepjr.iyles for every one of their candidates lo bo stowed away in idler election. ' T'rs was very thoughtful on.Grjuiid Grabber Horry's part. Chailes Kimball and wife, Frank Hillinger, Mrs. Mary E. !'ea;ou, Ui.achuca, Jlota Velaiio, P.vhmiina. 1 iv;ii'ft!:. riiinnrj : Mrs. IltMitman. . ' ,' ..... cty; F. Auchh and wile, city, are re - gUtered at the Occidental UoHsl , ' Msjor-Earle took his departure on this morning's coach. ' The thermometer regiscrcd 82 dog. .t noon to-day. Jack Dillon, who has been sojourn ing in Benson for the past month or two, returned to Tombstone to-day. Mr. T. S. Hit trig, one of tiie solid Babacomaii ranchers, came up this morning. The heaviest rains of the season vis ited Tombstone during the past few days. Clns Overlook hud a valuable horse stolen from him on Saturday last and ofiicers arc now o:i llie trail cf the thief. By reference to a notice, in another column it will be seen that owners of le.anis are in demand for hauling hay. Miss Hulda Jones came over from Nogales to-day to vieit her aunt, Mr?. Baslian, and her old schoolmates in this city. The heavy windstorm of Saturday evening mapped a 4x4 timber that supported the Republican banner on Foiutli street, just liko a pipestcm. It was :tplaced by a new one to day. Mr. F. Austin, post trader at Fort Lowell, is visiting this city. He is a brothci-in-law of our fellow towns man II. A. Tweed. I on Gray and Uncle Billy P'aslcr came in to-day from the Kelnj cattle company's ranch. Wanted U once several trams to haul hiiy to Fort Iluauhucn ; distance from eight to twe-ity miles. Apply at once to W.C.Greene, at Fort Hua chuea, or to Macnea! & Moore, Tomb stone. 10-i-lw Dr. Fettcrman is fast becoming one of the most popular physicians in this city, ho having been in attendance at the biith of eight children (hiring the last week, and three of them in one day. y . Mr. J. II. Ptto, who purchased Hudson's drug stoic a few dayV mucc, is one of tin best druggists that has ever raided m this city. He has stocked his stoic with everv known iIrii7a7ntTtr-loni4..ia-H:io of toilet irlicli'S and asks for a ill" re of the u'tsllo patronage. Thirteen of the .horses brought here tli-? week from California by Mri L.-.:!l escaped from the corral where t'.'-y were kept on Thin ad jy morning, j a id up to this time they have not been brought back to town. The animal j were see n, huwevcr, Thursday i-wning near Bowie station, ami will prob.i'.iiy boc.ii be recovered. Stoek man. Mr-J. I.y;dl ami family, with his mother Mrs. A. Lyall, arrived from Tulan:. California, on .Sunday. Mr. Lyall brought a car-load--lO heat! of horses and iuares, mostly the Litter. Among the hn is a line four-year-old stallion, of Rifleman and B'uekbird stock. Mr. Lyall will locate perman ently near Soldier Holes. -Stockman. A lej orter of Tub Tcmkstoxi: met J, J3. Aigus the Fremont street pro dica merchant this morning ami thought by the looks of his counten anc3 that he had voi a fortune in ih? Louisiana State Lottery or that he had four.d Abbott's wonderfu'' caves, but upon ihquiry ho leanifd that tl.e cams of nil ilr. Angus' good nature b. ei use his wife had presented him w:t:i a ten jioa :u sou and h;:ir this morning. Mi.-s Mary Tack recsived a leitsr last evening from Mr. Cline, the p iuuer of 'idieky" Abbott, dted at Guaymas, in which rbeTtated lhat Abbott received ?5i0 from him, and never had no caves or bullion, but left him at Tepic sick and penniless, with the hotel bill for both of them. He writes Mary Tack that he will leave Gnaymaa for Tombstone just as soon as he is well enough. A California editor thus addresses his subscribers: "Wo would like a number of old gunny seeks that are worthless for holding grain to be given us on subscription by those hi arrears. We want to use th? gunny sacks to make us so i.e undo: wear. Those vho have neither gunny tacks nor money can bring us some wood. If we can't have underwear we can fire up, provided you bring ths wood. '- P!f-1'M- Vtf.Mfl It UlM!f llrnn- ..!.-. vir : Pie.isn send. U3 some Ibwir tacks 1 , " 1 - ....... ' : '- ". :au.idjy." 2I!c2cjontI E3i:tIr-on Killed Iy Laic Wednesday evening Judge Nichols received a despatch from Mr. DeLong, of Fort Bowie, stating that Barney Riggs had killed Richmond Hudson, at the ranch of Mr. Osborne, seven miles east of Dos Cabezas. Con stable Hudson was informed of the killing, and h?, with E. F. Conover and M. Marion, immediately left for the scene of the tragedy. On Thurs day M. Moss, belter known as "Dead shot," who was present at the mur-de-, was in Wilcox, and .gave the fol lowing version of the affair: He siys that just at dusk Wednesday evening, some Mexicans came .to' Osborne', driving about thirty head of horses, and asked permission to cor ral them for the- night. Permission was given them, and the horses had just been corralled, and Richmond Hudson, who assisted in the work, was standing in the gate, when r. shot was lired and Hudson fell to the ground Two moro shots rapidly followed, all taking effect the first entering tho head about two inches over tho right car, another in the neck and one in the hand. Tho shoot ing was done by Barney Riggs, who had approached the corral afoot un seen by any one present. Riggs evi dently had a hoise concealed near by, as he disappeared immediately after the murder. He went to the house of his cousin, Thomas Riggs, where his family is stopping, told them that he had killed Hudson, and then tak ing the best horse on Ihe ranch, rede oft and nothing has been heard of bin; since. There was a foud of long standing between the two men, whi?h at last culminated in this murder. They were both old resident of Dos, and well known ail through this section. The murdered man was about twenty-three years old, and was generally well liked. On Thursday Justice Nichols went to tho place of Os'oerne to hold an in quest en the body of Hudson, and up to the hour of going to press he has not returned ; neither lus Constable ii-.dson. Stockman. This nior;:::ig, while a reporter of Tin: Tombstone was include: tag an'und town in search of items, he dropped into the carriage and black smith shop of L. E. Page, on the cor ner of Third and Allan streets, and found the proprietor at the forge taking out of the fire one of the moct compiiealeu ni.irs of iron, but ie- fraincd iVcm asking any questionf. .is this old iii.iu w'no makes iion bend ti his vrill, looked very cross with the glow of the "lire u;jou his face and the perspiration rolling down from his brow, and thought that we were gaz ing at old Vulcan, himself and we saw that it t-jok .3 real skill to master the difficult piece of woik in his ha-.uh ; but by wailing our curiosity was satisfied, for we saw tho massive piece of hot iron twisted and turned into all shai'e-i, and finally ic turned out to be a steel hay fork, with a ca pacity of lifting four thousand pounds of hay from the wagon to the hay stack, and 0110 which will prove a great saving to hay makers. Mr. P.ige is owreiowded with work of ail kinds, which con-es to him, not 0:1 account of his smooth and polished manners, but from his superior workmanship.- It is doubtful if he has his equal as a workman on the Pa cific coast ; if he has, wo have never come across any of their work. We predict for Sir. Page one of the largest and mo3t prosperous business in his line of any in the l'erritory. 'I"::t- !5ic ISimi-oelr; tl: not 'fi'ol!. In a very few weeks the hunting party of Chicago gentlemen, in the special car, will be among us. They will follow their osu:.l course shoot their imported dogs by mistake and get run back into town by some far mer with a fourtined pitchfork, whose calf they have blazed away at under the impression that it was an ante lope. Eatellinc (Dakota) Bell. Johnny Williams has received the contract from tho Copper Queen Min ing Company, for the removal of the machinery from tho Boston Mill on the rivor to Bishee, and is already at work getting the machinery r.eady for removal. He is ably assisted in the 'work by Billy Spraguo. TiUn i'resiilcul'ti Irion py. j The President of the United States always uses new money. He never gets any old notes, except in change when making purchases. His salary is paid him in monthly ins 'ailments ?4,1GCCG on the last day cf each mouth and the treasurer always make;, it a point to send him notes of the latest issue. Mr. Cleveland, as his predecessors have done, keeps a private bank account with Riggs & Co., and makes a deposit tho first of even- mouth, reserving enough from his salary to pay current expenses and setting a good example by put-ting-the rest aside for a rainy day. I am told that his account has shown a balance as large as ?3.1,0G0, as he has an income aside from his official salary. While he has never been a money-getter and has earned in his profession all he has ever made, Mr. Cleveland has an economical disposi tion and no luxurious tastes like Irs immediate predecessor. Before he entered public, life, when he. was mak ing from ?10,000 to 15,000 a year bv his practice and could have lived like a lord, his expenses, I am told, were never more than $2,500 a year, and he enjoyed life as much as most men do. His frugal habits were acquired in youth, for he was not born with a golden or eveu a silver spoon in his mouth, and he has found his pleasure in hard work. Wellington Capital SnJnn M3ioci a SJiill Over It K-'essoe. The negroes say that a ball of fire as big as a washtub passed with a whizzing noise ever Dallon a few nights ago, and at tho same time the ir.con, which had been riding serenely in the heavens, tinned a blood red color and danced a jig in the sky. Savannah News. Hon. R. Fraz'r, of Mt. Carroll Illi nois, who served three ye.irs during the war, and was cipturcd in October, ISGi and retniined a prisoner until the c!oie o the war, has just sent the following letter ta the commissioner of pensions: Mt. Cauholl Illinois, ) September 9, 18S3. General John U. Black, Washington D. C. Dear Sir Herewith I return for c.i!C-ll :liou pension certificate No. 192,fi01 issued July 9 1SS!, for' .?? per month. The sum was too paltry originally, 1 mde an application r r an inevcasi anl last July was be fore r. board of examiners. A few i!uysa,'o I received an othVial notice from your bureau that the claim Was "njecled" I decline to be a further pensioner on' the pitiful bounty of a government that nliows i s soldiurs to suffer the torments o the damned in Atidarsonviile prison. I dec'ine to iillow auy government to longer say what 1 endured for it in that reeking h-11 can be balanced for 324 a year. I deelino to allow a srovernmetrt to r:.t:- my present health and my months of starvation nun exposure in Cahaba and Miilm, at S.ivanruh, Bhieksti-Jir ir.d at i!-e sum of 2 per moflth. I thi'refcre retur.i my certifir-ate and ask that my nam i be strieken f.-om the pfnison roil of iho United Statoi goverumciit. "Sours Truly. Dan. E. Fbazeb. Late 92d Mounted Inf. The following instruments were filed in the office of the County Re corder to-day : QUIT CLAIM DKCD. P. II. Harrington to Cornelius Har rington, the Malcomo water loo lion and ranoh, on the Tombstone and Contention mads and about 3 miles from Tombstone; consideration $5. County 4.';i3s-al Uc?:i:Jtc. The members of tho Republican County Central Committee are re quested to attend a meeting of the committee at thu Headquarters on Fourth street, this evening, at 7 :0 o'clock. By order of Hugh Percy, Chairman. Gko. It. Watt, Secretary. !r. Rice, one" of !he prosperous laneheis of the Babacomaii, came in last evenii g v.iih a lead of potatoes of his own riising, which -ho quickly di:- oscd of to our merchant;. TELEGRAPHIC SPECIAL TELEGRAMS. The U. S. 31int at Canon City, ?lcv., to be Itc-Opened as aa Assay Office. fhe Little Rock Gazette Sued for 25,000 l).-.magC3 fur. Calling a Man Insane. Bank CaMiler lins a Judgment of Over !?2,000,000 Rendered Against Illni. Tlio Kniglit3 of Iibor of 3I.riou County, Illinois, 3Iakins a Political C.nivasj. Heavy Frost Visits Different Tovrus in Illinois, but Failed to do TtIuc'i Damage. A Harvard Student Suss That Insti tution for 550,000 for Damcscs. Bone Ills Face and Eyes. Sntcial to The Daily ToumtoxcI. Little R-:ck, Ark., Oct. 4. Suit was filed t-i-day by J. B. McLaughlin against Geo. R. Brown, President, and D. Brugman, city editor of tho Ga zette, for "25,030 damages against each for injury to his business caused by the publication of au item to the effect that a charge of incanity had been preferred against McLaughlin. JTudjjiiiiiii for Tw mill 11 Saalf - Sliliian!?, Special to Tqe Daily Tomestone.I Trenton, N. J., Oct. 4. Judgment has been given by Judge Wales, in the United States District Court, in the caso of the- Mechanics' National Bank of Newark, against Oscar Bald win, the late Cashier, who is now serv ing a term in State's Prison for de faulting, in tho enormous sum of $2,482,791, the amount of the indebt edness of the bank, whieli is now in the hands of a receiver. 'i'ua Car.nsa CJily ISIlnl. to Tns Diitr toctosi:1. Washington, Oct. 4. Acting Sec retary Fairehild has authoriz:d the re-penin of the mint at Carson City, Nevada, as an assay office for the receipt of deposits of bullion. This action was taken on the recom mendation cf tho Director cf the mint, and with tho full approval of the President. It is inten.lcd as an experiment, as it is said at tho de partment that it is doubtful whether the deposits at the mints will warrant an assay office. Its future operation as a coinage mint will depend alto gether upon tho extent of its deposits. EuiJrJilr .aiiin- Canvaw. special to Tin: Daily To3icstonk. Ckntkalia, III, Oct. 4. The candidates for .ill the oilioea nominat ed by the Knights cf Labor in this comity and district are making i.n active canvass. Meetings are being held each night in different sections of the county. A mass meeting was held at the opera house and a large crowd was present to hear Mrs. E. C. Williams Patterson deliver one of her famous lectures 00 the labor question. The laboring men feel confident of securing some recognition at the polls, and are making a strong effort to-get a Representative in the Legis lature from this district..' C'Siaissasi'.s tinti Ai vnr;!. :i::r.: tnz'- Special to Tuc IV!:.y ToMaiTOxnl. Boston, Oct. 4. Fiancis R. Brooks, of Chici'go, formerly a student at Harvard College, has cemiuenijed suit against the college to recoyer $50,- 000 damages. Brooks was engaged in performing an experiment in tho chemical laboratory when a retort containing sulphuric acid, which he was using, exploded, and ho was ter-. ribly burned. One of his eyelids was l-urncd off. and his face was other wise mutilated and torn, the disfig urements being permanent. It is claimed by the plaintiff that the ex periment was being performed under the direction of a professor, and that he supposed he was working in safety, and lhat through Ihe carelessness of the professor in charge the accident occurred. .Dack 5-Vost. Si.ccial to The Daily Toucstoxe. Clinton, III. Oct. 4. The first heavy frost of the season in this lo cality occurred last night. A slight damage was done to vegetation, but such products as corn, etc., are out of the way of harm. The indications are that a still heavier one will fall to night. Illiopolis, III., Oct. 4. A. heavy, frost foil last night, but did little, if' any, damage to the com. Toloxo, III., Oct. 4. The first frost oi the season was visible here this morning. As far as can be seen, it hai done no damage. Corn is gen erally out of danger, being thorough ly ripened by tho long drouth beforo the present wet spell set in. The Upper San Pedro round-up commenced at the Dragoon summit to-day. Amos Smith came over from Bis bee last evening and returned this morning. Between tho hauling of hay and wood, there are very few idle team sters in this section. Joe Goldwater, the genial' and svholesouled Fairbank merchant, was visiting Tombstone to-day. The. school district on tho San Pedro river, known as Poole's, has been changed lo Sample district. The Republican County Central Committee will hold a meeting at their headquarters this evening at 7 :30 o'clock. - Lawrence Barry, Peter Perasich and Theodore Vojondich, were mAde citi zens of this great and glorious coun try in the County Court to-day. - -' The man, Jackson, who stole Chas. Overlook's horse au Saturday, was ar rested at Camp Thomas last evening oa a telegram from Sheriff Hatch. An officer will leave tc-morrow morn ing and bring the gentleman to Tombstone. - The Tombstone acknowledges th receips of an invitation from the boys ot the 4th cavalry, now stationed at Fort Uuachuca, to come out and aeo them. We hope to accept- the invi tation very shortly, as we havo-'tho kindliest of feeling toward those who. wear Uncle Sam's blue. Frai'k Broad returned last evening from Fort Huachuca, and from him, a reporter of The Tombstone learned, '.hat there are now six troops of the Fourth Cavalry, consisting of A, D, E, F and K troops, and also two companies of iufantry. H, K, and E. truops are quartered in tents with tho expectation that new quarters will, soon be added. He says that the. paymaster is expected every dajYtu. make glad the hearts of the boys in blue who have been on the march utter Geronimo for the past Bix months. lAliYKUIISUilENT.J ANTI-CHIK1S3E CITY TICKIS'IV 02 MAYOR CHAb. N. U-HUAIA3. KOa COUNCILMBN First Waid A. ASHMAN M,.,..,nd Ward J. F. L1PPEKX Third Ward A.W.SMITH. Fourth W.ud S. C. BAGS; tOR CITY KCCOUDER AI. G. ClU)WLKi ro:: CITY ATTOKNEK .IAS. RE1ELY. vol: city 'ii!SAsu;iE!t THOMAS VINCENT. FOlt HEALTH OFKICEU AND CITY COLLECTOR . G. W. OH A FAUN.