Newspaper Page Text
l HE TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA, TUESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 5, 8G. fOLUME VI No 33 Old Series UAUKY STEVENSON THE WILLOWS" TAJX BY Harry and Johryiy. Fancy Mixed Drinks of all Kinds a Specialty. Toa Kettle Rye, and Cliff jgs Bourbon. Also LAMARQUISITA CLOAK. Allnn Street bet- Third and Fourth ISfNcxt door to he O K. Corral. FOR SALE. Or Will Tithe G utile on Slrives. One of the very ost ranches in Snipher Springs Valley, ten mile range. Plenty oi water, four good houses on ange; plenty of shade, running springs .For particulars apply at this of flee. ti John Sullivan, Practical and Mechanical DEN T I S T. Onico on t!ie south side of Allen street, three riors west of Seventh. All ki:-.da of d.-ntnl work promptly. 1 crfoimcd. Mu!.iu: a'l l.i-- of - -fn. TcrJli'a . i-.-li t. Tci tii i 1 1 l jim: evtrieitd .!!. VP v .V " at lhe i west r .. V.'Al !; . f: D. .'i 2 . ;.' Ilat mi 'otint, iron ai.J stetJ. Guaranteed of tho Ihjt ualit and vj?'.MimWip. tl.Li Pnwui-n f Tempered ttcc' t.r brasa jSCiGi j o3f88nS t h;u! r.. uptojja juirn I firtckgr2iili, tcloiiio i' baling hay, fences, (III 6 t l'lidju-. tf riL'-jis, etc., UlMndj and sizes. VJlra f "Sul-irly lhcntel wanufactur U a I L O U 1 1 ! I S " rs of 2 aii'l 4 iwiiit, regular aid 3i- det. Our euit mcrs ur-. guaranteed aganstlaw Gopher Traps, Bird CagesS"isi Wire Glclh and NetlingSiSSiSS decree if -rength. Ail kinds oi Wire Goods fur Uio liuicr, Rsnrer and general public XOTIZ,- -7I tlffy cnntjHtitUm and sell jrv hUrr piwiU at less price thuu eastern mmdw SuDimons. IN' THE COUNTY COURT, IN AND FOR the County of Coehise, in the Territory of Arizona. HEN'llY. DUBACHER, VlaintuT ) FREDEltICK GEKBAltDT, Dft. Action brousht in tho County Court of Cochise County, cnitory of Arizona, and the complaint filed in the said county of Co chise, in the ofliue of the Clerk of the aid County Court. The. Tonitory of Arizona fends Rreetinx to Frederick O.rbardt, defendant: You are hereby required to appear in an action brought aa'.ust you by the above amed plaiir.ill, iu the County Cou't of Co chUc couniv, crritoiy or Arizona, and to the complaint lih-d tLcrcin, within twenty daj(csrluivc of the day of service) ..rtnv tl... criiri' nil vntl of tills SUm'UOllS. if served within this canity; or if served out of this county, but in thU district, Willi in thirty days; otherwise within forty days, ,l,.r,ill uill l taken aiainsl yu according to the piajcr of aia om piaiut. rtiini, lc liriMiirlil tn rnriver an ftp and judgment for amount due from de'end- ax r. oaawLsr. ant to planum, as uuiy appeals uj uictum plaint tiled lierein, a duly certified copy or which is hereto attached. And you are hereby nstiijed that if you fail to apucai and answer the said complaint, as above re quired, the said plaintiff will take judgment asains't you by default and apply to tlia Court 'or the lelicf deniauded in the complaint- , , .. Given under mv Land and seal or the County Court or Cochi.-e County, Ten itory c.r Arizona, this 3rd day of September, A. 1) l6,M'' FA. O. WALLACE, Clerk ' - ystf SUBSCRIBE 44 TO .THE Daily RE 3? IT BLICAN FJPp In Cochisn SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year Six Months Three Months Delivered by Carrier per week 25c : fit HAS .: : ; DOUBLE THE CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN THE-; Territory. ; ; OFFICIAL ORGAN OF HE COUNTY. THE :,ncto Advertise at va Cheap Hates, Koiv It, THE ONLY. County. 10 00 6 00 3 00 CONSUMERS, Beware! There aro imitations of the celeb rated and old reliable J. B. Pace Tobaccoa. The- genuine has the Full frame J. B. Pace. on the tin tag. Don't be deceived. You era im posed upm if the initials J. B. are not on the tin tap;. NEW DEPARTURE. JPASQTTALE Jfl&llO Of -tlie Comet Saloon lias tho Standard Time Whisky. A ncr invoice of- FRENCH COGNACS- FRENCH WINES, Of all descriptions. GINS, IMPORTED CIGARS, AVIKLANIVS Phila. Beer. Comet Saloon, Allen Street, between. eth and 7th billiard aLd Tool tables connected with the saloon. 5 4tf TUB WJNJa BOOMS Allkx St., Bet. 4th and 5tii. TOM AVAI-.IC13K. Proprietor. The finest imported Wines Liquors and imported Ci;rars in this city io be found at this place. ST. LOUIS BEER ON DRAUGHT (Ice cold.) A Fine JLuncli spread everyViay O-'iOtf THE OI1ITEKIOjSt Saloon ami Club Eoonis. Driscoll & Jlennessy Allen St Bet. 4tla a-ncl 5 tin Tombstone, Arizona. Billiard Parlors. HaOucr Ac Khiiug'lines.Ky, Prop, (Allen Stieot I!et. Fourth and Flllb.j This.te tba Kiuett BililoM I'arior J. OS ADseies. Choice 'V71XKS, LIQUOItS and CIUAHd alwsy in Ui. Milwaukee Beer on Draught! A NEW DEAL! The Pioneer Meat Market Still at the Front! The undersigned wishec to inform tbo public that no has sold his intei om In the Cochipc Wholesale and itetail Batthcrine. Association to Mr. J. H. Slaughter and JJrncst Stt rnis, including catile, horses, hogs, wajon. slaughter-house, etc. ind the undersigned would farther inform the public and his old pat rons that he is building a new slaughter-house, er.d that he will continue his wholesalcand retail business at tho old stand, Tlie S'ioneer .Heat Slarltcl, BAUER prietoi NotiCG oi' Forfeiture. TO DAVID CALLISIIEI. TOUR llKXV.i or Assigns. lieichy noliiied that I have expended (100) one hundred dollars in labor and improvements on the Ohio lode and mininrr elaim, situated in the liiobet niiniuu district, county of Cochise, Territroy of Arizona, in order to hold the claim of the year cndlujr December, 1SSG, under the pre visions of Scctiou lievised Statutes of the United Stales. Therefore, if within ninety days from Tiitblication of this notice, you fail or reTuse to contribute your propor tion of-sald expenditure and cost of this publication as co-owner, your iutcre.-t in said mine or claim Mill become the prop el ty of the undersigned, under Section Z'yU. SOLOMON S1IUL1Z. Tombslono, April 7, INSi. Summons. iN THE JUSTICE'S COUUT, TOWNSHIP No. One, m the County of Cochise, Terri tory of Arizona, Charles Kardini, plair.tili', ye. Guiseppe I'ontana, defendant "Before C. K. Aivord, J ustice of the Peace, demand i:J09. The Territory of Arizona sends greeting; to (iuiseppe Fontana, defendant. : You are hereby summoned and required ', to appear bclore me at my ofllcc in Tomb-1 stone, County of Cochise, on the Sth day of July, i . D. ISSli, at 10 o'clock a. m., to an swer the complaint of the above named plaintiff, who demands of you that you are indebted tw him in the sum of three hucdred (-?u(W) dollars, on apiomisory uote giving by you to plaintiff, as more fully appears by complaint now on tile in uiv ofiice. And if yon fail to appear and answer said f complaint as lierulu requireo, I lie piaintm will take judgment ajraiuet you as dtmandd and Tr the costs of this suit. Given under my hand this Gtli day of Jlay V D 1SS0 C..E ALVOill), Justice of the Perce NOTICE. Having chis clay sold my under taking business to Jos. Pascholy S Co. I respectfully request all need ing Jiis services to call upon him. All bills to date will bs p?id and collected by myself. N A.J. lllTTEB. April 21), 18SG. 4-29-1 in Referring to tho above we would say that we will endeavor to give the public iho same courteous treatment and fair deali.ig they have, received in tho past from Mr. A. J. Ritter. Jos. Pascholy & Co. Successors to A. 4 29 -lw , Hitter. For the finest pickled pigs feet in the city, go to Martin O'Laughlin's butcher shop, corner Seventh and Fremont streets. 5 7-tf. I I BEG LEAVE TO INFORM and vicinitj' that I hao returnecZ from the East with a large supply of the Celebrated Simonds' Nabob and is now ioi sale by the gallon, bottle and smaher quantities at my bar dOo. PASCHOLY Occidental Hotel TN Tlin JUSTICE'S COUUT. TOWNSHIP No. 1. in tho County of Cochise. Territory of Arizona, before C, Ji. Aivord, J, 1'.; demand, Sit.25. Cadwell & Stanford, Plaintiff, ) vs. Nathaniel Alexnnd r. TJcrt. 1 The Territory cfArizo. a send greeting to Nathaniel Alexander, defendant: You are l ere- by summoned and required to apoear before me at my ouice in loniDsttiuu, cnuuiy or iocuise, uu theCOthdajof Apiil, Allt56, at ten o'clock a. m., to answer ine compiami ci incaoove-nameu nliiiritifrj. who demaad of yon that you are in de'Jtcd to-them in tho sum of $31.35, for goods and merchandise purciaseu anu uejivereu io you at jour own instance end request, as more Inlly appe- rs by complaint now on file in my office. And if yon fail to appear and answer ftid coa- .T- 1 ! ....... -wl .fill tnl-a am UB UUrClU inuiim, iii kfMiunu c ..... nii.Mnr.nt .iTfllnpt von as demanded andffrrtne costs .ol this suit. " Given uoder my hand this Brrtdayor Jlarcii, A. u. ibsu. , IN THE JUSTICE'S COUUT, TOWNSHIP No. 1, in tte ccunty cf Cochise, Territory ot Arizona, be'ore u. l;. Aivoru, J. r,; cemaso 501. eadn ell & Stanford, Haintlli, 1 A. Ames, De.cniiatit. ) ... The Territory of Arizona sends greetiEg to A. Amen rtolM-iiiiitr Yfiu are hereby summoned nd required to appear before me at ny oflicc in ombstonc, county ol Cochio, on tne 30th day jn.n i n 1KS' .-a 10 oVlock a m.. to answer e complaint of the above-named plaintiffs, who m md or yon tu-.t yon aro lnoeoicu lu .ut: -i m SaaiOidl, I-.T gt'OllH I.I1U uiuiLunuwioc yi od and delivered to iou of your own instance reniost, as more fully sppiars by complaint ,v on Hie tn my oaice. Anu if you fad loap- i rand answer said cod plaint' as herein re oied, the plaintiff will Like Judgment against n as demanded aud Tor the costs ol this suit, yen under my hand this 2nd day of March A 1) S ti. O. . AJ " L, J.I' FOlt SAL,!-. Furnished house of three rooms and kitchen, complete for house keep ing, on Allen street, between Seventh and Eighth. Will be sold chpap if applied for at once. For particilars apply at this office. 8-14-1 ni Any parties wishing to go overland to Kingston, at reasonable rates, should call upon Geo. W. Buford, who is going very shortly and has accommodation for five passen- 28-3 gcrs. ' Fifteen dollar pantjs for eleven dol ors at Harris tho tailors. 8-13tf. Anheusei beer on draught at the Oriental, a line lunch thrown in A.T THE Union News Depot? Can Alwuj s be Found the "ocst Assortment Books, Toys and Stationery J'.USIOAL l'STIllTMETS. PEIilODICALS, " Allen Grand Hotel B'te'5 SOL ISRAEL, Proprietor., . PAPAGO OA8E foTOEB, , 824 F RE MC NT .STREET. - Tine Groceries cf every description, ohou-. est brands of Kentucky Y"Mskcy and Grain. of ill ; i c d kept constantly .od bind t. sold at lowest prices. , - ' rank B. Austin, Prsp payers supplies alway on Land ar.j of hb best quality.. Is aeknowlci'ed by eminent Tsnrgcawf o a the purest and liuest known, and invalutib to invalids. SIMM0ND8' KENTUCKY KA BOB BOlHt BON WHISKY has been well known for many years, bein unsurpa sscd for its eco lent quality and delicious flavor. Everybody who has tried it says it is the best iu the world. Families supplied by the gr.llou.cafC or n-ttle. None genuine unless my HigDatUie i' across the cork, "G. Sirominds." My atrent is authorized to sell to trade, half barrel, barrel direct shipment from Ken tucky or from his warehouse at San Bernar dino. Sold by the bottle and jrallon BOTHIX, TWEEU& COMPANY. Sole Agents for Tombstone and vicinity. Tho Fountain. The Fountain Chop House is the cool place in the city to take a meal. No'smo heat or smell from the kitchan, It beinP tirely separate from the dining room, -fore-quarter beef used. Nothing but choicest cuts, lish, jjame, oysters.etc. vate entrance troin Toughuut street to boxes: oct7 t'HE PUBLIC IN TOMBSTONE Bourbon Whisky, For Sale. The old established and only Undertaking "busmesh in Tomhstone, either with, or Avitliout the real estate. Terms reonauie, P&v nticnlars, address a. o. S1TTKR, Tomhstone, Aii 2-9tf Dyar 8c Baldwin, "Wholesale and retail dealei in Rook S&tt, Bade? POTATOES, CAxhJSTED GOODS, aud all kinds of GROCERIES GeocU sold cheaper thuj other mm irrrvnmnm Mis. Head has been appointed agent for Connor'3 ranch butter which'she receives fresh every Satui day. Alio freslt buttermilk on hand 3-17-t Many a Lady is beautiful, all but her skin; and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put' beauty on the skin. Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Balm. -t3