the daily tombstqne the Pioneor Daily of the. .Camp yOYEVBEROS-. rKBMfhKb KVEKY EVENINli, 'uuilays Excepted,) JAMEs 'j. NASH. Office on AJlen Street, north s'.dcr-Tbctweeu fkird and Fourth. , Subscription Rates.':-'--- One Teat . 7.lo" 00, iix MmUu oo Three Mohtfcs.. . ..,.. -3 W n Month 4 . IV. .';'-! '.00 Delivered by Curriers Tor 25 rents a Week ' "v WILL A. NASUL.. OFFICIAL PAPER Cochise Coutxtfc.i Cleveland ml liii Moscow in 2&66at cougri-asioual elections. , the "Blaine of Maine" will be the sliib flleth of the Republican party-fop-thfc aiext two year. "W&en Slaughter mnkes his Appoint KMente, it will be ,deniouhtrate,d .that, the -"cane" all srot left. "l ' '' War, horrid war, threatens Europe, wliil.the angel of peace trends .Jidace jfully orer the dominions of our. Un aSeiSamue.1. '" "It epecas -strange, tsore,; -than paaaiDffiBtntagfitliHt .tlje dernpcriiqy tf ttflSfCacntgr willi .a.ri avqrage wz jjority.qf twojhupdre.tipqfcJjipport. a dull newspaper. The circulation gf XCmbstone'i fiaincieairjj ,vory day, jLidif.tfiv; foulness men of this city Kuuld cog; UH their own 'mtqrests they would fill ur columns with fUmiug holiday advertisements. tOji of the measures tisit jriU-'bo '.brought before the next kgisktur" funding in general the . djfctajftjiijjie counties in the terri tory, and. pc.yiding against the issu ance of interest bearing warrants. Phenix Gazette. i- n-;' The suggestion. $i The 'ljOMBSTOSE fthat Jj. W. Blinn would make in cxr- , ccuent pjesiaiu oucer tor tne next tSPcpaAarialxouncil, meeswith no an wefing.f.cliOjfrpni the north. The Fhenix i.Gapejyie fommeBs ;;C6rn- wall the SawtaanciijuxrAf , northern distrietor JSae pajJtjdB? listrietor Jiae noilrJaai 'f heucion Citun. ricatramarK, f hat theJEpitapb, u.not dead but is ,(leeping, and has been sleejjjng nce legion day. True you .Bratr Brown, as since the second '.day oj Toveinber, here have only beenabciut 100 Epitaphs dubiihe1 jdaily.t.and.a gtfSt days fince, we observed the sotj f.oi,jine propneror w mat succt. trying 11 the circulation to a Chins' - - t ashnian forrsjiigjijapei--? ' .jffHelpsest congressional don test of ae yearasuuuoubiedly that in tbe; jeventh jglsiqjeHstjpc" wbfVe' . Jamei j$-((ppty 4efocrat, ;)s!e.clfd castfor hi. republican opponent, Mr.. j'Little Lawler, tfie democcaJjig iifimjC t nee in onepf the JChicag9;)distr.ictjj tws chosen by a plurality of -sixi vojai r-Globe-DemocraL ..; r ' i HSeoobJer sulljnay Animof Qr.Seoonil HaudCotids ofialljynds fnau any jXnai iu Arifopa. K.ejnc.niper. tie place) opposite "the 'TrT Cigt -raeater. . lt!-iJl TV -.'rgf-.VJ t :t ,h .jr.ol,--6he-ierT- jcg3. of ,M rn-W. JV . Baltyrin JpfW catoti, pjfeeent nje and riaterealji i.: jmy ipre t hi jaenson. 'tOFatttrsi'-oi ...Whjh are more specificaUy sfl-tfrh jjnapotrec ot attorney, executed by Jnie"taid 9 recodBoule ,2, Power ol jDa?rTombj6tone, Oct. 3$.iSSfi;:''- Tic citjiens4 jf rjik'?' Are rc-" t)quattl to call at Uie Crystal jVabxy, 'ilijniesUc.cigars,:!!! (he 8outltBist'''ittui r where there .wants Tiill be tMytuliitiicfl tandwiches ft all kinds -omtjtnlly fn i't. ' Uloif , ijiooni at ogaie?,.wJien tisey s vims. jljiiit. giUcc..". apd sa'ni pie f 0JfcjU:'-'ir4 iinast brauils o'f'wines.liftuWs and.- jloou r oi jiroui. vt.." Lout; Ankeuser and Buech bocr.'bijjaHfjtrl ."The finest saloon in Ari&hltjv 2ldJr 1 - ' - i0 Fine spring ..chickens and ' fresh ranch butter for sale at the Fulton M'rfrket. tf. . ; i A ' ,' , .-. .-..1HotIcc. v AH'peron:iadebted.ty Sch'be-ifelil & .Hey ma.ii n?9. ; hereby itrfied ' t'o settle f)r.tliwiith,...tothprwiie thejr ac counts will be placed iii.jthe, hands of an attorney with orders to FnCe col- 'lectigii.'--'X,i 'persons 'having,-claims, ir-: aj'.'Ji' .' r-... J i , i ...1 . J.'i'ri.J reiq,' are, .-requester--to.; prrecii!, we saiiiffat tl$ store and receiv.? :: pay- ',. ' SqilOSNFELD irllEYMAN.' Toruhstonp, Nov. 4, 'tf , i X'lpper Snn pcflro Ronnd-np. Cochise Stronghold, Dr saea mountains, Octuuer oih, Jbttf, from tUere to- Whelstone and Sun Pedro Ranch roniBan' Fe'droi Hiver", nb..TeiBciison, up tlic river-to iSunor'a-'IiSey across .to 'Terranutu tlitncc'JrofiL'ttlsoiJtii 'elid'HuBi-bur'a,.. uu$ taint, to Barbacouari, downJiarljiicoinari lu mouth of Taller'5" Mr. JanAs Vaitsflwill t' through ift ' 'Sprain of si'iid rtdero. 8 S9'tf ' Bc'y.T. 8.lf. A. Dissolution ot PaitnShlp. -.:-il)lie ou?rtiess,!ircreti)ore carried on - t V : . . in this city under the "firm uameiaiid; tiyle-of t'osterhouse fe. Co., -has hi-en tlrii tiny dig'bolved'-Uy- consent, Mr. CoBterlicuue reiiritlL') and Mr. Jolm'-J'ar'Uii5i'VetniVTniiig'-aflf sole pro proprietor, to whom all bills owing the- firninuj-t be paid, and by whom all bins oweu by tne linn win be pain . : ArStJST-;CoSTttHOUSE. . Joiiy Nardini! . ; " .tTombtonc,Noveiuber.'G, 18S6, ': eti ; -. . . '' . ; A belt belonging'' lb" some member of tliii uniform rank K. "of P. The owner ol tlie-sanie can recover same "Uy'calling at this olfll-e, proving prop- Hity, u'n'd"paying for tins notice. tf. - 9 ' 1 ., . Remotal, ' .The. Willows Salon,-rHarry Steven- eon- proprietcr, -has .remurrd to -the buHUini; fnrmeity occupied by Ash -rntip Walter; 'oh AllVn "street, .next door to Ilia uau (Jan, where tho best ef:.Wille)JjIquc;r and, Cigars can al- All periSiifenfe :Jw;robyi catitioneilj againt;Bccui4ing ceii'yin promi- sary note -giveii' by us tO '.Ohar. D. Cole iu Au. )$Si, for liie uni of $5,000, the ' cohi$uer;iti,oji--;j&virig?' failed," aud the note wiUif.ot, ; f:.i.T r.'t.-' 910 Reward Witf be' paid for llies' Veturn of the t., r- x k- " TA...i.:..'!'- E.!.-i."'lf .u . bfJfra. Eankin," back of the court nousc.jttu 110 quei lions astea. l-w . . L' Coat!fl-jyiie..jwol. cottontail size .jut recejveay texp ieee at iiayg's. t ' jcice)i;i?oavecappc Sale, JAMES. Y. ErCLESTON,.rit4:TrFF. VS ' 'Alfr-d D. Olii aiid .V.'ojui jand U. S. . . PaTtflivai tb a'falijuet if of, said AJf led U." Dlts'defeiida'nts: ' ' '4 - . (...Undiir and by virtue of sii o' alc and riccrce ot forcclof uro ana f alutissunt oul'of tlie Ulttrict Cofirt of.tlie:Fii8t'Jidi.' cial Ditiict iji and fvMhe. Countj o'f Co Llll-C. ICIIIWIJ Wl AllAUIfH. Ull IIIC- iUUJ OBJ. "(if Nyciibet. in the ,biire cntilled'a'cj tiun, u-heriL-in Jaa-es Y. Ec-Iest'oB,.th'e above rainrd" itairitlff, (Pjilfncda'-judemcnt' and .decree. . of '.(ortclostjre and .6ue ajaint' AI-' fred'D.:,ll a'noyV Stnfu and p?S .Pjytnhi ttSsisijraiof.jP'AlfFCftDi-OiiA. deffodants, 011 the VSU. dajr of Novetiilieiv'ltjStfvifuf the 'lium-'of f .'o-JT!ft)usan(J Eieht- Hundred and .Rlty.frrcifila t$-2,Ji.-5J,J(lul nuitiey, be- siic luujicfcx ujiM.ciiMb. i am coit.ttiatiucu sell aU ttlta(peit-ajn-lotf,3Jjccc8 or par-' cwWoManll, silu.ilx, fj inir, ami licinir in the ; city'Of-To'ihbstrtn;,.-o'unly'Wf Cochlse.TVW! riUjcy .'oCfuiob t, .and hounded aud de-i -sCrlbd afongi?s: -'?-V " A Jnteja, 4,id 5t mjilocj; arrdine td; village-' (nowjollj I lomtistoiie. tnjdc ,J)JT cofdinjj.lo lhc offlcla) ciupof taid' tnwn.irte' no- in ti e omcc ot tlic City f f.nd oily of Trtriib.stiino. sEaId.l.ots 3-arid 4 'are AWrli iWl "fi-iTt iii u-Wtli anri-l-'o fi-f In Wi.Mth i AUdjt3.inilot5"is-.0. fc'et in"idl) land 1A0 jeijiyfcpiii.. .cam ,iis. ironi. on neuoiil, streSt;7 be(5vcn F-nrth "aTid Fifth . strt-cta: iorti.eayjt.olhcp ad'-to;etlicr. lire hiiundt-'d as fiiOOi&fyxfSie' o1rFrX4nunstreet CO feeC I easterly Xrqm the pointuLiiitcrACution of said line of Jr-mont 6tteet with the t-at.-rlj-iine of Fourtli' street: therii-n tout'iitrlt parallel u-itlL fourth street 120 fr.eU to-si .pmV '"VSh VTie'li parallel wuu rrrmoni rtrer'tCO feet1Ui,a ponit,. lherii-e soullieriy' lol5): thence weitertr ahjmr su'd iim- of Frf-fSioiif 'street ' BO feet to tiTe place ofiTjiv r ti one Evnri;vxs doorvor, tUajey.tuity pf Cochise, Xw),l,lnl9bwJipee to said odir if sale and .nej-rea. l tortclcsure- -and; Sale. jslK th :lboyc'fI.cerjbed pn)i(yty;.ocisft uiueh .here (.i cay .b. noiifssary l.i.-UlrTud,juds- ir"eefl"a p'ointf. tltc'hmlwrilKrlyr-paraUul Mtfi-.yUnitrj-et'ltyofe'oriesst poiiri on, the aidanutitKj',e iifKwont street (It'injr the iiHitViiat Vfprnr-r'ot'lsaVd' , 'ui.arrf.bettkiMeror!flrfJa'ipney of "iL i r'V-JiJllVt States i. -Uu," ' rw A airffAas..liUdy dissolved br fastcd'XoTember 1. I85S. Ms i 'n,AJl?ifnV.lV-rW7.reS r, a HJiTeri T 'dt,.,irr eidnnfi. 'All luij against sd arm " ' Astray Notice. Strayed- froi-i .Soldier Holes nbout one month ago a buy horte with buck le brnrid oirleffhiji, mid a.riiniiinK M on left thoulder. A jewiird will be paid to'iuiy olie elurmiig-him to John""'9i,P''-giyi"B mfor mrtion as to where ne can'Tje found. If' -; 'qy' Cleaky. Iol?cci ."of-,lr. The underMgoed desires to slate that lie liu's'soliF titc' Pacific Chop .Houe to.Mj;, .Wjlhitm A. Anderson who will ctinddct ilY5'Jsilmerii the fu ture in.llie sajiie nianner-, aiJ-haxe. conducted it iu'the' pn'fct, and I desire 'all parties 'know'ng .thjjri?ilves",'-in-debted to me to pay the sam.e to.lii,n it tlieif fearlieSt'-cOilvfeliierti-e. W. D. Coleman. Tombstone,-DcV lw' TjrjAIVTKD Lady asent ari-iainciyeaJ-' "-'2D drij'jttiHiS inyMi-ctiddriu eniirc'.y' new patent rubber iiuderearniVnt ft;e.t ;Wict:'Amlnivtcl'sAiid-jaU 13 tirst hour ilADAM V. r. 14Tri.E.,,-v a IMx 45,.t:hh-ai;olll. . .Xotlce. t- H.-r j l- ALL WHOM IT MAT GOXCnXX:;; 'Whereas-my 'former "'partiie'r FriU Gcr ,bardt. .h.mjteriouily disajipsared from his ' plii-e.'of uuViiie'siP irf'Tsbie, CocIiIbc Qounty4 A..-'i).; ail peisons -sreheteliy poti tied that I will not be responsible "lor'anj debt .'which kelmay-eVjntrart.,, . Henkt DwaicncR. Bisbse.AusHSt-lth. So.'1' ''I Look Out. ...And.den't yon .fqrirrt it. thst, ffolcott &. Mctsick hare tlie"Suet (oifct'i'oaos for-sale" that ht,eTn ben wffcredtVo the peoot ef tais cit. 6.2il( Sheriif's Sale. BY YIItTUJ! OF AAUAS, EXECUTION Ivrncd out of the llivrici. Court ol the t irrt Judicial UiatriC, in-and nil the O.unty ol Huiii 'lerriiory'ol Arizous. to'ne directed sua uciivrrr ciluii a Jnd:muat rendered ir saii co'.n uu 'lie 2al diy of or ilrchfc 18SU, (n fa;or of The Alta Miislu & nlc.IiUB .-omisiry and agnuM iLe L'ci.scn Mi'.iuc & araelting I mmiit( uhen-i' i tla c-.minl d .to .ma.e tlie tarn of 1,711.83 datunep wub merest ;bi'n-on irom.datt: of Jutig ine.'.t t the rale of ten. per cc..t per annum 'paid; t6(clhC-r Villi aul nccfuii-j;. costs. 1 h-st this dsyjtx ed -upon ILe fallawinf de srribva pVpcriy, W wit J ' " All Uu- right, liile nl interest of the Benron Miuius and Mn-Jlfi.g Uoinpa.iy,-t tho, es!ha f of the pouthea; qnan r of Section 10, l owuship 17, Mium;, U'.ncc lv, .as-; tn i;ocnieT ruuiy, Arfto; a Tcrritiirj'. d lu Ihc ore Mnilling 'u! riductbn Works and mac m ery erected thereui:, as it existed on the day i f March, ISSd '--AuMlC'.e is,hcrly jliiyo tht on Ssturd .y .he -7th duy tl Noein ler.-'lbji. l.ctvecu t. c Lhpir'of 9 S. m. ai)d i n. in. u It at ortue.ishl r-riS's'OIiic'-. futhy Wr-f6 iib-tonc. C'Chlte Couniy, Ar.mua Tcr i: ry, 1 UI Jl. Jlj !.; -I Ini Ll;a Mncltic Compam . m snd to ih above described irperty at l'u l'c Auction, to tbe fci?:.ret kud best bidder, for caah.lsu'liil mom vol .the United, stales, to unify said .execution mid ktr.i.- - - -fi liated this the 6th dsy of Norrmber, 1S8K. J ,. .j. -, ,1 K.S,-ltA-r.Cll, Sllvl.35,, rrrr1.-1 ALL. ITaother Wocji-pwHjlng medicine is made, , OB.hss fjpr biyn prapsKd, which so com pletely yteets .the waniSnW 'physicians and the.geurljputic as .Ayprls Sarsaparilla. ft leads the-HstAa tralTcieiitific-CAFara- ,.' 'iop for aIl,b!ooft.discw. If Jhere isiiujlc- oxsiouge it ana expeit-jarpai-jwur y&Lvui. For constitutional .or .ecrof ulous (iitarrh, n-rannii AVER'S Jwap.vkh,". is tUo bATARRH true renie.. ,lt lias cured nmnberless cases. It will Sit. the iiaaseous catarrlial discharges, and rejrwe the.sickeo- iug odor of the breath, whii oz scroruious oriiu. Ulcerous utto, Tex., SoiftiS.lBSl. "At the age of two yer? one of r.Qnnro my children, wfj. terribly ifiiifcte'd OunCCl with ulcerous running sores on its face and ueefc. At-tb9same tirao-its eyes", were swollen, much1 iiiflaaVed, and very sore. CnDC CvcO Physicians told us tha( a pow ;OUnt C lfcO--rulaItxative'meJiclneinieft ' be emploved. 'ITieV unite'd fn reconimeudir: -Avke's SAitSAfAUtLLA. A few dpses ro-.-, eiuced'a pcrteptibld linprdrdnient,''wluch, by .ta adherence to your directions, was contio. 'Jjii'd-toa.eoinpleio. aud permanent oure.i.'Nc teTlUeiWe Iiasrtncea(jjearcd Of'the exUtcoce Yet any scrofulous tendencies; and no treat-.-WSatLcX any, disorder was.-ever atteuaeti by vxncro rTompt' or etTectuai results. " '" Jonrs truly,, B; F. JqaxiQS.Z ' "' " VliEriSED bv" -Or. JfCAyer &. CoM'Loweil:, Masa,.: SojaT!t:b4,aa. iTTofi;jQd Short. ,haail. i X.-S'-V1"? Beeause.U w-i tblnr eUir.iu ar Beeause.U w-rtl aid vou more t' in any. thins eUcr.hi ayrli5ijrj3edta.;.eCaustt it will help you Lu axo"d liuiuebS. .;rlTtinr' limropdA" llr'fiie aid of 'a booii'Stuiifril nt'b:omit a'tVd" ii'ssous .or matt Lirom. j;u accomplished 'fileTfier. " y ' ? -" " ' , it -1 ' 'At sfjiat cspense? ;. -ffhe trisiia;; ,-Eura-'1 nf.-:J3v0S," iEVludlni; book. C "Why so c!ietpV7hqnl.cp5:(!aeSsx;TertiseJ tliexair.e cpjirse of instrui-tinn ifLr'SaS:" 1 Bi-eausa i new.text bncac is.jap cd-tiat rr duees tie-labor of lea'niKtr prciJniiptfiia'.elv to Ifc.e lifferunee tit price JbVJlij system be- Hi m aCc'sttn p'Wif fira i-re t of orch&i re" practical, .besides, beini; the. , ponidar ' meniod,Y-fi-.tYirr-!r thfe fudhr;me!i(t.j5f jsyrji tf4'.-KB iicui ijnu u.roibiunai reporters' everyiwticriv 'tt!retlrers:lth over I0Q0 scadu- ales ol our Ciam of Fhonosranhic Cl-itsw-iiiif. -audy.nion on-.tlr farm, in work shops auj njsevherc; cirls at'hotne, in fac, ,triv.,a.rjPt.(jMl bftv learned the art in from tiVjw to sti moii'llio'" strdy -inr"ure' Spari-raiimcnt ind been.hcjlped to po.Itiopa in affif-fcVbylr.'St-ott.BMwKe, ,wherc they! have earned from Jti to a-wetfc W'rjte inil-iiil; foriifiwe spin file" vitpy. of" JJr'jwne'. Phonosrapii: Monthly and full particulars, ...dscjfl .1).. .-T.-iScott'JJrorp, aft CHntdn wYo'rlc; JY. it; 23 Cm Dissplutipn of Partnership. To Dyspeptic The most common signs of Dyspepsia, or 'indigestion, are an' oppression at tho ltomach, nausea, flatulency, Trater-brasbj heart-burn, Tomiting, loss o appetite, and eonsUpation. Dyspeptic patients suffer nn ,.vit3ld. miseries bodily and mental. .They Should stimulato the digestion, and Secaro "jjular dally action of th9j.bowls, by th ' BE3 otaoderate doses o'j. . , ' ,, Ayer's Pills. , Attcr tho bo-wels are regulated, one of thesa IlllJ, taken each day af tef duiner, Is usually aH that Is required to complete the eure. Arm's PILLS are sugar-coated and purely Ttgttaiilo a pleasant, entirely eafe, and re'" liable medicine for the eure of all disorders 1 ir,'the"stoicfi,'afid'lo'wels. They art-t-rtieesj of all purgatjyes foramllyBs, ;i ,.iJ?P..AYer&po.fLowe!l,M5fc , Sold by ail Drngglsta. V k PosUItC Cure for Every Form of -Skin ana, niaod lls:&set front PJ:.ii2es to Scrofula. THOUSAXDS OF IXTTEnS In onr pSfostlon rtpat tnts st.r : I have iutcn tcrnble sQfferer for'oim with Btbo-i and'ia llnmon; havs b-5q oblipeJ to shun public plaea bjr reason of ri7 d:s. Bffcrirtff tiicori;,Jiive bad-the best physici-tci hTi-iinC hundred InfduliarJ and pnt no ralre lief until I oseUtbepcr:cuiuRi!80l.VEST.th4ni BloodHUrier; ittwntilr, arid UcricuZk and CuncmiA Soap, the Gieat Skia Cures and Skin Beautifiers, externallT, whifh hars cured uo au4 left rar sVia and blaod as pure ai a child. Jaeicsi J2. JXlchitrdont Custom Honsn. Itw Orleans, on oath, says: In 1STQ Scrofulous lT)cr broLa ou on mr body unl il 1 was a mau of corrupt tin. Everylliiapknowntothe medical faculty wi tried in ruin. I a niero wreck. At times Xuld not lift ray tiand tn my head, could not tnrn in Led; vraiih tocsttnt Vain, and lookbd upoa ai curs. No relief nr cut) in ten years. 2.ilf30 -I h trd of tU CuncTJaA &HEjifEsJuK& thm ant1 wa perfectly enrtjrf. v - T - !i rforn to beforo U. S. Com. J P; CBAW FIIP.TI. STILL MORE SO. "7II! 7TcImAlii, 35iZ Te-r1)rn Street;ChI- etc k cnteiui y ACK.nT.etljn a euro of Eczema, or Salt Hheuin. on head. nock, face, arra. &dd Icrf,r " crntecn j jar I nrot ab. la tn-v,srwpt oaiianrts nd knees, f jronyeir: no ab'eto helpbira3!f for . eicht jearv tptd .litimlredi of remedies: dsctori Eruiounced hit c7 hipel.'ii; pcrmanctitly cured y lh CuncupA Ur-JEyirs. s - fiORS VbllDnStfUL TEf. ' ' f ' IT. K..Carticn(t Ilfjr.drnpnv?!. T,t mrd of Pr rii i or lj"jrgs: -f ttrcuY ytai5- atindlnf, by CLriCintl lic-JUIEl. Th a m.-st wnr.HffnL i-M ' ion ( jcordJ A.daatnanf it l scAjrt fo'l from llim daily. I'hysicitna and l;ifno3'ts 'hotrht-h jnw.l dia. C-iro swora to before a justia of tSe puaea' 1 - - DONT-WAITv , T?7rlttt Hafortltaoe ffstimonialsin fcirotienrf ' 4jrect tr me "j.rtU AM axv ataolatelrtru and ei'enwithont ourknwleds' or solicitation. Doa't Ttait- JvowitlietiOT tre'ira avcryapecreiof Itch inr. Scaly, JimDly. ivcrifaloi, Inherttetl. C.iutir riAaa, and Oonper-co!ored .pitctazea c thti Cloot Skin, and S-ralp. with Los-rof KhirA. Sold by a!l drarrists. Price: ('uncuriA. 50 cf' : Resoltknt. U Sna t sr. ct a. Ponm DltoH jTS UUIIICIX L'U., 153t or , 11 :c. Chipped .CSMJ- B d and Oily Slqn. B Vady;andSk.e1miaiats.iw'Otilicuu.Soa act- Soap. Tiro FrnoMii ;s tho real test of a tobacco. It ls.tbo.rcirl yzsy cf.suiohitic. You t-et more directly'zt the Ilftror sml fragrance. You Uko the sniose cooler, and tho tonic cleanlier and nfcr. ripo suicUng- ,1 saintlii); reduccil to a fine art. Tbe more tho question of adulterated, tofcr.cco forces ittdf on tbe attention cf !utiersU'tha1tuoto!dSriblo it h'ceeif.ey to kne-it- TireciRelv n-hat too sro finiokiaa janElacVweU'sEull.DntlwoiSinotiiJs-Tb-' i baccoyou Jlvcagiaranteo, alweys, tbat. it is &turc s 6mt mi adulterated protluc IU fragrance, flavor and uneuriaseUiiialiivi:r4ne'. rived from the soil and air. Try ;t. and you will be tat 'UjteJ. 'Xoheg-enuine.with. out traitc-mark of the Bolt All euecew;t-d risbermen and Sports meu Emoke'llackn-ell'S'Jlull Durbara jty-iSaioiinir Tbcoo."iiid tLsy enjoy '1L : fdHHB WPft POM Ma. Brands adrertlKedaKabsolutclyjnro ,,f. t , H TEST:,. 1 5 PliLrAiui frii ioi'iiaoa IrCt't$renntnhtatedrtbea rniT the cover and ainell. A clicmUt -wlll neit be r I lUlrtl La rltMt fhu niaHnmi nf ammnnU - " ' DOES SOT CONTAIN AH3I0SIA. . us ess his NEVER ''eAtsTiojnts" lp JsmlWon tokfl a 'toa bonl for Jtjqujrtf r of t. eencirr It fcu iwmeT-f!liblsi ftt. 5 ' , TEST GF.TKE CVSi.' PRICE miilNG rO.WDE?-, C0.t- ' kakW-t or " - Dr.fricg'p8i;ial.FJaTcriii2 Extacls; Dr, Price's" iupuiin' Yeast li&ms JRiUtti UtltS- .prlit..TI,e Jwt Drxni-P Ye.tliiTl(r World. ' " FOR ALj, J5Y CROCERS. 110. . - mm- - - - -J ' P- Drcssigoods, at 8 .yards for $1.01), iplendld Valfle JTalace," Fiftli sticet:-' j. -'.'.-- 9 2Ttf"''' A splendid line of' men's California' underclothes, at Baggsi 13tf. To Rbnt.--A htnj!; of .three roo'msi corner of 'Seveiitli and Bruce atreetHi Nice,gard3nVchickeii' hopse" iiml s-tii-ble; fruit-iearing .t'reesj grape vincsj tele. riir,b"e rented cheapo tv a good, ten-int. Apply pn.tlie" pi efniaes. .f. ",.Tiie .hnestKin'y.flou.ri at. Wall COtt!s, oti -Jfiftli street'. tf ' " . .. ' r ' 1"' . "We expect "it ' f'uth ."for our' dress I goodsfb'argjwu counter.. Talace. if ' -irj,'...Slr?'ea-' - v -Strayed from -Ch'arlcstori. lislit sor reljiorse, ahqn twlve hands" higli with -white off hind foot; knees' show scare" of old)rpaf;5 Lasl" seen going dowh-'SiStn'Pedrot j-liewaid by return iug to Tombstone M. & M. Go, 10 2C " : ,.rU ' . ' Etate of Ida A . AVale.-'dtayased Notice is liereby,t:iren by the.undersisued atlmmis iliitrixol 'the'estate.:"-10I Ida A Mr'aite, de iuaeu,.ttt tjte; all persons harini; i-laims aJraiuVt said'decea.ed) to. ex hit it ficm with the iieccssar-v vuuebers., wUliin (our piontbs alter the tirst pliulica ion of lliiS iietii.-c-4 flt:''lietVollii-e,-. Krenioa treet, between Funrth and Fiflht Tomb lone, Arizu'na. - - ; v : SUSlB.jDlAJIOXD Come and see our dress-goods ba gam counter. raluce irv Uootts Sture. . s :- 9 27tf" . Just received, at' Baggs, a ne'w lot of California" men's aud Indies' ead "dles.' 13-tf Crockery and glassware, of. all de scriptions,, at Bagg's. 13 tf . Yott can-get' a "dress for $l!50, good woannc'cvous at .the JL'alace, l'Htli sireet. J-27tf ' - Rrilesor-rnre. . . Tlie "following 'is the rate charged from Fail b;t nk to tne different places named iu the schedule: First Em cliics r' San'Frahiisco.. .".........-. ..'..40 70 21 (Jlik'asd. ,...'..-..,.......04 3) 4'.' t.Jaiuis, ;0 30 41 Cin-.-imia'i. ...'..;.'.:7..: 09 20 5C filtsbora-,- Fa...., ,j...7o To- 5S Piiiladeli'hia........ 20 Iji 'ewi'Tirk.-s...N''........-'..S2 70 64 IWt- n ..t.............K 20. 6r. ,. U8alo,!S. T.i'....V.v..t - ...7! 5 i.0 llaltnnbrL- 70 55 Jl A:?hi-uti, TCisV.. ....SI 7.U 3C ,h.ii!.tw5 Cily... ...... 51 7i S6 i i n.isga;e entexca to Qsiinstion- t i through tickets.-t . v HE Are '''cenorally ladneed by Indigestion, Foul Stomach, Costlvenei-J DeKcient Circulation,, or somo Deranemettt pf tho liver end Dijrestlvo System. Sufferers will find relief by the use ot " Oyer's Pills to stimulate the stomach and produce a rejn ' lax dally movement of tbe bowels. I3y their jction on theso organs, Area's PiLLS"dirert ths blood frcm the brain, and relieve .and Fli V" . ' ' cure all forms of Congestive and Kcrrous, lleadaclie, -Bifious Headache, and Sick llcadncho ; and by keeping the bowels free, and preseryinBjtho system in a healthful eondftion"they insure immunity from future atucii. Try --.1, - r - Ayer's Pills. ' P2SPABCD CT Dr.J.C.Ayer&CoLowell.Mass. BoldbyaUDrnesItts. BUT THE 3EST-OTJALITV .fAlJiii.on5iliidiatJiu.bber "CTo.s, Pnre.Gum. CRACK PROOF JfeuBber. iBoots. .., f .BEWARE QF. IMITATIOiirJ rs Be atire the boots arc stamped d thejtoc's" .union ipira iiiu)ijer.L.o; i,;nicK rrooi," ana nave Wie Pure Gum sprints on the foot and instep, which prevent "their erackins. und -muki-g them the mi-st durable Kubber Boot made. THY Ol'R STOUT'S PATENT v.' - is v.- POKE GUM s Bubfoer Boots. Made' expressly formmiiij:, lisniiip, .and.any one wijliinjr ftet-yatrtrnx illMj durable boot For Sale by all cea'ers. 11 kinds .'rribber- beltmtf,--packii'?, nose sprregs, cIolh:inr' soots, shoes c. GpodyeSlj:' . Bubbelr 3r Agents, ix .B Franc 'seo. . . nervous;-' MEN. E,,ecirle-Suspen?ry Appliances, lor -the iptedy r?!anJrrmanentcmuorA-frt'ijifl7fr,I0 . , rt!-'M'J an-i ifaBAoo(f.andaJI)-.lndrwlouble. fUS'i&SZ Sf,her dlsea- Complete restbr4 ''? 'HWilth. Vl?m-&r,.l Usihood sruarnnreod. -v? jrv'-.ULi, i n .-in r-ri-n hamuli or fn t . J e mnliel fw.'hr 3tlmisinr CO., Marshall, jafrju CORES ALL' HUMQ'RS, frdifl a common Blotcli, or. Ernptlon, td tho worst Scrol'ulu. 5;ult-rl"u'ili,: . "i"oyor-sorc8," Scaly or lioosli Skin, in Ehort, nil diseases caused by bad blood ara conquered lur..tliis. liowerfiiL. tmrifvlnn-. rn invisoratin? medicine. Great atinff UI una oivuiiinqs, iiii. joint JUteasc, IVIiito SwoHlnsfij Coitrc, or XliIcU Ncdc; and Uularfjeil GI.-sr:i!n. Send ten cents, la. stamps for a hinre ticutiEC, with col ored plates, on Skin Diseases, or tKu sama amount forntrcntte on SerofiilmmAircetions. "TiiE E,og:d is rrriu: ljce." ThoToushly clmse It by usiitir IJr. I'lcrce'a CoMcuIcdlcnl IJlscovorj-, mid coojl djgc-,:icli,a falr-MUtu, lnpyait'UliIr- Its, vitnl KtrcUKtli, anl Koitniiues ot coiistltutioiij.n-Ul bo cstabffihed. 9 which la Scrofulous Disease ,QI the liUiijrry.fc inlrtly aind 'cimiuIy-'iiTrcsted; -" nun uutni mis u.ou-pivcn rtuieay, jr taen beforo tho histEtasrcsof tho disease nro reached. From its wondorrul power over this terribly fatal disease, when llrst offcrinff this now'cei. - . ,--ebratcd remedy to tho public. Pieucsi a thought scrioiisijr of cnllins- it hh'"Coi-' '. fcnraptlonenro,blitiibandonedthafuaii: ' -as trJtf limited for a mcdicino wlilrh tn.m irm wonuVrfiilcorabin.ation'of.tonic,orstreTthen- , , ; infr, alterative or blood-tleansinsr, nnU-biliou pectorahnnd nutrltivoliroDertics, is unequal not only os n remedy for consumption of the lnnss, but for all - . - i"1 1 ;- CHKONTC DISEASES'? '' LiverrB!Bsd,ainlLBngsr? If -you .feel dull, irovrrr-, -delii!ittef, baro ' r ealiow color of slcin, or yellowish-brown spots on face of Cody, frcfiuent heaclache or dbil. jrioomy owcbfjinss, inTjrular enpe coated tonsriie. Vou ure sutlerinir iror rom Itidl. 50Ktioii,lJyniefSi:i,und 'JTorpitS Liver, xs Liver, cast's, only or "iJiiiotisncsi." Jn luany ca; part of tnora symptoms cro ejrptrituccd. As n rmcd7 tor nil nicca. At ir.r nn sucn cases, Dr. Pierce's j!XedIH Discovery has no ciiual. r Send tea raits in etamfia for llr. Viprrr'n bookonCoruumpUon. Sold by Brujjlatj. FRI0ESI.00, goWSSg0' Proprielors, tC3 Main St., Bun-lib, N.T. aoeVQtS PILLS. t jANTr-nts,1ot;s oc?t cat xza tii c. " Sold by lirulwta. SI3 ceau tlalT -. 1 For Wcalt Einnrr!, Splttlncor Rlood, SIiortuci.H cr iireatii, Krnncbitla, ' Scvcro Conj;lt5, Coiis-aniptlon,- and iindred nffections. it )3 a sovereign remedy. a ill v-i Vwuu liUMjfiSii. , . JS oiTqrrd .by the !ponrIctor , . 'Shy Yt BtVSaffS's'Cittarru l;.-mcdyw ? t It vou bavr n dischertre from. blEVf- .taste. ulictla "Jj. . A zj.i-i-o i:o?i . ci.-;ciitao or ?y w ta Partial loci of snifll " . 4 ' orhlrInir.'vtei!:ires.d or yrcssure in head, you have Catarrh. .Tho-. . . J sania-( coses fnninate irrcftnsumr'Mr.n, - -- - , Ur.Smrc'sCATAnnu.nEVEDTciiimtlipworK " c-itsof CatirrU'Cold in-tbio llesvi,5 '.- - -. , . I and Catarrlial IlcsaaCjIio.. Caitzxe. ?' ! NOTiBE To the Taa;-puyer&, oj Cochise Coiinty, The rritorMl4 for the Gurrent . year of 1880 are; ., due and payable 5 at-the oiSceof the Treasurer and ex onlcio Tax Oollee tor of said coun, ty, in tie city "of ' Tombstone, and- must be paid on; or before the 3d - Monday in De-. ' cember, 1:8 8 6, and on failure'tb pay the,, same -as. above -pr5oviied,,; a penalty of feej,' per cent wiirbe":. added' thereto.:? A. J. RiTTErV Treasurer and ex-OiBGio.TaZ'-1 Collector for Oo'chise Coun ty Arizona Territory, !;. ,t.!.