Official Paper. City Official Taper.- 1 V3 a. REPRESENTATIVE XEHTSPAPER OP WALLOWA COUXTV. 3 r ft Sprii It Ik !' Hit Store : f.j:', llllf fit :.i if ;? t jjj 4 ss Iskl' M at- rj; ui i : ; -j "si Ii c s p e c t f a 1 1 y yours, & M. CO. ENTERPRISE. OREGON- MAY 1,1902. Additional Locals. Mrs. G. J. Wagner is still quite sick. W. W. Zurcher spent Sunday with friends out north. Bruce Cox of Alder Slope whs in town Wednesday. Mrs. Henry Miller was quite sick the first of the week. 1 A. M Wagner returned from a trip into Idaho Monday. Miss Twirl Akin was on the sick list the first of the wd. Wesley Duncan of Swamp creek was in the city Saturday. Mrs. Frank Clark Buffered an at tack of la grippe last week. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Cramer drove down to Wallowa Tuesday. Miss Letha Smallwood returned last week from a trip to La Grande. Mis. G. W. Hyatt has been on the sick list for several days this week. I). L. Reavis has so far recovered as to ho ahle to be on the street Monday. G. I. Rutoli? is improving his busi ness hoiiKo by adding a porch and a eoat of paint. L. Green and I,. K. DeYore spent Monday and Tuesday of this week in fishing at Swamp cresh E. II. Hinton 'f Chesnimnus, came in Monday, to move his mother and his own family out to their home. Wilford Green is giving efficient assistance on the paper this week while the boss is out killing bear. Warren Forsythe and Miss Anna McAlister visited Miss Jessie I m blo at -the linbler sheep camp Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Funk returned from Portland Saturday. Their son George was out of danger and rapidly recovering. The st:i;re has changed to the sum mer schedule. It now leaves here at six in the morning and arrives a bout midnight. L. Grave3 lias been on' crutch s the a-;l week on account of a sprained ankle caused by a horse he was lead ing jerking him down. S. C. Smith photographed the Odd Follows and Re'nekahs Saturday while they were en route to the church ami as they were leaving it. J. II. Dobbin returned from Union Saturday where he took his wife to be at the bedside of bet father J. W. Huffman who is very sick. L. J. Pisell come from Wallowa, the first of the week, to do some stone work on the water works soon to be put in operation in this city. A light snow covered the ground Wednesday morning which terrified :the tenderfeet, but the old settlers :. r .. h is uie maKing 01 tne country, ! Jus. McA lister, Cbas. McAlister, W. 1 I. Calvin, W. S. Burleigh and Carl ; floe started Monday morninj for the .haunt of "Bruin" in the Mud creek country. if ! iluI f..... H. T 1. . icuiv Hum luu iiiuiiia opper mines. Me says rich and extensive bodies of ore have been lately struck in tbo Thrasher group. Frank- Cbililom "v.marelioll nf f,. urancie arnvea in the city Saturday in company with a Mr. Hayes, of Seattle, who is desirous of buying , ionic heavy horses. Mr. and Mrs. Ownbey and Mrs. i Stewart of Whiskey creek were in ; town Tuesday. Mrs. L. J. Eeavis, who ; is a relative and had been visitinr with them, returned to town. Rev. S. C. Smith, the photographei who recently located in Enteprise has laken some Is-autiful views of the town and surrounding country. The viws of the mountains are especially mflgnificent. Two young men from Illinois came in on Mondays stage, and went oul next morning to look up timber land in the Mud Creek country. They had plots of the county and evidently meant business. . Aaron Wade return?'1 the first of the week from Kansas City where he had boen with a train load of sheep. He says the price of all kinds of meat is vory high. But a good tiling about it is, work is plenty and wages good, so even working men nan afford to eat 'it. "The firm of W. C. Alien & Son, who are extensively engaged in the lightning rod business, is a reliable and up to date firm," is what, among other complimentary things, the Enid Daily News, a paier published at Enid, Oklahoma, snys of a former well known and highly respected citizen of this county. The son Will and daughter Maude, who is bookkeeper of the firm, were in the 'days of the Dodsons, among the brightest of the me ui jgni young people of our Acad emy. Their many friends are glad to know of their success. Deputy U. S. Marshall Roberts came in from Portland Friday and on Sat urday went up to IVter Baudhn's where he arrested Peter and Godias iUudan presumably ,, the same charge as was lodged by the U. S. grand jury against Walter Simmons. They went before U. S. Commission, r Lake at Joseph and gave bonds for their appearance in Portland when the U. S. Court convenes. j Lee Calvin returned, Tuesbav, from sheep camp where he has been at work for several weeks. He is trvin-r to earn enough to have the pleasure ui uLLcniinif r in sf i . next year. Lee is . f,.,;,i . r consequently he is pretty sure to suc ceed. Such ambitionon the part of a boy is worthy of encouragement. lorn Marks, the good citizen and prosperous stock raiser of Uimer Im- naha was in town Tuesday. Mr. Murks says that no fault can be found with the weather, or anv other con- ditona affecting the prosperity of the citizens of that 1.,ii;t- Au effort will no doubt soon be made to place some children of this town, with the 1! H-.iety, of Portland. It seems their parents have grown so indifferent a- bout their welfare as to let them fre quent saloons. E J. Weaver who was for several years a resident of this county, but is now a citizen of Arkansas, is. visiting relatives and attending to some bus iness matters in this vicinity. He ex pects to remain during the summer. Mr. Berland has lately receive a large addition to his stock of saddles, harness, whips, robes and etc. Mr Berland aims to keep the best of every thing in his line, and sell at prices at which people car. afford to buy. Ulysses Wih wore, Weston's strange character, who attracted much utten t:on last winter by his strange mode : f living in a dugout, is breaking j reported, 11s expected, its progress cay uses for a living in the mountains. I through the Semite will probably fol He seldom comes to town. Tribune : 'ww shortly. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burleiifb and children started tod..y fjr outside points. Mr. -o " m HUH- t..n on business, and Mrs. Burleigh and children go to The Dalles lor ' seven: 1 weeks' v.sit with relatives and friends. Mr. Scott of Divide was in town on .Monthly with the proceeds of one day' labor, several coyote scalps, for which lie received the lawful bounty. He says he knows where there tire more of them. Alp. Hays came up from Inmaha Tuesday, lit says the road is lined with prospectors and mining men. There is liable to be something of a boom in that region yet. Mrs. Hinton and little daughter, wno have occupied the Sheahan house - 1. . 1. .. . . 1 1 1. 011 inesaays stage. Tiiey came to 1 J 1 operate Baudan's machine, which t ill commence work the first of the month. Marriage license have been issued to E. J. Montgomery and Clara E. '.Vood, of Joseph, and Fred Wagner and Floience Bookout, of Enterprise. C. C. Holding of the Elk Mountain saw mill was iu. town Tuesdav 1T says every thirg is prosperous in that neck of the woods. The contract for carrying the mail from Enterprise to Inmaha is to be relet. Bids are now in order. Mrs. Chas. Emmons, of Aldea Slope is suffering an attack of inflammatory rhuniatism. Mrs. Watson of Alder slope, came in Monday to spend a week with friends, . j, Ray Ves. was in; from his Trairie creek farm Wednesday.' . fc p 0 o gauery alt winter, re- the Grande Bonde, has been working turned to their home on Chesnimnns,f .11 Tue-wl-iv '"f thecal company throughout the FouVshe.,, w . I . He says: -N doubt can THE WORLD'S NEWS FROA FAR & NEAR Clipped From Ou Exchanges. The employees of the Oregon Citv woolen mills, are on a strike. The condition of Queen Wilhelmina is still considered verv serious. President Palma, of Cuba, arrived at Bayamo, his old home. April 24. Bids are now called for, for the sit of the Lewis and Claik exposition, to be held in Portland in 11)1)5. Arthur Kirtley, a well know n young man of La Uraude, died a short, time ago in Nicaragua, where he had gone to work two year. Dr. Strong has resigned the mvs- ideney of the Oregon I'nivrvsiu. accept the position of chancellor of the University of Kansas. It is im. lfortuni,tc U,v "W to lose such an iu.le educator as Pros. Strong has proven himself to be. San Francisco people 110 longer have to "hoof it." The universal strike of the San Francisco street car employees wus on the 2t)th declared off. The railways granting the de mands of the strikers, which was an advance of wages for 10 hours a day service and lull liberty to do as they please when not ou duty. Wasi!1m;tox, April 'JS. An effort will be made tomorrow to secure a favorable repjrt from the Senate com mittee on public lands on the bill creating the Crater Lake National Park iu Oregon. Some Members of the committee have been a little fear ful tint the bill contain. -d some hidden and objeetable provisions, but assur ance has been given that this is not so, and that the bill is exactly what it appears to be, and nothing more. To overcome the suspicion of some Sena tors that railroad, would be benefited by the bill, a reuort will be submitted from Land Commis-uoner Hermann showing that there are no railroad lands wiihiu 15 or more miles of the park, and that there is no provision in the measure which w hiM i.ormit fraud of any character. Jf the hill is Granule Cuut. t , iLen iston Tribune S. P. McNeill, of llHv.titH.'t Ferry, on Snake rivar says: "The work on the extension of the Wcnatchee canyon rc:i ! is being pushed. Tim road is be ir,; constructed entirely by private en: .-i -prise. The road has been divid ed :uto abort sections and is being constructed by the citizens. When completed it will give the residents of Grouse a sh'jrt road to Lewiston. By it they will lie able to reach this place by .r,0 miles of travel. They !Ue now compelled to travel HO miles to get here." Mr. McNeal, whose home is within a short distance of the - ' - I IIHH1VI (ill U character of the coal de).sit. In one of the cuts a 00 feet coal deposit was exposed tiie full width of the de posit is not yet known. "The coal has been tet-ted h use in heating, steam making and in the forge, and has been excellent for all these purposes. If the proposed smelting plant for the reduction of the copper and other base ores of the Immiba is erected, and a railroad is built, these coal fields will of necessity be opened. "The people oi the Grouse country and the residents along the Grande Rondo feel greatly encouraged over the prospect for the future growth of the region. The O. R. & '. company liRR had parties of surveyors in that section. They have established an ex cellent grade survey along the Grande Konde river, ami it is believed thcToad will be built within a short time.'-' WHOLE NO- Mi OREGON DAY AT FAIR One of the Greatest Thu Far at Charleston. Exposition Gitot xi-s, Cu u;i.kst s, S. C, April 2t. This was -Oregon day" at the exposition, and one U the most interesting, thus far. oft South Carolina's great fair. The exercises at the Auditorium were well receiv, d. Representative Tongue delive el the principal address, speaking on .-Mu nitions in general from an educational standpoint. He held that great prac tical commercial results nuiv be at tained by closer friendship and know ledge of individual wishes and desires The address is generally di onoune. .1 one of the most logieal and interestii - delivered on any tate day. Ountain Wagener, in bis welcoming remarks paul a pleasing tribute to Oreeon's ev- bibit, and the great asiM-ince of the st:it. in sending such wonderful ami interesting attractions. The Com missioners were praised for leniline help, in every way toward the exposi tion. Kev. Charles Vedder, pa-tor of the Huguenot church of Charleston lor "6 years, ami one of Oregon's best friends in Charleston, reverently ,.,. mended the great Northwestern State. ( omiiiissioner Jl. E. Dosch snoke on Oregon's relationship to South larc lina in a manner which brought forth great applause. His tribute to the City f Charleston, and words of thanks for the hospitality extended Oiegon people, were pleasingly pre sented. Albert Toier tpokit of Oregon's : d vancement, her resources, entei prist 11 and possibility,,, explaining the way the Northwest was to have a great ex position in P.I05, and that its success was assured. Mr. Toier's subject "Lewi and Clark Centennial, " ap peal ed to the people, and his remarks wen, received with much applause. The band played -The Second Oregon Volunteers" and several South ern airs between the addresses. Be sides Charleston people in attendance upon the exeicises, there were com missioners and visitors from other staten, anda large number of delegates to the recent meeting of lb,- National Editorial Association. At the close of the exereisis, a rec ption was held at the Oregon headquarters, which was attended by representatives of all tl e Western states. During the afternoon Ciptain Wugener, president of the exposition, gave a banquet to Oregon people and a number of Charleston people. Noted Dead. Cmr-Aoo, April 27 J. Sterling Morton, former Secretary of Agricul ture, died tday at Lake FoieL the home of bis son, Mark Morton. Nahhvmxk, April 21. Edwin )J. Ewing, w ho was a colleague of Daniel Webster in the House (f Iiepivseiitii tives, died today at Murfeesboi o, aged 92 years. Land! Land!! Land!!! The Burleigh Um Estate ha:, placed on the market some choice bargains in real estate. Notice there: 100 acres of fine bottom land' will, an abundance of running water with water rights; W) arres in cultivation, the finest alfalfa or wheat land; price. $2500 on easy terms. 120 acres of fine alfalfa land: good improvements: a snap at ?iW)i). :j'20 acres of fine alfalfa, clover in grain land at $12 per acre. 100 acres on Alder Slope: good orchard; a $200 wood saw and various articles go with the place at $1100. 320 acres; 100 in cultivatisn ; living stream flowing through place; best stock ranch in Wallowa valley; $2500 on easy terms We only handle property that w i!l sell, consaqiie'iilly 'can 'quote you the lowest price: on' al! classes of real property. . t , .. Cull on 01 srr'ite the iirm for further particulars. Tub Buri-iioh Ritar, Etatk Aoiwcv i?terprise, Oregon'.