Newspaper Page Text
6 EVENS IN THE SOCIAL WORLD. Interesting Echoes From Sea- Side anil Interior Resorts. THE * COMING TOURNAME-.T. Weddings in Prospect— Notes From San Jose — The Goodfriend- Steiner Marriage— Monterey to Be Invaded by the Military— A Bolinas Dance— Parties to Take Place— Personals. The Slate Sunday-school Association convenes at Pacific Grove Saturday, and on Tuesday, Hie Ist of July, the Slate Chautauqua Circle will meet at the same place. Many will attend from this city and the subuibs. Mrs. F. M. Caitan gave a pleasant breakfast last Sunday morning at Ihe San Francisco yacht Club. Sausalito. Those present were: Messrs. M.Cartan, W. L. B. Mills, Arthur F. I'iico, J. F. Nugent, Thomas Watson, Victor dv Bolce, H. 1". Oliver, Commodore Gutte, w. ii. c. Fow ler, C. H. E. Ha'dln, William Kruse, William B.iel.r, C. L. Field and W. G. Slallord. A very enjoyable concert was irlven on Friday evening at Gordon's Opera House, San Rafael, under ihe direction of several of our well-known charitable ladies in md of the Taliaferro Ward of the Sau Baiael School In St. Luke's Hospital. Among those who kindly volunteered their serv ices were: Mrs. Everett E. Wise, Miss Ames, Mrs. BosquL Miss Alice Ames, Mr. Osgood Put nam, Mr. llouiete. There was a gratifying at tendance- Mi-stairle Noithey-Roina has accepted an en gagement to sing pi conceit and operatic enter lainmeuis in New Yoik uuuer the management ul Mr. John F*. Bragg of San Fraucisco. Catholic Ladies' Aid Society. No. 16, cele brated its first anniversary last Friday even ing, at Temescal, with notable success. The First Unlled States liifauliy. commanded by Colonel W. K. Shatter, and two light battel attached lo the Fifth United stales Artilleiy. now stationed at the I'lesialio, aud two troops of cavaliy just anlved fiom Arizona, will begin their maich to-day lor Hie Hotel del Monte, wlicie they will go Into caniu for several mouths. '1 Ley will be a gieat acquisition to Monterey society iiieie-. where military reiufoiccuieuts are always welcome. The In -i fashionable hop or the season was re ceutlv g yen at the Kedondo Beach Hotel. About fifty ol in Los Augeles Four Hundied aie said lo have attended. Engagement Notes. The wedding of Miss Edlih Clarke, daughter ol Mi 9. Jeremiah Clarke, and Lieutenant Charles G. Lyman, V. A- will take place next Wednes day i.oou »l St. x.uke'3 Church. It will be very lasliioiiably attended. The engagement of Miss Cotidlt-Sinith and Dr. Leonard Wood, V. S. A., lias been foiin.iliy an uoiiuccd. The young lady Is a niece of Mrs. Stephen J. Held. '1 lie wedding of Miss Emma G. Welch and Mr. George is... .la- Jr. will take place Ibis morning at tit. John's Episcopal Church. The engagement is announced of Mr. AdolDli Gotllieid and Miss Amelia Voibetg Alameda. The wedding will take place on completion of th; residence being constructed by .Mr. Godheld on Santa Clara avenue, near Webster stieet. The ending ol Miss Lizzie Tully and Mr. H. J. Biggins will take place at Gilroy uext Mon day. The engagement of Miss Bessie Adams of Oak land 10 Mr. John I*. Jacksou Jr. lias beeu def initely announced. The wedding ol Miss Nellie Cheney and Mr. Frank It- count will take place on Thursday evening uext at the residence of the bride's sis tar anal brother In-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cooper, Versailles avenue, Alameda. liie marriage of Miss May Keete, daughter of Mr. Michael K.-efe of tills city, and Mr. James Deuley of Oakland will take place next Wednes day in. lining at 8:30 o'clock at star of the Sea Church. The engagement is announced of Miss Maggie J. McCormick, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam McCoilulCia, to Mr. Joseph S. Junes, both of Uii- city. The engagement of Miss Llllle Levy to Mr. Leo Kaulmaun is announced. They will receive their Mends uext Sunday at 4a'S Sixth street. ilie Fourth at San ll,fael. The tennis-players of the Coast— their number is on the Increase— are looking forward with interest to the toutnameut to be held at Sail Rafael on the Fouith. All details aio in the i llicciit hands of a committee appointed by the California Lawn-Tennis Club and consisting of President Wilson, Mr. W. Mayo Kewball, Mr. A. U. Small and Mr. Ward McAllister. The hist pr.ze is an elaborate loving cup. Among the entries are the fallowing well known let. ins cracks; W. 11. Taylor Jr., who has held the Coast championship for several years; George 11. Helliuan, Alexander Wllb r lo cc, Chailea 11. Vales, A. W. Harrison, C. Foibes, 11. 11. Italglit, I. Shatter Howard. K. N. Bee, Southard Ho-uiaii, llioiuas Maitee, Ham Collier, August Taylor, Ogdeu Hodman, W. A. * Valentine Gadesdeu and T. C. Berry. Alameda County will be represented by C. A. Bubbaid, Louts and Henry Haight, Alexander fa cv.ait, S. fa. Sanborn, the Marx brothers and Chailie Comstock of the I.akesides; the East Oakland Club will send Frank i Isbei and C. S. Melvii.*; Messrs. Waterman, Younger and Harri son will lepreseui Alameda aud .Messrs. Garber, Palache, llaskins aud Allen the University Club. Tbeie aie a number ol entiles still expected, among them Carter of Los Angeles and Joseph Tubiu, who is expected daily fiom Washington. The scorers of the meeting will be F. K. Zi.l of the Belle View Club, Alameda, aud Joseph Dally ol the California Club. There will also be representatives from the local clubs at the first annual convention of Pa cific Coast tennis-players, to be held at the Hotel laaf.iel uu I lie evening of July 3d. The tourna ment on the Fourth will be followed by a hup, which is likely to be largely attended. Hoi ieli.l->tt*iiier Wedding. The nianlage of Miss Annie Kleiner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Sterner of this city, aud Mr. William Uoodfriend, a well-known young busi ness man of Stockton, took place last evening at the residence of the bride's parents, 1212 Eddy street. The ceremony was performed shortly after 7:30 o'clock by the Key. M. 8. Levy ot Oak laud in Hie pteseuce of a DDmberot relatives aud friends. Immediately after the ceremony cou giatuiatlous weie proffered the happy parr, and iiien all sat down to ao elegant supper. Mr. and Mrs. ii. oiliueud leave to-day for a nip of several weeks In the south and will afterward reside in Stockton, lite wedding presents were uumerous, costly aud appropnale. Sail Jose Notes. The Garden City Is attracting Its full quota of visitors from this city and elsewhere. There Is no lack of entertainment about the pretty Ala meda or the surrounding country. A feature of the wee has been the number of enjoyable luncheon parties at various outlying raucbe-villas. On Tuesday Mr. Goodrich of El Quiulo Km in Invited a patty of friends to "eat cherries"— eupbonlsllc term tor all kinds ol luxuries. The party was composed of Mrs. Thomas E. Hayes and the Misses Mamie and Lucy Hayes, the family ol the well-known mina- Ser of the htm of Main & Winchester; Mr. and Irs. Morgan Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Itudolph Speuce, Miss Walker and Miss Shebea, of San Fran cisco; Miss Mabel Andiews of Oakland, Miss Grace Spencer, Miss Grace Thome, Miss Trum bull aud Miss Maud Madig.m. The gentlemen were: Mayor S. X. -tucker of San Jose, Mr. Bradley of Mate Island, Messrs. Waid Wrlgbr, Howell C. Moore, L. G. Nesmlth, D. Murphy, W. L. GUI, A. lugalsbe aud E. Heed. On Wednesday the guests of the St. James were eiitci tallied by Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Bench at Beach Hill Faun, a daiuiy luncheon being served. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. 1.. P. AlcCarty, Mr. and Mrs. J. McGovern of San Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. 11. P. Chapman, Mr. James 11. Brown and family of Oakland, Miss Esther It. Holmes of Boston. These expeditious generally Involve a delight ful lour-lii-liaud drive. At least so It was with tbe pleasant luncheon given by Colonel Morebead at bis pretty home bear Mountain View am Fri day, Hie tmesis on this occasion being Mrs. Dr. Thome and daughter, Mrs. Thomas K. Haves and daughter, Mrs. Colonel Bowler and her daughter, Miss Mary Bowler, Miss Carlton, Miss Nellie Boyd, Miss Addie Cox, Messrs. Charles Tbure, E. Thornton, Charles Gilbert, E. Heed, A. Fllcklnger, A. W. Bpronle, William Mauulng, V. Machefei t, & N. Mucker. A Ladles' Progressive Euchre Club has been formed at the Veiidome, ol which Mrs. Thomas XL Hayes, Mrs. A. H. Vail, Mrs. Thomas Walk liigiou, Mrs. 0.8. Moses, Mrs. J. Haves, Mis. Polls, Mrs. F. S. Cbaubourne aud Mis. Dr. Tboiue are members. The regular weekly meet ings ate held on Tuesday. The Club I'mlmlnn Tarty. The club Frobslnu gave Its regular monthly social last evening at Olympic Assembly Hal I on Butler street. It was one of its most pleasant parties. Music for a large company of dances was furnished by Professor .Apple's Orchestra uuill 1 o'clock. Kefreshments were served about II o'clock. Following were the acting commit tees of the evening: Committee of Arrange ments—.Messrs. J. Hartman, C. Ilanniaii, Cliai les Will; Boor manager, Mr. W. Webr; Floor Com mittee—Messrs. 11. iost, J. Kalteuberg; Keceu tiou Committee— Theodore Wenr, Mr. Wlteu berg, 11. Mueller. Hop -. I Ilnllna*. The -eml-mobihly bop at the Ocean House, Bo- Unas, last Filday evening, was a most euloyable affair. Dancing took place in the prettily decor ated pavilion connected with the Ocean House. The music rendered by the Bollnas Oicbestra was excellent. ' At 12 o'clock Ilie party adjourned to the Ocean House, and after enjoying supper returned to the pavilion .iiiu danced till late. The next nop will be held on the Fourth of July, when Marin County . will be well repre sented. The socials will be continued during the summer acajou. Among] those present were: Sao Francisco— Mi«. W. C. Hue- ins, Miss A. Hucklns, Miss M. McV.-y, Miss A. Larsen. Mr. FiauK-N. Miller. Mr. G. W. Jordan; San Rafael— Mrs. Kiiiltle, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. O'Tuole, Mr. 8. O'Toole; J-elaluma. Miss M. Gilfoll; Mayfield, Miss 1. Haituau; Sausallto, Mr. Coward; Bollnas— Mrs. A. Savers, Mrs. L. Noll, Mrs. S. Clark, Mrs. A. F. Gibson, Mrs. A. Lyogieen, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Belton, It. McGovern, I. Srbrean, W. M. Adams, Miss V. Laud, Miss S., Miss May Weeks, Miss Grace Weeks, Miss Lola Smith, Miss A. Clark, Miss Lucy Mesa, Miss Clara Geuozzl, Miss Lizzie Uenozzl. Miss Lottie Watson. Miss Ollle Watson, Miss Ko«a Heilen. Miss S. Ivalin. Jill-as A.tiebrean. O. B. Lautl. M. S. Mct'oveiu, T. .McCiivi-iu, I. M. Govern. T. I.aulf, S. I.aufl, M. l.aiilt. U. I.aulf, 0. 1.. Son, 11. J. Null, J. Stewait, S. McCoy, 1.. Barnes, J. Macken. F. Shearer, P. Kumkies, li. I. McOray, S. suiiiii, W. Malsen, 11. Odin. I'acillc Coast WerlrlliißS. Mr. A. E. McAi llmr el St. Helena and Miss Israella F. I.eavitlol Oakland wtie married at St. Helena last Thursday evenlug. They will re side in Oakland. Mr. -"rank Field and Miss Josephine Lewis ot Oakland were nulled In marriage last Tuesday -ii the residence of Father King. After the cere mony the couple left lor Santa Cruz and Mon terey on a U.ilal lour. The bride Is the daugh ter ol d Lewis, funnel Deputy Sheriff. Miss Josephine liuike iind Mr. Arnold J. Mil lard -were married in Virginia last Wednesday. The marriage of Mr. l'eler Ileideuger and Miss Prauees Spin genii, of Carson City, was solemn ized las! Thursday by Itev. George K. Davis. Mr. Thomas 1. Majlirld anil Miss livy For rester weie tinned In marriage by Hey. James Mitchell last Tuesday at the residence of the bride's parents, neat Oakville. -lie l'lcn.c Season. The picnic of St. Patrick's Assembly, No. 5 , Y. M. C. li., ami St. Patrick's T. A. and U. Guild, will be held at Shell Monad Park next Thursday. The nlneieenth annual picnic of the Portuguese Protective and Benevolent Association will bo held at shell Mound l'ai next Sunday. The San Francisco Ladles' Benevolent Society will hold its tenth annual picnic on July lam. The eighth annual pi cine of Golden Gate Alli ance, No. _. of St. Pal lick's Alliance 01. Califor nia, will be held at She II Mound Park on Sunday, the Clll prox. Tin- County Monachan Social Club will hold their sixteenth annual picnic at Badger's Ceulral Park, East Oakland, next Sunday. The California Dull Corps. N. S. G. W.. will hold its annual excursion to Guerneville on Fri day, ibe prox. Parties to Take rincn. Liberty Corps, No. 02, will hold an open meet ing at Washington Hall, _- Eddy street, next Friday evening. The Inaugural party of the Peerless Club will be held next Thursday evening at llininau's Hall, 1412 Polk street Hi- Tieniont Club will give Its second anni versary hall at Odd Fellows' Hall next Saturday evening. James A. field Lodge, No. 30, United En downmeui Association, will give a fail parly at Its Hall nils evening. The Catholic Laities' Aid Society, No. 11, of Ibis city, will give a leceptlon at union-square Hall, Post street, next Thursday evening. To-morrow evening the members of the Min uet Cuih will give their third monthly imp at living Hall, which is uuaflecied uv the altera tions now being made iii i he sutrouudiug prem ises. The members of Heaver Lodge, No. 10, Royal Argosy, will give their public installation party at Forest! Hall, 20 Eddy; stieet, on Tuesday evening, the Slh prox. The members of Hesperian railor. No. 137, N. >. U. W., will hold an open Installation and enteilaiiimeut, to be followed by dancing, at Mission Opera Hall on Thursday evening, the luih pi ox. The one hundred and twenty recital of Ilia- Italian Musical Institute will lake place at the Speranza Hall, 1.-tj Kearny street, next Fri day evening. The regular monthly entertainment of the Children's Progressive Lyceum, which meets each Sunday morning at 909 - Market street, will tegiu in that hall next Saturday evening. The anniversary cuip-lhe and ball of seven Pines Circle. No. 3, Ladles of the G. A. It., will take place at Saratoga Hall next Monday even ing. The military annua, -'The Confederate Spy,", will be given at Saratoga Hall on the 1711 l prox. by the California Amateur Players' Club. The commencement exercises of me TJnl versltv of California will take i lace next Wednes day afternoon at 2 o'clock iii the ll. union Gym nasium, Berkeley. The banquet of the U. C. Alumni Association will lake place at the Muisou Doii-e, san l-'rau- Cisco, next Wednesday. Society Personals. Miss Heckle Martin, Miss Flora Welner, Miss Marie Moss and Miss Flora Jacobs have re lumed f 1 I* in Monterey. Mr. L. O. Glaiz spent Sunday in Sacramento. Miss Louise Toiiruy his gone to Los li.itus for a tew* weeks. She will afterward visit other points on the coast befoie returning to town. ills. Colonel Forney and several other ladies from Mare Island went up to the White Sulpnuis last Thursday. Mrs. 1.. Brown and Miss Sheldemau are spend ing a iert w.e.s with .Mrs. Godfrey F'lsher at her home in San Rafael. Among Hit* many guests at the Hotel Yen dome, 11l San Jose, are Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Chad bourue, .Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Driscoll. Mr. and Mrs. I. Nash, Mr. and Mis. William Webuer, of this city. Mrs. W. II Krueger has returned to Alameda from her extended visit with friends In Oregon. Hon. and -lis. E. I. Danlortli (nee lay) were the guests, on Monday last, of Mr. E. Danfoitli at the El Moute Hotel, li being Hie Uiuty-sev euth anniversary ol the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. E. li.uiioiiii. patents of the naval officer. Mr. and Mis. Joseph Kotli and family are passing Ihe Miii.inci at the London House at Tamalpats. Mrs. C, J. Toibert. accompanied by her daugh ter, Miss Torbert, is enjoying a northern trip. The ladies have teen sojourning lul'oitlaiid, Oregon, dill lug [lie week. Mr. Henry T. Morris of Alameda left yesterday for the Catallna Islands to i usticate lor a month. He has almost entirely recovered from his recent serious Illness. Mr. Donald F. Tlllingea«t of the Bungalow. Sausaluo, has leturued from a three mouths' business Dtp through the Southern and Eastern States, dutlog which lime lie visited all the prin cipal cities ol the Atlantic seaboard. .Miss Hal lie Son and Miss Feitiia Weil left for then summer tents at Clov.*rda!e. Mr. and Mis. T. S. Wenslnger are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. G oige Hooper and Miss Horsey at llieir summer-house, Koscdale, Sonoma Coun ty. Miss Horsey is them from her home In Balti more, Md , for a sojourn with her sister, Mrs. Hooper. Judge P.yler and wif-*, In company with Mrs. Gocbneaur, will leave Alameda to-day for Ked wood canyon, wiiem they will caniu for a couple of weeks. Dr. Louis C. Dean of Tolanrl Medical College and Dr. Herbert Hatch of Cooper Medical Col lege spent Saturday and Sunday at Camp Jumbo on the l.ii-uiiuas, near Camp Taylor. Mr. Arthur G. K.iulctt. son of Colonel ii. 11 Rallied having finished his second year at the Massachusetts Institute ol Technology, is pass ing his summer vacation on this Coast. Mr. and Mrs. Obiu are guests at the Kos3 Cot tage. Sausalito. Mrs. B. Jacobs and family of 713 Union street are passing this month at Santa Ci nz. Mi. and Mrs Charles Mam have been paying a visit 10 the Hotel del Monte. Mrs. Joseuh llelinaii and family aie spending the summer In Napa Valley. Miss Laura Bates has been paying a visit to the Misses Dlinnud at Memo Park. Miss Martha and Miss Alice Liese of Alameda have gone to Pacific Grove, with relatives, to spend the summer. Mr. Henry Abraham of 732 McAllister street, will shortly leave tor Weavervilie. Mr. and Mis. Peter J. Mcl'lynn (nee Finlev. left for New Voik last Thursday, aud will visit Yellowstone Park en route. Miss i. race Smith of Alameda left last Wednes day on a visit to her lneuil. Miss Daisy Gilswnld of Los Uuilllcos. Mr. and Mrs. it. 11. Maglll Jr., Miss Florence aud Mr. I'ied Maglll returned to Alameda Fri day ii in their nip to the Yosemite Valley. Mr. B. J. Sullivan and family and Mr. George Mcclosky, all of San Francisco, aie in camp north of Camp Taylor lor the summer. Miss It. M. Houkolsky and Miss Rose Bou kotskj have gone in c.izadeio. Mi. and .Mis. Clans Spieckel. and Miss Spreck les have left for Honolulu. Mi. and Mrs. Joseph Wells have returned to Alameda from then visit to Wends in Eureka. Mrs. Bernard Jacobs and family aie spending Hie summer at Santa Cruz. Mis. Sarah B. Copter has been making a short stay in Santa Muz. Miss Tlllle Froinm of the West End. Alameda, who has beeu attending Mills Seminary during the past term, returned home a lew days ago. She will soon join a campiug parly In the Santa Cruz Mountains. Miss Julia Guliisinlih is spending the summer at Fort Buss. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Irtiston have gone to the Hotel del Monte tor Hie season. Mr. Columbus il.ii'l. it returned to Alameda last Wednesday from a brief business trip to Santa Boss. Miss Rebecca M. Phillips has gone to Los Angeles to spend two mouths. Mrs. Chalmers of Stockton Is visiting Mrs. v,. p. Buckingham. Mrs. Olio Biewettol ihe West End, Alameda, has been visiting In the country lor the past week. Mr. Charles 1.. Fair Is In New York Cliy. Among the officers who will accompany their regiments into camp at Monterey are: Colonel W. R. Shatter, l.ieiili-naiil-Coioiiel Charles U. Kaiileit. .Major Edwaid Moall, FTist Lieutenant Lewis 11. Siroiher, Ke-imeutal and Post Ad jutant; First Lieutenant Charles G. Starr. Quar termaster; Lieutenant Flans 0. Ferris, Captain William E. Dougherty, Captain William N. Tlsdall, Fust I.ieiKenant Charles H. Vogales, Lieutenant Samson Faison. Li uleuant Louis P. Brandt, Lieutenant Fred A. Tripp, Lieutenant George W. Klikman, Lieutenant Marlon P. Maus, Lieutenant Sidney A. Cloinan, Lieutenant Eveielt E. Benjamin, Captain Frank H. Ed munds, Lieutenant Thomas 11. Barry, all of the First United Slates Infantry. Ihe cavaliy Is commanded by Captain A. li. Wood, Lieutenant J. it. Richards, Lieutenant It. A. Brown, Lieu tenant J E. Nolan. Til artillery Is commanded by Captain D. 11. Klnzle and Captain J. B. Bttuckle, Lieutenants Frank Thorp. D. D. John son, G. E. Sage, W. F. Hancock, Thomas Bldg v.ay and Edward F. McGlaehliii. A VORACIOUS PIKE. lis Death Csnitnl by a l.nrirn Fish Get ting Fast in Its Throat. A female pike weighing twenty-nine pounds has been found in the lake at Ewhurst Park, Basingstoke, the seat of Lord Alexander Russell. It had appar ently met Its death in the vain attempt to swallow one of its own species weighing nine pounds. The two fish, in the position in which they were found, are being stuffed at Winchester. Pike have died in this manner before, and it is doubtful whether or not these should be regarded as instances of voracity or pure accidents. Pike, like many other fish, frequently do buttle, and it has been suggested that when two savage fish rush headlong at one another the smaller one might easily enter the jaws of the larger. Once in there would be no gel ting out again, fair the pike's mouth is lined with hundreds of sharp teeth, which, like those of the shark, point thrcatwards. ■ A san undoubted instance of pikeish vo racity there is an unusually well authenti cated record of a pike of two pounds first swallowing a trout of one pound and shortly afterward, while the tail of the trout was still in its throat, seizing an arti ficial bait three and a half inches in length. —Ex. .... -._.-. . ..... :.■--.-■; F1M.1.-riRKSS SUITS FOB HIRE, SUITABLE FOB balls, parties, wedding or receptions, on reasonable terms, at Original Misfit Clothing Farlors, northwest corner Post and Oupout streets; j_____f_t3_3_m.. - ■••■■--:;/:_-__*_-. THE MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCISCO. MONDAY, JUNE 23, .SOP-EIGHT PAGES. ——————————————————————————————————— MMMMMM^ _________^________—__»n___-I ______ _M»__o— — — — — ■ — — 3— ' WISHING. Written for The Mousing Cat.-. I WISH I were, I don't know where, Not in the parlor In the big arm-chair . Nor away In the desert wild Beyond the sound of a chick or a child. I wish I were, I don't know where. But not in the same old, old office chair. Where I've pondered and thought till wild, And longed for the freedom of a child. I wish I were, I don't know where, Oh. if some fairy would hut set a chair For the weary one, nearly wild, And fan to his cheek the bloom of a child. I wish I were, I don't know where, Lest It be In a fairy's rocking-chair. Rocking back from the old lime wild To the youth and bloom of a little child. I wish I were, 1 don't know where. What's the use of wishing .' The chair Is old anal creaks, anal creak., till nearly wild. I know I shall ne'er again he a child. X. Santa I'.osa.Jiint. ISM. DISCIPLINING A HUSBAND. iTTifaST) because I married my liberty Is ____I*V to be curtailed. lam never to speak _n\.^ to an old friend if she happens to be '* i^= a woman. My wife is to tie me to her ron strings at a ball," said Mr. Drum iiioinl sarcastically. "1 seldom wear aprons. Certainly not at a ball." said Mrs. lirumtiior.d. " You know that is a figure of speech." said Mr. Druniruond. " Hut now that we have spoken of the matter, Jistelle, I will give you my view of the subject. 1£ mar ried people go out to sit in a corner with each other they might as well stay at home." •' You used to be very glad to sit in cor ners with me," sobbea Mrs. Drumniond. " Now," gasped Mr. Drummond despair ingly, "now you are going to cry. Your eves will be swollen, your nose red. For heaven's sake, Estelle, remember that you are at a ball." Mrs. iiitimuiond summoned up all her courage, swallowed her tears, drew her hand from her husband's arm, aud began to fan herself furiously. "Now you are in a temper, my dear," said her lord and master, "Go Into the dressing-room and powder yourself a little. Usually 1 object to it, but now you are flushed, and I will take you to that dear old Mrs. Jackson, who has chaperoned her four grand-daughters, and is quite alone in the corner. She Is a most superior woman, understand. Come, my love." "I can do without the powder, thanks," said Mrs. Drummond; "and you may take me to Mrs. Jackson, while you, I presume, waltz with Miss Merle." "Why, Rood heavens. Estelle, you would nut hate me break my engagement to dance with a lady, would yuu?" asked Mr. Drtiin- Uiniid, in ii tone of desperation." "OH, by no means!" said Mrs. Drum mo nd; "fulfill your engagement." The music began again. The handsome young couple stepped from the flower screened corner into which they had re tired to have their unpleasant talk, and in a moment Mr, Druiiiuiond was whirling around the room with his arm about the pretty Miss Merle's waist, while Estelle sat on the sofa beside that superior old Mrs. Jackson, who, having aroused herelf to re ceive Mrs. Diuuiinond's introduction, had nodded off again and was snoring behind her large black feather fan. And this was Mrs. Drummond's first ball. The daughter of a clergyman, brought up, as people say, " very strictly," she had never in all her life taken a dancing lesson; she had never been in fashionable society, and retained her simple, countrified ideas of what married oeopie owed to each other. At the parties at her mother's house Mrs. Smith and Mr. Smith, Mrs. Brown and Mr. Brown were scrupulously placed side by side. So at the lawn parties or excursions. In this way she supposed they must pass through all the festive occasions of life, arm In arm, exchanging their opinions on things and people, viewing a startling pan orama, themselves the only really impor tant personages of the scene. The awakening was sudden and startling. Her husband had complied with popular opinion while they still remained among her kinsfolk, ami, indeed, he had no temp tation to leave her, for she was the sweet est, prettiest and most charming person whom he ever met. Besides, the glamor of the honeymoon was still upon him. In those rural scenes the girl lie bad called his white rosebud seemed sweeter ami purer than he could express in words. For three or four months his life was a sort of idyl and so was hers. -vol until the last red leaves of autumn were upon the trees did he transplant his blossom to the city. There, in one of those tiny but elegant flats which young couples most affect, Estelle began her new life. Her husband was a fashionable man, free from what he spoke of as "the prejudices of the past." For the first time In her life Estelle went to tiie opera, to the theater. She was dressed by a French modiste, to whose dic tum she bowed. She was called upon and pronounced "awfully sweet." Sho went to afternoon teas and to receptions; she had breakfasts given her by her husband's friends anal connections— little parties where dancing was in order. She enjoyed it nil. for at first the position of recent bride and bridegroom caused Mr. and Mrs. Drummond to be paired off together very much as they had been in the village society. However, as time passed on, newer brides appeared on the scene. Estelle was merely Mrs. Drummnnd. I'eoplu took no special pains to bring her forward. It remained for her to do the best she could for herself. And now Arthur slipped away occa sionally. She saw him talking to this one or to that one, and at first her beauty and sweetness attracted the men about her. It was not long, how ever, before they dis covered that she could talk of nothing but her Arthur's perfection, and the wisdom ra the ancient clergyman, her father. She was shy of expressing her opinion on other topics, and she had never learned to Hut. Her idea of matronly dignity gave her manner some stiffness, and at the little dances they discovered that she not only could not dance, but that she felt that it would be wrong to do so. "It would shock papa if lie would hear of it," she would answer when some more than usually gallant youth besought her to "try," and declared that he would teach her the waltz in a few moments, and by de grees she became a handsome wall-flower, patronized by elderly matrons and occa sional grandfathers, while Arthur devoted himself to the ladies generally, and only ap peared at bur elbow at the end of the even- inc. Then he would wrap her In tier pretty cloaks, smile on her benignly, tell her bow lovely site looked, and convey her home with all due devotion. It pleased him that his white rosebud should set herself apart fur him, should choose "to blush unseen" when lie did not look upon her. .At first Estelle was content; less, however, as time passed on, and her blissful little air castles melted cue by one, and at the ball the hrst protest came. Arthur was a good dancer. He had re frained front waltzing simply because he hated to dauce on the carpet in a crowded drawing-room, Hut here in this elegant ball-room, where all the youth and beauty of the city were assembled, his old delight in dancing returned. He had secured a partner for every dance of the evening. He was prond to point out that exquisitely lovely woman in the graceful and modest costume as his wife; he thought how unpleasant it would be to be the husband of that married flirt. Mrs. A—, and that the fellow who married Miss .Merle would he very wretched, but, as you see, he devoted his evenings to them and others like them, looked into their eyes, clasped their waists a little closer than need he, was lover-like and sentimental with one, whispered merry words that might mean more than lay on the surface to another, and relegated his wife to the company of that superior but somnolent old lady. Mrs. Jackson. "Shall I have a scene?" ho asked himself as he went in search of Estelle, after his last dance with a debutante, who could not be prevailed upon to go home "until it was all over." but, to his surprise, his wife was merely a little chilly. He did not like the chilliness, but was too wise to reproach her with it. At breakfast she was a little dis trait, but by no means cross. Arthur was delighted. After all he was to be let off very easily, and when, in bidding him adieu, his wife bunded him a letter which she de sired him to post he was quite gallant In promising to execute the little duty, lie glanced at the envelope as he walked along. The name upon it was quite new to him— "Mr. Louis iimuaiue, Hotel." 1 He had never heard his wife mention any Romanies, but the thought was only a pass ing one. For a day or two business kept him out a great deal, hut he found Estelle in good spirits on his return. One day he opened the door to hear the hum of voices, the chink of spoons and to find his wife presiding over quite an ele gant little afternoon tea. Three -or four very fashionable matrons and one heavy old gentleman occupied the foreground, but behind Estelle's chair stood a veritable modern Adonis— one of those men who somehow seem better dressed than other men in the same clothes. An Impromptu affair, certainly, Arthur thought, for Estelle had always Impressed upon him the fact that * "what made the as sembly shine was Kobin Adair" ; in other words, that she did not care to have com l any if he were not present. Still, his wife's elaborate dress, the hot-bouse flow ers that adorned the room, spoke of prepa ration. i'i'?lWitlJ»W | 'l. l illl'^.*^' l~Cuo__-Bi _p»t lie said something about "an unexpected pleasure," shook hands with those he knew, and waited. -"- *■■ ' The exquisite who sat so close to . Estelle had arisen and looked politely from one to the ether. _' ' ■CJ_B*_sUll_Ml | Ji? , ' , «J l,l i For a space Estelle did not seem to heed this; then she said, as if remembering a very unimportant duty: "Oh, mv husband, Mr. Romaine, I forgot that you had not met. What a quantity of cold air you do bring into the room, Ar thur. "Sorry," said Arthur, barely nodding in return to Romaine's elegant bow, aud short ly took himself out of the room. The flat did not give him much space to pace about in, it is true, but he took ad vantage of what little there was, and walk ing into the passage that led into the kitch en he heard the waitress say to the cook : "Oh, ain't that Mr. Romaine just lovely! 1 never see nobody so stylish before." On this Arthur wandered back to his bed room and looked into the mirror. The re flection he saw there seemed to him to be that of a rather commonplace young man. Certainly he had not the six feet of height, the broad shoulders and the splendid chin of that man behind his wife's chair. Ro mainel Who ou earth was he? Where had he heard that name before? Ah! he remembered. It was uuon the envelope di rected to the hotel, which he hail posted. Who was he? What was he? Why had his wife never spoken of him before? What hypocrites women were lie could have sworn that he knew the name of every mortal his wife had ever met. She had a boy lover, but his name was Johnny Craft, anal he was rolly-poly and yellow-haired. A rolly-poly yellow-haired boy could never have become this startlingly large and showy exquisite. As he thought of this point Arthur felt a curious tingling of the blond that he had never before experienced. He seized his hat, dragged on his over coat, stalked to the elevator, and, being lowered to the hall by the manager thereof, who stared curiously into his wrathful face the while, took his way to a restau rant, where he dined. After this ho spent his evening at the club, and returned to find his wife not sit ting up for him, but Bleeping quietly in bed. She opened her eyes, however, as he turned up the gas. "Oh, dear, you have waked me out of the loveliest dream!" she said. "Do put the shade on that dreadful gas." "1 hope you had a pleasant tea-party," the husband said, sarcastically. "Oh, yes," Kstelie replied, smiling, "the nicest little time." "Aud who is this Romaine fellow?" Ar thur asked. 0 "An old, old, old friend ol mine, and just too delightful for anything," his wife re plied. "Ho looked like a puppy to me," said Arthur. "Don't show temper," said Mrs. Drum niond, coolly. "If you didn't like him you might have talked to old Mr. Bond. lam sure he is very intelligent. And how you looked when you marched out of the room! In good society one does not display one's feelings." Certainly his couutry wife was improv ing. Arthur was too much startled to say any thing. The round of gavety was at its height. Cards came to the young couple by the dozen. They went as usual to one or two places nearly every night, and everywhere the handsome Louis Romaine appeared. " Eveiy one seems to know the fellow," Arthur said, and Estelle answered: " Oil, yes, I have asked every one to in vite him lor my sake." For her sake? This was frightful! But there was something mote terrible still. His lily, his white rose, his adoring wife, who thought only of him, who cared only for his admiration, was utterly devoted to the fellow. No longer did she sit beside old laities in a corner— she was the gayest of the gay, anal ever at her side hovered l_ouis Romaine. Sometimes coming homo from business he would meet her driving with him, and she would nod gay ly. He sus pected his wife of no evil. She did not flirt, she only quietly preferred the company of young Romaine to his, and now it was be who stood silently apart lv tho haunts ol society, watching his wile with eyes full of regret and jealousy, remembering what she had been to him and was no more. " Ball tickets!" Mrs. ill umiuoiid cried one morning. "How delightful! Of course we will go." Her husband hesitated. "I shan't be so stupid as I was at my first ball," Estelle laughed. "And you know you love dancing. I shan't tie you to my apron-string'- this time." "We will go," he answered. And they went. The decollete dress that Estelle wore Eet off I her beauty, but her husband remem bered the modest lace fichu that she woro at her first ball with a pang of regret, and when the young wife turned to him with a little petulant sigh and said: "Of course it is a bore, but we must dance the first dance together." He started vio lently. "But you do not dance," he said. "Oh! I've been taking lessons," said Es telle. "and I do dance very well." "I'm proud of you," said he. "We shall dance the first waitz together, shall we not." "No," said she, "not another for you to night. Besides, it is promised to Louis." "To whom?" cried Mr. Ilruuimnnd. "1 should have said Mr. Romaine," said Estelle. And now for the first time a furious jeal ousy took possession of Arthur's heart He watched his wife as she glided over the floor with Remain?, with murder in his heart; he asked no one to dance. "How well those two look together," said some one near him. "And they seem so fond of each other." The man did not seem to mind his pros ence or care if he heard. "I will bear no more," the furious hus band said. "To-night shall end it." Later, after topper, he missed his wife and Romaine and followed them to a little room where those who were weary or over heated could rest awhile. They sat there laughing, enjoying some Joke. "You will get your wraps and come home, madam," he said, in a low bat furious tone. "And as tor you, sir" "We have carried it too far," said Ro maine. "Introduce me, Kstelle." "Arthur," said Estelle, "don't you re member hearing me talk of brother Lou? This is hi."—M ary Kyle Dallas in Fireside Companion. SOMETHIHG TO LAUGH AT. It Is Strang, but when coal is sold II goes both to the buyer aud the cellai.— Harvard Lampoon. * * * "Now. madam," said the gentlemanly clerk, "tilts carpet can't be heal." "Then 1 don't want II," replied the shopper. "I always lake up my carpets 111 the spring and beat them."— The Epoch. * « « "What do you think* of the dressing, Mr. Weirs?" asked the landlady, as she helped Hie boarder to some more spring chicken. Mr. Weirs— should say It was somewhat de collete, ma'am, I got mistily Utile of it.—Ameri can Uiocer. • * * BronsOD— What an unselfish man Brown Is! Always sacrificing himself fur Hie sake of some friend. I'arker— And what has lie done now? Bronson— Why, he's Just run away with Tim Ilenpeck's wife.— Epoch. • * a Three year old I'liispecllne latest arrival— You say this is my new little vi oilier? i'areut— Yes, Jamie, "Huh! If you'd sent me for It I'd have found a better looking brother than this one or I wouldn't have biouglit any."— Chicago Tribune. . . . "This room Is very close," rrmaikcd the guest to the head-waller, "cau'i I have a little fresh an?" The well-drilled automaton raised his voice to allien pitch: "One all I" he yells, after a pause adding, "let It be ficshl"— American (Jrocer. « • * Maude— Why have you iluowti Clarence over board ? Madge— l wouldn't marry a man with a broken nose. "How did his nose gel broken "I struck l> in i playing tennis."— «* - • A young lady (hesitating for a word In describ ing a rejected suitor)— He is not a tyraut, not exactly domlneei log, but— "liogmaue?" suggested her friend. "No, he has got dignity enough for that. I ti.ii.i. pupmaiio would convey my meaning ad mirably."—Chatter. • • • Coal-dealer— You say you have been In the coal business before, vet 1 hud you picking pieces of slate out of Hie wagon. New dilver-1 always do that, after I've weighed the coal. Dealer— Oh, you have weighed It? Then It's all right. You may consider yoursell perma nently employed.— Bui lliigtun Free Press. I Tell It to Others. When yon find a spring of water. Pure, abundant, cool. You proclaim to all the thirsty, "Come, drink at the pool." Thus, of all life's common blessings, All that help our kind. Have you found a boon? Tell others, That help all may lind. If yon use that peerless tooth-wash, SOZODONT the pure, ' . Tell your friends, that they may buy some, And sound teeth Insure. eject the Offer By a dealer of any article claimed to" possess properties | identical with or similar to teeth- savlug BOZODOHT. Only purchase the real Simon Pine, which defies both Imitation and competition. Nothing cau vie with It in efficacy! as a donor of denial health and beauty, notwith- standing any representation to the contrary. It causes the teeth to gleam | like burnished ivory, contains no hurtful | ingredient, and has a most grateful flavor and smell. SEA AND SHORE. The Robert L. Belknap Reports a Very Low Barometer. A Capsized Light-House Keeper Picked Tip by the Transit— of the Steamer from Panama. The ship Robert L. Belknap, Captain Staples,' arrived yesterday after ' a good passage of 120 days from New York, with a cargo of general merchandise consigned to Sutton & lleebee. She sailed February 221, crossed the equator when twenty-two days out; was twenty-four days from the line to 50° south in the Atlantic; was eighteen days from there to 50° south in the Pacific. On April 11th and 12th, in latitude 53° 25' south, had a very heavy gale, during which the barometer fell to 27.90. The Belknap brought one passenger, George E:nlen, a lawyer of Philadelphia, who made the trip for his health. The weather was clear at Point Lobos yesterday, and the wind all day from the northwest, blowing in the forenoon six teen miles and in the afternoon twenty four miles an hour. The barometer read : 8 o'clock in the morning, 29.-7; noon, 29.93; 5 o'clock in the evening, 30.02. TREASURE FROM PANAMA. The steamer Cnliina, Captain Austin, ar rived yeste-_ay afternoon, 21 days from Panama and way ports. She brought up 71 passengers, 37 of whom are from Sew York, 7 from Panama, 4 from Salvador, 14 from Guatemala and 'J from Mexico. Among her cargo from ports on the l'acific are 10 bags garlic, 2711 hags coffee, 982 packages green fruit. '2 bags shark fins, 22 bags silver ore and 63 packages treasure, valued at £03,744. The steamer Corona arrived yesterday, 19 hours from Eureka, bringing 55 cabin and 14 steerage passengers and a large list of freight. Among the cargo was 40. sacks oats, 13 pieces curly redwood, a large quan tity of wool and butter and $2012 treasure. The Government steamer McDowell visited the different posts in the harbor yesterday, the first time she has done so on a Sunday for many months. The yacht Volunteer made a cruise around the bay yesterday, having a large party of gentlemen uu hoard, including ex- Governors Perkins and racheco. The party look with them a goodly supply of clams and Appulonaris, and enjoyed a clam bake at California City. HE-CUED BY THE TRANSIT. Yesterday morning George D. Cobb, assist ant keep of the light and log-bell station nt the mouth of Oakland Creek, left the beacon in a sail-boat to go to Goat Island to fix a light there. ' He had not gone far before a pull of wind struck the sail and the boat capsized, Cobb managed to eet on the keel and hung on there until the steamer Transit came along. The Transit put out a boat and picked him up not much the worse for lis Involuntary bath. On arriving here Cobb engaged ihe .services of Frank Sper tonn, a fisherman, and the two wont out and secured the capsized boat. The total tonnage of vessels now on the way to this port is 243,720. At the same time last year it amounted to 244,226 tons. Of that now on the way _ l J,'.i4s tons come from Sew York, 4415 from Philadelphia, 7268 from Baltimore, 13,221 from Antwerp, _i-72 from C iruiff, 4205 Iroiu Calcutta, y_'JU from Glasgow, 1700 from Genoa, 10,692 from the Hawaiian Islands, 2033 from lliogo. 648 --from Java, 13.304 from Liverpool, 31,-63 from London, 713 J from Sydney and 12,05. from Swansea. Late on Saturday afternoon a China woman, whose husband is a saloon-boy on the steamer San Juan, visited the vessel at the Mail Dock, armed with a In-; umbrella, and tiled to chastise her husband, whom she claimed had deserted her for another Celestial maiden. She created quite a scene on the vessel, until her husband scooted quickly down the gang-plank and ran up the dock, leaving tier to pour nut her wots to her fellow-countrymen of the crew. MOVEMENTS OF SHIPS. The bark Harvester went to sea yester day. The four-masted schooner Robert Hewers will dock at Section 4 of the sea-wall to-day. The bark Templar, ship Berlin and schooners Vesta and Allen A. went to sea. The Laura Madseu hauled into the stream from Lombard street. The bin keutiuo Amelia went to the sea wall to discharge. The bark Gerinania docked at Main street. The schooner Occidental towed from Oakland Creek to Green street. The ship Alaska lias docked at Long Bridge. The Lady Lanu _on towed from Mission Flats to sea-wall, Section 4. The ship -New l'ork will dock at Heale street to-day aud the barkeutine John Smith and schooner Laura Madseu will tow to sea. A BURMESE BURIAL. The Imposing llh-r i] ula-s of ix Oueen of Kai nil -all. The Rangoon Gazette reports the burial recently of the Meebya Queen, one of the wives of King Miudone Mm, whose body bad been lying some time in state at the residence of her daughter, near Rangoon. At 9 o'clock the procession, which was nearly a mile long, started. White um brellas, the special symbol of Burmese royally, were numerous, ami the priests mustered in strong force. The shrines ami other ornamental structures were ablaze with gold-leaf, the bauds of music were numerous, and the cart-loads of presents for the priests would have sufficed to stock a bazaar with almost every conceivable article of food and wear ing-apparel, besides crockery, keroscne oil, fans and furniture. The I'rincess as chief maimer walked in front of the coffin, preceded by her retinue of fifty white robed women walking in pairs. Before them girls strewed the path with roses. The Princess, like her attendants, was dressed in pure white, and wore no jewels whatever. She and her maids of honor bore in their hands tho white rope attached to the coffin. The latter was slung from a pole and carried by bearers. Over it was thrown a splendidly decorated pal!, piled high with bright flowers. The scene of the cremation was on the slope of the Shoay Dagon Pa goda, near Italian, where an lnclosore had been erected around the funeral idle, upon which the gilt coffin was laid to the sound of wii-nl music. By desire of the Princess the coffin was opened to enable her to take a last look at her mother. The pile was set lire to, and after the body had been entirely consumed the ashes were taken away to be cast on the broad bosom of the Irrawaddy. HOTEL AKKIVAI.S. LICK HOUSE. Mrs Flereacti & dhi.l'ai is Mrs Lawrence, Alameda 51 Kayman, OroTlile a \v Holly, Woodland Tll Peterson, Sau Jose uXI Allen, Santa Cruz S Eweil, Movii:e 0 1" Hall, Sacramento Allen Cooley, Moviiie - V Hlllmaii, Davlsvllle H Eva B.C.ockett Mrs II II Wooalard, Uiilgn A Clark, Forest Hill A Shiiclaleloii. Woodland Mhs ii lleyin-tt. V Hill Miss Holly, Woodland w I; Tallash _ w-r. Senna S J Newman, llauiord Henry lllril, Sacramento 1.1l .I s Alexauder. Modesto Mrs A McKiuslry, Eureka; I. J Asbuni, *sau .lose PALACE HOTEL. II IV Williams A ail, i*a i.I M Beul, St Louis II G Walker. Pittsburg Gen _ Mrs Parke, Wash I Hall. Brooklyn W II Zleglar A wf, S V Miss A Hall, Brooklyn J o Flaherty. Montreal M I' llandry, Pltlla s Metcalfe, California Mrs Rice, New York M Rivera, Georgia . A Gears, Portland A Hess, England C L Rolf, Ohio M S Goshen, England Miss Mies, Detroit II lirestlu. Texas I. F S|iencer. Sacramento O A Bovtlen, New York N F Langra.ral, St Paul c Meinlozn, Stockton I Levi, New York F McLaughlin, Orovllle R W Sellers, Needles C II I hillips, S I. Obispo II L Bugg, Needles C M Warden, S L Obispo W A Harris, Sllernanlino II o Serry. S L Obispo C Brown, San Bernardino Mrs F M Starr, Oakland G F Rimers A wr, Alameda 8 E Fellent, New York* J Feytks, Omaha \Y II Smith, England .1 Ileyiu in. New York | . P.USS HOUSE. F O Rogers, Dlion J F Jones. Nevada Mrs JII Kiiief. Los Aug II M Willis, Berkeley F c Flynn, Sonoma I Miss Vlckery, Mendocino AII Young, Mendocino |W II Mahoney, Oregon M J Carols, Stockton Mrs Laugford, Eureka W o Carhls, Stockton Mrs J Simpson, Eureka T W Htiikstep. Martinez A W Hill, Eureka J Simmon. Sacramento Cll Cuuulck. Eureka - - J J Bowman, Rio Vista W c Brunk, Stouts Mills X V Kennedy, California J E UeCormlek. Sacto W T Harris a w. St Louis W Mt'Clcllon, Fresno X W 80-son, Carlln Sacrameuto B B Club A L lirew, Berkeley V Scblckcy. Ft Reyes X Duncan, Berkeley '. W Fuller, Ft Arena J N Hyde, Fresno .1 Barry, Napa W EColton. California W E Phillips, New York E J Bates. Alameda . o I. Warrick. Los Angeles W M Snow, San Jose • C J Mt-Kliiney. Gllruy B <; Itucker, California S F Moss. Oregon A Peck Jr. Cordelia c Aberu, Virginia City E Ellersou, California F Fitzgerald. VlrginlaCity II I. Waiters, California II M Willis Jr, Berkeley ■- AMERICAN EXCHANGE. Chris Paulson, Michigan iF I) Stewatt * fy, SnJose T Peterson, Michigan John Norton, Merced - CNlelson.Mlcb gau R Gilford, Santa Cruz . J R Moore, Los Angeles ,F B Glliord, Santa Cruz R R Klce, Sonoma W E lleresford, Merced J J House, . cranton Mrs E Beresrord, Merced 11 B Warren, Buttons Miss A Beresford.Merced W C Hough Aw. Texas C Landecker, Flacerville II i) Hough, Texas sI. stone, San Jose , - V Hough, Texas J H Baker, Oakland •-.- W Eaton. England A Falkuer, Mil, Oakland Wll Gould, England |E Christeusen. Sacto - :- F Corey, Livermor.; |B B Barllett A w. SnJoie . J B Rltehey 4w, Sacto 111 Brady A an, Toinales * W Acton, Uollister |_ Forsyth, Teinescal C ll Holden, Orland ,c Eaton, Glasgow N Lindsay, Clear Lake II S Walton. Glasgow J S Wredilock, Uklab Mrs S Jones. San Jose J Lindsay, Uklab X s Smith, Sacto J Martin, Napa . II B Wadsworth, London O Ileddeu, Los Angeles W Smith, Paso Robles B F Fatten A fy, Ark ■*-- J Peacock, Traver --•■ Mrs Rubin ft c, NewTork F F Taylor. California C L Abi, Los Angeles L Jackson, Eureka |H C Ross, Eureka : , >•, , ,--....- GRAND HOTEL. .rt Dr J raster, Snlsun '-.-■ Mrs S Billing, Cincinnati P Allison, San Jose Miss Hilling. Cincinnati Ell Tryor, California J W Davie, Tulare . O Kolton. Ohio - •'.- - w H ARurd, Tu^aro UII Thompson, Itenicla F P Taylor, Tulare G F Wright, California C linrdtck _ wf. Pomona X I. smith, lioston A .1 Wiener, Fresno C Bliss, Santa Cms . -Miss M Crew. W Creek W Dale, llavivarals C ROrr, Stockton * J Aspinall, Valla-Jo C W Green, Marysvillo C vv Bayley, California :* -J Soilna-.v.San Andreas KTopham, Mllpltas II Horsey, Mokoluninellll II C Hubbard. California M Smith, Orovllle JII Mct'udden, Valii-Jo P Herzo»*. Sacramento JSil Pratt. Honolulu F A Spraitue, I'lilco Asl l'fltpp, Humboldt IK W Hall. Klrkwooal C M Walten .- wf. Eureka' Miss E Ball, Kirkwood BROOKLYN HOTEL. M H Parazett, Amador F W Pitts. Stockton J Mitchell, Santa Cruz C D Harding, St Louis W A Neil, Sonoma S M Foreman, St Louis II S King, Ohio R A i-etrich, St Louis G E Clark, llullalo J B Bpttldlng, liublln G Helton, Detruit Miss J Keyser, Eureka F Ileuuesey, St Louis C Arthur, Eureka CP Johnson. Santa Cruz D L Marshall A Im, For- E Frank, Santa Cruz tuna C Frank, Santa Cruz G Campion, Stockton T Nelson, Leadvllle J It Bennett, Santa Cruz F* L Curtis. San Rafael J Stanhope, Llveruiorc .1 Kelly, Martinez C T Snyder, Brentwood - C F Wisia-r, Chicago 15 E Sheparal, Clover. l ale Mrs J Lynch, Lathrop It T Bowman. .Mendocino L Zander, San Jose F" Hams, Burlington A li Davis, Berkeley J Snyder, Monterey OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. ' Mr Hunt * wf, Riverside l Miss O Revuelto.Guatmla MrsAA Hardensbergh.NJ P it Kevui-ltai. Guatemala Mrs M A Van Horn**. N J 11 Wtia-tina-r. New York Miss Van Home. M J J Peters, M.-xico H 0 Hyde, sau Kataei F QUdeweiater, Peru Miss H slogi;ett, England Mrs Santer, Peru 1 .1 S Lewis. Denver X A Mamie. Guatemala Bishoo Wlngtiehl.llenlcla II Morse, Washington c Bishop .- avl, Japan It E Rhodes, Washington Georgiaua lianeus, li W Martin. Martin W A Neal, Chicago Mrs .Martin. Martin .1 W Thomson, Milwaukee;; 11 0 Syiimus, L Gatos P S Qoldfl-orouirb, N V Miss Srmona, Los Gates It .Mi-Murray. Marysvlllc Miss M Cunlan, Los Gatos (' Revuelto, Guatemala L Bishop, Japan Mrs Revue: to. Guatema S Bishop, Japan X Revuelto, Guatemala Mrs Manue. Guatemala A ata-r, Peru It Mauve .-. ..■■:.... i Miss J Banter, Peru INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. W It Ta__a.t, Tulare Miss M Davis, Michigan 51 Lindsay, Oakland Miss .1 Davis, Michigan -Irs E Lindsay. Oakland iT C Davis. .In. .in Miss E Llualsay, Oakland Mrs O liainbridge. Mich Miss A Lindsay, Oakland W nalubrid -e, Michigan E Vo-s, California Mrs J la.aii.i.ii-i^.i. Mi.-n F Miilalt, California C A Ilainlir iilse, Mich I' Price, Nana Mrs Petit, Michigan II *• llrlttou, Caiiltola Miss 1 Petit, Michigan li Murphy, California Miss M Petit. .Michigan J Kennedy, San Diego J L Petit, Michigan Jli German. Ban Diego Mrs Kasinusseii. Mich X W Wilson, San Diego Miss L Knsiniis-eii. Mich I Staines. Chicago -Miss 1) ltasniussen, Mich II c McDonald, Prescott Miss F Kasmussen, Mich A X Illlls & avr.l'ra-scelitC^MisS J Kaainussen. Mich J Hamilton, Nebraska til Easmuraeu.Mlehlgan W Hamilton, Nebraska A Uasinusseii, Michigan W A Irons. lale, Nevada |W lta-inusseii. Michigan <i Clark, Pc-rusa W Campbell, Men.o J Wilson. Philadelphia Miss Carroll, Eureka 1" Swansea, Illinois J vv Simpson, Denver 11 Savansoii, Illinois II Clark. Denver Mrs Davis, Sllchlgan M Weiuer, New York Miss A Davis, Michigan ii Miller, Oakland M S.-liavcllaiii. Oakland M Ellis, Sacramento T J Near, L 1 S >' C Cunningham, Eureka H Curry, California T Nash. Eureka W 1- ...a-i-r, New York .1 Foley. Eureka C Wilson, New York - F Long, Eureka T Held, California E D Barry, Sacramento W Warren, California _ E, Marysvillu W Fowler, California F Smith. Tulare C Turner, Eureka A Fngit, Tulare E A Carlson A- avf. Areata L Fogit, Tulare T lleff.-r. Areata IE Paul. Tulare E .1 Ward, Iteno W Vincent & wf, Tulare N Henry, _acramento | LIST OF LETTERS Remaining unclaimed In the Postofflce at San Fran cisco on .MONDAY, June 21. 1890. «_-To obtain any of these letters the applicant must call for -'Advertised Letters," and give the date of the list. If not called Tor within two weeks they will be sent to the Dead-letter Office. Abernatty Mrs C Anderson, C wi Arnold, Mrs It Adams, Anderson. Christ I Ashley, Mrs 11 ti Adelaide, MaryiAttdersson, MlsslAshmead. Miss Agee, ,11" iliiida Margaret Aldleiuan. Chasl Anderson. Miss At« ins, Mrs Em* Alain lae.Mrs All ma Allen of Car- Andrew, Geo Austin, A O berry) Andrews, Win <* Aaa Chas Allen, Mrs X 11 Anker.MlssNaiia Avila.YannarleJ Alien, T Anthony, Geo Arouker*, 11 s Alvez, Dr J Aruiltage.MissM Ayr.-a, Mrs W F Alsimr, Annus Armstrong, Miss Ayllug. C F Alldricb. Elt I Kale I Itai-lms.Mrs Ella Blacker, Gerette Brooks Miss Amy Backus, Morgan a- Co Brooks, Jos Bailey, A BlackinanMollle Broavn, Alexan llallev.itev JasM lllanke, Geo der Baldwin, .has A lll.iuvelt, Mrs W lirown.Mrs Fred Ball, Mrs KobtL II Brown. . I Lewis Banks, J S Blennerhassett* BrownMissMary Business. Ole Co, a Bruce, Miss t a Baiklss. Jas Block A David- Bruner, Win II Barrett, Patrick J son llruusuu, Miss Barry, Miss C M. Bogle, Mrs An- Laura Barton. Miss 1 nic A Itrunckulz.Math- Mary E Bolan. G W las Bartholomew, Bollinger, Mrs II Buchanan, J C Louis Is l'.oiluian, John ; Buck, Chas L Bassler, **. Bonanza Baking Buckie, Geo Bateman, Eva l'owder Co Bucklln, Mrs Bccht, Geo W Booth, Arthur Walter Bell, Miss A Bornson, Geo llucli uniati & Bell, Mrs Han- Howies, J D I Hamilton nan II Bowman, Miss [ Bunnell, I' D Bennett. Henry U-it* Bunnell, Mrs Dr Bens n, Mrs Ida Bowman, Mrs 1* D Beriihain, Fred Mary M Hut-,,.-, Edward E Berlin, J U ; Bras-, John Human!. Btobert Berlin, Been Ml Bray, A Burns, Mrs Addle Berry, -Mrs QW I Bray, Mrs Gran- _• Berry, Miss L i don I Burns, AM Berlholdt. U M BrearleyMrsMM Burn, Mrs W Berts. Agast Brenuan, Chas li (Has st) Besser, D I Brennan, Patrick Burton, Mrs L A Beverly, Miss | itriKgs. Fred _ BuschMrsLoiiise Clementina | Brine, .lames li.ushinore, Mrs liii tain Miss Mary Brizzo lara.l'eterl Catherine Willie | Droit, John 11 I Cal Brick Co Cervenka, Miss Coinmer cI a I Cal Farmers' Katie Mart Mutual Ins Co Charles, J Cook, C II Gal Iron A Steel Chavanne, Mrs Co.ik, C X Co . *-tockion BtlJCook, Cary W Cameron, Mrs Cliesteritian, C C Corfield, Jos (411 Hamilton) Chllds, Miss CorlnthiauVacbt Campbell, Miss Laura Club Annie Chleiovick, An- Cosgrove, Miss Campbell, James dro V Addle Campbell, Mrs Chopin, Mrs Net- Cottl, B '■■'*■*' ills-- tie Coulter, Geo T Capel.UeoJ Chrisiensen. Mrs Coughian, Dan Carl, Mrs A Cant J Cowperlhwait , Cams, Mrs c CbrlstensenLlna' Mrs Mania 1; .l.ert ctirystal. H M Cox. John It Carlson. Mrs C M Churchill, Sam- Craeiner, Mrs S Carlton, Mrs JII uel Crnrimer, Fred Carey, Mrs Kitty Clark ._ Co Craven, l'rof A V C.ark. Mrs L Creely. Mr E J Cartel MissGracejClaii«euMrsGeiC Crow. C F Carter, II C Ciltfaird, Miss Crowley, Mag.-le c.rttia. JasM Millie Crowley, Mrs W Case, Mrs G W |('lilfton. Mrs 1.1) Cuchton IlenryF Case, W s Cloud, Thus it Cun-llif.-issKai- Cass. Mrs Hr Cochran. Mrs J A Cuiniiiln^s, Q W CutheravoodMiss l Coffin. liavi.l Mary l-l Cohen, Mrs Louis Ciirran, a II Caiiley. Mrs Geo Cole, VV A Currau, Hugh Ctaiy'. Win Cuuliii. Mary El Kali). Tonnes Davis, Miss iDlmondßlcbard Animuudsen ' Mayme jDlngledee Bros Dal v. -Miss Eliza- Dawson, M ! Dixon, Bennlng be'ili lie Bow, Mrs Ida] ton Dalglelah.Jam-slDe Campos, Mrs Doud, Miss n Da go rllel d, M Doiill.iii.Mi-s M Eliza X lie Martin, Mrs]l>oolan, i' Daniels, Mrs 8 1. Francesco L Dome. Charles Daulelsoii, Miss Delroas, Mrs ' Horsey, Mrs Wax Maria Minnie Doyle. Miss A 1' Davison, Mrs Oi Dennis, Miss Doyle, Mrs A J Hannah | Kooert Davidson, Win, Dennis, L X Drlpps, Mrs Jr Devers, Mrs Dunn, W I' Davis, Mrs uevlne, Mrs Drury, CO Bertha t Martha : Due, Hans Davles, Mrs Dewey, Dnnlap, Miss Fanny Dickey, AM Martha Davis, Mrs FJ Dickinson, Jes- Duringer. An na vis. (i A sit* I ureas Davis, Irvine Dietrich, Wm Dyas, Raymond Davis, J M Dithain Kaeao.MrsEllen Eldred.F i Evert. Mrs Annie May | Elliott, Geo X | Everett, Mrs Eastman. EI. j Ellis, Leonard I Belle Ehr. Mrs George; Ellis, William Esieu. George Edward. .luhu j Emerson, Miss 11 1 Evans, w X Eden, Mrs English, GW .Eaanie. Mrs Wlu- Edgar.Mrs Alice Er.lly, II A ova M L Erenest, Fred | Fa.g, TV l l.igg. V C Frank, Ells Ealing, Mrs Flags; Miss Ger- ( Frank, tins Xarlpa.l trii.le Frerklng. Miss Fallow. Win Hatters. Robert | Freeman. WX Furrl lis-ton.Miss FlyiinMissMaria . French. Miss _ Estelle Foley. Coliuaii .French, 0 E I . iiicli. I has D Folsom, ltev-eo French, Mrs Ella Paul, John A de F - Frost, Mrs MO Faulkner, Henry F'ouseea, Joseph Fro--.*. J WW " .orsaberg Alexia .nebs, Miss Fischer, F II Forbes, W A Babett |-'lsliarMlss.losie ( ' Ford. Mrs M L Ftnutes. Ileto Fitch, Mrs Anna Fos, Frank A Future, The Fltzpatrlck, Win I Eos, DrJM | all. Miss Addle tiling. Harry M Gorton, Mrs M E Gallagher, Jno Giliuore, tins Groggen, Mrs Z Gallagher, Miss Glssen, Lena Grauath, Gustaf Kittle • lioddard, Mrs ii'ranratli, Ni Ballagher, Miss Rose is Grattan, Wm Mlntv Uoerlng, Max Gray, Mis I) 51 Gallnweny, Miss Goetz, X Gray, w A G Golden, Mrs Green, Miss M Gansle, Albert i Mary A Greene, Mrs Phil i.aut, V Golden Gate 0 liner, Mrs | Novelty Co ■ regory. Edgar.l Gardenieyer.l' D Goblin inn. W F Qrllias „ Co, J F Gartlainl Patrick Goldsmith, Mine unrig, Mrs Juo Go Vauer. Chas | C . Grlseli, Joseph Geralsen, Cuuradj Goldstein, Franz Gross, M Gcrlcliteii, Miss Goodwin, C II Gross. Tom Amy Gorman, Miss Guluess, Rev II Glt'son, J I . Minnie Grattan linger, Miss Mol-i Harvey. Mrs Nel- Hlnchman, Mrs He lie ! das Hatrerty, Miss I Hasslnnd, Win |Hlrsh'oere, D S Teresa * Hatch, Miss Mary I llaabbs, Dr Ilagetloru, Her- Hattman, W C |II .aldell, Mr man lllaupt, Lewis E Hoddell, c Ilagstrom. Anton Hayes, Miss I-lilie Hoelick, 0 Hall. Mrs How- Hayes. II G I llolloianii MrsAJ aril Haywards, Mrs Hohen, CA V 11., Mrs DX Will ii. amine., ii BM ilalpin, Mrs~ .1 lleal.l, Frank | Hoidcroft Henry Hauler, Mrs .1 F| llegesllck. Anton; Holland, CaptG B Hamilton, Ed . Hellery,Mrs(i':'7 Hook, Miss Mat- Ilanilltou.Mlllen Ninth street) | tie . Hamper, Miss Ilettenhatiser, Hooper, Sam Handy, Chas E | Mrs llorsky, Rudolph Hannah, Mrs J illciirk. Mrs M II , Morton, Miss Ma llaiinati. James Henderson Billle bel, Dr M N Hen. Hey, Frank Morton, Miss Jes llaunon.DrLouls W sic C lleppell, II R Hoss, Mrs Jose- Hanson, Edward 1 1 mighty. An- phlno - llaussen, J drew Houghton Albert Harbison. The Her. Id Howe, Mrs B Ha-dy,Wm llerberger, Chas Howe, Win M Darkness, Win Herman, Miss llublier. WII Harlow. Frank Nellie | Hull, Itev Moses Harris, Chas F Hert, Mrs A Hull. Moses Harris, Amelia Higgles, Miss llniisaktr, OF Harrison, Lulu - Untitling MrsMT Harrison. Daltou High, C W Hutchinson, Hurst, Louis A Hill, Mrs Anna Jane B Ilartnelt, James Hill, Mrs Hyde, Cary B Hart, Mrs 11 J ■ J ' i Ibser. Joseph Inttersoll Burley i Isaac, Mrs Laura lberrl, Mrs X Ej Drill Co Iversun, Miss loimiisl, Master|lrwi:i, Sarah i Flora - Henry I Jacobs.Joseph LUanlsker, Mrs .(Johnson, Miss Jackson. Mrs A Ei.lenkiu, Miss . 'I Tenia Jacobs, Mrs Fan- Jensen, ciir Johnston, Joe uy -. Jonkln. Thomas Jones Mlssßertle Jacobsen, C - Jetiulngs, G T Jones, Miss Burt Jacobsen, Harry (Jewell. W T - Jones, Miss C T James. Edward Juice, Mrs A C Jones, Ottl E Jarvls, FC a>- Johnson, Miss Jones, W B Jasper, Miss It | Augusta Justl, Miss Tlllie Keller. John King. Dell Kuowles, Mrs Kellogg, Miss Klngburg, F C Kowalsky, . Miss • Gertrude - - Kln?sley, Mrs A Rose Kelley. Mrs F ML ■ Koziuskl, L Kelly, Miss Delia KlnkMastcrFrcd Kraloe, Mrs Ma- Keinplf, Louis A Klnkead.Janies l tilda *- Mrs -: ■■>■ -.: i — Klrklanal, Jlt Kratz. Mrs Cath- Kotialali, Mrs E Kirbesahl, ■ Miss erlne Kenoy, M Minna Kraus, W'enz-1 .'.-; Keys, Mr Klein, 1- red ' ■ Krlstoppe rso n, Kldd, Rosa -.'_-' iiCloppenbiirg, Miss Marie Kluibies = Car- Mrs Catherine Krueger, Mrs ::•„ rlage Mfg -. .*. Knox, Mrs EC; - Geo L.. 1..i-1-i. E■' - Leonard, Miss Lohse Piano Mfg Lainbert.MrsMA - Eva J -•_: Co - -•-*.* Laugduu, II J Lewis, Mrs Alice Lloyd, MlssEllza Langdou, Miss Lewis, Mrslsauel Lloyd, X ltheys -Nora-- - Lewis, H L ■-• Lloyd, Ed F* .— Larson, Hiram Lewls.MissMary |Lutey MlssKatle Larsen.slissslar-iLewis, Miss M- Lndwlg. P 0 tine • - - ■- Lillienthal, T M|Ln_rani, Frede- Lathain.MlssLlz- Lincoln, Clara A -rick zie "LiuDggren, Gus- Lunily, D Leathern. Miss ■ 'taf Lynch, Sirs T Lebuss, Miss Loehrlng, Emll Lynch, Mrs T w Lvdla Lo'strom, PJ Lyons, Thomas Leffler. Mrs I V Lofsiroin, John Lyons, Will Lefreuz, W Lotir. Mrs Julia Lyons. X Leonard, Thos Lohinan. Theo Lytle, J A Levy, Sam . I I McAllister. Miss slcCiilloiigh Win sLcGiifßet, S P McArtbur.l'.evll McDonald, JII McKeeve r, Mrs tt -- I .McDonald Lalng Laura McArthnr, Thos Mac Donald, McKelvey, Chas McCarthy, B David S 51. Kenalry, Miss .McCaffrev, Geo McDonnell, Mrs Nellie McCail, Mrs J J slcKenzle, Miss McCalllon.JP McElroy, MrsHF Annie McCann. Patrick sti-Farianil,.ll)Jrl.McLoan. Angus McCaudllsb, MrsiMcFarlaod, J McLacblan, Geo Laura - (McGeary, Miss 'slrLeod. U HCCaallD, TV I Elya ' McMillan, slcl'ona-liyAlc_ .Ma-a'lllan, Miss Mc.Nainara, Miss McC'onlogue, Aggie T ■-• - I Emma Frank Mcolairii-k Miss McNeill, Arthur MrCaiiiiiav, S P Bridget iMcPnee, James JleCuaig, A M -McGaaugh, Mrs McSwaln. Sirs Mcculloch, Miss Mamy Carrie L Sara ;51cGo\ven, Win McVauner, J Mack, August .Mi'iz, FH More, J C Mack, Christian Meyer, Miss An-! M.ire.. Miss., mile Magee, F E me -tone, George Magra, Miss Liz- Meyer, John Morgan, Mrs KM zie Meyer, M E. -Co Morgan. Henry Mire. Ed J .Miihll.tonFerrls Morgan,!' Mallont*. Mr J -Morrison, J Marks Mrsl.hasG Mliroral, MrsL V Morton, CaptJO Mar-hall. Mrs A .MilemuKler, L Moser, Louis Martin, Mrs An- Milieu, .MisJas C slnss, Mrs Ira ule -tiller, Charles .Moz*-r. Jules Martin. J P Miller, L Moultrie. Mrs Maste-i, Miss Mi-llor Mr-Marie Lizzie II I'lllker -Miiiafo, John Mulcabey, Miss Matthews, Ellas! Mingo, SaiiluelG Mary Matthews. Mrs J Minor. Harry Mulligan, J C slaaiuls, Mrs J Molzak,iheodor slullherii, Mrs May-lull), Mary f Montague, Hazel Catbrln Mayberry, Miss I.Maaualiaii, .Mis Munk. Carl Josio Ella Munson, Miss Meaale, Nellie 51ongahan, Mrs .Mary A Mead, II I Mara- Mantes, II It Medrees, <» Moody, Mrs An- .Murphy, Arthur Men-Leu, Sle-gAi lite Murphy. 1- Co |Moon,MissM M Murphy, Joseph Mercer, Tsl Moore. .Mrs .1 _' Munitiy, JainesT Mercury, .lames .re. Miss -Mat- Murphy, Miss Mesmer, MrsT A to- A • Julia Mctcalf, L Moore, PJ ' Mnrji.i'. .MlsaME Meier, Miss lie- Moiaya, Albert Murray, _oor_eC becca Nelson. MrsJohu Nlcbols, Miss Nllon.J 8 Nielsen, XV Grace Noel, Miss Rena Mllaon.MrsFreal Mcklaus, Franz . .sonlirop, L xi -aiekersou, Loaisl-tl-soa, Paul Nourse,ArthurM Oakley. Louis O'Donnell, Miss O'Nell, -Miss Nel- Oberg, Isaac Maggie | lie lic_uly. Louis O^llvle, Miss Ore. Miss I.lzzle O'Brien, Mrs Kittle Osmond, Miss O'Brien, Mylcs Oldham, Miss Minnie O'Connor, Mrs Emily Otistott, Mrs Thomas Oliver. John Christian ' O'Donnell, Den- Oliver, M Gwegar. Frank vis *>t-.-ii, Johannes Owens, C G O'Donnell, Miss O'Mara, Miss lOwens. MissNcl- I'lien I Mam.c I lie O'iialiorln, Jas | Pac Coast Gro-t Peebles, Miss .Phelan, Miss eery Co Olive Mollie I'ac Vapor Mo- Perkins, Mrs Plerottl, ("apt tor Co Gutlee Collliigwooal Pantry, Mr-; W Perkins, MlssLll- riercu, Algeron S, .las II lie I ohl, Mrs Parer, .Mr at Mrs Peters. W II Poinenz, Elllo PartrldgeLouisß Peterson A Gal- I'ollak. Samuel Puttie, Mrs FA loway Porter. Arthur Piittisani, George Peterson, A Friz Porter, B _' Paul, Denis Peterson, Miss Port. Eugene Paul, E Annie PorterSeiil, A C Paul. Mrs Win Petersen, C Powers, Mrs X Patisley, John Peterson, -Miss I'rendergastMtss Feabody, Lyman Sophie X p Peyser, II Prendergast, Peat, Phillips, Mrs Geo ; Thomas Pedlar, W C l'liili|.Bl.:iwreni-C' Price. W 0 l'ci-,MrstaiietM I'hlnuey, Percy. I I'mst, c it'uinn, Mrs t*nlnn. .151 yuensei, Fbill yaiu, I** (.uinn.MlssKatle Qui. 'ley, J 11 KalTaelovlch.NG Reynolds, Mrs M Kogers.Dr A _; Radford, J i*. V Co Rafferty, J F Rhodes. Miss Romeily.Melhim Kariiud, Miss Ravenla Rons, .Mrs A Harriet c Klce, Clarke llosenberg, B Ragle. John R Ric-*, 51 E Ross Bros Kansome, Ernest Redniond.Mlss L Ross, Mrs James Raicline, II Reckart, Mrs Ross. Miss-Minna Hiaav.soii.Mrsl.cii.l Llala Ross, WII Raymond, Miss Riley, MrsLldaE Roundtree, Miss Delia Rinks, Felix G Daisy - Raymond, Miss Rivers, Walter Hoys, Will Maria Roach. E I. Ruddock. Robert Reader. Jack Roberts, J It Rudinau, Erik Reaal. P L Roberts, Mrs _.' 3 Kuiit.i-, D ha-. Hull. A I'.ulilalns.MrsKva Russian Am Pkg Redmoual. .1 51 Robinson, Miss I Co Reed, Rev C Oracle I Rut oral, Mrs Held, James Robinson, John j 51 E Itegau.Jeroiiimo Robey, Granville Ryan, John D I a Kybeuakl, Regan. Thomas i Rockwell.George Rylaud, J W Reyuik, Joseph Kodgersou. Pat- Rvder, sliss(Boi Reynolds. Mrs rick 116) Lizzie M |Ri ehner.MrsLAl Sage, Harry iShiillcr, Harry Sparks, Lllllo T Samuel, Mathias 1 Shields 51 M Sparks.MlssF.ose Saugster, Mrs D Stilnn, Wllllt Speer. Geo Sanborn. C i "-raoun, W Spencer, Dr Sanborn, Samuel shoots. Nelson Spencer, Ur ,1 It Sanger, Leopold . Slegel, FN Spencer, MrsßW saiilla-y. Helen Simon, Win St Stephens -Mis- Sauiiders.JohiiDiSliuinoiis, J M -lon Savage, Richard Slrioett. Miss "-"'stabler, II C Sawyer, Miss X C Sim villa*. Miss S Istari.-li, Mathe Schadd, Carl Sloan, _ C | Starr, Eliza J Schatz. P siocuioli. Miss la stalling •_ Bon Scheli, Fred W Smiley, D P Stadeunyrr, M B Sehoheiil. Saml Sinclle Bros Steele, Mrs Ther- Schoman, Au- Smith, Mrs B esa guste Smith, B M Stetfens, Eddy Scully, Mrs J Smith, OB Steiuer, S L Scott, Miss Rena Smith, (has S stelinle, Louis R Seavcy, S E Smith, E V Stevens, Mrs Seuves, MlssAu- Smith. .Mis Frank Mollis ni'e Smith, John Stuart, Miss II, Mrs Crlssi Schmidt, Lude-| Stewart, Kobe Senor, S X wig iStiuer, Mr B-ibert, HA Sinltb, Lydla Stodalard, Grant Service, James Sinltb,. Miss May storkiiaus, Mrs Chas Smith, Miss Ne.-j Or 51 D Shafer, Van Ant- Ire Stone. Mrs II F werp Smyth, Mrs Paul- st.mer. John A Simitar, Mrs OL luu Story, Miss Sharp, Mrsiieo St Clair, Annie strange, Geo C Sharp.MlssMnud Smith, T vv stroehle. Anton Shaw, I lias Schmld. W G struck, Tillle Shaw, Miss Vie- Snyder, carl Stum, Ike torla Schneider, Mrs C Sullivan, Mrs HF Shea, John P Sullivan, Miss Shea, Kody Snell, It Mary Sheldon, John II Snow, Samuel Savaiu. Miss Elfz- Sberwlu, RobertiSomers, Patrick alaeth Sherman, Mrs MlSpralgbt, All Swain, Miss Lulu Sherman, w n Spaoecb, Chas Swaniierg. E siilcken, Mrs | Joseta iSaaeet, Amos 0 Taggelt.J II - aTliayer.MrsDella Tlckuor, Mrs Talla. Dledrlch Tli.-.-h. 11 1 Benjamin larii.-l, Howard mile, K. Tlearney.Tonnle Taylor, Arthur Thomas, Mrs E romlnskt, Mrs Taylor, C Thomas. Samuel Theodore Taylor, Edwin I O Toinlluson, Mrs Taylor, James Thompson, Mrs Carrie Taylor,Mrs shea rtiuinson.Cbarly TorreuceMrslda Taylor. Miss Thompson, Mrs I'reualer.l-raukM Tabltha N I Lillian I'rvo.i, Lll Tehi.ets.slrs F F Thomson, Miss Tattle, .Mrs WII Telvea, Jose h I Matilda I'weealale, Mrs Tennis. Mrs 51 A Thompson Theo- Frank Thatcher, I'aptlli tlore _ezmann, Miss. Ulberg, Captain Underwood, Mrs Au-uste I HO I Kittle E Va-ghan.MrsCA V lelhsuer. Frank 'Vowles, Harry Van Alstlue.Mrs Yon llohen, Mrs Vrooraatt, Iter O P I Emma | Daniel Wa.l-avorth.slr.ii Weidel, Dr A Wilson. Frank John Weller, II O Willson. Mrs Wait, Thomas F* Wells, Mrs 11 C Ella Walker, Mrs S C Wills, Wm E Winks, Mrs Walker, Bey- I Wells. MrsT Blanche mourO Wendell, Mrs G winters, J R Walker. D j West lake, E WoUI.MrsB Wallls, Milton * Westlauter, WmiWolf, 51 Co I Wheeler. Miss I. Wolf, Matt Wallls, Mrs Mill- Wheeler. Miss .11 Wood. Cbristln nle White, Mrs BF 1 sou A Co Welch. HT White, i'homasVVoodi.iieorgeW Walsh, 1* J Whitney, Messrs Wolgatmnth -Mrs Ward. II G i!W I Ellzah.*lll Ward, it V Wlggln, Mrs A I); Wolloi-d, George ward. Thomas Weiroi-.i. Fred wJr Warren, Miss E Wiikerson, E s'Woiroral, Mrs Warner, I Wilkinson, Mrs Wohlcr, Henry Ware, Florence Eliza Wotiber, Henry Wamsley, W W Williams .-More (Woodson, Mr Walters, Miss Williams, Fred, Woodworm, Minnie Willi. nil-Mrs Ida .lames L, Webster, Mr Williams. Mich- Worcester. Rev Weaver, Enh- ael Thomas ralm *■ Williams, 51 R Worcester, Rev Weaver, I W T Williamson. .Mrs William L Wealv. Mrs K\ Afl.i Wormsor, Sam- Wear, B C Williamson, Sirs* 11,-1 it Weatherbee, C Alice j WnstefeldJulius Weetmau.Jaines Wilson, CA S Wright, Samuel Yariia.l.i, X |Tonng, Al (Yost, Nellie Zimmerman, Rß l * | LETTRES FKANCAISES. Ascane, Pierre Cotter, Henri jLe Coy, Yves Bartouucaux, L Uournou, Louis Lomette, i. W Caillet. A Deverant, Jll Fruit, Elol L'hanibalieAlbertiEscailicr, Jos L | POUR ÜBS DAMES, Banzet, Mile IDusacheue, An-:Levoyer, Mmc R Emlile 1 netti Luc. Pierre Vve licrgeras, Mite ;Faures, Mine IMigre, Mine Marie | Julie ••■• I'l'ayae, ciemencc Delia-. Roslne [Laurent, Julie LETI'ERE ITALIAN E. Agenn, GB iF'azzl.G Malfantl. An- Baecari, G M I Fa.caecl. 51atteo I tonio Bertolazz 1 , Ant lianola, Augusta! slagglo, Paul Bocc.ail, Pietro tiastaldl, Cate Ma lno, Anna Bonata, Lulgl > Glanettonl. Ant -Vledlca. G B Bortullo, Vian- Ghlroni, Cat- slerane A Bros ello terlna Millto, Franc Brusco, Agosto Qolnasxo, Poll . .Morascl,Serafino Coutl. Paolo Hotel dl Lucca Muzittl, Attllto Dcliasanta, Gae- Las reto, Frank Rovetta, Lam tan La l'ringl, Nl- berto Flrstle, M attea casio Soloinlnl, Ant Frasciiiettl, A CARTAS ESPANOLAS. Alvlso, J O Costa, Mellton Naviro, P Anilrade, Gue- I'ueuca, Jose il'acheco, R Gen rlno Figueroa, .liiaiiß:Roairlgues, Per- Araron, Miguel MenalesDonilngo leto Caranza, Victor 1 Vloiitano. Franc Vllascca. Jose B Castro, Manuel Manes, S Pat Veils, Angel Cobos, Jose 1 s_noras. w%u3n__BS| Ratio, Conceo- lEstrada. I Gonzales ller ■ clou Flores, Petr.i ( men ill le Caroco, Fratca I Flora, senorita ISoto, Tumasa De VlutaX'leotaslJlmenes, Aibina Ybarra, i'iacida v I _____• . CARTAS PORTUGUESAS. Antonio Con- JoaoCßrunu Manoal . Franc denza Joao Gaspar Llal Ant Jose Snzo :■ -iuao Juse (ire- Alegne Izanda Ant Leal Mend.z gorlo Gomez Autsuva *."■:.■ Joa da Loraba . Agosto Loarez Franc Correia Jose Join Silva Lemet - Carolltida Jose Fertile Julio Loarez Jr Franc Frelsa Alincldo Patrizio Azev Silva Maiioel da Ama- Carvalho Franc Ignacio zil Miss Kosa dos Dezevlutra | Manoel Quintal Rels ' ■ ---.AN STKAMKIiS. Dates of Departure From Sin > 111.l vie* r.'l >in;.ici .1110 '-'I, SUM UilWyl San Uioko Joe -25.11 ah Hdw'ya C.W. I Portland .1 lie '.'s.loam Spear n.... Mailco Jne '•!.*■. Kit Hdw'rl ...... Ilutulioldt Hay.. .inc'.'S. Dam Bilwr I : ChlimA Japau.. .me '-■«. :<i-m FMSS San Pedro Jne Sam Hdw'v'i tteV Yaquina Hay liiel's, 9am »wii Idt .. I llumuoldc uay.. Joe 28, 9au Clay a.... Australia .Ine .■>. i-.'m Uceanlc sola.. Vie a ivtsoimil Jut 29, Bam lidnr'y 1 Portland |Jne 29,10 am Spear : i..... I San Diego ■'■■'■ -:>. Ii mi Bdw'y2 Departure of Australian steamer depends on Vast English malls. - - ' - - .-.--■,-.-_., SUN AM) lll'l _'.-1.1._. In Pacific Standard .Time. : Computed by TnaikAi ' Tknnkst, Chronometer and Instrument -' . Maker, IS .Market street. ... H. W. Small, L.W. Large. H.W. Large. U\T. tain AM; mil T.'.'S -.U.I S.U SHII'PING INTELLIGEN'Cr:. for Lata Sltipputj Jntelliaence sea Eight!* Pug*. .; Arrived. - • Saturday. June SI. Stmr Crescent City, Stor-kfletd, 31 hours rrom Crescent City; pass and mdse, to Hobbs, Walt * Co. S-Stdav. June 22. Stmr Farallon, Bonnllleld, 4ti hours from Yaquina Bay; pass ana mdM, to t: 11 Hasweil Jr. Stmr Gipsy. I'luimner. 'JO hours from Monterey anil way ports; produce, to Goodall, Perkins A Co. Stmr Collma. Austin. 21 days iron. Panama and way ports; passengers and mdse, to W A X John son. Stmr Corona, Hannah. 19 hoars rrom Eureka; pass ami, to Goodnla. Perkins A- Co. Stmr Coos Bay, Nicholson. IS hours from Fort Bragg, etc; pass and mdse, to GoodalL. Perkins - A Co. - - . Haw stmr San Mateo. Colville, 1 day* from Co moi; 4300 tons coal, to S F Co. Stmr Venture. Johnson. 19»_ hours fm Rockport: 330 M ftluinber. to CootMiaJ Lumber Co. Stmr North Fork. Nielsen. _!'_. hours Irom Eureka; pass and mdM, to Chas Nelson. Newsboy, Lielil-r, 1& hours from Navarro; lumber, posts and staves, to Navarro .Mill Co. Ship Robert L Belknap. Staples, 120 days from New York; mdse, to Suit mi i Beebee. - . Sctir Jonn Frederick. Beck, H hours from Bodega; 90 bis butter, to Ross & Hewlett. Schr Jennie Grifflii. Low, 5 hours from Point Reyes; 100 bxs butter, etc. to Sbattuck. KowaUky Jk Co. - - Schr Electra, Knndsen, 20 hours from Mendocino; 1-40 M ft lumber, to Mendocino Lumber Co. Schr Albert Walter, Wilson, 30 hours from Navar ro; CO M ft lumber, to Uj xuee & Co. Salleal. Sunday, June 22. Nlc stmr Montserrat. Blackburn. Naaaimo. Stmr National City, Kouuiaf, Huiiibuidk • Ship Berlin, WbifiM>re, Liverpool. Bark Templar. Cardell. Seattle. Schr Rebecca. Christiansen, Humboldt. Schr Reporter. Dreyer, Nlcolaievsl-. Schr Gotaina. Nelson. - Bcbr Allen A, Schage, Humboldt. Abble. Jorgeirsen. f>(dir bobolink, Nelson Mendocino. Beta 0 T Hill.Morteusen. s«-nr Vesta. Friedberg. Eureka. bcur James To-Miscnd, Wilson, Fort Bragg. Teles* r-Ronic. POINT LOBOS— June 21 - 10 p. m. - VYeatbjr clear; wind w, velocity 20 miles. Spuhi'-i. Per ship Robert I. Belknap— Apr 4- Exchanged signals with snip Cbas E Moody, from New York lor Port Townseini. Alar 7— Exchanged sltrnals with Br ship Henlarlg. 47 days out from Cardiff, In lat IB 13 S. 101 l til 29 W, bound to Santa Rosalia. Domwicle Porta. Coos BAY— Arrivi 1 June 22— Schr Nora I lark Ins, hence June 12: schr Llllebonue. from San Pedro. WESTPORT— SaiIed June 22-Schr Alice lilra ball, fur San Francisco. ALBlON— Sailed June 2_!-Schr Mary B_ dwell, for Sau Francisco. Fmoortationf.. NEW VORK— Perfollma— 2 es axes, 1 cs aerate buttons, 1 cs advertising ui.tiu-r. 4 cs axle grease. 5 cs blank books, 2d cs blacking, cs builders' hard ware, ocs boiler tu'.es, 2 cs binders' boards, 5 cs brushes. lcs brass iim, 12 bbtfl baking powder. 1 bl brewers' chins. 6is clocks. 5 pkgs castings, 5 cs COffee- ml lift, lOOCSCOCoe, 1 bid canned fish. 3 trcs crucibles, 4 pktfs covered bone, _ kg* condensed milk. IS pkgs dye wood. 13 cs extract of beef, 3cs effects, 7cs envelopes, 1 b| lit x twine, 7 cs egg-beat ers, 1 <•;. fittings, 20 cs glaziers' rivets, 2 bbls ginger, 2 cs gum, 20 banal piuupi, 1 cs hand e-*, *.» cs iron locks, 4cs iron clamps. 9 cs Iron binges, Hcs iron h.Jo..s. 02 cs Iron bolts, 3 cs Iron casters, '-' do iron chain, 251 bdls 250 pcs iron pipe, 1 cs Ink, 10 pkgs lasts, 5 cs lead pencils, 20 kg* mustard dour, 10 cs manufactured tobacco, iocs printers' materials. 29 Cs perforated seats. 2 cs 1 bbl pulley blocks, 7 bbls 4 kgs paint, a cs patent leather, 1 cs piano. IS bbls pickets, 10 tains l cs pipe fittings, 20 bis pressed moss, 14 cs rivets, 5 cs rmuii glass, 150 cs Stamped ware, scs 2 kgsslealges, 7 erg steel sinks, -10 bails sand paper, 2 ea sad irons, 14 ca scales, 10 cs sheet copper, 1 cs 1 bills sauce, 155 cs common soap, 3 cs shipping tags, ii cs shoes, 1 cs white lead, r>i>j lulls 4 bMs 35 coin 13 cs 1 reel wire, 4 cs stearine, 15 cs sewing-machine oil. 0 es spools. 12 bills steel wire, l 4cs table . iicloth, ICS tin plate. 1 Cfl tic *•. is, 3 cs towel holders, 3 bbls vinegar, 2 cs vises, 3.-* bbls 67 cs varnish, 10 C 3 wood screws, 0 bbls rye whisky, tf cs wrsn^ers, 2 pkgs water valves, 1 cs wire brushes 3 crts wood poles. 13 bdls wrapping paper, 1 es wire Springs. Ics washers, 1 cs wood mallets. sti4 bales wood pulp, 25 bbls lard oil. Europe— o2 pkgs mdse, lcs manufactured goods,2 cs wooleal goods, 2cs salt, 17 cs cotton no wis, '. 3 pkßs hardware, 50 cs mineral water, 1 cs brass gd _ pkgs effects, Ics musical Instruments, i ts buck skin, 30 cs liqtiors, 4cs opium, 4 cs clothing, 2 cs article de Paris. 1 cs pictures, 3 cs sad.llery, ti cs tissues, 10 cs perfumery, 5 cs cotton hosiery, 1 cs silk ribbons, 3 csks 1 1 cl wine, 10 cs beer, 1 es paper ware, 13 cs maetilu -ry, 1 cs memorial cards. 2 cfl tracing cloth, 'i a linen, 1 CS- paint, Ics cnamois leather. 5 cs tea. Panama— lo IMS garlic. Central America— 27ll bags coffee. 5 do treasure ($5399 31). Mexican ports— 9B2 pkgs green fruit, 2 bags shark fins, 22 do silver ore, SO pkgs treasure (.-as,:* 15 40). EUREKA— Per Corona— s23 M Taney shingles, 50 M common shlmrl-'s, 25.2-B ft lumber. 13 pcs curly redwood, 13 sks 101 -is wool, 31 bdls dry pelts, 2 pkgs mdse, 24 k^s 24 bxs butter, 1 bx muss, IS rolls leather, 2 bxs seed, 1 saddle-bag. Fields Landing— 4BS sks oats, 44 \' 2 sks 3 bales wool. YAQCINA BAY— Per Farallon— sß77 sks wheat, 171 M ft lumber. SANTA CRUZ— Per Gipsy— bxj butter. 5 chests cheese. Monterey— l bbl tallow. 83 bxs 2 bis 24 bbls fish, 6 bxs nutter. 27 bis seaweed. Pigeon Point— l 3 bxs butter, 3 drums 83 sks cheese. Amesport— sks barley, 176 sks potatoes, 4 sits peas. CRESCENT CITY— Per Crescent City— 22o M ft lumber, 144 M shingles, 2 balls pelts, 59 hides, 7 sks wool, 3 tcs 10 bxs butter, 3 bbls liquor, - veal, l lis leather, 8 pk-^s in lac. FORI' BRAGG— Per Coos Bay— l sk 11 bdls hides. Mendocino— l pkg mdse. Wbiiesuoro— l pkg mdse. Cuffeyi Cove— l pkg md«e. Point Arena— l kit 1 flrkin 22 bxs batter, 1 pkg mdse. 100 M shingles. EUREKA— Per North Fork— 6 crts curly redwood, 4 sks wool, 314 M it lumber, 538 sks spruce bolts, 4 Cds bolts. Consignee a. Per Colima — Atkinson Bros: Baker A Hamilton; Bloom, Baruch _: Co: Cabrera, Roma _ Co; Uieck mann .- Co; Forbes Bros; a Kammerer; Harry L'nii t. & Co: II > man Bio- .1 it net; J V C Comfort; Ivanco vieii A Co; Llndley .v Co: Le Count Bros; M Garcia A Co; Pacific Hardware Co; Hawley Bros; kinsitcr. Smith A Co*. Sanborn, Vail A Co: sperry A Co: Thos Ivan; W W Montague A Co; \V Loaizi A Co; \V Laferrlere; a Gorel; Bennett Bros; it \i Lord; (i It Starr A Co; Castle Bros; E ItUfl A Co: F Keinan ._ Co; II Mehiuiaun: 11 Lund; J de la Montana- a; John Leunon; J T Wright: Laciiman at Jacob!; L Meyer stein ; M Wunsch .- Co; Newbcrger. Relss -to; Par rot* .- Co; Rents Bros A Co; Schwartz 4 Cohen; W Davis & Son ; Tillmann A Beiidel; tt X IHckery; W Llchtenberg; Tbannhauser at Co; B Giovanni; Car dan A Co; Dunham, Carrlgan A- Co: a Vlgnler; J J Hack a Co: EL 'i Steele a Co; Geo 11 Tay * Co; J T McGovern; Goldtreo Bros; llcllman, Brusat Co; Huise. Bradford A Co; Kahn Bros; Bine A Co; Low enberg A Co; L F Lestreto; M Sehnssier; Oliver A Co; It F Osborn at Co; X Vignier A- Co; Schoeubolz Bros at Co; The Bancroft Co; Crrnt-la A Crioste; t ' M Placard; Whittle.. Fuller * Co: Wiikins .1 Co; w Powell: Williams. Dlmond A Co: Booth A Co; Will lams Bros; Buckingham, itecbt A Co; Cai Casket Co; It G Camarttios; Huntington, Hopkins A Co; Eugeue de Babla A Co; Haas Bros: J Goldstoue A Sous; J G- Allen; J O MeyerinK ; Kullman, Salz A Co; M Buck- Icy: l.ati-lev at Michaels: Murphy, Grant A Co; Sol Tippler; Roth. Blum * Co; Schwartz. Bros: Order; Wetmore Bros; X J Bass & Co-. w Cohen A Co. Per Crescent C ty— llobbs, Wall * <".):•' C Johnson A Co; Pollard A* Dodge; Wll Sumner Co; A Elllll A Co: O B Smith A Co; Wheatou a I.iiiirs: fatten, Bell A Co; Hirsehler A Co; Han ley Bros; I. D stone; Lowe Bra**. Per Coos Bay-Boss * Hewlett ;C E Whitney at Co; W B Sumner * Co; Boot i Sanderson; it <; Byxbee; Roth, Blum a Co; Dodge, Sweeney a Co; Caspar Lumber Co; Mitchell J- Peters Wells, Fargo A Co. Per Corona— Whlttler, Fuller * Co: Duffy A Co; J Rosenberg; Holme * Hart: Shoobert, Beale 4 Co; C Nolan & Co; overland Freight and Transfer Co; C A Worth; Preston a RCcKinnoa; Christy A wise; Har ris _ Jones: W C Price * Co; W B Sumner A Co; J Neglar; Kuss, Sanders A Co: Wells, Fargo A Co; Hills Bros; Brown A Adams; Vervalln _ Kowe; J A Smith. Per Farallon— Moore, Ferguson at Co; L II Wake field, Per Gipsy— Hawley Bros: Sherry, Lawrence A Co; W II Kouso A Co; it M Atchtnson at Co; II Dutard; Martin, Feusler* Co; O It Smith* Co: i; Carpy * Co; Brig-am, Hoppe A Co; Risdon, Cahen A Co; H Cowell A Co; Dodge, Sweeney A Co; Nicoison A Co; Sbattuck, Kowalsky A Co. Per North Fork— Christy A Wise: Charles Nelson; A C Nichols A Co; Whlttler, Fuller A Co; J C Haw ley. - A -Bin of Heanty in a Joy Forever. DR. T. FKI.IX OOIKAID'S O-Oriental Cream, or Magical Beaut ;fl*-r» -S , j __C_S<s^ Removes Tan, I'impin, *-S5: __S_____ "*' M * tt - r «W_e«i '•£* „ *■■£ _______T.]-_ I'*sn anal silai disease*, r*r^s *.-_ JB_S*'V!l auii * v,r ' blemish .111 ;.„_. E_y_-I*' jTJA beauty anal de* aiSeliso _Sr"t^*B /SSr3 a « detection. J^'^oS *El^' [WaW " "'• ,,00<1 «o« C * 3 "'^- years: no other ipfcis-^-, h] bas. and Is sa -tim^fc A fi uj harmless wa fiSJ5t3Si->S V"___>-.f I taste It to ba _r*^*_VlZ_^ _S~ XaaaW^V \ ,ure " " Pf OP* fy^ -)jbSjir^3Car*ffi\ t i \ crl >" ma.le.-Ai> I i__^^_a_s^s_»*** - ' I ce l'* '■'' cour *** t-S-WS-eaS^-SJ^i-^-ii. . terlelt of siml- v - .f.^_R^SsfcA.^!f- Jx?Si l.i r name. The _r^- ' 'jA^s_ I -tls«fe-;- -i t V-. dl.tinculs h e d t./'I-vS--'?ffe*&- __ l' - I* A - -^' -'r Ilil.l to J lady aiftlia* /mill ton 1 a patient): •*._■ y-.n todi't will use them. I reeomtittrui .ItuttrttuiCn (Yean. 1 as the least harmful of oil Skin prriniri'linin." One bottle will last six months, usi:,^ It every day. Also I'oualre Subtile removes superfluous balr without Injury to the skin. - * ~" *-— *-~ - FKKH T. IliMKlN*'. I'rop'r. 37 Great Jones st, N. T. I lor sale by ail Druggist* and Fancy aao.aais tiers throughout the V. 8., L-ati:»tlas and Knrone. JOT Heware of Base Imitations. fIUUO Kewaril •or arrest and proof of any on.- selling the same. mrSO Su.Mo 6p ly FASHIONABLE HAIR. j._..i_"r w <-' will mail foods to rclLf /^^SBmSS^. parties tbronihont tlie ___3__§ w __^sfiS_r_^_Sj l- 11111 '" 11 States Tor approval. _^s__A^?!2-_-ft«_^ lhe newest styles and best j^tXßSnßaa\oaW^r ° f Rooals rat lowest prices. S-£*_t. -$£w*mfif'*\ No money required until f t_**'_rTrt"' '\ th-y are received. Noolill- -£>3«jL^ v i,J -.-anon to keep Eti.ials if no. /fjkf X, Q satisfactory. Send for clrc V^ V ) JOHN MEDINA, / J*--T 403 IVnahincton St.. a • . Boston. Mass, mylB Sn cow roy-6 Mo cow ly 6p - ■ ■HI a np It Is a Tact universally concede*. _» A| ll IJ ■ that the k-«s« surpasses all other KMfcrpiANQS 1»_ Fost street. I inilUU jal WeFrMott . NO MORE^RECKLEST USE rilOF. I. nriiKKTS MALVINA CREAM AND LOTION IT IS A PRF.PARATIOM UNRIVALED FOB 1 IIK.-lITI. vim; the complexion and an uuralUns remedy fur the removal or hiecklks, FIMFLEs' . -Inth l'atcb-4, ran, Sunburn. Liver-moles and, Ringworm and all scaly rruptlons. Try .It and be convinced. Tako no worthless Imitation with llks Moundlti.; name. - Insist upon having MALVINA. If this preparation should fa 1 to answer to tha quail Heat lons as above mentioned your money will lie refunded. Frlce, 5Uc for each. For sale by all druggists. ■-■-.-■ my _ SuMo dp -in RADWAY'S Tl READY RELIEF. THE GREAT CONQUEROR OF PAIN. *** For Internal and external use. r Price 50c per , bottle. Sold by _»rii_ii-u ael ly 3o_loWfy